/* 4coder_jump_parsing.cpp - Commands and helpers for parsing jump locations from compiler errors and jumping to them in the corresponding buffer. TYPE: 'drop-in-command-pack' */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_JUMP_PARSING) #define FCODER_JUMP_PARSING #include "4coder_default_framework.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_long_seek.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_helper.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" typedef struct Name_Based_Jump_Location{ String file; int32_t line; int32_t column; } Name_Based_Jump_Location; typedef struct ID_Based_Jump_Location{ int32_t buffer_id; int32_t line; int32_t column; } ID_Based_Jump_Location; static ID_Based_Jump_Location null_location = {0}; static void jump_to_location(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Name_Based_Jump_Location *l){ if (view_open_file(app, view, l->file.str, l->file.size, true)){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(l->line, l->column), true); } } static int32_t ms_style_verify(String line, int32_t paren_pos){ int32_t result = false; String line_part = substr_tail(line, paren_pos); if (match_part_sc(line_part, ") : ")){ result = true; } else if (match_part_sc(line_part, "): ")){ result = true; } return(result); } static int32_t parse_jump_location(String line, Name_Based_Jump_Location *location, int32_t skip_sub_errors, int32_t *colon_char){ int32_t result = false; String original_line = line; line = skip_chop_whitespace(line); int32_t colon_pos = 0; int32_t is_ms_style = 0; int32_t paren_pos = find_s_char(line, 0, ')'); while (!is_ms_style && paren_pos < line.size){ if (ms_style_verify(line, paren_pos)){ is_ms_style = 1; colon_pos = find_s_char(line, paren_pos, ':'); if (colon_pos < line.size){ String location_str = substr(line, 0, colon_pos); if (!(skip_sub_errors && original_line.str[0] == ' ')){ location_str = skip_chop_whitespace(location_str); int32_t close_pos = paren_pos; int32_t open_pos = rfind_s_char(location_str, close_pos, '('); if (0 < open_pos && open_pos < location_str.size){ String file = substr(location_str, 0, open_pos); file = skip_chop_whitespace(file); if (file.size > 0){ String line_number = substr(location_str, open_pos+1, close_pos-open_pos-1); line_number = skip_chop_whitespace(line_number); if (line_number.size > 0){ location->file = file; int32_t comma_pos = find_s_char(line_number, 0, ','); if (comma_pos < line_number.size){ int32_t start = comma_pos+1; String column_number = substr(line_number, start, line_number.size-start); line_number = substr(line_number, 0, comma_pos); location->line = str_to_int_s(line_number); location->column = str_to_int_s(column_number); } else{ location->line = str_to_int_s(line_number); location->column = 1; } *colon_char = colon_pos; result = true; } } } } } } else{ paren_pos = find_s_char(line, paren_pos+1, ')'); } } if (!is_ms_style){ int32_t colon_pos1 = find_s_char(line, 0, ':'); if (line.size > colon_pos1+1){ if (char_is_slash(line.str[colon_pos1+1])){ colon_pos1 = find_s_char(line, colon_pos1+1, ':'); } } int32_t colon_pos2 = find_s_char(line, colon_pos1+1, ':'); int32_t colon_pos3 = find_s_char(line, colon_pos2+1, ':'); if (colon_pos3+1 <= line.size){ String filename = substr(line, 0, colon_pos1); String line_number = substr(line, colon_pos1+1, colon_pos2 - colon_pos1 - 1); String column_number = substr(line, colon_pos2+1, colon_pos3 - colon_pos2 - 1); if (filename.size > 0 && line_number.size > 0 && column_number.size > 0){ location->file = filename; location->line = str_to_int_s(line_number); location->column = str_to_int_s(column_number); *colon_char = colon_pos3; result = true; } } else{ if (colon_pos2+1 <= line.size){ String filename = substr(line, 0, colon_pos1); String line_number = substr(line, colon_pos1+1, colon_pos2 - colon_pos1 - 1); if (str_is_int_s(line_number)){ if (filename.size > 0 && line_number.size > 0){ location->file = filename; location->line = str_to_int_s(line_number); location->column = 0; *colon_char = colon_pos2; result = true; } } } } } return(result); } static int32_t parse_jump_from_buffer_line(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, int32_t buffer_id, int32_t line, int32_t skip_sub_errors, Name_Based_Jump_Location *location){ int32_t result = false; String line_str = {0}; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); if (read_line(app, part, &buffer, line, &line_str)){ int32_t colon_char = 0; if (parse_jump_location(line_str, location, skip_sub_errors, &colon_char)){ result = true; } } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_jump_at_cursor){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&global_part); View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Name_Based_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (parse_jump_from_buffer_line(app, &global_part, view.buffer_id, view.cursor.line, false, &location)){ exec_command(app, change_active_panel); view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); jump_to_location(app, &view, &location); } end_temp_memory(temp); } // // Error Jumping // static int32_t