/* * Miscellaneous helpers for common operations. */ // TOP inline Binding_Unit* write_unit(Bind_Helper *helper, Binding_Unit unit){ Binding_Unit *p = 0; helper->write_total += sizeof(*p); if (helper->error == 0 && helper->cursor != helper->end){ p = helper->cursor++; *p = unit; } return p; } inline Bind_Helper begin_bind_helper(void *data, int32_t size){ Bind_Helper result = {0}; result.cursor = (Binding_Unit*)data; result.start = result.cursor; result.end = result.start + size / sizeof(*result.cursor); Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_header; unit.header.total_size = sizeof(*result.header); result.header = write_unit(&result, unit); result.header->header.user_map_count = 0; return(result); } inline void begin_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t mapid, bool32 replace){ if (helper->group != 0 && helper->error == 0){ helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_END; } if (!helper->error && mapid < mapid_global){ ++helper->header->header.user_map_count; } Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_map_begin; unit.map_begin.mapid = mapid; unit.map_begin.replace = replace; helper->group = write_unit(helper, unit); helper->group->map_begin.bind_count = 0; } inline void begin_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t mapid){ begin_map(helper, mapid, false); } inline void restart_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t mapid){ begin_map(helper, mapid, true); } inline void end_map(Bind_Helper *helper){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0){ helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; } helper->group = 0; } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, Key_Code code, uint8_t modifiers, Command_ID cmdid){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0){ helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; } if (!helper->error){ ++helper->group->map_begin.bind_count; } Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_binding; unit.binding.command_id = cmdid; unit.binding.code = code; unit.binding.modifiers = modifiers; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, Key_Code code, uint8_t modifiers, Custom_Command_Function *func){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0){ helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; } if (!helper->error){ ++helper->group->map_begin.bind_count; } Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_callback; unit.callback.func = func; unit.callback.code = code; unit.callback.modifiers = modifiers; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, Key_Code code, uint8_t modifiers, Generic_Command cmd){ if (cmd.cmdid < cmdid_count){ bind(helper, code, modifiers, cmd.cmdid); } else{ bind(helper, code, modifiers, cmd.command); } } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t cmdid){ bind(helper, 0, 0, cmdid); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, Custom_Command_Function *func){ bind(helper, 0, 0, func); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, unsigned char modifiers, int32_t cmdid){ bind(helper, 0, modifiers, cmdid); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, unsigned char modifiers, Custom_Command_Function *func){ bind(helper, 0, modifiers, func); } inline void inherit_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t mapid){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; if (!helper->error && mapid < mapid_global) ++helper->header->header.user_map_count; Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_inherit; unit.map_inherit.mapid = mapid; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, int32_t hook_id, Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = hook_id; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_scroll_rule(Bind_Helper *helper, Scroll_Rule_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_scroll_rule; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_buffer_name_resolver(Bind_Helper *helper, Buffer_Name_Resolver_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_buffer_name_resolver; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_new_file_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, Open_File_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_new_file; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_start_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, Start_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_start; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_open_file_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, Open_File_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_open_file; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_save_file_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, Open_File_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_save_file; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_end_file_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, Open_File_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_end_file; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_command_caller(Bind_Helper *helper, Command_Caller_Hook_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_command_caller; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_render_caller(Bind_Helper *helper, Render_Caller_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_render_caller; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_input_filter(Bind_Helper *helper, Input_Filter_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit = {0}; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_input_filter; unit.hook.func = (void*)func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline int32_t end_bind_helper(Bind_Helper *helper){ if (helper->header){ helper->header->header.total_size = (int32_t)(helper->cursor - helper->start); helper->header->header.error = helper->error; } int32_t result = helper->write_total; return(result); } inline Bind_Buffer end_bind_helper_get_buffer(Bind_Helper *helper){ int32_t size = end_bind_helper(helper); Bind_Buffer result = {0}; result.data = helper->start; result.size = size; return(result); } static u32_4tech get_key_code(char *buffer){ u32_4tech ignore; u32_4tech result = utf8_to_u32_length_unchecked((u8_4tech*)buffer, &ignore); return(result); } //////////////////////////////// static int32_t round_down(int32_t x, int32_t b){ int32_t r = 0; if (x >= 0){ r = x - (x % b); } return(r); } static int32_t round_up(int32_t x, int32_t b){ int32_t r = 0; if (x >= 0){ r = x + b - (x % b); } return(r); } static void exec_command(Application_Links *app, Custom_Command_Function *func){ func(app); } static void exec_command(Application_Links *app, Generic_Command cmd){ if (cmd.cmdid < cmdid_count){ exec_command(app, cmd.cmdid); } else{ exec_command(app, cmd.command); } } static int32_t key_is_unmodified(Key_Event_Data *key){ int8_t *mods = key->modifiers; int32_t unmodified = (!mods[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX] && !mods[MDFR_ALT_INDEX]); return(unmodified); } static uint32_t to_writable_character(User_Input in, uint8_t *character){ uint32_t result = 0; if (in.type == UserInputKey){ if (in.key.character != 0){ u32_to_utf8_unchecked(in.key.character, character, &result); } } return(result); } static uint32_t to_writable_character(Key_Event_Data key, uint8_t *character){ uint32_t result = 0; if (key.character != 0){ u32_to_utf8_unchecked(key.character, character, &result); } return(result); } static bool32 backspace_utf8(String *str){ bool32 result = false; uint8_t *s = (uint8_t*)str->str; if (str->size > 0){ uint32_t i = str->size-1; for (; i > 0; --i){ if (s[i] <= 0x7F || s[i] >= 0xC0){ break; } } str->size = i; result = true; } return(result); } static bool32 query_user_general(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, bool32 force_number){ bool32 success = true; // NOTE(allen|a3.4.4): It will not cause an *error* if we continue on after failing to. // start a query bar, but it will be unusual behavior from the point of view of the // user, if this command starts intercepting input even though no prompt is shown. // This will only happen if you have a lot of bars open already or if the current view // doesn't support query bars. if (start_query_bar(app, bar, 0) == 0) return 0; for (;;){ // NOTE(allen|a3.4.4): This call will block until the user does one of the input // types specified in the flags. The first set of flags are inputs you'd like to intercept // that you don't want to abort on. The second set are inputs that you'd like to cause // the command to abort. If an event satisfies both flags, it is treated as an abort. User_Input in = get_user_input(app, EventOnAnyKey, EventOnEsc | EventOnButton); // NOTE(allen|a3.4.4): The responsible thing to do on abort is to end the command // without waiting on get_user_input again. if (in.abort){ success = false; break; } uint8_t character[4]; uint32_t length = 0; bool32 good_character = false; if (key_is_unmodified(&in.key)){ if (force_number){ if (in.key.character >= '0' && in.key.character <= '9'){ good_character = true; length = to_writable_character(in, character); } } else{ length = to_writable_character(in, character); if (length != 0){ good_character = true; } } } // NOTE(allen|a3.4.4): All we have to do to update the query bar is edit our // local Query_Bar struct! This is handy because it means our Query_Bar // is always correct for typical use without extra work updating the bar. if (in.type == UserInputKey){ if (in.key.keycode == '\n' || in.key.keycode == '\t'){ break; } else if (in.key.keycode == key_back){ backspace_utf8(&bar->string); } else if (good_character){ append_ss(&bar->string, make_string(character, length)); } } } terminate_with_null(&bar->string); return(success); } static