/* 4coder_jump_sticky.cpp - Commands and helpers for parsing jump locations from compiler errors, sticking markers on jump locations, and jumping to them. TYPE: 'drop-in-command-pack' */ // TOP //#if !defined(FCODER_STICKY_JUMP) && !defined(FCODER_JUMP_COMMANDS) //#define FCODER_STICKY_JUMP //#define FCODER_JUMP_COMMANDS #if !defined(FCODER_STICKY_JUMP) #define FCODER_STICKY_JUMP #include "4coder_default_framework.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_long_seek.h" #include "4coder_helper/4coder_helper.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" #include "4coder_jumping.h" static uint32_t binary_search(uint32_t *array, uint32_t count, uint32_t x){ uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t first = 0; uint32_t last = count; if (first < last){ for (;;){ i = (first + last)/2; if (array[i] < x){ first = i; } else if (array[i] > x){ last = i; } else{ // NOTE(allen): array[i] == x break; } if (first+1 >= last){ i = first; break; } } } return(i); } enum Jump_Location_Flag{ JumpFlag_IsSubJump = 0x1, }; struct Marker_List{ uint32_t *handle_starts; Marker_Handle *handles; uint32_t *jump_line_numbers; uint32_t *jump_flags; uint32_t handle_count; uint32_t handle_max; int32_t jump_max; int32_t jump_count; }; static void double_jump_max(General_Memory *general, Marker_List *list){ uint32_t new_jump_max = list->jump_max*2; list->jump_line_numbers = gen_realloc_array(general, uint32_t, list->jump_line_numbers, list->jump_max, new_jump_max); list->jump_flags = gen_realloc_array(general, uint32_t, list->jump_flags, list->jump_max, new_jump_max); list->jump_max = new_jump_max; } static void double_handle_max(General_Memory *general, Marker_List *list){ uint32_t new_handle_max = list->handle_max*2; list->handle_starts = gen_realloc_array(general, uint32_t, list->handle_starts, list->handle_max, new_handle_max); list->handles = gen_realloc_array(general, Marker_Handle, list->handles, list->handle_max, new_handle_max); list->handle_max = new_handle_max; } // TODO(allen): what to do when a push returns 0? static Marker_List make_marker_list(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, General_Memory *general, int32_t buffer_id){ Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, buffer_id, AccessAll); Marker_List list = {0}; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); ID_Based_Jump_Location *location_list = (ID_Based_Jump_Location*)partition_current(part); uint32_t location_count = 0; list.handle_max = 64; list.handle_starts = gen_array(general, uint32_t, list.handle_max); list.handles = gen_array(general, Marker_Handle, list.handle_max); list.jump_max = 64; list.jump_line_numbers = gen_array(general, uint32_t, list.jump_max); list.jump_flags = gen_array(general, uint32_t, list.jump_max); uint32_t prev_jump_count = 0; for (int32_t this_jump_line = 1;; ++this_jump_line){ bool32 output_jump = false; Name_Based_Jump_Location location = {0}; bool32 is_sub_error = false; Temp_Memory temp_name = begin_temp_memory(part); String line_str = {0}; if (read_line(app, part, &buffer, this_jump_line, &line_str)){ int32_t colon_index = 0; if (parse_jump_location(line_str, &location, &colon_index, &is_sub_error)){ output_jump = true; } else{ end_temp_memory(temp_name); } } else{ end_temp_memory(temp_name); break; } if (output_jump){ Buffer_Summary jump_buffer = {0}; if (open_file(app, &jump_buffer, location.file.str, location.file.size, false, true)){ ID_Based_Jump_Location id_location = {0}; end_temp_memory(temp_name); id_location.buffer_id = jump_buffer.buffer_id; id_location.line = location.line; id_location.column = location.column; if (id_location.buffer_id != 0){ if (location_count > 0){ ID_Based_Jump_Location *prev_parsed_loc = &location_list[location_count-1]; if (prev_parsed_loc->buffer_id != id_location.buffer_id){ Buffer_Summary location_buffer = get_buffer(app, prev_parsed_loc->buffer_id, AccessAll); if (location_buffer.exists){ if (list.handle_count >= list.handle_max){ double_handle_max(general, &list); } Marker_Handle new_handle = buffer_add_markers(app, &location_buffer, location_count); list.handle_starts[list.handle_count] = prev_jump_count; list.handles[list.handle_count] = new_handle; ++list.handle_count; prev_jump_count = list.jump_count; Marker *markers = push_array(part, Marker, location_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < location_count; ++i){ ID_Based_Jump_Location *write_loc = &location_list[i]; Partial_Cursor cursor = {0}; Buffer_Seek seek = seek_line_char(write_loc->line, write_loc->column); if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, &location_buffer, seek, &cursor)){ markers[i].pos = cursor.pos; markers[i].lean_right = false; } } buffer_set_markers(app, &location_buffer, new_handle, 0, location_count, markers); location_count = 0; reset_temp_memory(temp); } } } ID_Based_Jump_Location *new_id_location = push_struct(part, ID_Based_Jump_Location); *new_id_location = id_location; ++location_count; if (list.jump_count >= list.jump_max){ double_jump_max(general, &list); } list.jump_line_numbers[list.jump_count] = this_jump_line; uint32_t flags = 0; if (is_sub_error){ flags |= JumpFlag_IsSubJump; } list.jump_flags[list.jump_count] = flags; ++list.jump_count; } } else{ end_temp_memory(temp_name); } } } if (location_count > 0){ ID_Based_Jump_Location *prev_parsed_loc = &location_list[location_count-1]; Buffer_Summary location_buffer = get_buffer(app, prev_parsed_loc->buffer_id, AccessAll); if (list.handle_count >= list.handle_max){ double_handle_max(general, &list); } Marker_Handle new_handle = buffer_add_markers(app, &location_buffer, location_count); list.handle_starts[list.handle_count] = prev_jump_count; list.handles[list.handle_count] = new_handle; ++list.handle_count; prev_jump_count = list.jump_count; Marker *markers = push_array(part, Marker, location_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < location_count; ++i){ ID_Based_Jump_Location *location = &location_list[i]; Partial_Cursor cursor = {0}; Buffer_Seek seek = seek_line_char(location->line, location->column); if (buffer_compute_cursor(app, &location_buffer, seek, &cursor)){ markers[i].pos = cursor.pos; markers[i].lean_right = false; } } buffer_set_markers(app, &location_buffer, new_handle, 0, location_count, markers); location_count = 0; reset_temp_memory(temp); } end_temp_memory(temp); return(list); } static void free_marker_list(General_Memory *general, Marker_List list){ general_memory_free(general, list.handle_starts); general_memory_free(general, list.handles); general_memory_free(general, list.jump_line_numbers); } struct Marker_List_Slot{ Marker_List list; int32_t buffer_id; }; static Marker_List_Slot *marker_list_slots = 0; static uint32_t marker_list_slot_count = 0; static uint32_t marker_list_slot_max = 0; static Marker_List* set_marker_list_for_buffer(int32_t buffer_id, Marker_List *list){ Marker_List *result = 0; General_Memory *general = &global_general; bool32 found_slot = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < marker_list_slot_count; ++i){ if (buffer_id == marker_list_slots[i].buffer_id){ if (list != 0){ marker_list_slots[i].list = *list; result = &marker_list_slots[i].list; } else{ void *dst = marker_list_slots+i; void *src = marker_list_slots+i+1; size_t amount = (marker_list_slot_count-i-1)*sizeof(Marker_List_Slot); memmove(dst, src, amount); --marker_list_slot_count; } found_slot = true; break; } } if (!found_slot && list != 0){ if (marker_list_slot_count >= marker_list_slot_max){ if (marker_list_slots == 0){ uint32_t new_max = 64; marker_list_slots = gen_array(general, Marker_List_Slot, new_max); marker_list_slot_max = new_max; } else{ uint32_t new_max = 2*marker_list_slot_max; marker_list_slots = gen_realloc_array(general, Marker_List_Slot, marker_list_slots, marker_list_slot_count, new_max); marker_list_slot_max = new_max; } } marker_list_slots[marker_list_slot_count].buffer_id = buffer_id; marker_list_slots[marker_list_slot_count].list = *list; result = &marker_list_slots[marker_list_slot_count].list; ++marker_list_slot_count; } return(result); } static Marker_List* get_marker_list_for_buffer(int32_t buffer_id){ Marker_List *result = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < marker_list_slot_count; ++i){ if (buffer_id == marker_list_slots[i].buffer_id){ result = &marker_list_slots[i].list; break; } } return(result); } static Marker_List* get_or_make_list_for_buffer(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, General_Memory *general, int32_t buffer_id){ Marker_List *result = get_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id); if (result == 0){ Marker_List new_list = make_marker_list(app, part, general, buffer_id); result = set_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id, &new_list); } return(result); } static bool32 get_jump_from_list(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, int32_t index, ID_Pos_Jump_Location *location){ bool32 result = false; if (index >= 0 && index < list->jump_count){ uint32_t handle_index = binary_search(list->handle_starts, list->handle_count, index); uint32_t handle_start = list->handle_starts[handle_index]; uint32_t marker_index = index - handle_start; Marker_Handle handle = list->handles[handle_index]; Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer_by_marker_handle(app, handle, AccessAll); if (buffer.exists){ Marker marker; buffer_get_markers(app, &buffer, handle, marker_index, 1, &marker); location->buffer_id = buffer.buffer_id; location->pos = marker.pos; result = true; } } return(result); } static int32_t get_index_exact_from_list(Marker_List *list, int32_t line){ int32_t result = -1; uint32_t jump_index = binary_search(list->jump_line_numbers, list->jump_count, line); if (list->jump_line_numbers[jump_index] == (uint32_t)line){ result = jump_index; } return(result); } static int32_t get_index_nearest_from_list(Marker_List *list, int32_t line){ int32_t result = binary_search(list->jump_line_numbers, list->jump_count, line); return(result); } static int32_t get_line_from_list(Marker_List *list, int32_t index){ int32_t result = 0; if (index >= 0 && index < list->jump_count){ result = list->jump_line_numbers[index]; } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_jump_at_cursor_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, part, general, view.buffer_id); int32_t list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(list, view.cursor.line); if (list_index >= 0){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ change_active_panel(app); View_Summary target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); switch_to_existing_view(app, &target_view, &buffer); jump_to_location(app, &target_view, &buffer, location); } } } end_temp_memory(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, part, general, view.buffer_id); int32_t list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(list, view.cursor.line); if (list_index >= 0){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ View_Summary target_view = view; jump_to_location(app, &target_view, &buffer, location); } } } end_temp_memory(temp); } static void