/* 4coder_config.cpp - Parsing *.4coder files. */ // TOP //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Config Search List function void def_search_normal_load_list(Arena *arena, String8List *list){ Variable_Handle prj_var = vars_read_key(vars_get_root(), vars_save_string_lit("prj_config")); String_Const_u8 prj_dir = prj_path_from_project(arena, prj_var); if (prj_dir.size > 0){ string_list_push(arena, list, prj_dir); } def_search_list_add_system_path(arena, list, SystemPath_UserDirectory); def_search_list_add_system_path(arena, list, SystemPath_Binary); } function String8 def_search_normal_full_path(Arena *arena, String8 relative){ String8List list = {}; def_search_normal_load_list(arena, &list); String8 result = def_search_get_full_path(arena, &list, relative); return(result); } function FILE* def_search_normal_fopen(Arena *arena, char *file_name, char *opt){ Temp_Memory_Block block(arena); String8List list = {}; def_search_normal_load_list(arena, &list); FILE *file = def_search_fopen(arena, &list, file_name, opt); return(file); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Extension List function String_Const_u8_Array parse_extension_line_to_extension_list(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 str){ ProfileScope(app, "parse extension line to extension list"); i32 count = 0; for (u64 i = 0; i < str.size; i += 1){ if (str.str[i] == '.'){ count += 1; } } String_Const_u8_Array array = {}; array.count = count; array.strings = push_array(arena, String_Const_u8, count); push_align(arena, 1); str = string_skip(str, string_find_first(str, '.') + 1); for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1){ u64 next_period = string_find_first(str, '.'); String_Const_u8 extension = string_prefix(str, next_period); str = string_skip(str, next_period + 1); array.strings[i] = push_string_copy(arena, extension); } push_align(arena, 8); return(array); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Token Array function Token_Array token_array_from_text(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 data){ ProfileScope(app, "token array from text"); Token_List list = lex_full_input_cpp(arena, data); return(token_array_from_list(arena, &list)); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Built in Mapping function void setup_built_in_mapping(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 name, Mapping *mapping, i64 global_id, i64 file_id, i64 code_id){ Thread_Context *tctx = get_thread_context(app); if (string_match(name, string_u8_litexpr("default"))){ mapping_release(tctx, mapping); mapping_init(tctx, mapping); setup_default_mapping(mapping, global_id, file_id, code_id); } else if (string_match(name, string_u8_litexpr("mac-default"))){ mapping_release(tctx, mapping); mapping_init(tctx, mapping); setup_mac_mapping(mapping, global_id, file_id, code_id); } else if (string_match(name, string_u8_litexpr("choose"))){ mapping_release(tctx, mapping); mapping_init(tctx, mapping); #if OS_MAC setup_mac_mapping(mapping, global_id, file_id, code_id); #else setup_default_mapping(mapping, global_id, file_id, code_id); #endif } } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Errors function Error_Location get_error_location(Application_Links *app, u8 *base, u8 *pos){ ProfileScope(app, "get error location"); Error_Location location = {}; location.line_number = 1; location.column_number = 1; for (u8 *ptr = base; ptr < pos; ptr += 1){ if (*ptr == '\n'){ location.line_number += 1; location.column_number = 1; } else{ location.column_number += 1; } } return(location); } function String_Const_u8 config_stringize_errors(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Config *parsed){ ProfileScope(app, "stringize errors"); String_Const_u8 result = {}; if (parsed->errors.first != 0){ List_String_Const_u8 list = {}; for (Config_Error *error = parsed->errors.first; error != 0; error = error->next){ Error_Location location = get_error_location(app, parsed->data.str, error->pos); string_list_pushf(arena, &list, "%.*s:%d:%d: %.*s\n", string_expand(error->file_name), location.line_number, location.column_number, string_expand(error->text)); } result = string_list_flatten(arena, list); } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Parser function Config_Parser def_config_parser_init(Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 file_name, String_Const_u8 data, Token_Array array){ Config_Parser ctx = {}; ctx.token = array.tokens - 1; ctx.opl = array.tokens + array.count; ctx.file_name = file_name; ctx.data = data; ctx.arena = arena; def_config_parser_inc(&ctx); return(ctx); } function void def_config_parser_inc(Config_Parser *ctx){ Token *t = ctx->token; Token *opl = ctx->opl; for (t += 1; t < opl && (t->kind == TokenBaseKind_Comment || t->kind == TokenBaseKind_Whitespace); t += 1); ctx->token = t; } function u8* def_config_parser_get_pos(Config_Parser *ctx){ return(ctx->data.str + ctx->token->pos); } function b32 def_config_parser_recognize_base_kind(Config_Parser *ctx, Token_Base_Kind kind){ b32 result = false; if (ctx->token < ctx->opl){ result = (ctx->token->kind == kind); } else if (kind == TokenBaseKind_EOF){ result = true; } return(result); } function b32 def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(Config_Parser *ctx, Token_Cpp_Kind kind){ b32 result = false; if (ctx->token < ctx->opl){ result = (ctx->token->sub_kind == kind); } else if (kind == TokenCppKind_EOF){ result = true; } return(result); } function b32 def_config_parser_recognize_boolean(Config_Parser *ctx){ b32 result = false; Token *token = ctx->token; if (ctx->token < ctx->opl){ result = (token->sub_kind == TokenCppKind_LiteralTrue || token->sub_kind == TokenCppKind_LiteralFalse); } return(result); } function b32 def_config_parser_recognize_text(Config_Parser *ctx, String_Const_u8 text){ String_Const_u8 lexeme = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); return(lexeme.str != 0 && string_match(lexeme, text)); } function b32 def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(Config_Parser *ctx, Token_Cpp_Kind kind){ b32 result = def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, kind); if (result){ def_config_parser_inc(ctx); } return(result); } function b32 def_config_parser_match_text(Config_Parser *ctx, String_Const_u8 text){ b32 result = def_config_parser_recognize_text(ctx, text); if (result){ def_config_parser_inc(ctx); } return(result); } function String_Const_u8 def_config_parser_get_lexeme(Config_Parser *ctx){ String_Const_u8 lexeme = {}; Token *token = ctx->token; if (token < ctx->opl){ lexeme = SCu8(ctx->data.str + token->pos, token->size); } return(lexeme); } function Config_Integer def_config_parser_get_int(Config_Parser *ctx){ Config_Integer config_integer = {}; String_Const_u8 str = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); if (string_match(string_prefix(str, 2), string_u8_litexpr("0x"))){ config_integer.is_signed = false; config_integer.uinteger = (u32)(string_to_integer(string_skip(str, 2), 16)); } else{ b32 is_negative = (string_get_character(str, 0) == '-'); if (is_negative){ str = string_skip(str, 1); } config_integer.is_signed = true; config_integer.integer = (i32)(string_to_integer(str, 10)); if (is_negative){ config_integer.integer *= -1; } } return(config_integer); } function b32 def_config_parser_get_boolean(Config_Parser *ctx){ String_Const_u8 str = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); return(string_match(str, string_u8_litexpr("true"))); } function Config* def_config_parser_top(Config_Parser *ctx){ i32 *version = def_config_parser_version(ctx); Config_Assignment *first = 0; Config_Assignment *last = 0; i32 count = 0; for (;!def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_EOF);){ Config_Assignment *assignment = def_config_parser_assignment(ctx); if (assignment != 0){ zdll_push_back(first, last, assignment); count += 1; } } Config *config = push_array(ctx->arena, Config, 1); block_zero_struct(config); config->version = version; config->first = first; config->last = last; config->count = count; config->errors = ctx->errors; config->file_name = ctx->file_name; config->data = ctx->data; return(config); } function i32* def_config_parser_version(Config_Parser *ctx){ require(def_config_parser_match_text(ctx, str8_lit("version"))); if (!def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_ParenOp)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected token '(' for version specifier: 'version(#)'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } if (!def_config_parser_recognize_base_kind(ctx, TokenBaseKind_LiteralInteger)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected an integer constant for version specifier: 'version(#)'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } Config_Integer value = def_config_parser_get_int(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); if (!def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_ParenCl)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected token ')' for version specifier: 'version(#)'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } if (!def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Semicolon)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected token ';' for version specifier: 'version(#)'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } i32 *ptr = push_array(ctx->arena, i32, 1); *ptr = value.integer; return(ptr); } function Config_Assignment* def_config_parser_assignment(Config_Parser *ctx){ u8 *pos = def_config_parser_get_pos(ctx); Config_LValue *l = def_config_parser_lvalue(ctx); if (l == 0){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected an l-value; l-value formats: 'identifier', 'identifier[#]'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } if (!def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Eq)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected token '=' for assignment: 'l-value = r-value;'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } Config_RValue *r = def_config_parser_rvalue(ctx); if (r == 0){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected an r-value; r-value formats:\n" "\tconstants (true, false, integers, hexadecimal integers, strings, characters)\n" "\tany l-value that is set in the file\n" "\tcompound: '{ compound-element, compound-element, compound-element ...}'\n" "\ta compound-element is an r-value, and can have a layout specifier\n" "\tcompound-element with layout specifier: .name = r-value, .integer = r-value"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } if (!def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Semicolon)){ def_config_parser_push_error_here(ctx, "expected token ';' for assignment: 'l-value = r-value;'"); def_config_parser_recover(ctx); return(0); } Config_Assignment *assignment = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_Assignment, 1); assignment->pos = pos; assignment->l = l; assignment->r = r; return(assignment); } function Config_LValue* def_config_parser_lvalue(Config_Parser *ctx){ require(def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Identifier)); String_Const_u8 identifier = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); i32 index = 0; if (def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_BrackOp)){ require(def_config_parser_recognize_base_kind(ctx, TokenBaseKind_LiteralInteger)); Config_Integer value = def_config_parser_get_int(ctx); index = value.integer; def_config_parser_inc(ctx); require(def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_BrackCl)); } Config_LValue *lvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_LValue, 1); lvalue->identifier = identifier; lvalue->index = index; return(lvalue); } function Config_RValue* def_config_parser_rvalue(Config_Parser *ctx){ Config_RValue *rvalue = 0; if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Identifier)){ Config_LValue *l = def_config_parser_lvalue(ctx); require(l != 0); rvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_RValue, 1); rvalue->type = ConfigRValueType_LValue; rvalue->lvalue = l; } else if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_BraceOp)){ def_config_parser_inc(ctx); Config_Compound *compound = def_config_parser_compound(ctx); require(compound != 0); rvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_RValue, 1); rvalue->type = ConfigRValueType_Compound; rvalue->compound = compound; } else if (def_config_parser_recognize_boolean(ctx)){ b32 b = def_config_parser_get_boolean(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); rvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_RValue, 1); rvalue->type = ConfigRValueType_Boolean; rvalue->boolean = b; } else if (def_config_parser_recognize_base_kind(ctx, TokenBaseKind_LiteralInteger)){ Config_Integer value = def_config_parser_get_int(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); rvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_RValue, 1); rvalue->type = ConfigRValueType_Integer; if (value.is_signed){ rvalue->integer = value.integer; } else{ rvalue->uinteger = value.uinteger; } } else if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_LiteralString)){ String_Const_u8 s = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); s = string_chop(string_skip(s, 1), 1); String_Const_u8 interpreted = string_interpret_escapes(ctx->arena, s); rvalue = push_array_zero(ctx->arena, Config_RValue, 1); rvalue->type = ConfigRValueType_String; rvalue->string = interpreted; } return(rvalue); } function void config_parser__compound__check(Config_Parser *ctx, Config_Compound *compound){ b32 implicit_index_allowed = true; for (Config_Compound_Element *node = compound->first; node != 0; node = node->next){ if (node->l.type != ConfigLayoutType_Unset){ implicit_index_allowed = false; } else if (!implicit_index_allowed){ def_config_parser_push_error(ctx, node->l.pos, "encountered unlabeled member after one or more labeled members"); } } } function Config_Compound* def_config_parser_compound(Config_Parser *ctx){ Config_Compound_Element *first = 0; Config_Compound_Element *last = 0; i32 count = 0; Config_Compound_Element *element = def_config_parser_element(ctx); require(element != 0); zdll_push_back(first, last, element); count += 1; for (;def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Comma);){ if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_BraceCl)){ break; } element = def_config_parser_element(ctx); require(element != 0); zdll_push_back(first, last, element); count += 1; } require(def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_BraceCl)); Config_Compound *compound = push_array(ctx->arena, Config_Compound, 1); block_zero_struct(compound); compound->first = first; compound->last = last; compound->count = count; config_parser__compound__check(ctx, compound); return(compound); } function Config_Compound_Element* def_config_parser_element(Config_Parser *ctx){ Config_Layout layout = {}; layout.pos = def_config_parser_get_pos(ctx); if (def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Dot)){ if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Identifier)){ layout.type = ConfigLayoutType_Identifier; layout.identifier = def_config_parser_get_lexeme(ctx); def_config_parser_inc(ctx); } else if (def_config_parser_recognize_base_kind(ctx, TokenBaseKind_LiteralInteger)){ layout.type = ConfigLayoutType_Integer; Config_Integer value = def_config_parser_get_int(ctx); layout.integer = value.integer; def_config_parser_inc(ctx); } else{ return(0); } require(def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Eq)); } Config_RValue *rvalue = def_config_parser_rvalue(ctx); require(rvalue != 0); Config_Compound_Element *element = push_array(ctx->arena, Config_Compound_Element, 1); block_zero_struct(element); element->l = layout; element->r = rvalue; return(element); } function Config* def_config_parse(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 file_name, String_Const_u8 data, Token_Array array){ ProfileScope(app, "config parse"); Temp_Memory restore_point = begin_temp(arena); Config_Parser ctx = def_config_parser_init(arena, file_name, data, array); Config *config = def_config_parser_top(&ctx); if (config == 0){ end_temp(restore_point); } return(config); } function Config* def_config_from_text(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 file_name, String_Const_u8 data){ Config *parsed = 0; Temp_Memory restore_point = begin_temp(arena); Token_Array array = token_array_from_text(app, arena, data); if (array.tokens != 0){ parsed = def_config_parse(app, arena, file_name, data, array); if (parsed == 0){ end_temp(restore_point); } } return(parsed); } function Config_Error* def_config_push_error(Arena *arena, Config_Error_List *list, String_Const_u8 file_name, u8 *pos, char *error_text){ Config_Error *error = push_array(arena, Config_Error, 1); zdll_push_back(list->first, list->last, error); list->count += 1; error->file_name = file_name; error->pos = pos; error->text = push_string_copy(arena, SCu8(error_text)); return(error); } function Config_Error* def_config_push_error(Arena *arena, Config *config, u8 *pos, char *error_text){ return(def_config_push_error(arena, &config->errors, config->file_name, pos, error_text)); } function void def_config_parser_push_error(Config_Parser *ctx, u8 *pos, char *error_text){ def_config_push_error(ctx->arena, &ctx->errors, ctx->file_name, pos, error_text); } function void def_config_parser_push_error_here(Config_Parser *ctx, char *error_text){ def_config_parser_push_error(ctx, def_config_parser_get_pos(ctx), error_text); } function void def_config_parser_recover(Config_Parser *ctx){ for (;;){ if (def_config_parser_match_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_Semicolon)){ break; } if (def_config_parser_recognize_cpp_kind(ctx, TokenCppKind_EOF)){ break; } def_config_parser_inc(ctx); } } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Dump Config to Variables function Config_Get_Result config_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript); function void def_var_dump_rvalue(Application_Links *app, Config *config, Variable_Handle dst, String_ID l_value, Config_RValue *r){ Scratch_Block scratch(app); b32 *boolean = 0; i32 *integer = 0; String_Const_u8 *string = 0; Config_Compound *compound = 0; Config_Get_Result