
791 lines
24 KiB

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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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* =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
* internal_split_ordered_list.h
* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#pragma once
// Needed for forward iterators
#include <forward_list>
#include <concrt.h>
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4510 4512 4610) // disable warnings for compiler unable to generate constructor
namespace Concurrency
namespace details
// Split-order list iterators, needed to skip dummy elements
template<class _Mylist>
class _Solist_const_iterator : public std::_Flist_const_iterator<_Mylist>
typedef _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist> _Myiter;
typedef std::_Flist_const_iterator<_Mylist> _Mybase;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef typename _Mylist::_Nodeptr _Nodeptr;
typedef typename _Mylist::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Mylist::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Mylist::const_pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Mylist::const_reference reference;
_Solist_const_iterator(_Nodeptr _Pnode, const _Mylist * _Plist) : _Mybase(_Pnode, _Plist)
typedef _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist> _Unchecked_type;
_Myiter& _Rechecked(_Unchecked_type _Right)
_Ptr = _Right._Ptr;
return (*this);
_Unchecked_type _Unchecked() const
return (_Unchecked_type(_Ptr, (_Mylist *)_Getcont()));
reference operator*() const
return ((reference)**(_Mybase *)this);
pointer operator->() const
return (&**this);
_Myiter& operator++()
++(*(_Mybase *)this);
while (_Mynode() != NULL && _Mynode()->_Is_dummy());
return (*this);
_Myiter operator++(int)
_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
while (_Mynode() != NULL && _Mynode()->_Is_dummy());
return (_Tmp);
template<class _Mylist> inline
typename _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist>::_Unchecked_type _Unchecked(_Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist> _Iterator)
return (_Iterator._Unchecked());
template<class _Mylist> inline
_Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist>& _Rechecked(_Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist>& _Iterator,
typename _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist>::_Unchecked_type _Right)
return (_Iterator._Rechecked(_Right));
template<class _Mylist>
class _Solist_iterator : public _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist>
typedef _Solist_iterator<_Mylist> _Myiter;
typedef _Solist_const_iterator<_Mylist> _Mybase;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef typename _Mylist::_Nodeptr _Nodeptr;
typedef typename _Mylist::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Mylist::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Mylist::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Mylist::reference reference;
_Solist_iterator(_Nodeptr _Pnode, const _Mylist *_Plist) : _Mybase(_Pnode, _Plist)
typedef _Solist_iterator<_Mylist> _Unchecked_type;
_Myiter& _Rechecked(_Unchecked_type _Right)
_Ptr = _Right._Ptr;
return (*this);
_Unchecked_type _Unchecked() const
return (_Unchecked_type(_Ptr, (_Mylist *)_Getcont()));
reference operator*() const
return ((reference)**(_Mybase *)this);
pointer operator->() const
return (&**this);
_Myiter& operator++()
++(*(_Mybase *)this);
while (_Mynode() != NULL && _Mynode()->_Is_dummy());
return (*this);
_Myiter operator++(int)
_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
while (_Mynode() != NULL && _Mynode()->_Is_dummy());
return (_Tmp);
template<class _Mylist> inline
typename _Solist_iterator<_Mylist>::_Unchecked_type _Unchecked(_Solist_iterator<_Mylist> _Iterator)
return (_Iterator._Unchecked());
template<class _Mylist> inline
_Solist_iterator<_Mylist>& _Rechecked(_Solist_iterator<_Mylist>& _Iterator,
typename _Solist_iterator<_Mylist>::_Unchecked_type _Right)
return (_Iterator._Rechecked(_Right));
// Forward type and class definitions
typedef size_t _Map_key;
typedef _Map_key _Split_order_key;
template<typename _Element_type, typename _Allocator_type>
class _Split_order_list_node : public std::_Container_base
typedef typename _Allocator_type::template rebind<_Element_type>::other _Allocator_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _Element_type value_type;
struct _Node;
typedef _Node * _Nodeptr;
typedef _Nodeptr& _Nodepref;
// Node that holds the element in a split-ordered list
struct _Node
// Initialize the node with the given order key
void _Init(_Split_order_key _Order_key)
_M_order_key = _Order_key;
_M_next = NULL;
// Return the order key (needed for hashing)
_Split_order_key _Get_order_key() const
return _M_order_key;
// Inserts the new element in the list in an atomic fashion
_Nodeptr _Atomic_set_next(_Nodeptr _New_node, _Nodeptr _Current_node)
// Try to change the next pointer on the current element to a new element, only if it still points to the cached next
_Nodeptr _Exchange_node = (_Nodeptr) _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void * volatile *) &_M_next, _New_node, _Current_node);
if (_Exchange_node == _Current_node)
// Operation succeeded, return the new node
return _New_node;
// Operation failed, return the "interfering" node
return _Exchange_node;
// Checks if this element in the list is a dummy, order-enforcing node. Dummy nodes are used by buckets
// in the hash table to quickly index into the right subsection of the split-ordered list.
bool _Is_dummy() const
return (_M_order_key & 0x1) == 0;
// dummy default constructor - never used but for suppress warning
_Nodeptr _M_next; // Next element in the list
value_type _M_element; // Element storage
_Split_order_key _M_order_key; // Order key for this element
_Split_order_list_node(_Allocator_type _Allocator) : _M_node_allocator(_Allocator), _M_value_allocator(_Allocator)
#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
_Split_order_list_node(_Allocator_type _Allocator) : _M_node_allocator(_Allocator), _M_value_allocator(_Allocator)
typename _Allocator_type::template rebind<std::_Container_proxy>::other _Alproxy(_M_node_allocator);
_Myproxy = _Alproxy.allocate(1);
_Alproxy.construct(_Myproxy, std::_Container_proxy());
_Myproxy->_Mycont = this;
typename _Allocator_type::template rebind<std::_Container_proxy>::other _Alproxy(_M_node_allocator);
_Alproxy.deallocate(_Myproxy, 1);
_Myproxy = 0;
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
_Nodeptr _Myhead; // pointer to head node
typename _Allocator_type::template rebind<_Node>::other _M_node_allocator; // allocator object for nodes
_Allocator_type _M_value_allocator; // allocator object for element values
template<typename _Element_type, typename _Allocator_type>
class _Split_order_list_value : public _Split_order_list_node<_Element_type, _Allocator_type>
typedef _Split_order_list_node<_Element_type, _Allocator_type> _Mybase;
typedef typename _Mybase::_Nodeptr _Nodeptr;
typedef typename _Mybase::_Nodepref _Nodepref;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::template rebind<_Element_type>::other _Allocator_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::value_type value_type;
_Split_order_list_value(_Allocator_type _Allocator = _Allocator_type()) : _Mybase(_Allocator)
// Immediately allocate a dummy node with order key of 0. This node
// will always be the head of the list.
_Myhead = _Buynode(0);
// Allocate a new node with the given order key and value
template<typename _ValTy>
_Nodeptr _Buynode(_Split_order_key _Order_key, _ValTy&& _Value)
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _M_node_allocator.allocate(1);
_M_value_allocator.construct(std::addressof(_Myval(_Pnode)), std::forward<_ValTy>(_Value));
_M_node_allocator.deallocate(_Pnode, 1);
return (_Pnode);
// Allocate a new node with the given order key; used to allocate dummy nodes
_Nodeptr _Buynode(_Split_order_key _Order_key)
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _M_node_allocator.allocate(1);
return (_Pnode);
// Get the next node
static _Nodepref _Nextnode(_Nodeptr _Pnode)
return ((_Nodepref)(*_Pnode)._M_next);
// Get the stored value
static reference _Myval(_Nodeptr _Pnode)
return ((reference)(*_Pnode)._M_element);
// Forward list in which elements are sorted in a split-order
template <typename _Element_type, typename _Element_allocator_type = std::allocator<_Element_type> >
class _Split_ordered_list : _Split_order_list_value<_Element_type, _Element_allocator_type>
typedef _Split_ordered_list<_Element_type, _Element_allocator_type> _Mytype;
typedef _Split_order_list_value<_Element_type, _Element_allocator_type> _Mybase;
typedef typename _Mybase::_Allocator_type _Allocator_type;
typedef typename _Mybase::_Nodeptr _Nodeptr;
typedef _Allocator_type allocator_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::reference reference;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename _Allocator_type::value_type value_type;
typedef _Solist_const_iterator<_Mybase> const_iterator;
typedef _Solist_iterator<_Mybase> iterator;
typedef std::_Flist_const_iterator<_Mybase> _Full_const_iterator;
typedef std::_Flist_iterator<_Mybase> _Full_iterator;
typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> _Pairib;
using _Split_order_list_value<_Element_type, _Element_allocator_type>::_Buynode;
_Split_ordered_list(_Allocator_type _Allocator = allocator_type()) : _Mybase(_Allocator), _M_element_count(0)
// Clear the list
// Remove the head element which is not cleared by clear()
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _Myhead;
_Myhead = NULL;
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Pnode != NULL && _Nextnode(_Pnode) == NULL, L"Invalid head list node");
// Common forward list functions
allocator_type get_allocator() const
return (_M_value_allocator);
void clear()
_Orphan_ptr(*this, 0);
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
_Nodeptr _Pnext;
_Nodeptr _Pnode = _Myhead;
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Myhead != NULL, L"Invalid head list node");
_Pnext = _Nextnode(_Pnode);
_Pnode->_M_next = NULL;
_Pnode = _Pnext;
while (_Pnode != NULL)
_Pnext = _Nextnode(_Pnode);
_Pnode = _Pnext;
_M_element_count = 0;
// Returns a first non-dummy element in the SOL
iterator begin()
_Full_iterator _Iterator = _Begin();
return _Get_first_real_iterator(_Iterator);
// Returns a first non-dummy element in the SOL
const_iterator begin() const
_Full_const_iterator _Iterator = _Begin();
