#ifndef FCODER_AUTO_INDENT_INC #define FCODER_AUTO_INDENT_INC struct Hard_Start_Result{ int32_t char_pos; int32_t indent_pos; int32_t all_whitespace; int32_t all_space; }; static Hard_Start_Result buffer_find_hard_start(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line_start, int32_t tab_width){ Hard_Start_Result result = {0}; char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; char c; tab_width -= 1; result.all_space = 1; result.indent_pos = 0; result.char_pos = line_start; stream.add_null = 1; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, line_start, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for (; result.char_pos < stream.end; ++result.char_pos){ c = stream.data[result.char_pos]; if (c == '\n' || c == 0){ result.all_whitespace = 1; goto double_break; } if (c >= '!' && c <= '~'){ goto double_break; } if (c == '\t'){ result.indent_pos += tab_width; } if (c != ' '){ result.all_space = 0; } result.indent_pos += 1; } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); } double_break:; return(result); } struct Indent_Options{ bool32 empty_blank_lines; bool32 use_tabs; int32_t tab_width; }; #include "4cpp_lexer.h" static int32_t buffer_get_line_start(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor; app->buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &partial_cursor); return(partial_cursor.pos); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor; app->buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(pos), &partial_cursor); return(partial_cursor.line); } static Cpp_Token* get_first_token_at_line(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, int32_t line){ int32_t line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_token = cpp_get_token(&tokens, line_start); if (get_token.in_whitespace){ get_token.token_index += 1; } Cpp_Token *result = tokens.tokens + get_token.token_index; return(result); } static Cpp_Token* seek_matching_token_backwards(Cpp_Token_Array tokens, Cpp_Token *token, Cpp_Token_Type open_type, Cpp_Token_Type close_type){ int32_t nesting_level = 0; if (token <= tokens.tokens){ token = tokens.tokens; } else{ for (; token > tokens.tokens; --token){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (token->type == close_type){ ++nesting_level; } else if (token->type == open_type){ if (nesting_level == 0){ break; } else{ --nesting_level; } } } } } return(token); } struct Indent_Parse_State{ int32_t current_indent; int32_t previous_line_indent; int32_t paren_nesting; int32_t paren_anchor_indent[16]; int32_t comment_shift; }; static int32_t compute_this_indent(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Indent_Parse_State indent, Cpp_Token T, Cpp_Token prev_token, int32_t line_i, int32_t tab_width){ int32_t previous_indent = indent.previous_line_indent; int32_t this_indent = 0; int32_t this_line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_i); int32_t next_line_start = 0; if (line_i+1 < buffer->line_count){ next_line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_i+1); } else{ next_line_start = buffer->size; } bool32 did_special_behavior = false; if (prev_token.start <= this_line_start && prev_token.start + prev_token.size > this_line_start){ if (prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT){ Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, this_line_start, tab_width); if (hard_start.all_whitespace){ this_indent = previous_indent; did_special_behavior = true; } else{ int32_t line_pos = hard_start.char_pos - this_line_start; this_indent = line_pos + indent.comment_shift; if (this_indent < 0){ this_indent = 0; } did_special_behavior = true; } } else if (prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_STRING_CONSTANT){ this_indent = previous_indent; did_special_behavior = true; } } if (!did_special_behavior){ this_indent = indent.current_indent; if (T.start < next_line_start){ if (T.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE){ this_indent = 0; } else{ switch (T.type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: this_indent -= tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: this_indent -= tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: break; default: if (indent.current_indent > 0){ if (!(prev_token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY || prev_token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE)){ switch (prev_token.type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: case CPP_TOKEN_SEMICOLON: case CPP_TOKEN_COLON: case CPP_TOKEN_COMMA: case CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT: break; default: this_indent += tab_width; } } } } } } if (this_indent < 0) this_indent = 0; } if (indent.paren_nesting > 0){ if (prev_token.type != CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ int32_t level = indent.paren_nesting-1; if (level >= ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ level = ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)-1; } this_indent = indent.paren_anchor_indent[level]; } } return(this_indent); } static int32_t* get_line_indentation_marks(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, int32_t line_start, int32_t line_end, int32_t tab_width){ int32_t indent_mark_count = line_end - line_start; int32_t *indent_marks = push_array(part, int32_t, indent_mark_count); Indent_Parse_State indent = {0}; Cpp_Token *token = get_first_token_at_line(app, buffer, tokens, line_start); if (token != tokens.tokens){ --token; for (; token > tokens.tokens; --token){ if (!