bool32 query_user_string(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar){ return(query_user_general(app, bar, false)); } static bool32 query_user_number(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar){ return(query_user_general(app, bar, true)); } static char buffer_get_char(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char result = ' '; *buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll); if (pos < buffer->size){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, pos, pos+1, &result); } return(result); } static Buffer_Identifier buffer_identifier(char *str, int32_t len){ Buffer_Identifier identifier; identifier.name = str; identifier.name_len = len; identifier.id = 0; return(identifier); } static Buffer_Identifier buffer_identifier(Buffer_ID id){ Buffer_Identifier identifier; identifier.name = 0; identifier.name_len = 0; identifier.id = id; return(identifier); } static Range make_range(int32_t p1, int32_t p2){ Range range; if (p1 < p2){ range.min = p1; range.max = p2; } else{ range.min = p2; range.max = p1; } return(range); } static void adjust_all_buffer_wrap_widths(Application_Links *app, int32_t wrap_width, int32_t min_base_width){ for (Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_first(app, AccessAll); buffer.exists; get_buffer_next(app, &buffer, AccessAll)){ buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_WrapPosition, wrap_width); buffer_set_setting(app, &buffer, BufferSetting_MinimumBaseWrapPosition, min_base_width); } } static Buffer_Rect get_rect(View_Summary *view){ Buffer_Rect rect = {0}; rect.char0 = view->mark.character; rect.line0 = view->mark.line; rect.char1 = view->cursor.character; rect.line1 = view->cursor.line; if (rect.line0 > rect.line1){ Swap(int32_t, rect.line0, rect.line1); } if (rect.char0 > rect.char1){ Swap(int32_t, rect.char0, rect.char1); } return(rect); } static i32_Rect get_line_x_rect(View_Summary *view){ i32_Rect rect = {0}; if (view->unwrapped_lines){ rect.x0 = (int32_t)view->mark.unwrapped_x; rect.x1 = (int32_t)view->cursor.unwrapped_x; } else{ rect.x0 = (int32_t)view->mark.wrapped_x; rect.x1 = (int32_t)view->cursor.wrapped_x; } rect.y0 = view->mark.line; rect.y1 = view->cursor.line; if (rect.y0 > rect.y1){ Swap(int32_t, rect.y0, rect.y1); } if (rect.x0 > rect.x1){ Swap(int32_t, rect.x0, rect.x1); } return(rect); } static View_Summary get_first_view_with_buffer(Application_Links *app, int32_t buffer_id){ View_Summary result = {0}; View_Summary test = {0}; if (buffer_id != 0){ uint32_t access = AccessAll; for(test = get_view_first(app, access); test.exists; get_view_next(app, &test, access)){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, test.buffer_id, access); if(buffer.buffer_id == buffer_id){ result = test; break; } } } return(result); } static bool32 open_file(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer_out, char *filename, int32_t filename_len, bool32 background, bool32 never_new){ bool32 result = false; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, filename, filename_len, AccessProtected|AccessHidden); if (buffer.exists){ if (buffer_out){ *buffer_out = buffer; } result = true; } else{ Buffer_Create_Flag flags = 0; if (background){ flags |= BufferCreate_Background; } if (never_new){ flags |= BufferCreate_NeverNew; } buffer = create_buffer(app, filename, filename_len, flags); if (buffer.exists){ if (buffer_out != 0){ *buffer_out = buffer; } result = true; } } return(result); } static Buffer_ID buffer_identifier_to_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Identifier identifier){ Buffer_ID id = 0; if (identifier.id != 0){ id = identifier.id; } else{ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, identifier.name, identifier.name_len, AccessAll); id = buffer.buffer_id; if (id == 0){ buffer = get_buffer_by_file_name(app, identifier.name, identifier.name_len, AccessAll); id = buffer.buffer_id; } } return(id); } static Buffer_Summary buffer_identifier_to_buffer_summary(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Identifier identifier, Access_Flag access){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (identifier.id != 0){ buffer = get_buffer(app, identifier.id, access); } else{ buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, identifier.name, identifier.name_len, access); if (!buffer.exists){ buffer = get_buffer_by_file_name(app, identifier.name, identifier.name_len, access); } } return(buffer); } static bool32 view_open_file(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, char *filename, int32_t filename_len, bool32 never_new){ bool32 result = false; if (view != 0){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (open_file(app, &buffer, filename, filename_len, false, never_new)){ view_set_buffer(app, view, buffer.buffer_id, 0); result = true; } } return(result); } static