
1253 lines
29 KiB

* 4coder base types
// TOP
#if !defined(FCODER_BASE_TYPES)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define COMPILER_CL 1
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define OS_WINDOWS 1
# else
# error This compiler/platform combo is not supported yet
# endif
# if defined(_M_AMD64)
# define ARCH_X64 1
# elif defined(_M_IX86)
# define ARCH_X86 1
# elif defined(_M_ARM64)
# define ARCH_ARM64 1
# elif defined(_M_ARM)
# define ARCH_ARM32 1
# else
# error architecture not supported yet
# endif
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
# define COMPILER_GCC 1
# if defined(__gnu_linux__)
# define OS_LINUX 1
# elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
# define OS_MAC 1
# else
# error This compiler/platform combo is not supported yet
# endif
# if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64)
# define ARCH_X64 1
# elif defined(i386) || defined(__i386) || defined(__i386__)
# define ARCH_X86 1
# elif defined(__aarch64__)
# define ARCH_ARM64 1
# elif defined(__arm__)
# define ARCH_ARM32 1
# else
# error architecture not supported yet
# endif
# error This compiler is not supported yet
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
# define ARCH_64BIT 1
#elif defined(ARCH_X86)
# define ARCH_32BIT 1
// zeroify
#if !defined(ARCH_32BIT)
#define ARCH_32BIT 0
#if !defined(ARCH_64BIT)
#define ARCH_64BIT 0
#if !defined(ARCH_X64)
#define ARCH_X64 0
#if !defined(ARCH_X86)
#define ARCH_X86 0
#if !defined(ARCH_ARM64)
#define ARCH_ARM64 0
#if !defined(ARCH_ARM32)
#define ARCH_ARM32 0
#if !defined(COMPILER_CL)
#define COMPILER_CL 0
#if !defined(COMPILER_GCC)
#define COMPILER_GCC 0
#if !defined(OS_WINDOWS)
#define OS_WINDOWS 0
#if !defined(OS_LINUX)
#define OS_LINUX 0
#if !defined(OS_MAC)
#define OS_MAC 0
#if !defined(SHIP_MODE)
#define SHIP_MODE 0
#undef SHIP_MODE
#define SHIP_MODE 1
#if _MSC_VER <= 1800
# define snprintf _snprintf
#if (_MSC_VER <= 1500)
# if ARCH_32BIT
# define CALL_CONVENTION __stdcall
# else
# endif
#if defined(JUST_GUESS_INTS)
typedef signed char i8;
typedef signed short i16;
typedef signed int i32;
typedef signed long long i64;
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef unsigned long long u64;
#include <stdint.h>
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef int32_t i32;
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef i8 b8;
typedef i32 b32;
typedef i64 b64;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
typedef void Void_Func(void);
typedef i32 Generated_Group;
#define glue_(a,b) a##b
#define glue(a,b) glue_(a,b)
#define stringify_(a) #a
#define stringify(a) stringify_(a)
#define __VA_OPT__(x)
#define function static
#define api(x)
#define internal static
#define local_persist static
#define global static
#define local_const static const
#define global_const static const
#define external extern "C"
#define ArrayCount(a) ((sizeof(a))/(sizeof(*a)))
#define ArraySafe(a,i) ((a)[(i)%ArrayCount(a)])
#define ExpandArray(a) (a), (ArrayCount(a))
#define FixSize(s) struct{ u8 __size_fixer__[s]; }
#define PtrDif(a,b) ((u8*)(a) - (u8*)(b))
#define PtrAsInt(a) PtrDif(a,0)
#define HandleAsU64(a) (u64)(PtrAsInt(a))
#define Member(S,m) (((S*)0)->m)
#define NullMember(S,m) (&Member(S,m))
#define OffsetOfMember(S,m) PtrAsInt(&Member(S,m))
#define OffsetOfMemberStruct(s,m) PtrDif(&(s)->m, (s))
#define SizeAfterMember(S,m) (sizeof(S) - OffsetOfMember(S,m))
#define CastFromMember(S,m,ptr) (S*)( (u8*)(ptr) - OffsetOfMember(S,m) )
#define IntAsPtr(a) (void*)(((u8*)0) + a)
#define Stmnt(s) do{ s }while(0)
// NOTE(allen): Assert notes:
// Break = the run time implementation of break
// - replace this to get fancier behavior on assert
// Always = assert that is not compiled out in SHIP_MODE
// - helpful for debugging specific issues
// - used rarely in normal code
