/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 09.02.2016 * * Shared system functions * */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_SYSTEM_SHARED_CPP) #define FCODER_SYSTEM_SHARED_CPP // // Standard implementation of file system stuff based on the file track layer. // internal i32 system_get_binary_path_string(String *out){ out->size = system_get_4ed_path(out->str, out->memory_size); return(out->size); } internal void init_shared_vars(){ umem scratch_size = KB(128); void *scratch_memory = system_memory_allocate(scratch_size); shared_vars.scratch = make_part(scratch_memory, (i32)scratch_size); shared_vars.track_table_size = KB(16); shared_vars.track_table = system_memory_allocate(shared_vars.track_table_size); shared_vars.track_node_size = KB(16); void *track_nodes = system_memory_allocate(shared_vars.track_node_size); i32 track_result = init_track_system(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, shared_vars.track_table, shared_vars.track_table_size, track_nodes, shared_vars.track_node_size); if (track_result != FileTrack_Good){ exit(1); } } internal b32 handle_track_out_of_memory(i32 val){ b32 result = false; switch (val){ case FileTrack_OutOfTableMemory: { u32 new_table_size = shared_vars.track_table_size*2; void *new_table = system_memory_allocate(new_table_size); move_track_system(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, new_table, new_table_size); system_memory_free(shared_vars.track_table, shared_vars.track_table_size); shared_vars.track_table_size = new_table_size; shared_vars.track_table = new_table; }break; case FileTrack_OutOfListenerMemory: { shared_vars.track_node_size *= 2; void *node_expansion = system_memory_allocate(shared_vars.track_node_size); expand_track_system_listeners(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, node_expansion, shared_vars.track_node_size); }break; default: result = true; break; } return(result); } internal Sys_Add_Listener_Sig(system_add_listener){ b32 result = false; for (;;){ i32 track_result = add_listener(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)filename); if (handle_track_out_of_memory(track_result)){ if (track_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } break; } } return(result); } internal Sys_Remove_Listener_Sig(system_remove_listener){ b32 result = false; i32 track_result = remove_listener(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)filename); if (track_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } return(result); } internal Sys_Get_File_Change_Sig(system_get_file_change){ b32 result = false; i32 size = 0; i32 get_result = get_change_event(&shared_vars.track, &shared_vars.scratch, (u8*)buffer, max, &size); *required_size = size; *mem_too_small = false; if (get_result == FileTrack_Good){ result = true; } else if (get_result == FileTrack_MemoryTooSmall){ *mem_too_small = true; result = true; } return(result); } // // General shared pieces // internal File_Data sysshared_load_file(char *filename){ File_Data result = {0}; Plat_Handle handle = {0}; if (system_load_handle(filename, &handle)){ u32 size = system_load_size(handle); result.got_file = 1; if (size > 0){ result.size = size; result.data = (char*)system_memory_allocate(size+1); if (!result.data){ result = null_file_data; } else{ if (!system_load_file(handle, result.data, size)){ system_memory_free(result.data, size+1); result = null_file_data; } } } system_load_close(handle); } return(result); } internal b32 usable_ascii(char c){ b32 result = true; if ((c < ' ' || c > '~') && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t'){ result = false; } return(result); } internal void sysshared_filter_real_files(char **files, i32 *file_count){ i32 end = *file_count; i32 i = 0, j = 0; for (; i < end; ++i){ if (system_file_can_be_made((u8*)files[i])){ files[j] = files[i]; ++j; } } *file_count = j; } internal Partition sysshared_scratch_partition(i32 size){ void *data = system_memory_allocate((umem)size); Partition part = make_part(data, size); return(part); } internal void sysshared_partition_grow(Partition *part, i32 new_size){ void *data = 0; if (new_size > part->max){ // TODO(allen): attempt to grow in place by just acquiring