/* 4coder_auto_indent.cpp - Commands for auto-indentation of C++ code. */ // TOP static Hard_Start_Result buffer_find_hard_start(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 line_start, i32 tab_width){ i32 tab_additional_width = tab_width - 1; Hard_Start_Result result = {}; result.all_space = true; result.indent_pos = 0; result.char_pos = line_start; char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {}; stream.add_null = true; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, line_start, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ b32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; result.char_pos < stream.end; ++result.char_pos){ char c = stream.data[result.char_pos]; if (c == '\n' || c == 0){ result.all_whitespace = 1; goto double_break; } if (c >= '!' && c <= '~'){ goto double_break; } if (c == '\t'){ result.indent_pos += tab_additional_width; } if (c != ' '){ result.all_space = false; } result.indent_pos += 1; } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); } double_break:; return(result); } static Buffer_Batch_Edit make_batch_from_indent_marks(Application_Links *app, Partition *arena, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 first_line, i32 one_past_last_line, i32 *indent_marks, Indent_Options opts){ i32 *shifted_indent_marks = indent_marks - first_line; i32 edit_count = 0; i32 edit_max = one_past_last_line - first_line; Buffer_Edit *edits = push_array(arena, Buffer_Edit, edit_max); char *str_base = push_array(arena, char, 0); for (i32 line_number = first_line; line_number < one_past_last_line; ++line_number){ i32 line_start_pos = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_number); Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, line_start_pos, opts.tab_width); i32 correct_indentation = shifted_indent_marks[line_number]; if (hard_start.all_whitespace && opts.empty_blank_lines){ correct_indentation = 0; } if (correct_indentation == -1){ correct_indentation = hard_start.indent_pos; } if (correct_indentation != hard_start.indent_pos){ i32 str_size = correct_indentation; if (opts.use_tabs){ str_size = correct_indentation/opts.tab_width + correct_indentation%opts.tab_width; } char *str = push_array(arena, char, str_size); if (opts.use_tabs){ i32 indent = 0; i32 j = 0; for (;indent + opts.tab_width <= correct_indentation; indent += opts.tab_width){ str[j++] = '\t'; } for (;indent < correct_indentation; indent += 1){ str[j++] = ' '; } } else{ for (i32 j = 0; j < correct_indentation;){ str[j++] = ' '; } } Buffer_Edit new_edit; new_edit.str_start = (i32)(str - str_base); new_edit.len = str_size; new_edit.start = line_start_pos; new_edit.end = hard_start.char_pos; edits[edit_count++] = new_edit; } Assert(edit_count <= edit_max); } Buffer_Batch_Edit result = {}; result.str = str_base; result.str_len = (i32)(push_array(arena, char, 0) - str_base); result.edits = edits; result.edit_count = edit_count; return(result); } static void set_line_indents(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 first_line, i32 one_past_last_line, i32 *indent_marks, Indent_Options opts){ Buffer_Batch_Edit batch = make_batch_from_indent_marks(app, part, buffer, first_line, one_past_last_line, indent_marks, opts); if (batch.edit_count > 0){ buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, batch.str, batch.str_len, batch.edits, batch.edit_count, BatchEdit_PreserveTokens); } } static Cpp_Token* seek_matching_token_backwards(Cpp_Token_Array tokens, Cpp_Token *token, Cpp_Token_Type open_type, Cpp_Token_Type close_type){ if (token <= tokens.tokens){ token = tokens.tokens; } else{ i32 nesting_level = 0; for (; token > tokens.tokens; --token){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (token->type == close_type){ ++nesting_level; } else if (token->type == open_type){ if (nesting_level == 0){ break; } else{ --nesting_level; } } } } } return(token); } static Indent_Anchor_Position find_anchor_token(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, i32 line_start, i32 tab_width){ // NOTE(allen): New implementation of find_anchor_token (4.0.26) revert if it is a problem. Indent_Anchor_Position anchor = {}; if (tokens.count > 0){ Cpp_Token *first_invalid_token = get_first_token_at_line(app, buffer, tokens, line_start); if (first_invalid_token <= tokens.tokens){ anchor.token = tokens.tokens; } else{ i32 stack[256]; i32 top = -1; Cpp_Token *token_it = tokens.tokens; i32 highest_checked_line_number = -1; for (; token_it < first_invalid_token; ++token_it){ i32 line_number = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token_it->start); if (highest_checked_line_number < line_number){ highest_checked_line_number = line_number; if (top == -1){ anchor.token = token_it; } } switch (token_it->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: { top += 1; stack[top] = token_it->type; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: { for (;top >= 0;){ i32 index = top; top -= 1; if (stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { for (;top >= 0;){ i32 index = top; if (stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } top -= 1; if (stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: { for (;top >= 0;){ i32 index = top; if (stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN || stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } top -= 1; if (stack[index] == CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN){ break; } } }break; } } } } return(anchor); } static i32* get_indentation_marks(Application_Links *app, Partition *arena, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, i32 first_line, i32 one_past_last_line, b32 exact_align, i32 tab_width){ i32 indent_mark_count = one_past_last_line - first_line; i32 *indent_marks = push_array(arena, i32, indent_mark_count); // Shift the array so line_index works correctly. indent_marks -= first_line; // Decide where to start indentation parsing. Indent_Anchor_Position anchor = find_anchor_token(app, buffer, tokens, first_line, tab_width); Cpp_Token *token_ptr = anchor.token; Indent_Parse_State indent = {}; indent.current_indent = anchor.indentation; if (token_ptr == 0){ for (i32 line_index = first_line; line_index < one_past_last_line; ++line_index){ indent_marks[line_index] = 0; } } else{ i32 line_number = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token_ptr->start); if (line_number > first_line){ line_number = first_line; } if (token_ptr == tokens.tokens){ indent.current_indent = 0; } i32 next_line_start_pos = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_number); indent.previous_line_indent = indent.current_indent; Cpp_Token prev_token = {}; Cpp_Token token = {}; if (token_ptr < tokens.tokens + tokens.count){ token = *token_ptr; } // Back up and consume this token too IF it is a scope opener. if (token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN || token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN){ --token_ptr; } // LOOP OVER TOKENS for (;;){ if (line_number >= one_past_last_line){ break; } prev_token = token; ++token_ptr; if (token_ptr < tokens.tokens + tokens.count){ token = *token_ptr; } else{ token.type = CPP_TOKEN_EOF; token.start = buffer->size; token.flags = 0; } for (;token.start >= next_line_start_pos && line_number < one_past_last_line;){ next_line_start_pos = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_number + 1); i32 this_indent = 0; i32 previous_indent = indent.previous_line_indent; i32 this_line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_number); i32 next_line_start = next_line_start_pos; b32 did_multi_line_behavior = false; // NOTE(allen): Check for multi-line tokens if (prev_token.start <= this_line_start && prev_token.start + prev_token.size > this_line_start){ if (prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT || prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_STRING_CONSTANT){ Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, this_line_start, tab_width); if (exact_align){ this_indent = indent.previous_comment_indent; } else{ if (hard_start.all_whitespace){ this_indent = previous_indent; } else{ i32 line_pos = hard_start.char_pos - this_line_start; this_indent = line_pos + indent.comment_shift; if (this_indent < 0){ this_indent = 0; } } } if (!hard_start.all_whitespace){ if (line_number >= first_line){ indent.previous_comment_indent = this_indent; } else{ indent.previous_comment_indent = hard_start.indent_pos; } } did_multi_line_behavior = true; } } if (!did_multi_line_behavior){ this_indent = indent.current_indent; if (token.start < next_line_start){ if (token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE){ this_indent = 0; } else{ switch (token.type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: { this_indent -= tab_width; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { this_indent -= tab_width; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: {}break; default: if (indent.current_indent > 0){ b32 statement_complete = false; Cpp_Token *prev_usable_token_ptr = token_ptr - 1; Cpp_Token prev_usable_token = {}; if (prev_usable_token_ptr >= tokens.tokens){ prev_usable_token = *prev_usable_token_ptr; } // Scan backwards for the previous token that actually tells us about the statement. b32 has_prev_usable_token = true; #define NotUsable(T) \ (((T).flags&CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY) || ((T).flags&CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE) || ((T).type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT)) if (NotUsable(prev_usable_token)){ has_prev_usable_token = false; for (--prev_usable_token_ptr; prev_usable_token_ptr >= tokens.tokens; --prev_usable_token_ptr){ prev_usable_token = *prev_usable_token_ptr; if (!NotUsable(prev_usable_token)){ has_prev_usable_token = true; break; } } } #undef NotUsable if (!has_prev_usable_token){ statement_complete = true; } else{ if (prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN || prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN || prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE || prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON || prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_COLON || prev_usable_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA){ statement_complete = true; } } if (!statement_complete){ this_indent += tab_width; } } } } } if (this_indent < 0){ this_indent = 0; } } if (indent.paren_nesting > 0){ if (prev_token.type != CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ i32 level = indent.paren_nesting - 1; if (level >= ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ level = ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent) - 1; } this_indent = indent.paren_anchor_indent[level]; } } // Rebase the paren anchor if the first token // after the open paren is on the next line. if (indent.paren_nesting > 0){ if (prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ i32 level = indent.paren_nesting - 1; if (level >= ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ level = ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent) - 1; } indent.paren_anchor_indent[level] = this_indent; } } if (line_number >= first_line){ indent_marks[line_number] = this_indent; } ++line_number; indent.previous_line_indent = this_indent; } // Update indent state. switch (token.type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: indent.current_indent += tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: indent.current_indent -= tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: indent.current_indent += tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: indent.current_indent -= tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT: case CPP_TOKEN_STRING_CONSTANT: { i32 line = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token.start); i32 start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, start, tab_width); i32 old_dist_to_token = (token.start - start); i32 old_indent = hard_start.indent_pos; i32 token_start_inset = old_dist_to_token - old_indent; i32 new_dist_to_token = indent.current_indent + token_start_inset; indent.comment_shift = (new_dist_to_token - old_dist_to_token); indent.previous_comment_indent = old_indent; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: { if (!