write DETAILS files for each major example

Allen Webster 2024-04-24 12:04:52 -07:00
parent 5c44c148cd
commit 0b6adfde1e
13 changed files with 566 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,42 @@
#################################### Hello ####################################
The main goal of this investigation is to organize shared data and code across
multiple binary files. This is especially important for something like a base
layer that will be used in a program that supports hot-reloading or plugins.
layer that is used in a program that supports hot-reloading and/or plugins.
Each isolated example in this repository explores a way to set up the base
layer, plugin, and main program.
This repository contains examples of source and build details needed to achieve
dynamic linking (shared data and code) on Windows, and Linux, with the cl, gcc,
and clang compilers.
The examples:
To start exploring an example navigate into the folder of the example and run
the build script from your command line. It should generate an executable in
a build/ folder. Each example also has a DETAILS.txt with info about the
details that go into the example's structure and the expected output of the
example program.
################################### Topics ####################################
Looking for a specific topic? This index tells you which example to jump to.
exporting symbols -> win32_linking, linux_linking
load-time import symbols -> win32_linking, linux_linking
run-time linking symbols -> win32_linking, linux_linking
building a .dll file -> win32_linking
building a .so file -> linux_linking
module initialization -> win32_before_main, linux_before_main
cl build line options -> win32_linking
gcc build line options -> linux_linking
linux load-time search paths -> linux_linking
clang build line options -> clang
abstracted base layer -> xlist
################################ The Examples #################################
An explanation of the main ideas in each example.
*_linking - Concrete examples for each operating system showing how to
setup and use various types of dynamic linking. In these

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@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ cd build
REM: Build
clang %src%\win32_before_main.c
clang %src%\win32_before_main.c -o win32_before_main.exe

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
@echo off
REM: It turns out the gcc syntax __attribute__((constructor)) works
REM: on clang even for windows builds. You can run this script to
REM: see for yourself.
REM: Path setup
cd ..\linux_before_main
SET src=%cd%
cd ..
if not exist "build\" mkdir build
cd build
REM: Build
clang %src%\linux_before_main.c -o win32_before_main_v2.exe

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
gcc makes this really easy with a straightforward compiler extension. All we
have to do is write a regular `void f(void)` function and mark it with:
Literally that's it. Someone tell Microsoft how cool this is!

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@ -12,3 +12,16 @@ int main(){
printf("x = %d\n", x);
#if 0
// wrapped in a macro:
#define BEFORE_MAIN(n) \
__attribute__((constructor)) static void n(void)
// do work here

linux_linking/DETAILS.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
linux_main.c defines the executable linux_main.exe
it depends on load-time linking with linux_base.so
it tries to perform run-time linking with linux_plugin.so
linux_base.c defines the binary linux_base.so
linux_plugin.c defines the binary linux_plugin.so
it depends on load-time linking with linux_base.so
The build script has to build linux_base.c first because it needs the
results of that build to setup the load-time linking in the other builds.
The linux_base.so is used to resolve load-time imported symbols.
The program has a shared data structure 'int x' in the 'base' layer that is
read and modified from both the 'main' layer and 'plugin' layer.
The expected output if the plugin loads successfully is:
x = 0
provided by plugin: {
x = 1
x = 2
x = 3
The expected output if the plugin is not found is:
x = 0
x = 1
The default Linux search paths for loading binaries do not include the
current directory of the process, or the path to the executable binary file.
It is possible to get it to behave like Windows binary loading, but some
extra steps need to be taken. (Load-Time Search Paths) (Run-Time Search Paths)
########################### Load-Time Search Paths ############################
For load-time binary dependencies, we can actually bake extra search paths
into a binary. GCC's options do not cover this, but there is a backdoor in
GCC for talking right to the underlying linker (ld).
The backdoor is the option -Wl (lowercase L). The syntax of this option is a
little unusual. As soon as a space occurs the backdoor is closed, so the
entire option has to be specified without any spaces. Since we need spaces,
the backdoor lets us use commas. It will remove the commas and replace them
with spaces before passing the command on to ld. It looks something like this:
gcc ... -Wl,-option,value ...
The specific option we want to pass through this way is -rpath. This option
tells the linker to bake a path into the search paths of the binary, so the
syntax for specifying a path this way with the backdoor syntax is:
gcc ... -Wl,-rpath,loadpath ...
In order to get the same behavior as we have on Windows, we want the path to
be relative to the binary itself. This can be done using the special syntax
'$ORIGIN/' as the path. But there is a problem here too. The dollar sign
already has a meaning in the shell, so to actually pass a raw dollar sign we
actually have to escape it with a backslash. Putting it all together the option
looks like this:
gcc ... -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/ ...
If that seems like a lot, that's because it is A LOT.
It's also pretty atypical to do things this way on Linux where the system tries
to have a specific place to put all the different pieces of executables. In
particular you might try to put the executable in a 'bin/' folder and the
shared object binaries in a 'lib/' folder. Then you would use the binary
relative path like this:
gcc ... -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib ...
############################ Run-Time Search Paths ############################
The search paths for dlopen only include the system binary paths by default.
This matters if we are calling dlopen like this:
dlopen("mylayer.so", flags)
In this case the search paths will not include any binary relative rules or
current directory relative rules.
We can use $ORIGIN like we did in the load-time case to specify paths relative
to the calling binary:
dlopen("$ORIGIN/mylayer.so", flags)
Since this version is not just a base file name, the system search paths are
ignored and the path indicated by $ORIGIN is inspected directly.
We can also use . to specify the current directory like we do on the command
line when we call a script or run an executable in the current directory:
dlopen("./mylayer.so", flags)
In this case the system will look exactly in the current directory.
Finally we can use full paths to specify a directory without ambiguity:
dlopen("/home/username/pluginproject/mylayer.so", flags)
The nice thing about this option is that it means we can perform our own
search on the file system, and assemble a full path to get exactly what we want
if we have to.

