
741 lines
28 KiB

4coder_draw.cpp - Layout and rendering implementation of standard UI pieces (including buffers)
// TOP
function FColor
get_margin_color(i32 level){
FColor margin = fcolor_zero();
switch (level){
case UIHighlight_None:
margin = fcolor_id(Stag_List_Item);
case UIHighlight_Hover:
margin = fcolor_id(Stag_List_Item_Hover);
case UIHighlight_Active:
margin = fcolor_id(Stag_List_Item_Active);
function Vec2_f32
draw_string(Application_Links *app, Face_ID font_id, String_Const_u8 string,
Vec2_f32 p, FColor color){
return(draw_string_oriented(app, font_id, color, string, p, 0, V2(1.f, 0.f)));
function void
draw_margin(Application_Links *app, Rect_f32 outer, Rect_f32 inner, FColor color){
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(outer.x0, outer.y0, outer.x1, inner.y0), 0.f, color);
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(outer.x0, inner.y1, outer.x1, outer.y1), 0.f, color);
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(outer.x0, inner.y0, inner.x0, inner.y1), 0.f, color);
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(inner.x1, inner.y0, outer.x1, inner.y1), 0.f, color);
function void
draw_character_block(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, i64 pos,
f32 roundness, FColor color){
Rect_f32 rect = text_layout_character_on_screen(app, layout, pos);
draw_rectangle(app, rect, roundness, color);
function void
draw_character_block(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, Range_i64 range,
f32 roundness, FColor color){
if (range.first < range.one_past_last){
i64 i = range.first;
Rect_f32 first_rect = text_layout_character_on_screen(app, layout, i);
i += 1;
Range_f32 y = rect_range_y(first_rect);
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(first_rect);
for (;i < range.one_past_last; i += 1){
Rect_f32 rect = text_layout_character_on_screen(app, layout, i);
if (rect.x0 < rect.x1 && rect.y0 < rect.y1){
Range_f32 new_y = rect_range_y(rect);
Range_f32 new_x = rect_range_x(rect);
b32 joinable = false;
if (new_y == y && (range_overlap(x, new_x) || x.max == new_x.min || new_x.max == x.min)){
joinable = true;
if (!joinable){
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(x, y), roundness, color);
y = new_y;
x = new_x;
x = range_union(x, new_x);
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(x, y), roundness, color);
for (i64 i = range.first; i < range.one_past_last; i += 1){
draw_character_block(app, layout, i, roundness, color);
function void
draw_character_wire_frame(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, i64 pos,
f32 roundness, f32 thickness, FColor color){
Rect_f32 rect = text_layout_character_on_screen(app, layout, pos);
draw_rectangle_outline(app, rect, roundness, thickness, color);
function void
draw_character_wire_frame(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout,
Range_i64 range, f32 roundness, f32 thickness,
FColor color){
for (i64 i = range.first; i < range.one_past_last; i += 1){
draw_character_wire_frame(app, layout, i, roundness, thickness, color);
function void
draw_character_i_bar(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, i64 pos,
FColor color){
Rect_f32 rect = text_layout_character_on_screen(app, layout, pos);
rect.x1 = rect.x0 + 1.f;
draw_rectangle(app, rect, 0.f, color);
function void
draw_line_highlight(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout,
Range_i64 line_range, FColor color){
Range_f32 y1 = text_layout_line_on_screen(app, layout, line_range.min);
Range_f32 y2 = text_layout_line_on_screen(app, layout, line_range.max);
Range_f32 y = range_union(y1, y2);
if (range_size(y) > 0.f){
Rect_f32 region = text_layout_region(app, layout);
draw_rectangle(app, Rf32(rect_range_x(region), y), 0.f, color);
function void
draw_line_highlight(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, i64 line,
FColor color){
draw_line_highlight(app, layout, Ii64(line), color);
function void
paint_text_color_pos(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID layout, i64 pos,
FColor color){
paint_text_color(app, layout, Ii64(pos, pos + 1), color);
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_file_bar_on_top(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height){
return(rect_split_top_bottom(rect, line_height + 2.f));
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_file_bar_on_bot(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height){
return(rect_split_top_bottom_neg(rect, line_height + 2.f));
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_query_bar_on_top(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height, i32 bar_count){
return(rect_split_top_bottom(rect, (line_height + 2.f)*bar_count));
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_query_bar_on_bot(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height, i32 bar_count){
return(rect_split_top_bottom_neg(rect, (line_height + 2.f)*bar_count));
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_line_number_margin(Rect_f32 rect, f32 digit_advance, i64 digit_count){
f32 margin_width = (f32)digit_count*digit_advance + 2.f;
return(rect_split_left_right(rect, margin_width));
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_line_number_margin(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Rect_f32 rect, f32 digit_advance){
i64 line_count = buffer_get_line_count(app, buffer);
i64 line_count_digit_count = digit_count_from_integer(line_count, 10);
return(layout_line_number_margin(rect, digit_advance, line_count_digit_count));
global_const i32 fps_history_depth = 10;
function Rect_f32_Pair
layout_fps_hud_on_bottom(Rect_f32 rect, f32 line_height){
return(rect_split_top_bottom_neg(rect, line_height*fps_history_depth));
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, b32 is_active_view){
Rect_f32 view_rect = view_get_screen_rect(app, view);
Rect_f32 inner = rect_inner(view_rect, 3.f);
FColor margin_color = get_margin_color(is_active_view?
