/* A series of stress tests to more quickly verify that 4coder isn't totally broken before I release in the future... "unit tests" perhaps, although I guess I don't know what the "units" are... probably more like "tests". Allen Webster 18.07.2016 */ // TOP #define LOTS_OF_FILES "w:/4ed/data/lots_of_files" #define TEST_FILES "w:/4ed/data/test" #include "4coder_default_include.cpp" #include "4coder_default_building.cpp" #include #define TEST_TIME_B(m) DWORD64 time_start = __rdtsc(), time_max = m; (void)(time_start), (void)(time_max) #define TEST_TIME_E() DWORD64 time_total = __rdtsc() - time_start; if (time_total > time_max) {assert(!"failed timing");} #define TEST_TIME_M(m) m = (float)(__rdtsc() - time_start) / time_max // NOTE(allen): This testing system only verifies that everything works // without crashing and without blowing through a fair time budget. // These tests do not verify the correctness of the output. CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(load_lots_of_files){ // NOTE(allen): This timing restriction is based on 4GHz and 60fps // 4G / 60 ~= 70M Reserving most of that time for rendering and hopefully idling // I set the goal of 10M for all tests. TEST_TIME_B(10000000); File_List list = app->get_file_list(app, literal(LOTS_OF_FILES)); File_Info *info = list.infos; char space[1024]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(space); append(&str, LOTS_OF_FILES); append(&str, '/'); int size = str.size; for (int i = 0; i < list.count; ++i, ++info){ if (!info->folder){ append(&str, make_string(info->filename, info->filename_len)); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->create_buffer(app, str.str, str.size, BufferCreate_Background); assert(buffer.size != 0); str.size = size; } } app->free_file_list(app, list); // TODO(allen): Pass this time test! TEST_TIME_E(); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(reopen_test){ // NOTE(allen): This is set to roughly one percent of the frame budget // based on 4GHz and 60fps TEST_TIME_B(700000); Buffer_Summary buffer = app->create_buffer(app, literal(TEST_FILES "/basic.cpp"), 0); View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app, AccessAll); app->view_set_buffer(app, &view, buffer.buffer_id, 0); exec_command(app, cmdid_reopen); // TODO(allen): Pass this time test! //TEST_TIME_E(); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(run_all_tests){ exec_command(app, load_lots_of_files); exec_command(app, reopen_test); } static void test_get_bindings(Bind_Helper *context){ begin_map(context, mapid_global); bind(context, key_f3, MDFR_NONE, run_all_tests); end_map(context); } #define BIND_4CODER_TESTS(context) test_get_bindings(context) #include "power/4coder_experiments.cpp" // BOTTOM