/* * Serial inserts helpers */ // TOP static Buffer_Insertion begin_buffer_insertion_at(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i32 at){ Buffer_Insertion result = {}; result.app = app; result.buffer = buffer_id; result.at = at; return(result); } static Buffer_Summary get_active_buffer(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, access); Buffer_Summary result = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access); return(result); } static Buffer_Insertion begin_buffer_insertion(Application_Links *app){ View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); Buffer_Insertion result = begin_buffer_insertion_at(app, view.buffer_id, view.cursor.pos); return(result); } static void insert_string(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, String string){ buffer_replace_range(insertion->app, insertion->buffer, insertion->at, insertion->at, string); insertion->at += string.size; } static i32 insertf(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, char *format, ...){ // TODO(casey): Allen, ideally we would have our own formatter here that just outputs into a buffer and can't ever "run out of space". char temp[1024]; va_list args; // TODO(casey): Allen, ideally we would have our own formatted here that could handle our string type, via %S or something, so // we don't have to keep doing %.*s and passing two parameters and all that garbage. va_start(args, format); // TODO(casey): Allen, ideally we would have our own formatted here that could handle our string type, via %S or something, so // we don't have to keep doing %.*s and passing two parameters and all that garbage. i32 result = vsprintf(temp, format, args); va_end(args); insert_string(insertion, make_string(temp, result)); return(result); } static void insertc(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, char C){ buffer_replace_range(insertion->app, insertion->buffer, insertion->at, insertion->at, make_string(&C, 1)); insertion->at += 1; } static b32 insert_line_from_buffer(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i32 line, i32 truncate_at){ Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); Partial_Cursor begin = {}; Partial_Cursor end = {}; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(insertion->app, buffer_id, AccessAll); b32 success = false; if (buffer_compute_cursor(insertion->app, &buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &begin)){ if (buffer_compute_cursor(insertion->app, &buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &end)){ if (begin.line == line){ if (0 <= begin.pos && begin.pos <= end.pos && end.pos <= buffer.size){ i32 size = (end.pos - begin.pos); if(truncate_at && (size > truncate_at)) { size = truncate_at; } char *memory = push_array(part, char, size); if (memory != 0){ String str = make_string(memory, 0, size); success = true; buffer_read_range(insertion->app, &buffer, begin.pos, end.pos, str.str); str.size = size; insert_string(insertion, str); } } } } } end_temp_memory(temp); return(success); } static b32 insert_line_from_buffer(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i32 line){ return(insert_line_from_buffer(insertion, buffer_id, line, 0)); } static b32 insert_mirror_range(Buffer_Insertion *insertion, Buffer_ID source, i32 source_first, i32 length){ b32 result = mirror_buffer_insert_range(insertion->app, insertion->buffer, source, insertion->at, source_first, length); if (result){ insertion->at += length; } return(result); } // BOTTOM