/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 01.11.2016 * * meta-compilation core system * */ // TOP #if !defined(META_PARSER_CPP_4CODER) #define META_PARSER_CPP_4CODER #if !defined(FSTRING_GUARD) #include "internal_4coder_string.cpp" #endif #include "../4cpp_lexer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "../4coder_mem.h" typedef struct Parse_Context{ Cpp_Token *token_s; Cpp_Token *token_e; Cpp_Token *token; char *data; } Parse_Context; typedef struct Argument{ String param_string; String param_name; } Argument; typedef struct Argument_Breakdown{ int32_t count; Argument *args; } Argument_Breakdown; typedef struct Documentation{ int32_t param_count; String *param_name; String *param_docs; String return_doc; String main_doc; int32_t see_also_count; String *see_also; } Documentation; typedef enum Item_Type{ Item_Null, Item_Function, Item_CppName, Item_Macro, Item_Typedef, Item_Struct, Item_Union, Item_Enum, Item_Type_Count, #define Item_Type_User0 Item_Type_Count } Item_Type; typedef struct Item_Node{ int32_t t; String cpp_name; String name; String ret; String args; String body; String marker; String value; String type; String type_postfix; String doc_string; Argument_Breakdown breakdown; Documentation doc; Item_Node *first_child; Item_Node *next_sibling; } Item_Node; typedef struct Item_Set{ Item_Node *items; int32_t count; } Item_Set; typedef struct Parse{ String code; Cpp_Token_Array tokens; int32_t item_count; } Parse; typedef struct Meta_Unit{ Item_Set set; Parse *parse; int32_t count; } Meta_Unit; typedef struct Meta_Keywords{ String key; Item_Type type; } Meta_Keywords; typedef struct Used_Links{ String *strs; int32_t count, max; } Used_Links; static Item_Node null_item_node = {0}; static String str_start_end(char *data, int32_t start, int32_t end){ return(make_string(data + start, end - start)); } static String get_lexeme(Cpp_Token token, char *code){ String str = make_string(code + token.start, token.size); return(str); } static Parse_Context setup_parse_context(char *data, Cpp_Token_Array array){ Parse_Context context; context.token_s = array.tokens; context.token_e = array.tokens + array.count; context.token = context.token_s; context.data = data; return(context); } static Parse_Context setup_parse_context(Parse parse){ Parse_Context context; context.token_s = parse.tokens.tokens; context.token_e = parse.tokens.tokens + parse.tokens.count; context.token = context.token_s; context.data = parse.code.str; return(context); } static Cpp_Token* get_token(Parse_Context *context){ Cpp_Token *result = context->token; if (result >= context->token_e){ result = 0; } return(result); } static Cpp_Token* get_next_token(Parse_Context *context){ Cpp_Token *result = context->token+1; context->token = result; if (result >= context->token_e){ result = 0; context->token = context->token_e; } return(result); } static Cpp_Token* get_prev_token(Parse_Context *context){ Cpp_Token *result = context->token-1; if (result < context->token_s){ result = 0; } else{ context->token = result; } return(result); } static Cpp_Token* can_back_step(Parse_Context *context){ Cpp_Token *result = context->token-1; if (result < context->token_s){ result = 0; } return(result); } static Cpp_Token* set_token(Parse_Context *context, Cpp_Token *token){ Cpp_Token *result = 0; if (token >= context->token_s && token < context->token_e){ context->token = token; result = token; } return(result); } static String str_alloc(Partition *part, int32_t cap){ return(make_string_cap(push_array(part, char, cap), 0, cap)); } static Item_Set allocate_item_set(Partition *part, int32_t count){ Item_Set item_set = {0}; if (count > 0){ item_set.items = push_array(part, Item_Node, count); item_set.count = count; memset(item_set.items, 0, sizeof(Item_Node)*count); } return(item_set); } static String file_dump(char *filename){ String result = {0}; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file){ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); result.size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); result.memory_size = result.size + 1; result.str = (char*)malloc(result.memory_size); fread(result.str, 1, result.size, file); result.str[result.size] = 0; fclose(file); } return(result); } static Parse meta_lex(char *filename){ Parse result = {0}; result.code = file_dump(filename); result.tokens = cpp_make_token_array(1024); cpp_lex_file(result.code.str, result.code.size, &result.tokens); return(result); } static String get_first_line(String source){ String line = {0}; int32_t pos = find_s_char(source, 