// Message = unconditional asserts with an attached message
// - InvalidPath version for paths of a switch or if-else dispatch that should always be unreachable
// - NotImplemented version for stubs functions that are not yet completed
// Static = asserts that contain only compile time constants and become compilation errors
// Disambiguate = for static asserts that happen to have name conflicts
#define AssertBreak(m) (*((i32*)0) = 0xA11E)
#define AssertAlways(c) Stmnt( if (!(c)) { AssertBreak(c); } )
#define AssertMessageAlways(m) AssertBreak(m)
#define StaticAssertDisambiguateAlways(c,d) char glue(__ignore__, glue(__LINE__, d))[(c)?1:-1];
#define StaticAssertAlways(c) StaticAssertDisambiguateAlways(c,__default__)
#define Assert(c) AssertAlways(c)
#define AssertMessage(m) AssertMessageAlways(m)
#define StaticAssertDisambiguate(c,d) StaticAssertDisambiguateAlways(c,d)
#define StaticAssert(c) StaticAssertAlways(c)
#define Assert(c)
#define AssertMessage(m)
#define StaticAssertDisambiguate(c,d)
#define StaticAssert(c)
#define AssertImplies(a,b) Assert(!(a) || (b))
#define InvalidPath AssertMessage("invalid path")
#define NotImplemented AssertMessage("not implemented")
#define DontCompile NoSeriouslyDontCompile
#define B(x) (x)
#define KB(x) ((x) << 10)
#define MB(x) ((x) << 20)
#define GB(x) ((x) << 30)
#define TB(x) (((u64)x) << 40)
#define Thousand(x) ((x)*1000)
#define Million(x) ((x)*1000000)
#define Billion(x) ((x)*1000000000)
#define HasFlag(fi,fl) (((fi)&(fl))!=0)
#define HasAllFlag(fi,fl) (((fi)&(fl))==(fl))
#define AddFlag(fi,fl) ((fi)|=(fl))
#define RemFlag(fi,fl) ((fi)&=(~(fl)))
#define MovFlag(fi1,fl1,fi2,fl2) ((HasFlag(fi1,fl1))?(AddFlag(fi2,fl2)):(fi2))
#define Swap(t,a,b) do { t glue(hidden_temp_,__LINE__) = a; a = b; b = glue(hidden_temp_,__LINE__); } while(0)
#define div_round_up_positive_(n,d) (n + d - 1)/d
#define div_round_up_positive(n,d) (div_round_up_positive_((n),(d)))
#define DrCase(PC) case PC: goto resumespot_##PC
#define DrYield(PC, n) { *S_ptr = S; S_ptr->__pc__ = PC; return(n); resumespot_##PC:; }
#define DrReturn(n) { *S_ptr = S; S_ptr->__pc__ = -1; return(n); }
#define Max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define Min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define clamp_top(a,b) Min(a,b)
#define clamp_bot(a,b) Max(a,b)
#define clamp_(a,x,b) ((a>x)?a:((b<x)?b:x))
#define clamp(a,x,b) clamp_((a),(x),(b))
#define array_initr(a) {(a), ArrayCount(a)}
global_const u8 max_u8 = 0xFF;
global_const u16 max_u16 = 0xFFFF;
global_const u32 max_u32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
global_const u64 max_u64 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
global_const i8 max_i8 = 127;
global_const i16 max_i16 = 32767;
global_const i32 max_i32 = 2147483647;
global_const i64 max_i64 = 9223372036854775807;
global_const i8 min_i8 = -127 - 1;
global_const i16 min_i16 = -32767 - 1;
global_const i32 min_i32 = -2147483647 - 1;
global_const i64 min_i64 = -9223372036854775807 - 1;
global_const f32 max_f32 = 3.402823466e+38f;
global_const f32 min_f32 = -max_f32;
global_const f32 smallest_positive_f32 = 1.1754943508e-38f;
global_const f32 epsilon_f32 = 5.96046448e-8f;
global_const f32 pi_f32 = 3.14159265359f;
global_const f32 half_pi_f32 = 1.5707963267f;
