/* * Helpers for doing long range seeks. */ // TOP #if !defined(FCODER_LONG_SEEK_H) #define FCODER_LONG_SEEK_H #include "4coder_helper/4coder_streaming.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" #include "4cpp/4cpp_lexer.h" // // Whitespace Based Seeks // static int32_t seek_line_end(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; int32_t still_looping; char at_pos; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ still_looping = 1; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == '\n'){ goto double_break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break:; if (pos > buffer->size){ pos = buffer->size; } } return(pos); } static int32_t seek_line_beginning(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; int32_t still_looping; char at_pos; --pos; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ still_looping = 1; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == '\n'){ goto double_break; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break:; if (pos != 0){ ++pos; } if (pos < 0){ pos = 0; } } return(pos); } static void move_past_lead_whitespace(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ refresh_view(app, view); int32_t new_pos = seek_line_beginning(app, buffer, view->cursor.pos); char space[1024]; Stream_Chunk chunk = {0}; int32_t still_looping = false; int32_t i = new_pos; if (init_stream_chunk(&chunk, app, buffer, i, space, sizeof(space))){ do{ for (; i < chunk.end; ++i){ char at_pos = chunk.data[i]; if (at_pos == '\n' || !char_is_whitespace(at_pos)){ goto break2; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&chunk); }while(still_looping); break2:; if (i > view->cursor.pos){ view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(i), true); } } } static int32_t buffer_seek_whitespace_up(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; char at_pos; --pos; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ // Step 1: Find the first non-whitespace character // behind the current position. int32_t still_looping = 1; while (still_looping){ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (!char_is_whitespace(at_pos)){ goto double_break_1; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); } double_break_1:; // Step 2: Continue scanning backward, at each '\n' // mark the beginning of another line by setting // no_hard to true, set it back to false if a // non-whitespace character is discovered before // the next '\n' int32_t no_hard = false; while (still_looping){ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == '\n'){ if (no_hard){ goto double_break_2; } else{ no_hard = true; } } else if (!char_is_whitespace(at_pos)){ no_hard = false; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); } double_break_2:; if (pos != 0){ ++pos; } } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_whitespace_down(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ // step 1: find the first non-whitespace character // ahead of the current position. bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (!char_is_whitespace(at_pos)){ goto double_break_1; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); } while(still_looping); double_break_1:; // step 2: continue scanning forward, at each '\n' // mark it as the beginning of a new line by updating // the prev_endline value. if another '\n' is found // with non-whitespace then the previous line was // all whitespace. bool32 no_hard = false; int32_t prev_endline = -1; while(still_looping){ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == '\n'){ if (no_hard){ goto double_break_2; } else{ no_hard = true; prev_endline = pos; } } else if (!char_is_whitespace(at_pos)){ no_hard = false; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); } double_break_2:; if (prev_endline == -1 || prev_endline+1 >= buffer->size){ pos = buffer->size; } else{ pos = prev_endline+1; } } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_whitespace_right(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (!char_is_whitespace(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (char_is_whitespace(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break2; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_whitespace_left(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; --pos; if (pos > 0){ if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = 1; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (!char_is_whitespace(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = 1; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (char_is_whitespace(stream.data[pos])){ ++pos; goto double_break2; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } } else{ pos = 0; } return(pos); } // // Boundary Type Seeks // static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_right(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break2; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_left(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; --pos; if (pos > 0){ if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_true_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ ++pos; goto double_break2; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } } else{ pos = 0; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_right(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break2; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_left(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; --pos; if (pos > 0){ if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ bool32 still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ goto double_break1; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; still_looping = true; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ if (!char_is_alpha_numeric_utf8(stream.data[pos])){ ++pos; goto double_break2; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break2:; } } else{ pos = 0; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_range_camel_right(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t an_pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; ++pos; if (pos < an_pos){ stream.max_end = an_pos; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ uint8_t c = 0, pc = stream.data[pos]; ++pos; bool32 still_looping = false; do{ for (; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ c = stream.data[pos]; if (char_is_upper(c) && char_is_lower_utf8(pc)){ goto double_break1; } pc = c; } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; } } else{ pos = an_pos; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_range_camel_left(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t an_pos){ char data_chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; --pos; if (pos > 0){ stream.min_start = an_pos+1; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, data_chunk, sizeof(data_chunk))){ char c = 0, pc = stream.data[pos]; bool32 still_looping = false; do{ for (; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ c = stream.data[pos]; if (char_is_upper(c) && char_is_lower_utf8(pc)){ goto double_break1; } pc = c; } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); double_break1:; } } else{ pos = 0; } return(pos); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ int32_t an_pos = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_right(app, buffer, pos); int32_t result = buffer_seek_range_camel_right(app, buffer, pos, an_pos); return(result); } static int32_t buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ int32_t an_pos = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_left(app, buffer, pos); int32_t result = buffer_seek_range_camel_left(app, buffer, pos, an_pos); return(result); } static int32_t seek_token_left(Cpp_Token_Array *tokens, int32_t pos){ Cpp_Get_Token_Result get = cpp_get_token(*tokens, pos); if (get.token_index == -1){ get.token_index = 0; } Cpp_Token *token = tokens->tokens + get.token_index; if (token->start == pos && get.token_index > 0){ --token; } return(token->start); } static int32_t seek_token_right(Cpp_Token_Array *tokens, int32_t pos){ Cpp_Get_Token_Result get = cpp_get_token(*tokens, pos); if (get.in_whitespace){ ++get.token_index; } if (get.token_index >= tokens->count){ get.token_index = tokens->count-1; } Cpp_Token *token = tokens->tokens + get.token_index; return(token->start + token->size); } static Cpp_Token_Array buffer_get_all_tokens(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer){ Cpp_Token_Array array = {0}; if (buffer->exists && buffer->is_lexed){ array.count = buffer_token_count(app, buffer); array.max_count = array.count; array.tokens = push_array(part, Cpp_Token, array.count); buffer_read_tokens(app, buffer, 0, array.count, array.tokens); } return(array); } static int32_t buffer_boundary_seek(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Partition *part, int32_t start_pos, bool32 seek_forward, Seek_Boundary_Flag flags)/* DOC_PARAM(buffer, The buffer parameter specifies the buffer through which to seek.) DOC_PARAM(start_pos, The beginning position of the seek is specified by start_pos measured in absolute position.) DOC_PARAM(seek_forward, If this parameter is non-zero it indicates that the seek should move foward through the buffer.) DOC_PARAM(flags, This field specifies the types of boundaries at which the seek should stop.) DOC_RETURN(This call returns the absolute position where the seek stopped. If the seek goes below 0 the returned value is -1. If the seek goes past the end the returned value is the size of the buffer.) DOC_SEE(Seek_Boundary_Flag) DOC_SEE(4coder_Buffer_Positioning_System) */{ int32_t result = 0; // TODO(allen): reduce duplication? Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); if (buffer->exists){ int32_t pos[4]; int32_t size = buffer->size; int32_t new_pos = 0; if (start_pos < 0){ start_pos = 0; } else if (start_pos > size){ start_pos = size; } if (seek_forward){ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ArrayCount(pos); ++i){ pos[i] = size; } if (flags & BoundaryWhitespace){ pos[0] = buffer_seek_whitespace_right(app, buffer, start_pos); } if (flags & BoundaryToken){ if (buffer->tokens_are_ready){ Cpp_Token_Array array = buffer_get_all_tokens(app, part, buffer); pos[1] = seek_token_right(&array, start_pos); } else{ pos[1] = buffer_seek_whitespace_right(app, buffer, start_pos); } } if (flags & BoundaryAlphanumeric){ pos[2] = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_right(app, buffer, start_pos); if (flags & BoundaryCamelCase){ pos[3] = buffer_seek_range_camel_right(app, buffer, start_pos, pos[2]); } } else{ if (flags & BoundaryCamelCase){ pos[3] = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right(app, buffer, start_pos); } } new_pos = size; for (int32_t i = 0; i < ArrayCount(pos); ++i){ if (pos[i] < new_pos){ new_pos = pos[i]; } } } else{ for (int32_t i = 0; i < ArrayCount(pos); ++i){ pos[i] = 0; } if (flags & BoundaryWhitespace){ pos[0] = buffer_seek_whitespace_left(app, buffer, start_pos); } if (flags & BoundaryToken){ if (buffer->tokens_are_ready){ Cpp_Token_Array array = buffer_get_all_tokens(app, part, buffer); pos[1] = seek_token_left(&array, start_pos); } else{ pos[1] = buffer_seek_whitespace_left(app, buffer, start_pos); } } if (flags & BoundaryAlphanumeric){ pos[2] = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_left(app, buffer, start_pos); if (flags & BoundaryCamelCase){ pos[3] = buffer_seek_range_camel_left(app, buffer, start_pos, pos[2]); } } else{ if (flags & BoundaryCamelCase){ pos[3] = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left(app, buffer, start_pos); } } new_pos = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < ArrayCount(pos); ++i){ if (pos[i] > new_pos){ new_pos = pos[i]; } } } result = new_pos; } end_temp_memory(temp); return(result); } // // Character Seeks // void buffer_seek_delimiter_forward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, char delim, int32_t *result){ if (buffer->exists){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, size)){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == delim){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } *result = buffer->size; finished:; } static void buffer_seek_delimiter_backward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, char delim, int32_t *result){ if (buffer->exists){ char chunk[1024]; int32_t size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, size)){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == delim){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } *result = 0; finished:; } // // Buffer Substring Seeks // // TODO(allen): This duplication is driving me crazy... I've gotta // upgrade the meta programming system another level. // NOTE(allen): This is limitted to a string size of 512. // You can push it up or do something more clever by just // replacing char read_buffer[512]; with more memory. static void buffer_seek_string_forward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t end, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *result){ char read_buffer[512]; if (buffer->size > end){ *result = buffer->size; } else{ *result = end; } if (size > 0 && size <= sizeof(read_buffer)){ if (buffer->exists){ String read_str = make_fixed_width_string(read_buffer); String needle_str = make_string(str, size); char first_char = str[0]; read_str.size = size; char chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; stream.max_end = end; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, sizeof(chunk))){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == first_char){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, pos, pos+size, read_buffer); if (match_ss(needle_str, read_str)){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } if (end == 0){ *result = buffer->size; } else{ *result = end; } finished:; } } // NOTE(allen): This is limitted to a string size of 512. // You can push it up or do something more clever by just // replacing char read_buffer[512]; with more memory. static void buffer_seek_string_backward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t min, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *result){ char read_buffer[512]; *result = min-1; if (size > 0 && size <= sizeof(read_buffer)){ if (buffer->exists){ String read_str = make_fixed_width_string(read_buffer); String needle_str = make_string(str, size); char first_char = str[0]; read_str.size = size; char chunk[1024]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; stream.min_start = min; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, sizeof(chunk))){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ char at_pos = stream.data[pos]; if (at_pos == first_char){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, pos, pos+size, read_buffer); if (match_ss(needle_str, read_str)){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } finished:; } } // NOTE(allen): This is limitted to a string size of 512. // You can push it up or do something more clever by just // replacing char read_buffer[512]; with more memory. static void buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t end, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *result){ char read_buffer[512]; char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; stream.max_end = end; if (buffer->size > end){ *result = buffer->size; } else{ *result = end; } if (size > 0 && size <= sizeof(read_buffer)){ if (buffer->exists){ String read_str = make_fixed_width_string(read_buffer); String needle_str = make_string(str, size); char first_char = char_to_upper(str[0]); read_str.size = size; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos < stream.end; ++pos){ char at_pos = char_to_upper(stream.data[pos]); if (at_pos == first_char){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, pos, pos+size, read_buffer); if (match_insensitive_ss(needle_str, read_str)){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } finished:; } } // NOTE(allen): This is limitted to a string size of 512. // You can push it up or do something more clever by just // replacing char read_buffer[512]; with more memory. static void buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, int32_t min, char *str, int32_t size, int32_t *result){ char read_buffer[512]; char chunk[1024]; int32_t chunk_size = sizeof(chunk); Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; stream.min_start = min; *result = min-1; if (size > 0 && size <= sizeof(read_buffer)){ if (buffer->exists){ String read_str = make_fixed_width_string(read_buffer); String needle_str = make_string(str, size); char first_char = char_to_upper(str[0]); read_str.size = size; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, pos, chunk, chunk_size)){ int32_t still_looping = 1; do{ for(; pos >= stream.start; --pos){ char at_pos = char_to_upper(stream.data[pos]); if (at_pos == first_char){ buffer_read_range(app, buffer, pos, pos+size, read_buffer); if (match_insensitive_ss(needle_str, read_str)){ *result = pos; goto finished; } } } still_looping = backward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while (still_looping); } } finished:; } } // // Buffer Line Positioning // static bool32 read_line(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line, String *str){ Partial_Cursor begin = {0}; Partial_Cursor end = {0}; bool32 success = false; if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &begin)){ if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &end)){ if (begin.line == line){ if (0 <= begin.pos && begin.pos <= end.pos && end.pos <= buffer->size){ int32_t size = (end.pos - begin.pos); *str = make_string(push_array(part, char, size+1), size+1); if (str->str){ success = true; buffer_read_range(app, buffer, begin.pos, end.pos, str->str); str->size = size; terminate_with_null(str); } } } } } return(success); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_start(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor; int32_t result = buffer->size; if (line <= buffer->line_count){ buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &partial_cursor); result = partial_cursor.pos; } return(result); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_end(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor; int32_t result = buffer->size; if (line <= buffer->line_count){ buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &partial_cursor); result = partial_cursor.pos; } return(result); } static bool32 buffer_line_is_blank(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t line){ Partial_Cursor start, end; bool32 result = 0; if (line <= buffer->line_count){ buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, 1), &start); buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_line_char(line, -1), &end); static const int32_t chunk_size = 1024; char chunk[chunk_size]; Stream_Chunk stream = {0}; int32_t i = start.pos; stream.max_end = end.pos; result = true; if (init_stream_chunk(&stream, app, buffer, i, chunk, chunk_size)){ bool32 still_looping = false; do{ for (;i < stream.end; ++i){ char c = stream.data[i]; if (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\v' || c == '\n')){ result = false; goto double_break; } } still_looping = forward_stream_chunk(&stream); }while(still_looping); } double_break:; } return(result); } static int32_t buffer_get_line_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){ Partial_Cursor partial_cursor; buffer_compute_cursor(app, buffer, seek_pos(pos), &partial_cursor); return(partial_cursor.line); } static Cpp_Token* get_first_token_at_line(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, Cpp_Token_Array tokens, int32_t line, int32_t *line_start_out = 0){ int32_t line_start = buffer_get_line_start(app, buffer, line); Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_token = cpp_get_token(tokens, line_start); if (get_token.in_whitespace){ get_token.token_index += 1; } if (line_start_out){ *line_start_out = line_start; } Cpp_Token *result = 0; if (get_token.token_index < tokens.count){ result = tokens.tokens + get_token.token_index; } return(result); } static String read_identifier_at_pos(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos, char *space, int32_t max, Range *range_out){ String query = {0}; int32_t start = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_left(app, buffer, pos); int32_t end = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_right(app, buffer, start); if (!(start <= pos && pos < end)){ end = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_right(app, buffer, pos); start = buffer_seek_alphanumeric_or_underscore_left(app, buffer, end); } if (start <= pos && pos < end){ int32_t size = end - start; if (size <= max){ if (range_out != 0){ *range_out = make_range(start, end); } buffer_read_range(app, buffer, start, end, space); query = make_string_cap(space, size, max); } } return(query); } #endif // BOTTOM