/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 25.02.2016 * * File editing view for 4coder * */ // TOP #include "4ed_meta.h" #define FCPP_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "4coder_string.h" #include "4cpp_types.h" #include "4cpp_lexer_types.h" #define FCPP_LEXER_IMPLEMENTATION #include "4cpp_lexer.h" #include "4coder_version.h" struct Struct_Field{ char *type; char *name; }; void to_lower(char *src, char *dst){ char *c, ch; for (c = src; *c != 0; ++c){ ch = char_to_lower(*c); *dst++ = ch; } *dst = 0; } void to_lower(String *str){ char *c; int i = 0; int size = str->size; for (c = str->str; i < size; ++c, ++i){ *c = char_to_lower(*c); } } void to_upper(char *src, char *dst){ char *c, ch; for (c = src; *c != 0; ++c){ ch = char_to_upper(*c); *dst++ = ch; } *dst = 0; } void to_upper(String *str){ char *c; int i = 0; int size = str->size; for (c = str->str; i < size; ++c, ++i){ *c = char_to_upper(*c); } } void to_camel(char *src, char *dst){ char *c, ch; int is_first = 1; for (c = src; *c != 0; ++c){ ch = *c; if (char_is_alpha_numeric_true(ch)){ if (is_first){ is_first = 0; ch = char_to_upper(ch); } else{ ch = char_to_lower(ch); } } else{ is_first = 1; } *dst++ = ch; } *dst = 0; } #include #include #include #include void struct_begin(FILE *file, char *name){ fprintf(file, "struct %s{\n", name); } void struct_fields(FILE *file, Struct_Field *fields, int count){ int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ fprintf(file, " %s %s;\n", fields[i].type, fields[i].name); } } void struct_end(FILE *file){ fprintf(file, "};\n\n"); } void enum_begin(FILE *file, char *name){ fprintf(file, "enum %s{\n", name); } char *keys_that_need_codes[] = { "back", "up", "down", "left", "right", "del", "insert", "home", "end", "page_up", "page_down", "esc", "mouse_left", "mouse_right", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15", "f16", }; char* generate_keycode_enum(){ FILE *file; char *filename = "4coder_keycodes.h"; int i, count; unsigned char code = 1; file = fopen(filename, "wb"); fprintf(file, "enum Key_Code{\n"); count = ArrayCount(keys_that_need_codes); for (i = 0; i < count; i){ if (strcmp(keys_that_need_codes[i], "f1") == 0 && code < 0x7F){ code = 0x7F; } switch (code){ case '\n': code++; break; case '\t': code++; break; case 0x20: code = 0x7F; break; default: fprintf(file, "key_%s = %d,\n", keys_that_need_codes[i++], code++); break; } } fprintf(file, "};\n"); fprintf(file, "static char*\n" "global_key_name(int key_code, int *size){\n" "char *result = 0;\n" "switch(key_code){\n" ); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ fprintf(file, "case key_%s: result = \"%s\"; *size = sizeof(\"%s\")-1; break;\n", keys_that_need_codes[i], keys_that_need_codes[i], keys_that_need_codes[i] ); } fprintf(file, "}\n" "return(result);\n" "}\n" ); fclose(file); return(filename); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char* bar_style_fields[] = { "bar", "bar_active", "base", "pop1", "pop2", }; char* main_style_fields[] = { "back", "margin", "margin_hover", "margin_active", "cursor", "at_cursor", "highlight", "at_highlight", "mark", "default", "comment", "keyword", "str_constant", "char_constant", "int_constant", "float_constant", "bool_constant", "preproc", "include", "special_character", "highlight_junk", "highlight_white", "paste", "undo", "next_undo", }; static char* make_style_tag(char *tag){ char *str; int len; len = (int)strlen(tag); str = (char*)malloc(len + 1); to_camel(tag, str); str[len] = 0; return(str); } char style_index_function_start[] = "inline u32*\n" "style_index_by_tag(Style_Main_Data *s, u32 tag){\n" " u32 *result = 0;\n" " switch (tag){\n"; char style_index_function_end[] = " }\n" " return(result);\n" "}\n\n"; char style_case[] = " case Stag_%s: result = &s->%s_color; break;\n"; char style_info_case[] = " case Stag_%s: result = &s->file_info_style.%s_color; break;\n"; char* generate_style(){ char *filename = "4coder_style.h & 4ed_style.h"; char filename_4coder[] = "4coder_style.h"; char filename_4ed[] = "4ed_style.h"; FILE *file; char *tag; int count, i; file = fopen(filename_4coder, "wb"); enum_begin(file, "Style_Tag"); { count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]); fprintf(file, "Stag_%s,\n", tag); free(tag); } count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]); fprintf(file, "Stag_%s,\n", tag); free(tag); } } struct_end(file); fclose(file); file = fopen(filename_4ed, "wb"); struct_begin(file, "Interactive_Style"); { count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ fprintf(file, "u32 %s_color;\n", bar_style_fields[i]); } } struct_end(file); struct_begin(file, "Style_Main_Data"); { count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ fprintf(file, "u32 %s_color;\n", main_style_fields[i]); } fprintf(file, "Interactive_Style