/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 12.12.2014 * * Application layer for project codename "4ed" * */ // TOP // TODO(allen): // // BUGS & PROBLEMS // // - line_wrap_ys remeasurement optimization // // GENERAL // // - eol regularization // // - untabification // // - mode switching // // - auto mode switching // // - meta command stuff // command use frequency // // - configuration / GUI for generating configuration // // - travel packaging // // - multiple live name conflicts // // - nav links // // - undo / redo // // - on file reopen diff and try to find place for cursor // // TOOLS // // - calculator with: dec hex translation // // - solver // // TEXT MODE // // - replace // // - select word // // - match list // // - regular expression // // BASIC CODE MODE - general any language // // - select token // // - reprogrammable lexing / auto indent // // - bracket match / mismatch highlighting // // - smart line wrapping (using tokens and white space as separation points) // // - auto casing rules? // // SUPER CODE MODE - C/C++ editing // // - identifier rename // // - boolean inverse polarity // // - compose/explode class/hierarchy // - virtual to vtable sim/switch // // - explode class template? // // - enumerate template combinations? // // - generate header // // App Structs enum App_State{ APP_STATE_EDIT, APP_STATE_RESIZING, // never below this APP_STATE_COUNT }; struct App_State_Resizing{ Panel_Divider *divider; i32 min, max; }; struct App_Vars{ Mem_Options mem; Command_Map map_top; Command_Map map_file; Command_Map map_ui; #if FRED_INTERNAL Command_Map map_debug; #endif Font_Set fonts; Style style; Style_Library styles; u32 *palette; i32 palette_size; Editing_Layout layout; Live_Views live_set; Working_Set working_set; char hot_dir_base_[256]; String hot_dir_base; Hot_Directory hot_directory; char query_[256]; char dest_[256]; Delay delay; String mini_str; u8 mini_buffer[512]; App_State state; App_State_Resizing resizing; Panel *prev_mouse_panel; }; // Commands globalvar Application_Links app_links; #define USE_MEM(n) Mem_Options *n = command->mem #define USE_PANEL(n) Panel *n = command->panel #define USE_VIEW(n) View *n = command->view #define USE_WORKING_SET(n) Working_Set *n = command->working_set #define USE_LAYOUT(n) Editing_Layout *n = command->layout #define USE_LIVE_SET(n) Live_Views *live_set = command->live_set #define USE_STYLE(n) Style *n = command->style #define USE_DELAY(n) Delay *n = command->delay #define USE_VARS(n) App_Vars *n = command->vars #define REQ_VIEW(n) View *n = command->view; if (!n) return #define REQ_FILE_VIEW(n) File_View *n = view_to_file_view(command->view); if (!n) return #define REQ_FILE(n,v) Editing_File *n = (v)->file; if (!n || !n->data || n->is_dummy) return #define REQ_COLOR_VIEW(n) Color_View *n = view_to_color_view(command->view); if (!n) return #define REQ_DBG_VIEW(n) Debug_View *n = view_to_debug_view(command->view); if (!n) return #define COMMAND_DECL(n) internal void command_##n(Command_Data *command, Command_Binding binding) struct Command_Data{ Mem_Options *mem; Panel *panel; View *view; Working_Set *working_set; Editing_Layout *layout; Live_Views *live_set; Style *style; Delay *delay; App_Vars *vars; i32 screen_width, screen_height; Key_Single key; }; COMMAND_DECL(null){ AllowLocal(command); } COMMAND_DECL(write_character){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); u8 character = (u8)command->key.key.character; char str_space[2]; String string = make_string(str_space, 2); if (character == '\n' && file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ str_space[0] = '\r'; str_space[1] = '\n'; string.size = 2; } else{ str_space[0] = character; string.size = 1; } i32 pos = pos_adjust_to_left(view->cursor.pos, file->data); buffer_replace_range(mem, file, pos, pos, (u8*)string.str, string.size); #if 0 switch ((u8)command->key.key.character){ case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case ';': case ':': case '#': case '\n': { view_auto_tab(view, view->cursor.pos, view->cursor.pos); }break; } #endif Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *current_panel = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i, ++current_panel){ File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view->file == file){ view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); if (current_view->cursor.pos >= pos){ view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos+string.size); } if (current_view->mark >= pos){ current_view->mark += string.size; } current_view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(current_view); } } file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos; } internal i32 seek_whitespace_right(u8 *data, i32 size, i32 pos){ while (pos < size && char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ ++pos; } while (pos < size && !char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ ++pos; } return pos; } internal i32 seek_whitespace_left(u8 *data, i32 pos){ --pos; while (pos > 0 && char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ --pos; } while (pos >= 0 && !char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ --pos; } ++pos; return pos; } COMMAND_DECL(seek_whitespace_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = seek_whitespace_right( file->data, file->size, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_whitespace_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = seek_whitespace_left( file->data, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_whitespace_up){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); u8* data = file->data; u32 pos = view->cursor.pos; while (pos > 0 && char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ --pos; } bool32 no_hard_character = 0; while (pos > 0){ if (starts_new_line(data[pos], file->endline_mode)){ if (no_hard_character){ break; } else{ no_hard_character = 1; } } else{ if (!char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ no_hard_character = 0; } } --pos; } if (pos != 0){ ++pos; } if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ pos = pos_adjust_to_self(pos, data, file->size); } view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_whitespace_down){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 size = file->size; u8* data = file->data; i32 pos = view->cursor.pos; while (pos < size && char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ ++pos; } bool32 no_hard_character = 0; i32 prev_endline = -1; while (pos < size){ if (starts_new_line(data[pos], file->endline_mode)){ if (no_hard_character){ break; } else{ no_hard_character = 1; prev_endline = pos; } } else{ if (!char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ no_hard_character = 0; } } ++pos; } if (prev_endline == -1 || prev_endline+1 >= size){ pos = size-1; } else{ pos = prev_endline+1; } view_cursor_move(view, pos); } internal i32 seek_token_left(Cpp_Token_Stack *tokens, i32 pos){ Cpp_Get_Token_Result get = cpp_get_token(tokens, pos); if (get.token_index == -1){ get.token_index = 0; } Cpp_Token *token = tokens->tokens + get.token_index; if (token->start == pos && get.token_index > 0){ --token; } return token->start; } internal i32 seek_token_right(Cpp_Token_Stack *tokens, i32 pos){ Cpp_Get_Token_Result get = cpp_get_token(tokens, pos); if (get.in_whitespace){ ++get.token_index; } if (get.token_index >= tokens->count){ get.token_index = tokens->count-1; } Cpp_Token *token = tokens->tokens + get.token_index; return token->start + token->size; } COMMAND_DECL(seek_token_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); if (file->tokens_complete){ i32 pos = seek_token_left(&file->token_stack, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } } COMMAND_DECL(seek_token_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); if (file->tokens_complete){ i32 pos = seek_token_right(&file->token_stack, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } } COMMAND_DECL(seek_white_or_token_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 token_pos, white_pos; token_pos = file->size; if (file->tokens_complete){ token_pos = seek_token_right(&file->token_stack, view->cursor.pos); } white_pos = seek_whitespace_right(file->data, file->size, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, Min(token_pos, white_pos)); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_white_or_token_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 token_pos, white_pos; token_pos = file->size; if (file->tokens_complete){ token_pos = seek_token_left(&file->token_stack, view->cursor.pos); } white_pos = seek_whitespace_left(file->data, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, Max(token_pos, white_pos)); } internal i32 seek_alphanumeric_right(u8 *data, i32 size, i32 pos){ while (pos < size && !char_is_alpha_numeric_true(data[pos])){ ++pos; } while (pos < size && char_is_alpha_numeric_true(data[pos])){ ++pos; } return pos; } internal i32 seek_alphanumeric_left(u8 *data, i32 pos){ --pos; while (pos > 0 && !char_is_alpha_numeric_true(data[pos])){ --pos; } while (pos >= 0 && char_is_alpha_numeric_true(data[pos])){ --pos; } ++pos; return pos; } COMMAND_DECL(seek_alphanumeric_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = seek_alphanumeric_right( file->data, file->size, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_alphanumeric_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = seek_alphanumeric_left( file->data, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); u8 *data = file->data; i32 an_pos, camel_pos; an_pos = seek_alphanumeric_right( file->data, file->size, view->cursor.pos); u8 curr_char; u8 prev_char = data[view->cursor.pos + 1]; for (camel_pos = view->cursor.pos + 2; camel_pos < an_pos; ++camel_pos){ curr_char = data[camel_pos]; if (char_is_upper(curr_char) && char_is_lower(prev_char)){ break; } prev_char = curr_char; } view_cursor_move(view, camel_pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); u8 *data = file->data; i32 an_pos, camel_pos; an_pos = seek_alphanumeric_left( data, view->cursor.pos); char curr_char; char prev_char = data[view->cursor.pos]; for (camel_pos = view->cursor.pos - 1; camel_pos > an_pos; --camel_pos){ curr_char = data[camel_pos]; if (char_is_upper(curr_char) && char_is_lower(prev_char)){ break; } prev_char = curr_char; } view_cursor_move(view, camel_pos); } COMMAND_DECL(search){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_VARS(vars); view->state = FVIEW_STATE_SEARCH; view->isearch.str = vars->mini_str; view->isearch.reverse = 0; view->isearch.pos = view->cursor.pos; } COMMAND_DECL(rsearch){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_VARS(vars); view->state = FVIEW_STATE_SEARCH; view->isearch.str = vars->mini_str; view->isearch.reverse = 1; view->isearch.pos = view->cursor.pos; } COMMAND_DECL(goto_line){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_VARS(vars); view->state = FVIEW_STATE_GOTO_LINE; view->isearch.str = vars->mini_str; view->isearch.reverse = 1; view->isearch.pos = view->cursor.pos; } COMMAND_DECL(set_mark){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); view->mark = (i32)view->cursor.pos; } COMMAND_DECL(copy){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); if (range.smaller < range.larger){ u8 *data = file->data; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ range = range_adjust_to_left(range, data); } clipboard_copy(&mem->general, working_set, data, range); } } COMMAND_DECL(cut){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); if (range.smaller < range.larger){ u8 *data = file->data; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ range = range_adjust_to_left(range, data); } clipboard_copy(&mem->general, working_set, data, range); buffer_delete_range(mem, file, range); view->mark = pos_universal_fix(range.smaller, file->data, file->size, file->endline_mode); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); view_cursor_move(view, view->mark); Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; i32 shift_amount = range.end - range.start; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view != view && current_view->file == view->file){ if (current_view->mark >= range.end){ current_view->mark -= shift_amount; } else if (current_view->mark > range.start){ current_view->mark = range.start; } view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); i32 cursor_pos = current_view->cursor.pos; if (cursor_pos >= range.end){ view_cursor_move(current_view, cursor_pos - shift_amount); } else if (cursor_pos > range.start){ view_cursor_move(current_view, range.start); } } } } } internal void view_post_paste_effect(File_View *view, i32 ticks, i32 start, i32 size, u32 color){ view->paste_effect.start = start; view->paste_effect.end = start + size; view->paste_effect.color = color; view->paste_effect.tick_down = ticks; view->paste_effect.tick_max = ticks; } COMMAND_DECL(paste){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_MEM(mem); if (working_set->clipboard_size > 0){ view->next_mode.rewrite = 1; String *src = working_set_clipboard_head(working_set); i32 pos_left = view->cursor.pos; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ pos_left = pos_adjust_to_left(pos_left, file->data); } buffer_replace_range(mem, file, pos_left, pos_left, (u8*)src->str, src->size); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); view_cursor_move(view, pos_left+src->size); view->mark = pos_universal_fix(pos_left, file->data, file->size, file->endline_mode); Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view->file == file){ if (current_view != view){ view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); if (current_view->cursor.pos > pos_left){ view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos+src->size); } if (current_view->mark > pos_left){ current_view->mark += src->size; } } view_post_paste_effect(current_view, 20, pos_left, src->size, current_view->style->main.paste_color); } } } } COMMAND_DECL(paste_next){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_MEM(mem); if (working_set->clipboard_size > 0 && view->mode.rewrite){ view->next_mode.rewrite = 1; Range range = get_range(view->mark, view->cursor.pos); if (range.smaller < range.larger || 1){ if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ range = range_adjust_to_left(range, file->data); } String *src = working_set_clipboard_roll_down(working_set); buffer_replace_range(mem, file, range.smaller, range.larger, (u8*)src->str, src->size); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); view_cursor_move(view, range.smaller+src->size); view->mark = pos_universal_fix(range.smaller, file->data, file->size, file->endline_mode); Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; i32 shift_amount = range.start - range.end + src->size; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view->file == file){ if (current_view != view){ view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); if (current_view->cursor.pos >= range.larger){ view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos + shift_amount); } else if (current_view->cursor.pos > range.smaller){ view_cursor_move(current_view, range.smaller); } if (current_view->mark >= range.larger){ current_view->mark += shift_amount; } else if (current_view->cursor.pos > range.smaller){ current_view->mark = range.smaller; } } view_post_paste_effect(current_view, 20, range.smaller, src->size, current_view->style->main.paste_color); } } } } else{ command_paste(command, binding); } } COMMAND_DECL(delete_chunk){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); if (range.smaller < range.larger){ if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ range = range_adjust_to_left(range, file->data); } buffer_delete_range(mem, file, range); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); view_cursor_move(view, range.smaller); view->mark = pos_universal_fix(range.smaller, file->data, file->size, file->endline_mode); Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; i32 shift_amount = range.smaller - range.larger; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view->file == file && current_view != view){ view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); if (current_view->cursor.pos >= range.larger){ view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos + shift_amount); } else if (current_view->cursor.pos > range.smaller){ view_cursor_move(current_view, range.smaller); } if (current_view->mark >= range.larger){ current_view->mark += shift_amount; } else if (current_view->cursor.pos > range.smaller){ current_view->mark = range.smaller; } } } } } COMMAND_DECL(undo){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); if (file->undo.edit_count > 0){ Edit_Step step = file->undo.edits[--file->undo.edit_count]; buffer_post_redo(&mem->general, file, step.range.start, step.range.end, step.replaced.size); buffer_replace_range(mem, file, step.range.start, step.range.end, (u8*)step.replaced.str, step.replaced.size, 0); view_cursor_move(view, step.cursor_pos); view->mark = view->cursor.pos; view_post_paste_effect(view, 10, step.range.start, step.replaced.size, view->style->main.undo_color); file->undo.str_size -= step.replaced.size; } } COMMAND_DECL(redo){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); if (file->undo.edit_redo < file->undo.edit_max){ Edit_Step step = file->undo.edits[file->undo.edit_redo++]; buffer_replace_range(mem, file, step.range.start, step.range.end, (u8*)step.replaced.str, step.replaced.size, 2); view_cursor_move(view, step.cursor_pos); view->mark = view->cursor.pos; view_post_paste_effect(view, 10, step.range.start, step.replaced.size, view->style->main.undo_color); file->undo.str_redo += step.replaced.size; } } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_new){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); USE_DELAY(delay); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Interactive_View *int_view = interactive_view_init(new_view, &vars->hot_directory, style, working_set, delay); int_view->interaction = INTV_SYS_FILE_LIST; int_view->action = INTV_NEW; copy(&int_view->query, "New: "); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_open){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); USE_DELAY(delay); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Interactive_View *int_view = interactive_view_init(new_view, &vars->hot_directory, style, working_set, delay); int_view->style = command->style; int_view->interaction = INTV_SYS_FILE_LIST; int_view->action = INTV_OPEN; copy(&int_view->query, "Open: "); } // TODO(allen): Improvements to reopen // - Preserve existing token stack // - Keep current version open and do some sort of diff to keep // the cursor position correct COMMAND_DECL(reopen){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_STYLE(style); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_MEM(mem); Editing_File temp_file; if (buffer_create(&mem->general, &temp_file, (u8*)make_c_str(file->source_path), style->font)){ buffer_close(&mem->general, file); *file = temp_file; file->source_path.str = file->source_path_; file->live_name.str = file->live_name_; if (file->tokens_exist) buffer_first_lex_parallel(&mem->general, file); i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; Panel *panels = layout->panels; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; View *current_view_ = current_panel->view; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_view_); if (current_view && current_view->file == file){ view_set_file(current_view, current_view->file, style); } } } } COMMAND_DECL(save){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); String *file_path = &file->source_path; if (file_path->size > 0){ buffer_save(file, (u8*)file_path->str); } } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_save_as){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); USE_DELAY(delay); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Interactive_View *int_view = interactive_view_init(new_view, &vars->hot_directory, style, working_set, delay); int_view->style = command->style; int_view->interaction = INTV_SYS_FILE_LIST; int_view->action = INTV_SAVE_AS; copy(&int_view->query, "Save As: "); } COMMAND_DECL(change_active_panel){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_LAYOUT(layout); if (layout->panel_count > 1){ ++layout->active_panel; if (layout->active_panel >= layout->panel_count){ layout->active_panel = 0; } } } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_switch_file){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); USE_DELAY(delay); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Interactive_View *int_view = interactive_view_init(new_view, &vars->hot_directory, style, working_set, delay); int_view->style = command->style; int_view->interaction = INTV_LIVE_FILE_LIST; int_view->action = INTV_SWITCH; copy(&int_view->query, "Switch File: "); } COMMAND_DECL(interactive_kill_file){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); USE_DELAY(delay); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Interactive_View *int_view = interactive_view_init(new_view, &vars->hot_directory, style, working_set, delay); int_view->style = command->style; int_view->interaction = INTV_LIVE_FILE_LIST; int_view->action = INTV_KILL; copy(&int_view->query, "Kill File: "); } COMMAND_DECL(kill_file){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_MEM(mem); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); table_remove(&working_set->table, file->source_path); kill_file(&mem->general, file, live_set, layout); } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_line_wrap){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); Relative_Scrolling scrolling = view_get_relative_scrolling(view); if (view->unwrapped_lines){ view->unwrapped_lines = 0; view->target_x = 0; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); } else{ view->unwrapped_lines = 1; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); } view_set_relative_scrolling(view, scrolling); } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_endline_mode){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); switch (file->endline_mode){ case ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED: { view->cursor.pos = pos_adjust_to_left(view->cursor.pos, view->file->data); file->endline_mode = ENDLINE_RN_SEPARATE; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); }break; case ENDLINE_RN_SEPARATE: { file->endline_mode = ENDLINE_RN_SHOWALLR; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); }break; case ENDLINE_RN_SHOWALLR: { view->cursor.pos = pos_adjust_to_self(view->cursor.pos, view->file->data, view->file->size); file->endline_mode = ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); }break; } } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_show_whitespace){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); view->show_whitespace = !view->show_whitespace; } COMMAND_DECL(toggle_tokens){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); if (file->tokens_exist){ buffer_kill_tokens(&mem->general, file); } else{ buffer_first_lex_parallel(&mem->general, file); } } COMMAND_DECL(to_uppercase){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); if (range.smaller < range.larger){ if (file->still_lexing){ system_cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->lex_job); } u8 *data = file->data; for (i32 i = range.smaller; i < range.larger; ++i){ if (data[i] >= 'a' && data[i] <= 'z'){ data[i] += (u8)('A' - 'a'); } } if (file->token_stack.tokens){ buffer_relex_parallel(mem, file, range.smaller, range.larger, 0); } } } COMMAND_DECL(to_lowercase){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); if (range.smaller < range.larger){ if (file->still_lexing){ system_cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->lex_job); } u8 *data = file->data; for (i32 i = range.smaller; i < range.larger; ++i){ if (data[i] >= 'A' && data[i] <= 'Z'){ data[i] -= (u8)('A' - 'a'); } } if (file->token_stack.tokens){ buffer_relex_parallel(mem, file, range.smaller, range.larger, 0); } } } #if 0 internal void view_clean_line(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_File *file, i32 line_start){ u8 *data = file->data; i32 pos = line_start; i32 current_x_bumps = 0; i32 first_hard = -1; while (pos < file->size && data[pos] != '\n'){ if (!char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ first_hard = pos; break; } else{ switch (data[pos]){ case ' ': current_x_bumps += 1; break; case '\t': current_x_bumps += 4; break; } } ++pos; } Indent_Definition indent = indent_by_width(current_x_bumps, 4); buffer_set_indent_whitespace(mem, file, indent, (u8*)partition_current(&mem->part), line_start); pos = line_start; i32 last_hard_start = pos-1; i32 last_hard = last_hard_start; while (pos < file->size && data[pos] != '\n'){ if (!char_is_whitespace(data[pos])){ last_hard = pos; } ++pos; } if (last_hard != last_hard_start){ pos = pos_adjust_to_left(pos, data); if (last_hard + 1 < pos){ buffer_replace_range(mem, file, last_hard+1, pos, 0, 0, REP_WHITESPACE); if (view->cursor.pos > last_hard){ view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, last_hard + 1); } if (view->mark > last_hard && view->mark <= pos){ view->mark = pos_adjust_to_self(last_hard+1, file->data, file->size); } else if (view->mark > pos){ view->mark -= pos - (last_hard + 1); } } } else{ //view_auto_tab(mem, view, pos, pos); } } #endif COMMAND_DECL(clean_line){ #if 0 ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); i32 line_start = view_find_beginning_of_line(view, view->cursor.pos); view_clean_line(mem, view, file, line_start); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); #endif } COMMAND_DECL(clean_all_lines){ #if 0 ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); for (i32 i = 0; i < file->line_count; ++i){ i32 line_start = file->line_starts[i]; view_clean_line(mem, view, file, line_start); } view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); #endif } COMMAND_DECL(eol_dosify){ #if 0 ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); view_endline_convert(mem, view, ENDLINE_RN, ENDLINE_ERASE, ENDLINE_RN); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); #endif } COMMAND_DECL(eol_nixify){ #if 0 ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); view_endline_convert(mem, view, ENDLINE_N, ENDLINE_ERASE, ENDLINE_N); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); #endif } COMMAND_DECL(auto_tab){ #if 0 ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); Range range = get_range(view->cursor.pos, view->mark); view_auto_tab(mem, view, range.smaller, range.larger); view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, view); #endif } COMMAND_DECL(open_panel_vsplit){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_PANEL(panel); i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; if (panel_count < layout->panel_max_count){ Split_Result split = layout_split_panel(layout, panel, 1); Panel *panel1 = panel; Panel *panel2 = split.panel; panel2->screen_region = panel1->screen_region; panel2->full.x0 = split.divider->pos; panel2->full.x1 = panel1->full.x1; panel1->full.x1 = split.divider->pos; panel_fix_internal_area(panel1); panel_fix_internal_area(panel2); panel2->prev_inner = panel2->inner; layout->active_panel = (i32)(panel2 - layout->panels); } } COMMAND_DECL(open_panel_hsplit){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_PANEL(panel); i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; if (panel_count < layout->panel_max_count){ Split_Result split = layout_split_panel(layout, panel, 0); Panel *panel1 = panel; Panel *panel2 = split.panel; panel2->screen_region = panel1->screen_region; panel2->full.y0 = split.divider->pos; panel2->full.y1 = panel1->full.y1; panel1->full.y1 = split.divider->pos; panel_fix_internal_area(panel1); panel_fix_internal_area(panel2); panel2->prev_inner = panel2->inner; layout->active_panel = (i32)(panel2 - layout->panels); } } COMMAND_DECL(close_panel){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_VIEW(view); if (layout->panel_count > 1){ if (view){ live_set_free_view(command->live_set, view); panel->view = 0; } Divider_And_ID div = layout_get_divider(layout, panel->parent); Assert(div.divider->child1 == -1 || div.divider->child2 == -1); i32 child; if (div.divider->child1 == -1){ child = div.divider->child2; } else{ child = div.divider->child1; } i32 parent = div.divider->parent; i32 which_child = div.divider->which_child; if (parent != -1){ Divider_And_ID par = layout_get_divider(layout, parent); if (which_child == -1){ par.divider->child1 = child; } else{ par.divider->child2 = child; } } else{ Assert(layout->root == div.id); layout->root = child; } if (child != -1){ Divider_And_ID chi = layout_get_divider(layout, child); chi.divider->parent = parent; chi.divider->which_child = div.divider->which_child; } layout_free_divider(layout, div.divider); layout_free_panel(layout, panel); if (child == -1){ panel = layout->panels; layout->active_panel = -1; for (i32 i = 0; i < layout->panel_count; ++i){ if (panel->parent == div.id){ panel->parent = parent; panel->which_child = which_child; layout->active_panel = i; break; } ++panel; } Assert(layout->active_panel != -1); } else{ layout->active_panel = layout->active_panel % layout->panel_count; } layout_fix_all_panels(layout); } } COMMAND_DECL(move_left){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); u8 *data = file->data; i32 pos = view->cursor.pos; if (pos > 0){ if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ pos = pos_adjust_to_left(pos, data); if (pos > 0){ --pos; } else{ pos = pos_adjust_to_self(pos, data, file->size); } } else{ --pos; } } view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(move_right){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 size = file->size; u8* data = file->data; i32 pos = view->cursor.pos; if (pos < size){ ++pos; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ pos = pos_adjust_to_self(pos, data, size); } } view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(delete){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_LAYOUT(layout); USE_MEM(mem); i32 cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos; u8 *data = file->data; if (file->size > 0){ Range range = {}; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ if (cursor_pos > 0 && data[cursor_pos-1] == '\r' && data[cursor_pos] == '\n'){ range.start = cursor_pos-1; range.end = cursor_pos+1; buffer_delete_range(mem, file, range); } else{ range.start = cursor_pos; range.end = cursor_pos+1; buffer_delete(mem, file, cursor_pos); } } else{ range.start = cursor_pos; range.end = cursor_pos+1; buffer_delete(mem, file, cursor_pos); } Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; i32 shift_amount = range.end - range.start; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (!current_view) continue; if (current_view->file == file){ view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); if (current_view->mark >= range.end){ current_view->mark -= shift_amount; } else if (current_view->mark > range.start){ current_view->mark = range.start; } if (current_view->cursor.pos >= range.end){ current_view->cursor.pos -= shift_amount; view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos); } else if (current_view->cursor.pos > range.start){ current_view->cursor.pos = range.start; view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos); } } } } } COMMAND_DECL(backspace){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); USE_MEM(mem); i32 cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos; u8 *data = file->data; if (cursor_pos > 0 && cursor_pos <= (i32)file->size){ i32 shift_amount = 0; if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){ i32 target_pos = cursor_pos; if (cursor_pos > 1 && data[cursor_pos] == '\n' && data[cursor_pos-1] == '\r'){ --target_pos; } if (target_pos > 1 && data[target_pos-1] == '\n' && data[target_pos-2] == '\r'){ buffer_delete_range(mem, file, target_pos-2, target_pos); shift_amount = 2; } else{ if (target_pos > 0){ buffer_delete(mem, file, target_pos-1); shift_amount = 1; } } } else{ buffer_delete(mem, file, cursor_pos-1); shift_amount = 1; } Editing_Layout *layout = command->layout; Panel *panels = layout->panels; i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count; for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){ Panel *current_panel = panels + i; File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view); if (current_view && current_view->file == view->file){ if (current_view->mark >= cursor_pos){ current_view->mark -= shift_amount; } if (current_view->cursor.pos >= cursor_pos){ current_view->cursor.pos -= shift_amount; } view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view); view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos); } } } } COMMAND_DECL(move_up){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); real32 cy = view_get_cursor_y(view)-view->style->font->height; real32 px = view->preferred_x; if (cy >= 0){ view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, px, cy); view->file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos; } } COMMAND_DECL(move_down){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); real32 cy = view_get_cursor_y(view)+view->style->font->height; real32 px = view->preferred_x; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, px, cy); view->file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos; } COMMAND_DECL(seek_end_of_line){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = view_find_end_of_line(view, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(seek_beginning_of_line){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); REQ_FILE(file, view); i32 pos = view_find_beginning_of_line(view, view->cursor.pos); view_cursor_move(view, pos); } COMMAND_DECL(page_down){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); real32 height = view_compute_height(view); real32 max_target_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view); real32 cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view); view->target_y += height; if (view->target_y > max_target_y) view->target_y = max_target_y; if (view->target_y >= cursor_y){ view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, 0, view->target_y); } } COMMAND_DECL(page_up){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); real32 height = view_compute_height(view); real32 cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view); view->target_y -= height; if (view->target_y < 0) view->target_y = 0; if (view->target_y + height <= cursor_y){ view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, 0, view->target_y + height - view->font_height); } } inline void open_theme_options(App_Vars *vars, Live_Views *live_set, General_Memory *general, Panel *panel){ View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Color_View *color_view = color_view_init(new_view, &vars->working_set); color_view->hot_directory = &vars->hot_directory; color_view->main_style = &vars->style; color_view->styles = &vars->styles; color_view->palette = vars->palette; color_view->palette_size = vars->palette_size; color_view->fonts = &vars->fonts; } COMMAND_DECL(open_color_tweaker){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_MEM(mem); USE_PANEL(panel); open_theme_options(vars, live_set, &mem->general, panel); } COMMAND_DECL(open_menu){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); USE_WORKING_SET(working_set); USE_STYLE(style); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_minor(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_ui; Menu_View *menu_view = menu_view_init(new_view, style, working_set, &vars->delay); AllowLocal(menu_view); } #if FRED_INTERNAL COMMAND_DECL(open_debug_view){ ProfileMomentFunction(); USE_VARS(vars); USE_STYLE(style); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_MEM(mem); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &mem->general); view_replace_major(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_debug; Debug_View *debug_view = debug_view_init(new_view); debug_view->font = style->font; debug_view->mode = DBG_MEMORY; } COMMAND_DECL(debug_memory){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_DBG_VIEW(view); view->mode = DBG_MEMORY; } COMMAND_DECL(debug_os_events){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_DBG_VIEW(view); view->mode = DBG_OS_EVENTS; } COMMAND_DECL(debug_profile){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_DBG_VIEW(view); view->mode = DBG_PROFILE; } COMMAND_DECL(pause_unpause_profile){ ProfileMomentFunction(); INTERNAL_updating_profile = !INTERNAL_updating_profile; } #endif COMMAND_DECL(close_minor_view){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_VIEW(view); USE_PANEL(panel); USE_LIVE_SET(live_set); view_remove_minor(panel, live_set); } COMMAND_DECL(cursor_mark_swap){ ProfileMomentFunction(); REQ_FILE_VIEW(view); i32 pos = view->cursor.pos; view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->mark); view->mark = pos; } internal bool32 fulfill_interaction_intview(Command_Data *command, char *data, bool32 full_set){ bool32 result = 0; Panel *panel = command->panel; View *view = panel->view; Interactive_View *int_view = view_to_interactive_view(view); if (int_view){ result = 1; String *dest = 0; switch (int_view->interaction){ case INTV_SYS_FILE_LIST: dest = &int_view->hot_directory->string; break; case INTV_LIVE_FILE_LIST: dest = &int_view->dest; break; } if (full_set) dest->size = 0; append(dest, data); interactive_view_complete(int_view); } return result; } COMMAND_DECL(user_callback){ ProfileMomentFunction(); if (binding.custom) binding.custom(command, app_links); } globalvar Command_Function command_table[cmdid_count]; extern "C"{ EXECUTE_COMMAND_SIG(execute_command_from_id){ Command_Data *cmd = (Command_Data*)cmd_context; Command_Function function = command_table[command_id]; Command_Binding binding; binding.function = function; if (function) function(cmd, binding); App_Vars *vars = cmd->vars; Command_Data command_data; command_data.vars = vars; command_data.mem = &vars->mem; command_data.working_set = &vars->working_set; command_data.layout = &vars->layout; command_data.panel = command_data.layout->panels + command_data.layout->active_panel; command_data.view = command_data.panel->view; command_data.live_set = &vars->live_set; command_data.style = &vars->style; command_data.delay = &vars->delay; command_data.screen_width = cmd->screen_width; command_data.screen_height = cmd->screen_height; command_data.key = cmd->key; *cmd = command_data; } FULFILL_INTERACTION_SIG(fulfill_interaction_external){ Command_Data *cmd = (Command_Data*)cmd_context; bool32 handled = 0; handled = fulfill_interaction_intview(cmd, data, full_set); } } inline void app_links_init(){ app_links.exec_command = execute_command_from_id; app_links.fulfill_interaction = fulfill_interaction_external; } #if FRED_INTERNAL internal void setup_debug_commands(Command_Map *commands, Key_Codes *codes){ map_init(commands); map_add(commands, 'm', MDFR_NONE, command_debug_memory); map_add(commands, 'o', MDFR_NONE, command_debug_os_events); map_add(commands, 'p', MDFR_NONE, command_debug_profile); } #endif internal void setup_ui_commands(Command_Map *commands, Key_Codes *codes){ map_init(commands); commands->vanilla_keyboard_default.function = command_null; map_add(commands, codes->left, MDFR_NONE, command_null); map_add(commands, codes->right, MDFR_NONE, command_null); map_add(commands, codes->up, MDFR_NONE, command_null); map_add(commands, codes->down, MDFR_NONE, command_null); map_add(commands, codes->back, MDFR_NONE, command_null); map_add(commands, codes->esc, MDFR_NONE, command_close_minor_view); } internal void setup_file_commands(Command_Map *commands, Key_Codes *codes){ map_init(commands); commands->vanilla_keyboard_default.function = command_write_character; map_add(commands, codes->left, MDFR_NONE, command_move_left); map_add(commands, codes->right, MDFR_NONE, command_move_right); map_add(commands, codes->del, MDFR_NONE, command_delete); map_add(commands, codes->back, MDFR_NONE, command_backspace); map_add(commands, codes->up, MDFR_NONE, command_move_up); map_add(commands, codes->down, MDFR_NONE, command_move_down); map_add(commands, codes->end, MDFR_NONE, command_seek_end_of_line); map_add(commands, codes->home, MDFR_NONE, command_seek_beginning_of_line); map_add(commands, codes->page_up, MDFR_NONE, command_page_up); map_add(commands, codes->page_down, MDFR_NONE, command_page_down); map_add(commands, codes->right, MDFR_CTRL, command_seek_white_or_token_right); map_add(commands, codes->left, MDFR_CTRL, command_seek_white_or_token_left); map_add(commands, codes->up, MDFR_CTRL, command_seek_whitespace_up); map_add(commands, codes->down, MDFR_CTRL, command_seek_whitespace_down); map_add(commands, ' ', MDFR_CTRL, command_set_mark); map_add(commands, 'm', MDFR_CTRL, command_cursor_mark_swap); map_add(commands, 'c', MDFR_CTRL, command_copy); map_add(commands, 'x', MDFR_CTRL, command_cut); map_add(commands, 'v', MDFR_CTRL, command_paste); map_add(commands, 'V', MDFR_CTRL, command_paste_next); map_add(commands, 'z', MDFR_CTRL, command_undo); map_add(commands, 'y', MDFR_CTRL, command_redo); map_add(commands, 'd', MDFR_CTRL, command_delete_chunk); map_add(commands, 'l', MDFR_CTRL, command_toggle_line_wrap); map_add(commands, 'L', MDFR_CTRL, command_toggle_endline_mode); map_add(commands, '?', MDFR_CTRL, command_toggle_show_whitespace); map_add(commands, '|', MDFR_CTRL, command_toggle_tokens); map_add(commands, 'u', MDFR_CTRL, command_to_uppercase); map_add(commands, 'j', MDFR_CTRL, command_to_lowercase); map_add(commands, '`', MDFR_CTRL, command_clean_line); map_add(commands, '~', MDFR_CTRL, command_clean_all_lines); map_add(commands, '1', MDFR_CTRL, command_eol_dosify); map_add(commands, '!', MDFR_CTRL, command_eol_nixify); map_add(commands, 'f', MDFR_CTRL, command_search); map_add(commands, 'r', MDFR_CTRL, command_rsearch); map_add(commands, 'g', MDFR_CTRL, command_goto_line); map_add(commands, '\t', MDFR_CTRL, command_auto_tab); map_add(commands, 'K', MDFR_CTRL, command_kill_file); map_add(commands, 'O', MDFR_CTRL, command_reopen); map_add(commands, 's', MDFR_CTRL, command_save); map_add(commands, 'w', MDFR_CTRL, command_interactive_save_as); } internal void setup_top_commands(Command_Map *commands, Key_Codes *codes){ map_init(commands); #if FRED_INTERNAL map_add(commands, 'd', MDFR_ALT, command_open_debug_view); map_add(commands, 'p', MDFR_CTRL | MDFR_ALT, command_pause_unpause_profile); #endif map_add(commands, 'p', MDFR_CTRL, command_open_panel_vsplit); map_add(commands, '-', MDFR_CTRL, command_open_panel_hsplit); map_add(commands, 'P', MDFR_CTRL, command_close_panel); map_add(commands, 'n', MDFR_CTRL, command_interactive_new); map_add(commands, 'o', MDFR_CTRL, command_interactive_open); map_add(commands, ',', MDFR_CTRL, command_change_active_panel); map_add(commands, 'k', MDFR_CTRL, command_interactive_kill_file); map_add(commands, 'i', MDFR_CTRL, command_interactive_switch_file); map_add(commands, 'c', MDFR_ALT, command_open_color_tweaker); map_add(commands, 'x', MDFR_ALT, command_open_menu); } #if 0 // TODO(allen): Here's an idea internal void setup_command_table(){ BEGIN_META_CODE{ int count; char **command_names = get_all_commands(&count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i){ char *name_ = command_names[i]; String name = make_string_slowly(name_); outcode("command_table[cmdid_", out_str(name), "] = command_", out_str(name), "\n"); } }END_META_CODE } #endif internal void setup_command_table(){ #define SET(n) command_table[cmdid_##n] = command_##n SET(null); SET(write_character); SET(seek_whitespace_right); SET(seek_whitespace_left); SET(seek_whitespace_up); SET(seek_whitespace_down); SET(seek_token_left); SET(seek_token_right); SET(seek_white_or_token_right); SET(seek_white_or_token_left); SET(seek_alphanumeric_right); SET(seek_alphanumeric_left); SET(seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right); SET(seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left); SET(search); SET(rsearch); SET(goto_line); SET(set_mark); SET(copy); SET(cut); SET(paste); SET(paste_next); SET(delete_chunk); SET(interactive_new); SET(interactive_open); SET(reopen); SET(save); SET(interactive_save_as); SET(change_active_panel); SET(interactive_switch_file); SET(interactive_kill_file); SET(kill_file); SET(toggle_line_wrap); SET(toggle_endline_mode); SET(to_uppercase); SET(to_lowercase); SET(toggle_show_whitespace); SET(clean_line); SET(clean_all_lines); SET(eol_dosify); SET(eol_nixify); SET(auto_tab); SET(open_panel_vsplit); SET(open_panel_hsplit); SET(close_panel); SET(move_left); SET(move_right); SET(delete); SET(backspace); SET(move_up); SET(move_down); SET(seek_end_of_line); SET(seek_beginning_of_line); SET(page_up); SET(page_down); SET(open_color_tweaker); SET(close_minor_view); SET(cursor_mark_swap); SET(open_menu); #undef SET } // Interactive Bar internal void hot_directory_draw_helper(Render_Target *target, Hot_Directory *hot_directory, Interactive_Bar *bar, String *string, bool32 include_files){ persist u8 str_open_bracket[] = " {"; persist u8 str_close_bracket[] = "}"; persist u8 str_comma[] = ", "; intbar_draw_string(target, bar, *string, bar->style.pop1_color); intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_open_bracket, bar->style.base_color); char front_name_[256]; String front_name = make_fixed_width_string(front_name_); get_front_of_directory(&front_name, *string); bool32 is_first_string = 1; File_List *files = &hot_directory->file_list; Absolutes absolutes; get_absolutes(front_name, &absolutes, 1, 1); File_Info *info, *end; end = files->infos + files->count; for (info = files->infos; info != end; ++info){ String filename = info->filename; if (filename_match(front_name, &absolutes, filename)){ if (is_first_string){ is_first_string = 0; } else{ intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_comma, bar->style.base_color); } if (info->folder){ intbar_draw_string(target, bar, filename, bar->style.pop1_color); intbar_draw_string(target, bar, (u8*)"/", bar->style.pop1_color); } else{ intbar_draw_string(target, bar, filename, bar->style.base_color); } } } intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_close_bracket, bar->style.base_color); } internal void live_file_draw_helper(Render_Target *target, Working_Set *working_set, Interactive_Bar *bar, String *string){ persist u8 str_open_bracket[] = " {"; persist u8 str_close_bracket[] = "}"; persist u8 str_comma[] = ", "; intbar_draw_string(target, bar, *string, bar->style.base_color); intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_open_bracket, bar->style.base_color); bool32 is_first_string = 1; for (i32 file_i = 0; file_i < working_set->file_index_count; ++file_i){ Editing_File *file = &working_set->files[file_i]; if (file->live_name.str && (string->size == 0 || has_substr_unsensitive(file->live_name, *string))){ if (is_first_string){ is_first_string = 0; } else{ intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_comma, bar->style.base_color); } intbar_draw_string(target, bar, file->live_name, bar->style.base_color); } } intbar_draw_string(target, bar, str_close_bracket, bar->style.base_color); } // App Functions internal void app_hardcode_styles(App_Vars *vars){ Interactive_Style file_info_style; Style *styles, *style; styles = vars->styles.styles; style = styles; Font *fonts = vars->fonts.fonts; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("4coder")); style->font = fonts + 1; style->main.back_color = 0xFF0C0C0C; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF181818; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF252525; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF323232; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF00EE00; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF494949; style->main.default_color = 0xFF90B080; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFFF44DD; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF2090F0; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD08F20; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF50FF30; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.paste_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF00DDEE; style->main.next_undo_color = 0xFF006E77; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xff003a3a; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF888888; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF666666; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF4444AA; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; style->font_changed = 1; ++style; ///////////////// *style = *(style-1); style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("4coder-mono")); style->font = fonts; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Handmade Hero")); style->font = fonts; style->main.back_color = 0xFF161616; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF262626; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF333333; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF404040; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF40FF40; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF808080; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF191970; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFCDAA7D; style->main.default_color = 0xFFCDAA7D; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF7F7F7F; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFCD950C; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF6B8E23; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.paste_color = 0xFFFFBB00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFFFF00BB; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF80005D; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFF3A0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF003A3A; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFFCACACA; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFFA8A8A8; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF1504CF; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; style->font_changed = 1; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Twilight")); style->font = fonts + 2; style->main.back_color = 0xFF090D12; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF1A2634; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF2D415B; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF405D82; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFFEEE800; style->main.at_cursor_color = style->main.back_color; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF8BA8CC; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF037A7B; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFFEB56C; style->main.default_color = 0xFFB7C19E; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF20ECF0; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD86909; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFFC4EA5D; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.paste_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF00DDEE; style->main.next_undo_color = 0xFF006E77; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFF151F2A; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF315E68; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF0F3C46; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF1BFF0C; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF200D; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; style->font_changed = 1; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Wolverine")); style->font = fonts + 1; style->main.back_color = 0xFF070711; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF111168; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF191996; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF2121C3; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF7082F9; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFF000014; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF4b5028; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFFDDEE00; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFF000019; style->main.default_color = 0xFF8C9740; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF3A8B29; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFFD6B109; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFFAF5FA7; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFFFF0000; style->main.paste_color = 0xFF900090; style->main.undo_color = 0xFF606090; style->main.next_undo_color = 0xFF404070; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xff3a0000; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xff003a3a; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF7082F9; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF4E60D7; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFFFAFA15; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFD20000; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; style->font_changed = 1; ++style; ///////////////// style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("stb")); style->font = fonts + 3; style->main.back_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.margin_color = 0xFF9E9E9E; style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF7E7E7E; style->main.margin_active_color = 0xFF5C5C5C; style->main.cursor_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.at_cursor_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.mark_color = 0xFF525252; style->main.highlight_color = 0xFF0044FF; style->main.at_highlight_color = 0xFFD6D6D6; style->main.default_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.comment_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.keyword_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.str_constant_color = 0xFF000000; style->main.char_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.int_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.float_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.bool_constant_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.include_color = style->main.str_constant_color; style->main.preproc_color = style->main.default_color; style->main.special_character_color = 0xFF9A0000; style->main.paste_color = 0xFF00B8B8; style->main.undo_color = 0xFFB800B8; style->main.next_undo_color = 0xFF5C005C; style->main.highlight_junk_color = 0xFFFF7878; style->main.highlight_white_color = 0xFFBCBCBC; file_info_style.bar_color = 0xFF606060; file_info_style.bar_active_color = 0xFF3E3E3E; file_info_style.base_color = 0xFF000000; file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF1111DC; file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFE80505; style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style; style->font_changed = 1; ++style; vars->styles.count = (i32)(style - styles); vars->styles.max = ArrayCount(vars->styles.styles); style_copy(&vars->style, vars->styles.styles); vars->style.font_changed = 0; } internal bool32 app_load_font(Font *font, char *filename, i32 size, void *memory, i32 *used, i32 tab_width, String name){ if (font_load(font, filename, size, memory, font_predict_size(size), used, tab_width)){ font->loaded = 1; font->name_[ArrayCount(font->name_)-1] = 0; font->name = make_string(font->name_, 0, ArrayCount(font->name_)-1); copy(&font->name, name); } return font->loaded; } internal bool32 app_init(Thread_Context *thread, Application_Memory *memory, Key_Codes *loose_codes, Clipboard_Contents clipboard){ app_links_init(); Partition _partition = partition_open(memory->vars_memory, memory->vars_memory_size); App_Vars *vars = push_struct(&_partition, App_Vars); Assert(vars); *vars = {}; vars->mem.part = _partition; Partition *partition = &vars->mem.part; general_memory_open(&vars->mem.general, memory->target_memory, memory->target_memory_size); i32 panel_max_count = vars->layout.panel_max_count = 16; i32 panel_count = vars->layout.panel_count = 1; i32 divider_max_count = panel_max_count - 1; Panel *panels = vars->layout.panels = push_array(partition, Panel, panel_max_count); Panel_Divider *dividers = vars->layout.dividers = push_array(partition, Panel_Divider, divider_max_count); Panel_Divider *divider = dividers; for (i32 i = 0; i < divider_max_count-1; ++i, ++divider){ divider->next_free = (divider + 1); } divider->next_free = 0; vars->layout.free_divider = dividers; vars->live_set.count = 0; vars->live_set.max = 1 + 2*panel_max_count; i32 view_sizes[] = { sizeof(File_View), sizeof(Color_View), sizeof(Interactive_View), #if FRED_INTERNAL sizeof(Debug_View) #endif }; i32 view_chunk_size = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(view_sizes); ++i){ view_chunk_size = Max(view_chunk_size, view_sizes[i]); } vars->live_set.stride = view_chunk_size; vars->live_set.views = (File_View*) push_block(partition, view_chunk_size*vars->live_set.max); char *views_ = (char*)vars->live_set.views; for (i32 i = panel_max_count-2; i >= 0; --i){ View *view = (View*)(views_ + i*view_chunk_size); View *view_next = (View*)((char*)view + view_chunk_size); view->next_free = view_next; } { View *view = (View*)(views_ + (panel_max_count-1)*view_chunk_size); view->next_free = 0; } vars->live_set.free_view = (View*)views_; setup_command_table(); if (TEMP.get_bindings){ i32 size = partition_remaining(partition); void *data = partition_current(partition); i32 wanted_size = TEMP.get_bindings(data, size, loose_codes); bool32 did_top = 0; bool32 did_file = 0; if (wanted_size <= size){ Binding_Unit *unit = (Binding_Unit*)data; if (unit->type == UNIT_HEADER && unit->header.error == 0){ Binding_Unit *end = unit + unit->header.total_size; Command_Map *mapptr = 0; int mapid = -1; for (++unit; unit < end; ++unit){ switch (unit->type){ case UNIT_MAP_BEGIN: { mapid = unit->map_begin.mapid; if (mapid == MAPID_GLOBAL){ mapptr = &vars->map_top; map_init(mapptr); did_top = 1; } else if (mapid == MAPID_FILE){ mapptr = &vars->map_file; map_init(mapptr); did_file = 1; } else mapptr = 0; }break; case UNIT_BINDING: if (mapptr){ Command_Function func = 0; if (unit->binding.command_id >= 0 && unit->binding.command_id < cmdid_count) func = command_table [unit->binding.command_id]; if (func){ if (unit->binding.code == 0 && unit->binding.modifiers == 0){ mapptr->vanilla_keyboard_default.function = func; } else{ map_add(mapptr, unit->binding.code, unit->binding.modifiers, func); } } } break; case UNIT_CALLBACK: if (mapptr){ Command_Function func = command_user_callback; Custom_Command_Function *custom = unit->callback.func; if (func){ if (unit->callback.code == 0 && unit->callback.modifiers == 0){ mapptr->vanilla_keyboard_default.function = func; mapptr->vanilla_keyboard_default.custom = custom; } else{ map_add(mapptr, unit->callback.code, unit->callback.modifiers, func, custom); } } } break; } } } } if (!did_top) setup_top_commands(&vars->map_top, loose_codes); if (!did_file) setup_file_commands(&vars->map_file, loose_codes); } else{ setup_top_commands(&vars->map_top, loose_codes); setup_file_commands(&vars->map_file, loose_codes); } setup_ui_commands(&vars->map_ui, loose_codes); #if FRED_INTERNAL