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ int main(){
// to call a function with run-time linking, we must manually load and link it
void *module = dlopen("./linux_plugin.so", RTLD_NOW);
void *module = dlopen("$ORIGIN/linux_plugin.so", RTLD_NOW);
if (module != 0){
GET_PROC(plugin_func, module, "plugin_func");

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Being able to run code 'before main' isn't just a magic trick. In a situation
where there may be more than one layer with dynamic linking and more than one
.dll (plugin system for instance), the maintenance burden of setting up each
layer in a central DllMain or main is significant enough to be a burden.
It is possible to get this effect on Windows through the CL compiler, but it
would be a stretch to say that it is "supported". The way I show here works
by relying on the fact that a special section does exist that contains function
pointers that run before 'main' or 'DllMain'. We can use CL's compiler
extensions to add a function pointer to that section just by declaring it as a
global variable and marking it up with:
If you look up this method on the internet, you will find claims that under
certain types of whole-program optimization, this won't work. In particular
this happens if you use the option /GL in CL.
This happens because the global variable appears to be unused from the
perspective of the compiler & linker. Since it is never directly referenced,
there is no C-level semantical reason to think this global variable is doing
However, in this example I show how we can still make it work. We have to
make sure the linker won't eliminate the global variable that we are trying to
place into the ".CRT$XCU" section. I achieve this by marking it as an export
symbol. Export symbols can't be eliminated even if they aren't used locally.
From what I've seen in testing, this works as desired, even with the /GL option.
IMPORTANT RESTRICTION: Because this creates an export symbol, each time we use
this within a binary it must have a unique name. Generally I would recommend
naming before-main symbol by scoping it to the layer where it exists.
CLANG NOTE: Interestingly, clang can build this, but it can also use the
__attribute__((constructor)) extension on Windows, which is a lot closer to
"supporting" this feature. I suspect that When I am building with clang I will
prefer to go with this option most of the time.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ static void run_before_main_func(void);
// set the before-main execution function pointer
__pragma(comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:run_before_main_ptr"))
void (*run_before_main_ptr)(void) = run_before_main_func;
// define the "before main" function
@ -22,3 +22,19 @@ int main(){
printf("x = %d\n", x);
#if 0
// wrapped in a macro:
#define BEFORE_MAIN(n) static void n(void); \
__declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU")) \
__declspec(dllexport) \
void (*n##__)(void) = n; \
static void n(void)
// do work here