#define clamp_signed_to_i8(x) (i8)(clamp((i64)i8_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i8_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_i16(x) (i16)(clamp((i64)i16_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i16_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_i32(x) (i32)(clamp((i64)i32_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i32_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_i64(x) (i64)(clamp((i64)i64_min, (i64)(x), (i64)i64_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_i8(x) (i8)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)i8_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_i16(x) (i16)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)i16_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_i32(x) (i32)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)i32_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_i64(x) (i64)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)i64_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_u8(x) (u8)(clamp_top((u64)clamp_bot(0, (i64)(x)), (u64)u8_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_u16(x) (u16)(clamp_top((u64)clamp_bot(0, (i64)(x)), (u64)u16_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_u32(x) (u32)(clamp_top((u64)clamp_bot(0, (i64)(x)), (u64)u32_max))
#define clamp_signed_to_u64(x) (u64)(clamp_top((u64)clamp_bot(0, (i64)(x)), (u64)u64_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_u8(x) (u8)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)u8_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_u16(x) (u16)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)u16_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_u32(x) (u32)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)u32_max))
#define clamp_unsigned_to_u64(x) (u64)(clamp_top((u64)(x), (u64)u64_max))
#define line_number_as_string stringify(__LINE__)
#define file_name_line_number __FILE__ ":" line_number_as_string ":"
#define require(c) Stmnt( if (!(c)){ return(0); } )
global_const u32 bit_1 = 0x00000001;
global_const u32 bit_2 = 0x00000002;
global_const u32 bit_3 = 0x00000004;
global_const u32 bit_4 = 0x00000008;
global_const u32 bit_5 = 0x00000010;
global_const u32 bit_6 = 0x00000020;
global_const u32 bit_7 = 0x00000040;
global_const u32 bit_8 = 0x00000080;
global_const u32 bit_9 = 0x00000100;
global_const u32 bit_10 = 0x00000200;
global_const u32 bit_11 = 0x00000400;
global_const u32 bit_12 = 0x00000800;
global_const u32 bit_13 = 0x00001000;
global_const u32 bit_14 = 0x00002000;
global_const u32 bit_15 = 0x00004000;
global_const u32 bit_16 = 0x00008000;
global_const u32 bit_17 = 0x00010000;
global_const u32 bit_18 = 0x00020000;
global_const u32 bit_19 = 0x00040000;
global_const u32 bit_20 = 0x00080000;
global_const u32 bit_21 = 0x00100000;
global_const u32 bit_22 = 0x00200000;
global_const u32 bit_23 = 0x00400000;
global_const u32 bit_24 = 0x00800000;
global_const u32 bit_25 = 0x01000000;
global_const u32 bit_26 = 0x02000000;
global_const u32 bit_27 = 0x04000000;
global_const u32 bit_28 = 0x08000000;
global_const u32 bit_29 = 0x10000000;
global_const u32 bit_30 = 0x20000000;
global_const u32 bit_31 = 0x40000000;
global_const u32 bit_32 = 0x80000000;
global_const u64 bit_33 = 0x0000000100000000;
global_const u64 bit_34 = 0x0000000200000000;
global_const u64 bit_35 = 0x0000000400000000;
global_const u64 bit_36 = 0x0000000800000000;
global_const u64 bit_37 = 0x0000001000000000;
global_const u64 bit_38 = 0x0000002000000000;
global_const u64 bit_39 = 0x0000004000000000;
global_const u64 bit_40 = 0x0000008000000000;
global_const u64 bit_41 = 0x0000010000000000;
global_const u64 bit_42 = 0x0000020000000000;
global_const u64 bit_43 = 0x0000040000000000;
global_const u64 bit_44 = 0x0000080000000000;
global_const u64 bit_45 = 0x0000100000000000;
global_const u64 bit_46 = 0x0000200000000000;
global_const u64 bit_47 = 0x0000400000000000;
global_const u64 bit_48 = 0x0000800000000000;
