/* 4coder_search.cpp - Commands that search accross buffers including word complete, and list all locations. TYPE: 'drop-in-command-pack' */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_SEARCH) #define FCODER_SEARCH #include "4coder_lib/4coder_table.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_streaming.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_long_seek.h" #include "4coder_default_framework.h" // // Search Iteration Systems // enum Search_Range_Type{ SearchRange_FrontToBack, SearchRange_BackToFront, SearchRange_Wave, }; enum Search_Range_Flag{ SearchFlag_MatchWholeWord = 0x00, SearchFlag_MatchWordPrefix = 0x01, SearchFlag_MatchSubstring = 0x02, SearchFlag_MatchMask = 0xFF, SearchFlag_CaseInsensitive = 0x0100, }; struct Search_Range{ int32_t type; uint32_t flags; int32_t buffer; int32_t start; int32_t size; int32_t mid_start; int32_t mid_size; }; struct Search_Set{ Search_Range *ranges; int32_t count; int32_t max; }; struct Search_Iter{ String word; int32_t pos; int32_t back_pos; int32_t i; int32_t range_initialized; }; struct Search_Match{ Buffer_Summary buffer; int32_t start; int32_t end; int32_t found_match; }; static void search_iter_init(General_Memory *general, Search_Iter *iter, int32_t size){ int32_t str_max = size*2; if (iter->word.str == 0){ iter->word.str = (char*)general_memory_allocate(general, str_max); iter->word.memory_size = str_max; } else if (iter->word.memory_size < size){ iter->word.str = (char*)general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, iter->word.str, str_max); iter->word.memory_size = str_max; } iter->i = 0; iter->range_initialized = 0; } static void search_set_init(General_Memory *general, Search_Set *set, int32_t range_count){ int32_t max = range_count*2; if (set->ranges == 0){ set->ranges = (Search_Range*)general_memory_allocate(general, sizeof(Search_Range)*max); set->max = max; } else if (set->max < range_count){ set->ranges = (Search_Range*)general_memory_reallocate_nocopy( general, set->ranges, sizeof(Search_Range)*max); set->max = max; } set->count = range_count; } static void search_hits_table_alloc(General_Memory *general, Table *hits, int32_t table_size){ void *mem = 0; int32_t mem_size = table_required_mem_size(table_size, sizeof(Offset_String)); if (hits->hash_array == 0){ mem = general_memory_allocate(general, mem_size); } else{ mem = general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, hits->hash_array, mem_size); } table_init_memory(hits, mem, table_size, sizeof(Offset_String)); } static void search_hits_init(General_Memory *general, Table *hits, String_Space *str, int32_t table_size, int32_t str_size){ if (hits->hash_array == 0){ search_hits_table_alloc(general, hits, table_size); } else{ int32_t mem_size = table_required_mem_size(table_size, sizeof(Offset_String)); void *mem = general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, hits->hash_array, mem_size); table_init_memory(hits, mem, table_size, sizeof(Offset_String)); } if (str->space == 0){ str->space = (char*)general_memory_allocate(general, str_size); str->max = str_size; } else if (str->max < str_size){ str->space = (char*)general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, str->space, str_size); str->max = str_size; } str->pos = str->new_pos = 0; table_clear(hits); } static int32_t search_hit_add(General_Memory *general, Table *hits, String_Space *space, char *str, int32_t len){ int32_t result = false; Assert(len != 0); Offset_String ostring = strspace_append(space, str, len); if (ostring.size == 0){ int32_t new_size = space->max*2; if (new_size < space->max + len){ new_size = space->max + len; } space->space = (char*)general_memory_reallocate(general, space->space, space->new_pos, new_size); ostring = strspace_append(space, str, len); } Assert(ostring.size != 0); if (table_at_capacity(hits)){ Table new_hits = {0}; search_hits_table_alloc(general, &new_hits, hits->max*2); table_clear(&new_hits); table_rehash(hits, &new_hits, space->space, tbl_offset_string_hash, tbl_offset_string_compare); general_memory_free(general, hits->hash_array); *hits = new_hits; } if (!table_add(hits, &ostring, space->space, tbl_offset_string_hash, tbl_offset_string_compare)){ result = true; strspace_keep_prev(space); } else{ strspace_discard_prev(space); } return(result); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alpha_numeric_end(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char space[1024]; Stream_Chunk chunk = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&chunk, app, buffer, pos, space, sizeof(space))){ int32_t