file_info_style;\n"); } struct_end(file); { fprintf(file, "%s", style_index_function_start); count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]); fprintf(file, style_info_case, tag, bar_style_fields[i]); free(tag); } count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){ tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]); fprintf(file, style_case, tag, main_style_fields[i]); free(tag); } fprintf(file, "%s", style_index_function_end); } fclose(file); return(filename); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct Argument_Breakdown{ int count; String *param_string; String *param_name; } Argument_Breakdown; typedef struct Documentation{ int param_count; String *param_name; String *param_docs; String return_doc; String main_doc; int see_also_count; String *see_also; } Documentation; typedef struct Function_Set{ String *name; String *ret; String *args; String *macros; String *public_name; String *doc_string; int *valid; Argument_Breakdown *breakdown; Documentation *doc; } Function_Set; void zero_index(Function_Set fnc_set, int sig_count){ fnc_set.name [sig_count] = string_zero(); fnc_set.ret [sig_count] = string_zero(); fnc_set.args [sig_count] = string_zero(); fnc_set.valid[sig_count] = 0; } String file_dump(char *filename){ String result = {0}; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (file){ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); result.size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); result.memory_size = result.size + 1; result.str = (char*)malloc(result.memory_size); fread(result.str, 1, result.size, file); result.str[result.size] = 0; fclose(file); } return(result); } String get_first_line(String source){ String line = {0}; int pos = find(source, 0, '\n'); line = substr(source, 0, pos); return(line); } String get_next_line(String source, String line){ String next = {0}; int pos = (int)(line.str - source.str) + line.size; int start = 0; if (pos < source.size){ assert(source.str[pos] == '\n'); start = pos + 1; if (start < source.size){ pos = find(source, start, '\n'); next = substr(source, start, pos - start); } } return(next); } int is_comment(String str){ int result = 0; if (str.size >= 2){ if (str.str[0] == '/' && str.str[1] == '/'){ result = 1; } } return(result); } struct Parse{ Cpp_Token_Stack tokens; }; int check_and_fix_docs(String *lexeme){ int result = false; if (lexeme->size > 4){ if (lexeme->str[0] == '/'){ if (lexeme->str[1] == '*'){ if (lexeme->str[lexeme->size - 2] == '*'){ if (lexeme->str[lexeme->size - 1] == '/'){ result = true; lexeme->str += 2; lexeme->size -= 4; } } } } } return(result); } enum Doc_Note_Type{ DOC_PARAM, DOC_RETURN, DOC, DOC_SEE }; static String doc_note_string[] = { make_lit_string("DOC_PARAM"), make_lit_string("DOC_RETURN"), make_lit_string("DOC"), make_lit_string("DOC_SEE"), }; String doc_parse_note(String source, int *pos){ String result = {0}; int p = *pos; int start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == '('){ break; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); } *pos = p; return(result); } String doc_parse_note_string(String source, int *pos){ String result = {0}; assert(source.str[*pos] == '('); int p = *pos + 1; int start = p; int nest_level = 0; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ')'){ if (nest_level == 0){ break; } else{ --nest_level; } } else if (source.str[p] == '('){ ++nest_level; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); ++p; } *pos = p; return(result); } String doc_parse_parameter(String source, int *pos){ String result = {0}; int p = *pos; int start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ','){ break; } } if (p != source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); ++p; } *pos = p; return(result); } String doc_parse_last_parameter(String source, int *pos){ String result = {0}; int p = *pos; int start = p; for (; p < source.size; ++p){ if (source.str[p] == ')'){ break; } } if (p == source.size){ result = make_string(source.str + start, p - start); result = skip_chop_whitespace(result); } *pos = p; return(result); } void perform_doc_parse(String doc_string, Documentation *doc){ int keep_parsing = true; int pos = 0; int param_count = 0; int see_count = 0; do{ String doc_note = doc_parse_note(doc_string, &pos); if (doc_note.size == 0){ keep_parsing = false; } else{ int doc_note_type; if (string_set_match(doc_note_string, ArrayCount(doc_note_string), doc_note, &doc_note_type)){ doc_parse_note_string(doc_string, &pos); switch (doc_note_type){ case DOC_PARAM: ++param_count; break; case DOC_SEE: ++see_count; break; } } } }while(keep_parsing); if (param_count + see_count > 0){ int memory_size = sizeof(String)*(2*param_count + see_count); doc->param_name = (String*)malloc(memory_size); doc->param_docs = doc->param_name + param_count; doc->see_also = doc->param_docs + param_count; doc->param_count = param_count; doc->see_also_count = see_count; } int param_index = 0; int see_index = 0; keep_parsing = true; pos = 0; do{ String doc_note = doc_parse_note(doc_string, &pos); if (doc_note.size == 0){ keep_parsing = false; } else{ int doc_note_type; if (string_set_match(doc_note_string, ArrayCount(doc_note_string), doc_note, &doc_note_type)){ String doc_note_string = doc_parse_note_string(doc_string, &pos); switch (doc_note_type){ case DOC_PARAM: { assert(param_index < param_count); int param_pos = 0; String param_name = doc_parse_parameter(doc_note_string, ¶m_pos); String param_docs = doc_parse_last_parameter(doc_note_string, ¶m_pos); doc->param_name[param_index] = param_name; doc->param_docs[param_index] = param_docs; ++param_index; }break; case DOC_RETURN: { doc->return_doc = doc_note_string; }break; case DOC: { doc->main_doc = doc_note_string; }break; case DOC_SEE: { assert(see_index < see_count); doc->see_also[see_index++] = doc_note_string; }break; } } else{ fprintf(stderr, "warning: invalid doc note %.*s\n", doc_note.size, doc_note.str); } } }while(keep_parsing); } char* generate_custom_headers(){ #define API_H "4coder_custom_api.h" #define API_DOC "4coder_API.html" char *filename = API_H " & " API_DOC; Function_Set function_set = {0}; // NOTE(allen): Documentation String code_data[2]; code_data[0] = file_dump("4ed_api_implementation.cpp"); code_data[1] = file_dump("win32_api_impl.cpp"); Parse parses[2]; int max_name_size = 0; int line_count = 0; for (int J = 0; J < 2; ++J){ String *code = &code_data[J]; Parse *parse = &parses[J]; // TODO(allen): KILL THIS FUCKIN' Cpp_File FUCKIN' NONSENSE HORSE SHIT!!!!! Cpp_File file; file.data = code->str; file.size = code->size; parse->tokens = cpp_make_token_stack(512); cpp_lex_file(file, &parse->tokens); int count = parse->tokens.count; Cpp_Token *tokens = parse->tokens.tokens; Cpp_Token *token = tokens; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER && !(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ String lexeme = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); if (match(lexeme, "API_EXPORT")){ for (; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } } if (i < count){ --i; --token; if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ ++line_count; if (max_name_size < token->size){ max_name_size = token->size; } } } } } } } int memory_size = (sizeof(String)*6 + sizeof(int) + sizeof(Argument_Breakdown) + sizeof(Documentation))*line_count; function_set.name = (String*)malloc(memory_size); function_set.ret = function_set.name + line_count; function_set.args = function_set.ret + line_count; function_set.macros = function_set.args + line_count; function_set.public_name = function_set.macros + line_count; function_set.doc_string = function_set.public_name + line_count; function_set.valid = (int*)(function_set.doc_string + line_count); function_set.breakdown = (Argument_Breakdown*)(function_set.valid + line_count); function_set.doc = (Documentation*)(function_set.breakdown + line_count); memset(function_set.name, 0, memory_size); int sig_count = 0; for (int J = 0; J < 2; ++J){ String *code = &code_data[J]; Parse *parse = &parses[J]; // TODO(allen): KILL THIS FUCKIN' Cpp_File FUCKIN' NONSENSE HORSE SHIT!!!!! Cpp_File file; file.data = code->str; file.size = code->size; int count = parse->tokens.count; Cpp_Token *tokens = parse->tokens.tokens; Cpp_Token *token = 0; // NOTE(allen): Header Parse token = tokens; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER && !(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ String lexeme = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); if (match(lexeme, "API_EXPORT")){ ++i; ++token; if (i < count){ Cpp_Token *ret_start_token = token; for (; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } } Cpp_Token *args_start_token = token; if (i < count){ --i; --token; function_set.name[sig_count] = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); int size = token->start - ret_start_token->start; String ret = make_string(file.data + ret_start_token->start, size); ret = chop_whitespace(ret); function_set.ret[sig_count] = ret; for (; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ break; } } if (i < count){ int size = token->start + token->size - args_start_token->start;; function_set.args[sig_count] = make_string(file.data + args_start_token->start, size); function_set.valid[sig_count] = true; int arg_count = 1; Cpp_Token *arg_token = args_start_token; for (; arg_token < token; ++arg_token){ if (arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA){ ++arg_count; } } Argument_Breakdown *breakdown = &function_set.breakdown[sig_count]; breakdown->count = arg_count; int memory_size = (sizeof(String)*2)*arg_count; breakdown->param_string = (String*)malloc(memory_size); breakdown->param_name = breakdown->param_string + arg_count; memset(breakdown->param_string, 0, memory_size); int arg_index = 0; arg_token = args_start_token + 1; int param_string_start = arg_token->start; for (; arg_token <= token; ++arg_token){ if (arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMA || arg_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ int size = arg_token->start - param_string_start; String param_string = make_string(file.data + param_string_start, size); param_string = chop_whitespace(param_string); breakdown->param_string[arg_index] = param_string; for (Cpp_Token *param_name_token = arg_token - 1; param_name_token->start > param_string_start; --param_name_token){ if (param_name_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ int start = param_name_token->start; int size = param_name_token->size; breakdown->param_name[arg_index] = make_string(file.data + start, size); break; } } ++arg_index; ++arg_token; if (arg_token <= token){ param_string_start = arg_token->start; } --arg_token; } } } } } if (!function_set.valid[sig_count]){ function_set.ret[sig_count] = string_zero(); function_set.name[sig_count] = string_zero(); function_set.args[sig_count] = string_zero(); // TODO(allen): get warning line numbers fprintf(stderr, "custom_api_spec.cpp(???) : generator warning : invalid function signature\n"); } ++sig_count; } } } // NOTE(allen): Documentation Parse token = tokens; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER && !(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ String lexeme = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); if (match(lexeme, "API_EXPORT")){ for (; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ break; } } if (i < count){ --i; --token; if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER){ lexeme = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); int match = 0; if (string_set_match(function_set.name, sig_count, lexeme, &match)){ for (; i < count; ++i, ++token){ if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ lexeme = make_string(file.data + token->start, token->size); if (check_and_fix_docs(&lexeme)){ function_set.doc_string[match] = lexeme; perform_doc_parse(lexeme, &function_set.doc[match]); break; } } else if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN){ break; } } } } } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name_string = function_set.name[i]; String *macro = function_set.macros + i; String *public_name = function_set.public_name + i; macro->size = 0; macro->memory_size = name_string.size+4; macro->str = (char*)malloc(macro->memory_size); copy(macro, name_string); to_upper(macro); append(macro, make_lit_string("_SIG")); public_name->size = 0; public_name->memory_size = name_string.size; public_name->str = (char*)malloc(public_name->memory_size); copy(public_name, name_string); to_lower(public_name); } // NOTE(allen): Header FILE *file = fopen(API_H, "wb"); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String ret_string = function_set.ret[i]; String args_string = function_set.args[i]; String macro_string = function_set.macros[i]; fprintf(file, "#define %.*s(n) %.*s n%.*s\n", macro_string.size, macro_string.str, ret_string.size, ret_string.str, args_string.size, args_string.str ); } fprintf(file, "extern \"C\"{\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name_string = function_set.name[i]; String macro_string = function_set.macros[i]; fprintf(file, " typedef %.*s(%.*s_Function);\n", macro_string.size, macro_string.str, name_string.size, name_string.str); } fprintf(file, "}\n"); fprintf(file, "struct Application_Links{\n"); fprintf(file, " void *memory;\n" " int memory_size;\n" ); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name_string = function_set.name[i]; String public_string = function_set.public_name[i]; fprintf(file, " %.*s_Function *%.*s;\n", name_string.size, name_string.str, public_string.size, public_string.str); } fprintf(file, " void *cmd_context;\n" " void *system_links;\n" " void *current_coroutine;\n" " int type_coroutine;\n" ); fprintf(file, "};\n"); fprintf(file, "#define FillAppLinksAPI(app_links) do{"); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name = function_set.name[i]; String public_string = function_set.public_name[i]; fprintf(file, "\\\n" "app_links->%.*s = %.*s;", public_string.size, public_string.str, name.size, name.str ); } fprintf(file, " } while(false)\n"); fclose(file); // NOTE(allen): Documentation file = fopen(API_DOC, "wb"); #define CODE_STYLE "font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace; text-align: left;" #define BACK_COLOR "#FAFAFA" #define TEXT_COLOR "#0D0D0D" #define CODE_BACK "#DFDFDF" #define POP_COLOR_1 "#309030" #define POP_BACK_1 "#E0FFD0" #define VISITED_LINK "#A0C050" #define POP_COLOR_2 "#005000" fprintf(file, "\n" "\n" "4coder API Docs\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
\n" "

