/* 4coder_auto_indent.cpp - Commands for automatic indentation. */ // TOP internal Batch_Edit* make_batch_from_indentations(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 lines, i64 *indentations, Indent_Flag flags, i32 tab_width){ i64 *shifted_indentations = indentations - lines.first; Batch_Edit *batch_first = 0; Batch_Edit *batch_last = 0; for (i64 line_number = lines.first; line_number <= lines.max; ++line_number){ i64 line_start_pos = get_line_start_pos(app, buffer, line_number); Indent_Info indent_info = get_indent_info_line_start(app, buffer, line_start_pos, tab_width); i64 correct_indentation = shifted_indentations[line_number]; if (indent_info.is_blank && HasFlag(flags, Indent_ClearLine)){ correct_indentation = 0; } if (correct_indentation == -1){ correct_indentation = indent_info.indent_pos; } if (correct_indentation != indent_info.indent_pos){ umem str_size = 0; u8 *str = 0; if (HasFlag(flags, Indent_UseTab)){ i64 tab_count = correct_indentation/tab_width; i64 indent = tab_count*tab_width; i64 space_count = correct_indentation - indent; str_size = tab_count + space_count; str = push_array(arena, u8, str_size); block_fill_u8(str, tab_count, '\t'); block_fill_u8(str + tab_count, space_count, ' '); } else{ str_size = correct_indentation; str = push_array(arena, u8, str_size); block_fill_u8(str, str_size, ' '); } Batch_Edit *batch = push_array(arena, Batch_Edit, 1); sll_queue_push(batch_first, batch_last, batch); batch->edit.text = SCu8(str, str_size); batch->edit.range = Ii64(line_start_pos, indent_info.first_char_pos); } } return(batch_first); } internal void set_line_indents(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 lines, i64 *indentations, Indent_Flag flags, i32 tab_width){ Batch_Edit *batch = make_batch_from_indentations(app, arena, buffer, lines, indentations, flags, tab_width); if (batch != 0){ buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, batch); } } internal Token* find_anchor_token(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Token_Array *tokens, i64 invalid_line){ Token *result = 0; if (tokens != 0 && tokens->tokens != 0){ result = tokens->tokens; i64 invalid_pos = get_line_start_pos(app, buffer, invalid_line); i32 scope_counter = 0; i32 paren_counter = 0; Token *token = tokens->tokens; for (;;token += 1){ if (token->pos + token->size > invalid_pos){ break; } if (!HasFlag(token->flags, TokenBaseFlag_PreprocessorBody)){ if (scope_counter == 0 && paren_counter == 0){ result = token; } switch (token->kind){ case TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen: { scope_counter += 1; }break; case TokenBaseKind_ScopeClose: { paren_counter = 0; if (scope_counter > 0){ scope_counter -= 1; } }break; case TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalOpen: { paren_counter += 1; }break; case TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalClose: { if (paren_counter > 0){ paren_counter -= 1; } }break; } } } } return(result); } internal Nest* indent__new_nest(Arena *arena, Nest_Alloc *alloc){ Nest *new_nest = alloc->free_nest; if (new_nest == 0){ new_nest = push_array(arena, Nest, 1); } else{ sll_stack_pop(alloc->free_nest); } return(new_nest); } internal void indent__free_nest(Nest_Alloc *alloc, Nest *nest){ sll_stack_push(alloc->free_nest, nest); } internal b32 indent__unfinished_statement(Token *token, Nest *current_nest){ b32 result = false; if (current_nest != 0 && current_nest->kind == TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen){ result = true; switch (token->sub_kind){ case TokenCppKind_BraceOp: case TokenCppKind_BraceCl: case TokenCppKind_Semicolon: case TokenCppKind_Colon: case TokenCppKind_Comma: { result = false; }break; } if (HasFlag(token->flags, TokenBaseFlag_PreprocessorBody)){ result = false; } } return(result); } internal i64* get_indentation_array(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 lines, Indent_Flag flags, i32 tab_width, i32 indent_width){ i64 count = lines.max - lines.min + 1; i64 *indentations = push_array(arena, i64, count); i64 *shifted_indentations = indentations - lines.first; block_fill_u64(indentations, sizeof(*indentations)*count, (u64)(-1)); Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer); Token_Array *tokens = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array); i64 anchor_line = clamp_bot(1, lines.first - 1); Token *anchor_token = find_anchor_token(app, buffer, tokens, anchor_line); if (anchor_token != 0 && anchor_token >= tokens->tokens && anchor_token < tokens->tokens + tokens->count){ i64 line = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, anchor_token->pos); line = clamp_top(line, lines.first); Token_Iterator_Array token_it = token_iterator(0, tokens, anchor_token); Scratch_Block scratch(app); Nest *nest = 0; Nest_Alloc nest_alloc = {}; i64 line_last_indented = line - 1; i64 last_indent = 0; i64 actual_indent = 0; b32 in_unfinished_statement = false; for (;;){ Token *token = token_it_read(&token_it); i64 line_where_token_starts = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, token->pos); i64 line_start_pos = get_line_start_pos(app, buffer, line_where_token_starts); Indent_Info line_indent_info = get_indent_info_line_start(app, buffer, line_start_pos, tab_width); i64 current_indent = 0; if (nest != 0){ current_indent = nest->indent; } i64 this_indent = current_indent; i64 following_indent = current_indent; if (HasFlag(token->flags, TokenBaseFlag_PreprocessorBody)){ this_indent = 0; } else{ switch (token->kind){ case TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen: { Nest *new_nest = indent__new_nest(arena, &nest_alloc); sll_stack_push(nest, new_nest); nest->kind = TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen; nest->indent = current_indent + indent_width; following_indent = nest->indent; }break; case TokenBaseKind_ScopeClose: { for (;nest != 0 && nest->kind != TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen;){ Nest *n = nest; sll_stack_pop(nest); indent__free_nest(&nest_alloc, n); } if (nest != 0 && nest->kind == TokenBaseKind_ScopeOpen){ Nest *n = nest; sll_stack_pop(nest); indent__free_nest(&nest_alloc, n); } this_indent = 0; if (nest != 0){ this_indent = nest->indent; } following_indent = this_indent; }break; case TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalOpen: { Nest *new_nest = indent__new_nest(arena, &nest_alloc); sll_stack_push(nest, new_nest); nest->kind = TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalOpen; nest->indent = actual_indent + (token->pos - line_indent_info.first_char_pos) + 1; following_indent = nest->indent; }break; case TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalClose: { if (nest != 0 && nest->kind == TokenBaseKind_ParentheticalOpen){ Nest *n = nest; sll_stack_pop(nest); indent__free_nest(&nest_alloc, n); } following_indent = 0; if (nest != 0){ following_indent = nest->indent; } }break; } } if (in_unfinished_statement){ this_indent += indent_width; } #define EMIT(N) \ Stmnt(if (lines.first <= line_it){shifted_indentations[line_it]=N;} \ if (line_it == lines.end){goto finished;} \ actual_indent = N; ) i64 line_it = line_last_indented; for (;line_it < line_where_token_starts;){ line_it += 1; if (line_it == line_where_token_starts){ EMIT(this_indent); } else{ EMIT(last_indent); } } i64 line_where_token_starts_shift = this_indent - line_indent_info.indent_pos; i64 line_where_token_ends = get_line_number_from_pos(app, buffer, token->pos + token->size); for (;line_it < line_where_token_ends;){ line_it += 1; i64 line_it_start_pos = get_line_start_pos(app, buffer, line_it); Indent_Info line_it_indent_info = get_indent_info_line_start(app, buffer, line_it_start_pos, tab_width); i64 new_indent = line_it_indent_info.indent_pos + line_where_token_starts_shift; new_indent = clamp_bot(0, new_indent); EMIT(new_indent); } #undef EMIT if (token->kind != TokenBaseKind_Comment){ in_unfinished_statement = indent__unfinished_statement(token, nest); if (in_unfinished_statement){ following_indent += indent_width; } } last_indent = following_indent; line_last_indented = line_it; if (!token_it_inc_non_whitespace(&token_it)){ break; } } } finished:; return(indentations); } internal b32 auto_indent_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 pos, Indent_Flag flags, i32 tab_width, i32 indent_width){ Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer); Token_Array *tokens = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array); b32 result = false; if (tokens != 0 && tokens->tokens != 0){ result = true; Scratch_Block scratch(app); Range_i64 line_numbers = {}; if (HasFlag(flags, Indent_FullTokens)){ i32 safety_counter = 0; for (;;){ Range_i64 expanded = enclose_tokens(app, buffer, pos); expanded = enclose_whole_lines(app, buffer, expanded); if (expanded == pos){ break; } pos = expanded; safety_counter += 1; if (safety_counter == 20){ pos = buffer_range(app, buffer); break; } } } line_numbers = get_line_range_from_pos_range(app, buffer, pos); i64 *indentations = get_indentation_array(app, scratch, buffer, line_numbers, flags, tab_width, indent_width); set_line_indents(app, scratch, buffer, line_numbers, indentations, flags, tab_width); } return(result); } global_const i32 auto_indent_tab_width = 4; function void auto_indent_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 pos, Indent_Flag flags){ i32 indent_width = global_config.indent_width; AddFlag(flags, Indent_FullTokens); if (global_config.indent_with_tabs){ AddFlag(flags, Indent_UseTab); } auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, pos, flags, indent_width, auto_indent_tab_width); } function void auto_indent_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Range_i64 pos){ auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, pos, 0); } //////////////////////////////// CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_indent_whole_file) CUSTOM_DOC("Audo-indents the entire current buffer.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible); i64 buffer_size = buffer_get_size(app, buffer); auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, Ii64(0, buffer_size)); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_indent_line_at_cursor) CUSTOM_DOC("Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible); i64 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, Ii64(pos)); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, view, buffer); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(auto_indent_range) CUSTOM_DOC("Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Range_i64 range = get_view_range(app, view); auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, range); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, view, buffer); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(write_text_and_auto_indent) CUSTOM_DOC("Inserts text and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits if any of the text contains 'layout punctuation' such as ;:{}()[]# and new lines.") { User_Input in = get_current_input(app); String_Const_u8 insert = to_writable(&in); if (insert.str != 0 && insert.size > 0){ b32 do_auto_indent = false; for (umem i = 0; !do_auto_indent && i < insert.size; i += 1){ switch (insert.str[i]){ case ';': case ':': case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '#': case '\n': case '\t': { do_auto_indent = true; }break; } } if (do_auto_indent){ View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadWriteVisible); Range_i64 pos = {}; pos.min = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); write_text_input(app); pos.max= view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); auto_indent_buffer(app, buffer, pos, 0); move_past_lead_whitespace(app, view, buffer); } else{ write_text_input(app); } } } // BOTTOM