void get_view_prev(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, uint32_t access){ if (view->exists){ View_ID original_id = view->view_id; View_ID check_id = original_id; View_Summary new_view = {0}; for (;;){ --check_id; if (check_id <= 0){ check_id = 16; } if (check_id == original_id){ new_view = *view; break; } new_view = get_view(app, check_id, access); if (new_view.exists){ break; } } *view = new_view; } } static Buffer_Kill_Result kill_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Identifier identifier, View_ID gui_view_id, Buffer_Kill_Flag flags){ Buffer_Kill_Result result = kill_buffer(app, identifier, flags); if (result == BufferKillResult_Dirty){ Buffer_Summary buffer = buffer_identifier_to_buffer_summary(app, identifier, AccessAll); View_Summary view = get_view(app, gui_view_id, AccessAll); do_gui_sure_to_kill(app, &buffer, &view); } return(result); } static View_Summary get_view_last(Application_Links *app, uint32_t access){ View_Summary view = {0}; view.exists = true; get_view_prev(app, &view, access); if (view.view_id < 1 || view.view_id > 16){ memset(&view, 0, sizeof(view)); } return(view); } static void get_next_view_looped_all_panels(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, uint32_t access){ get_view_next(app, view, access); if (!view->exists){ *view = get_view_first(app, access); } } static void get_prev_view_looped_all_panels(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, uint32_t access){ get_view_prev(app, view, access); if (!view->exists){ *view = get_view_last(app, access); } } static void refresh_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ *buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer->buffer_id, AccessAll); } static void refresh_view(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view){ *view = get_view(app, view->view_id, AccessAll); } // TODO(allen): Setup buffer seeking to do character_pos and get View_Summary out of this parameter list. static int32_t character_pos_to_pos(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t character_pos){ int32_t result = 0; Full_Cursor cursor = {0}; if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(character_pos), &cursor)){ result = cursor.pos; } return(result); } static float get_view_y(View_Summary *view){ float y = view->cursor.wrapped_y; if (view->unwrapped_lines){ y = view->cursor.unwrapped_y; } return(y); } static float get_view_x(View_Summary *view){ float x = view->cursor.wrapped_x; if (view->unwrapped_lines){ x = view->cursor.unwrapped_x; } return(x); } static Range get_view_range(View_Summary *view){ return(make_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark.pos)); } static bool32 read_line(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line, String *str){ Partial_Cursor begin = {0}; Partial_Cursor end = {0}; bool32 success = false; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &begin)){ if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &end)){ if (begin.line == line){ if (0 <= begin.pos && begin.pos <= end.pos && end.pos <= buffer->size){ int32_t size = (end.pos - begin.pos); int32_t alloc_size = size + 1; char *memory = push_array(part, char, alloc_size); if (memory != 0){ *str = make_string(memory, 0, alloc_size); success = true; buffer_read_range(app, buffer, begin.pos, end.pos, str->str); str->size = size; terminate_with_null(str); } } } } } return(success); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_start(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ int32_t result = buffer->size; if (line <= buffer->line_count){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor = {0}; buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &partial_cursor); result = partial_cursor.pos; } return(result); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_end(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ int32_t result = buffer->size; if (line <= buffer->line_count){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor = {0}; buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &partial_cursor); result = partial_cursor.pos; } return(result); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_number(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor = {0}; buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(pos), &partial_cursor); return(partial_cursor.line); } static Cpp_Token* get_first_token_at_line(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, int32_t line, int32_t *line_start_out = 0){ int32_t line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_token = cpp_get_token(tokens, line_start); if (get_token.in_whitespace){ get_token.token_index += 1; } if (line_start_out){ *line_start_out = line_start; } Cpp_Token *result = 0; if (get_token.token_index < tokens.count){ result = &tokens.tokens[get_token.token_index]; } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// static