/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 19.07.2017 * * Coroutine implementation from thread+mutex+cv * */ // TOP typedef u32 Coroutine_State; enum{ CoroutineState_Dead, CoroutineState_Active, CoroutineState_Inactive, CoroutineState_Waiting, }; typedef u32 Coroutine_Type; enum{ CoroutineType_Uninitialized, CoroutineType_Root, CoroutineType_Sub, }; struct Coroutine{ Coroutine_Head head; Thread thread; Condition_Variable cv; struct Coroutine_System *sys; Coroutine_Function *function; Coroutine *yield_ctx; Coroutine_State state; Coroutine_Type type; }; struct Coroutine_System{ Mutex lock; Condition_Variable init_cv; b32 did_init; Coroutine *active; }; #define COROUTINE_INT_SKIP_SLEEP false internal void coroutine_internal_pass_control(Coroutine *me, Coroutine *other, Coroutine_State my_new_state, b32 do_sleep_loop = true){ Assert(me->state == CoroutineState_Active); Assert(me->sys == other->sys); me->state = my_new_state; other->state = CoroutineState_Active; me->sys->active = other; system_signal_cv(&other->cv, &me->sys->lock); if (do_sleep_loop){ for (;me->state != CoroutineState_Active;){ system_wait_cv(&me->cv, &me->sys->lock); } } } internal PLAT_THREAD_SIG(coroutine_main){ Coroutine *me = (Coroutine*)ptr; // NOTE(allen): Init handshake Assert(me->state == CoroutineState_Dead); system_acquire_lock(&me->sys->lock); me->sys->did_init = true; system_signal_cv(&me->sys->init_cv, &me->sys->lock); for (;;){ // NOTE(allen): Wait until someone wakes us up, then go into our procedure. for (;me->state != CoroutineState_Active;){ system_wait_cv(&me->cv, &me->sys->lock); } Assert(me->type != CoroutineType_Root); Assert(me->yield_ctx != 0); Assert(me->function != 0); me->function(&me->head); // NOTE(allen): Wake up the caller and set this coroutine back to being dead. Coroutine *other = me->yield_ctx; Assert(other != 0); Assert(other->state == CoroutineState_Waiting); coroutine_internal_pass_control(me, other, CoroutineState_Dead, COROUTINE_INT_SKIP_SLEEP); me->function = 0; } } internal void init_coroutine_system(Coroutine *root, Coroutine_System *sys){ system_init_lock(&sys->lock); system_init_cv(&sys->init_cv); sys->active = root; memset(root, 0, sizeof(*root)); root->sys = sys; root->state = CoroutineState_Active; root->type = CoroutineType_Root; system_init_cv(&root->cv); system_acquire_lock(&sys->lock); } internal void init_coroutine_sub(Coroutine *co, Coroutine_System *sys){ memset(co, 0, sizeof(*co)); co->sys = sys; co->state = CoroutineState_Dead; co->type = CoroutineType_Sub; system_init_cv(&co->cv); sys->did_init = false; system_init_and_launch_thread(&co->thread, coroutine_main, co); for (;!sys->did_init;){ system_wait_cv(&sys->init_cv, &sys->lock); } } // HACK(allen): I want to bundle this with launch! internal void coroutine_set_function(Coroutine *me, Coroutine_Function *function){ Assert(me->state == CoroutineState_Dead); me->function = function; } internal void coroutine_launch(Coroutine *me, Coroutine *other){ Assert(me->sys == other->sys); Assert(other->state == CoroutineState_Dead); Assert(other->function != 0); other->yield_ctx = me; coroutine_internal_pass_control(me, other, CoroutineState_Waiting); } internal void coroutine_yield(Coroutine *me){ Coroutine *other = me->yield_ctx; Assert(other != 0); Assert(me->sys == other->sys); Assert(other->state == CoroutineState_Waiting); coroutine_internal_pass_control(me, other, CoroutineState_Inactive); } internal void coroutine_resume(Coroutine *me, Coroutine *other){ Assert(me->sys == other->sys); Assert(other->state == CoroutineState_Inactive); other->yield_ctx = me; coroutine_internal_pass_control(me, other, CoroutineState_Waiting); } //////////////////////////////// struct Coroutine_Alloc_Block{ Coroutine coroutine; Coroutine_Alloc_Block *next; }; #define COROUTINE_SLOT_SIZE sizeof(Coroutine_Alloc_Block) struct Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc{ Coroutine_System sys; Coroutine root; Coroutine_Alloc_Block *head_free_uninit; Coroutine_Alloc_Block *head_free_inited; }; internal void init_coroutine_system(Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc *sys){ init_coroutine_system(&sys->root, &sys->sys); sys->head_free_uninit = 0; sys->head_free_inited = 0; } internal void coroutine_system_provide_memory(Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc *sys, void *memory, umem size){ memset(memory, 0, size); Coroutine_Alloc_Block *blocks = (Coroutine_Alloc_Block*)memory; umem count = (size / sizeof(*blocks)); Coroutine_Alloc_Block *old_head = sys->head_free_uninit; sys->head_free_uninit = &blocks[0]; Coroutine_Alloc_Block *block = blocks; for (u32 i = 1; i < count; ++i, ++block){ block->next = block + 1; } block->next = old_head; } internal Coroutine_Alloc_Block* coroutine_system_pop(Coroutine_Alloc_Block **head){ Coroutine_Alloc_Block *result = *head; if (result != 0){ *head = result->next; } result->next = 0; return(result); } internal void coroutine_system_push(Coroutine_Alloc_Block **head, Coroutine_Alloc_Block *block){ block->next = *head; *head = block; } internal void coroutine_system_force_init(Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc *sys, u32 count){ for (u32 i = 0; i < count; ++i){ Coroutine_Alloc_Block *block = coroutine_system_pop(&sys->head_free_uninit); if (block == 0){ break; } init_coroutine_sub(&block->coroutine, &sys->sys); coroutine_system_push(&sys->head_free_inited, block); } } internal Coroutine* coroutine_system_alloc(Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc *sys){ Coroutine_Alloc_Block *block = coroutine_system_pop(&sys->head_free_inited); if (block == 0){ coroutine_system_force_init(sys, 1); block = coroutine_system_pop(&sys->head_free_inited); } Coroutine *result = 0; if (block != 0){ result = &block->coroutine; } return(result); } internal void coroutine_system_free(Coroutine_System_Auto_Alloc *sys, Coroutine *co){ Coroutine_Alloc_Block *block = (Coroutine_Alloc_Block*)co; coroutine_system_push(&sys->head_free_inited, block); } // BOTTOM