/* macOS System/Graphics/Font API Implementations */ ////////////////////// // System API // ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// function system_get_path_sig(){ String_Const_u8 result = {}; switch (path_code){ case SystemPath_CurrentDirectory: { char *working_dir = getcwd(NULL, 0); u64 working_dir_length = cstring_length(working_dir); // TODO(yuval): Maybe use push_string_copy instead u8 *out = push_array(arena, u8, working_dir_length); block_copy(out, working_dir, working_dir_length); free(working_dir); result = SCu8(out, working_dir_length); } break; case SystemPath_Binary: { local_persist b32 has_stashed_4ed_path = false; if (!has_stashed_4ed_path){ local_const i32 binary_path_capacity = KB(32); u8 *memory = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(binary_path_capacity, string_u8_litexpr(file_name_line_number)); pid_t pid = getpid(); i32 size = proc_pidpath(pid, memory, binary_path_capacity); Assert(size <= binary_path_capacity - 1); mac_vars.binary_path = SCu8(memory, size); mac_vars.binary_path = string_remove_last_folder(mac_vars.binary_path); mac_vars.binary_path.str[mac_vars.binary_path.size] = 0; has_stashed_4ed_path = true; } result = push_string_copy(arena, mac_vars.binary_path); } break; } return(result); } function system_get_canonical_sig(){ NSString *path_ns_str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:name.data length:name.size encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *standardized_path_ns_str = [path_ns_str stringByStandardizingPath]; String_Const_u8 standardized_path = SCu8((u8*)[standardized_path_ns_str UTF8String],[standardized_path_ns_str lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); String_Const_u8 result = push_string_copy(arena, standardized_path); [path_ns_str release]; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function File_Attributes mac_get_file_attributes(struct stat file_stat) { File_Attributes result; result.size = file_stat.st_size; result.last_write_time = file_stat.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; result.flags = 0; if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) { result.flags |= FileAttribute_IsDirectory; } return(result); } function inline File_Attributes mac_file_attributes_from_path(char *path) { File_Attributes result = {}; struct stat file_stat; if (stat(path, &file_stat) == 0){ result = mac_get_file_attributes(file_stat); } return(result); } function inline File_Attributes mac_file_attributes_from_fd(i32 fd) { File_Attributes result = {}; struct stat file_stat; if (fstat(fd, &file_stat) == 0){ result = mac_get_file_attributes(file_stat); } return(result); } function system_get_file_list_sig(){ File_List result = {}; u8 *c_directory = push_array(arena, u8, directory.size + 1); block_copy(c_directory, directory.str, directory.size); c_directory[directory.size] = 0; DIR *dir = opendir((char*)c_directory); if (dir){ File_Info* first = 0; File_Info* last = 0; i32 count = 0; for (struct dirent *entry = readdir(dir); entry; entry = readdir(dir)){ char *c_file_name = entry->d_name; String_Const_u8 file_name = SCu8(c_file_name); if (string_match(file_name, string_u8_litexpr(".")) || string_match(file_name, string_u8_litexpr(".."))){ continue; } File_Info *info = push_array(arena, File_Info, 1); sll_queue_push(first, last, info); count += 1; info->file_name = push_string_copy(arena, file_name); // NOTE(yuval): Get file attributes { Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(arena); b32 append_slash = false; u64 file_path_size = directory.size + file_name.size; if (string_get_character(directory, directory.size - 1) != '/'){ append_slash = true; file_path_size += 1; } char *file_path = push_array(arena, char, file_path_size + 1); char *file_path_at = file_path; block_copy(file_path_at, directory.str, directory.size); file_path_at += directory.size; if (append_slash){ *file_path_at = '/'; file_path_at += 1; } block_copy(file_path_at, file_name.str, file_name.size); file_path_at += file_name.size; *file_path_at = 0; info->attributes = mac_file_attributes_from_path(file_path); end_temp(temp); } } closedir(dir); result.infos = push_array(arena, File_Info*, count); result.count = count; i32 index = 0; for (File_Info *node = first; node != 0; node = node->next){ result.infos[index] = node; index += 1; } } return(result); } function system_quick_file_attributes_sig(){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); char *c_file_name = push_array(scratch, char, file_name.size + 1); block_copy(c_file_name, file_name.str, file_name.size); c_file_name[file_name.size] = 0; File_Attributes result = mac_file_attributes_from_path(c_file_name); end_temp(temp); return(result); } function inline Plat_Handle mac_to_plat_handle(i32 fd){ Plat_Handle result = *(Plat_Handle*)(&fd); return(result); } function inline i32 mac_to_fd(Plat_Handle handle){ i32 result = *(i32*)(&handle); return(result); } function system_load_handle_sig(){ b32 result = false; i32 fd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY); if ((fd != -1) && (fd != 0)) { *out = mac_to_plat_handle(fd); result = true; } return(result); } function system_load_attributes_sig(){ i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle); File_Attributes result = mac_file_attributes_from_fd(fd); return(result); } function system_load_file_sig(){ i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle); do{ ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, buffer, size); if (bytes_read == -1){ if (errno != EINTR){ // NOTE(yuval): An error occured while reading from the file descriptor break; } } else{ size -= bytes_read; buffer += bytes_read; } } while (size > 0); b32 result = (size == 0); return(result); } function system_load_close_sig(){ b32 result = true; i32 fd = mac_to_fd(handle); if (close(fd) == -1){ // NOTE(yuval): An error occured while close the file descriptor result = false; } return(result); } function system_save_file_sig(){ File_Attributes result = {}; i32 fd = open(file_name, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 00640); if (fd != -1) { do{ ssize_t bytes_written = write(fd, data.str, data.size); if (bytes_written == -1){ if (errno != EINTR){ // NOTE(yuval): An error occured while writing to the file descriptor break; } } else{ data.size -= bytes_written; data.str += bytes_written; } } while (data.size > 0); if (data.size == 0) { result = mac_file_attributes_from_fd(fd); } close(fd); } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function inline System_Library mac_to_system_library(void *dl_handle){ System_Library result = *(System_Library*)(&dl_handle); return(result); } function inline void* mac_to_dl_handle(System_Library system_lib){ void *result = *(void**)(&system_lib); return(result); } function system_load_library_sig(){ b32 result = false; void *lib = 0; // NOTE(yuval): Open library handle { Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); char *c_file_name = push_array(scratch, char, file_name.size + 1); block_copy(c_file_name, file_name.str, file_name.size); c_file_name[file_name.size] = 0; lib = dlopen(c_file_name, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); end_temp(temp); } if (lib){ *out = mac_to_system_library(lib); result = true; } return(result); } function system_release_library_sig(){ void *lib = mac_to_dl_handle(handle); i32 rc = dlclose(lib); b32 result = (rc == 0); return(result); } function system_get_proc_sig(){ void *lib = mac_to_dl_handle(handle); Void_Func *result = (Void_Func*)dlsym(lib, proc_name); return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function system_now_time_sig(){ u64 now = mach_absolute_time(); // NOTE(yuval): Now time nanoseconds conversion f64 now_nano = (f64)((f64)now * (f64)mac_vars.timebase_info.numer / (f64)mac_vars.timebase_info.denom); // NOTE(yuval): Conversion to useconds u64 result = (u64)(now_nano * 1.0E-3); return(result); } function system_wake_up_timer_create_sig(){ Mac_Object *object = mac_alloc_object(MacObjectKind_Timer); dll_insert(&mac_vars.timer_objects, &object->node); object->timer.timer = nil; Plat_Handle result = mac_to_plat_handle(object); return(result); } function system_wake_up_timer_release_sig(){ Mac_Object *object = (Mac_Object*)mac_to_object(handle); if (object->kind == MacObjectKind_Timer){ if ((object->timer != nil) && [object->timer isValid]) { [object->timer invalidate]; mac_free_object(object); } } } function system_wake_up_timer_set_sig(){ Mac_Object *object = (Mac_Object*)mac_to_object(handle); if (object->kind == MacObjectKind_Timer){ f64 time_seconds = ((f64)time_milliseconds / 1000.0); object->timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: time_seconds target: mac_vars.view selector: @selector(requestDisplay) userInfo: nil repeats:NO]; } } function system_signal_step_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_sleep_sig(){ NotImplemented; } //////////////////////////////// function system_post_clipboard_sig(){ NotImplemented; } //////////////////////////////// function system_cli_call_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_cli_begin_update_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_cli_update_step_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_cli_end_update_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function system_open_color_picker_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_get_screen_scale_factor_sig(){ f32 result = 0.0f; NotImplemented; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function system_thread_launch_sig(){ System_Thread result = {}; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_thread_join_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_thread_free_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_thread_get_id_sig(){ i32 result = 0; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_acquire_global_frame_mutex_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_release_global_frame_mutex_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_mutex_make_sig(){ System_Mutex result = {}; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_mutex_acquire_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_mutex_release_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_mutex_free_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_condition_variable_make_sig(){ System_Condition_Variable result = {}; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_condition_variable_wait_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_condition_variable_signal_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_condition_variable_free_sig(){ NotImplemented; } //////////////////////////////// function system_memory_allocate_sig(){ void* result = 0; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_memory_set_protection_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_memory_free_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_memory_annotation_sig(){ Memory_Annotation result = {}; NotImplemented; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// function system_show_mouse_cursor_sig(){ NotImplemented; } function system_set_fullscreen_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_is_fullscreen_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } function system_get_keyboard_modifiers_sig(){ Input_Modifier_Set result = {}; NotImplemented; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// // Graphics API // //////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// function graphics_get_texture_sig(){ u32 result = 0; NotImplemented; return(result); } function graphics_fill_texture_sig(){ b32 result = false; NotImplemented; return(result); } //////////////////////////////// //////////////////// // Font API // //////////////////// //////////////////////////////// function font_make_face_sig(){ Face* result = 0; NotImplemented; return(result); } ////////////////////////////////