/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 18.07.2017 * * General win32 functions * */ // TOP internal b32 system_file_can_be_made(Arena *scratch, u8 *filename){ HANDLE file = CreateFile_utf8(scratch, filename, FILE_APPEND_DATA, 0, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); b32 result = false; if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(file); result = true; } return(result); } // // Memory // internal void* win32_memory_allocate_extended(void *base, umem size){ void *result = VirtualAlloc(base, size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE); return(result); } internal system_memory_allocate_sig(){ return(win32_memory_allocate_extended(0, size)); } internal system_memory_set_protection_sig(){ b32 result = false; DWORD old_protect = 0; DWORD protect = 0; switch (flags & 0x7){ case 0: protect = PAGE_NOACCESS; break; case MemProtect_Read: protect = PAGE_READONLY; break; case MemProtect_Write: /* below */ case MemProtect_Write|MemProtect_Read: protect = PAGE_READWRITE; break; case MemProtect_Execute: protect = PAGE_EXECUTE; break; case MemProtect_Execute|MemProtect_Read: protect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ; break; case MemProtect_Execute|MemProtect_Write: /* below */ case MemProtect_Execute|MemProtect_Write|MemProtect_Read: protect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE; break; } VirtualProtect(ptr, size, protect, &old_protect); return(result); } internal system_memory_free_sig(){ VirtualFree(ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } // // 4ed path // internal system_get_path_sig(){ String_Const_u8 result = {}; switch (path_code){ case SystemPath_CurrentDirectory: { DWORD size = GetCurrentDirectory_utf8(arena, 0, 0); u8 *out = push_array(arena, u8, size); size = GetCurrentDirectory_utf8(arena, size, out); result = SCu8(out, size); }break; case SystemPath_Binary: { local_persist b32 has_stashed_4ed_path = false; if (!has_stashed_4ed_path){ has_stashed_4ed_path = true; local_const i32 binary_path_capacity = KB(32); u8 *memory = (u8*)system_memory_allocate(binary_path_capacity); i32 size = GetModuleFileName_utf8(arena, 0, memory, binary_path_capacity); Assert(size <= binary_path_capacity - 1); win32vars.binary_path = SCu8(memory, size); win32vars.binary_path = string_remove_last_folder(win32vars.binary_path); win32vars.binary_path.str[win32vars.binary_path.size] = 0; } result = push_string_copy(arena, win32vars.binary_path); }break; } return(result); } // // Files // internal String_Const_u8 win32_remove_unc_prefix_characters(String_Const_u8 path){ if (string_match(string_prefix(path, 7), string_u8_litexpr("\\\\?\\UNC"))){ #if 0 // TODO(allen): Why no just do path = string_skip(path, 7); path.str[0] = '\\'; // ? #endif path.size -= 7; memmove(path.str, path.str + 7, path.size); path.str[0] = '\\'; } else if (string_match(string_prefix(path, 4), string_u8_litexpr("\\\\?\\"))){ // TODO(allen): Same questions essentially. path.size -= 4; memmove(path.str, path.str + 4, path.size); } return(path); } internal system_get_canonical_sig(){ String_Const_u8 result = {}; if ((character_is_alpha(string_get_character(name, 0)) && string_get_character(name, 1) == ':') || string_match(string_prefix(name, 2), string_u8_litexpr("\\\\"))){ u8 *c_name = push_array(arena, u8, name.size + 1); block_copy(c_name, name.str, name.size); c_name[name.size] = 0; HANDLE file = CreateFile_utf8(arena, c_name, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ DWORD capacity = GetFinalPathNameByHandle_utf8(arena, file, 0, 0, 0); u8 *buffer = push_array(arena, u8, capacity); DWORD length = GetFinalPathNameByHandle_utf8(arena, file, buffer, capacity, 0); if (length > 0 && buffer[length - 1] == 0){ length -= 1; } result = SCu8(buffer, length); result = win32_remove_unc_prefix_characters(result); CloseHandle(file); } else{ String_Const_u8 path = string_remove_front_of_path(name); String_Const_u8 front = string_front_of_path(name); u8 *c_path = push_array(arena, u8, path.size + 1); block_copy(c_path, path.str, path.size); c_path[path.size] = 0; HANDLE dir = CreateFile_utf8(arena, c_path, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if (dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ DWORD capacity = GetFinalPathNameByHandle_utf8(arena, dir, 0, 0, 0); u8 *buffer = push_array(arena, u8, capacity + front.size + 1); DWORD length = GetFinalPathNameByHandle_utf8(arena, dir, buffer, capacity, 0); if (length > 0 && buffer[length - 1] == 0){ length -= 1; } buffer[length] = '\\'; length += 1; block_copy(buffer + length, front.str, front.size); length += (DWORD)front.size; result = SCu8(buffer, length); result = win32_remove_unc_prefix_characters(result); CloseHandle(dir); } } } return(result); } internal File_Attribute_Flag win32_convert_file_attribute_flags(DWORD dwFileAttributes){ File_Attribute_Flag result = {}; MovFlag(dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, result, FileAttribute_IsDirectory); return(result); } internal u64 win32_u64_from_u32_u32(u32 hi, u32 lo){ return( (((u64)hi) << 32) | ((u64)lo) ); } internal u64 win32_u64_from_filetime(FILETIME time){ return(win32_u64_from_u32_u32(time.dwHighDateTime, time.dwLowDateTime)); } internal File_Attributes win32_file_attributes_from_HANDLE(HANDLE file){ BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION info = {}; GetFileInformationByHandle(file, &info); File_Attributes result = {}; result.size = win32_u64_from_u32_u32(info.nFileSizeHigh, info.nFileSizeLow); result.last_write_time = win32_u64_from_filetime(info.ftLastWriteTime); result.flags = win32_convert_file_attribute_flags(info.dwFileAttributes); return(result); } internal system_get_file_list_sig(){ File_List result = {}; String_Const_u8 search_pattern = {}; if (character_is_slash(string_get_character(directory, directory.size - 1))){ search_pattern = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s*", string_expand(directory)); } else{ search_pattern = push_u8_stringf(arena, "%.*s\\*", string_expand(directory)); } WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data = {}; HANDLE search = FindFirstFile_utf8(arena, search_pattern.str, &find_data); if (search != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ File_Info *first = 0; File_Info *last = 0; i32 count = 0; for (;;){ String_Const_u16 file_name_utf16 = SCu16(find_data.cFileName); if (!(string_match(file_name_utf16, string_u16_litexpr(L".")) || string_match(file_name_utf16, string_u16_litexpr(L"..")))){ String_Const_u8 file_name = string_u8_from_string_u16(arena, file_name_utf16, StringFill_NullTerminate).string; File_Info *info = push_array(arena, File_Info, 1); sll_queue_push(first, last, info); count += 1; info->file_name = file_name; info->attributes.size = win32_u64_from_u32_u32(find_data.nFileSizeHigh, find_data.nFileSizeLow); info->attributes.last_write_time = win32_u64_from_filetime(find_data.ftLastWriteTime); info->attributes.flags = win32_convert_file_attribute_flags(find_data.dwFileAttributes); } if (!FindNextFile(search, &find_data)){ break; } } result.infos = push_array(arena, File_Info*, count); result.count = count; i32 counter = 0; for (File_Info *node = first; node != 0; node = node->next){ result.infos[counter] = node; counter += 1; } } return(result); } internal system_quick_file_attributes_sig(){ WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA info = {}; File_Attributes result = {}; if (GetFileAttributesEx_utf8String(scratch, file_name, GetFileExInfoStandard, &info)){ result.size = ((u64)info.nFileSizeHigh << 32LL) | ((u64)info.nFileSizeLow); result.last_write_time = ((u64)info.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32LL) | ((u64)info.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime); result.flags = win32_convert_file_attribute_flags(info.dwFileAttributes); } return(result); } internal system_load_handle_sig(){ b32 result = false; HANDLE file = CreateFile_utf8(scratch, (u8*)file_name, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ *(HANDLE*)out = file; result = true; } return(result); } internal system_load_attributes_sig(){ HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); return(win32_file_attributes_from_HANDLE(file)); } internal system_load_file_sig(){ HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); DWORD read_size = 0; b32 result = false; if (ReadFile(file, buffer, size, &read_size, 0)){ if (read_size == size){ result = true; } } return(result); } internal system_load_close_sig(){ b32 result = false; HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)(&handle); if (CloseHandle(file)){ result = true; } return(result); } internal system_save_file_sig(){ File_Attributes result = {}; HANDLE file = CreateFile_utf8(scratch, (u8*)file_name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ u64 