/* 4coder_project_commands.cpp - commands for loading and using a project. type: 'drop-in-command-pack' */ // top #if !defined(fcoder_project_commands_cpp) #define fcoder_project_commands_cpp #include "4coder_default_framework.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" #include "4coder_build_commands.cpp" // TODO(allen): Make this a string operation or a lexer operation or something static void interpret_escaped_string(char *dst, String src){ int32_t mode = 0; int32_t j = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < src.size; ++i){ switch (mode){ case 0: { if (src.str[i] == '\\'){ mode = 1; } else{ dst[j++] = src.str[i]; } }break; case 1: { switch (src.str[i]){ case '\\':{dst[j++] = '\\'; mode = 0;}break; case 'n': {dst[j++] = '\n'; mode = 0;}break; case 't': {dst[j++] = '\t'; mode = 0;}break; case '"': {dst[j++] = '"'; mode = 0;}break; case '0': {dst[j++] = '\0'; mode = 0;}break; } }break; } } dst[j] = 0; } /////////////////////////////// static void close_all_files_with_extension(Application_Links *app, Partition *scratch_part, char **extension_list, int32_t extension_count){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch_part); int32_t buffers_to_close_max = partition_remaining(scratch_part)/sizeof(int32_t); int32_t *buffers_to_close = push_array(scratch_part, int32_t, buffers_to_close_max); int32_t buffers_to_close_count = 0; bool32 do_repeat = 0; do{ buffers_to_close_count = 0; do_repeat = 0; uint32_t access = AccessAll; Buffer_Summary buffer = {0}; for (buffer = get_buffer_first(app, access); buffer.exists; get_buffer_next(app, &buffer, access)){ bool32 is_match = 1; if (extension_count > 0){ is_match = 0; if (buffer.file_name != 0){ String extension = file_extension(make_string(buffer.file_name, buffer.file_name_len)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < extension_count; ++i){ if (match(extension, extension_list[i])){ is_match = 1; break; } } } } if (is_match){ if (buffers_to_close_count >= buffers_to_close_max){ do_repeat = 1; break; } buffers_to_close[buffers_to_close_count++] = buffer.buffer_id; } } for (int32_t i = 0; i < buffers_to_close_count; ++i){ kill_buffer(app, buffer_identifier(buffers_to_close[i]), true, 0); } }while(do_repeat); end_temp_memory(temp); } static void open_all_files_with_extension_internal(Application_Links *app, String dir, char **extension_list, int32_t extension_count, bool32 recursive){ File_List list = get_file_list(app, dir.str, dir.size); int32_t dir_size = dir.size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list.count; ++i){ File_Info *info = list.infos + i; if (info->folder){ if (recursive && info->filename[0] != '.'){ dir.size = dir_size; append(&dir, info->filename); append(&dir, "/"); open_all_files_with_extension_internal(app, dir, extension_list, extension_count, recursive); } } else{ bool32 is_match = true; if (extension_count > 0){ is_match = false; String extension = make_string_cap(info->filename, info->filename_len, info->filename_len+1); extension = file_extension(extension); for (int32_t j = 0; j < extension_count; ++j){ if (match(extension, extension_list[j])){ is_match = true; break; } } } if (is_match){ dir.size = dir_size; append(&dir, info->filename); create_buffer(app, dir.str, dir.size, 0); } } } free_file_list(app, list); } static void open_all_files_with_extension(Application_Links *app, Partition *scratch_part, char **extension_list, int32_t extension_count, bool32 recursive){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(scratch_part); int32_t max_size = 4096; char *memory = push_array(scratch_part, char, max_size); String dir = make_string_cap(memory, 0, max_size); dir.size = directory_get_hot(app, dir.str, dir.memory_size); open_all_files_with_extension_internal(app, dir, extension_list, extension_count, recursive); end_temp_memory(temp); } // NOTE(allen|a4.0.14): open_all_code and close_all_code now use the extensions set in the loaded project. If there is no project loaded the extensions ".cpp.hpp.c.h.cc" are used. static void open_all_code(Application_Links *app, String dir){ int32_t extension_count = 0; char **extension_list = get_current_project_extensions(&extension_count); open_all_files_with_extension_internal(app, dir, extension_list, extension_count, false); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(open_all_code) CUSTOM_DOC("Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.") { int32_t extension_count = 0; char **extension_list = get_current_project_extensions(&extension_count); open_all_files_with_extension(app, &global_part, extension_list, extension_count, false); } static void open_all_code_recursive(Application_Links *app, String dir){ int32_t extension_count = 0; char **extension_list = get_current_project_extensions(&extension_count); open_all_files_with_extension_internal(app, dir, extension_list, extension_count, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(open_all_code_recursive) CUSTOM_DOC("Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.") { int32_t extension_count = 0; char **extension_list = get_current_project_extensions(&extension_count); open_all_files_with_extension(app, &global_part, extension_list, extension_count, true); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(close_all_code) CUSTOM_DOC("Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.") { int32_t extension_count = 0; char **extension_list = get_current_project_extensions(&extension_count); close_all_files_with_extension(app, &global_part, extension_list, extension_count); } /////////////////////////////// static void load_project_from_config_data(Application_Links *app, Partition *part, char *config_data, int32_t config_data_size, String project_dir){ Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); char *mem = config_data; int32_t size = config_data_size; Cpp_Token_Array array; array.count = 0; array.max_count = (1 << 20)/sizeof(Cpp_Token); array.tokens = push_array(part, Cpp_Token, array.max_count); Cpp_Keyword_Table kw_table = {0}; Cpp_Keyword_Table pp_table = {0}; lexer_keywords_default_init(part, &kw_table, &pp_table); Cpp_Lex_Data S = cpp_lex_data_init(false, kw_table, pp_table); Cpp_Lex_Result result = cpp_lex_step(&S, mem, size + 1, HAS_NULL_TERM, &array, NO_OUT_LIMIT); if (result == LexResult_Finished){ // Clear out current project if (current_project.close_all_code_when_this_project_closes){ exec_command(app, close_all_code); } current_project = null_project; current_project.loaded = true; // Set new project directory { current_project.dir = current_project.dir_space; String str = make_fixed_width_string(current_project.dir_space); copy(&str, project_dir); terminate_with_null(&str); current_project.dir_len = str.size; } // Read the settings from project.4coder for (int32_t i = 0; i < array.count; ++i){ Config_Line config_line = read_config_line(array, &i, mem); if (config_line.read_success){ Config_Item item = get_config_item(config_line, mem, array); { char str_space[512]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(str_space); if (config_string_var(item, "extensions", 0, &str)){ if (str.size < sizeof(current_project.extension_list.extension_space)){ set_extensions(¤t_project.extension_list, str); print_message(app, str.str, str.size); print_message(app, "\n", 1); } else{ print_message(app, literal("STRING TOO LONG!\n")); } } } { bool32 open_recursively = false; if (config_bool_var(item, "open_recursively", 0, &open_recursively)){ current_project.open_recursively = open_recursively; } } { #if defined(_WIN32) # define FKEY_COMMAND "fkey_command_win" #elif defined(__linux__) # define FKEY_COMMAND "fkey_command_linux" #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) # define FKEY_COMMAND "fkey_command_mac" #else # error no project configuration names for this platform #endif int32_t index = 0; Config_Array_Reader array_reader = {0}; if (config_array_var(item, FKEY_COMMAND, &index, &array_reader)){ if (index >= 1 && index <= 16){ Config_Item array_item = {0}; int32_t item_index = 0; char space[256]; String msg = make_fixed_width_string(space); append(&msg, FKEY_COMMAND"["); append_int_to_str(&msg, index); append(&msg, "] = {"); for (config_array_next_item(&array_reader, &array_item); config_array_good(&array_reader); config_array_next_item(&array_reader, &array_item)){ if (item_index >= 4){ break; } append(&msg, "["); append_int_to_str(&msg, item_index); append(&msg, "] = "); bool32 read_string = false; bool32 read_bool = false; char *dest_str = 0; int32_t dest_str_size = 0; bool32 *dest_bool = 0; switch (item_index){ case 0: { dest_str = current_project.fkey_commands[index-1].command; dest_str_size = sizeof(current_project.fkey_commands[index-1].command); read_string = true; }break; case 1: { dest_str = current_project.fkey_commands[index-1].out; dest_str_size = sizeof(current_project.fkey_commands[index-1].out); read_string = true; }break; case 2: { dest_bool = ¤t_project.fkey_commands[index-1].use_build_panel; read_bool = true; }break; case 3: { dest_bool = ¤t_project.fkey_commands[index-1].save_dirty_buffers; read_bool = true; }break; } if (read_string){ if (config_int_var(array_item, 0, 0, 0)){ append(&msg, "NULL, "); dest_str[0] = 0; } char str_space[512]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(str_space); if (config_string_var(array_item, 0, 0, &str)){ if (str.size < dest_str_size){ interpret_escaped_string(dest_str, str); append(&msg, dest_str); append(&msg, ", "); } else{ append(&msg, "STRING TOO LONG!, "); } } } if (read_bool){ if (config_bool_var(array_item, 0, 0, dest_bool)){ if (*dest_bool){ append(&msg, "true, "); } else{ append(&msg, "false, "); } } } item_index++; } append(&msg, "}\n"); print_message(app, msg.str, msg.size); } } } } else if (config_line.error_str.str != 0){ char space[2048]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(space); copy(&str, "WARNING: bad syntax in 4coder.config at "); append(&str, config_line.error_str); append(&str, "\n"); print_message(app, str.str, str.size); } } if (current_project.close_all_files_when_project_opens){ close_all_files_with_extension(app, part, 0, 0); } // Open all project files if (current_project.open_recursively){ open_all_code_recursive(app, project_dir); } else{ open_all_code(app, project_dir); } } end_temp_memory(temp); } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(load_project) CUSTOM_DOC("Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.") { Partition *part = &global_part; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part); char project_file_space[512]; String project_name = make_fixed_width_string(project_file_space); project_name.size = directory_get_hot(app, project_name.str, project_name.memory_size); if (project_name.size >= project_name.memory_size){ project_name.size = 0; } if (project_name.size != 0){ bool32 load_failed = false; for(;;){ int32_t original_size = project_name.size; append_sc(&project_name, "project.4coder"); terminate_with_null(&project_name); FILE *file = fopen(project_name.str, "rb"); if (file){ project_name.size = original_size; terminate_with_null(&project_name); char *mem = 0; int32_t size = 0; bool32 file_read_success = file_handle_dump(part, file, &mem, &size); fclose(file); if (file_read_success){ load_project_from_config_data(app, part, mem, size, project_name); } break; } else{ project_name.size = original_size; remove_last_folder(&project_name); if (project_name.size >= original_size){ load_failed = true; break; } } } if (load_failed){ char message_space[512]; String message = make_fixed_width_string(message_space); append_sc(&message, "Did not find project.4coder. "); if (current_project.dir != 0){ append_sc(&message, "Continuing with: "); append_sc(&message, current_project.dir); } else{ append_sc(&message, "Continuing without a project"); } append_s_char(&message, '\n'); print_message(app, message.str, message.size); } } else{ print_message(app, literal("Failed trying to get project file name")); } end_temp_memory(temp); } /////////////////////////////// static void exec_project_fkey_command(Application_Links *app, int32_t command_ind){ Fkey_Command *fkey = ¤t_project.fkey_commands[command_ind]; char *command = fkey->command; if (command[0] != 0){ char *out = fkey->out; bool32 use_build_panel = fkey->use_build_panel; bool32 save_dirty_buffers = fkey->save_dirty_buffers; if (save_dirty_buffers){ save_all_dirty_buffers(app); } int32_t command_len = str_size(command); View_Summary view_ = {0}; View_Summary *view = 0; Buffer_Identifier buffer_id = {0}; uint32_t flags = CLI_OverlapWithConflict; bool32 set_fancy_font = false; if (out[0] != 0){ int32_t out_len = str_size(out); buffer_id = buffer_identifier(out, out_len); view = &view_; if (use_build_panel){ view_ = get_or_open_build_panel(app); if (match(out, "*compilation*")){ set_fancy_font = true; } } else{ view_ = get_active_view(app, AccessAll); } prev_location = null_location; lock_jump_buffer(out, out_len); } else{ // TODO(allen): fix the exec_system_command call so it can take a null buffer_id. buffer_id = buffer_identifier(literal("*dump*")); } exec_system_command(app, view, buffer_id, current_project.dir, current_project.dir_len, command, command_len, flags); if (set_fancy_font){ set_fancy_compilation_buffer_font(app); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(project_fkey_command) CUSTOM_DOC("Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.") { User_Input input = get_command_input(app); if (input.type == UserInputKey){ bool32 got_ind = false; int32_t ind = 0; if (input.key.keycode >= key_f1 && input.key.keycode <= key_f16){ ind = (input.key.keycode - key_f1); got_ind = true; } else if (input.key.character_no_caps_lock >= '1' && input.key.character_no_caps_lock >= '9'){ ind = (input.key.character_no_caps_lock - '1'); got_ind = true; } else if (input.key.character_no_caps_lock == '0'){ ind = 9; got_ind = true; } if (got_ind){ exec_project_fkey_command(app, ind); } } } CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(project_go_to_root_directory) CUSTOM_DOC("Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.") { if (current_project.loaded){ directory_set_hot(app, current_project.dir, current_project.dir_len); } } /////////////////////////////// struct Project_Setup_Status{ bool32 bat_exists; bool32 sh_exists; bool32 project_exists; bool32 everything_exists; }; static Project_Setup_Status project_is_setup(Application_Links *app, char *dir, int32_t dir_len, int32_t dir_capacity){ Project_Setup_Status result = {0}; Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(&global_part); static int32_t needed_extra_space = 15; String str = {0}; if (dir_capacity >= dir_len + needed_extra_space){ str = make_string_cap(dir, dir_len, dir_capacity); } else{ char *space = push_array(&global_part, char, dir_len + needed_extra_space); str = make_string_cap(space, 0, dir_len + needed_extra_space); copy(&str, make_string(dir, dir_len)); } str.size = dir_len; append(&str, "/build.bat"); result.bat_exists = file_exists(app, str.str, str.size); str.size = dir_len; append(&str, "/build.sh"); result.sh_exists = file_exists(app, str.str, str.size); str.size = dir_len; append(&str, "/project.4coder"); result.project_exists = file_exists(app, str.str, str.size); result.everything_exists = result.bat_exists && result.sh_exists && result.project_exists; end_temp_memory(temp); return(result); } // TODO(allen): Stop using stdio.h, switch to a 4coder buffer API for all file manipulation. #include CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(setup_new_project) CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.") { char space[4096]; String str = make_fixed_width_string(space); str.size = directory_get_hot(app, str.str, str.memory_size); int32_t dir_size = str.size; Project_Setup_Status status = project_is_setup(app, str.str, dir_size, str.memory_size); if (!status.everything_exists){ // Query the User for Key File Names Query_Bar code_file_bar = {0}; Query_Bar output_dir_bar = {0}; Query_Bar binary_file_bar = {0}; char code_file_space[1024]; char output_dir_space[1024]; char binary_file_space[1024]; if (!status.bat_exists || !status.sh_exists){ code_file_bar.prompt = make_lit_string("Build Target: "); code_file_bar.string = make_fixed_width_string(code_file_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &code_file_bar)) return; if (code_file_bar.string.size == 0) return; } output_dir_bar.prompt = make_lit_string("Output Directory: "); output_dir_bar.string = make_fixed_width_string(output_dir_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &output_dir_bar)) return; if (output_dir_bar.string.size == 0){ copy(&output_dir_bar.string, "."); } binary_file_bar.prompt = make_lit_string("Binary Output: "); binary_file_bar.string = make_fixed_width_string(binary_file_space); if (!query_user_string(app, &binary_file_bar)) return; if (binary_file_bar.string.size == 0) return; String code_file = code_file_bar.string; String output_dir = output_dir_bar.string; String binary_file = binary_file_bar.string; // Generate Scripts if (!status.bat_exists){ replace_char(&code_file, '/', '\\'); replace_char(&output_dir, '/', '\\'); replace_char(&binary_file, '/', '\\'); str.size = dir_size; append(&str, "/build.bat"); terminate_with_null(&str); FILE *bat_script = fopen(str.str, "wb"); if (bat_script != 0){ fprintf(bat_script, "@echo off\n\n"); fprintf(bat_script, "SET OPTS=%.*s\n", default_flags_bat.size, default_flags_bat.str); fprintf(bat_script, "SET CODE_HOME=%%cd%%\n"); fprintf(bat_script, "pushd %.*s\n", output_dir.size, output_dir.str); fprintf(bat_script, "%.*s %%OPTS%% %%CODE_HOME%%\\%.*s -Fe%.*s\n", default_compiler_bat.size, default_compiler_bat.str, code_file.size, code_file.str, binary_file.size, binary_file.str); fprintf(bat_script, "popd\n"); fclose(bat_script); } else{ print_message(app, literal("could not create build.bat for new project\n")); } replace_char(&code_file, '\\', '/'); replace_char(&output_dir, '\\', '/'); replace_char(&binary_file, '\\', '/'); } else{ print_message(app, literal("build.bat already exists, no changes made to it\n")); } if (!status.sh_exists){ str.size = dir_size; append(&str, "/build.sh"); terminate_with_null(&str); FILE *sh_script = fopen(str.str, "wb"); if (sh_script != 0){ fprintf(sh_script, "#!/bin/bash\n\n"); fprintf(sh_script, "CODE_HOME=\"$PWD\"\n"); fprintf(sh_script, "OPTS=%.*s\n", default_flags_sh.size, default_flags_sh.str); fprintf(sh_script, "pushd %.*s > /dev/null\n", output_dir.size, output_dir.str); fprintf(sh_script, "%.*s $OPTS $CODE_HOME/%.*s -o %.*s\n", default_compiler_sh.size, default_compiler_sh.str, code_file.size, code_file.str, binary_file.size, binary_file.str); fprintf(sh_script, "popd\n"); fclose(sh_script); } else{ print_message(app, literal("could not create build.sh for new project\n")); } } else{ print_message(app, literal("build.sh already exists, no changes made to it\n")); } if (!status.project_exists){ str.size = dir_size; append(&str, "/project.4coder"); terminate_with_null(&str); FILE *project_script = fopen(str.str, "wb"); if (project_script != 0){ fprintf(project_script, "extensions = \".c.cpp.h.m.bat.sh.4coder\";\n"); fprintf(project_script, "open_recursively = true;\n\n"); replace_str(&code_file, "/", "\\\\"); replace_str(&output_dir, "/", "\\\\"); replace_str(&binary_file, "/", "\\\\"); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_win[1] = {\"build.bat\", \"*compilation*\", true , true };\n"); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_win[2] = {\"%.*s\\\\%.*s\", \"*run*\", false , true };\n", output_dir.size, output_dir.str, binary_file.size, binary_file.str); replace_str(&code_file, "\\\\", "/"); replace_str(&output_dir, "\\\\", "/"); replace_str(&binary_file, "\\\\", "/"); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_linux[1] = {\"./build.sh\", \"*compilation*\", true , true };\n"); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_linux[2] = {\"%.*s/%.*s\", \"*run*\", false , true };\n", output_dir.size, output_dir.str, binary_file.size, binary_file.str); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_mac[1] = {\"./build.sh\", \"*compilation*\", true , true };\n"); fprintf(project_script, "fkey_command_mac[2] = {\"%.*s/%.*s\", \"*run*\", false , true };\n", output_dir.size, output_dir.str, binary_file.size, binary_file.str); fclose(project_script); } else{ print_message(app, literal("could not create project.4coder for new project\n")); } } else{ print_message(app, literal("project.4coder already exists, no changes made to it\n")); } } else{ print_message(app, literal("project already setup, no changes made\n")); } } #endif // BOTTOM