/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 19.08.2015 * * Viewing * */ // TOP function void begin_handling_input(Models *models, User_Input *input){ block_copy_struct(&models->current_input, input); models->current_input_sequence_number += 1; } //////////////////////////////// internal void init_query_set(Query_Set *set){ Query_Slot *slot = set->slots; set->free_slot = slot; set->used_slot = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i+1 < ArrayCount(set->slots); ++i, ++slot){ slot->next = slot + 1; } } internal Query_Slot* alloc_query_slot(Query_Set *set){ Query_Slot *slot = set->free_slot; if (slot != 0){ set->free_slot = slot->next; slot->next = set->used_slot; set->used_slot = slot; } return(slot); } internal void free_query_slot(Query_Set *set, Query_Bar *match_bar){ Query_Slot *slot = 0; Query_Slot *prev = 0; for (slot = set->used_slot; slot != 0; slot = slot->next){ if (slot->query_bar == match_bar) break; prev = slot; } if (slot){ if (prev){ prev->next = slot->next; } else{ set->used_slot = slot->next; } slot->next = set->free_slot; set->free_slot = slot; } } function void free_all_queries(Query_Set *set){ for (;set->used_slot != 0;){ Query_Slot *slot = set->used_slot; set->used_slot = slot->next; slot->next = set->free_slot; set->free_slot = slot; } } //////////////////////////////// internal Access_Flag view_get_access_flags(View *view){ Access_Flag result = file_get_access_flags(view->file); View_Context_Node *node = view->ctx; b32 hides_buffer = (node != 0 && node->ctx.hides_buffer); if (hides_buffer){ RemFlag(result, Access_Visible); } return(result); } internal i32 view_get_index(Live_Views *live_set, View *view){ return((i32)(view - live_set->views)); } internal View_ID view_get_id(Live_Views *live_set, View *view){ return((View_ID)(view - live_set->views) + 1); } internal View* live_set_alloc_view(Lifetime_Allocator *lifetime_allocator, Live_Views *live_set, Panel *panel){ Assert(live_set->count < live_set->max); ++live_set->count; View *result = live_set->free_sentinel.next; dll_remove(result); block_zero_struct(result); result->in_use = true; init_query_set(&result->query_set); result->lifetime_object = lifetime_alloc_object(lifetime_allocator, DynamicWorkspace_View, result); panel->view = result; result->panel = panel; return(result); } internal void live_set_free_view(Lifetime_Allocator *lifetime_allocator, Live_Views *live_set, View *view){ Assert(live_set->count > 0); --live_set->count; view->next = live_set->free_sentinel.next; view->prev = &live_set->free_sentinel; live_set->free_sentinel.next = view; view->next->prev = view; view->in_use = false; lifetime_free_object(lifetime_allocator, view->lifetime_object); } //////////////////////////////// internal File_Edit_Positions view_get_edit_pos(View *view){ return(view->edit_pos_); } internal void view_set_edit_pos(View *view, File_Edit_Positions edit_pos){ edit_pos.scroll.position.line_number = clamp_bot(1, edit_pos.scroll.position.line_number); edit_pos.scroll.target.line_number = clamp_bot(1, edit_pos.scroll.target.line_number); view->edit_pos_ = edit_pos; view->file->state.edit_pos_most_recent = edit_pos; } //////////////////////////////// internal Rect_f32 view_get_buffer_rect(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ Rect_f32 region = Rf32(view->panel->rect_full); if (models->buffer_region != 0){ Rect_f32 rect = region; Rect_f32 sub_region = Rf32(V2f32(0, 0), rect_dim(rect)); Application_Links app = {}; app.tctx = tctx; app.cmd_context = models; sub_region = models->buffer_region(&app, view_get_id(&models->view_set, view), sub_region); region.p0 = rect.p0 + sub_region.p0; region.p1 = rect.p0 + sub_region.p1; region.x1 = clamp_top(region.x1, rect.x1); region.y1 = clamp_top(region.y1, rect.y1); region.x0 = clamp_top(region.x0, region.x1); region.y0 = clamp_top(region.y0, region.y1); } return(region); } internal f32 view_width(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ return(rect_width(view_get_buffer_rect(tctx, models, view))); } internal f32 view_height(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ return(rect_height(view_get_buffer_rect(tctx, models, view))); } //////////////////////////////// internal Layout_Item_List view_get_line_layout(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 line_number){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_get_line_layout(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_number)); } internal Line_Shift_Vertical view_line_shift_y(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 line_number, f32 y_delta){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_line_shift_y(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_number, y_delta)); } internal f32 