bool32 init_stream_chunk(Stream_Chunk *chunk, Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, char *data, uint32_t size){ bool32 result = false; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); if (0 <= pos && pos < buffer->size && size > 0){ chunk->app = app; chunk->buffer = buffer; chunk->base_data = data; chunk->data_size = size; chunk->start = round_down(pos, size); chunk->end = round_up(pos, size); if (chunk->max_end > buffer->size || chunk->max_end == 0){ chunk->max_end = buffer->size; } if (chunk->max_end && chunk->max_end < chunk->end){ chunk->end = chunk->max_end; } if (chunk->min_start && chunk->min_start > chunk->start){ chunk->start = chunk->min_start; } if (chunk->start < chunk->end){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, chunk->start, chunk->end, chunk->base_data); chunk->data = chunk->base_data - chunk->start; result = true; } } return(result); } static bool32 forward_stream_chunk(Stream_Chunk *chunk){ Application_Links *app = chunk->app; Buffer_Summary *buffer = chunk->buffer; bool32 result = 0; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); if (chunk->end < buffer->size){ chunk->start = chunk->end; chunk->end += chunk->data_size; if (chunk->max_end && chunk->max_end < chunk->end){ chunk->end = chunk->max_end; } if (chunk->min_start && chunk->min_start > chunk->start){ chunk->start = chunk->min_start; } if (chunk->start < chunk->end){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, chunk->start, chunk->end, chunk->base_data); chunk->data = chunk->base_data - chunk->start; result = 1; } } else if (chunk->add_null && chunk->end + 1 < buffer->size){ chunk->start = buffer->size; chunk->end = buffer->size + 1; chunk->base_data[0] = 0; chunk->data = chunk->base_data - chunk->start; result = 1; } return(result); } static bool32 backward_stream_chunk(Stream_Chunk *chunk){ Application_Links *app = chunk->app; Buffer_Summary *buffer = chunk->buffer; bool32 result = 0; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); if (chunk->start > 0){ chunk->end = chunk->start; chunk->start -= chunk->data_size; if (chunk->max_end && chunk->max_end < chunk->end){ chunk->end = chunk->max_end; } if (chunk->min_start && chunk->min_start > chunk->start){ chunk->start = chunk->min_start; } if (chunk->start < chunk->end){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, chunk->start, chunk->end, chunk->base_data); chunk->data = chunk->base_data - chunk->start; result = 1; } } else if (chunk->add_null && chunk->start > -1){ chunk->start = -1; chunk->end = 0; chunk->base_data[0] = 0; chunk->data = chunk->base_data - chunk->start; result = 1; } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// static bool32 init_stream_tokens(Stream_Tokens *stream, Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, Cpp_Token *data, int32_t count){ bool32 result = false; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); int32_t token_count = buffer_token_count(app, buffer); if (buffer->tokens_are_ready && pos >= 0 && pos < token_count && count > 0){ stream->app = app; stream->buffer = buffer; stream->base_tokens = data; stream->count = count; stream->start = round_down(pos, count); stream->end = round_up(pos, count); stream->token_count = token_count; if (stream->start < 0){ stream->start = 0; } if (stream->end > stream->token_count){ stream->end = stream->token_count; } buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, stream->start, stream->end, stream->base_tokens); stream->tokens = stream->base_tokens - stream->start; result = true; } return(result); } static Stream_Tokens begin_temp_stream_token(Stream_Tokens *stream){ return(*stream); } static void end_temp_stream_token(Stream_Tokens *stream, Stream_Tokens temp){ if (stream->start != temp.start || stream->end != temp.end){ Application_Links *app = stream->app; buffer_read_tokens(app, temp.buffer, temp.start, temp.end, temp.base_tokens); stream->tokens = stream->base_tokens - temp.start; stream->start = temp.start; stream->end = temp.end; } } static bool32 forward_stream_tokens(Stream_Tokens *stream){ Application_Links *app = stream->app; Buffer_Summary *buffer = stream->buffer; bool32 result = false; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); if (stream->end < stream->token_count){ stream->start = stream->end; stream->end += stream->count; if (stream->end > stream->token_count){ stream->end = stream->token_count; } if (stream->start < stream->end){ buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, stream->start, stream->end, stream->base_tokens); stream->tokens = stream->base_tokens - stream->start; result = true; } } return(result); } static bool32 backward_stream_tokens(Stream_Tokens *stream){ Application_Links *app = stream->app; Buffer_Summary *buffer = stream->buffer; bool32 result = false; refresh_buffer(app, buffer); if (stream->start > 