/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 25.02.2016 * * File editing view for 4coder * */ // TOP #define KEYCODES_FILE "4coder_API/keycodes.h" #define STYLE_FILE "4coder_API/style.h" #define API_H "4coder_API/app_functions.h" #define OS_API_H "4ed_os_custom_api.h" #include "4tech_meta_defines.h" #include "../4coder_API/version.h" #define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../4coder_lib/4coder_string.h" #include "../4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" #include "../4cpp/4cpp_lexer.h" #include #include #include #include "meta_parser.cpp" #include "out_context.cpp" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *keys_that_need_codes[] = { "back", "up", "down", "left", "right", "del", "insert", "home", "end", "page_up", "page_down", "esc", "mouse_left", "mouse_right", "mouse_left_release", "mouse_right_release", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15", "f16", }; internal void generate_keycode_enum(){ char *filename_keycodes = KEYCODES_FILE; uint16_t code = 0xD800; String out = make_out_string(10 << 20); Out_Context context = {0}; if (begin_file_out(&context, filename_keycodes, &out)){ int32_t count = ArrayCount(keys_that_need_codes); append_sc(&out, "enum{\n"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < count;){ append_sc(&out, "key_"); append_sc(&out, keys_that_need_codes[i++]); append_sc(&out, " = "); append_int_to_str(&out, code++); append_sc(&out, ",\n"); } append_sc(&out, "};\n"); append_sc(&out, "static char*\n" "global_key_name(uint32_t key_code, int32_t *size){\n" "char *result = 0;\n" "switch(key_code){\n"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "case key_"); append_sc(&out, keys_that_need_codes[i]); append_sc(&out, ": result = \""); append_sc(&out, keys_that_need_codes[i]); append_sc(&out, "\"; *size = sizeof(\""); append_sc(&out, keys_that_need_codes[i]); append_sc(&out, "\")-1; break;\n"); } append_sc(&out, "}\n" "return(result);\n" "}\n"); end_file_out(context); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void struct_begin(String *str, char *name){ append_sc(str, "struct "); append_sc(str, name); append_sc(str, "{\n"); //} } static void enum_begin(String *str, char *name){ append_sc(str, "enum "); append_sc(str, name); append_sc(str, "{\n"); //} } static void struct_end(String *str){ //{ append_sc(str, "};\n\n"); } static char* bar_style_fields[] = { "bar", "bar_active", "base", "pop1", "pop2", }; static char* main_style_fields[] = { "back", "margin", "margin_hover", "margin_active", "list_item", "list_item_hover", "list_item_active", "cursor", "at_cursor", "highlight", "at_highlight", "mark", "default", "comment", "keyword", "str_constant", "char_constant", "int_constant", "float_constant", "bool_constant", "preproc", "include", "special_character", "ghost_character", "highlight_junk", "highlight_white", "paste", "undo", "next_undo", }; static char* make_style_tag(char *tag){ char *str; int32_t len; len = (int32_t)strlen(tag); str = (char*)malloc(len + 1); to_camel_cc(tag, str); str[len] = 0; return(str); } static void generate_style(){ char filename_4coder[] = STYLE_FILE; char filename_4ed[] = "4ed_style.h"; char *tag = 0; int32_t count = 0, i = 0; String out = make_out_string(10 << 20); Out_Context context = {0}; if (begin_file_out(&context, filename_4coder, &out)){ enum_begin(&out, "Style_Tag"); { count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "Stag_"); append_sc(&out, tag); append_sc(&out, ",\n"); free(tag); } count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "Stag_"); append_sc(&out, tag); append_sc(&out, ",\n"); free(tag); } } struct_end(&out); end_file_out(context); } if (begin_file_out(&context, filename_4ed, &out)){ struct_begin(&out, "Interactive_Style"); { count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "u32 "); append_sc(&out, bar_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "_color;\n"); } } struct_end(&out); struct_begin(&out, "Style_Main_Data"); { count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "u32 "); append_sc(&out, main_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "_color;\n"); } append_sc(&out, "Interactive_Style file_info_style;\n"); } struct_end(&out); { append_sc(&out, "inline u32*\n" "style_index_by_tag(Style_Main_Data *s, u32 tag){\n" "u32 *result = 0;\n" "switch (tag){\n"); count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "case Stag_"); append_sc(&out, tag); append_sc(&out, ": result = &s->file_info_style."); append_sc(&out, bar_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "_color; break;\n"); free(tag); } count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "case Stag_"); append_sc(&out, tag); append_sc(&out, ": result = &s->"); append_sc(&out, main_style_fields[i]); append_sc(&out, "_color; break;\n"); free(tag); } append_sc(&out, "}\n" "return(result);\n" "}\n\n"); } end_file_out(context); } free(out.str); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Meta Parse Rules // static void print_function_body_code(String *out, Parse_Context *context, int32_t start){ String pstr = {0}, lexeme = {0}; Cpp_Token *token = 0; int32_t do_print = 0; int32_t nest_level = 0; int32_t finish = false; int32_t do_whitespace_print = false; int32_t is_first = true; for (; (token = get_token(context)) != 0; get_next_token(context)){ if (do_whitespace_print){ pstr = str_start_end(context->data, start, token->start); append_ss(out, pstr); } else{ do_whitespace_print = true; } do_print = true; if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ lexeme = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); if (check_and_fix_docs(&lexeme)){ do_print = false; } } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ ++nest_level; } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE){ --nest_level; if (nest_level == 0){ finish = true; } } if (is_first){ do_print = false; is_first = false; } if (do_print){ pstr = get_lexeme(*token, context->data); append_ss(out, pstr); } start = token->start + token->size; if (finish){ break; } } } typedef struct App_API_Name{ String macro; String public_name; } App_API_Name; typedef struct App_API{ App_API_Name *names; } App_API; static App_API allocate_app_api(Partition *part, int32_t count){ App_API app_api = {0}; app_api.names = push_array(part, App_API_Name, count); memset(app_api.names, 0, sizeof(App_API_Name)*count); return(app_api); } static void generate_custom_headers(){ META_BEGIN(); int32_t size = (512 << 20); void *mem = malloc(size); memset(mem, 0, size); Partition part_ = make_part(mem, size); Partition *part = &part_; static Meta_Keywords meta_keywords[] = { {make_lit_string("API_EXPORT") , Item_Function } , {make_lit_string("API_EXPORT_INLINE") , Item_Function } , {make_lit_string("API_EXPORT_MACRO") , Item_Macro } , {make_lit_string("CPP_NAME") , Item_CppName } , {make_lit_string("TYPEDEF") , Item_Typedef } , {make_lit_string("STRUCT") , Item_Struct } , {make_lit_string("UNION") , Item_Union } , {make_lit_string("ENUM") , Item_Enum } , }; #define ExpandArray(a) (a), (ArrayCount(a)) // NOTE(allen): Parse the customization API files static char *functions_files[] = { "4ed_api_implementation.cpp", 0 }; Meta_Unit unit_custom = compile_meta_unit(part, ".", functions_files, ExpandArray(meta_keywords)); if (unit_custom.parse == 0){ Assert(!"Missing one or more input files!"); } // NOTE(allen): Compute and store variations of the function names App_API func_4ed_names = allocate_app_api(part, unit_custom.set.count); for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ String name_string = unit_custom.set.items[i].name; String *macro = &func_4ed_names.names[i].macro; String *public_name = &func_4ed_names.names[i].public_name; *macro = str_alloc(part, name_string.size+4); to_upper_ss(macro, name_string); append_ss(macro, make_lit_string("_SIG")); *public_name = str_alloc(part, name_string.size); to_lower_ss(public_name, name_string); partition_align(part, 4); } // NOTE(allen): Output String out = str_alloc(part, 10 << 20); Out_Context context = {0}; // NOTE(allen): Custom API headers if (begin_file_out(&context, OS_API_H, &out)){ int32_t main_api_count = unit_custom.parse[0].item_count; int32_t os_api_count = unit_custom.parse[1].item_count; append_sc(&out, "struct Application_Links;\n"); for (int32_t i = main_api_count; i < os_api_count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "#define "); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].macro); append_sc(&out, "(n) "); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].ret); append_sc(&out, " n"); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].args); append_s_char(&out, '\n'); } for (int32_t i = main_api_count; i < os_api_count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "typedef "); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].macro); append_s_char(&out, '('); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].name); append_sc(&out, "_Function);\n"); } end_file_out(context); } else{ // TODO(allen): warning } if (begin_file_out(&context, API_H, &out)){ append_sc(&out, "struct Application_Links;\n"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "#define "); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].macro); append_sc(&out, "(n) "); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].ret); append_sc(&out, " n"); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].args); append_s_char(&out, '\n'); } for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "typedef "); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].macro); append_s_char(&out, '('); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].name); append_sc(&out, "_Function);\n"); } append_sc(&out, "struct Application_Links{\n"); append_sc(&out, "#if defined(ALLOW_DEP_4CODER)\n"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].name); append_sc(&out, "_Function *"); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].public_name); append_sc(&out, ";\n"); } append_sc(&out, "#else\n"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].name); append_sc(&out, "_Function *"); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].public_name); append_sc(&out, "_;\n"); } append_sc(&out, "#endif\n"); append_sc(&out, "void *memory;\n" "int32_t memory_size;\n" "void *cmd_context;\n" "void *system_links;\n" "void *current_coroutine;\n" "int32_t type_coroutine;\n" "};\n"); append_sc(&out, "#define FillAppLinksAPI(app_links) do{"); for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ append_sc(&out, "\\\napp_links->"); append_ss(&out, func_4ed_names.names[i].public_name); append_sc(&out, "_ = "); append_ss(&out, unit_custom.set.items[i].name); append_s_char(&out, ';'); } append_sc(&out, "} while(false)\n"); append_sc(&out, "#if defined(ALLOW_DEP_4CODER)\n"); for (int32_t use_dep = 1; use_dep >= 0; --use_dep){ for (int32_t i = 0; i < unit_custom.set.count; ++i){ Argument_Breakdown breakdown = unit_custom.set.items[i].breakdown; String ret = unit_custom.set.items[i].ret; String public_name = func_4ed_names.names[i].public_name; append_sc(&out, "static inline "); append_ss(&out, ret); append_sc(&out, " "); append_ss(&out, public_name); append_sc(&out, "("); for (int32_t j = 0; j < breakdown.count; ++j){ append_ss(&out, breakdown.args[j].param_string); if (j+1 != breakdown.count){ append_sc(&out, ", "); } } append_sc(&out, "){"); if (match_ss(ret, make_lit_string("void"))){ append_sc(&out, "("); } else{ append_sc(&out, "return("); } append_sc(&out, "app->"); append_ss(&out, public_name); if (!use_dep){ append_sc(&out, "_"); } append_sc(&out, "("); for (int32_t j = 0; j < breakdown.count; ++j){ append_ss(&out, breakdown.args[j].param_name); if (j+1 != breakdown.count){ append_sc(&out, ", "); } } append_sc(&out, ")"); append_sc(&out, ");}\n"); } if (use_dep == 1){ append_sc(&out, "#else\n"); } } append_sc(&out, "#endif\n"); end_file_out(context); } else{ // TODO(allen): warning } META_FINISH(); } int main(int argc, char **argv){ generate_keycode_enum(); generate_style(); generate_custom_headers(); } // BOTTOM