
548 lines
15 KiB

* 4tech experiments
* by Allen Webster
* 20.08.2015 (dd.mm.yyyy)
// TOP
global Vec4 black = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
global Vec4 white = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
global Vec4 gray = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f};
global Vec4 red = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
struct real32_Rect{
real32 x0,y0,x1,y1;
inline real32_Rect
rect_around_point(Vec2 p, real32 r){
real32_Rect result;
result.x0 = p.x - r;
result.x1 = p.x + r;
result.y0 = p.y - r;
result.y1 = p.y + r;
return result;
internal void
mygl_clear(Vec4 color){
glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
internal void
mygl_color(Vec4 color){
glColor4f(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
internal void
mygl_rectangle(real32_Rect rect, Vec4 color){
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1);
internal void
mygl_rectangle_h_grad(real32_Rect rect, Vec4 left, Vec4 right){
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1);
internal void
mygl_polygon_outline(Vec2 *vertices, i32 vertex_count, Vec4 color){
for (i32 i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i){
glVertex2f(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y);
internal void
mygl_line(Vec2 a, Vec2 b, Vec4 color){
glVertex2f(a.x, a.y);
glVertex2f(b.x, b.y);
struct Skeleton_Draw_Point{
i32 id;
i32 next_child;
internal void
mygl_skeleton(Tree_Skeleton_Vert *vertices, i32 count, i32 highlight_index){
Vec4 highlight_color = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f};
Skeleton_Draw_Point stack[16];
i32 top = 0;
stack[top++] = {0, 0};
while (top > 0){
Skeleton_Draw_Point *pt = stack + top - 1;
Tree_Skeleton_Vert *vert = vertices + pt->id;
bool32 done = 0;
if (pt->next_child >= 3){
done = 1;
i32 child = vert->children[pt->next_child];
if (child){
Tree_Skeleton_Vert *child_vert = vertices + child;
if (child_vert->paint.r == 0.f && child_vert->paint.g == 0.f &&
child_vert->paint.b == 0.f){
int x = 1; AllowLocal(x);
if (highlight_index == child){
glVertex2f(vert->pos.x, vert->pos.y);
glVertex2f(child_vert->pos.x, child_vert->pos.y);
stack[top++] = {child, 0};
done = 1;
if (done){
internal void
mygl_branch_info(real32 x, real32 y, Branch_Info info){
Vec4 color = {.6f, 0.f, .4f, 1.f};
Vec2 a, b;
real32 x_step = 3.f;
i32 i;
a.y = y;
a.x = b.x = x;
b.y = y + info.length;
mygl_line(a, b, color);
x += x_step;
a.x = b.x = x;
b.y = y + info.step;
mygl_line(a, b, color);
for (i = 0; i < ArrayCount(info.contribution_list); ++i){
x += x_step;
a.x = b.x = x;
b.y = y + info.contribution_list[i];
mygl_line(a, b, color);
struct Super_Color{
Vec4 hsla;
Vec4 rgba;
u32 packed;
struct Memory_Part{
char *base;
i32 pos, max;
internal void*
mempart_get(Memory_Part *part, i32 size){
_Assert(part->pos + size < part->max);
void *result = part->base + part->pos;
part->pos += size;
return result;
#define mempart_get_array(part,T,size) (T*)mempart_get(part, sizeof(T)*size);
struct Temp_Memory{
Memory_Part *part;
i32 start_pos;
internal Temp_Memory
tempmem_begin(Memory_Part *part){
Temp_Memory temp;
temp.part = part;
temp.start_pos = part->pos;
return temp;
internal void
tempmem_end(Temp_Memory temp){
temp.part->pos = temp.start_pos;
struct App_Vars{
bool32 initialized;
Memory_Part part;
Tree_Parameters params;
i32 hot_spot_max;
bool32 show_skeleton;
bool32 show_ghost_skeleton;
bool32 show_tree;
bool32 show_hot_spots;
i32 skeleton_limit;
i32 p_moving;
Hot_Spot *p;
i32 inspecto_branch;
internal void
show_vec_stats(Vec4 v, real32 x, real32 y){
real32_Rect h,s,l,f;
h = {x, y, 10.f + x, y};
s = h;
s.x0 += 20.f;
s.x1 += 20.f;
l = s;
l.x0 += 20.f;
l.x1 += 20.f;
h.y1 += 100.f*v.x;
s.y1 += 100.f*v.y;
l.y1 += 100.f*v.z;
f.x0 = h.x0 - 5.f;
f.x1 = l.x1 + 5.f;
f.y0 = h.y0 - 5.f;
f.y1 = h.y0 + 105.f;
mygl_rectangle(f, gray);
mygl_rectangle(h, white);
mygl_rectangle(s, white);
mygl_rectangle(l, white);
internal bool32
hit_check(i32 x, i32 y, real32_Rect r){
return (x >= r.x0 && x < r.x1 && y >= r.y0 && y < r.y1);
internal void
