/* * Bind helper struct and functions */ struct Bind_Helper{ Binding_Unit *cursor, *start, *end; Binding_Unit *header, *group; int write_total; int error; }; #define BH_ERR_NONE 0 #define BH_ERR_MISSING_END 1 #define BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN 2 #define BH_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 3 inline void copy(char *dest, const char *src, int len){ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){ *dest++ = *src++; } } inline Binding_Unit* write_unit(Bind_Helper *helper, Binding_Unit unit){ Binding_Unit *p = 0; helper->write_total += sizeof(*p); if (helper->error == 0 && helper->cursor != helper->end){ p = helper->cursor++; *p = unit; } return p; } inline char* write_inline_string(Bind_Helper *helper, char *value, int len){ char *dest = 0; helper->write_total += len; if (helper->error == 0){ dest = (char*)helper->cursor; int cursor_advance = len + sizeof(*helper->cursor) - 1; cursor_advance /= sizeof(*helper->cursor); cursor_advance *= sizeof(*helper->cursor); helper->cursor += cursor_advance; if (helper->cursor < helper->end){ copy(dest, value, len); } else{ helper->error = BH_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } return dest; } inline Bind_Helper begin_bind_helper(void *data, int size){ Bind_Helper result; result.header = 0; result.group = 0; result.write_total = 0; result.error = 0; result.cursor = (Binding_Unit*)data; result.start = result.cursor; result.end = result.start + size / sizeof(*result.cursor); Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_header; unit.header.total_size = sizeof(*result.header); result.header = write_unit(&result, unit); result.header->header.user_map_count = 0; return result; } inline void begin_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int mapid){ if (helper->group != 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_END; if (!helper->error && mapid < mapid_global) ++helper->header->header.user_map_count; Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_map_begin; unit.map_begin.mapid = mapid; helper->group = write_unit(helper, unit); helper->group->map_begin.bind_count = 0; } inline void end_map(Bind_Helper *helper){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; helper->group = 0; } struct Bind_Target{ short code; unsigned char modifiers; }; inline Bind_Target tkey(short code, unsigned char modifiers){ Bind_Target target; target.code = code; target.modifiers = modifiers; return target; } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, Bind_Target target, int cmdid){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; if (!helper->error) ++helper->group->map_begin.bind_count; Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_binding; unit.binding.command_id = cmdid; unit.binding.code = target.code; unit.binding.modifiers = target.modifiers; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, Bind_Target target, Custom_Command_Function *func){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; if (!helper->error) ++helper->group->map_begin.bind_count; Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_callback; unit.callback.func = func; unit.callback.code = target.code; unit.callback.modifiers = target.modifiers; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, short code, unsigned char modifiers, int cmdid){ Bind_Target target; target = tkey(code, modifiers); bind(helper, target, cmdid); } inline void bind(Bind_Helper *helper, short code, unsigned char modifiers, Custom_Command_Function *func){ Bind_Target target; target = tkey(code, modifiers); bind(helper, target, func); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, int cmdid){ bind(helper, 0, 0, cmdid); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, Custom_Command_Function *func){ bind(helper, 0, 0, func); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, unsigned char modifiers, int cmdid){ bind(helper, 0, modifiers, cmdid); } inline void bind_vanilla_keys(Bind_Helper *helper, unsigned char modifiers, Custom_Command_Function *func){ bind(helper, 0, modifiers, func); } inline void inherit_map(Bind_Helper *helper, int mapid){ if (helper->group == 0 && helper->error == 0) helper->error = BH_ERR_MISSING_BEGIN; if (!helper->error && mapid < mapid_global) ++helper->header->header.user_map_count; Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_inherit; unit.map_inherit.mapid = mapid; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void set_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, int hook_id, Custom_Command_Function *func){ Binding_Unit unit; unit.type = unit_hook; unit.hook.hook_id = hook_id; unit.hook.func = func; write_unit(helper, unit); } inline void end_bind_helper(Bind_Helper *helper){ if (helper->header){ helper->header->header.total_size = (int)(helper->cursor - helper->start); helper->header->header.error = helper->error; } } // NOTE(allen): Useful functions and overloads on app links inline void push_parameter(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, int param, int value){ app->push_parameter(cmd_context, dynamic_int(param), dynamic_int(value)); } inline void push_parameter(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, int param, const char *value, int value_len){ char *value_copy = app->push_memory(cmd_context, value_len+1); copy(value_copy, value, value_len); value_copy[value_len] = 0; app->push_parameter(cmd_context, dynamic_int(param), dynamic_string(value_copy, value_len)); } inline void push_parameter(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, const char *param, int param_len, int value){ char *param_copy = app->push_memory(cmd_context, param_len+1); copy(param_copy, param, param_len); param_copy[param_len] = 0; app->push_parameter(cmd_context, dynamic_string(param_copy, param_len), dynamic_int(value)); } inline void push_parameter(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, const char *param, int param_len, const char *value, int value_len){ char *param_copy = app->push_memory(cmd_context, param_len+1); char *value_copy = app->push_memory(cmd_context, value_len+1); copy(param_copy, param, param_len); copy(value_copy, value, value_len); value_copy[value_len] = 0; param_copy[param_len] = 0; app->push_parameter(cmd_context, dynamic_string(param_copy, param_len), dynamic_string(value_copy, value_len)); } inline String push_directory(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context){ String result; result.memory_size = 512; result.str = app->push_memory(cmd_context, result.memory_size); result.size = app->directory_get_hot(cmd_context, result.str, result.memory_size); return(result); } #define dir_string(d) ((d).str), ((d).size) #if DisableMacroTranslations == 0 inline void exec_command_(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, Command_ID id){ app->exec_command_keep_stack(cmd_context, id); app->clear_parameters(cmd_context); } inline void exec_command_(Application_Links *app, void *cmd_context, Custom_Command_Function *func){ func(cmd_context, app); app->clear_parameters(cmd_context); } #define exec_command_keep_stack app->exec_command_keep_stack #define clear_parameters app->clear_parameters #define get_active_buffer app->get_active_buffer #define exec_command(cmd_context, cmd) exec_command_(app, cmd_context, cmd) #endif