win32_linking/DETAILS.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
win32_main.c defines the executable win32_main.exe
it depends on load-time linking with win32_base.dll
it tries to perform run-time linking with win32_plugin.dll
win32_base.c defines the binary win32_base.dll
win32_plugin.c defines the binary win32_plugin.dll
it depends on load-time linking with win32_base.dll
The build script has to build win32_base.c first because it needs the
results of that build to setup the load-time linking in the other builds.
The win32_base.lib that is generated along with win32_base.dll is used
to resolve load-time imported symbols.
The program has a shared data structure 'int x' in the 'base' layer that is
read and modified from both the 'main' layer and 'plugin' layer.
The expected output if the plugin loads successfully is:
x = 0
provided by plugin: {
x = 1
x = 2
x = 3
The expected output if the plugin is not found is:
x = 0
x = 1
You should be able to relocate the plugin and use a full path to it and still
get the first result. As long as the load-time dependency win32_base.dll is
with the executable, it will load. It can be found in some other paths, but
you cannot specify the search paths manually, so keeping it with the executable
is the simplest option.

xlist/DETAILS.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
In this example I link everything through run-time linking. The upsides to this
are that everything dealing with the linking is in my code so I can tweak it
or debug it directly, and I don't have a mix of load-time and run-time linking
making the wranling of keyword abstraction and linker options simpler.
There are some downsides too, and in this example I show how I can mitigate
these downsides pretty well.
The two big downsides I address in this example are:
1. Symbol declaration and binding gets more difficult in C
2. Each binary requires some dynamic initialization
Finally after going over these problems in detail, I will present some details
of the solution I use in this example.
Like the *_linking examples, the expected output if the plugin loads
successfully is:
x = 0
provided by plugin: {
x = 1
x = 2
x = 3
And the expected output if the plugin is not found is:
x = 0
x = 1
############################# Symbol Declaration ##############################
The symbol declaration problem requires a bit of setup to fully appreciate.
Normally in C you think of your program code as header & implementation, or
declaration & definition.
So we might have a header file like:
void* layer_a(int x);
void layer_b(void *a, void *m);
int layer_c(void *a);
And then an implementation file like:
void* layer_a(int x){
// ...
void layer_b(void *a, void *m){
// ...
int layer_c(void *a){
// ...
Whether we are linking these statically (unity build) or across object files
(classic build) it's pretty easy, the header just gets included at all usage
and implementation sites as it is.
When we transition to linking across binaries, we hit a problem. The reason we
hit a problem is that with run-time linking we need to be directing our
calls through function pointers instead of through functions.
## Solution: reroute from function to function pointer ##
One way to handle this is to keep header and provide a different implementation
void* layer_a(int x){
void layer_b(void *a, void *m){
layer_funcs->layer_b(a, m);
int layer_c(void *a){
Then on the side that defines the symbols, we still use `layer.c` but in any
binary that wants to load the symbols, we would use `layer.dynamic.c` which
reroutes the normal function calls to function pointers.
This `*.dynamic.c` file is pretty fatty though - requiring several lines of
pattern duplication for each function in the layer.
A metaprogramming system can help here if you want to go that route, but
putting another build program in the mix isn't exactly light weight either.
## Solution: call through function pointer table ##
Another option is to say that the place where the issue will pop-out is at
all the usage sites. Any code written as a user of the layer will switch from
calling the layer like this `layer_foo( ... )` to `layer->foo( ... )`.
In theory this eliminates maintenance work, but oh boy are we in for it the
first time we realize we have a helper that wants to work in both the context
of the layer's user AND the layer's definer. At that point we're either
duplicating the helper, which leads us to minimize the richness of helpers we
develop around the layer, or we put them in some kind of unifying
wrapper, which is the problem we were trying to solve in the first place.
## Solution: global function pointers ##
A third way to handle this is to define a new version of the header:
void* (*layer_a)(int x) = 0;
void (*layer_b)(void *a, void *m) = 0;
int (*layer_c)(void *a) = 0;
In this version each function symbol that the user wants to see gets replaced
with a global function pointer.
Now each usage site can looks like a function usage site. We still have some
maintenance burden increase like in the `*.dynamic.c` but not as much. What's
really nice about this version is we can actually generate this from an xlist.
We can't so easily use an xlist in the other case because the pattern expansion
is a little too heterogenous.
This is essentially what I do in this example. I generate the function pointers
from an xlist. I don't have a separate `base.dynamic.h` though, I just
put both versions of the function symbols in `base.h` and use the preprocessor