written_total = 0; b32 success = true; for (;written_total < data.size;){ DWORD read_size = max_u32; DWORD write_size = 0; if ((data.size - written_total) < max_u32){ read_size = (DWORD)data.size; } if (!WriteFile(file, data.str + written_total, read_size, &write_size, 0)){ success = false; break; } written_total += write_size; } if (success){ result = win32_file_attributes_from_HANDLE(file); } CloseHandle(file); } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// internal ARGB_Color swap_r_and_b(ARGB_Color a){ ARGB_Color result = a & 0xff00ff00; result |= ((a >> 16) & 0xff); result |= ((a & 0xff) << 16); return(result); } internal ARGB_Color int_color_from_colorref(COLORREF ref, ARGB_Color alpha_from){ ARGB_Color rgb = swap_r_and_b(ref & 0xffffff); ARGB_Color result = ((0xff000000 & alpha_from) | rgb); return(result); } internal UINT_PTR CALLBACK color_picker_hook(HWND Window, UINT Message, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam){ UINT_PTR result = 0; switch(Message) { // TODO(allen): review case WM_INITDIALOG: { CHOOSECOLORW *win32_params = (CHOOSECOLORW *)LParam; Color_Picker *picker = (Color_Picker*)win32_params->lCustData; SetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)LParam); Scratch_Block scratch(win32vars.tctx); String_u16 temp = string_u16_from_string_u8(scratch, picker->title, StringFill_NullTerminate); SetWindowTextW(Window, (LPCWSTR)temp.str); } break; case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { // NOTE(casey): I can't believe I'm 42 years old and I still have to do // this fucking crap. Microsoft is so fucking fired every god damn day. // Would it have killed you to update rgbResult continuously, or at least // provide a GetCurrentColor() call??? // // Anyway, since the color picker doesn't tell us when the color is // changed, what we do is watch for messages that repaint the color // swatch, which is dialog id 0x2c5, and then we sample it to see what // color it is. No, I'm not fucking kidding, that's what we do. HWND swatch_window = (HWND)LParam; if(GetDlgCtrlID(swatch_window) == 0x2c5) { CHOOSECOLORW *win32_params = (CHOOSECOLORW *)GetWindowLongPtr(Window, GWLP_USERDATA); if(win32_params) { Color_Picker *picker = (Color_Picker*)win32_params->lCustData; RECT rect; GetClientRect(swatch_window, &rect); HDC swatch_dc = (HDC)WParam; COLORREF Probe = GetPixel(swatch_dc, (rect.left + rect.right)/4, (rect.top + rect.bottom)/2); ARGB_Color new_color = int_color_from_colorref(Probe, *picker->dest); if(*picker->dest != new_color) { *picker->dest = new_color; system_signal_step(0); } } } } break; default: { #if 0 // NOTE(casey): Enable this if you want to dump the color edit dialog messages to the debug log short Temp[256]; wsprintf((LPWSTR)Temp, L"%u 0x%x 0x%x\n", Message, WParam, LParam); OutputDebugStringW((LPWSTR)Temp); #endif } break; } return(result); } // TODO(allen): review internal DWORD WINAPI color_picker_thread(LPVOID Param) { Color_Picker *picker = (Color_Picker*)Param; ARGB_Color color = 0; if (picker->dest){ color = *picker->dest; } COLORREF custom_colors[16] = {}; CHOOSECOLORW win32_params = {}; win32_params.lStructSize = sizeof(win32_params); //win32_params.hwndOwner = win32vars.window_handle; win32_params.hInstance = win32vars.window_handle; win32_params.rgbResult = swap_r_and_b(color) & 0xffffff; win32_params.lpCustColors = custom_colors; win32_params.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN | CC_ANYCOLOR | CC_ENABLEHOOK; win32_params.lCustData = (LPARAM)picker; win32_params.lpfnHook = color_picker_hook; if (ChooseColorW(&win32_params)){ color = int_color_from_colorref(win32_params.rgbResult, color); } if(picker->dest){ *picker->dest = color; } if (picker->finished){ *picker->finished = true; } system_memory_free(picker, sizeof(*picker)); return(0); } internal system_open_color_picker_sig(){ // TODO(allen): review // NOTE(casey): Because this is going to be used by a semi-permanent thread, we need to // copy it to system memory where it can live as long as it wants, no matter what we do // over here on the 4coder threads. Color_Picker *perm = (Color_Picker*)system_memory_allocate(sizeof(Color_Picker)); *perm = *picker; HANDLE ThreadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, color_picker_thread, perm, 0, 0); CloseHandle(ThreadHandle); } internal system_get_screen_scale_factor_sig(){ return(win32vars.screen_scale_factor); } // BOTTOM