draw_rectangle(app, inner, 0.f, fcolor_id(Stag_Back));
draw_margin(app, view_rect, inner, margin_color);
function Rect_f32
draw_background_and_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
View_ID active_view = get_active_view(app, Access_Always);
b32 is_active_view = (active_view == view);
return(draw_background_and_margin(app, view, is_active_view));
function void
draw_file_bar(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer, Face_ID face_id, Rect_f32 bar){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
draw_rectangle(app, bar, 0.f, fcolor_id(Stag_Bar));
FColor base_color = fcolor_id(Stag_Base);
FColor pop2_color = fcolor_id(Stag_Pop2);
i64 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view_id);
Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(cursor_position));
Fancy_Line list = {};
String_Const_u8 unique_name = push_buffer_unique_name(app, scratch, buffer);
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, base_color, unique_name);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, base_color, " - Row: %3.lld Col: %3.lld -", cursor.line, cursor.col);
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer);
Line_Ending_Kind *eol_setting = scope_attachment(app, scope, buffer_eol_setting,
switch (*eol_setting){
case LineEndingKind_Binary:
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, base_color, string_u8_litexpr(" bin"));
case LineEndingKind_LF:
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, base_color, string_u8_litexpr(" lf"));
case LineEndingKind_CRLF:
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, base_color, string_u8_litexpr(" crlf"));
Dirty_State dirty = buffer_get_dirty_state(app, buffer);
u8 space[3];
String_u8 str = Su8(space, 0, 3);
if (dirty != 0){
string_append(&str, string_u8_litexpr(" "));
if (HasFlag(dirty, DirtyState_UnsavedChanges)){
string_append(&str, string_u8_litexpr("*"));
if (HasFlag(dirty, DirtyState_UnloadedChanges)){
string_append(&str, string_u8_litexpr("!"));
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, pop2_color, str.string);
Vec2 p = bar.p0 + V2(2.f, 2.f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
function void
draw_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *query_bar, Face_ID face_id, Rect_f32 bar){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(Stag_Pop1) , query_bar->prompt);
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(Stag_Default), query_bar->string);
Vec2_f32 p = bar.p0 + V2(2.f, 2.f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
function void
draw_line_number_margin(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer, Face_ID face_id,
Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Rect_f32 margin){
Rect_f32 prev_clip = draw_set_clip(app, margin);
draw_rectangle(app, margin, 0.f, fcolor_id(Stag_Line_Numbers_Back));
Interval_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
FColor line_color = fcolor_id(Stag_Line_Numbers_Text);
i64 line_count = buffer_get_line_count(app, buffer);
i64 line_count_digit_count = digit_count_from_integer(line_count, 10);
Scratch_Block scratch(app, Scratch_Share);
Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(visible_range.first));
i64 line_number = cursor.line;
for (;cursor.pos <= visible_range.one_past_last;){
if (line_number > line_count){
Range_f32 line_y = text_layout_line_on_screen(app, text_layout_id, line_number);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(margin.x0, line_y.min);
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
Fancy_String *string = push_fancy_stringf(scratch, 0, line_color,
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), string, p);
line_number += 1;
draw_set_clip(app, prev_clip);
function void
draw_fps_hud(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info,
Face_ID face_id, Rect_f32 rect){
Face_Metrics face_metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = face_metrics.line_height;
local_persist f32 history_literal_dt[fps_history_depth] = {};
local_persist f32 history_animation_dt[fps_history_depth] = {};
local_persist i32 history_frame_index[fps_history_depth] = {};
i32 wrapped_index = frame_info.index%fps_history_depth;
history_literal_dt[wrapped_index] = frame_info.literal_dt;
history_animation_dt[wrapped_index] = frame_info.animation_dt;