4coder API

\n" ); fprintf(file, "

§1 Introduction

\n" "
\n" "

\n" "This is the documentation for " VERSION " The documentation has been made as " "accurate as possible but there may be errors. If you have questions or " "discover errors please contact editor@4coder.net." "

\n" "

\n" "

\n" "
\n"); fprintf(file, "

§2 Types and Functions

\n"); { #undef SECTION #define SECTION "2.1" fprintf(file, "

§"SECTION" Function List

\n" "
    \n"); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name = function_set.public_name[i]; fprintf(file, "
  • \n" "%.*s\n" "
  • \n", name.size, name.str, name.size, name.str ); } fprintf(file, "
\n"); #undef SECTION #define SECTION "2.2" fprintf(file, "

§"SECTION" Descriptions

\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sig_count; ++i){ String name = function_set.public_name[i]; fprintf(file, "
\n" "

§"SECTION".%d: %.*s

\n" "
", name.size, name.str, i, name.size, name.str ); String ret = function_set.ret[i]; fprintf(file, "%.*s app->%.*s(\n" "
", ret.size, ret.str, name.size, name.str); Argument_Breakdown *breakdown = &function_set.breakdown[i]; int arg_count = breakdown->count; for (int j = 0; j < arg_count; ++j){ String param_string = breakdown->param_string[j]; if (j < arg_count - 1){ fprintf(file, "%.*s,
", param_string.size, param_string.str); } else{ fprintf(file, "%.*s
", param_string.size, param_string.str); } } fprintf(file, "
)\n" "
\n"); if (function_set.doc_string[i].size == 0){ fprintf(file, "No documentation generated for this function, assume it is non-public.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "warning: no documentation string for %.*s\n", name.size, name.str); } #define DOC_HEAD_OPEN "
" #define DOC_HEAD_CLOSE "
" #define DOC_ITEM_OPEN "
" #define DOC_ITEM_CLOSE "
" Documentation *doc = &function_set.doc[i]; int doc_param_count = doc->param_count; if (doc_param_count > 0){ fprintf(file, DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Parameters"DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); for (int j = 0; j < doc_param_count; ++j){ String param_name = doc->param_name[j]; String param_docs = doc->param_docs[j]; // TODO(allen): check that param_name is actually // a parameter to this function! fprintf(file, "
\n" "
\n" "
\n" "
\n", param_name.size, param_name.str, param_docs.size, param_docs.str ); } } String ret_doc = doc->return_doc; if (ret_doc.size != 0){ fprintf(file, DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Return"DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); fprintf(file, DOC_ITEM_OPEN"%.*s"DOC_ITEM_CLOSE, ret_doc.size, ret_doc.str ); } String main_doc = doc->main_doc; if (main_doc.size != 0){ fprintf(file, DOC_HEAD_OPEN"Description"DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); fprintf(file, DOC_ITEM_OPEN"%.*s"DOC_ITEM_CLOSE, main_doc.size, main_doc.str ); } int doc_see_count = doc->see_also_count; if (doc_see_count > 0){ fprintf(file, DOC_HEAD_OPEN"See Also"DOC_HEAD_CLOSE); for (int j = 0; j < doc_see_count; ++j){ String see_also = doc->see_also[j]; fprintf(file, DOC_ITEM_OPEN"%.*s"DOC_ITEM_CLOSE, see_also.size, see_also.str, see_also.size, see_also.str ); } } fprintf(file, "

\n"); } } fprintf(file, "
\n" "\n" "\n" ); fclose(file); return(filename); } int main(){ char *filename = 0; filename = generate_keycode_enum(); filename = generate_style(); filename = generate_custom_headers(); } // BOTTOM