// Command Mapping // "" - Leave the bindings unaltered from their startup value. // "choose" - Ask 4coder to choose based on platform. // "default" - Use the default keybindings 4coder has always had. // "mac-default" - Use keybindings similar to those found in other Mac applications. // - If you use the custom layer to make a named mapping you can use that here too. mapping = ""; // UI use_scroll_bars = false; use_file_bars = true; // Code Wrapping treat_as_code = ".cpp.c.hpp.h.cc.cs.java.rs.glsl.m"; enable_virtual_whitespace = true; enable_code_wrapping = true; automatically_adjust_wrapping = true; default_wrap_width = 672; default_min_base_width = 550; // This only applies to code files in code-wrapping mode. // Plain text and code files without virtual-whitespace will not be effected. automatically_indent_text_on_save = true; // When set to true, all unsaved changes will be saved on a build. automatically_save_changes_on_build = true; // Load project on startup automatically_load_project = false; // Indentation indent_with_tabs = false; indent_width = 4; // Theme default_theme_name = "4coder"; // Font default_font_name = "Liberation Mono"; default_font_size = 16; default_font_hinting = false; // User user_name = "NAME"; // Keyboard AltGr setting lalt_lctrl_is_altgr = false; // Project setup configuration default_compiler_bat = "cl"; default_flags_bat = "-FC -GR- -EHa- -nologo -Zi"; default_compiler_sh = "g++"; default_flags_sh = "-g";