global_const u64 bit_49 = 0x0001000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_50 = 0x0002000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_51 = 0x0004000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_52 = 0x0008000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_53 = 0x0010000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_54 = 0x0020000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_55 = 0x0040000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_56 = 0x0080000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_57 = 0x0100000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_58 = 0x0200000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_59 = 0x0400000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_60 = 0x0800000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_61 = 0x1000000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_62 = 0x2000000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_63 = 0x4000000000000000;
global_const u64 bit_64 = 0x8000000000000000;
global_const u32 bitmask_1 = 0x00000001;
global_const u32 bitmask_2 = 0x00000003;
global_const u32 bitmask_3 = 0x00000007;
global_const u32 bitmask_4 = 0x0000000f;
global_const u32 bitmask_5 = 0x0000001f;
global_const u32 bitmask_6 = 0x0000003f;
global_const u32 bitmask_7 = 0x0000007f;
global_const u32 bitmask_8 = 0x000000ff;
global_const u32 bitmask_9 = 0x000001ff;
global_const u32 bitmask_10 = 0x000003ff;
global_const u32 bitmask_11 = 0x000007ff;
global_const u32 bitmask_12 = 0x00000fff;
global_const u32 bitmask_13 = 0x00001fff;
global_const u32 bitmask_14 = 0x00003fff;
global_const u32 bitmask_15 = 0x00007fff;
global_const u32 bitmask_16 = 0x0000ffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_17 = 0x0001ffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_18 = 0x0003ffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_19 = 0x0007ffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_20 = 0x000fffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_21 = 0x001fffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_22 = 0x003fffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_23 = 0x007fffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_24 = 0x00ffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_25 = 0x01ffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_26 = 0x03ffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_27 = 0x07ffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_28 = 0x0fffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_29 = 0x1fffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_30 = 0x3fffffff;
global_const u32 bitmask_31 = 0x7fffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_32 = 0x00000000ffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_33 = 0x00000001ffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_34 = 0x00000003ffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_35 = 0x00000007ffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_36 = 0x0000000fffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_37 = 0x0000001fffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_38 = 0x0000003fffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_39 = 0x0000007fffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_40 = 0x000000ffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_41 = 0x000001ffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_42 = 0x000003ffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_43 = 0x000007ffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_44 = 0x00000fffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_45 = 0x00001fffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_46 = 0x00003fffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_47 = 0x00007fffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_48 = 0x0000ffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_49 = 0x0001ffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_50 = 0x0003ffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_51 = 0x0007ffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_52 = 0x000fffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_53 = 0x001fffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_54 = 0x003fffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_55 = 0x007fffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_56 = 0x00ffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_57 = 0x01ffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_58 = 0x03ffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_59 = 0x07ffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_60 = 0x0fffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_61 = 0x1fffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_62 = 0x3fffffffffffffff;