history_frame_index[wrapped_index] = frame_info.index;
draw_rectangle(app, rect, 0.f, f_black);
draw_rectangle_outline(app, rect, 0.f, 1.f, f_white);
Vec2_f32 p = rect.p0;
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Range ranges[2];
ranges[0].first = wrapped_index;
ranges[0].one_past_last = -1;
ranges[1].first = fps_history_depth - 1;
ranges[1].one_past_last = wrapped_index;
for (i32 i = 0; i < 2; i += 1){
Range r = ranges[i];
for (i32 j = r.first; j > r.one_past_last; j -= 1, p.y += line_height){
f32 dts[2];
dts[0] = history_literal_dt[j];
dts[1] = history_animation_dt[j];
i32 frame_index = history_frame_index[j];
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_pink , "FPS: ");
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_green, "[");
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_white, "%5d", frame_index);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_green, "]: ");
for (i32 k = 0; k < 2; k += 1){
f32 dt = dts[k];
if (dt == 0.f){
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_white, "----------");
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_white, "%10.6f", dt);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, f_green, " | ");
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
function FColor
get_token_color_cpp(Token token){
ID_Color color = Stag_Default;
switch (token.kind){
case TokenBaseKind_Preprocessor:
color = Stag_Preproc;
case TokenBaseKind_Keyword:
color = Stag_Keyword;
case TokenBaseKind_Comment:
color = Stag_Comment;
case TokenBaseKind_LiteralString:
color = Stag_Str_Constant;
case TokenBaseKind_LiteralInteger:
color = Stag_Int_Constant;
case TokenBaseKind_LiteralFloat:
color = Stag_Float_Constant;
switch (token.sub_kind){
case TokenCppKind_LiteralTrue:
case TokenCppKind_LiteralFalse:
color = Stag_Bool_Constant;
case TokenCppKind_LiteralCharacter:
case TokenCppKind_LiteralCharacterWide:
case TokenCppKind_LiteralCharacterUTF8:
case TokenCppKind_LiteralCharacterUTF16:
case TokenCppKind_LiteralCharacterUTF32:
color = Stag_Char_Constant;
case TokenCppKind_PPIncludeFile:
color = Stag_Include;
function void
draw_buffer_add_cpp_token_colors(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Token_Array *array){
Interval_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
i64 first_index = token_index_from_pos(array, visible_range.first);
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_index(0, array, first_index);
for (;;){
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (token->pos >= visible_range.one_past_last){
FColor color = get_token_color_cpp(*token);
paint_text_color(app, text_layout_id, Ii64_size(token->pos, token->size),
if (!token_it_inc_non_whitespace(&it)){
function void
draw_comment_highlights(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
Token_Array *array, Comment_Highlight_Pair *pairs, i32 pair_count){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Interval_i64 visible_range = text_layout_get_visible_range(app, text_layout_id);
i64 first_index = token_index_from_pos(array, visible_range.first);
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_index(buffer, array, first_index);
for (;;){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (token->pos >= visible_range.one_past_last){
String_Const_u8 tail = {};
if (token_it_check_and_get_lexeme(app, scratch, &it, TokenBaseKind_Comment, &tail)){
for (i64 index = token->pos;
tail.size > 0;
tail = string_skip(tail, 1), index += 1){
Comment_Highlight_Pair *pair = pairs;
for (i32 i = 0; i < pair_count; i += 1, pair += 1){
umem needle_size = pair->needle.size;
if (needle_size == 0){
String_Const_u8 prefix = string_prefix(tail, needle_size);
if (string_match(prefix, pair->needle)){
Range_i64 range = Ii64_size(index, needle_size);
paint_text_color(app, text_layout_id, range, pair->color);
tail = string_skip(tail, needle_size - 1);
index += needle_size - 1;
if (!token_it_inc_non_whitespace(&it)){
function Range_i64_Array
get_enclosure_ranges(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, i64 pos, u32 flags){
Range_i64_Array array = {};
i32 max = 100;
array.ranges = push_array(arena, Range_i64, max);
for (;;){
Range_i64 range = {};
if (find_surrounding_nest(app, buffer, pos, flags, &range)){
array.ranges[array.count] = range;
array.count += 1;
pos = range.first;