still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < chunk.end; ++pos){ uint8_t at_pos = (uint8_t)chunk.data[pos]; if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(at_pos)) goto double_break; } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&chunk); }while(still_looping); } double_break:; return(pos); } static void search_iter_next_range(Search_Iter *it){ ++it->i; it->pos = 0; it->back_pos = 0; it->range_initialized = 0; } enum{ FindResult_None, FindResult_FoundMatch, FindResult_PastEnd }; static int32_t match_check(Application_Links *app, Search_Range *range, int32_t *pos, Search_Match *result_ptr, String word){ int32_t found_match = FindResult_None; Search_Match result = *result_ptr; int32_t end_pos = range->start + range->size; int32_t type = (range->flags & SearchFlag_MatchMask); switch (type){ case SearchFlag_MatchWholeWord: { char first = word.str[0]; char prev = ' '; if (char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(first)){ prev = buffer_get_char(app, &result.buffer, result.start - 1); } if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(prev)){ result.end = result.start + word.size; if (result.end <= end_pos){ char last = word.str[word.size-1]; char next = ' '; if (char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(last)){ next = buffer_get_char(app, &result.buffer, result.end); } if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(next)){ result.found_match = true; found_match = FindResult_FoundMatch; } } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; } } }break; case SearchFlag_MatchWordPrefix: { char prev = buffer_get_char(app, &result.buffer, result.start - 1); if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(prev)){ result.end = buffer_seek_alpha_numeric_end( app, &result.buffer, result.start); if (result.end <= end_pos){ result.found_match = true; found_match = FindResult_FoundMatch; } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; } } }break; case SearchFlag_MatchSubstring: { result.end = result.start + word.size; if (result.end <= end_pos){ result.found_match = true; found_match = FindResult_FoundMatch; } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; } }break; } *result_ptr = result; return(found_match); } static int32_t search_front_to_back_step(Application_Links *app, Search_Range *range, String word, int32_t *pos, Search_Match *result_ptr){ int32_t found_match = FindResult_None; Search_Match result = *result_ptr; int32_t end_pos = range->start + range->size; if (*pos + word.size < end_pos){ int32_t start_pos = *pos; if (start_pos < range->start){ start_pos = range->start; } int32_t case_insensitive = (range->flags & SearchFlag_CaseInsensitive); result.buffer = get_buffer(app, range->buffer, AccessAll); if (case_insensitive){ buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, &result.buffer, start_pos, end_pos, word.str, word.size, &result.start); } else{ buffer_seek_string_forward(app, &result.buffer, start_pos, end_pos, word.str, word.size, &result.start); } if (result.start < end_pos){ *pos = result.start + 1; found_match = match_check(app, range, pos, &result, word); if (found_match == FindResult_FoundMatch){ *pos = result.end; } } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; *pos = end_pos + 1; } } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; *pos = end_pos + 1; } *result_ptr = result; return(found_match); } static int32_t search_front_to_back(Application_Links *app, Search_Range *range, String word, int32_t *pos, Search_Match *result_ptr){ int32_t found_match = FindResult_None; for (;found_match == FindResult_None;){ found_match = search_front_to_back_step(app, range, word, pos, result_ptr); } return(found_match); } static int32_t search_back_to_front_step(Application_Links *app, Search_Range *range, String word, int32_t *pos, Search_Match *result_ptr){ int32_t found_match = FindResult_None; Search_Match result = *result_ptr; if (*pos > range->start){ int32_t start_pos = *pos; result.buffer = get_buffer(app, range->buffer, AccessAll); buffer_seek_string_backward(app, &result.buffer, start_pos, range->start, word.str, word.size, &result.start); // TODO(allen): deduplicate the match checking code. if (result.start >= range->start){ *pos = result.start - 1; found_match = match_check(app, range, pos, &result, word); if (found_match == FindResult_FoundMatch){ *pos = result.start - word.size; } } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; } } else{ found_match = FindResult_PastEnd; } *result_ptr = result; return(found_match); } static int32_t search_back_to_front(Application_Links *app, Search_Range *range, String word, int32_t *pos, Search_Match *result_ptr){ int32_t found_match = FindResult_None; for (;found_match == FindResult_None;){ found_match = search_back_to_front_step(app, range, word, pos, result_ptr); } return(found_match); } static Search_Match search_next_match(Application_Links *app, Search_Set *set, Search_Iter *it_ptr){ Search_Match result = {0}; Search_Iter iter = *it_ptr; int32_t count = set->count; for (; iter.i < count;){ Search_Range *range = set->ranges + iter.i; int32_t find_result = FindResult_None; if (!iter.range_initialized){ iter.range_initialized = true; switch (range->type){ case SearchRange_BackToFront: { iter.back_pos = range->start+range->size-1; }break; case SearchRange_Wave: { iter.back_pos = range->mid_start-1; iter.pos = range->mid_start + range->mid_size; }break; } } switch (range->type){ case SearchRange_FrontToBack: { find_result = search_front_to_back(app, range, iter.word, &iter.pos, &result); }break; case SearchRange_BackToFront: { find_result = search_back_to_front(app, range, iter.word, &iter.back_pos, &result); }break; case SearchRange_Wave: { Search_Match forward_match = {0}; Search_Match backward_match = {0}; int32_t forward_result = FindResult_PastEnd; int32_t backward_result = FindResult_PastEnd; if (iter.pos < range->start + range->size){ forward_result = search_front_to_back(app, range, iter.word, &iter.pos, &forward_match); } if (iter.back_pos > range->start){ backward_result = search_back_to_front(app, range, iter.word, &iter.back_pos, &backward_match); } if (forward_result == FindResult_FoundMatch){ if (backward_result == FindResult_FoundMatch){ find_result = FindResult_FoundMatch; int32_t forward_start = range->mid_start + range->mid_size; int32_t forward_distance = (forward_match.start - forward_start); int32_t backward_distance = (range->mid_start - backward_match.end); if (backward_distance < forward_distance){ iter.pos = forward_match.start; result = backward_match; } else{ iter.back_pos = backward_match.start; result = forward_match; } } else{ find_result = FindResult_FoundMatch; result = forward_match; } } else{ if (backward_result == FindResult_FoundMatch){ find_result = FindResult_FoundMatch; result = backward_match; --iter.pos; } else{ find_result = FindResult_PastEnd; } } }break; } if (find_result == FindResult_FoundMatch){ goto double_break; } else if (find_result == FindResult_PastEnd){ search_iter_next_range(&iter); } } double_break:; *it_ptr = iter; return(result); } // // Generic Search All Buffers // static void get_search_all_string(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar){ char string_space[1024]; bar->prompt = make_lit_string("List Locations For: "); bar->string = make_fixed_width_string(string_space); if (!query_user_string(app, bar)){ bar->string.size = 0; } } static void generic_search_all_buffers(Application_Links *app, General_Memory *general, Partition *part, String string, uint32_t match_flags){ Search_Set set = {0}; Search_Iter iter = {0}; search_iter_init(general, &iter, string.size); copy_ss(&iter.word, string); int32_t buffer_count = get_buffer_count(app); search_set_init(general, &set, buffer_count); Search_Range *ranges = set.ranges; String search_name = make_lit_string("*search*"); Buffer_Summary search_buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, search_name.str, search_name.size, AccessAll); if (!search_buffer.exists){ search_buffer = create_buffer(app, search_name.str, search_name.size, BufferCreate_AlwaysNew); buffer_set_setting(app, &search_buffer, BufferSetting_Unimportant, true); buffer_set_setting(app, &search_buffer, BufferSetting_ReadOnly, true); buffer_set_setting(app, &search_buffer, BufferSetting_WrapLine, false); } else{ buffer_replace_range(app, &search_buffer, 0, search_buffer.size, 0, 0); } { View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessProtected); int32_t j = 0; if (buffer.exists){ if (buffer.buffer_id != search_buffer.buffer_id){ ranges[0].type = SearchRange_FrontToBack; ranges[0].flags = match_flags; ranges[0].buffer = buffer.buffer_id; ranges[0].start = 0; ranges[0].size = buffer.size; j = 1; } } for (Buffer_Summary buffer_it = get_buffer_first(app, AccessAll); buffer_it.exists; get_buffer_next(app, &buffer_it, AccessAll)){ if (buffer.buffer_id != buffer_it.buffer_id){ if (search_buffer.buffer_id != buffer_it.buffer_id){ ranges[j].type = SearchRange_FrontToBack; ranges[j].flags = match_flags; ranges[j].buffer = buffer_it.buffer_id; ranges[j].start = 0; ranges[j].size = buffer_it.size; ++j; } } } set.count = j; } Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Partition line_part = partition_sub_part(part, (4 << 10)); char *str = (char*)partition_current(part); int32_t part_size = 0; int32_t size = 0; for (;;){ Search_Match match = search_next_match(app, &set, &iter); if (match.found_match){ Partial_Cursor word_pos = {0}; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, &match.buffer, seek_pos(match.start), &word_pos)){ char *file_name = match.buffer.file_name; int32_t file_len = match.buffer.file_name_len; if (file_name != 0){ file_name = match.buffer.buffer_name; file_len = match.buffer.buffer_name_len; } int32_t line_num_len = int_to_str_size(word_pos.line); int32_t column_num_len = int_to_str_size(word_pos.character); Temp_Memory line_temp = begin_temp_memory(&line_part); String line_str = {0}; read_line(app, &line_part, &match.buffer, word_pos.line, &line_str); line_str = skip_chop_whitespace(line_str); int32_t str_len = file_len + 1 + line_num_len + 1 + column_num_len + 1 + 1 + line_str.size + 1; char *spare = push_array(part, char, str_len); if (spare == 0){ buffer_replace_range(app, &search_buffer, size, size, str, part_size); size += part_size; end_temp_memory(temp); temp = begin_temp_memory(part); part_size = 0; spare = push_array(part, char, str_len); } part_size += str_len; String out_line = make_string_cap(spare, 0, str_len); append_ss(&out_line, make_string(file_name, file_len)); append_s_char(&out_line, ':'); append_int_to_str(&out_line, word_pos.line); append_s_char(&out_line, ':'); append_int_to_str(&out_line, word_pos.character); append_s_char(&out_line, ':'); append_s_char(&out_line, ' '); append_ss(&out_line, line_str); append_s_char(&out_line, '\n'); Assert(out_line.size == str_len); end_temp_memory(line_temp); } } else{ break; } } buffer_replace_range(app, &search_buffer, size, size, str, part_size); View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); view_set_buffer(app, &view, search_buffer.buffer_id, 0); lock_jump_buffer(search_name.str, search_name.size); end_temp_memory(temp); } // // List Commands // CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_locations){ Query_Bar bar; get_search_all_string(app, &bar); if (bar.string.size == 0) return; generic_search_all_buffers(app, &global_general, &global_part, bar.string, SearchFlag_MatchWholeWord); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_substring_locations){ Query_Bar bar; get_search_all_string(app, &bar); if (bar.string.size == 0) return; generic_search_all_buffers(app, &global_general, &global_part, bar.string, SearchFlag_MatchSubstring); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_locations_case_insensitive){ Query_Bar bar; get_search_all_string(app, &bar); if (bar.string.size == 0) return; generic_search_all_buffers(app, &global_general, &global_part, bar.string, SearchFlag_CaseInsensitive | SearchFlag_MatchWholeWord); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive){ Query_Bar bar; get_search_all_string(app, &bar); if (bar.string.size == 0) return; generic_search_all_buffers(app, &global_general, &global_part, bar.string, SearchFlag_CaseInsensitive | SearchFlag_MatchSubstring); } static void list_all_locations_of_identifier_parameters(Application_Links *app, bool32 substrings, bool32 case_insensitive){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessProtected); Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_result = {0}; bool32 success = buffer_get_token_index(app, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, &get_result); if (success && !get_result.in_whitespace){ char space[256]; int32_t size = get_result.token_end - get_result.token_start; if (size > 0 && size <= sizeof(space)){ success = buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, get_result.token_start, get_result.token_end, space); if (success){ String str = make_string(space, size); change_active_panel(app); uint32_t flags = 0; if (substrings){ flags |= SearchFlag_MatchSubstring; } else{ flags |= SearchFlag_MatchWholeWord; } if (case_insensitive){ flags |= SearchFlag_CaseInsensitive; } generic_search_all_buffers(app, &global_general, &global_part, str, flags); } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_locations_of_identifier){ list_all_locations_of_identifier_parameters(app, false, false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive){ list_all_locations_of_identifier_parameters(app, false, true); } // // Word Complete Command // struct Word_Complete_State{ Search_Set set; Search_Iter iter; Table hits; String_Space str; int32_t word_start; int32_t word_end; int32_t initialized; }; static