0, '\n'); line = substr(source, 0, pos); return(line); } static String get_next_line(String source, String line){ String next = {0}; int32_t pos = (int32_t)(line.str - source.str) + line.size; int32_t start = 0; if (pos < source.size){ assert(source.str[pos] == '\n'); start = pos + 1; if (start < source.size){ pos = find_s_char(source, start, '\n'); next = substr(source, start, pos - start); } } return(next); } static int32_t is_comment(String str){ int32_t result = 0; if (str.size >= 2){ if (str.str[0] == '/' && str.str[1] == '/'){ result = 1; } } return(result); } typedef enum Doc_Note_Type{ DOC_PARAM, DOC_RETURN, DOC, DOC_SEE, DOC_HIDE, HIDE_MEMBERS, } Doc_Note_Type; static String doc_note_string[] = { make_lit_string("DOC_PARAM"), make_lit_string("DOC_RETURN"), make_lit_string("DOC"), make_lit_string("DOC_SEE"), make_lit_string("DOC_HIDE"), make_lit_string("HIDE_MEMBERS"), }; static int32_t check_and_fix_docs(String *doc_string){ int32_t result = false; if (doc_string->size > 4){ if (doc_string->str[0] == '/'){ if (doc_string->str[1] == '*'){ if (doc_string->str[doc_string->size - 2] == '*'){ if (doc_string->str[doc_string->size - 1] == '/'){ result = true; doc_string->str += 2; doc_string->size -= 4; } } } } } return(result); } static int32_t get_doc_string_from_prev(Parse_Context *context, String *doc_string){ int32_t result = false; if (can_back_step(context)){ Cpp_Token *prev_token = get_token(context) - 1; if (prev_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ *doc_string = get_lexeme(*prev_token, context->data); if (check_and_fix_docs(doc_string)){ result = true; } else{ *doc_string = null_string; } } } return(result); } static String doc_parse_note(String source, int32_t *pos){ String result = {0}; int32_t p = *pos; int32_t start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == '('){ break; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); } *pos = p; return(result); } static String doc_parse_note_string(String source, int32_t *pos){ String result = {0}; assert(source.str[*pos] == '('); int32_t p = *pos + 1; int32_t start = p; int32_t nest_level = 0; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ')'){ if (nest_level == 0){ break; } else{ --nest_level; } } else if (source.str[p] == '('){ ++nest_level; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); ++p; } *pos = p; return(result); } static String doc_parse_parameter(String source, int32_t *pos){ String result = {0}; int32_t p = *pos; int32_t start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ','){ break; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); ++p; } *pos = p; return(result); } static String doc_parse_last_parameter(String source, int32_t *pos){ String result = {0}; int32_t p = *pos; int32_t start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ')'){ break; } } if (p == source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); } *pos = p; return(result); } static void perform_doc_parse(Partition *part, String doc_string, Documentation *doc){ int32_t keep_parsing = true; int32_t pos = 0; int32_t param_count = 0; int32_t see_count = 0; do{ String doc_note = doc_parse_note(doc_string, &pos); if (doc_note.size == 0){ keep_parsing = false; } else{ int32_t doc_note_type; if (string_set_match(doc_note_string, ArrayCount(doc_note_string), doc_note, &doc_note_type)){ doc_parse_note_string(doc_string, &pos); switch (doc_note_type){ case DOC_PARAM: ++param_count; break; case DOC_SEE: ++see_count; break; } } } }while(keep_parsing); if (param_count + see_count > 0){ int32_t memory_size = sizeof(String)*(2*param_count + see_count); doc->param_name = push_array(part, String, memory_size); doc->param_docs = doc->param_name + param_count; doc->see_also = doc->param_docs + param_count; doc->param_count = param_count; doc->see_also_count = see_count; } int32_t param_index = 0; int32_t see_index = 0; keep_parsing = true; pos = 0; do{ String doc_note = doc_parse_note(doc_string, &pos); if (doc_note.size == 0){ keep_parsing = false; } else{ int32_t doc_note_type; if (string_set_match(doc_note_string, ArrayCount(doc_note_string), doc_note, &doc_note_type)){ String doc_note_string = doc_parse_note_string(doc_string, &pos); switch (doc_note_type){ case DOC_PARAM: { assert(param_index < param_count); int32_t param_pos = 0; String param_name = doc_parse_parameter(doc_note_string, ¶m_pos); String param_docs = doc_parse_last_parameter(doc_note_string, ¶m_pos); doc->param_name[param_index] = param_name; doc->param_docs[param_index] = param_docs; ++param_index; }break; case DOC_RETURN: { doc->return_doc = doc_note_string; }break; case DOC: { doc->main_doc = doc_note_string; }break; case DOC_SEE: { assert(see_index < see_count); doc->see_also[see_index++] = doc_note_string; }break; } } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: invalid doc note %.