/* 4coder_jumping.cpp - Routines commonly used when writing code to jump to locations and seek through jump lists. */ // TOP static b32 ms_style_verify(String_Const_u8 line, umem left_paren_pos, umem right_paren_pos){ i32 result = false; String_Const_u8 line_part = string_skip(line, right_paren_pos); if (string_match(string_prefix(line_part, 4), string_u8_litexpr(") : "))){ result = true; } else if (string_match(string_prefix(line_part, 3), string_u8_litexpr("): "))){ result = true; } if (result){ String_Const_u8 number = string_skip(string_prefix(line, right_paren_pos - 1), left_paren_pos + 1); if (!string_is_integer(number, 10)){ result = false; umem comma_pos = string_find_first(number, ','); if (comma_pos < number.size){ String_Const_u8 sub_number0 = string_prefix(number, comma_pos); String_Const_u8 sub_number1 = string_skip(number, comma_pos + 1); if (string_is_integer(sub_number0, 10) && string_is_integer(sub_number1, 10)){ result = true; } } } } return(result); } static umem try_skip_rust_arrow(String_Const_u8 line){ umem pos = 0; if (string_match(string_prefix(line, 3), string_u8_litexpr("-->"))){ String_Const_u8 sub = string_skip(line, 3); sub = string_skip_chop_whitespace(sub); pos = (umem)(sub.str - line.str); } return(pos); } static b32 check_is_note(String_Const_u8 line, umem colon_pos){ b32 is_note = false; umem note_pos = colon_pos + string_find_first(string_skip(line, colon_pos), string_u8_litexpr("note")); if (note_pos < line.size){ b32 is_all_whitespace = true; for (umem i = colon_pos + 1; i < note_pos; i += 1){ if (!character_is_whitespace(line.str[i])){ is_all_whitespace = false; break; } } if (is_all_whitespace){ is_note = true; } } return(is_note); } static Parsed_Jump parse_jump_location(String_Const_u8 line){ Parsed_Jump jump = {}; jump.sub_jump_indented = (string_get_character(line, 0) == ' '); String_Const_u8 reduced_line = string_skip_chop_whitespace(line); umem whitespace_length = (umem)(reduced_line.str - line.str); line = reduced_line; umem left_paren_pos = string_find_first(line, '('); umem right_paren_pos = left_paren_pos + string_find_first(string_skip(line, left_paren_pos), ')'); for (;!jump.is_ms_style && right_paren_pos < line.size;){ if (ms_style_verify(line, left_paren_pos, right_paren_pos)){ jump.is_ms_style = true; jump.colon_position = (i32)(right_paren_pos + string_find_first(string_skip(line, right_paren_pos), ':')); if (jump.colon_position < line.size){ if (check_is_note(line, jump.colon_position)){ jump.sub_jump_note = true; } String_Const_u8 location_str = string_prefix(line, jump.colon_position); location_str = string_skip_chop_whitespace(location_str); i32 close_pos = (i32)right_paren_pos; i32 open_pos = (i32)left_paren_pos; if (0 < open_pos && open_pos < location_str.size){ String_Const_u8 file = SCu8(location_str.str, open_pos); file = string_skip_chop_whitespace(file); if (file.size > 0){ String_Const_u8 line_number = string_skip(string_prefix(location_str, close_pos), open_pos + 1); line_number = string_skip_chop_whitespace(line_number); if (line_number.size > 0){ umem comma_pos = string_find_first(line_number, ','); if (comma_pos < line_number.size){ String_Const_u8 column_number = string_skip(line_number, comma_pos + 1); line_number = string_prefix(line_number, comma_pos); jump.location.line = (i32)string_to_integer(line_number, 10); jump.location.column = (i32)string_to_integer(column_number, 10); } else{ jump.location.line = (i32)string_to_integer(line_number, 10); jump.location.column = 0; } jump.location.file = file; jump.colon_position = jump.colon_position + (i32)whitespace_length; jump.success = true; } } } } } else{ left_paren_pos = string_find_first(string_skip(line, left_paren_pos + 1), '(') + left_paren_pos + 1; right_paren_pos = string_find_first(string_skip(line, left_paren_pos), ')') + left_paren_pos; } } if (!jump.is_ms_style){ i32 start = (i32)try_skip_rust_arrow(line); if (start != 0){ jump.has_rust_arrow = true; } umem colon_pos1 = string_find_first(string_skip(line, start), ':') + start; if (line.size > colon_pos1 + 1){ if (character_is_slash(string_get_character(line, colon_pos1 + 1))){ colon_pos1 = string_find_first(string_skip(line, colon_pos1 + 1), ':') + colon_pos1 + 1; } } umem colon_pos2 = string_find_first(string_skip(line, colon_pos1 + 1), ':') + colon_pos1 + 1; umem colon_pos3 = string_find_first(string_skip(line, colon_pos2 + 1), ':') + colon_pos2 + 1; if (colon_pos3 < line.size){ if (check_is_note(line, colon_pos3)){ jump.sub_jump_note = true; } String_Const_u8 file_name = string_skip(string_prefix(line, colon_pos1), start); String_Const_u8 