Word_Complete_State complete_state = {0}; CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(word_complete){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessOpen); // NOTE(allen): I just do this because this command is a lot of work // and there is no point in doing any of it if nothing will happen anyway. if (buffer.exists){ int32_t do_init = false; if (view_paste_index[view.view_id].rewrite != RewriteWordComplete){ do_init = true; } view_paste_index[view.view_id].next_rewrite = RewriteWordComplete; if (!complete_state.initialized){ do_init = true; } int32_t word_end = 0; int32_t word_start = 0; int32_t cursor_pos = 0; int32_t size = 0; if (do_init){ // NOTE(allen): Get the range where the // partial word is written. word_end = view.cursor.pos; word_start = word_end; cursor_pos = word_end - 1; char space[1024]; Stream_Chunk chunk = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&chunk, app, &buffer, cursor_pos, space, sizeof(space))){ int32_t still_looping = true; do{ for (; cursor_pos >= chunk.start; --cursor_pos){ char c = chunk.data[cursor_pos]; if (char_is_alpha_utf8(c)){ word_start = cursor_pos; } else if (!char_is_numeric(c)){ goto double_break; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&chunk); }while(still_looping); } double_break:; size = word_end - word_start; if (size == 0){ complete_state.initialized = false; return; } // NOTE(allen): Initialize the search iterator // with the partial word. complete_state.initialized = true; search_iter_init(&global_general, &complete_state.iter, size); buffer_read_range(app, &buffer, word_start, word_end, complete_state.iter.word.str); complete_state.iter.word.size = size; // NOTE(allen): Initialize the set of ranges to be searched. int32_t buffer_count = get_buffer_count(app); search_set_init(&global_general, &complete_state.set, buffer_count); Search_Range *ranges = complete_state.set.ranges; ranges[0].type = SearchRange_Wave; ranges[0].flags = SearchFlag_MatchWordPrefix; ranges[0].buffer = buffer.buffer_id; ranges[0].start = 0; ranges[0].size = buffer.size; ranges[0].mid_start = word_start; ranges[0].mid_size = size; int32_t j = 1; for (Buffer_Summary buffer_it = get_buffer_first(app, AccessAll); buffer_it.exists; get_buffer_next(app, &buffer_it, AccessAll)){ if (buffer.buffer_id != buffer_it.buffer_id){ ranges[j].type = SearchRange_FrontToBack; ranges[j].flags = SearchFlag_MatchWordPrefix; ranges[j].buffer = buffer_it.buffer_id; ranges[j].start = 0; ranges[j].size = buffer_it.size; ++j; } } complete_state.set.count = j; // NOTE(allen): Initialize the search hit table. search_hits_init(&global_general, &complete_state.hits, &complete_state.str, 100, (4 << 10)); search_hit_add(&global_general, &complete_state.hits, &complete_state.str, complete_state.iter.word.str, complete_state.iter.word.size); complete_state.word_start = word_start; complete_state.word_end = word_end; } else{ word_start = complete_state.word_start; word_end = complete_state.word_end; size = complete_state.iter.word.size; } // NOTE(allen): Iterate through matches. if (size > 0){ for (;;){ int32_t match_size = 0; Search_Match match = search_next_match(app, &complete_state.set, &complete_state.iter); if (match.found_match){ match_size = match.end - match.start; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&global_part); char *spare = push_array(&global_part, char, match_size); buffer_read_range(app, &match.buffer, match.start, match.end, spare); if (search_hit_add(&global_general, &complete_state.hits, &complete_state.str, spare, match_size)){ buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, word_start, word_end, spare, match_size); view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_pos(word_start + match_size), true); complete_state.word_end = word_start + match_size; complete_state.set.ranges[0].mid_size = match_size; end_temp_memory(temp); break; } end_temp_memory(temp); } else{ complete_state.iter.pos = 0; complete_state.iter.i = 0; search_hits_init(&global_general, &complete_state.hits, &complete_state.str, 100, (4 << 10)); search_hit_add(&global_general, &complete_state.hits, &complete_state.str, complete_state.iter.word.str, complete_state.iter.word.size); match_size = complete_state.iter.word.size; char *str = complete_state.iter.word.str; buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer, word_start, word_end, str, match_size); view_set_cursor(app, &view, seek_pos(word_start + match_size), true); complete_state.word_end = word_start + match_size; complete_state.set.ranges[0].mid_size = match_size; break; } } } } } #endif // BOTTOM