get_result = {}; switch (r->type){ case ConfigRValueType_LValue: { Config_LValue *l = r->lvalue; if (l != 0){ get_result = config_var(config, l->identifier, l->index); if (get_result.success){ switch (get_result.type){ case ConfigRValueType_Boolean: { boolean = &get_result.boolean; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Integer: { integer = &get_result.integer; }break; case ConfigRValueType_String: { string = &get_result.string; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Compound: { compound = get_result.compound; }break; } } } }break; case ConfigRValueType_Boolean: { boolean = &r->boolean; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Integer: { integer = &r->integer; }break; case ConfigRValueType_String: { string = &r->string; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Compound: { compound = r->compound; }break; } if (boolean != 0){ String_ID val = 0; if (*boolean){ val = vars_save_string(str8_lit("true")); } else{ val = vars_save_string(str8_lit("false")); } vars_new_variable(dst, l_value, val); } else if (integer != 0){ // TODO(allen): signed/unsigned problem String_ID val = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", *integer)); vars_new_variable(dst, l_value, val); } else if (string != 0){ String_ID val = vars_save_string(*string); vars_new_variable(dst, l_value, val); } else if (compound != 0){ Variable_Handle sub_var = vars_new_variable(dst, l_value); i32 implicit_index = 0; b32 implicit_allowed = true; Config_Compound_Element *node = 0; if (compound != 0){ node = compound->first; } for (; node != 0; node = node->next, implicit_index += 1){ String_ID sub_l_value = 0; switch (node->l.type){ case ConfigLayoutType_Unset: { if (implicit_allowed){ sub_l_value = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", implicit_index)); } }break; case ConfigLayoutType_Identifier: { implicit_allowed = false; sub_l_value = vars_save_string(node->l.identifier); }break; case ConfigLayoutType_Integer: { implicit_allowed = false; sub_l_value = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", node->l.integer)); }break; } if (sub_l_value != 0){ Config_RValue *r = node->r; if (r != 0){ def_var_dump_rvalue(app, config, sub_var, sub_l_value, r); } } } } } function Variable_Handle def_fill_var_from_config(Application_Links *app, Variable_Handle parent, String_ID key, Config *config){ Variable_Handle result = vars_get_nil(); if (key != 0){ String_ID file_name_id = vars_save_string(config->file_name); result = vars_new_variable(parent, key, file_name_id); Variable_Handle var = result; Scratch_Block scratch(app); if (config->version != 0){ String_ID version_key = vars_save_string(string_u8_litexpr("version")); String_ID version_value = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", *config->version)); vars_new_variable(parent, version_key, version_value); } for (Config_Assignment *node = config->first; node != 0; node = node->next){ String_ID l_value = 0; Config_LValue *l = node->l; if (l != 0){ String_Const_u8 string = l->identifier; if (l->index != 0){ string = push_stringf(scratch, "%.*s.%d", string_expand(string), l->index); } l_value = vars_save_string(string); } if (l_value != 0){ Config_RValue *r = node->r; if (r != 0){ def_var_dump_rvalue(app, config, var, l_value, r); } } } } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Config Variables Read global const u64 def_config_lookup_count = 4; global String_ID def_config_lookup_table[def_config_lookup_count] = {}; function void _def_config_table_init(void){ if (def_config_lookup_table[0] == 0){ def_config_lookup_table[0] = vars_save_string(str8_lit("ses_config")); def_config_lookup_table[1] = vars_save_string(str8_lit("prj_config")); def_config_lookup_table[2] = vars_save_string(str8_lit("usr_config")); def_config_lookup_table[3] = vars_save_string(str8_lit("def_config")); } } function Variable_Handle def_get_config_var(String_ID key){ _def_config_table_init(); Variable_Handle result = vars_get_nil(); Variable_Handle root = vars_get_root(); for (u64 i = 0; i < def_config_lookup_count; i += 1){ String_ID block_key = def_config_lookup_table[i]; Variable_Handle block_var = vars_read_key(root, block_key); Variable_Handle var = vars_read_key(block_var, key); if (!vars_is_nil(var)){ result = var; break; } } return(result); } function void def_set_config_var(String_ID key, String_ID val){ _def_config_table_init(); Variable_Handle root = vars_get_root(); Variable_Handle block_var = vars_read_key(root, def_config_lookup_table[0]); if (vars_is_nil(block_var)){ block_var = vars_new_variable(root, def_config_lookup_table[0]); } vars_new_variable(block_var, key, val); } function b32 def_get_config_b32(String_ID key){ Variable_Handle var = def_get_config_var(key); String_ID val = vars_string_id_from_var(var); b32 result = (val != 0 && val != vars_save_string_lit("false")); return(result); } function void def_set_config_b32(String_ID key, b32 val){ String_ID val_id = val?vars_save_string_lit("true"):vars_save_string_lit("false"); def_set_config_var(key, val_id); } function String_Const_u8 def_get_config_string(Arena *arena, String_ID key){ Variable_Handle var = def_get_config_var(key); String_Const_u8 result = vars_string_from_var(arena, var); return(result); } function void def_set_config_string(String_ID key, String_Const_u8 val){ def_set_config_var(key, vars_save_string(val)); } function u64 def_get_config_u64(Application_Links *app, String_ID key){ Scratch_Block scratch(app); Variable_Handle var = def_get_config_var(key); u64 result = vars_u64_from_var(app, var); return(result); } function void def_set_config_u64(Application_Links *app, String_ID key, u64 val){ Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 val_string = push_stringf(scratch, "%llu", val); def_set_config_var(key, vars_save_string(val_string)); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Eval function Config_Assignment* config_lookup_assignment(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript){ Config_Assignment *assignment = 0; for (assignment = config->first; assignment != 0; assignment = assignment->next){ Config_LValue *l = assignment->l; if (l != 0 && string_match(l->identifier, var_name) && l->index == subscript){ break; } } return(assignment); } function Config_Get_Result config_evaluate_rvalue(Config *config, Config_Assignment *assignment, Config_RValue *r){ Config_Get_Result result = {}; if (r != 0 && !assignment->visited){ if (r->type == ConfigRValueType_LValue){ assignment->visited = true; Config_LValue *l = r->lvalue; result = config_var(config, l->identifier, l->index); assignment->visited = false; } else{ result.success = true; result.pos = assignment->pos; result.type = r->type; switch (r->type){ case ConfigRValueType_Boolean: { result.boolean = r->boolean; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Integer: { result.integer = r->integer; }break; case ConfigRValueType_String: { result.string = r->string; }break; case ConfigRValueType_Compound: { result.compound = r->compound; }break; } } } return(result); } function Config_Get_Result config_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript){ Config_Get_Result result = {}; Config_Assignment *assignment = config_lookup_assignment(config, var_name, subscript); if (assignment != 0){ result = config_evaluate_rvalue(config, assignment, assignment->r); } return(result); } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Nonsense from the old system function Config_Get_Result config_compound_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index){ Config_Get_Result result = {}; i32 implicit_index = 0; b32 implicit_index_is_valid = true; for (Config_Compound_Element *element = compound->first; element != 0; element = element->next, implicit_index += 1){ b32 element_matches_query = false; switch (element->l.type){ case ConfigLayoutType_Unset: { if (implicit_index_is_valid && index == implicit_index){ element_matches_query = true; } }break; case ConfigLayoutType_Identifier: { implicit_index_is_valid = false; if (string_match(element->l.identifier, var_name)){ element_matches_query = true; } }break; case ConfigLayoutType_Integer: { implicit_index_is_valid = false; if (element->l.integer == index){ element_matches_query = true; } }break; } if (element_matches_query){ Config_Assignment dummy_assignment = {}; dummy_assignment.pos = element->l.pos; result = config_evaluate_rvalue(config, &dummy_assignment, element->r); break; } } return(result); } function Config_Iteration_Step_Result typed_array_iteration_step(Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type, i32 index); function i32 typed_array_get_count(Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type); function Config_Get_Result_List typed_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type); #define config_fixed_string_var(c,v,s,o,a) config_placed_string_var((c),(v),(s),(o),(a),sizeof(a)) //////////////////////////////// function b32 config_bool_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, b32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Boolean); if (success){ *var_out = result.boolean; } return(success); } function b32 config_bool_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, b8 *var_out){ b32 temp = false; b32 success = config_bool_var(config, var_name, subscript, &temp); if (success){ *var_out = (temp != false); } return(success); } function b32 config_bool_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, b32* var_out){ return(config_bool_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out)); } function b32 config_bool_var(Config *config, char* var_name, i32 subscript, b8 *var_out){ b32 temp = false; b32 success = config_bool_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, &temp); if (success){ *var_out = (temp != false); } return(success); } function b32 config_int_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, i32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Integer; if (success){ *var_out = result.integer; } return(success); } function b32 config_int_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, i32* var_out){ return(config_int_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out)); } function b32 config_uint_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, u32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Integer; if (success){ *var_out = result.uinteger; } return(success); } function b32 config_uint_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, u32* var_out){ return(config_uint_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out)); } function b32 config_string_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, String_Const_u8* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_String; if (success){ *var_out = result.string; } return(success); } function b32 config_string_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, String_Const_u8* var_out){ return(config_string_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out)); } function b32 config_placed_string_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, String_Const_u8* var_out, u8 *space, u64 space_size){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_String); if (success){ u64 size = result.string.size; size = clamp_top(size, space_size); block_copy(space, result.string.str, size); *var_out = SCu8(space, size); } return(success); } function b32 config_placed_string_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, String_Const_u8* var_out, u8 *space, u64 space_size){ return(config_placed_string_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out, space, space_size)); } function b32 config_compound_var(Config *config, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 subscript, Config_Compound** var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_var(config, var_name, subscript); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Compound); if (success){ *var_out = result.compound; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_var(Config *config, char *var_name, i32 subscript, Config_Compound** var_out){ return(config_compound_var(config, SCu8(var_name), subscript, var_out)); } function