/* * Fancy string - immediate mode renderer for colored strings */ // TOP static Fancy_Color fancy_blend(id_color a, f32 t, id_color b){ Fancy_Color result = {}; result.index_a = (u16)a; result.index_b = (u16)b; result.table_a = 1; result.table_b = 1; result.c_b = (u8)(clamp(0, 255.0f*t, 255.0f)); result.c_a = 255 - result.c_b; return(result); } static Fancy_Color fancy_id(id_color a){ Fancy_Color result = {}; result.index_a = (u16)a; result.index_b = 0; result.table_a = 1; result.table_b = 0; result.c_a = 255; result.c_b = 0; return(result); } static Fancy_Color fancy_rgba(argb_color color){ Fancy_Color result = {}; result.rgba = color; result.code = 0; return(result); } static Fancy_Color fancy_rgba(f32 r, f32 g, f32 b, f32 a){ Fancy_Color result = fancy_rgba(pack_color4(V4(r, g, b, a))); return(result); } static Fancy_Color fancy_resolve_to_rgba(Application_Links *app, Fancy_Color source){ if (source.code != 0){ Vec4 a = unpack_color4(finalize_color(app, source.index_a)); Vec4 b = unpack_color4(finalize_color(app, source.index_b)); f32 ca = (f32)source.c_a/255.0f; f32 cb = (f32)source.c_b/255.0f; Vec4 value = ca*a + cb*b; source.rgba = pack_color4(value); source.code = 0; } return(source); } static Fancy_Color pass_through_fancy_color(void){ Fancy_Color result = {}; return(result); } static int_color int_color_from(Application_Links *app, Fancy_Color source){ int_color result = {}; if ((source.c_a == 255) && (source.c_b == 0)){ result = source.index_a; } else{ source = fancy_resolve_to_rgba(app, source); result = source.rgba; } return(result); } static b32 is_valid(Fancy_Color source){ b32 result = !((source.code == 0) && (source.rgba == 0)); return(result); } static void fancy_string_list_push(Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_String *string){ list->last = (list->last ? list->last->next : list->first) = string; } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_Color fore, Fancy_Color back, String value){ Fancy_String *result = push_array(arena, Fancy_String, 1); memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); result->value = string_push_copy(arena, value); result->fore = fore; result->back = back; if (list != 0){ fancy_string_list_push(list, result); } return(result); } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, Fancy_Color fore, Fancy_Color back, String value){ return(push_fancy_string(arena, 0, fore, back, value)); } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_Color fore, String value){ return(push_fancy_string(arena, list, fore, pass_through_fancy_color(), value)); } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, Fancy_Color fore, String value){ return(push_fancy_string(arena, 0, fore, pass_through_fancy_color(), value)); } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, String value){ return(push_fancy_string(arena, list, pass_through_fancy_color(), pass_through_fancy_color(), value)); } static Fancy_String * push_fancy_string(Arena *arena, String value){ return(push_fancy_string(arena, 0, pass_through_fancy_color(), pass_through_fancy_color(), value)); } static Fancy_String* push_fancy_vstringf(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_Color fore, Fancy_Color back, char *format, va_list args){ // TODO(casey): Allen, ideally we would have our own formatter here that just outputs into a buffer and can't ever "run out of space". char temp[1024]; i32 length = vsprintf(temp, format, args); Fancy_String *result = 0; if (length > 0){ result = push_fancy_string(arena, list, fore, back, make_string(temp, length)); } return(result); } static Fancy_String* push_fancy_stringf(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_Color fore, Fancy_Color back, char *format, ...){ va_list args; va_start(args, format); Fancy_String *result = push_fancy_vstringf(arena, list, fore, back, format, args); va_end(args); return(result); } static Fancy_String* push_fancy_stringf(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, Fancy_Color fore, char *format, ...){ va_list args; va_start(args, format); Fancy_String *result = push_fancy_vstringf(arena, list, fore, pass_through_fancy_color(), format, args); va_end(args); return(result); } static Fancy_String* push_fancy_stringf(Arena *arena, Fancy_String_List *list, char *format, ...){ va_list args; va_start(args, format); Fancy_String *result = push_fancy_vstringf(arena, list, pass_through_fancy_color(), pass_through_fancy_color(), format, args); va_end(args); return(result); } static Fancy_String_List fancy_string_list_single(Fancy_String *fancy_string){ Fancy_String_List list = {}; list.first = fancy_string; list.last = fancy_string; return(list); } static Vec2 draw_fancy_string(Application_Links *app, Face_ID font_id, Fancy_String *string, Vec2 P, int_color fore, int_color back, u32 flags, Vec2 dP){ for (;string != 0; string = string->next){ Face_ID use_font_id = (string->font_id) ? string->font_id : font_id; int_color use_fore = is_valid(string->fore) ? int_color_from(app, string->fore) : fore; f32 adv = get_string_advance(app, use_font_id, string->value); // TODO(casey): need to fill the background here, but I don't know the line height, // and I can't actually render filled shapes, so, like, I can't properly do dP :( P += (string->pre_margin)*dP; draw_string(app, use_font_id, string->value, P, use_fore, flags, dP); P += (adv + string->post_margin)*dP; } return(P); } // BOTTOM