if (array.count >= max){
function void
draw_enclosures(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Buffer_ID buffer,
i64 pos, u32 flags, Range_Highlight_Kind kind,
FColor *back_colors, FColor *fore_colors, i32 color_count){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Range_i64_Array ranges = get_enclosure_ranges(app, scratch, buffer, pos, flags);
i32 color_index = 0;
for (i32 i = ranges.count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1){
Range_i64 range = ranges.ranges[i];
if (kind == RangeHighlightKind_LineHighlight){
Range_i64 r[2] = {};
if (i > 0){
Range_i64 inner_range = ranges.ranges[i - 1];
Range_i64 lines = get_line_range_from_pos_range(app, buffer, range);
Range_i64 inner_lines = get_line_range_from_pos_range(app, buffer, inner_range);
inner_lines.min = clamp_bot(lines.min, inner_lines.min);
inner_lines.max = clamp_top(inner_lines.max, lines.max);
inner_lines.min -= 1;
inner_lines.max += 1;
if (lines.min <= inner_lines.min){
r[0] = Ii64(lines.min, inner_lines.min);
if (inner_lines.max <= lines.max){
r[1] = Ii64(inner_lines.max, lines.max);
r[0] = get_line_range_from_pos_range(app, buffer, range);
for (i32 j = 0; j < 2; j += 1){
if (r[j].min == 0){
Range_i64 line_range = r[j];
if (back_colors != 0){
draw_line_highlight(app, text_layout_id, line_range, back_colors[color_index]);
if (fore_colors != 0){
Range_i64 pos_range = get_pos_range_from_line_range(app, buffer, line_range);
paint_text_color(app, text_layout_id, pos_range, fore_colors[color_index]);
if (back_colors != 0){
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range.min, 0.f, back_colors[color_index]);
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range.max - 1, 0.f, back_colors[color_index]);
if (fore_colors != 0){
paint_text_color_pos(app, text_layout_id, range.min, fore_colors[color_index]);
paint_text_color_pos(app, text_layout_id, range.max - 1, fore_colors[color_index]);
color_index += 1;
color_index = (color_index%color_count);
function void
draw_scope_highlight(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
i64 pos, FColor *colors, i32 color_count){
draw_enclosures(app, text_layout_id, buffer,
pos, FindNest_Scope, RangeHighlightKind_LineHighlight,
colors, 0, color_count);
function void
draw_paren_highlight(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
i64 pos, FColor *colors, i32 color_count){
Token_Array token_array = get_token_array_from_buffer(app, buffer);
if (token_array.tokens != 0){
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_pos(0, &token_array, pos);
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (token != 0 && token->kind == TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalOpen){
pos = token->pos + token->size;
if (token_it_dec_all(&it)){
token = token_it_read(&it);
if (token->kind == TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalClose &&
pos == token->pos + token->size){
pos = token->pos;
draw_enclosures(app, text_layout_id, buffer,
pos, FindNest_Paren, RangeHighlightKind_CharacterHighlight,
0, colors, color_count);
function void
draw_jump_highlights(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
Buffer_ID jump_buffer, FColor line_color){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
if (jump_buffer != 0){
Managed_Scope scopes[2];
scopes[0] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, jump_buffer);
scopes[1] = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer);
Managed_Scope comp_scope = get_managed_scope_with_multiple_dependencies(app, scopes, ArrayCount(scopes));
Managed_Object *markers_object = scope_attachment(app, comp_scope, sticky_jump_marker_handle, Managed_Object);
i32 count = managed_object_get_item_count(app, *markers_object);
Marker *markers = push_array(scratch, Marker, count);
managed_object_load_data(app, *markers_object, 0, count, markers);
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){
i64 line_number = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, markers[i].pos);
draw_line_highlight(app, text_layout_id, line_number, line_color);
function b32
draw_highlight_range(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id,
Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
f32 roundness){
b32 has_highlight_range = false;
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