seek_next_jump_in_buffer(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, int32_t buffer_id, int32_t first_line, bool32 skip_sub_errors, int32_t direction, int32_t *line_out, int32_t *colon_index_out, Name_Based_Jump_Location *location_out){ Assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1); int32_t result = false; int32_t line = first_line; String line_str = {0}; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); for (;;){ if (read_line(app, part, &buffer, line, &line_str)){ if (parse_jump_location(line_str, location_out, skip_sub_errors, colon_index_out)){ result = true; break; } line += direction; } else{ break; } } if (line < 0){ line = 0; } *line_out = line; return(result); } static ID_Based_Jump_Location convert_name_based_to_id_based(Application_Links *app, Name_Based_Jump_Location loc){ ID_Based_Jump_Location result = {0}; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, loc.file.str, loc.file.size, AccessAll); if (buffer.exists){ result.buffer_id = buffer.buffer_id; result.line = loc.line; result.column = loc.column; } return(result); } static int32_t seek_next_jump_in_view(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, View_Summary *view, int32_t skip_sub_errors, int32_t direction, int32_t *line_out, int32_t *colon_index_out, Name_Based_Jump_Location *location_out){ int32_t result = false; Name_Based_Jump_Location location = {0}; int32_t line = view->cursor.line; int32_t colon_index = 0; if (seek_next_jump_in_buffer(app, part, view->buffer_id, line+direction, skip_sub_errors, direction, &line, &colon_index, &location)){ result = true; *line_out = line; *colon_index_out = colon_index; *location_out = location; } return(result); } static int32_t skip_this_jump(ID_Based_Jump_Location prev, ID_Based_Jump_Location jump){ int32_t result = false; if (prev.buffer_id != 0 && prev.buffer_id == jump.buffer_id && prev.line == jump.line && prev.column <= jump.column){ result = true; } return(result); } static ID_Based_Jump_Location prev_location = {0}; static int32_t advance_cursor_in_jump_view(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, View_Summary *view, int32_t skip_repeats, int32_t skip_sub_error, int32_t direction, Name_Based_Jump_Location *location_out){ int32_t result = true; Name_Based_Jump_Location location = {0}; ID_Based_Jump_Location jump = {0}; int32_t line = 0, colon_index = 0; do{ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); if (seek_next_jump_in_view(app, part, view, skip_sub_error, direction, &line, &colon_index, &location)){ jump = convert_name_based_to_id_based(app, location); result = true; } else{ jump.buffer_id = 0; result = false; } end_temp_memory(temp); }while(skip_repeats && skip_this_jump(prev_location, jump)); if (result){ *location_out = location; view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, colon_index+1), true); } prev_location = jump; return(result); } static int32_t seek_error(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, int32_t skip_repeats, int32_t skip_sub_errors, int32_t direction){ int32_t result = 0; View_Summary view = get_view_for_locked_jump_buffer(app); if (view.exists){ Name_Based_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (advance_cursor_in_jump_view(app, &global_part, &view, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, direction, &location)){ View_Summary active_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); if (active_view.view_id == view.view_id){ exec_command(app, change_active_panel); active_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); } jump_to_location(app, &active_view, &location); result = 1; } } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump){ int32_t skip_repeats = true; int32_t skip_sub_errors = true; int32_t dir = 1; seek_error(app, &global_part, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, dir); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump){ int32_t skip_repeats = true; int32_t skip_sub_errors = true; int32_t dir = -1; seek_error(app, &global_part, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, dir); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump_no_skips){ int32_t skip_repeats = false; int32_t skip_sub_errors = true; int32_t dir = 1; seek_error(app, &global_part, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, dir); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump_no_skips){ int32_t skip_repeats = false; int32_t skip_sub_errors = true; int32_t dir = -1; seek_error(app, &global_part, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, dir); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_first_jump){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&global_part); View_Summary view = get_view_for_locked_jump_buffer(app); if (view.exists){ view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_pos(0), true); prev_location = null_location; seek_error(app, &global_part, false, true, 1); } end_temp_memory(temp); } #define goto_next_error goto_next_jump #define goto_prev_error goto_prev_jump #define goto_next_error_no_skips goto_next_jump_no_skips #define goto_first_error goto_first_jump #endif // BOTTOM