*s\n", doc_note.size, doc_note.str); } } }while(keep_parsing); } static int32_t struct_parse(Partition *part, int32_t is_struct, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *top_member); static int32_t struct_parse_member(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *member){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = get_token(context); String doc_string = {0}; get_doc_string_from_prev(context, &doc_string); Cpp_Token *start_token = token; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON){ break; } } if (token){ String name = {0}; Cpp_Token *token_j = 0; int32_t nest_level = 0; for (; (token_j = get_token(context)) > start_token; get_prev_token(context)){ if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE){ ++nest_level; } else if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN){ --nest_level; if (nest_level < 0){ break; } } if (nest_level == 0){ if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ break; } } } name = skip_chop_whitespace(get_lexeme(*token_j, context->data)); String type = skip_chop_whitespace(str_start_end(context->data, start_token->start, token_j->start)); String type_postfix = skip_chop_whitespace(str_start_end(context->data, token_j->start + token_j->size, token->start)); set_token(context, token+1); result = true; member->name = name; member->type = type; member->type_postfix = type_postfix; member->doc_string = doc_string; member->first_child = 0; member->next_sibling = 0; } return(result); } static Item_Node* struct_parse_next_member(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context){ Item_Node *result = 0; Cpp_Token *token = 0; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER || (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_IS_KEYWORD)){ String lexeme = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); if (match_ss(lexeme, make_lit_string("STRUCT"))){ Item_Node *member = push_struct(part, Item_Node); if (struct_parse(part, true, context, member)){ result = member; break; } else{ assert(!"unhandled error"); } } else if (match_ss(lexeme, make_lit_string("UNION"))){ Item_Node *member = push_struct(part, Item_Node); if (struct_parse(part, false, context, member)){ result = member; break; } else{ assert(!"unhandled error"); } } else{ Item_Node *member = push_struct(part, Item_Node); if (struct_parse_member(part, context, member)){ result = member; break; } else{ assert(!"unhandled error"); } } } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE){ break; } } return(result); } static int32_t struct_parse(Partition *part, int32_t is_struct, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *top_member){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *start_token = get_token(context); Cpp_Token *token = 0; String doc_string = {0}; get_doc_string_from_prev(context, &doc_string); for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } if (token){ Cpp_Token *token_j = token; for (; (token_j = get_token(context)) > start_token; get_prev_token(context)){ if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ break; } } String name = {0}; if (token_j != start_token){ name = skip_chop_whitespace(get_lexeme(*token_j, context->data)); } String type = {0}; if (is_struct){ type = make_lit_string("struct"); } else{ type = make_lit_string("union"); } set_token(context, token+1); Item_Node *new_member = struct_parse_next_member(part, context); if (new_member){ top_member->first_child = new_member; Item_Node *head_member = new_member; for(;;){ new_member = struct_parse_next_member(part, context); if (new_member){ head_member->next_sibling = new_member; head_member = new_member; } else{ break; } } } for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON){ break; } } ++token; if (is_struct){ top_member->t = Item_Struct; } else{ top_member->t = Item_Union; } top_member->name = name; top_member->type = type; top_member->doc_string = doc_string; top_member->next_sibling = 0; result = true; } return(result); } static int32_t typedef_parse(Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *item){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = get_token(context); String doc_string = {0}; get_doc_string_from_prev(context, &doc_string); Cpp_Token *start_token = token; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON){ break; } } if (token){ Cpp_Token *token_j = token; for (; (token_j = get_token(context)) > start_token; get_prev_token(context)){ if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ break; } } String name = get_lexeme(*token_j, context->data); String type = skip_chop_whitespace(str_start_end(context->data, start_token->start + start_token->size, token_j->start)); item->t = Item_Typedef; item->type = type; item->name = name; item->doc_string = doc_string; result = true; } set_token(context, token); return(result); } static int32_t enum_parse(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *item){ int32_t result = false; String doc_string = {0}; get_doc_string_from_prev(context, &doc_string); Cpp_Token *start_token = get_token(context); Cpp_Token *token = 0; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } if (token){ String name = {0}; Cpp_Token *token_j = 0; for (; (token_j = get_token(context)) != 0; get_prev_token(context)){ if (token_j->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ break; } } name = get_lexeme(*token_j, context->data); set_token(context, token); for (; (token = get_token(context)) > start_token; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } if (token){ Item_Node *first_member = 0; Item_Node *head_member = 0; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE){ break; } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ String doc_string = {0}; String name = {0}; String value = {0}; get_doc_string_from_prev(context, &doc_string); name = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); token = get_next_token(context); if (token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_EQ){ Cpp_Token *start_token = token; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA || token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE){ break; } } value = skip_chop_whitespace(str_start_end(context->data, start_token->start + start_token->size, token->start)); get_prev_token(context); } else{ get_prev_token(context); } } Item_Node *new_member = push_struct(part, Item_Node); if (first_member == 0){ first_member = new_member; } if (head_member){ head_member->next_sibling = new_member; } head_member = new_member; new_member->name = name; new_member->value = value; new_member->doc_string = doc_string; new_member->next_sibling = 0; } } if ((token = get_token(context)) != 0){ for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE){ break; } } get_next_token(context); item->t = Item_Enum; item->name = name; item->doc_string = doc_string; item->first_child = first_member; result = true; } } } return(result); } static Argument_Breakdown allocate_argument_breakdown(Partition *part, int32_t count){ Argument_Breakdown breakdown = {0}; if (count > 0){ breakdown.count = count; breakdown.args = push_array(part, Argument, count); memset(breakdown.args, 0, sizeof(Argument)*count); } return(breakdown); } /* Parse arguments by giving pointers to the tokens: foo(a, ... , z) ^ ^ */ static Argument_Breakdown parameter_parse(Partition *part, char *data, Cpp_Token *args_start_token, Cpp_Token *args_end_token){ int32_t arg_index = 0; Cpp_Token *arg_token = args_start_token + 1; int32_t param_string_start = arg_token->start; int32_t arg_count = 1; arg_token = args_start_token; for (; arg_token < args_end_token; ++arg_token){ if (arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA){ ++arg_count; } } Argument_Breakdown breakdown = allocate_argument_breakdown(part, arg_count); arg_token = args_start_token + 1; for (; arg_token <= args_end_token; ++arg_token){ if (arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA || arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ int32_t size = arg_token->start - param_string_start; String param_string = make_string(data + param_string_start, size); param_string = chop_whitespace(param_string); breakdown.args[arg_index].param_string = param_string; for (Cpp_Token *param_name_token = arg_token - 1; param_name_token->start > param_string_start; --param_name_token){ if (param_name_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ int32_t start = param_name_token->start; int32_t size = param_name_token->size; breakdown.args[arg_index].param_name = make_string(data + start, size); break; } } ++arg_index; if (arg_token+1 <= args_end_token){ param_string_start = arg_token[1].start; } } } return(breakdown); } /* Moves the context in the following way: ~~~~~~~ name( ~~~~~~~ ^ -> ^ */ static int32_t function_parse_goto_name(Parse_Context *context){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = 0; { for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } } if (get_token(context)){ do{ token = get_prev_token(context); }while(token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT); if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ result = true; } } } return(result); } /* Moves the context in the following way: ~~~~~~~ name( ~~~~~~~ /* XXX // ^ ---------------> ^ */ static int32_t function_get_doc(Parse_Context *context, char *data, String *doc_string){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = get_token(context); String lexeme = {0}; if (function_parse_goto_name(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ lexeme = get_lexeme(*token, data); if (check_and_fix_docs(&lexeme)){ *doc_string = lexeme; result = true; break; } } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } } } return(result); } static int32_t cpp_name_parse(Parse_Context *context, String *name){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = 0; Cpp_Token *token_start = get_token(context); token = get_next_token(context); if (token && token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ token = get_next_token(context); if (token && token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ token = get_next_token(context); if (token && token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ *name = get_lexeme(*(token-1), context->data); result = true; } } } if (!result){ set_token(context, token_start); } return(result); } /* Moves the context in the following way: RETTY~ name( ~~~~~~~ ) ^ ---------------> ^ */ static int32_t function_sig_parse(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *item, String cpp_name){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = 0; Cpp_Token *args_start_token = 0; Cpp_Token *ret_token = get_token(context); if (function_parse_goto_name(context)){ token = get_token(context); args_start_token = token+1; item->name = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); item->ret = chop_whitespace(str_start_end(context->data, ret_token->start, token->start)); for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ break; } } if (token){ item->args = str_start_end(context->data, args_start_token->start, token->start + token->size); item->t = Item_Function; item->cpp_name = cpp_name; item->breakdown = parameter_parse(part, context->data, args_start_token, token); Assert(get_token(context)->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE); result = true; } } return(result); } /* Moves the context in the following way: MARKER ~~~ name( ~~~~~~~ ) ^ -------------------> ^ */ static int32_t function_parse(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *item, String cpp_name){ int32_t result = false; String doc_string = {0}; Cpp_Token *token = get_token(context); item->marker = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); if (function_get_doc(context, context->data, &doc_string)){ item->doc_string = doc_string; } set_token(context, token); if (get_next_token(context)){ if (function_sig_parse(part, context, item, cpp_name)){ Assert(get_token(context)->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE); result = true; } } return(result); } /* Moves the context in the following way: /* ~~~ // #define ^ ----> ^ */ static int32_t macro_parse_check(Parse_Context *context){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = 0; if ((token = get_next_token(context)) != 0){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ if ((token = get_next_token(context)) != 0){ if (token->type == CPP_PP_DEFINE){ result = true; } } } } return(result); } /* Moves the context in the following way: /* ~~~ // #define ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOT_IN_MACRO_BODY ^ ----------------------------> ^ */ static int32_t macro_parse(Partition *part, Parse_Context *context, Item_Node *item){ int32_t result = false; Cpp_Token *token = 0; Cpp_Token *doc_token = 0; Cpp_Token *args_start_token = 0; String doc_string = {0}; if (macro_parse_check(context)){ token = get_token(context); if (can_back_step(context)){ doc_token = token-1; doc_string = get_lexeme(*doc_token, context->data); if (check_and_fix_docs(&doc_string)){ item->doc_string = doc_string; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ break; } } if (get_token(context) && (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ item->name = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); if ((token = get_next_token(context)) != 0){ args_start_token = token; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ break; } } if (token){ item->args = str_start_end(context->data, args_start_token->start, token->start + token->size); item->breakdown = parameter_parse(part, context->data, args_start_token, token); if ((token = get_next_token(context)) != 0){ Cpp_Token *body_start = token; if (body_start->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY){ for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ break; } } token = get_prev_token(context); item->body = str_start_end(context->data, body_start->start,token->start + token->size); } } item->t = Item_Macro; result = true; } } } } } } return(result); } static Meta_Unit compile_meta_unit(Partition *part, char *code_directory, char **files, Meta_Keywords *keywords, int32_t key_count){ Meta_Unit unit = {0}; int32_t file_count = 0; for (char **file_ptr = files; *file_ptr; ++file_ptr, ++file_count); unit.count = file_count; unit.parse = push_array(part, Parse, file_count); int32_t i = 0; for (char **file_ptr = files; *file_ptr; ++file_ptr, ++i){ char str_space[512]; String name = make_fixed_width_string(str_space); append_sc(&name, code_directory); #ifdef _WIN32 append_sc(&name, "\\"); #else append_sc(&name, "/"); #endif append_sc(&name, *file_ptr); terminate_with_null(&name); unit.parse[i] = meta_lex(name.str); } // TODO(allen): This stage counts nested structs // and unions which is not correct. Luckily it only // means we over allocate by a few items, but fixing it // to be exactly correct would be nice. for (int32_t J = 0; J < unit.count; ++J){ Cpp_Token *token = 0; Parse_Context context_ = setup_parse_context(unit.parse[J]); Parse_Context *context = &context_; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ String lexeme = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); int32_t match_index = 0; if (string_set_match_table(keywords, sizeof(*keywords), key_count, lexeme, &match_index)){ Item_Type type = keywords[match_index].type; if (type > Item_Null && type < Item_Type_Count){ ++unit.set.count; } else{ // TODO(allen): Warning } } } } } if (unit.set.count > 0){ unit.set = allocate_item_set(part, unit.set.count); } int32_t index = 0; for (int32_t J = 0; J < unit.count; ++J){ Cpp_Token *token = 0; Parse_Context context_ = setup_parse_context(unit.parse[J]); Parse_Context *context = &context_; String cpp_name = {0}; int32_t has_cpp_name = 0; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ String lexeme = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); int32_t match_index = 0; if (string_set_match_table(keywords, sizeof(*keywords), key_count, lexeme, &match_index)){ Item_Type type = keywords[match_index].type; switch (type){ case Item_Function: { if (function_parse(part, context, unit.set.items + index, cpp_name)){ Assert(unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Function); ++index; } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: invalid function signature\n"); } }break; case Item_CppName: { if (cpp_name_parse(context, &cpp_name)){ has_cpp_name = 1; } else{ // TODO(allen): warning message } }break; case Item_Macro: { if (macro_parse(part, context, unit.set.items + index)){ Assert(unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Macro); ++index; } else{ // TODO(allen): warning message } }break; case Item_Typedef: //typedef { if (typedef_parse(context, unit.set.items + index)){ Assert(unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Typedef); ++index; } else{ // TODO(allen): warning message } }break; case Item_Struct: case Item_Union: //struct/union { if (struct_parse(part, (type == Item_Struct), context, unit.set.items + index)){ Assert(unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Struct || unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Union); ++index; } else{ // TODO(allen): warning message } }break; case Item_Enum: //ENUM { if (enum_parse(part, context, unit.set.items + index)){ Assert(unit.set.items[index].t == Item_Enum); ++index; } else{ // TODO(allen): warning message } }break; } } } if (has_cpp_name){ has_cpp_name = 0; } else{ cpp_name = null_string; } unit.parse[J].item_count = index; } // NOTE(allen): This is necessary for now because // the original count is slightly overestimated thanks // to nested structs and unions. unit.set.count = index; } return(unit); } static Meta_Unit compile_meta_unit(Partition *part, char *code_directory, char *file, Meta_Keywords *keywords, int32_t key_count){ char *file_array[2] = {file, 0}; Meta_Unit unit = compile_meta_unit(part, code_directory, file_array, keywords, key_count); return(unit); } #endif // BOTTOM