do_adjuster(i32 id, Mouse_State *mouse, real32 *v, real32 low, real32 high, real32_Rect rect, bool32 *mouse_consumed){
mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.f));
real32 x, scale;
if (mouse->l && hit_check(mouse->x, mouse->y, rect)){
x = (real32)mouse->x;
scale = (x - rect.x0) / (rect.x1 - rect.x0);
*v = lerp(low, scale, high);
*mouse_consumed = 1;
scale = (*v - low) / (high - low);
x = lerp(rect.x0, scale, rect.x1);
rect.x0 = x - 2.f;
rect.x1 = x + 3.f;
mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.6f, .6f, .6f, 1.f));
internal void
do_adjuster(i32 id, Mouse_State *mouse, i32 *v, i32 low, i32 high, real32_Rect rect, bool32 *mouse_consumed){
mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.f));
real32 x, scale;
if (mouse->l && hit_check(mouse->x, mouse->y, rect)){
x = (real32)mouse->x;
scale = (x - rect.x0) / (rect.x1 - rect.x0);
*v = FLOOR32(lerp((real32)low, scale, (real32)high + 1));
if (*v > high) *v = high;
*mouse_consumed = 1;
scale = (real32)(*v - low) / (real32)(high - low);
x = lerp(rect.x0, scale, rect.x1);
rect.x0 = x - 2.f;
rect.x1 = x + 3.f;
mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.6f, .6f, .6f, 1.f));
internal bool32
do_button(i32 id, Mouse_State *mouse, bool32 active, real32_Rect rect, bool32 *mouse_consumed){
bool32 result = 0;
if (active) mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.6f, .6f, .6f, 1.f));
else mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.f));
if (mouse->pl && hit_check(mouse->x, mouse->y, rect)){
result = 1;
*mouse_consumed = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
do_draggable(i32 id, Mouse_State *mouse, bool32 active, real32_Rect rect, bool32 *mouse_consumed){
bool32 result = 0;
if (!*mouse_consumed){
if (active) mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.6f, .6f, .6f, 1.f));
else mygl_rectangle(rect, V4(.3f, .3f, .3f, 1.f));
if (mouse->l && hit_check(mouse->x, mouse->y, rect)){
result = 1;
*mouse_consumed = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
do_right_click(i32 id, Mouse_State *mouse, real32_Rect rect, bool32 *mouse_consumed){
bool32 result = 0;
if (!*mouse_consumed){
if (mouse->pr && hit_check(mouse->x, mouse->y, rect)){
result = 1;
*mouse_consumed = 1;
return result;
_Assert(sizeof(App_Vars) < step->memory.size);
App_Vars *vars = (App_Vars*)step->memory.mem;
if (!vars->initialized){
vars->initialized = 1;
vars->part.base = (char*)step->memory.mem;
vars->part.max = step->memory.size;
vars->part.pos = sizeof(App_Vars);
Tree_Parameters params;
params.base = V2(500.f, 590.f);
params.levels = 6;
params.initial_step = 70.f;
params.step_decay = .8f;
params.initial_thickness = 10.f;
params.thickness_decay = .75f;
params.dtheta = 72.f;
params.min_weight_threshold = 1.f;
params.center_branch_weight = 1.f;
params.heat_half_distance = 30.f;
vars->hot_spot_max = 10;
params.hot_spot_count = 3;
params.hot_spots = mempart_get_array(&vars->part, Hot_Spot, vars->hot_spot_max);
params.hot_spots[0].spot.x = 500.f;
params.hot_spots[0].spot.y = 100.f;
params.hot_spots[1].spot.x = 850.f;
params.hot_spots[1].spot.y = 400.f;
params.hot_spots[2].spot.x = 300.f;
params.hot_spots[2].spot.y = 150.f;
vars->params = params;
vars->show_skeleton = 1;
vars->show_tree = 1;
vars->show_hot_spots = 1;
vars->p_moving = -1;
vars->p = 0;
vars->skeleton_limit = 0;
Mouse_State *mouse = &step->mouse;
bool32 mouse_consumed = 0;
i32 id = 1;
real32_Rect rect;
real32 low_point;
Hot_Spot *hot_spot, *hot_spot_array;
i32 ind, i;
hot_spot_array = vars->params.hot_spots;
hot_spot = hot_spot_array;
for (i = 0; i < vars->params.hot_spot_count; ++i, ++hot_spot){
ind = i + (1 << 16);
rect = rect_around_point(hot_spot->spot, 4);
if (do_draggable(ind, mouse, (ind == vars->p_moving), rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->p_moving = ind;
vars->p = hot_spot;
if (do_right_click(ind, mouse, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->p_moving = -1;
*hot_spot = hot_spot_array[vars->params.hot_spot_count];
if (!mouse_consumed && mouse->pr){
if (vars->params.hot_spot_count < vars->hot_spot_max){