return _Get_first_real_iterator(_Iterator);
iterator end()
return (iterator(0, this));
const_iterator end() const
return (const_iterator(0, this));
const_iterator cbegin() const
return (((const _Mytype *)this)->begin());
const_iterator cend() const
return (((const _Mytype *)this)->end());
// Checks if the number of elements (non-dummy) is 0
bool empty() const
return (_M_element_count == 0);
// Returns the number of non-dummy elements in the list
size_type size() const
return _M_element_count;
// Returns the maximum size of the list, determined by the allocator
size_type max_size() const
return _M_value_allocator.max_size();
// Swaps 'this' list with the passed in one
void swap(_Mytype& _Right)
if (this == &_Right)
// Nothing to do
if (_M_value_allocator == _Right._M_value_allocator)
std::swap(_Myhead, _Right._Myhead);
std::swap(_M_element_count, _Right._M_element_count);
_Mytype _Temp_list(this->get_allocator());
// Split-order list functions
// Returns a first element in the SOL, which is always a dummy
_Full_iterator _Begin()
return _Full_iterator(_Myhead, this);
// Returns a first element in the SOL, which is always a dummy
_Full_const_iterator _Begin() const
return _Full_const_iterator(_Myhead, this);
_Full_iterator _End()
return _Full_iterator(0, this);
_Full_const_iterator _End() const
return _Full_const_iterator(0, this);
static _Split_order_key _Get_key(const _Full_const_iterator& _Iterator)
return _Iterator._Mynode()->_Get_order_key();
// Returns a public iterator version of the internal iterator. Public iterator must not
// be a dummy private iterator.
iterator _Get_iterator(_Full_iterator _Iterator)
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Iterator._Mynode() != NULL && !_Iterator._Mynode()->_Is_dummy(), L"Invalid user node (dummy)");
return iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Returns a public iterator version of the internal iterator. Public iterator must not
// be a dummy private iterator.
const_iterator _Get_iterator(_Full_const_iterator _Iterator) const
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Iterator._Mynode() != NULL && !_Iterator._Mynode()->_Is_dummy(), L"Invalid user node (dummy)");
return const_iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Returns a non-const version of the _Full_iterator
_Full_iterator _Get_iterator(_Full_const_iterator _Iterator)
return _Full_iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Returns a non-const version of the iterator
iterator _Get_iterator(const_iterator _Iterator)
return iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Returns a public iterator version of a first non-dummy internal iterator at or after
// the passed in internal iterator.
iterator _Get_first_real_iterator(_Full_iterator _Iterator)
// Skip all dummy, internal only iterators
while (_Iterator != _End() && _Iterator._Mynode()->_Is_dummy())
return iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Returns a public iterator version of a first non-dummy internal iterator at or after
// the passed in internal iterator.
const_iterator _Get_first_real_iterator(_Full_const_iterator _Iterator) const
// Skip all dummy, internal only iterators
while (_Iterator != _End() && _Iterator._Mynode()->_Is_dummy())
return const_iterator(_Iterator._Mynode(), this);
// Erase an element using the allocator
void _Erase(_Nodeptr _Delete_node)
if (!_Delete_node->_Is_dummy())
// Dummy nodes have nothing constructed, thus should not be destroyed.
_M_node_allocator.deallocate(_Delete_node, 1);
// Try to insert a new element in the list. If insert fails, return the node that
// was inserted instead.
_Nodeptr _Insert(_Nodeptr _Previous, _Nodeptr _New_node, _Nodeptr _Current_node)
_New_node->_M_next = _Current_node;
return _Previous->_Atomic_set_next(_New_node, _Current_node);
// Insert a new element between passed in iterators
_Pairib _Insert(_Full_iterator _Iterator, _Full_iterator _Next, _Nodeptr _List_node, long * _New_count)
_Nodeptr _Inserted_node = _Insert(_Iterator._Mynode(), _List_node, _Next._Mynode());
if (_Inserted_node == _List_node)
// If the insert succeeded, check that the order is correct and increment the element count
*_New_count = _InterlockedIncrement(&_M_element_count);
return _Pairib(iterator(_List_node, this), true);
return _Pairib(end(), false);
// Insert a new dummy element, starting search at a parent dummy element
_Full_iterator _Insert_dummy(_Full_iterator _Iterator, _Split_order_key _Order_key)
_Full_iterator _Last = _End();
_Full_iterator _Where = _Iterator;
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Where != _Last, L"Invalid head node");
// Create a dummy element up front, even though it may be discarded (due to concurrent insertion)
_Nodeptr _Dummy_node = _Buynode(_Order_key);
for (;;)
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Iterator != _Last, L"Invalid head list node");
// If the head iterator is at the end of the list, or past the point where this dummy
// node needs to be inserted, then try to insert it.
if (_Where == _Last || _Get_key(_Where) > _Order_key)
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Get_key(_Iterator) < _Order_key, L"Invalid node order in the list");
// Try to insert it in the right place
_Nodeptr _Inserted_node = _Insert(_Iterator._Mynode(), _Dummy_node, _Where._Mynode());
if (_Inserted_node == _Dummy_node)
// Insertion succeeded, check the list for order violations
return _Full_iterator(_Dummy_node, this);
// Insertion failed: either dummy node was inserted by another thread, or
// a real element was inserted at exactly the same place as dummy node.
// Proceed with the search from the previous location where order key was
// known to be larger (note: this is legal only because there is no safe
// concurrent erase operation supported).
_Where = _Iterator;
else if (_Get_key(_Where) == _Order_key)
// Another dummy node with the same value found, discard the new one.
return _Where;
// Move the iterator forward
_Iterator = _Where;
// This erase function can handle both real and dummy nodes
void _Erase(_Full_iterator _Previous, _Full_const_iterator& _Where)
if (_Where._Getcont() != this || _Where._Ptr == _Myhead)
std::_DEBUG_ERROR("list erase iterator outside range");
_Nodeptr _Pnode = (_Where++)._Mynode();
_Orphan_ptr(*this, _Pnode);
#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
_Nodeptr _Pnode = (_Where++)._Mynode();
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
_Nodeptr _Prevnode = _Previous._Mynode();
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Prevnode->_M_next == _Pnode, L"Erase must take consecutive iterators");
_Prevnode->_M_next = _Pnode->_M_next;
// Erase the element (previous node needs to be passed because this is a forward only list)
iterator _Erase(_Full_iterator _Previous, const_iterator _Where)
_Full_const_iterator _Iterator = _Where;
_Erase(_Previous, _Iterator);
return _Get_iterator(_Get_first_real_iterator(_Iterator));
// Move all elements from the passed in split-ordered list to this one
void _Move_all(_Mytype& _Source_list)
_Full_const_iterator _First = _Source_list._Begin();
_Full_const_iterator _Last = _Source_list._End();
if (_First == _Last)
_Nodeptr _Previous_node = _Myhead;
_Full_const_iterator _Begin_iterator = _First++;
// Move all elements one by one, including dummy ones
for (_Full_const_iterator _Iterator = _First; _Iterator != _Last;)
_Nodeptr _Node = _Iterator._Mynode();
_Nodeptr _Dummy_node = _Node->_Is_dummy() ? _Buynode(_Node->_Get_order_key()) : _Buynode(_Node->_Get_order_key(), _Myval(_Node));
_Previous_node = _Insert(_Previous_node, _Dummy_node, NULL);
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Previous_node != NULL, L"Insertion must succeed");
_Full_const_iterator _Where = _Iterator++;
_Source_list._Erase(_Get_iterator(_Begin_iterator), _Where);
// Check the list for order violations
void _Check_range()
#if defined (_DEBUG)
for (_Full_iterator _Iterator = _Begin(); _Iterator != _End(); _Iterator++)
_Full_iterator _Next_iterator = _Iterator;
_ASSERT_EXPR(_Next_iterator == end() || _Next_iterator._Mynode()->_Get_order_key() >= _Iterator._Mynode()->_Get_order_key(), L"!!! List order inconsistency !!!");
#endif /* defined (_DEBUG) */
void _Orphan_ptr(_Mytype& _Cont, _Nodeptr _Ptr) const
std::_Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG);
const_iterator **_Pnext = (const_iterator **)_Cont._Getpfirst();
if (_Pnext != 0)
while (*_Pnext != 0)
if ((*_Pnext)->_Ptr == (_Nodeptr)&_Myhead || _Ptr != 0 && (*_Pnext)->_Ptr != _Ptr)
_Pnext = (const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();
*_Pnext = *(const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
volatile long _M_element_count; // Total item count, not counting dummy nodes
} // namespace details;
} // namespace Concurrency
namespace concurrency = Concurrency;
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma pack(pop)