/* * For generating the header of the TODO files so I don't have to * keep doing that by hand and accidentally forgetting half the time. * -Allen * 12.05.2016 (dd.mm.yyyy) * */ // TOP #include #include #include char *header = "Distribution Date: %d.%d.%d (dd.mm.yyyy)\n" "\n" "Thank you for contributing to the 4coder project!\n" "\n" "To submit bug reports or to request particular features email editor@4coder.net.\n" "\n" "Watch 4coder.net blog and @AllenWebster4th twitter for news about 4coder progress.\n" "\n" ; typedef struct Readme_Variables{ int day, month, year; } Readme_Variables; typedef struct File_Data{ char *data; int size; int file_exists; } File_Data; File_Data dump(char *file_name){ File_Data result = {0}; FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (file){ result.file_exists = 1; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); result.size = ftell(file); if (result.size > 0){ result.data = (char*)malloc(result.size + 1); result.data[result.size + 1] = 0; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(result.data, 1, result.size, file); } fclose(file); } return(result); } void generate(char *file_name_out, char *file_name_body, Readme_Variables vars){ File_Data in; FILE *out; in = dump(file_name_body); if (in.file_exists){ out = fopen(file_name_out, "wb"); fprintf(out, header, vars.day, vars.month,vars.year); if (in.size > 0){ fprintf(out, "%s", in.data); } fclose(out); } } int main(){ time_t ctime; struct tm tm; Readme_Variables vars; ctime = time(0); localtime_s(&tm, &ctime); vars.day = tm.tm_mday; vars.month = tm.tm_mon + 1; vars.year = tm.tm_year + 1900; generate("README.txt", "README_body.txt", vars); generate("SUPERREADME.txt", "SUPERREADME_body.txt", vars); return(0); } // BOTTOM