hot_spot_array[vars->params.hot_spot_count++].spot = V2((f32)mouse->x, (f32)mouse->y);
// TODO(allen): If the mouse isn't consumed yet, and it's a right click, add a point
if (vars->p_moving != -1 && mouse->l){
Hot_Spot *p = vars->p;
if (p != 0){
p->spot.x = (real32)mouse->x;
p->spot.y = (real32)mouse->y;
if (!mouse->l){
vars->p_moving = -1;
rect.x0 = 10.f;
rect.x1 = 210.f;
rect.y0 = 10.f;
rect.y1 = 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.initial_step, 0.f, 200.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.step_decay, 0.f, 1.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.initial_thickness, 1.f, 50.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.thickness_decay, 0.f, 1.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.dtheta, 90.f, 0.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.levels, 1, 7, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.min_weight_threshold, 1.f, 100.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.center_branch_weight, 0.5f, 2.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->params.heat_half_distance, 10.f, 100.f, rect, &mouse_consumed);
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
do_adjuster(id++, mouse, &vars->inspecto_branch, 1, vars->skeleton_limit, rect, &mouse_consumed);
low_point = rect.y1;
rect.x0 = rect.x1 + 10.f;
rect.x1 = rect.x0 + 20.f;
rect.y0 = 10.f;
rect.y1 = 30.f;
if (do_button(id++, mouse, vars->show_skeleton, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->show_skeleton = !vars->show_skeleton;
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
if (do_button(id++, mouse, vars->show_ghost_skeleton, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->show_ghost_skeleton = !vars->show_ghost_skeleton;
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
if (do_button(id++, mouse, vars->show_tree, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->show_tree = !vars->show_tree;
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
if (do_button(id++, mouse, vars->show_hot_spots, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->show_hot_spots = !vars->show_hot_spots;
rect.y0 += 30.f;
rect.y1 += 30.f;
if (do_button(id++, mouse, 0, rect, &mouse_consumed)){
vars->skeleton_limit = 0;
if (low_point < rect.y1) low_point = rect.y1;
Temp_Memory temp;
i32 init_skeleton_count, skeleton_count;
Tree_Skeleton_Vert *skeleton;
Branch_Info branch_info;
i32 natural_limit;
temp = tempmem_begin(&vars->part);
init_skeleton_count = 2260;
skeleton = mempart_get_array(&vars->part, Tree_Skeleton_Vert, init_skeleton_count);
memset(skeleton, 0, sizeof(Tree_Skeleton_Vert)*init_skeleton_count);
branch_info = {};
branch_info.which_branch = vars->inspecto_branch;
natural_limit =
tree_skeleton_gen(skeleton, init_skeleton_count, &skeleton_count, vars->params, vars->skeleton_limit, 0,
&branch_info, 1);
if (vars->skeleton_limit > natural_limit) vars->skeleton_limit = natural_limit;
Tree_Skeleton_Vert *ghost_skeleton = 0;
i32 ghost_skeleton_count = 0;
if (vars->show_ghost_skeleton){
ghost_skeleton = mempart_get_array(&vars->part, Tree_Skeleton_Vert, init_skeleton_count);
memset(ghost_skeleton, 0, sizeof(Tree_Skeleton_Vert)*init_skeleton_count);
tree_skeleton_gen(ghost_skeleton, init_skeleton_count, &ghost_skeleton_count,
vars->params, vars->skeleton_limit, 1, 0, 0);
i32 init_vertex_count = 2260, vertex_count;
Vec2 *vertices = mempart_get_array(&vars->part, Vec2, init_vertex_count);
tree_gen(vertices, init_vertex_count, &vertex_count, vars->params, skeleton);
if (vars->show_ghost_skeleton)
mygl_skeleton(ghost_skeleton, ghost_skeleton_count, -1);
if (vars->show_skeleton)
mygl_skeleton(skeleton, skeleton_count, vars->inspecto_branch);
if (vars->show_tree)
mygl_polygon_outline(vertices, vertex_count, brown);
if (vars->show_hot_spots){
for (i32 i = 0; i < vars->params.hot_spot_count; ++i){
mygl_rectangle(rect_around_point(vars->params.hot_spots[i].spot, 2), V4(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f));
mygl_branch_info(5.f, low_point + 5.f, branch_info);
out->mouse_cursor = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW;