/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 25.02.2016 * * Site generator for 4coder. * */ // TOP #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image.h" #define STB_IMAGE_RESIZE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image_resize.h" #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image_write.h" #include #include #include #include "../4ed_defines.h" #include "../meta/4ed_meta_defines.h" #include "../4coder_API/version.h" #define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../4coder_lib/4coder_string.h" #include "../4coder_lib/4cpp_lexer.h" #define FTECH_FILE_MOVING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "../meta/4ed_file_moving.h" #include "../meta/4ed_meta_parser.cpp" #include "../meta/4ed_meta_keywords.h" #include "4ed_abstract_document.cpp" #include "../4coder_generated/command_metadata.h" #include "../4coder_generated/remapping.h" #include "../4coder_generated/keycodes.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal void copy_and_fix_name(char *src, char *dst, int32_t cap){ String s = make_string_cap(dst, 0, cap); copy(&s, src); replace_char(&s, '_', '-'); terminate_with_null(&s); } enum{ MDFR_NONE = 0x0, MDFR_CTRL = 0x1, MDFR_ALT = 0x2, MDFR_CMND = 0x4, MDFR_SHIFT = 0x8, }; global char long_commands_str[] = R"foo( \SECTION{4coder Long Command} Long name commands that can be typed in after using the "long command" command for infrequently triggered commands. \LIST \ITEM \STYLE{code} "load project" \END Load a project.4coder file, ditching any previously loaded project \ITEM \STYLE{code} "open all code" \END Open all code files in the current directory, extensions set in config.4coder, default to C/C++ extensions \ITEM \STYLE{code} "open all code recursive" \END Like \STYLE{code} "open all code" \END but recurses through folders \ITEM \STYLE{code} "dos lines" \END Switch the buffer to 'dos' line ending mode CRLF \ITEM \STYLE{code} "nix lines" \END Switch the buffer to 'nix' line ending mode LF \ITEM \STYLE{code} "remap" \END Change to one of the built in command bindings \ITEM \STYLE{code} "new project" \END Setup a new project.4coder and accompanying build scripts \ITEM \STYLE{code} "delete file" \END Delete the file attached to the current buffer and close the buffer \ITEM \STYLE{code} "rename file" \END Rename the file attached to the current buffer and reopen the buffer \ITEM \STYLE{code} "mkdir" \END Make a new directory in 4coder's hot directory \END \END )foo"; internal void generate_binding_list(char *code_directory, char *src_directory){ char full_path[512]; String s = make_fixed_width_string(full_path); append(&s, src_directory); if (s.size == 0 || !char_is_slash(s.str[s.size - 1])){ append(&s, "/"); } append(&s, "binding_list.txt"); terminate_with_null(&s); FILE *out = fopen(full_path, "wb"); if (out == 0){ fprintf(stdout, "could not open binding_list.txt for auto synchronized binding info\n"); return; } fprintf(out, "\n\\INCLUDE{site_header.txt}\n"); fprintf(out, "\n4coder version \\VERSION\n"); fprintf(out, "\n\\SECTION{Built in Bindings}\n"); for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(fcoder_meta_maps); ++i){ Meta_Mapping *mapping = &fcoder_meta_maps[i]; char s[512]; copy_and_fix_name(mapping->name, s, sizeof(s)); fprintf(out, "\\ITEM \\STYLE{code} \"%s\" \\END %s\n", s, mapping->description); } fprintf(out, "\\END\n"); fprintf(out, long_commands_str); for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(fcoder_meta_maps); ++i){ Meta_Mapping *mapping = &fcoder_meta_maps[i]; char s[512]; copy_and_fix_name(mapping->name, s, sizeof(s)); fprintf(out, "\\SECTION{Map: %s}\n", s); for (i32 j = 0; j < mapping->sub_map_count; ++j){ Meta_Sub_Map *sub_map = &mapping->sub_maps[j]; char sub_s[512]; copy_and_fix_name(sub_map->name, sub_s, sizeof(sub_s)); fprintf(out, "\\SECTION{%s}\n", sub_s); fprintf(out, "%s\n", sub_map->description); fprintf(out, "\\LIST\n", sub_map->description); for (i32 k = 0; k < sub_map->bind_count; ++k){ Meta_Key_Bind *bind = &sub_map->binds[k]; // Get modifier key string char mdfr_str[256]; String m = make_fixed_width_string(mdfr_str); b32 has_base = false; if (bind->modifiers & MDFR_CTRL){ if (has_base){ append(&m, "+"); } append(&m, "ctrl"); } if (bind->modifiers & MDFR_ALT){ if (has_base){ append(&m, "+"); } append(&m, "alt"); } if (bind->modifiers & MDFR_CMND){ if (has_base){ append(&m, "+"); } append(&m, "cmnd"); } if (bind->modifiers & MDFR_SHIFT){ if (has_base){ append(&m, "+"); } append(&m, "shift"); } if (bind->modifiers != 0){ append(&m, " "); } terminate_with_null(&m); // Get printable key string char key_str_space[2]; char *key_str = 0; if (bind->vanilla){ key_str = "any character"; } else{ switch (bind->keycode){ case key_back: key_str = "backspace"; break; case key_up: key_str = "up"; break; case key_down: key_str = "down"; break; case key_left: key_str = "left"; break; case key_right: key_str = "right"; break; case key_del: key_str = "delete"; break; case key_insert: key_str = "insert"; break; case key_home: key_str = "home"; break; case key_end: key_str = "end"; break; case key_page_up: key_str = "page up"; break; case key_page_down: key_str = "page down"; break; case key_esc: key_str = "escape"; break; case key_mouse_left: key_str = "left click"; break; case key_mouse_right: key_str = "right click"; break; case key_mouse_left_release: key_str = "left release"; break; case key_mouse_right_release: key_str = "right release"; break; case key_f1: key_str = "f1"; break; case key_f2: key_str = "f2"; break; case key_f3: key_str = "f3"; break; case key_f4: key_str = "f4"; break; case key_f5: key_str = "f5"; break; case key_f6: key_str = "f6"; break; case key_f7: key_str = "f7"; break; case key_f8: key_str = "f8"; break; case key_f9: key_str = "f9"; break; case key_f10: key_str = "f10"; break; case key_f11: key_str = "f11"; break; case key_f12: key_str = "f12"; break; case key_f13: key_str = "f13"; break; case key_f14: key_str = "f14"; break; case key_f15: key_str = "f15"; break; case key_f16: key_str = "f16"; break; default: { if (bind->keycode == '\n'){ key_str = "return"; } else if (bind->keycode == '\t'){ key_str = "tab"; } else if (bind->keycode == ' '){ key_str = "space"; } else{ Assert(bind->keycode <= 127); key_str = key_str_space; key_str_space[0] = (char)bind->keycode; key_str_space[1] = 0; } }break; } } // Get description from doc string char *description = "description missing"; char *command = bind->command; for (i32 i = 0; i < command_one_past_last_id; ++i){ Command_Metadata *metadata = command_metadata_by_id(i); if (match(metadata->name, command)){ description = metadata->description; break; } } fprintf(out, "\\ITEM \\STYLE{code} <%s%s> \\END %s\n", mdfr_str, key_str, description); } fprintf(out, "\\END\n"); fprintf(out, "\\END\n"); } fprintf(out, "\\END\n"); } fclose(out); } // // Meta Parse Rules // internal Abstract_Item* generate_page(Document_System *doc_system, char *source_text, char *big_title, char *small_name){ Enriched_Text *home = fm_push_array(Enriched_Text, 1); *home = load_enriched_text(doc_system->src_dir, source_text); Abstract_Item *doc = make_document_from_text(doc_system, big_title, small_name, home); if (doc == 0){ fprintf(stdout, "warning: could not create document %s from file %s\n", small_name, source_text); } return(doc); } internal void do_image_resize(char *src_file, char *dst_file, char *extension, i32 w, i32 h){ Temp temp = fm_begin_temp(); i32 x = 0, y = 0, channels = 0; stbi_uc *image = stbi_load(src_file, &x, &y, &channels, 0); if (image != 0){ stbi_uc *resized_image = fm_push_array(stbi_uc, w*h*channels); stbir_resize_uint8(image, x, y, x*channels, resized_image, w, h, w*channels, channels); if (match_cc(extension, "png")){ stbi_write_png(dst_file, w, h, channels, resized_image, w*channels); } free(image); } fm_end_temp(temp); } internal void generate_site(char *code_directory, char *asset_directory, char *src_directory, char *dst_directory){ fm_clear_folder(dst_directory); Document_System doc_system = create_document_system(code_directory, asset_directory, src_directory); Document_System *docs = &doc_system; // TODO(allen): Declare these in the source files. add_image_description(docs, "4coder_logo_low_green.png", "png", "4coder_logo" ); add_image_description(docs, "screen_1.png", "png", "screen_1" ); add_image_description(docs, "screen_2.png", "png", "screen_2" ); add_image_description(docs, "screen_3.png", "png", "screen_3" ); add_generic_file (docs, "4coder_icon.ico", "ico", "4coder_icon" ); // TODO(allen): From the text file get "Big Title" and "smallname". generate_page(docs, "docs.txt" , "4coder API Docs" , "custom_docs" ); generate_page(docs, "home.txt" , "4coder Home" , "home" ); generate_page(docs, "feature_list.txt", "4coder Feature List", "features" ); generate_page(docs, "binding_list.txt", "4coder Binding List", "bindings" ); generate_page(docs, "roadmap.txt" , "4coder Roadmap" , "roadmap" ); generate_page(docs, "tutorials.txt" , "4coder Tutorials" , "tutorials" ); // NOTE(allen): Create a list of the primary documents to generate. Abstract_Item_Array original_documents = get_abstract_item_array(&doc_system.doc_list); // NOTE(allen): Cross link all the includes and pull in any non-primary documents. resolve_all_includes(&doc_system); // NOTE(allen): Generate the html from the primary documents and publish them. String out = make_string_cap(fm__push(10 << 20), 0, 10 << 20); Assert(out.str != 0); Abstract_Item **doc_ptr = original_documents.items; for (u32 j = 0; j < original_documents.count; ++j, ++doc_ptr){ Abstract_Item *doc = *doc_ptr; Assert(doc->item_type == ItemType_Document); char doc_link[256]; if (doc_get_link_string(doc, doc_link, sizeof(doc_link))){ generate_document_html(&out, &doc_system, doc); char *name = fm_str(dst_directory, "/", doc_link); fm_write_file(name, out.str, out.size); out.size = 0; } } // NOTE(allen): Publish files for (Basic_Node *node = doc_system.file_list.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Abstract_Item *file = NodeGetData(node, Abstract_Item); Assert(file->item_type == ItemType_GenericFile); char *file_name = fm_str(file->name, ".", file->extension); fm_copy_file(fm_str(file_name), fm_str(dst_directory, "/", file_name)); } // NOTE(allen): Publish images for (Basic_Node *node = doc_system.img_list.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Abstract_Item *img = NodeGetData(node, Abstract_Item); Assert(img->item_type == ItemType_Image); for (Basic_Node *node = img->img_instantiations.head; node != 0; node = node->next){ Image_Instantiation *inst = NodeGetData(node, Image_Instantiation); char img_link[256]; if (img_get_link_string(img, img_link, sizeof(img_link), inst->w, inst->h)){ char *dest_file = fm_str(dst_directory, "/", img_link); do_image_resize(img->source_file, dest_file, img->extension, inst->w, inst->h); } } } } int main(int argc, char **argv){ META_BEGIN(); if (argc == 5){ fm_init_system(); char *code_directory = argv[1]; char *asset_directory = argv[2]; char *src_directory = argv[3]; char *dst_directory = argv[4]; generate_binding_list(code_directory, src_directory); generate_site(code_directory, asset_directory, src_directory, dst_directory); } META_FINISH(); } // BOTTOM