setup_debug_commands(&vars->map_debug, loose_codes); #endif if (!font_init()) return 0; vars->fonts.max = 6; vars->fonts.fonts = push_array(partition, Font, vars->fonts.max); { i32 font_count = 0; i32 memory_used; memory_used = 0; app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count++, "liberation-mono.ttf", 17, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_lit_string("liberation mono")); push_block(partition, memory_used); memory_used = 0; app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count++, "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf", 17, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_lit_string("liberation sans")); push_block(partition, memory_used); memory_used = 0; app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count++, "Hack-Regular.ttf", 17, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_lit_string("hack")); push_block(partition, memory_used); memory_used = 0; app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count++, "CutiveMono-Regular.ttf", 17, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_lit_string("cutive mono")); push_block(partition, memory_used); memory_used = 0; app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count++, "Inconsolata-Regular.ttf", 17, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_lit_string("inconsolata")); push_block(partition, memory_used); if (TEMP.set_extra_font){ Extra_Font extra; extra.size = 17; TEMP.set_extra_font(&extra); memory_used = 0; if (app_load_font(vars->fonts.fonts + font_count, extra.file_name, extra.size, partition_current(partition), &memory_used, 4, make_string_slowly(extra.font_name))){ ++font_count; } else{ vars->fonts.fonts[font_count] = {}; } push_block(partition, memory_used); } vars->fonts.count = font_count; } // NOTE(allen): file setup vars->working_set.file_index_count = 1; vars->working_set.file_max_count = 29; vars->working_set.files = push_array(partition, Editing_File, vars->working_set.file_max_count); buffer_get_dummy(&vars->working_set.files[0]); vars->working_set.table.max = vars->working_set.file_max_count * 3 / 2; vars->working_set.table.count = 0; vars->working_set.table.table = push_array(partition, File_Table_Entry, vars->working_set.table.max); memset(vars->working_set.table.table, 0, sizeof(File_Table_Entry) * vars->working_set.table.max); // NOTE(allen): clipboard setup vars->working_set.clipboard_max_size = ArrayCount(vars->working_set.clipboards); vars->working_set.clipboard_size = 0; vars->working_set.clipboard_current = 0; vars->working_set.clipboard_rolling = 0; // TODO(allen): more robust allocation solution for the clipboard if (clipboard.str){ String *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&vars->mem.general, &vars->working_set, clipboard.size); copy(dest, make_string((char*)clipboard.str, clipboard.size)); } // NOTE(allen): delay setup vars->delay.max = ArrayCount(vars->delay.acts); // NOTE(allen): style setup app_hardcode_styles(vars); vars->palette_size = 40; vars->palette = push_array(partition, u32, vars->palette_size); AllowLocal(panel_count); panel_init(&panels[0]); vars->hot_dir_base = make_fixed_width_string(vars->hot_dir_base_); hot_directory_init(&vars->hot_directory, vars->hot_dir_base); vars->mini_str = make_string((char*)vars->mini_buffer, 0, 512); return 1; } internal Application_Step_Result app_step(Thread_Context *thread, Key_Codes *codes, Key_Input_Data *input, Mouse_State *mouse, bool32 time_step, Render_Target *target, Application_Memory *memory, Clipboard_Contents clipboard, bool32 first_step, bool32 force_redraw){ ProfileStart(OS_syncing); Application_Step_Result app_result = {}; app_result.redraw = force_redraw; App_Vars *vars = (App_Vars*)memory->vars_memory; if (first_step || !time_step){ app_result.redraw = 1; } Panel *panels = vars->layout.panels; Panel *active_panel = &panels[vars->layout.active_panel]; // NOTE(allen): OS clipboard event handling if (clipboard.str){ String *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(&vars->mem.general, &vars->working_set, clipboard.size); copy(dest, make_string((char*)clipboard.str, clipboard.size)); } // NOTE(allen): check files are up to date for (i32 i = 0; i < vars->working_set.file_index_count; ++i){ Editing_File *file = vars->working_set.files + i; if (!file->is_dummy){ Time_Stamp time_stamp; time_stamp = system_file_time_stamp((u8*)make_c_str(file->source_path)); if (time_stamp.success){ file->last_sys_write_time = time_stamp.time; if (file->last_sys_write_time != file->last_4ed_write_time){ app_result.redraw = 1; } } } } // NOTE(allen): reorganizing panels on screen i32 prev_width = vars->layout.full_width; i32 prev_height = vars->layout.full_height; i32 prev_y_off = 0; i32 prev_x_off = 0; i32 y_off = 0; i32 x_off = 0; i32 full_width = vars->layout.full_width = target->width; i32 full_height = vars->layout.full_height = target->height; if (prev_width != full_width || prev_height != full_height || prev_x_off != x_off || prev_y_off != y_off){ layout_refit(&vars->layout, prev_x_off, prev_y_off, prev_width, prev_height); int view_count = vars->layout.panel_max_count; for (i32 view_i = 0; view_i < view_count; ++view_i){ View *view_ = live_set_get_view(&vars->live_set, view_i); if (!view_->is_active) continue; File_View *view = view_to_file_view(view_); if (!view) continue; view_measure_wraps(&vars->mem.general, view); view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->cursor.pos); } app_result.redraw = 1; } // NOTE(allen): collect input information Key_Summary key_data = {}; for (i32 i = 0; i < input->press_count; ++i){ key_data.keys[key_data.count++] = input->press[i]; } for (i32 i = 0; i < input->hold_count; ++i){ key_data.keys[key_data.count++] = input->hold[i]; } for (i32 i = 0; i < CONTROL_KEY_COUNT; ++i){ key_data.modifiers[i] = input->control_keys[i]; } Mouse_Summary mouse_data; mouse_data.mx = mouse->x; mouse_data.my = mouse->y; mouse_data.l = mouse->left_button; mouse_data.r = mouse->right_button; mouse_data.press_l = mouse_data.l && !mouse->left_button_prev; mouse_data.press_r = mouse_data.r && !mouse->right_button_prev; mouse_data.release_l = !mouse_data.l && mouse->left_button_prev; mouse_data.release_r = !mouse_data.r && mouse->right_button_prev; mouse_data.out_of_window = mouse->out_of_window; mouse_data.wheel_used = (mouse->wheel != 0); mouse_data.wheel_amount = -mouse->wheel; ProfileEnd(OS_syncing); ProfileStart(hover_status); // NOTE(allen): detect mouse hover status i32 mx = mouse_data.mx; i32 my = mouse_data.my; bool32 mouse_in_edit_area = 0; bool32 mouse_in_margin_area = 0; Panel *mouse_panel = 0; i32 mouse_panel_i = 0; { Panel *panel = 0; bool32 in_edit_area = 0; bool32 in_margin_area = 0; i32 panel_count = vars->layout.panel_count; i32 panel_i; for (panel_i = 0; panel_i < panel_count; ++panel_i){ panel = panels + panel_i; if (hit_check(mx, my, panel->inner)){ in_edit_area = 1; break; } else if (hit_check(mx, my, panel->full)){ in_margin_area = 1; break; } } mouse_in_edit_area = in_edit_area; mouse_in_margin_area = in_margin_area; if (in_edit_area || in_margin_area){ mouse_panel = panel; mouse_panel_i = panel_i; } } bool32 mouse_on_divider = 0; bool32 mouse_divider_vertical = 0; i32 mouse_divider_id = 0; i32 mouse_divider_side = 0; if (mouse_in_margin_area){ bool32 resize_area = 0; i32 divider_id = 0; bool32 seeking_v_divider = 0; i32 seeking_child_on_side = 0; Panel *panel = mouse_panel; if (mx >= panel->inner.x0 && mx < panel->inner.x1){ seeking_v_divider = 0; if (my > panel->inner.y0){ seeking_child_on_side = -1; } else{ seeking_child_on_side = 1; } } else{ seeking_v_divider = 1; if (mx > panel->inner.x0){ seeking_child_on_side = -1; } else{ seeking_child_on_side = 1; } } mouse_divider_vertical = seeking_v_divider; mouse_divider_side = seeking_child_on_side; if (vars->layout.panel_count > 1){ i32 which_child; divider_id = panel->parent; which_child = panel->which_child; for (;;){ Divider_And_ID div = layout_get_divider(&vars->layout, divider_id); if (which_child == seeking_child_on_side && div.divider->v_divider == seeking_v_divider){ resize_area = 1; break; } if (divider_id == vars->layout.root){ break; } else{ divider_id = div.divider->parent; which_child = div.divider->which_child; } } mouse_on_divider = resize_area; mouse_divider_id = divider_id; } } ProfileEnd(hover_status); ProfileStart(resizing); // NOTE(allen): panel resizing switch (vars->state){ case APP_STATE_EDIT: { if (mouse_data.press_l && mouse_on_divider){ vars->state = APP_STATE_RESIZING; Divider_And_ID div = layout_get_divider(&vars->layout, mouse_divider_id); vars->resizing.divider = div.divider; i32 min, max; { i32 mid, MIN, MAX; mid = div.divider->pos; if (mouse_divider_vertical){ MIN = 0; MAX = MIN + vars->layout.full_width; } else{ MIN = 0; MAX = MIN + vars->layout.full_height; } min = MIN; max = MAX; i32 divider_id = div.id; do{ Divider_And_ID other_div = layout_get_divider(&vars->layout, divider_id); bool32 divider_match = (other_div.divider->v_divider == mouse_divider_vertical); i32 pos = other_div.divider->pos; if (divider_match && pos > mid && pos < max){ max = pos; } else if (divider_match && pos < mid && pos > min){ min = pos; } divider_id = other_div.divider->parent; }while(divider_id != -1); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&vars->mem.part); i32 *divider_stack = push_array(&vars->mem.part, i32, vars->layout.panel_count); i32 top = 0; divider_stack[top++] = div.id; while (top > 0){ Divider_And_ID other_div = layout_get_divider(&vars->layout, divider_stack[--top]); bool32 divider_match = (other_div.divider->v_divider == mouse_divider_vertical); i32 pos = other_div.divider->pos; if (divider_match && pos > mid && pos < max){ max = pos; } else if (divider_match && pos < mid && pos > min){ min = pos; } if (other_div.divider->child1 != -1){ divider_stack[top++] = other_div.divider->child1; } if (other_div.divider->child2 != -1){ divider_stack[top++] = other_div.divider->child2; } } end_temp_memory(temp); } vars->resizing.min = min; vars->resizing.max = max; } }break; case APP_STATE_RESIZING: { app_result.redraw = 1; if (mouse_data.l){ Panel_Divider *divider = vars->resizing.divider; if (divider->v_divider){ divider->pos = mx; } else{ divider->pos = my; } if (divider->pos < vars->resizing.min){ divider->pos = vars->resizing.min; } else if (divider->pos > vars->resizing.max){ divider->pos = vars->resizing.max - 1; } layout_fix_all_panels(&vars->layout); } else{ vars->state = APP_STATE_EDIT; } }break; } ProfileEnd(resizing); ProfileStart(command); // NOTE(allen): update active panel if (mouse_in_edit_area && mouse_panel != 0 && mouse_data.press_l){ active_panel = mouse_panel; vars->layout.active_panel = mouse_panel_i; app_result.redraw = 1; } Command_Data command_data; command_data.mem = &vars->mem; command_data.panel = active_panel; command_data.view = active_panel->view; command_data.working_set = &vars->working_set; command_data.layout = &vars->layout; command_data.live_set = &vars->live_set; command_data.style = &vars->style; command_data.delay = &vars->delay; command_data.vars = vars; command_data.screen_width = target->width; command_data.screen_height = target->height; if (first_step && TEMP.start_hook){ TEMP.start_hook(&command_data, app_links); } // NOTE(allen): command input to active view for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < key_data.count; ++key_i){ Command_Binding cmd = {}; Command_Map *override_map = 0; View *view = active_panel->view; Key_Single key = get_single_key(&key_data, key_i); command_data.key = key; if (view) override_map = view->map; if (override_map) cmd = map_extract(override_map, key); if (cmd.function == 0) cmd = map_extract(&vars->map_top, key); switch (vars->state){ case APP_STATE_EDIT: { Handle_Command_Function *handle_command = 0; if (view) handle_command = view->handle_command; if (handle_command){ handle_command(view, &command_data, cmd, key, codes); app_result.redraw = 1; } else{ if (cmd.function){ cmd.function(&command_data, cmd); app_result.redraw = 1; } } }break; case APP_STATE_RESIZING: { if (key_data.count > 0){ vars->state = APP_STATE_EDIT; } }break; } } active_panel = panels + vars->layout.active_panel; ProfileEnd(command); ProfileStart(step); View *active_view = active_panel->view; Input_Summary dead_input = {}; dead_input.mouse.mx = mouse_data.mx; dead_input.mouse.my = mouse_data.my; dead_input.codes = codes; dead_input.keys.modifiers[0] = key_data.modifiers[0]; dead_input.keys.modifiers[1] = key_data.modifiers[1]; dead_input.keys.modifiers[2] = key_data.modifiers[2]; Input_Summary active_input = {}; dead_input.mouse.mx = mouse_data.mx; dead_input.mouse.my = mouse_data.my; active_input.keys = key_data; active_input.codes = codes; // NOTE(allen): pass raw input to the panels { Panel *panel = panels; for (i32 panel_i = vars->layout.panel_count; panel_i > 0; --panel_i, ++panel){ View *view_ = panel->view; if (view_){ Assert(view_->do_view); bool32 active = (panel == active_panel); Input_Summary input = (active)?(active_input):(dead_input); if (panel == mouse_panel){ input.mouse = mouse_data; } if (view_->do_view(thread, view_, panel->inner, active_view, VMSG_STEP, 0, &input, &active_input)){ app_result.redraw = 1; } } } } ProfileEnd(step); ProfileStart(delayed_actions); if (vars->delay.count > 0){ Style *style = &vars->style; Working_Set *working_set = &vars->working_set; Live_Views *live_set = &vars->live_set; General_Memory *general = &vars->mem.general; i32 count = vars->delay.count; vars->delay.count = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i){ Delayed_Action *act = vars->delay.acts + i; String *string = &act->string; Panel *panel = act->panel; switch (act->type){ case DACT_OPEN: { Editing_File *target_file = 0; bool32 created_file = 0; target_file = working_set_contains(working_set, *string); if (!target_file){ Get_File_Result file = working_set_get_available_file(working_set); if (file.file){ buffer_get_dummy(file.file); created_file = buffer_create(general, file.file, (u8*)string->str, style->font); table_add(&working_set->table, file.file->source_path, file.index); if (created_file){ target_file = file.file; } } } if (target_file){ View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, &vars->mem.general); new_view->map = &vars->map_file; view_replace_major(new_view, panel, live_set); File_View *file_view = file_view_init(new_view); view_set_file(file_view, target_file, style); if (created_file && target_file->tokens_exist) buffer_first_lex_parallel(general, target_file); } }break; case DACT_SAVE_AS: { View *view = panel->view; File_View *fview = view_to_file_view(view); if (!fview && view->is_minor) fview = view_to_file_view(view->major); if (fview){ Editing_File *file = fview->file; if (file && !file->is_dummy){ buffer_save_and_set_names(file, (u8*)string->str); } } }break; case DACT_NEW: { Get_File_Result file = working_set_get_available_file(working_set); buffer_create_empty(general, file.file, (u8*)string->str, style->font); table_add(&working_set->table, file.file->source_path, file.index); View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, general); view_replace_major(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_file; File_View *file_view = file_view_init(new_view); view_set_file(file_view, file.file, style); if (file.file->tokens_exist) buffer_first_lex_parallel(general, file.file); }break; case DACT_SWITCH: { Editing_File *file = working_set_lookup_file(working_set, *string); if (file){ View *new_view = live_set_alloc_view(live_set, general); view_replace_major(new_view, panel, live_set); new_view->map = &vars->map_file; File_View *file_view = file_view_init(new_view); view_set_file(file_view, file, style); } }break; case DACT_KILL: { Editing_File *file = working_set_lookup_file(working_set, *string); if (file){ table_remove(&working_set->table, file->source_path); kill_file(general, file, live_set, &vars->layout); } }break; case DACT_CLOSE_MINOR: { view_remove_minor(panel, live_set); }break; case DACT_CLOSE_MAJOR: { view_remove_major(panel, live_set); }break; case DACT_THEME_OPTIONS: { open_theme_options(vars, live_set, &vars->mem.general, panel); }break; } } } ProfileEnd(delayed_actions); ProfileStart(resize); // NOTE(allen): send resize messages to panels that have changed size { Panel *panel = panels; for (i32 panel_i = vars->layout.panel_count; panel_i > 0; --panel_i, ++panel){ i32_Rect prev = panel->prev_inner; i32_Rect inner = panel->inner; if (prev.x0 != inner.x0 || prev.y0 != inner.y0 || prev.x1 != inner.x1 || prev.y1 != inner.y1){ View *view = panel->view; if (view){ view->do_view(thread, view, inner, active_view, VMSG_RESIZE, 0, &dead_input, &active_input); view = (view->is_minor)?view->major:0; if (view){ view->do_view(thread, view, inner, active_view, VMSG_RESIZE, 0, &dead_input, &active_input); } } } panel->prev_inner = inner; } } ProfileEnd(resize); ProfileStart(style_change); // NOTE(allen): send style change messages if the style has changed if (vars->style.font_changed){ vars->style.font_changed = 0; Editing_File *file = vars->working_set.files; for (i32 i = vars->working_set.file_index_count; i > 0; --i, ++file){ if (file->data && !file->is_dummy){ buffer_measure_widths(&vars->mem.general, file, vars->style.font); } } Panel *panel = panels; for (i32 panel_i = vars->layout.panel_count; panel_i > 0; --panel_i, ++panel){ View *view = panel->view; if (view){ view->do_view(thread, view, panel->inner, active_view, VMSG_STYLE_CHANGE, 0, &dead_input, &active_input); view = (view->is_minor)?view->major:0; if (view){ view->do_view(thread, view, panel->inner, active_view, VMSG_STYLE_CHANGE, 0, &dead_input, &active_input); } } } } ProfileEnd(style_change); ProfileStart(redraw); if (mouse_panel != vars->prev_mouse_panel) app_result.redraw = 1; if (app_result.redraw){ target->clip_top = -1; draw_push_clip(target, rect_from_target(target)); // NOTE(allen): render the panels Panel *panel = panels; for (i32 panel_i = vars->layout.panel_count; panel_i > 0; --panel_i, ++panel){ i32_Rect full = panel->full; i32_Rect inner = panel->inner; View *view_ = panel->view; Style *style = &vars->style; bool32 active = (panel == active_panel); u32 back_color = style->main.back_color; draw_rectangle(target, full, back_color); if (view_){ Assert(view_->do_view); draw_push_clip(target, panel->inner); view_->do_view(thread, view_, panel->inner, active_view, VMSG_DRAW, target, &dead_input, &active_input); draw_pop_clip(target); } u32 margin_color; if (active){ margin_color = style->main.margin_active_color; } else if (panel == mouse_panel){ margin_color = style->main.margin_hover_color; } else{ margin_color = style->main.margin_color; } draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, full.y0, full.x1, inner.y0), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, inner.y1, full.x1, full.y1), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(full.x0, inner.y0, inner.x0, inner.y1), margin_color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(inner.x1, inner.y0, full.x1, inner.y1), margin_color); } } ProfileEnd(redraw); ProfileStart(get_cursor); // NOTE(allen): get cursor type if (mouse_in_edit_area){ View *view = mouse_panel->view; if (view){ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = view->mouse_cursor_type; } else{ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW; } } else if (mouse_in_margin_area){ if (mouse_on_divider){ if (mouse_divider_vertical){ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_LEFTRIGHT; } else{ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_UPDOWN; } } else{ app_result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW; } } vars->prev_mouse_panel = mouse_panel; ProfileEnd(get_cursor); return app_result; } // BOTTOM