global_const u64 bitmask_63 = 0x7fffffffffffffff;
struct Node{
Node *next;
Node *prev;
union SNode{
SNode *next;
SNode *prev;
#define dll_init_sentinel_NP_(s,next,prev) s->next=s,s->prev=s
#define dll_insert_NP_(p,n1,n2,next,prev) n2->next=p->next,n1->prev=p,p->next->prev=n2,p->next=n1
#define dll_remove_NP_(n1,n2,next,prev) n2->next->prev=n1->prev,n1->prev->next=n2->next,n2->next=n1->prev=0
#define dll_init_sentinel_(s) dll_init_sentinel_NP_(s,next,prev)
#define dll_insert_(p,n) dll_insert_NP_(p,n,n,next,prev)
#define dll_insert_multiple_(p,n1,n2) dll_insert_NP_(p,n1,n2,next,prev)
#define dll_insert_back_(p,n) dll_insert_NP_(p,n,n,prev,next)
#define dll_insert_multiple_back_(p,n1,n2) dll_insert_NP_(p,n2,n1,prev,next)
#define dll_remove_(n) dll_remove_NP_(n,n,next,prev)
#define dll_remove_multiple_(n1,n2) dll_remove_NP_(n1,n2,next,prev)
#define dll_init_sentinel(s) (dll_init_sentinel_((s)))
#define dll_insert(p,n) (dll_insert_((p),(n)))
#define dll_insert_multiple(p,n1,n2) (dll_insert_multiple_((p),(n1),(n2)))
#define dll_insert_back(p,n) (dll_insert_back_((p),(n)))
#define dll_insert_multiple_back(p,n1,n2) (dll_insert_multiple_back_((p),(n1),(n2)))
#define dll_remove(n) (dll_remove_((n)))
#define dll_remove_multiple(n1,n2) (dll_remove_multiple_((n1),(n2)))
#define sll_stack_push_(h,n) n->next=h,h=n
#define sll_stack_pop_(h) h=h=h->next
#define sll_queue_push_multiple_(f,l,ff,ll) if(ll){if(f){l->next=ff;}else{f=ff;}l=ll;l->next=0;}
#define sll_queue_push_(f,l,n) sll_queue_push_multiple_(f,l,n,n)
#define sll_queue_pop_(f,l) if (f==l) { f=l=0; } else { f=f->next; }
#define sll_stack_push(h,n) (sll_stack_push_((h),(n)))
#define sll_stack_pop(h) (sll_stack_pop_((h)))
#define sll_queue_push_multiple(f,l,ff,ll) Stmnt( sll_queue_push_multiple_((f),(l),(ff),(ll)) )
#define sll_queue_push(f,l,n) Stmnt( sll_queue_push_((f),(l),(n)) )
#define sll_queue_pop(f,l) Stmnt( sll_queue_pop_((f),(l)) )
#define zdll_push_back_NP_(f,l,n,next,prev) ((f==0)?(n->next=n->prev=0,f=l=n):(n->prev=l,n->next=0,l->next=n,l=n))
#define zdll_remove_back_NP_(f,l,next,prev) ((f==l)?(f=l=0):(l->prev->next=0,l=l->prev))
#define zdll_remove_NP_(f,l,n,next,prev) \
((l==n)?(zdll_remove_back_NP_(f,l,next,prev)) \
:(f==n)?(zdll_remove_back_NP_(l,f,prev,next)) \
: (dll_remove_NP_(n,n,next,prev)))
#define zdll_push_back(f,l,n) zdll_push_back_NP_((f),(l),(n),next,prev)
#define zdll_push_front(f,l,n) zdll_push_back_NP_((l),(f),(n),prev,next)
#define zdll_remove_back(f,l) zdll_remove_back_NP_((f),(l),next,prev)
#define zdll_remove_front(f,l) zdll_remove_back_NP_((l),(f),prev,next)
#define zdll_remove(f,l,n) zdll_remove_NP_((f),(l),(n),next,prev)
union Vec2_i8{
i8 x;
i8 y;
i8 v[2];
union Vec3_i8{
i8 x;
i8 y;
i8 z;
i8 r;
i8 g;
i8 b;
i8 v[3];
union Vec4_i8{
i8 x;
i8 y;
i8 z;
i8 w;
i8 r;
i8 g;
i8 b;
i8 a;
i8 v[4];
union Vec2_i16{
i16 x;
i16 y;
i16 v[2];
union Vec3_i16{
i16 x;
i16 y;
i16 z;
i16 r;
i16 g;
i16 b;
i16 v[3];
union Vec4_i16{
i16 x;
i16 y;
i16 z;
i16 w;
i16 r;
i16 g;
i16 b;
i16 a;
i16 v[4];
union Vec2_i32{
i32 x;
i32 y;
i32 v[2];
union Vec3_i32{
i32 x;
i32 y;
i32 z;
i32 r;
i32 g;
i32 b;
i32 v[3];
union Vec4_i32{
i32 x;
i32 y;
i32 z;
i32 w;
i32 r;
i32 g;
i32 b;
i32 a;
i32 v[4];
union Vec2_f32{
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 v[2];
union Vec3_f32{
