#!/bin/bash # Store the real CWD REAL_PWD="$PWD" # Find the code home folder TARGET_FILE="$0" cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE` TARGET_FILE=`basename $TARGET_FILE` while [ -L "$TARGET_FILE" ] do TARGET_FILE=`readlink $TARGET_FILE` cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE` TARGET_FILE=`basename $TARGET_FILE` done PHYS_DIR=`pwd -P` SCRIPT_FILE=$PHYS_DIR/$TARGET_FILE code_home=$(dirname "$SCRIPT_FILE") # Find the most reasonable candidate build file SOURCE="$1" if [ -z "$SOURCE" ]; then SOURCE="$code_home/4coder_default_bindings.cpp" fi TARGET_FILE="$SOURCE" cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE` TARGET_FILE=`basename $TARGET_FILE` while [ -L "$TARGET_FILE" ] do TARGET_FILE=`readlink $TARGET_FILE` cd `dirname $TARGET_FILE` TARGET_FILE=`basename $TARGET_FILE` done PHYS_DIR=`pwd -P` SOURCE=$PHYS_DIR/$TARGET_FILE opts="-Wno-write-strings -Wno-null-dereference -Wno-comment -Wno-switch -Wno-writable-strings -g" arch=-m64 cd "$REAL_PWD" preproc_file=4coder_command_metadata.i meta_macros="-DMETA_PASS" g++ -I"$code_home" $meta_macros $arch $opts $debug -std=gnu++0x "$SOURCE" -E -o $preproc_file g++ -I"$code_home" $opts $debug -std=gnu++0x "$code_home/4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" -o metadata_generator ./metadata_generator -R "$code_home" "$PWD/$preproc_file" g++ -I"$code_home" $arch $opts $debug -std=gnu++0x "$SOURCE" -shared -o custom_4coder.so -fPIC rm metadata_generator rm $preproc_file