Buffer_ID *highlight_buffer = scope_attachment(app, scope, view_highlight_buffer, Buffer_ID);
if (*highlight_buffer != 0){
if (*highlight_buffer != buffer){
view_disable_highlight_range(app, view_id);
has_highlight_range = true;
Managed_Object *highlight = scope_attachment(app, scope, view_highlight_range, Managed_Object);
Marker marker_range[2];
if (managed_object_load_data(app, *highlight, 0, 2, marker_range)){
Range_i64 range = Ii64(marker_range[0].pos, marker_range[1].pos);
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range, roundness,
paint_text_color(app, text_layout_id, range,
function void
draw_original_4coder_style_cursor_mark_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, b32 is_active_view,
Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
f32 roundness, f32 outline_thickness){
b32 has_highlight_range = draw_highlight_range(app, view_id, buffer, text_layout_id, roundness);
if (!has_highlight_range){
i64 cursor_pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view_id);
i64 mark_pos = view_get_mark_pos(app, view_id);
if (is_active_view){
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, cursor_pos, roundness,
paint_text_color_pos(app, text_layout_id, cursor_pos,
draw_character_wire_frame(app, text_layout_id, mark_pos,
roundness, outline_thickness,
draw_character_wire_frame(app, text_layout_id, mark_pos,
roundness, outline_thickness,
draw_character_wire_frame(app, text_layout_id, cursor_pos,
roundness, outline_thickness,
function void
draw_notepad_style_cursor_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id,
Buffer_ID buffer, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id,
f32 roundness){
b32 has_highlight_range = draw_highlight_range(app, view_id, buffer, text_layout_id, roundness);
if (!has_highlight_range){
i64 cursor_pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view_id);
i64 mark_pos = view_get_mark_pos(app, view_id);
if (cursor_pos != mark_pos){
Range_i64 range = Ii64(cursor_pos, mark_pos);
draw_character_block(app, text_layout_id, range, roundness,
paint_text_color(app, text_layout_id, range,
draw_character_i_bar(app, text_layout_id, cursor_pos, fcolor_id(Stag_Cursor));
function Rect_f32
get_contained_box_near_point(Rect_f32 container, Vec2_f32 p, Vec2_f32 box_dims){
Vec2_f32 container_dims = rect_dim(container);
box_dims.x = clamp_top(box_dims.x, container_dims.x);
box_dims.y = clamp_top(box_dims.y, container_dims.y);
Vec2_f32 q = p + V2f32(-20.f, 22.f);
if (q.x + box_dims.x > container.x1){
q.x = container.x1 - box_dims.x;
if (q.y + box_dims.y > container.y1){
q.y = p.y - box_dims.y - 2.f;
if (q.y < container.y0){
q.y = (container.y0 + container.y1 - box_dims.y)*0.5f;
return(Rf32_xy_wh(q, box_dims));
function Rect_f32
draw_tool_tip(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face, Fancy_Block *block,
Vec2_f32 p, Rect_f32 region, f32 x_padding, f32 x_half_padding,
FColor back_color){
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(p, p);
if (block->line_count > 0){
Vec2_f32 dims = get_fancy_block_dim(app, face, block);
dims += V2f32(x_padding, 2.f);
box = get_contained_box_near_point(region, p, dims);
box.x0 = f32_round32(box.x0);
box.y0 = f32_round32(box.y0);
box.x1 = f32_round32(box.x1);
box.y1 = f32_round32(box.y1);
Rect_f32 prev_clip = draw_set_clip(app, box);
draw_rectangle(app, box, 6.f, back_color);
draw_fancy_block(app, face, fcolor_zero(), block,
box.p0 + V2f32(x_half_padding, 1.f));
draw_set_clip(app, prev_clip);
function Rect_f32
draw_drop_down(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face, Fancy_Block *block,
Vec2_f32 p, Rect_f32 region, f32 x_padding, f32 x_half_padding,
FColor outline_color, FColor back_color){
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(p, p);
if (block->line_count > 0){
Vec2_f32 dims = get_fancy_block_dim(app, face, block);
dims += V2f32(x_padding, 4.f);
box = get_contained_box_near_point(region, p, dims);
box.x0 = f32_round32(box.x0);
box.y0 = f32_round32(box.y0);
box.x1 = f32_round32(box.x1);
box.y1 = f32_round32(box.y1);
Rect_f32 prev_clip = draw_set_clip(app, box);
draw_rectangle(app, box, 0.f, back_color);
draw_margin(app, box, rect_inner(box, 1.f), outline_color);
draw_fancy_block(app, face, fcolor_zero(), block,
box.p0 + V2f32(x_half_padding, 2.f));
draw_set_clip(app, prev_clip);