
425 lines
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// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
// Agent.cpp
// Source file containing code for the agent creation APIs.
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#include "concrtinternal.h"
#include <agents.h>
namespace Concurrency
// A Filter function for a filter_block to check if the Agent has completed
bool _IsDone(agent_status const &status)
return status == agent_done || status == agent_canceled;
// A Filter function for a filter_block to check if the Agent has started (or completed)
bool _IsStarted(agent_status const &status)
return _IsDone(status) || status == agent_started;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an agent within the default scheduler, and places it any schedule
/// group of the scheduler's choosing.
/// </summary>
agent::agent() :
_M_fStartable(TRUE), _M_fCancelable(TRUE), _M_pScheduler(NULL), _M_pScheduleGroup(NULL)
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_created);
/// <summary>
/// Create an agent within the specified scheduler, in a schedule group of the
/// scheduler's choosing.
/// </summary>
agent::agent(Scheduler& pScheduler) :
_M_fStartable(TRUE), _M_fCancelable(TRUE), _M_pScheduler(&pScheduler), _M_pScheduleGroup(NULL)
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_created);
/// <summary>
/// Create an agent within the specified schedule group. The scheduler is implied
/// by the schedule group.
/// </summary>
agent::agent(ScheduleGroup& pGroup) :
_M_fStartable(TRUE), _M_fCancelable(TRUE), _M_pScheduler(NULL), _M_pScheduleGroup(&pGroup)
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_created);
/// <summary>
/// Cleans up any resources that may have been created by the Agent.
/// </summary>
_Trace_agents(AGENTS_EVENT_DESTROY, details::_Trace_agents_get_id(this));
/// <returns>
/// Returns a message source that can pass messages about the current state of the agent
/// </returns>
ISource<agent_status> * agent::status_port()
return &_M_status;
/// <returns>
/// Returns the current state of the agent. Note that this returned state could change
/// immediately after being returned.
/// </returns>
agent_status agent::status()
return receive<agent_status>(_M_status);
/// <summary>
/// Moves an Agent from the agent_created state to the agent_runnable state, and schedules it for execution.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true if the agent started correctly, false otherwise
/// </returns>
bool agent::start()
if(_M_status.value() != agent_created)
return false;
// Check if the agent is Startable. If the agent had already called start() or
// this variable was set to FALSE in cancel(), return false.
if(InterlockedCompareExchange(&_M_fStartable, FALSE, TRUE) == FALSE)
return false;
_Trace_agents(AGENTS_EVENT_SCHEDULE, details::_Trace_agents_get_id(this));
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_runnable);
TaskProc proc = &Concurrency::agent::_Agent_task_wrapper;
if(_M_pScheduleGroup != NULL)
_M_pScheduleGroup->ScheduleTask(proc, this);
else if(_M_pScheduler != NULL)
_M_pScheduler->ScheduleTask(proc, this);
CurrentScheduler::ScheduleTask(proc, this);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Moves an agent into the done state, indicating the completion of the agent
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true if the agent is moved to the agent_done state, false otherwise
/// </returns>
bool agent::done()
// current status
agent_status currentStatus = this->status();
// Indicate that the agent can no longer be started.
if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&_M_fStartable, FALSE, TRUE) != TRUE)
// agent is either canceled, started or completed run.
currentStatus = receive<agent_status>(_M_status, _IsStarted);
// Agent is not cancelable anymore.
InterlockedExchange(&_M_fCancelable, FALSE);
// Transition to agent_done state if it not already in one of
// the terminal states.
if ((currentStatus != agent_canceled) && (currentStatus != agent_done))
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_done);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Moves an agent from the agent_created or agent_runnable to the agent_canceled state.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true if the agent was canceled correctly, false otherwise
/// </returns>
bool agent::cancel()
// In case this agent has been canceled before it was even started
// mark it as no longer Startable and send a agent_canceled message to the
// status port
if(InterlockedCompareExchange(&_M_fStartable, FALSE, TRUE) == TRUE)
send<agent_status> (_M_status, agent_canceled);
// Check to see if the agent is still Cancelable. Agents are initialized
// m_fCancelable == TRUE, and set to false either here in cancel(), so
// cancel() will not be called twice, or in the LWT, once the execution
// of the Agent task has begun.
if(InterlockedCompareExchange(&_M_fCancelable, FALSE, TRUE) == TRUE)
// Wait for the agent to reach a canceled state state
receive<agent_status>(_M_status, _IsDone);
// The above InterlockedCompareExchange marked this agent for cancelation
// When the LWT that has been spun up tries to execute the task, it will
// find it has been canceled and will propagate out the canceled state to
// the state buffer.
return true;
return false;
// Private helper class to order an input array of agents. This is used by
// wait_for_all and wait_for_one to create an array of appropriate order nodes.
// The template _OrderNode specifies an _Order_node_base that accepts agent_status.