b32 config_compound_bool_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, b32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Boolean; if (success){ *var_out = result.boolean; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_bool_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, b32* var_out){ return(config_compound_bool_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out)); } function b32 config_compound_int_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, i32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Integer; if (success){ *var_out = result.integer; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_int_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, i32* var_out){ return(config_compound_int_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out)); } function b32 config_compound_uint_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, u32* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Integer; if (success){ *var_out = result.uinteger; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_uint_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, u32* var_out){ return(config_compound_uint_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out)); } function b32 config_compound_string_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_String); if (success){ *var_out = result.string; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_string_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out){ return(config_compound_string_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out)); } function b32 config_compound_placed_string_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out, u8 *space, u64 space_size){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_String); if (success){ u64 size = result.string.size; size = clamp_top(size, space_size); block_copy(space, result.string.str, size); *var_out = SCu8(space, size); } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_placed_string_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out, u8 *space, u64 space_size){ return(config_compound_placed_string_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out, space, space_size)); } function b32 config_compound_compound_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, String_Const_u8 var_name, i32 index, Config_Compound** var_out){ Config_Get_Result result = config_compound_member(config, compound, var_name, index); b32 success = (result.success && result.type == ConfigRValueType_Compound); if (success){ *var_out = result.compound; } return(success); } function b32 config_compound_compound_member(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, char *var_name, i32 index, Config_Compound** var_out){ return(config_compound_compound_member(config, compound, SCu8(var_name), index, var_out)); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_bool_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, b32* var_out){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Boolean, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ *var_out = result.get.boolean; } return(result.step); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_int_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, i32* var_out){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Integer, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ *var_out = result.get.integer; } return(result.step); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_uint_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, u32* var_out){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Integer, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ *var_out = result.get.uinteger; } return(result.step); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_string_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_String, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ *var_out = result.get.string; } return(result.step); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_placed_string_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, String_Const_u8* var_out, u8 *space, u64 space_size){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_String, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ u64 size = result.get.string.size; size = clamp_top(size, space_size); block_copy(space, result.get.string.str, size); *var_out = SCu8(space, size); } return(result.step); } function Iteration_Step_Result typed_compound_array_iteration_step(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound, i32 index, Config_Compound** var_out){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Compound, index); b32 success = (result.step == Iteration_Good); if (success){ *var_out = result.get.compound; } return(result.step); } function i32 typed_bool_array_get_count(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ i32 count = typed_array_get_count(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Boolean); return(count); } function i32 typed_int_array_get_count(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ i32 count = typed_array_get_count(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Integer); return(count); } function i32 typed_string_array_get_count(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ i32 count = typed_array_get_count(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_String); return(count); } function i32 typed_compound_array_get_count(Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ i32 count = typed_array_get_count(config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Compound); return(count); } function Config_Get_Result_List typed_bool_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_array_reference_list(arena, config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Boolean); return(list); } function Config_Get_Result_List typed_int_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_array_reference_list(arena, config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Integer); return(list); } function Config_Get_Result_List