/* 4coder_function_list.cpp - Command for listing all functions in a C/C++ file in a jump list. TYPE: 'drop-in-command-pack' */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_FUNCTION_LIST_CPP) #define FCODER_FUNCTION_LIST_CPP #include "4coder_API/custom.h" #include "4coder_default_framework.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_helper.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_streaming.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" // NOTE(allen|a4.0.14): This turned out to be a nasty little routine. There might // be a better way to do it with just tokens that I didn't see the first time // through. Once I build a real parser this should become almost just as easy as // iterating tokens is now. // // This version can be dropped anywhere underneath 4coder_default_include.cpp and // will then provide the "list_all_functions_current_buffer" command. // // // Declaration list // static void list_all_functions(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ String search_name = make_lit_string("*decls*"); Buffer_Summary decls_buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, search_name.str, search_name.size, AccessAll); if (!decls_buffer.exists){ decls_buffer = create_buffer(app, search_name.str, search_name.size, BufferCreate_AlwaysNew); buffer_set_setting(app, &decls_buffer, BufferSetting_Unimportant, true); buffer_set_setting(app, &decls_buffer, BufferSetting_ReadOnly, true); buffer_set_setting(app, &decls_buffer, BufferSetting_WrapLine, false); } else{ buffer_replace_range(app, &decls_buffer, 0, decls_buffer.size, 0, 0); } Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); struct Function_Positions{ int32_t sig_start_index; int32_t sig_end_index; int32_t open_paren_pos; }; Function_Positions *positions_array = push_array(part, Function_Positions, (4<<10)/sizeof(Function_Positions)); int32_t positions_count = 0; Partition extra_memory_ = partition_sub_part(part, (4<<10)); Partition *extra_memory = &extra_memory_; char *str = (char*)partition_current(part); size_t part_size = 0; size_t size = 0; static const int32_t token_chunk_size = 512; Cpp_Token token_chunk[token_chunk_size]; Stream_Tokens token_stream = {0}; if (init_stream_tokens(&token_stream, app, buffer, 0, token_chunk, token_chunk_size)){ Stream_Tokens start_position_stream_temp = begin_temp_stream_token(&token_stream); int32_t token_index = 0; int32_t nest_level = 0; int32_t paren_nest_level = 0; int32_t first_paren_index = 0; int32_t first_paren_position = 0; int32_t last_paren_index = 0; bool32 still_looping = false; // Look for the next token at global scope that might need to be printed. mode1: do{ for (; token_index < token_stream.end; ++token_index){ Cpp_Token *token = &token_stream.tokens[token_index]; if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ switch (token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: { ++nest_level; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: { if (nest_level > 0){ --nest_level; } }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: { if (nest_level == 0){ first_paren_index = token_index; first_paren_position = token->start; goto paren_mode1; } }break; } } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&token_stream); }while(still_looping); goto end; // Look for a closing parenthese to mark the end of a function signature. paren_mode1: paren_nest_level = 0; do{ for (; token_index < token_stream.end; ++token_index){ Cpp_Token *token = &token_stream.tokens[token_index]; if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ switch (token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: { ++paren_nest_level; }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: { --paren_nest_level; if (paren_nest_level == 0){ last_paren_index = token_index; goto paren_mode2; } }break; } } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&token_stream); }while(still_looping); goto end; // Look backwards from an open parenthese to find the start of a function signature. paren_mode2: { Stream_Tokens backward_stream_temp = begin_temp_stream_token(&token_stream); int32_t local_index = first_paren_index; int32_t signature_start_index = 0; do{ for (; local_index >= token_stream.start; --local_index){ Cpp_Token *token = &token_stream.tokens[local_index]; if ((token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY) || (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE) || token->type == CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE || token->type == CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON || token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE){ ++local_index; signature_start_index = local_index; goto paren_mode2_done; } } still_looping = backward_stream_tokens(&token_stream); }while(still_looping); // When this loop ends by going all the way back to the beginning set the signature start to 0 and fall through to the printing phase. signature_start_index = 0; paren_mode2_done:; { Function_Positions positions; positions.sig_start_index = signature_start_index; positions.sig_end_index = last_paren_index; positions.open_paren_pos = first_paren_position; positions_array[positions_count++] = positions; } end_temp_stream_token(&token_stream, backward_stream_temp); goto mode1; } end:; end_temp_stream_token(&token_stream, start_position_stream_temp); // Print the results String buffer_name = make_string(buffer->buffer_name, buffer->buffer_name_len); for (int32_t i = 0; i < positions_count; ++i){ Function_Positions *positions = &positions_array[i]; Temp_Memory extra_temp = begin_temp_memory(extra_memory); int32_t local_index = positions->sig_start_index; int32_t end_index = positions->sig_end_index; int32_t open_paren_pos = positions->open_paren_pos; do{ for (; local_index < token_stream.end; ++local_index){ Cpp_Token *token = &token_stream.tokens[local_index]; if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (token->type != CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ bool32 delete_space_before = false; bool32 space_after = false; switch (token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_COMMA: case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: { delete_space_before = true; }break; } switch (token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: case CPP_TOKEN_COMMA: case CPP_TOKEN_STAR: { space_after = true; }break; } if (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_IS_KEYWORD){ space_after = true; } if (delete_space_before){ size_t pos = extra_memory->pos - 1; char *base = ((char*)(extra_memory->base)); if (pos >= 0 && base[pos] == ' '){ extra_memory->pos = pos; } } char *token_str = push_array(extra_memory, char, token->size + space_after); buffer_read_range(app, buffer, token->start, token->start + token->size, token_str); if (space_after){ token_str[token->size] = ' '; } } } if (local_index == end_index){ goto finish_print; } } still_looping = forward_stream_tokens(&token_stream); }while(still_looping); finish_print:; { size_t sig_size = extra_memory->pos; String sig = make_string(extra_memory->base, (int32_t)sig_size); size_t line_number = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, open_paren_pos); size_t line_number_len = int_to_str_size((int32_t)line_number); size_t append_len = buffer_name.size + 1 + line_number_len + 1 + 1 + sig_size + 1; char *out_space = push_array(part, char, append_len); if (out_space == 0){ buffer_replace_range(app, &decls_buffer, size, size, str, part_size); size += part_size; end_temp_memory(temp); temp = begin_temp_memory(part); part_size = 0; out_space = push_array(part, char, append_len); } part_size += append_len; String out = make_string(out_space, 0, (int32_t)append_len); append(&out, buffer_name); append(&out, ':'); append_int_to_str(&out, (int32_t)line_number); append(&out, ':'); append(&out, ' '); append(&out, sig); append(&out, '\n'); } end_temp_memory(extra_temp); } buffer_replace_range(app, &decls_buffer, size, size, str, part_size); View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); view_set_buffer(app, &view, decls_buffer.buffer_id, 0); lock_jump_buffer(search_name.str, search_name.size); end_temp_memory(temp); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(list_all_functions_current_buffer){ uint32_t access = AccessProtected; View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); list_all_functions(app, &global_part, &buffer); } #endif // BOTTOM