// For example, _Reserving_node<agent_status>
template<class _OrderNode>
class _OrderBlock
// Constructs an orderBlock which has an array of ordernodes connected to the agents.
// The ordernodes are given a filter method to filter out non-terminal agent states
_OrderBlock(size_t _Count, agent ** _PAgents, ITarget<size_t> * _PTarget) : _M_count(_Count)
// Create an array of order nodes
_M_ppNodes = _concrt_new _OrderNode*[_M_count];
for (size_t i = 0; i < _M_count; i++)
_M_ppNodes[i] = _concrt_new _OrderNode(_PAgents[i]->status_port(), i, _PTarget, _IsDone);
// Destroys the block
for (size_t i = 0; i < _M_count; i++)
delete _M_ppNodes[i];
delete [] _M_ppNodes;
// Retrieve the agent status for the agent at the given index
agent_status _Status(size_t _Index)
return _M_ppNodes[_Index]->value();
// Number of order nodes
size_t _M_count;
// Array of order nodes
_OrderNode ** _M_ppNodes;
/// <summary>
/// Wait for an agent to complete its task. A task is completed when it enters the agent_canceled,
/// or agent_done states.
/// </summary>
agent_status agent::wait(agent * pAgent, unsigned int timeout)
if(pAgent == NULL)
throw std::invalid_argument("pAgent");
return receive<agent_status>(pAgent->status_port(), _IsDone, timeout);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for all agents in a given Agent array to complete their tasks. A task is completed
/// when it enters the agent_canceled or agent_done states.
/// </summary>
void agent::wait_for_all(size_t count, agent ** pAgents, agent_status * pStatus, unsigned int timeout)
if ( pAgents == NULL )
throw std::invalid_argument("pAgents");
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ( pAgents[i] == NULL )
throw std::invalid_argument("pAgents");
// Create the following network
// agent - orderNode -
// \
// agent - orderNode - --call ~~~ single_assignment
// /
// agent - orderNode -
single_assignment<size_t> _Sa;
volatile size_t _CompletedAgents = 0;
call<size_t> _Call([&](size_t const& _Index)
// Safe to access without synchronization since call blocks
// guarantee that the function is not called for multiple
// messages at the same time.
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_CompletedAgents < count);
if (++_CompletedAgents == count)
// All the agents have completed. Indicate the same by sending a message
// (initialize) to the single assignment.
send<size_t>(_Sa, 1);
_OrderBlock<_Greedy_node<agent_status>> _OrderedAgents(count, pAgents, &_Call);
receive(&_Sa, timeout);
// single_assignment has a message => all agents completed
// Retrieve their status messages.
if(pStatus != NULL)
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
pStatus[i] = _OrderedAgents._Status(i);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for any one of the agents in a given AgentTask array to complete its task. A task is completed
/// when it enters the agent_canceled or agent_done states.
/// </summary>
void agent::wait_for_one(size_t count, agent ** pAgents, agent_status &status, size_t& index, unsigned int timeout)
if ( pAgents == NULL )
throw std::invalid_argument("pAgents");
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ( pAgents[i] == NULL )
throw std::invalid_argument("pAgents");
// Create the following network
// agent - orderNode -
// \
// agent - orderNode - --single_assignment
// /
// agent - orderNode -
single_assignment<size_t> _Sa;
_OrderBlock<_Greedy_node<agent_status>> _OrderedAgents(count, pAgents, &_Sa);
index = receive(&_Sa, timeout);
// We were able to receive the index. Get the message (agent_status)
status = _OrderedAgents._Status(index);
// A static wrapper function that calls the Run() method. Used for scheduling of the task
void agent::_Agent_task_wrapper(void* data)
agent *pAgent = (agent *) data;
if(InterlockedCompareExchange(&pAgent->_M_fCancelable, FALSE, TRUE) == TRUE)
send<agent_status> (pAgent->_M_status, agent_started);
// Invoke the run() function of the agent.
_Trace_agents(AGENTS_EVENT_START, details::_Trace_agents_get_id(pAgent));
_Trace_agents(AGENTS_EVENT_END, details::_Trace_agents_get_id(pAgent), 0);
// This else path can be entered only if an agent was canceled before it
// ran. Send a agent_canceled message to the status.
send<agent_status> (pAgent->_M_status, agent_canceled);
// Implementation of agent APIs that should not be publicly exposed
namespace details
static volatile runtime_object_identity s_RuntimeObjectIdentity = 0;
_CRTIMP2 _Runtime_object::_Runtime_object()
// Increment the id by 2. This is done because certain blocks (like join) need to have
// a special message id to indicate a NULL id. In this case, we use -1. Incrementing by 2
// will avoid any wrap-around issues causing us to hit -1.
runtime_object_identity id = InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long *) &s_RuntimeObjectIdentity, 2);
_CONCRT_ASSERT(id != -1);
_M_id = id;
_CRTIMP2 _Runtime_object::_Runtime_object(runtime_object_identity _Id) : _M_id(_Id)
} // namespace details
} // namespace Concurrency