/* Mac Objective-C layer for 4coder */ #include "4coder_base_types.h" #include "4coder_version.h" #include "4coder_events.h" #include "4coder_table.h" // NOTE(allen): This is a very unfortunate hack, but hopefully there will never be a need to use the Marker // type in the platform layer. If that changes then instead change the name of Marker and make a transition // macro that is only included in custom code. #define Marker Marker__SAVE_THIS_IDENTIFIER #include "4coder_types.h" #undef Marker #include "4coder_default_colors.h" #include "4coder_system_types.h" #define STATIC_LINK_API #include "generated/system_api.h" #include "4ed_font_interface.h" #define STATIC_LINK_API #include "generated/graphics_api.h" #define STATIC_LINK_API #include "generated/font_api.h" #include "4ed_font_set.h" #include "4ed_render_target.h" #include "4ed_search_list.h" #include "4ed.h" #include "generated/system_api.cpp" #include "generated/graphics_api.cpp" #include "generated/font_api.cpp" #include "4coder_base_types.cpp" #include "4coder_stringf.cpp" #include "4coder_events.cpp" #include "4coder_hash_functions.cpp" #include "4coder_table.cpp" #include "4coder_log.cpp" #include "4ed_search_list.cpp" #include "mac_objective_c_to_cpp_links.h" #undef function #undef internal #undef global #undef external #import #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for proc_pidpath #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for mach_absolute_time, mach_timebase_info, mach_timebase_info_data_t #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for opendir, readdir #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for dlopen, dlclose, dlsym #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for errno #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for open #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for threads, mutexes, cvs #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for getcwd, read, write, getpid #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for mmap, munmap, mprotect #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for stat #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for struct stat, pid_t #include // NOTE(yuval): Used for free #define function static #define internal static #define global static #define external extern "C" struct Control_Keys{ b8 l_ctrl; b8 r_ctrl; b8 l_alt; b8 r_alt; }; struct Mac_Input_Chunk_Transient{ Input_List event_list; b8 mouse_l_press; b8 mouse_l_release; b8 mouse_r_press; b8 mouse_r_release; b8 out_of_window; i8 mouse_wheel; b8 trying_to_kill; }; struct Mac_Input_Chunk_Persistent{ Vec2_i32 mouse; Control_Keys controls; Input_Modifier_Set_Fixed modifiers; b8 mouse_l; b8 mouse_r; }; struct Mac_Input_Chunk{ Mac_Input_Chunk_Transient trans; Mac_Input_Chunk_Persistent pers; }; //////////////////////////////// #define SLASH '/' #define DLL "so" #include "4coder_hash_functions.cpp" #include "4coder_system_allocator.cpp" #include "4coder_malloc_allocator.cpp" #include "4coder_codepoint_map.cpp" #include "4ed_mem.cpp" #include "4ed_font_set.cpp" //////////////////////////////// @interface AppDelegate : NSObject @end @interface OpenGLView : NSOpenGLView - (void)init_opengl; - (void)requestDisplay; @end //////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// typedef i32 Mac_Object_Kind; enum{ MacObjectKind_ERROR = 0, MacObjectKind_Timer = 1, MacObjectKind_Thread = 2, MacObjectKind_Mutex = 3, MacObjectKind_CV = 4, }; struct Mac_Object{ Node node; Mac_Object_Kind kind; union{ NSTimer* timer; struct{ pthread_t thread; Thread_Function *proc; void *ptr; } thread; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cv; }; }; struct Mac_Vars { b32 gl_is_initialized; Thread_Context *tctx; Arena* frame_arena; Mac_Input_Chunk input_chunk; b8 full_screen; b8 do_toggle; i32 cursor_show; i32 prev_cursor_show; String_Const_u8 binary_path; NSWindow* window; OpenGLView* view; f32 screen_scale_factor; mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase_info; Node free_mac_objects; Node timer_objects; pthread_mutex_t thread_launch_mutex; pthread_cond_t thread_launch_cv; b32 waiting_for_launch; System_Mutex global_frame_mutex; }; //////////////////////////////// global Mac_Vars mac_vars; global Render_Target target; //////////////////////////////// function Mac_Object* mac_alloc_object(Mac_Object_Kind kind){ Mac_Object *result = 0; if (mac_vars.free_mac_objects.next != &mac_vars.free_mac_objects){ result = CastFromMember(Mac_Object, node, mac_vars.free_mac_objects.next); } if (!result){ i32 count = 512; Mac_Object *objects = (Mac_Object*)system_memory_allocate(count * sizeof(Mac_Object), file_name_line_number_lit_u8); // NOTE(yuval): Link the first node of the dll to the sentinel objects[0].node.prev = &mac_vars.free_mac_objects; mac_vars.free_mac_objects.next = &objects[0].node; // NOTE(yuval): Link all dll nodes to each other for (i32 chain_index = 1; chain_index < count; chain_index += 1){ objects[chain_index - 1].node.next = &objects[chain_index].node; objects[chain_index].node.prev = &objects[chain_index - 1].node; } // NOTE(yuval): Link the last node of the dll to the sentinel objects[count - 1].node.next = &mac_vars.free_mac_objects; mac_vars.free_mac_objects.prev = &objects[count - 1].node; result = CastFromMember(Mac_Object, node, mac_vars.free_mac_objects.next); } Assert(result); dll_remove(&result->node); block_zero_struct(result); result->kind = kind; return(result); } function void mac_free_object(Mac_Object *object){ if (object->node.next != 0){ dll_remove(&object->node); } dll_insert(&mac_vars.free_mac_objects, &object->node); } function inline Plat_Handle mac_to_plat_handle(Mac_Object *object){ Plat_Handle result = *(Plat_Handle*)(&object); return(result); } function inline Mac_Object* mac_to_object(Plat_Handle handle){ Mac_Object *result = *(Mac_Object**)(&handle); return(result); } //////////////////////////////// #import "mac_4ed_functions.mm" //////////////////////////////// @implementation AppDelegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(id)sender{ } - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication*)sender{ return YES; } - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification*)notification{ } @end @implementation OpenGLView - (id)init{ self = [super init]; if (self == nil){ return nil; } [self init_opengl]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [super dealloc]; } - (void)prepareOpenGL { [super prepareOpenGL]; [[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext]; // NOTE(yuval): Setup vsync GLint swapInt = 1; [[self openGLContext] setValues:&swapInt forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; } - (void)awakeFromNib { [self init_gl]; } - (void)reshape{ [super reshape]; NSRect bounds = [self bounds]; // [global_opengl_context makeCurrentContext]; // [global_opengl_context update]; // glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei)bounds.size.width, // (GLsizei)bounds.size.height); } - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)bounds{ // [self getFrame]; printf("Draw Rect!\n"); } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder{ return YES; } - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder{ return YES; } - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder{ return YES; } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event{ printf("Key Down!\n"); [self requestDisplay]; } /* - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)event{ printf("Mouse Moved!\n"); [self requestDisplay]; } */ - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event{ printf("Mouse Down!\n"); [self requestDisplay]; } - (void)init_opengl{ if (mac_vars.gl_is_initialized){ return; } [self setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; // NOTE(yuval): Setup OpenGL NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute opengl_attrs[] = { NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core, NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 32, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24, // NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, 1, // NSOpenGLPFASamples, 16, 0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixel_format = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:opengl_attrs]; if (pixel_format == nil){ fprintf(stderr, "Error creating OpenGLPixelFormat\n"); exit(1); } NSOpenGLContext *context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:format shareContext:nil]; [self setPixelFormat:format]; [self setOpenGLContext:context]; [context makeCurrentContext]; [pixel_format release]; mac_vars.gl_is_initialized = true; } - (void)requestDisplay{ printf("Display Requested\n"); [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[mac_vars.window frame]]; } @end //////////////////////////////// int main(int arg_count, char **args){ block_zero_struct(&mac_vars); mac_vars.gl_is_initialized = false; @autoreleasepool{ // NOTE(yuval): Create NSApplication & Delegate NSApplication *app = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; [NSApp setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular]; AppDelegate *app_delegate = [[AppDelegate alloc] init]; [app setDelegate:app_delegate]; // NOTE(yuval): Create NSWindow float w = 1280.0f; float h = 720.0f; NSRect screen_rect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; NSRect initial_frame = NSMakeRect((screen_rect.size.width - w) * 0.5f, (screen_rect.size.height - h) * 0.5f, w, h); u32 style_mask = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable; mac_vars.window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:initial_frame styleMask:style_mask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; [mac_vars.window setBackgroundColor:NSColor.blackColor]; [mac_vars.window setDelegate:app_delegate]; [mac_vars.window setTitle:@"4coder"]; [mac_vars.window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; // NOTE(yuval): Create OpenGLView NSView* content_view = [mac_vars.window contentView]; // TODO(yuval): Finish view setup! mac_vars.view = [[OpenGLView alloc] init]; [mac_vars.view setFrame:[content_view bounds]]; [mac_vars.view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; [content_view addSubview:mac_vars.view]; [mac_vars.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; dll_init_sentinel(&mac_vars.free_mac_objects); dll_init_sentinel(&mac_vars.timer_objects); // NOTE(yuval): Screen scale factor calculation { NSScreen* screen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; NSDictionary* desc = [screen deviceDescription]; NSSize size = [[desc valueForKey:NSDeviceResolution] sizeValue]; f32 max_dpi = Max(size.width, size.height); mac_vars.screen_scale_factor = (max_dpi / 72.0f); } printf("screen scale factor: %f\n", system_get_screen_scale_factor()); // NOTE(yuval): Start the app's run loop #if 1 printf("Running using NSApp run\n"); [NSApp run]; #else printf("Running using manual event loop\n"); for (;;) { u64 count = 0; NSEvent* event; do { event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]; [NSApp sendEvent:event]; } while (event != nil); } #endif #if 0 // NOTE(yuval): Context Setup Thread_Context _tctx = {}; thread_ctx_init(&_tctx, ThreadKind_Main, get_base_allocator_system(), get_base_allocator_system()); mac_vars.tctx = &_tctx; API_VTable_system system_vtable = {}; system_api_fill_vtable(&system_vtable); API_VTable_graphics graphics_vtable = {}; graphics_api_fill_vtable(&graphics_vtable); API_VTable_font font_vtable = {}; font_api_fill_vtable(&font_vtable); // NOTE(yuval): Memory mac_vars.frame_arena = reserve_arena(mac_vars.tctx); target.arena = make_arena_system(KB(256)); mac_vars.cursor_show = MouseCursorShow_Always; mac_vars.prev_cursor_show = MouseCursorShow_Always; dll_init_sentinel(&mac_vars.free_mac_objects); dll_init_sentinel(&mac_vars.timer_objects); // NOTE(yuval): Get the timebase info mach_timebase_info(&mac_vars.timebase_info); #endif #if 0 // NOTE(yuval): Application Core Update Application_Step_Result result = {}; if (app.step != 0){ result = app.step(mac_vars.tctx, &target, base_ptr, &input); } #endif } }