
869 B

Copyright (C) 2023 Allen Webster

Distributed with GPL 3 license (full license in LICENSE-GPL-3.txt)



This is a standalone Win32 OpenGL application that works as a set of experiments to demonstrate the behavior and effect of SRGB conversions and antialiasing techniques

In the final output program, the left side shows the gamma-naive results where no SRGB conversions are applied to input colors or to output colors. The right side shows the gamma-aware results where input colors are converted from SRGB to Linear RGB, and output colors are converted from Linear RGB to SRGB.

From top to bottom the experiments are:

  1. A gradient which goes white (1,1,1) to black (0,0,0) interpolated linearly by alpha = (x - left)/(right - left) color = (1,1,1)(1 - alpha) + (0,0,0)(alpha)