goto_jump_in_order(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, View_Summary *jump_view, ID_Pos_Jump_Location location){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ View_Summary target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); if (target_view.view_id == jump_view->view_id){ change_active_panel(app); target_view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); } switch_to_existing_view(app, &target_view, &buffer); jump_to_location(app, &target_view, &buffer, location); prev_location.buffer_id = location.buffer_id; prev_location.line = location.pos; prev_location.column = 0; } } static bool32 skip_this_jump(ID_Based_Jump_Location prev, ID_Pos_Jump_Location location){ bool32 skip = false; if (prev.buffer_id == location.buffer_id && prev.line == location.pos){ skip = true; } return(skip); } static void goto_next_filtered_jump(Application_Links *app, Marker_List *list, View_Summary *jump_view, int32_t list_index, int32_t direction, bool32 skip_repeats, bool32 skip_sub_errors){ Assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1); while (list_index >= 0 && list_index < list->jump_count){ ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, list, list_index, &location)){ bool32 skip_this = false; if (skip_repeats && skip_this_jump(prev_location, location)){ skip_this = true; } else if (skip_sub_errors && (list->jump_flags[list_index] & JumpFlag_IsSubJump)){ skip_this = true; } if (!skip_this){ goto_jump_in_order(app, list, jump_view, location); int32_t updated_line = get_line_from_list(list, list_index); view_set_cursor(app, jump_view, seek_line_char(updated_line, 1), true); break; } } list_index += direction; } } struct Locked_Jump_State{ View_Summary view; Marker_List *list; int32_t list_index; }; static Locked_Jump_State get_locked_jump_state(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, General_Memory *general){ Locked_Jump_State result = {0}; result.view = get_view_for_locked_jump_buffer(app); if (result.view.exists){ result.list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, part, general, result.view.buffer_id); result.list_index = get_index_nearest_from_list(result.list, result.view.cursor.line); } return(result); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ int32_t line = get_line_from_list(jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index); if (line <= jump_state.view.cursor.line){ ++jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, &jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, 1, true, true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations."){ General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ if (jump_state.list_index > 0){ --jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, &jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, -1, true, true); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ int32_t line = get_line_from_list(jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index); if (line <= jump_state.view.cursor.line){ ++jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, &jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, 1, true, false); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ if (jump_state.list_index > 0){ --jump_state.list_index; } goto_next_filtered_jump(app, jump_state.list, &jump_state.view, jump_state.list_index, -1, true, false); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_first_jump_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ int32_t list_index = 0; ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, jump_state.list, list_index, &location)){ goto_jump_in_order(app, jump_state.list, &jump_state.view, location); int32_t updated_line = get_line_from_list(jump_state.list, list_index); view_set_cursor(app, &jump_state.view, seek_line_char(updated_line, 1), true); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.") { General_Memory *general = &global_general; Partition *part = &global_part; Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, part, general); if (jump_state.view.exists){ int32_t list_index = 0; ID_Pos_Jump_Location location = {0}; if (get_jump_from_list(app, jump_state.list, list_index, &location)){ Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; if (get_jump_buffer(app, &buffer, &location)){ jump_to_location(app, &jump_state.view, &buffer, location); } } } } // // Insert Newline or Tigger Jump on Read Only Buffer // CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(newline_or_goto_position_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.") { View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessProtected); if (buffer.lock_flags & AccessProtected){ goto_jump_at_cursor_sticky(app); lock_jump_buffer(buffer); } else{ write_character(app); } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky) CUSTOM_DOC("If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.") { View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected); Buffer_Summary buffer = get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, AccessProtected); if (buffer.lock_flags & AccessProtected){ goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky(app); lock_jump_buffer(buffer); } else{ write_character(app); } } // // End File Hook // OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(default_end_file); OPEN_FILE_HOOK_SIG(end_file_close_jump_list){ Marker_List *list = get_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id); if (list != 0){ free_marker_list(&global_general, *list); set_marker_list_for_buffer(buffer_id, 0); } default_end_file(app, buffer_id); return(0); } #endif // BOTTOM