to select one or the other. This way they can easily have shared type
definitions and constants.
## Conclusion: Symbol Declaration ##
So the symbol declaration problem is really about deciding how to provide the
declarations that allow us to refer to symbols that get resolved dynamically.
This is only a problem for run-time linking because with load-time linking we
can just create regular function symbols with some special mark up. It would
be nice if C had anticipated this and gave us a better way to define these
run-time resolved symbols with the same basic syntax we use for regular
function symbols. But alas, that's not how it is.
########################### Dynamic Initialization ############################
The dynamic initialization problem is about how to maintain the run-time
linking code.
Imagine we have a 'base' layer like this:
void base_a(void);
void base_b(void);
void base_c(void);
If we just maintain the run-time linking with brute force our run-time linking
code would look *something* like this:
void base_init(void){
Library *library = library_open("base");
GET_PROC(base_a, library, "base_a");
GET_PROC(base_b, library, "base_b");
GET_PROC(base_c, library, "base_c");
The exact details depend on how you've solved the symbol declaration problem
and on the operating system APIs for loading and linking binaries.
We can easily clean up the maintenance burden of this part with an xlist, or
by using a single GET_PROC which then passes through a function pointer table
with the rest of the layer's functions.
The other part of dynamic initialization problem is deciding how we will ensure
the initialization actually gets done.
For instance, let's look at the layers used in this example 'base' 'plugin' and
'main'. Both 'plugin' and 'main' are users of 'base'. 'main' is responsible for
loading 'plugin' if it wants to, and for proceeding gracefully if the 'plugin'
is missing.
We need to ensure `base_init` gets called in each binary.
## Solution: manual initialization ##
For 'main' we would just say it's the responsibility of the entry point to call
For 'plugin' we have two options. The first option is that when 'main' loads
the 'plugin' layer it is responsible for reaching into the module, finding its
`base_init` function and calling it. The second option is that the 'plugin'
module has an on-load entry point that calls `base_init`.
None of these options are "broken" but they do require some extra
hand shaking and protocol designing between all these binaries.
## Solution: automatic initialization ##
Another option is to have the 'base' layer itself provide the code that does
all of the initialization automatically for the users of the 'base' layer. In
order to do this 'base' will need to be able to write something like an
"on-load hook". A function that gets called automatically when the binary
loads. The code that defines the 'base' layer will only insert this hook into
binaries that are trying to run-time link to the 'base' layer definitions.
In the *_before_main examples I show how it is actually possible to do this in
C, although the details are admittedly sketchy in the case of Windows with the
CL compiler.
This basically lets us emulate the automatic linking provided by load-time
linking, but as a downside, it means we have less flexibility about how the
layer gets loaded.
################################## Solution ###################################
The big idea of my solution is to use an xlist to minimize maintenance burden
without bringing in a whole cloth code generator.
I put all the 'base' layer functions that will be run-time linked into an
xlist file `base.xlist.h`.
I also put the normal style of symbol definition list in `base.h`. Technically
I don't need this, I could just generate it from the xlist, but then I don't
have any "normal" looking version of the function declarations. The xlist is
highly reusable, suitable for almost every purpose, but it is not very
readable. Users of my code should be able to just skim some natural looking
C code with comments and formatting to understand the code they are using.
I setup a function pointer table `BASE_Funcs` so that I only have to export
one symbol from the 'base' layer implementor. That symbol fills and exposes
the function pointer table for run-time linking.
When the base layer is included in a binary that is not the implementor the
'base' layer generates a before-main hook to load the 'base' layer and
perform the run-time linking.
Thanks to this design neither 'main' nor 'plugin' have to do anything to
start using the 'base' layer except to include it.

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ BEFORE_MAIN(base_dynamic_user_init){
#elif OS_LINUX
void *module = dlopen("./base.so", RTLD_NOW);
void *module = dlopen("$ORIGIN/base.so", RTLD_NOW);
if (module != 0){
BASE_ExportFuncs *base_export_functions = (BASE_ExportFuncs*)dlsym(module, "base_export_functions");
if (base_export_functions != 0){

View File

@ -27,13 +27,15 @@
// before-main abstraction
# pragma section(".CRT$XCU", read)
# define BEFORE_MAIN(n) static void n(void); \
__declspec(allocate(".CRT$XCU")) \
__pragma(comment(linker, "/INCLUDE:" #n "__")) \
__declspec(dllexport) \
void (*n##__)(void) = n; \
static void n(void)
@ -46,10 +48,6 @@ __attribute__((constructor)) static void n(void)
# error BEFORE_MAIN missing for this OS
// base layer types
typedef void BASE_Library;
// base symbols shared