line_number = string_skip(string_prefix(line, colon_pos2), colon_pos1 + 1); String_Const_u8 column_number = string_skip(string_prefix(line, colon_pos3), colon_pos2 + 1); if (file_name.size > 0 && line_number.size > 0 && column_number.size > 0){ jump.location.file = file_name; jump.location.line = (i32)string_to_integer(line_number, 10); jump.location.column = (i32)string_to_integer(column_number, 10); jump.colon_position = (i32)(colon_pos3 + whitespace_length); jump.success = true; } } else{ if (colon_pos2 < line.size){ if (check_is_note(line, colon_pos2)){ jump.sub_jump_note = true; } String_Const_u8 file_name = string_prefix(line, colon_pos1); String_Const_u8 line_number = string_skip(string_prefix(line, colon_pos2), colon_pos1 + 1); if (string_is_integer(line_number, 10)){ if (file_name.size > 0 && line_number.size > 0){ jump.location.file = file_name; jump.location.line = (i32)string_to_integer(line_number, 10); jump.location.column = 0; jump.colon_position = (i32)(colon_pos3 + whitespace_length); jump.success = true; } } } } } if (!jump.success){ memset(&jump, 0, sizeof(jump)); } else{ jump.is_sub_jump = (jump.sub_jump_indented || jump.sub_jump_note); } return(jump); } static Parsed_Jump parse_jump_location(String_Const_u8 line, Jump_Flag flags){ Parsed_Jump jump = parse_jump_location(line); if (HasFlag(flags, JumpFlag_SkipSubs) && jump.is_sub_jump){ block_zero_struct(&jump); } return(jump); } static Parsed_Jump parse_jump_from_buffer_line(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i32 line, Jump_Flag flags){ Parsed_Jump jump = {}; String_Const_u8 line_str = push_buffer_line(app, arena, buffer_id, line); if (line_str.size > 0){ jump = parse_jump_location(line_str, flags); } return(jump); } //////////////////////////////// static b32 get_jump_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID *buffer, Name_Line_Column_Location *location){ return(open_file(app, buffer, location->file, false, true)); } static b32 get_jump_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID *buffer, ID_Pos_Jump_Location *location, Access_Flag access){ *buffer = location->buffer_id; return(buffer_exists(app, *buffer)); } static b32 get_jump_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID *buffer, ID_Pos_Jump_Location *location){ return(get_jump_buffer(app, buffer, location, AccessAll)); } static View_ID switch_to_existing_view(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer){ Buffer_ID current_buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll); if (view != 0 || current_buffer != buffer){ View_ID existing_view = get_first_view_with_buffer(app, buffer); if (existing_view != 0){ view = existing_view; } } return(view); } static void set_view_to_location(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer, Buffer_Seek seek){ Buffer_ID current_buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll); if (current_buffer != buffer){ view_set_buffer(app, view, buffer, 0); } view_set_cursor(app, view, seek, true); } static void jump_to_location(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer, Name_Line_Column_Location location){ view_set_active(app, view); set_view_to_location(app, view, buffer, seek_line_char(location.line, location.column)); if (auto_center_after_jumps){ center_view(app); } } static void jump_to_location(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer, ID_Pos_Jump_Location location){ view_set_active(app, view); set_view_to_location(app, view, buffer, seek_pos(location.pos)); if (auto_center_after_jumps){ center_view(app); } } //////////////////////////////// static Parsed_Jump seek_next_jump_in_buffer(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, i32 buffer_id, i32 first_line, Jump_Flag flags, i32 direction, i32 *line_out){ Assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1); Parsed_Jump jump = {}; i32 line = first_line; for (;;){ if (is_valid_line(app, buffer_id, line)){ String_Const_u8 line_str = push_buffer_line(app, arena, buffer_id, line); jump = parse_jump_location(line_str, flags); if (jump.success){ break; } line += direction; } else{ break; } } if (jump.success){ *line_out = clamp_bot(line, 0); } return(jump); } static ID_Line_Column_Jump_Location convert_name_based_to_id_based(Application_Links *app, Name_Line_Column_Location loc){ ID_Line_Column_Jump_Location result = {}; Buffer_ID buffer = get_buffer_by_name(app, loc.file, AccessAll); if (buffer != 0){ result.buffer_id = buffer; result.line = loc.line; result.column = loc.column; } return(result); } static Parsed_Jump seek_next_jump_in_view(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, View_ID