0){ stream->end = stream->start; stream->start -= stream->count; if (0 > stream->start){ stream->start = 0; } if (stream->start < stream->end){ buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, stream->start, stream->end, stream->base_tokens); stream->tokens = stream->base_tokens - stream->start; result = true; } } return(result); } static String get_query_string(Application_Links *app, char *query_str, char *string_space, int32_t space_size){ Query_Bar bar; bar.prompt = make_string_slowly(query_str); bar.string = make_string_cap(string_space, 0, space_size); if (!query_user_string(app, &bar)){ bar.string.size = 0; } return(bar.string); } static String get_string_in_view_range(Application_Links *app, Partition *arena, View_Summary *view){ String str = {0}; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view->buffer_id, AccessProtected); if (!buffer.exists) return(str); Range range = get_view_range(view); int32_t query_length = range.max - range.min; if (query_length != 0){ char *query_space = push_array(arena, char, query_length); if (buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, range.min, range.max, query_space)){ str = make_string(query_space, query_length); } } return(str); } static String get_token_or_word_under_pos(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, char *space, int32_t capacity){ String result = {0}; Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_result = {0}; bool32 success = buffer_get_token_index(app, buffer, pos, &get_result); if (success && !get_result.in_whitespace){ int32_t size = get_result.token_end - get_result.token_start; if (size > 0 && size <= capacity){ success = buffer_read_range(app, buffer, get_result.token_start, get_result.token_end, space); if (success){ result = make_string(space, size); } } } return(result); } static String build_string(Partition *part, char *s0, char *s1, char *s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = str_size(s0) + str_size(s1) + str_size(s2) + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, char *s0, char *s1, String s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = str_size(s0) + str_size(s1) + s2.size + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, char *s0, String s1, char *s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = str_size(s0) + s1.size + str_size(s2) + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, char *s0, String s1, String s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = str_size(s0) + s1.size + s2.size + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, String s0, char *s1, char *s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = s0.size + str_size(s1) + str_size(s2) + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, String s0, char *s1, String s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = s0.size + str_size(s1) + s2.size + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, String s0, String s1, char *s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = s0.size + s1.size + str_size(s2) + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static String build_string(Partition *part, String s0, String s1, String s2){ String sr = {0}; sr.memory_size = s0.size + s1.size + s2.size + 1; sr.str = push_array(part, char, sr.memory_size); if (sr.str != 0){ append(&sr, s0); append(&sr, s1); append(&sr, s2); } terminate_with_null(&sr); return(sr); } static bool32 lexer_keywords_default_init(Partition *arena, Cpp_Keyword_Table *kw_out, Cpp_Keyword_Table *pp_out){ bool32 success = false; umem_4tech kw_size = cpp_get_table_memory_size_default(CPP_TABLE_KEYWORDS); umem_4tech pp_size = cpp_get_table_memory_size_default(CPP_TABLE_PREPROCESSOR_DIRECTIVES); void *kw_mem = push_array(arena, char, (i32_4tech)kw_size); void *pp_mem = push_array(arena, char, (i32_4tech)pp_size); if (kw_mem != 0 && pp_mem != 0){ *kw_out = cpp_make_table_default(CPP_TABLE_KEYWORDS, kw_mem, kw_size); *pp_out = cpp_make_table_default(CPP_TABLE_PREPROCESSOR_DIRECTIVES, pp_mem, pp_size); success = true; } return(success); } //////////////////////////////// static String get_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Partition *arena){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(arena); int32_t space_cap = partition_remaining(arena); char *space = push_array(arena, char, space_cap); String hot_dir = make_string_cap(space, 0, space_cap); hot_dir.size = directory_get_hot(app, hot_dir.str, hot_dir.memory_size); end_temp_memory(temp); push_array(arena, char, hot_dir.size); hot_dir.memory_size = hot_dir.size; return(hot_dir); } //////////////////////////////// static String dump_file_handle(Partition *arena, FILE *file){ String str = {0}; if (file != 0){ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); int32_t size = ftell(file); char *mem = push_array(arena, char, size + 1); push_align(arena, 8); if (mem != 