next vpages?! data = system_memory_allocate((umem)new_size); memcpy(data, part->base, part->pos); system_memory_free(part->base, part->max); part->base = (char*)data; part->max = new_size; } } internal void sysshared_partition_double(Partition *part){ sysshared_partition_grow(part, part->max*2); } internal void* sysshared_push_block(Partition *part, i32 size){ void *result = 0; result = push_block(part, size); if (!result){ sysshared_partition_grow(part, size+part->max); result = push_block(part, size); } return(result); } internal b32 sysshared_to_binary_path(String *out_filename, char *filename){ b32 translate_success = 0; i32 max = out_filename->memory_size; i32 size = out_filename->size = system_get_4ed_path(out_filename->str, out_filename->memory_size); if (size > 0 && size < max-1){ out_filename->size = size; if (append_sc(out_filename, filename) && terminate_with_null(out_filename)){ translate_success = 1; } } return(translate_success); } // // Rendering Interface // inline void draw_safe_push(Render_Target *t, i32 size, void *x){ if (size + t->size <= t->max){ memcpy(t->push_buffer + t->size, x, size); t->size += size; } } #define PutStruct(s,x) draw_safe_push(t, sizeof(s), &x) internal void draw_push_piece(Render_Target *t, Render_Piece_Combined piece){ if (!t->clip_all){ PutStruct(Render_Piece_Header, piece.header); switch (piece.header.type){ case piece_type_rectangle: case piece_type_outline: { PutStruct(Render_Piece_Rectangle, piece.rectangle); }break; case piece_type_gradient: { PutStruct(Render_Piece_Gradient, piece.gradient); }break; case piece_type_glyph: case piece_type_mono_glyph: { PutStruct(Render_Piece_Glyph, piece.glyph); }break; case piece_type_mono_glyph_advance: { PutStruct(Render_Piece_Glyph_Advance, piece.glyph_advance); }break; } Assert(t->size <= t->max); } } internal void draw_push_piece_clip(Render_Target *t, i32_Rect clip_box){ if (!t->clip_all){ // TODO(allen): optimize out if there are two clip box changes in a row Render_Piece_Change_Clip clip; Render_Piece_Header header; header.type = piece_type_change_clip; clip.box = clip_box; PutStruct(Render_Piece_Header, header); PutStruct(Render_Piece_Change_Clip, clip); } } internal void draw_push_clip(Render_Target *t, i32_Rect clip_box){ Assert(t->clip_top == -1 || fits_inside(clip_box, t->clip_boxes[t->clip_top])); Assert(t->clip_top+1 < ArrayCount(t->clip_boxes)); t->clip_boxes[++t->clip_top] = clip_box; t->clip_all = (clip_box.x0 >= clip_box.x1 || clip_box.y0 >= clip_box.y1); draw_push_piece_clip(t, clip_box); } internal i32_Rect draw_pop_clip(Render_Target *t){ Assert(t->clip_top > 0); i32_Rect result = t->clip_boxes[t->clip_top]; --t->clip_top; i32_Rect clip_box = t->clip_boxes[t->clip_top]; t->clip_all = (clip_box.x0 >= clip_box.x1 || clip_box.y0 >= clip_box.y1); draw_push_piece_clip(t, clip_box); return(result); } internal void link_rendering(){ target.push_clip = draw_push_clip; target.pop_clip = draw_pop_clip; target.push_piece = draw_push_piece; } // // OpenGL // #define ExtractStruct(s) ((s*)cursor); cursor += sizeof(s) inline void draw_set_clip(Render_Target *t, i32_Rect clip_box){ glScissor(clip_box.x0, t->height - clip_box.y1, clip_box.x1 - clip_box.x0, clip_box.y1 - clip_box.y0); } inline void draw_bind_texture(Render_Target *t, i32 texid){ if (t->bound_texture != texid){ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid); t->bound_texture = texid; } } inline void draw_set_color(Render_Target *t, u32 color){ if (t->color != color){ t->color = color; Vec4 c = unpack_color4(color); glColor4f(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } } inline void private_draw_rectangle(Render_Target *t, f32_Rect rect, u32 color){ draw_set_color(t, color); draw_bind_texture(t, 0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0); glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1); glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1); glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0); } glEnd(); } inline void private_draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *t, f32_Rect rect, u32 color){ f32_Rect r = get_inner_rect(rect, .5f); draw_set_color(t, color); draw_bind_texture(t, 0); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); { glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y0); glVertex2f(r.x1, r.y0); glVertex2f(r.x1, r.y1); glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y1); glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y0); } glEnd(); } inline void private_draw_gradient(Render_Target *t, f32_Rect rect, Vec4 color_left, Vec4 color_right){ Vec4 cl = color_left; Vec4 cr = color_right; draw_bind_texture(t, 0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glColor4f(cl.r, cl.g, cl.b, cl.a); glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0); glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1); glColor4f(cr.r, cr.g, cr.b, cr.a); glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1); glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0); } glEnd(); } struct Render_Quad{ f32 x0, y0, x1, y1; f32 s0, t0, s1, t1; }; inline Render_Quad get_render_quad(Glyph_Bounds *b, i32 pw, i32 ph, float xpos, float ypos){ Render_Quad q; float ipw = 1.0f / pw, iph = 1.0f / ph; q.x0 = xpos + b->xoff; q.y0 = ypos + b->yoff; q.x1 = xpos + b->xoff2; q.y1 = ypos + b->yoff2; q.s0 = b->x0 * ipw; q.t0 = b->y0 * iph; q.s1 = b->x1 * ipw; q.t1 = b->y1 * iph; return(q); } inline Render_Quad get_exact_render_quad(Glyph_Bounds *b, i32 pw, i32 ph, float xpos, float ypos){ Render_Quad q; float ipw = 1.0f / pw, iph = 1.0f / ph; q.x0 = xpos; q.y0 = ypos + b->yoff; q.x1 = xpos + (b->xoff2 - b->xoff); q.y1 = ypos + b->yoff2; q.s0 = b->x0 * ipw; q.t0 = b->y0 * iph; q.s1 = b->x1 * ipw; q.t1 = b->y1 * iph; return(q); } inline void private_draw_glyph(System_Functions *system, Render_Target *t, Render_Font *font, u32 codepoint, f32 x, f32 y, u32 color){ Glyph_Data glyph = font_get_glyph(system, font, codepoint); if (glyph.tex != 0){ Render_Quad q = get_render_quad(&glyph.bounds, glyph.tex_width, glyph.tex_height, x, y); draw_set_color(t, color); draw_bind_texture(t, glyph.tex); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y1); glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y1); glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y0); glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y0); } glEnd(); } } inline void private_draw_glyph_mono(System_Functions *system, Render_Target *t, Render_Font *font, u32 codepoint, f32 x, f32 y, f32 advance, u32 color){ Glyph_Data glyph = font_get_glyph(system, font, codepoint); if (glyph.tex != 0){ f32 left = glyph.bounds.x0; f32 right = glyph.bounds.x1; f32 width = (right - left); f32 x_shift = (advance - width) * .5f; x += x_shift; Render_Quad q = get_exact_render_quad(&glyph.bounds, glyph.tex_width, glyph.tex_height, x, y); draw_set_color(t, color); draw_bind_texture(t, glyph.tex); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y1); glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y1); glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y0); glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y0); } glEnd(); } } inline void private_draw_glyph_mono(System_Functions *system, Render_Target *t, Render_Font *font, u32 character, f32 x, f32 y, u32 color){ f32 advance = (f32)font_get_advance(font); private_draw_glyph_mono(system, t, font, character, x, y, advance, color); } internal void launch_rendering(System_Functions *system, Render_Target *t){ char *cursor = t->push_buffer; char *cursor_end = cursor + t->size; for (; cursor < cursor_end;){ Render_Piece_Header *header = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Header); i32 type = header->type; switch (type){ case piece_type_rectangle: { Render_Piece_Rectangle *rectangle = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Rectangle); private_draw_rectangle(t, rectangle->rect, rectangle->color); }break; case piece_type_outline: { Render_Piece_Rectangle *rectangle = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Rectangle); private_draw_rectangle_outline(t, rectangle->rect, rectangle->color); }break; case piece_type_gradient: { Render_Piece_Gradient *gradient = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Gradient); private_draw_gradient(t, gradient->rect, unpack_color4(gradient->left_color), unpack_color4(gradient->right_color)); }break; case