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 z;
f32 r;
f32 g;
f32 b;
f32 v[3];
union Vec4_f32{
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 z;
f32 w;
f32 r;
f32 g;
f32 b;
f32 a;
f32 h;
f32 s;
f32 l;
f32 __a;
f32 v[4];
union Range_i32{
i32 min;
i32 max;
i32 start;
i32 end;
i32 first;
i32 one_past_last;
union Range_i64{
i64 min;
i64 max;
i64 start;
i64 end;
i64 first;
i64 one_past_last;
union Range_u64{
u64 min;
u64 max;
u64 start;
u64 end;
u64 first;
u64 one_past_last;
union Range_f32{
f32 min;
f32 max;
f32 start;
f32 end;
f32 first;
f32 one_past_last;
struct Range_i32_Array{
Range_i32 *ranges;
i32 count;
struct Range_i64_Array{
Range_i64 *ranges;
i32 count;
struct Range_u64_Array{
Range_u64 *ranges;
i32 count;
struct Range_f32_Array{
Range_f32 *ranges;
i32 count;
union Rect_i32{
i32 x0;
i32 y0;
i32 x1;
i32 y1;
Vec2_i32 p0;
Vec2_i32 p1;
Vec2_i32 p[2];
union Rect_f32{
f32 x0;
f32 y0;
f32 x1;
f32 y1;
Vec2_f32 p0;
Vec2_f32 p1;
Vec2_f32 p[2];
union Rect_f32_Pair{
Rect_f32 a;
Rect_f32 b;
Rect_f32 min;
Rect_f32 max;
Rect_f32 e[2];
typedef u32 ARGB_Color;
struct i8_Array{
i8 *vals;
i32 coint;
struct i16_Array{
i16 *vals;
i32 coint;
struct i32_Array{
i32 *vals;
i32 coint;
struct i64_Array{
i64 *vals;
i32 coint;
struct u8_Array{
u8 *vals;
i32 count;
struct u16_Array{
u16 *vals;
i32 count;
struct u32_Array{
u32 *vals;
i32 count;
struct u64_Array{
u64 *vals;
i32 count;
typedef i32 String_Fill_Terminate_Rule;
StringFill_NoTerminate = 0,
StringFill_NullTerminate = 1,
typedef u32 String_Separator_Flag;
StringSeparator_NoFlags = 0,
StringSeparator_BeforeFirst = 1,
StringSeparator_AfterLast = 2,
typedef i32 String_Match_Rule;
StringMatch_Exact = 0,
StringMatch_CaseInsensitive = 1,
struct String_Const_char{
char *str;
u64 size;
struct String_Const_u8{
void *data;
u8 *str;
u64 size;
struct String_Const_u16{
u16 *str;
u64 size;
struct String_Const_u32{
u32 *str;
u64 size;
struct String_Const_char_Array{
String_Const_char *strings;
String_Const_char *vals;
i32 count;
struct String_Const_u8_Array{
String_Const_u8 *strings;
String_Const_u8 *vals;
i32 count;
struct String_Const_u16_Array{
String_Const_u16 *strings;
String_Const_u16 *vals;
i32 count;
struct String_Const_u32_Array{
String_Const_u32 *strings;
String_Const_u32 *vals;
i32 count;
typedef i32 String_Encoding;
StringEncoding_ASCII = 0,
StringEncoding_UTF8 = 1,
StringEncoding_UTF16 = 2,
StringEncoding_UTF32 = 3,
struct String_Const_Any{
String_Encoding encoding;
void *str;
u64 size;
String_Const_char s_char;
String_Const_u8 s_u8;
String_Const_u16 s_u16;
String_Const_u32 s_u32;
struct Node_String_Const_char{
Node_String_Const_char *next;
String_Const_char string;
struct Node_String_Const_u8{
Node_String_Const_u8 *next;
String_Const_u8 string;
struct Node_String_Const_u16{
Node_String_Const_u16 *next;
String_Const_u16 string;
struct Node_String_Const_u32{
Node_String_Const_u32 *next;
String_Const_u32 string;
struct List_String_Const_char{
Node_String_Const_char *first;
Node_String_Const_char *last;
u64 total_size;
i32 node_count;
struct List_String_Const_u8{
Node_String_Const_u8 *first;
Node_String_Const_u8 *last;
u64 total_size;
i32 node_count;
struct List_String_Const_u16{
Node_String_Const_u16 *first;
Node_String_Const_u16 *last;
u64 total_size;
i32 node_count;
struct List_String_Const_u32{
Node_String_Const_u32 *first;
Node_String_Const_u32 *last;
u64 total_size;
i32 node_count;
struct Node_String_Const_Any{
Node_String_Const_Any *next;
String_Const_Any string;
struct List_String_Const_Any{
Node_String_Const_Any *first;
Node_String_Const_Any *last;
u64 total_size;
i32 node_count;
struct String_char{
String_Const_char string;
char *str;
u64 size;
u64 cap;
struct String_u8{
String_Const_u8 string;
u8 *str;
u64 size;
u64 cap;
struct String_u16{
String_Const_u16 string;
u16 *str;
u64 size;
u64 cap;