(token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ switch(token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: goto out_of_loop; } } } out_of_loop:; } // TODO(allen): This can maybe be it's own function now, so that we // can do the decls in the order we want and avoid the extra binary search. int32_t found_safe_start_position = 0; do{ int32_t line = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, token->start); int32_t start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, start, tab_width); indent.current_indent = hard_start.indent_pos; Cpp_Token *start_token = get_first_token_at_line(app, buffer, tokens, line); Cpp_Token *brace_token = token; if (start_token->type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ if (start_token == tokens.tokens){ found_safe_start_position = 1; } else{ token = start_token-1; } } else{ int32_t close = 0; for (token = brace_token; token > start_token; --token){ switch(token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: close = token->type; goto out_of_loop2; } } out_of_loop2:; switch (close){ case 0: token = start_token; found_safe_start_position = 1; break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: token = seek_matching_token_backwards(tokens, token-1, CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN, CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE); break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: token = seek_matching_token_backwards(tokens, token-1, CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN, CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE); break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: token = seek_matching_token_backwards(tokens, token-1, CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN, CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE); break; } } } while(found_safe_start_position == 0); // NOTE(allen): Shift the array so that line_i can just operate in // it's natural value range. indent_marks -= line_start; int32_t line_i = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, token->start); if (line_i > line_start){ line_i = line_start; } int32_t next_line_start = buffer->size; if (line_i+1 < buffer->line_count){ next_line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_i+1); } switch (token->type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: indent.current_indent += tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: indent.current_indent += tab_width; break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: indent.current_indent += tab_width; break; } indent.previous_line_indent = indent.current_indent; Cpp_Token T; Cpp_Token prev_token = *token; ++token; for (; line_i < line_end; ++token){ if (token < tokens.tokens + tokens.count){ T = *token; } else{ T.type = CPP_TOKEN_EOF; T.start = buffer->size; T.flags = 0; } for (; T.start >= next_line_start && line_i < line_end;){ if (line_i+1 < buffer->line_count){ next_line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_i+1); } else{ next_line_start = buffer->size; } int32_t this_indent = compute_this_indent(app, buffer, indent, T, prev_token, line_i, tab_width); // NOTE(allen): Rebase the paren anchor if the first token // after an open paren is on the next line. if (indent.paren_nesting > 0){ if (prev_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN){ int32_t level = indent.paren_nesting-1; if (level >= ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ level = ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)-1; } indent.paren_anchor_indent[level] = this_indent; } } if (line_i >= line_start){ indent_marks[line_i] = this_indent; } ++line_i; indent.previous_line_indent = this_indent; } switch (T.type){ case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN: indent.current_indent += 4; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE: indent.current_indent -= 4; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN: indent.current_indent += 4; break; case CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_CLOSE: indent.current_indent -= 4; break; case CPP_TOKEN_COMMENT: { int32_t line = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, T.start); int32_t start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); indent.comment_shift = (indent.current_indent - (T.start - start)); }break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_OPEN: if (!(T.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ if (indent.paren_nesting < ArrayCount(indent.paren_anchor_indent)){ int32_t line = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, T.start); int32_t start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); int32_t char_pos = T.start - start; Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, start, tab_width); int32_t line_pos = hard_start.char_pos - start; indent.paren_anchor_indent[indent.paren_nesting] = char_pos - line_pos + indent.previous_line_indent + 1; } ++indent.paren_nesting; } break; case CPP_TOKEN_PARENTHESE_CLOSE: if (!