piece_type_glyph: { Render_Piece_Glyph *glyph = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Glyph); Render_Font *font = system->font.get_render_data_by_id(glyph->font_id); Assert(font != 0); private_draw_glyph(system, t, font, glyph->codepoint, glyph->pos.x, glyph->pos.y, glyph->color); }break; case piece_type_mono_glyph: { Render_Piece_Glyph *glyph = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Glyph); Render_Font *font = system->font.get_render_data_by_id(glyph->font_id); Assert(font != 0); private_draw_glyph_mono(system, t, font, glyph->codepoint, glyph->pos.x, glyph->pos.y, glyph->color); }break; case piece_type_mono_glyph_advance: { Render_Piece_Glyph_Advance *glyph = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Glyph_Advance); Render_Font *font = system->font.get_render_data_by_id(glyph->font_id); Assert(font != 0); private_draw_glyph_mono(system, t, font, glyph->codepoint, glyph->pos.x, glyph->pos.y, glyph->advance, glyph->color); }break; case piece_type_change_clip: { Render_Piece_Change_Clip *clip = ExtractStruct(Render_Piece_Change_Clip); draw_set_clip(t, clip->box); }break; } } } #undef ExtractStruct // NOTE(allen): Thanks to insofaras. This is copy-pasted from some work he originally did to get free type working on Linux. #undef internal #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #define internal static internal void font_load_page_inner(Partition *part, Render_Font *font, FT_Library ft, FT_Face face, b32 use_hinting, Glyph_Page *page, u32 page_number, i32 tab_width){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Assert(page != 0); page->page_number = page_number; // prepare to read glyphs into a temporary texture buffer i32 max_glyph_w = face->size->metrics.x_ppem; i32 max_glyph_h = font_get_height(font); i32 tex_width = 64; i32 tex_height = 0; do { tex_width *= 2; float glyphs_per_row = ceilf(tex_width / (float) max_glyph_w); float rows = ceilf(ITEM_PER_FONT_PAGE / glyphs_per_row); tex_height = ceil32(rows * (max_glyph_h + 2)); } while(tex_height > tex_width); tex_height = round_up_pot_u32(tex_height); i32 pen_x = 0; i32 pen_y = 0; u32* pixels = push_array(part, u32, tex_width * tex_height); memset(pixels, 0, tex_width * tex_height * sizeof(u32)); u32 ft_flags = FT_LOAD_RENDER; if (use_hinting){ // NOTE(inso): FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT does hinting only vertically, which looks nicer imo // maybe it could be exposed as an option for hinting, instead of just on/off. ft_flags |= FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT | FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT; } else{ ft_flags |= (FT_LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING); } // fill the texture u32 base_codepoint = (page_number << 8); Glyph_Bounds *glyphs = &page->glyphs[0]; Glyph_Bounds *glyph_ptr = glyphs; f32 *advances = &page->advance[0]; f32 *advance_ptr = advances; for(u32 i = 0; i < ITEM_PER_FONT_PAGE; ++i, ++glyph_ptr, ++advance_ptr){ u32 codepoint = i + base_codepoint; if(FT_Load_Char(face, codepoint, ft_flags) == 0){ i32 w = face->glyph->bitmap.width; i32 h = face->glyph->bitmap.rows; i32 ascent = font_get_ascent(font); // move to next line if necessary if(pen_x + w >= tex_width){ pen_x = 0; pen_y += (max_glyph_h + 2); } // set all this stuff the renderer needs glyph_ptr->x0 = (f32)(pen_x); glyph_ptr->y0 = (f32)(pen_y); glyph_ptr->x1 = (f32)(pen_x + w); glyph_ptr->y1 = (f32)(pen_y + h + 1); glyph_ptr->xoff = (f32)(face->glyph->bitmap_left); glyph_ptr->yoff = (f32)(ascent - face->glyph->bitmap_top); glyph_ptr->xoff2 = glyph_ptr->xoff + w; glyph_ptr->yoff2 = glyph_ptr->yoff + h + 1; // TODO(allen): maybe advance data should be integers? *advance_ptr = (f32)ceil32(face->glyph->advance.x / 64.0f); // write to texture atlas i32 pitch = face->glyph->bitmap.pitch; for(i32 Y = 0; Y < h; ++Y){ for(i32 X = 0; X < w; ++X){ i32 x = pen_x + X; i32 y = pen_y + Y; pixels[y * tex_width + x] = face->glyph->bitmap.buffer[Y * pitch + X] * 0x01010101; } } pen_x = ceil32(glyph_ptr->x1 + 1); } } // upload texture tex_height = round_up_pot_u32(pen_y + max_glyph_h + 2); page->tex_width = tex_width; page->tex_height = tex_height; glGenTextures(1, &page->tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, page->tex); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, tex_width, tex_height, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pixels); end_temp_memory(temp); // whitespace spacing stuff if (page_number == 0){ f32 space_adv = advances[' ']; f32 backslash_adv = advances['\\']; f32 r_adv = advances['r']; advances['\n'] = space_adv; advances['\r'] = backslash_adv + r_adv; advances['\t'] = space_adv*tab_width; } } internal b32 font_load_page(System_Functions *system, Partition *part, Render_Font *font, Glyph_Page *page, u32 page_number, u32 pt_size, b32 use_hinting){ char *filename = font->filename; // TODO(allen): Stop redoing all this init for each call. FT_Library ft; FT_Init_FreeType(&ft); FT_Face face; FT_New_Face(ft, filename, 0, &face); FT_Size_RequestRec_ size = {}; size.type = FT_SIZE_REQUEST_TYPE_NOMINAL; size.height = pt_size << 6; FT_Request_Size(face, &size); // NOTE(allen): set texture and glyph data. font_load_page_inner(part, font, ft, face, use_hinting, page, page_number, 4); FT_Done_FreeType(ft); return(true); } internal b32 font_load(System_Functions *system, Partition *part, Render_Font *font, i32 pt_size, b32 use_hinting){ char *filename = font->filename; // TODO(allen): Stop redoing all this init for each call. FT_Library ft; FT_Init_FreeType(&ft); FT_Face face; FT_New_Face(ft, filename, 0, &face); FT_Size_RequestRec_ size = {}; size.type = FT_SIZE_REQUEST_TYPE_NOMINAL; size.height = pt_size << 6; FT_Request_Size(face, &size); // set size & metrics char *name = face->family_name; u32 name_len = 0; for (;name[name_len];++name_len); name_len = clamp_top(name_len, sizeof(font->name)-1); memcpy(font->name, name, name_len); font->name[name_len] = 0; font->name_len = name_len; font->ascent = ceil32 (face->size->metrics.ascender / 64.0f); font->descent = floor32 (face->size->metrics.descender / 64.0f); font->advance = ceil32 (face->size->metrics.max_advance / 64.0f); font->height = ceil32 (face->size->metrics.height / 64.0f); font->line_skip = font->height - (font->ascent - font->descent); font->height -= font->line_skip; font->line_skip = 0; // NOTE(allen): set texture and glyph data. Glyph_Page *page = font_get_or_make_page(system, font, 0); // NOTE(allen): Setup some basic spacing stuff. f32 backslash_adv = page->advance['\\']; f32 max_hex_advance = 0.f; for (u32 i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i){ f32 adv = page->advance[i]; max_hex_advance = Max(max_hex_advance, adv); } for (u32 i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; ++i){ f32 adv = page->advance[i]; max_hex_advance = Max(max_hex_advance, adv); } for (u32 i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; ++i){ f32 adv = page->advance[i]; max_hex_advance = Max(max_hex_advance, adv); } font->byte_advance = backslash_adv + max_hex_advance*2; font->byte_sub_advances[0] = backslash_adv; font->byte_sub_advances[1] = max_hex_advance; font->byte_sub_advances[2] = max_hex_advance; FT_Done_FreeType(ft); return(true); } internal void system_set_page(System_Functions *system, Partition *part, Render_Font *font, Glyph_Page *page, u32 page_number, u32 pt_size, b32 use_hinting){ Assert(pt_size >= 8); memset(page, 0, sizeof(*page)); if (part->base == 0){ *part = sysshared_scratch_partition(MB(8)); } b32 success = false; for (u32 R = 0; R < 3; ++R){ success = font_load_page(system, part, font, page, page_number, pt_size, use_hinting); if (success){ break; } else{ sysshared_partition_double(part); } } } internal void system_set_font(System_Functions *system, Partition *part, Render_Font *font, char *filename, u32 pt_size, b32 use_hinting){ memset(font, 0, sizeof(*font)); u32 filename_len = 0; for (;filename[filename_len];++filename_len); if (filename_len <= sizeof(font->filename)-1){ memcpy(font->filename, filename, filename_len); font->filename[filename_len] = 0; font->filename_len = filename_len; if (part->base == 0){ *part = sysshared_scratch_partition(MB(8)); } b32 success = false; for (u32 R = 0; R < 3; ++R){ success = font_load(system, part, font, pt_size, use_hinting); if (success){ break; } else{ sysshared_partition_double(part); } } } } #endif // BOTTOM