view, i32 skip_sub_errors, i32 direction, i32 *line_out){ i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view); Full_Cursor cursor = {}; view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor); i32 line = cursor.line; Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll); Parsed_Jump jump = seek_next_jump_in_buffer(app, arena, buffer, line + direction, skip_sub_errors, direction, &line); if (jump.success){ *line_out = line; } return(jump); } static b32 skip_this_jump(ID_Line_Column_Jump_Location prev, ID_Line_Column_Jump_Location jump){ b32 result = false; if (prev.buffer_id != 0 && prev.buffer_id == jump.buffer_id && prev.line == jump.line && prev.column <= jump.column){ result = true; } return(result); } static b32 advance_cursor_in_jump_view(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 skip_repeats, i32 skip_sub_error, i32 direction, Name_Line_Column_Location *location_out){ b32 result = true; Name_Line_Column_Location location = {}; ID_Line_Column_Jump_Location jump = {}; i32 line = 0; i32 colon_index = 0; do{ Arena *scratch = context_get_arena(app); Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch); Parsed_Jump parsed_jump = seek_next_jump_in_view(app, scratch, view, skip_sub_error, direction, &line); if (parsed_jump.success){ jump = convert_name_based_to_id_based(app, parsed_jump.location); view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, parsed_jump.colon_position + 1), true); result = true; } else{ jump.buffer_id = 0; result = false; } end_temp(temp); }while(skip_repeats && skip_this_jump(prev_location, jump)); if (result){ *location_out = location; view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, colon_index + 1), true); } prev_location = jump; return(result); } static b32 seek_jump(Application_Links *app, b32 skip_repeats, b32 skip_sub_errors, i32 direction){ b32 result = false; View_ID view = get_view_for_locked_jump_buffer(app); if (view != 0){ Name_Line_Column_Location location = {}; if (advance_cursor_in_jump_view(app, view, skip_repeats, skip_sub_errors, direction, &location)){ Buffer_ID buffer = {}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ View_ID target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); if (target_view == view){ change_active_panel(app); target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); } switch_to_existing_view(app, target_view, buffer); jump_to_location(app, target_view, buffer, location); result = true; } } } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// #if defined(USE_OLD_STYLE_JUMPS) #define goto_jump_at_cursor CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_jump_at_cursor_direct) #define goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_direct) #define goto_next_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump_direct) #define goto_prev_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump_direct) #define goto_next_jump_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_direct) #define goto_prev_jump_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_direct) #define goto_first_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_first_jump_direct) #define newline_or_goto_position CUSTOM_ALIAS(newline_or_goto_position_direct) #define newline_or_goto_position_same_panel CUSTOM_ALIAS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct) #else #define goto_jump_at_cursor CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_jump_at_cursor_sticky) #define goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky) #define goto_next_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump_sticky) #define goto_prev_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump_sticky) #define goto_next_jump_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky) #define goto_prev_jump_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky) #define goto_first_jump CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_first_jump_sticky) #define newline_or_goto_position CUSTOM_ALIAS(newline_or_goto_position_sticky) #define newline_or_goto_position_same_panel CUSTOM_ALIAS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky) #endif #define seek_error CUSTOM_ALIAS(seek_jump) #define goto_next_error CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump) #define goto_prev_error CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump) #define goto_next_error_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_next_jump_no_skips) #define goto_prev_error_no_skips CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips) #define goto_first_error CUSTOM_ALIAS(goto_first_jump) // BOTTOM