(T.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY)){ --indent.paren_nesting; } break; } prev_token = T; } // NOTE(allen): Unshift the indent_marks array so that the return value // is the exact starting point of the array that was actually allocated. indent_marks += line_start; return(indent_marks); } struct Make_Batch_Result{ char *str_base; int32_t str_size; Buffer_Edit *edits; int32_t edit_max; int32_t edit_count; }; static Make_Batch_Result make_batch_from_indent_marks(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line_start, int32_t line_end, int32_t *indent_marks, Indent_Options opts){ Make_Batch_Result result = {0}; int32_t edit_max = line_end - line_start; int32_t edit_count = 0; Buffer_Edit *edits = push_array(part, Buffer_Edit, edit_max); char *str_base = (char*)part->base + part->pos; int32_t str_size = 0; // NOTE(allen): Shift the array so that line_i can just operate in // it's natural value range. indent_marks -= line_start; for (int32_t line_i = line_start; line_i < line_end; ++line_i){ int32_t line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line_i); Hard_Start_Result hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(app, buffer, line_start, opts.tab_width); int32_t correct_indentation = indent_marks[line_i]; if (hard_start.all_whitespace && opts.empty_blank_lines) correct_indentation = 0; if (correct_indentation == -1) correct_indentation = hard_start.indent_pos; // TODO(allen): Only replace spaces if we are using space based indentation. // TODO(allen): See if the first clause can just be removed because it's dumb. if ((hard_start.all_whitespace && hard_start.char_pos > line_start) || !hard_start.all_space || correct_indentation != hard_start.indent_pos){ Buffer_Edit new_edit; new_edit.str_start = str_size; str_size += correct_indentation; char *str = push_array(part, char, correct_indentation); int32_t j = 0; if (opts.use_tabs){ int32_t i = 0; for (; i + opts.tab_width <= correct_indentation; i += opts.tab_width) str[j++] = '\t'; for (; i < correct_indentation; ++i) str[j++] = ' '; } else{ for (; j < correct_indentation; ++j) str[j] = ' '; } new_edit.len = j; new_edit.start = line_start; new_edit.end = hard_start.char_pos; edits[edit_count++] = new_edit; } Assert(edit_count <= edit_max); } result.str_base = str_base; result.str_size = str_size; result.edits = edits; result.edit_max = edit_max; result.edit_count = edit_count; return(result); } static bool32 buffer_auto_indent(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t start, int32_t end, int32_t tab_width, Auto_Indent_Flag flags)/* DOC_PARAM(buffer, The buffer specifies the buffer in which to apply auto indentation.) DOC_PARAM(start, This parameter specifies the absolute position of the start of the indentation range.) DOC_PARAM(end, This parameter specifies the absolute position of the end of the indentation range.) DOC_PARAM(tab_width, The tab_width parameter specifies how many spaces should be used for one indentation in space mode.) DOC_PARAM(flags, This parameter specifies behaviors for the indentation.) DOC_RETURN(This call returns non-zero when the call succeeds.) DOC(Applies the built in auto-indentation rule to the code in the range from start to end by inserting spaces or tabs at the beginning of the lines. If the buffer does not have lexing enabled or the lexing job has not completed this function will fail.) DOC_SEE(Auto_Indent_Flag) DOC_SEE(4coder_Buffer_Positioning_System) */{ Indent_Options opts = {0}; bool32 result = 0; if (buffer->exists && buffer->tokens_are_ready){ result = 1; opts.empty_blank_lines = (flags & AutoIndent_ClearLine); opts.use_tabs = (flags & AutoIndent_UseTab); opts.tab_width = tab_width; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); // TODO(allen): Only read in the tokens in the range we need. Cpp_Token_Array tokens; tokens.count = app->buffer_token_count(app, buffer); tokens.max_count = tokens.count; tokens.tokens = push_array(part, Cpp_Token, tokens.count); app->buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, 0, tokens.count, tokens.tokens); int32_t line_start = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, start); int32_t line_end = buffer_get_line_index(app, buffer, end); int32_t *indent_marks = get_line_indentation_marks(app, part, buffer, tokens, line_start, line_end, opts.tab_width); Make_Batch_Result batch = make_batch_from_indent_marks(app, part, buffer, line_start, line_end, indent_marks, opts); if (batch.edit_count > 0){ app->buffer_batch_edit(app, buffer, batch.str_base, batch.str_size, batch.edits, batch.edit_count, BatchEdit_PreserveTokens); } end_temp_memory(temp); } return(result); } static bool32 buffer_auto_indent(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t start, int32_t end, int32_t tab_width, Auto_Indent_Flag flags){ bool32 result = buffer_auto_indent(app, &global_part, buffer, start, end, tab_width, flags); return(result); } #endif