struct String_u32{
String_Const_u32 string;
u32 *str;
u64 size;
u64 cap;
struct String_Any{
String_Encoding encoding;
void *str;
u64 size;
u64 cap;
String_char s_char;
String_u8 s_u8;
String_u16 s_u16;
String_u32 s_u32;
typedef i32 Line_Ending_Kind;
struct Character_Consume_Result{
u32 inc;
u32 codepoint;
global u32 surrogate_min = 0xD800;
global u32 surrogate_max = 0xDFFF;
global u32 nonchar_min = 0xFDD0;
global u32 nonchar_max = 0xFDEF;
struct Data{
u8 *data;
u64 size;
typedef u32 Access_Flag;
AccessFlag_Read = 1,
AccessFlag_Write = 2,
AccessFlag_Exec = 4,
typedef i32 Dimension;
Dimension_X = 0,
Dimension_Y = 1,
Dimension_Z = 2,
Dimension_W = 3,
typedef i32 Coordinate;
Coordinate_X = 0,
Coordinate_Y = 1,
Coordinate_Z = 2,
Coordinate_W = 3,
typedef i32 Side;
Side_Min = 0,
Side_Max = 1,
typedef i32 Scan_Direction;
Scan_Backward = -1,
Scan_Forward = 1,
typedef void *Base_Allocator_Reserve_Signature(void *user_data, u64 size, u64 *size_out, String_Const_u8 location);
typedef void Base_Allocator_Commit_Signature(void *user_data, void *ptr, u64 size);
typedef void Base_Allocator_Uncommit_Signature(void *user_data, void *ptr, u64 size);
typedef void Base_Allocator_Free_Signature(void *user_data, void *ptr);
typedef void Base_Allocator_Set_Access_Signature(void *user_data, void *ptr, u64 size, Access_Flag flags);
struct Base_Allocator{
Base_Allocator_Reserve_Signature *reserve;
Base_Allocator_Commit_Signature *commit;
Base_Allocator_Uncommit_Signature *uncommit;
Base_Allocator_Free_Signature *free;
Base_Allocator_Set_Access_Signature *set_access;
void *user_data;
struct Cursor{
u8 *base;
u64 pos;
u64 cap;
struct Temp_Memory_Cursor{
Cursor *cursor;
u64 pos;
struct Cursor_Node{
Cursor_Node *next;
Cursor_Node *prev;
Cursor cursor;
struct Arena{
Base_Allocator *base_allocator;
Cursor_Node *cursor_node;
u64 chunk_size;
u64 alignment;
struct Temp_Memory_Arena{
Arena *arena;
Cursor_Node *cursor_node;
u64 pos;
typedef i32 Linear_Allocator_Kind;
struct Temp_Memory{
Linear_Allocator_Kind kind;
Temp_Memory_Cursor temp_memory_cursor;
Temp_Memory_Arena temp_memory_arena;
struct Arena_Node{
Arena_Node *next;
Arena arena;
typedef u64 Profile_ID;
struct Profile_Record{
Profile_Record *next;
Profile_ID id;
u64 time;
String_Const_u8 location;
String_Const_u8 name;
struct Profile_Thread{
Profile_Thread *next;
Profile_Record *first_record;
Profile_Record *last_record;
i32 record_count;
i32 thread_id;
String_Const_u8 name;
typedef u32 Profile_Enable_Flag;
ProfileEnable_UserBit = 0x1,
ProfileEnable_InspectBit = 0x2,
// NOTE(allen): full definition in 4coder_profile.h, due to dependency on System_Mutex.
struct Profile_Global_List;
typedef i32 Thread_Kind;
struct Thread_Context{
Thread_Kind kind;
Base_Allocator *allocator;
Arena node_arena;
Arena_Node *free_arenas;
Arena *sharable_scratch;
Base_Allocator *prof_allocator;
Profile_ID prof_id_counter;
Arena prof_arena;
Profile_Record *prof_first;
Profile_Record *prof_last;
i32 prof_record_count;
void *user_data;
typedef i32 Scratch_Share_Code;
struct Scratch_Block{
Arena *arena;
Temp_Memory temp;
b32 do_full_clear;
Thread_Context *tctx;
Arena *sharable_restore;
Scratch_Block(struct Thread_Context *tctx, Scratch_Share_Code share);
Scratch_Block(struct Thread_Context *tctx);
Scratch_Block(struct Application_Links *app, Scratch_Share_Code share);
Scratch_Block(struct Application_Links *app);
operator Arena*();
void restore(void);
struct Temp_Memory_Block{
Temp_Memory temp;
Temp_Memory_Block(Temp_Memory temp);
Temp_Memory_Block(Arena *arena);
void restore(void);
struct Heap_Basic_Node{
Heap_Basic_Node *next;
Heap_Basic_Node *prev;
struct Heap_Node{
Heap_Basic_Node order;
Heap_Basic_Node alloc;
u64 size;
u8 force_size__[64];
struct Heap{
Arena arena_;
Arena *arena;
Heap_Basic_Node in_order;
Heap_Basic_Node free_nodes;
u64 used_space;
u64 total_space;