0){ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(mem, 1, size, file); mem[size] = 0; str = make_string_cap(mem, size, size + 1); } } return(str); } static File_Handle_Path open_file_search_up_path(Partition *arena, String path, String file_name){ File_Handle_Path result = {0}; int32_t cap = path.size + file_name.size + 2; char *space = push_array(arena, char, cap); push_align(arena, 8); String name_str = make_string_cap(space, 0, cap); append(&name_str, path); if (name_str.size == 0 || !char_is_slash(name_str.str[name_str.size - 1])){ append(&name_str, "/"); } for (;;){ int32_t base_size = name_str.size; append(&name_str, file_name); terminate_with_null(&name_str); result.file = fopen(name_str.str, "rb"); if (result.file != 0){ result.path = name_str; break; } name_str.size = base_size; remove_last_folder(&name_str); if (name_str.size >= base_size){ break; } } return(result); } static FILE* open_file_try_current_path_then_binary_path(Application_Links *app, char *file_name){ FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (file == 0){ char space[256]; int32_t size = get_4ed_path(app, space, sizeof(space)); String str = make_string_cap(space, size, sizeof(space)); append(&str, "/"); append(&str, file_name); if (terminate_with_null(&str)){ file = fopen(str.str, "rb"); } } return(file); } static char* get_null_terminated(Partition *scratch, String name){ char *name_terminated = 0; if (name.size < name.memory_size){ terminate_with_null(&name); name_terminated = name.str; } else{ name_terminated = push_array(scratch, char, name.size + 1); if (name_terminated != 0){ memcpy(name_terminated, name.str, name.size); name_terminated[name.size] = 0; } } return(name_terminated); } static FILE* open_file(Partition *scratch, String name){ FILE *file = 0; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch); char *name_terminated = get_null_terminated(scratch, name); if (name_terminated != 0){ file = fopen(name_terminated, "rb"); } end_temp_memory(temp); return(file); } static File_Name_Data dump_file(Partition *arena, String file_name){ File_Name_Data result = {0}; FILE *file = open_file(arena, file_name); if (file != 0){ result.file_name = file_name; result.data = dump_file_handle(arena, file); fclose(file); } return(result); } static File_Name_Path_Data dump_file_search_up_path(Partition *arena, String path, String file_name){ File_Name_Path_Data result = {0}; File_Handle_Path file = open_file_search_up_path(arena, path, file_name); if (file.file != 0){ result.file_name = file_name; result.path = file.path; result.data = dump_file_handle(arena, file.file); fclose(file.file); } return(result); } static String push_string(Partition *arena, int32_t cap){ char *mem = push_array(arena, char, cap); String result = {0}; if (mem != 0){ result = make_string_cap(mem, 0, cap); } return(result); } static String push_string_copy(Partition *arena, String str){ String result = {0}; if (str.str != 0){ result = push_string(arena, str.size + 1); push_align(arena, 8); if (result.str != 0){ copy(&result, str); terminate_with_null(&result); } } return(result); } static String push_string_copy(Partition *arena, char *str, int32_t size){ return(push_string_copy(arena, make_string(str, size))); } static String push_string_copy(Partition *arena, char *str){ return(push_string_copy(arena, make_string_slowly(str))); } static void sort_pairs_by_key__quick(Sort_Pair_i32 *pairs, int32_t first, int32_t one_past_last){ int32_t dif = one_past_last - first; if (dif >= 2){ int32_t pivot = one_past_last - 1; Sort_Pair_i32 pivot_pair = pairs[pivot]; int32_t j = first; bool32 interleave = false; for (int32_t i = first; i < pivot; i += 1){ Sort_Pair_i32 pair = pairs[i]; if (pair.key < pivot_pair.key){ pairs[i] = pairs[j]; pairs[j] = pair; j += 1; } else if (pair.key == pivot_pair.key){ if (interleave){ pairs[i] = pairs[j]; pairs[j] = pair; j += 1; } interleave = !interleave; } } pairs[pivot] = pairs[j]; pairs[j] = pivot_pair; sort_pairs_by_key__quick(pairs, first, j); sort_pairs_by_key__quick(pairs, j + 1, one_past_last); } } static void sort_pairs_by_key(Sort_Pair_i32 *pairs, int32_t count){ sort_pairs_by_key__quick(pairs, 0, count); } static Range_Array get_ranges_of_duplicate_keys(Partition *arena, int32_t *keys, int32_t stride, int32_t count){ Range_Array result = {0}; result.ranges = push_array(arena, Range, 0); uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)keys; int32_t start_i = 0; for (int32_t i = 1; i <= count; i += 1){ bool32 is_end = false; if (i == count){ is_end = true; } else if (*(int32_t*)(ptr + i*stride) != *(int32_t*)(ptr + start_i*stride)){ is_end = true; } if (is_end){ Range *new_range = push_array(arena, Range, 1); new_range->first = start_i; new_range->one_past_last = i; start_i = i; } } result.count = (int32_t)(push_array(arena, Range, 0) - result.ranges); return(result); } // BOTTOM