typed_string_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_array_reference_list(arena, config, compound, ConfigRValueType_String); return(list); } function Config_Get_Result_List typed_compound_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *config, Config_Compound *compound){ Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_array_reference_list(arena, config, compound, ConfigRValueType_Compound); return(list); } //////////////////////////////// function Config_Iteration_Step_Result typed_array_iteration_step(Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type, i32 index){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = {}; result.step = Iteration_Quit; Config_Get_Result get_result = config_compound_member(parsed, compound, string_u8_litexpr("~"), index); if (get_result.success){ if (get_result.type == type){ result.step = Iteration_Good; result.get = get_result; } else{ result.step = Iteration_Skip; } } return(result); } function i32 typed_array_get_count(Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type){ i32 count = 0; for (i32 i = 0;; ++i){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, type, i); if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){ continue; } else if (result.step == Iteration_Quit){ break; } count += 1; } return(count); } function Config_Get_Result_List typed_array_reference_list(Arena *arena, Config *parsed, Config_Compound *compound, Config_RValue_Type type){ Config_Get_Result_List list = {}; for (i32 i = 0;; ++i){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, type, i); if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){ continue; } else if (result.step == Iteration_Quit){ break; } Config_Get_Result_Node *node = push_array(arena, Config_Get_Result_Node, 1); node->result = result.get; zdll_push_back(list.first, list.last, node); list.count += 1; } return(list); } //////////////////////////////// function void change_mode(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 mode){ fcoder_mode = FCoderMode_Original; if (string_match(mode, string_u8_litexpr("4coder"))){ fcoder_mode = FCoderMode_Original; } else if (string_match(mode, string_u8_litexpr("notepad-like"))){ begin_notepad_mode(app); } else{ print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("Unknown mode.\n")); } } //////////////////////////////// // TODO(allen): cleanup this mess some more function Config* theme_parse__data(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String_Const_u8 file_name, String_Const_u8 data, Arena *color_arena, Color_Table *color_table){ Config *parsed = def_config_from_text(app, arena, file_name, data); if (parsed != 0){ for (Config_Assignment *node = parsed->first; node != 0; node = node->next){ Scratch_Block scratch(app, arena); Config_LValue *l = node->l; String_Const_u8 l_name = push_string_copy(scratch, l->identifier); Managed_ID id = managed_id_get(app, string_u8_litexpr("colors"), l_name); if (id != 0){ u32 color = 0; if (config_uint_var(parsed, l_name, 0, &color)){ color_table->arrays[id%color_table->count] = make_colors(color_arena, color); } else{ Config_Compound *compound = 0; if (config_compound_var(parsed, l_name, 0, &compound)){ local_persist u32 color_array[256]; i32 counter = 0; for (i32 i = 0;; i += 1){ Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, ConfigRValueType_Integer, i); if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){ continue; } else if (result.step == Iteration_Quit){ break; } color_array[counter] = result.get.uinteger; counter += 1; if (counter == 256){ break; } } color_table->arrays[id%color_table->count] = make_colors(color_arena, color_array, counter); } } } } } return(parsed); } function Config* theme_parse__buffer(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, Buffer_ID buffer, Arena *color_arena, Color_Table *color_table){ String_Const_u8 contents = push_whole_buffer(app, arena, buffer); Config *parsed = 0; if (contents.str != 0){ String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, arena, buffer); parsed = theme_parse__data(app, arena, file_name, contents, color_arena, color_table); } return(parsed); } function Config* theme_parse__file_name(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, char *file_name, Arena *color_arena, Color_Table *color_table){ Config *parsed = 0; FILE* file = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (file == 0){ file = def_search_normal_fopen(arena, file_name, "rb"); } if (file != 0){ String_Const_u8 data = dump_file_handle(arena, file); fclose(file); parsed = theme_parse__data(app, arena, SCu8(file_name), data, color_arena, color_table); } if (parsed == 0){ Scratch_Block scratch(app, arena); String_Const_u8 str = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Did not find %s, theme not loaded", file_name); print_message(app, str); } return(parsed); } //////////////////////////////// // TODO(allen): review this function function void load_config_and_apply(Application_Links *app, Arena *out_arena, i32 override_font_size, b32 override_hinting){ Scratch_Block scratch(app, out_arena); linalloc_clear(out_arena); Config *parsed = 0; FILE *file = def_search_normal_fopen(scratch, "config.4coder", "rb"); if (file != 0){ String_Const_u8 data = dump_file_handle(scratch, file); fclose(file); if (data.str != 0){ parsed = def_config_from_text(app, scratch, str8_lit("config.4coder"), data); } } if (parsed != 0){ // Errors String_Const_u8 error_text = config_stringize_errors(app, scratch, parsed); if (error_text.str != 0){ print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("trying to load config file:\n")); print_message(app, error_text); } // NOTE(allen): Save As Variables if (error_text.str == 0){ // TODO(allen): this always applies to "def_config" need to get "usr_config" working too Variable_Handle config_var = def_fill_var_from_config(app, vars_get_root(), vars_save_string_lit("def_config"), parsed); vars_print(app, config_var); print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("\n")); } } else{ print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("Using default