(token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (indent.paren_nesting < ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ i32 line = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token.start); i32 start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); i32 char_pos = token.start - start; Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, start, tab_width); i32 line_pos = hard_start.char_pos - start; indent.paren_anchor_indent[indent.paren_nesting] = char_pos - line_pos + indent.previous_line_indent + 1; } ++indent.paren_nesting; } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: { if (!(token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (indent.paren_nesting > 0){ --indent.paren_nesting; } } }break; } } } // Unshift the indent_marks array. indent_marks += first_line; return(indent_marks); } static void get_indent_lines_minimum(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start_pos, i32 end_pos, i32 *line_start_out, i32 *line_end_out){ i32 line_start = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, start_pos); i32 line_end = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, end_pos) + 1; *line_start_out = line_start; *line_end_out = line_end; } static void get_indent_lines_whole_tokens(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, i32 start_pos, i32 end_pos, i32 *line_start_out, i32 *line_end_out){ i32 line_start = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, start_pos); i32 line_end = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, end_pos); for (;line_start > 1;){ i32 line_start_pos = 0; Cpp_Token *token = get_first_token_at_line(app, buffer, tokens, line_start, &line_start_pos); if (token && token->start < line_start_pos){ line_start = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token->start); } else{ break; } } for (;line_end < buffer->line_count;){ i32 next_line_start_pos = 0; Cpp_Token *token = get_first_token_at_line(app, buffer, tokens, line_end+1, &next_line_start_pos); if (token && token->start < next_line_start_pos){ line_end = buffer_get_line_number(app, buffer, token->start+token->size); } else{ break; } } if (line_end > buffer->line_count){ line_end = buffer->line_count + 1; } else{ line_end += 1; } *line_start_out = line_start; *line_end_out = line_end; } static b32 buffer_auto_indent(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start, i32 end, i32 tab_width, Auto_Indent_Flag flags){ b32 result = false; if (buffer->exists && buffer->tokens_are_ready){ result = true; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); // Stage 1: Read the tokens to be used for indentation. Cpp_Token_Array tokens; tokens.count = buffer_token_count(app, buffer); tokens.max_count = tokens.count; tokens.tokens = push_array(part, Cpp_Token, tokens.count); buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, 0, tokens.count, tokens.tokens); // Stage 2: Decide where the first and last lines are. // The lines in the range [line_start,line_end) will be indented. i32 line_start = 0, line_end = 0; if (flags & AutoIndent_FullTokens){ get_indent_lines_whole_tokens(app, buffer, tokens, start, end, &line_start, &line_end); } else{ get_indent_lines_minimum(app, buffer, start, end, &line_start, &line_end); } // Stage 3: Decide Indent Amounts // Get an array representing how much each line in // the range [line_start,line_end) should be indented. i32 *indent_marks = get_indentation_marks(app, part, buffer, tokens, line_start, line_end, (flags & AutoIndent_ExactAlignBlock), tab_width); // Stage 4: Set the Line Indents Indent_Options opts = {}; opts.empty_blank_lines = (flags & AutoIndent_ClearLine); opts.use_tabs = (flags & AutoIndent_UseTab); opts.tab_width = tab_width; set_line_indents(app, part, buffer, line_start, line_end, indent_marks, opts); end_temp_memory(temp); } return(result); } static b32 buffer_auto_indent(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, i32 start, i32 end, i32 tab_width, Auto_Indent_Flag flags){ return(buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, buffer, start, end, tab_width, flags)); } // // Commands // #if !defined(DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS) # define DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS ((global_config.indent_with_tabs)?(AutoIndent_UseTab):(0)) #endif #if !defined(DEF_TAB_WIDTH) # define DEF_TAB_WIDTH global_config.indent_width #endif CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_tab_whole_file) CUSTOM_DOC("Audo-indents the entire current buffer.") { u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, &buffer, 0, buffer.size, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS | AutoIndent_FullTokens); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_tab_line_at_cursor) CUSTOM_DOC("Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.") { u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, view.cursor.pos, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS | AutoIndent_FullTokens); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, &view, &buffer); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_tab_range) CUSTOM_DOC("Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.") { u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); Range range = get_view_range(&view); buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, &buffer, range.min, range.max, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS | AutoIndent_FullTokens); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, &view, &buffer); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_and_auto_tab) CUSTOM_DOC("Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.") { exec_command(app, write_character); u32 access = AccessOpen; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); u32 flags = DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS; User_Input in = get_command_input(app); if (in.key.character == '\n'){ flags |= AutoIndent_ExactAlignBlock; } buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, &buffer, view.cursor.pos, view.cursor.pos, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, flags); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, &view, &buffer); } // BOTTOM