Distribution Date: 06.03.2016 (dd.mm.yyyy) Thank you for contributing to the 4coder project! To submit bug reports or to request particular features email editor@4coder.net. Watch 4coder.net blog and @AllenWebster4th twitter for news about 4coder progress. --------------------------------- FAIR WARNING --------------------------------- THINGS WILL GET CRASHY FAST IF ANY .ttf FILES ARE MISSING. THIS EFFECT WILL ALSO OCCUR IF YOU LAUNCH FROM A DIRECTORY THAT DOESN'T CONTAIN THE .ttf FILES. (This problem will be fixed eventually). This build is extremely "janky" for lack of a better term. From what limitted testing I have been able to do I think it should run on a Windows 7 machine. It has not been launched at all on any other version of Windows. I have done what I can to get rid of the bugs and crashes that would make it unusable, but there are certainly more in there if you start digging and pressing hard enough. **Please USE SOURCE CONTROL WITH 4CODER for now** ----------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ----------------------------------------------------- ****Changes in 4.0.0**** alt + x: changed to arbitrary command (NOW WORKS ANYWHERE!) Opens a command prompt from which you can execute: "open menu" to open the menu (old behavior of alt+x) "open all code" loads all cpp and h files in current directory "close all code" closes all cpp and h files currently open "open in quotes" opens the file who's name under the cursor is surrounded by quotes "dos lines" dosify the file end of iles "nix lines" nixify the file end of iles alt + z: execute arbitrary command-line command Specify an output buffer and a command to execute and the results will be dropped into the specified buffer. ****Command line options**** 4ed [] [options] -d/-D -- use a dll other than 4coder_custom.dll for your customizations -d -- if the file isn't found look for 4coder_custom.dll -D -- only look for the specified -i -- line number to jump to in first file to open specified on command line -w -- width and height of the 4coder window -p -- position of the 4coder window -W -- open in full screen, overrides -w and -p, although the size will still be the default size of the window -T -- invoke special tool isntead of launching 4coder normally -T version : prints the 4coder version string ****Old Information**** Basic Navigation: mouse click - move cursor arrows - move cursor home & end - move cursor to beginning/end of line page up & page down - page up & page down respectively control + left/right - move cursor left/right to first whitespace control + up/down - move cursor up or down to first blank line Fancy Navigation: control + f : begin find mode, uses interaction bar control + r : begin reverse-find mode, uses interaction bar While in find mode or reverse-find mode, pressing enter ends the mode leaving the cursor wherever the find highlighter is, and pressing escape ends the mode leaving the cursor wherever it was before the find mode began. control + g - goto line number control + m - swap cursor and mark Basic Editing: characters keys, delete, and backspace control + c : copy between cursor and mark control + x : cut between cursor and mark control + v : paste at cursor control + V : use after normal paste to cycle through older copied text control + d : delete between cursor and mark control + SPACE : set mark to cursor Undo and History: control + z : undo control + y : redo control + Z: undo / history timelines control + h: history back step control + H: history forward step alt + left: increase rewind speed (through undo) alt + right: increase fastforward speed (through redo) alt + down: stop redining / fastforwarding Fancy Editing: control + u : to uppercase between cursor and mark control + j : to lowercase between cursor and mark control + q: query replace control + a: replace in range control + =: write increment control + -: decrement increment control + [: write {} pair with cursor in line between control + {: as with a semicolon after "}" control + }: as with a "break;" after "}" control + 9: wrap the range specified by mark and cursor in parens control + i: wrap the range specified by mark and cursor in #if 0 #endif Whitespace Boringness: Typing characters: },],),; and inserting newlines cause the line to autotab TAB: word complete control + TAB : auto indent lines between cursor and mark shift + TAB: auto indent cursor line control + 1 : set the file to dos mode for writing to disk control + ! : set the flie to nix mode for writing to disk Viewing Options: alt + c - open theme selection UI control + p : vertically split the current panel (max 16) control + '-' : horizontally split the current panel (max 16) control + P : close the currently selected panel control + , : switch to another panel control + l : toggle line wrapping control + L : toggle end of line mode mode 1: treat all \r\n and all \n as newline, show \r when not followed by \n mode 2: treat all \r and \n as newline mode 3: treat all \n as newline, show all \r control + ? : toggle highlight whitespace mode Tools: alt + m : search in the current hot directory and up through all parent > directories for a build.bat, and execute that bat if it discovered, sending > output to the buffer *compilation* File Managing: control + n : create a new file, begins interactive input mode control + o : open file, begins interactive input mode control + O : reopen the current file (discarding any differences the live version has from the file system's version) control + s : save control + w : save as, begins interative input mode control + i : switch active file in this panel, begins interactive input mode control + k : kill (close) a file, begins interactive input mode control + K : kill (close) the file being viewed in the currently active panel While in interactive input mode, pressing enter confirms the input for the command, and pressing escape (once) will end the input mode and abort the command. If the file does not exist either the nearest match will be opened, or no file will be opened if none is considered a match. Use backspace to go back through directories. Menu UI Keyboard options: > left control + left alt act as AltGr Theme selection UI esc - close UI view return to major view if one was open previously Themes are saved in p4c files, I encourage either of the following pronciations: "pack" "pee-fork"