config:\n")); Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, 0); if (description.font.file_name.str != 0){ def_set_config_string(vars_save_string_lit("default_font_name"), description.font.file_name); } } String_Const_u8 default_font_name = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_font_name")); if (default_font_name.size == 0){ default_font_name = string_u8_litexpr("liberation-mono.ttf"); } // TODO(allen): this part seems especially weird now. // We want these to be effected by evals of the config system, // not by a state that gets evaled and saved *now*!! // Apply config String_Const_u8 mode = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("mode")); change_mode(app, mode); b32 lalt_lctrl_is_altgr = def_get_config_b32(vars_save_string_lit("lalt_lctrl_is_altgr")); global_set_setting(app, GlobalSetting_LAltLCtrlIsAltGr, lalt_lctrl_is_altgr); String_Const_u8 default_theme_name = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_theme_name")); Color_Table *colors = get_color_table_by_name(default_theme_name); set_active_color(colors); Face_Description description = {}; if (override_font_size != 0){ description.parameters.pt_size = override_font_size; } else{ description.parameters.pt_size = (i32)def_get_config_u64(app, vars_save_string_lit("default_font_size")); } if (description.parameters.pt_size == 0){ description.parameters.pt_size = 12; } b32 default_font_hinting = def_get_config_b32(vars_save_string_lit("default_font_hinting")); description.parameters.hinting = default_font_hinting || override_hinting; Face_Antialiasing_Mode aa_mode = FaceAntialiasingMode_8BitMono; String8 aa_mode_string = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_font_aa_mode")); if (string_match(aa_mode_string, str8_lit("8bit"))){ aa_mode = FaceAntialiasingMode_8BitMono; } else if (string_match(aa_mode_string, str8_lit("1bit"))){ aa_mode = FaceAntialiasingMode_1BitMono; } description.parameters.aa_mode = aa_mode; description.font.file_name = default_font_name; if (!modify_global_face_by_description(app, description)){ String8 name_in_fonts_folder = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "fonts/%.*s", string_expand(default_font_name)); description.font.file_name = def_search_normal_full_path(scratch, name_in_fonts_folder); modify_global_face_by_description(app, description); } b32 bind_by_physical_key = def_get_config_b32(vars_save_string_lit("bind_by_physical_key")); if (bind_by_physical_key){ system_set_key_mode(KeyMode_Physical); } else{ system_set_key_mode(KeyMode_LanguageArranged); } } function void load_theme_file_into_live_set(Application_Links *app, char *file_name){ Arena *arena = &global_theme_arena; Color_Table color_table = make_color_table(app, arena); Scratch_Block scratch(app, arena); Config *config = theme_parse__file_name(app, scratch, file_name, arena, &color_table); String_Const_u8 error_text = config_stringize_errors(app, scratch, config); print_message(app, error_text); String_Const_u8 name = SCu8(file_name); name = string_front_of_path(name); if (string_match(string_postfix(name, 7), string_u8_litexpr(".4coder"))){ name = string_chop(name, 7); } save_theme(color_table, name); } function void load_folder_of_themes_into_live_set(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 path){ Scratch_Block scratch(app); File_List list = system_get_file_list(scratch, path); for (File_Info **ptr = list.infos, **end = list.infos + list.count; ptr < end; ptr += 1){ File_Info *info = *ptr; if (!HasFlag(info->attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory)){ String_Const_u8 name = info->file_name; if (string_match(string_postfix(name, 7), str8_lit(".4coder"))){ Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch); String_Const_u8 full_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s", string_expand(path), string_expand(name)); load_theme_file_into_live_set(app, (char*)full_name.str); } } } } //////////////////////////////// // NOTE(allen): Commands CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(load_theme_current_buffer) CUSTOM_DOC("Parse the current buffer as a theme file and add the theme to the theme list. If the buffer has a .4coder postfix in it's name, it is removed when the name is saved.") { View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_ReadVisible); Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, Access_ReadVisible); Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer); if (file_name.size > 0){ Arena *arena = &global_theme_arena; Color_Table color_table = make_color_table(app, arena); Config *config = theme_parse__buffer(app, scratch, buffer, arena, &color_table); String_Const_u8 error_text = config_stringize_errors(app, scratch, config); print_message(app, error_text); u64 problem_score = 0; if (color_table.count < defcolor_line_numbers_text){ problem_score = defcolor_line_numbers_text - color_table.count; } for (i32 i = 0; i < color_table.count; i += 1){ if (color_table.arrays[i].count == 0){ problem_score += 1; } } if (error_text.size > 0 || problem_score >= 10){ String_Const_u8 string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "There appears to be a problem parsing %.*s; no theme change applied\n", string_expand(file_name)); print_message(app, string); } else{ String_Const_u8 name = string_front_of_path(file_name); if (string_match(string_postfix(name, 7), string_u8_litexpr(".4coder"))){ name = string_chop(name, 7); } save_theme(color_table, name); Color_Table_Node *node = global_theme_list.last; if (node != 0 && string_match(node->name, name)){ active_color_table = node->table; } } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(go_to_user_directory) CUSTOM_DOC("Go to the 4coder user directory") { Scratch_Block scratch(app); String_Const_u8 hot = push_hot_directory(app, scratch); String8 user_4coder_path = system_get_path(scratch, SystemPath_UserDirectory); String8 cmd = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "mkdir \"%.*s\"", string_expand(user_4coder_path)); exec_system_command(app, 0, buffer_identifier(0), hot, cmd, 0); set_hot_directory(app, user_4coder_path); } // BOTTOM