view_line_y_difference(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 line_a, i64 line_b){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_line_y_difference(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_a, line_b)); } internal i64 view_pos_at_relative_xy(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, Vec2_f32 relative_xy){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_pos_at_relative_xy(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, base_line, relative_xy)); } internal Rect_f32 view_relative_box_of_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, i64 pos){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_relative_box_of_pos(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, base_line, pos)); } internal Vec2_f32 view_relative_xy_of_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, i64 pos){ Rect_f32 rect = view_relative_box_of_pos(tctx, models, view, base_line, pos); return(rect_center(rect)); } function Rect_f32 view_padded_box_of_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, i64 pos){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_padded_box_of_pos(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, base_line, pos)); } internal Buffer_Point view_normalize_buffer_point(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Point point){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_normalize_buffer_point(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, point)); } internal Vec2_f32 view_buffer_point_difference(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Point a, Buffer_Point b){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_buffer_point_difference(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, a, b)); } internal Buffer_Point view_move_buffer_point(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Point buffer_point, Vec2_f32 delta){ delta += buffer_point.pixel_shift; Line_Shift_Vertical shift = view_line_shift_y(tctx, models, view, buffer_point.line_number, delta.y); buffer_point.line_number = shift.line; buffer_point.pixel_shift = V2f32(delta.x, delta.y - shift.y_delta); return(buffer_point); } internal Line_Shift_Character view_line_shift_characters(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 line_number, i64 character_delta){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_line_shift_characters(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_number, character_delta)); } internal i64 view_line_character_difference(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 line_a, i64 line_b){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_line_character_difference(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, line_a, line_b)); } internal i64 view_pos_from_relative_character(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, i64 relative_character){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_pos_from_relative_character(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, base_line, relative_character)); } internal i64 view_relative_character_from_pos(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 base_line, i64 pos){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); f32 width = view_width(tctx, models, view); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); return(file_relative_character_from_pos(tctx, models, file, layout_func, width, face, base_line, pos)); } internal Buffer_Cursor view_compute_cursor(View *view, Buffer_Seek seek){ Editing_File *file = view->file; return(file_compute_cursor(file, seek)); } //////////////////////////////// internal b32 view_move_view_to_cursor(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Scroll *scroll){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); Rect_f32 rect = view_get_buffer_rect(tctx, models, view); Vec2_f32 view_dim = rect_dim(rect); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view); Vec2_f32 p = file_relative_xy_of_pos(tctx, models, file, layout_func, view_dim.x, face, scroll->target.line_number, edit_pos.cursor_pos); p -= scroll->target.pixel_shift; f32 line_height = face->metrics.line_height; f32 normal_advance = face->metrics.normal_advance; Vec2_f32 margin = view->cursor_margin; Vec2_f32 push_in = view->cursor_push_in_multiplier; Vec2_f32 lim_dim = view_dim*0.45f; margin.x = clamp_top(margin.x, lim_dim.x); margin.y = clamp_top(margin.y, lim_dim.y); Vec2_f32 push_in_lim_dim = hadamard(lim_dim, V2f32(1.f/line_height, 1.f/normal_advance)) - margin; push_in_lim_dim.x = clamp_bot(0.f, push_in_lim_dim.x); push_in_lim_dim.y = clamp_bot(0.f, push_in_lim_dim.y); push_in.x = clamp_top(push_in.x, push_in_lim_dim.x); push_in.y = clamp_top(push_in.y, push_in_lim_dim.y); Vec2_f32 target_p_relative = {}; if (p.y < margin.y){ target_p_relative.y = p.y - margin.y - line_height*push_in.y; } else if (p.y > view_dim.y - margin.y){ target_p_relative.y = (p.y + margin.y + line_height*push_in.y) - view_dim.y; } if (p.x < margin.x){ target_p_relative.x = p.x - margin.x - normal_advance*push_in.x; } else if (p.x > view_dim.x - margin.x){ target_p_relative.x = (p.x + margin.x + normal_advance*push_in.x) - view_dim.x; } scroll->target.pixel_shift += target_p_relative; scroll->target = view_normalize_buffer_point(tctx, models, view, scroll->target); scroll->target.pixel_shift.x = f32_round32(scroll->target.pixel_shift.x); scroll->target.pixel_shift.y = f32_round32(scroll->target.pixel_shift.y); return(target_p_relative != V2f32(0.f, 0.f)); } internal b32 view_move_cursor_to_view(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Scroll scroll, i64 *pos_in_out, f32 preferred_x){ Editing_File *file = view->file; Face *face = file_get_face(models, file); Rect_f32 rect = view_get_buffer_rect(tctx, models, view); Vec2_f32 view_dim = rect_dim(rect); Layout_Function *layout_func = file_get_layout_func(file); Vec2_f32 p = file_relative_xy_of_pos(tctx, models, file, layout_func, view_dim.x, face, scroll.target.line_number, *pos_in_out); p -= scroll.target.pixel_shift; f32 line_height = face->metrics.line_height; b32 adjusted_y = true; if (p.y < 0.f){ p.y = line_height*1.5f; } else if (p.y > view_dim.y){ p.y = view_dim.y - line_height*1.5f; } else{ adjusted_y = false; } b32 result = false; if (adjusted_y){ p += scroll.target.pixel_shift; *pos_in_out = file_pos_at_relative_xy(tctx, models, file, layout_func, view_dim.x, face, scroll.target.line_number, p); result = true; } return(result); } internal void view_set_cursor(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 pos){ File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view); file_edit_positions_set_cursor(&edit_pos, pos); view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); Buffer_Scroll scroll = edit_pos.scroll; if (view_move_view_to_cursor(tctx, models, view, &scroll)){ edit_pos.scroll = scroll; view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); } } internal void view_set_scroll(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Buffer_Scroll scroll){ File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view); file_edit_positions_set_scroll(&edit_pos, scroll); view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); if (view_move_cursor_to_view(tctx, models, view, edit_pos.scroll, &edit_pos.cursor_pos, view->preferred_x)){ view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); } } internal void view_set_cursor_and_scroll(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, i64 pos, Buffer_Scroll scroll){ File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view); file_edit_positions_set_cursor(&edit_pos, pos); Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(view, seek_pos(pos)); Vec2_f32 p = view_relative_xy_of_pos(tctx, models, view, cursor.line, pos); view->preferred_x = p.x; file_edit_positions_set_scroll(&edit_pos, scroll); edit_pos.last_set_type = EditPos_None; view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); } //////////////////////////////// internal void view_set_file(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Editing_File *file){ Assert(file != 0); Editing_File *old_file = view->file; if (models->view_change_buffer != 0){ Application_Links app = {}; app.tctx = tctx; app.cmd_context = models; models->view_change_buffer(&app, view_get_id(&models->view_set, view), (old_file != 0)?old_file->id:0, file->id); } if (old_file != 0){ file_touch(&models->working_set, old_file); file_edit_positions_push(old_file, view_get_edit_pos(view)); } view->file = file; File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = file_edit_positions_pop(file); view_set_edit_pos(view, edit_pos); view->mark = edit_pos.cursor_pos; Buffer_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(view, seek_pos(edit_pos.cursor_pos)); Vec2_f32 p = view_relative_xy_of_pos(tctx, models, view, cursor.line, edit_pos.cursor_pos); view->preferred_x = p.x; models->layout.panel_state_dirty = true; } //////////////////////////////// function void view_push_context(View *view, View_Context *ctx){ Temp_Memory pop_me = begin_temp(&view->node_arena); View_Context_Node *node = push_array_zero(&view->node_arena, View_Context_Node, 1); sll_stack_push(view->ctx, node); node->pop_me = pop_me; block_copy_struct(&node->ctx, ctx); node->delta_rule_memory = push_array_zero(&view->node_arena, u8, ctx->delta_rule_memory_size); } function void view_alter_context(View *view, View_Context *ctx){ View_Context_Node *node = view->ctx; Assert(node != 0); block_copy_struct(&node->ctx, ctx); } function void view_pop_context(View *view){ View_Context_Node *node = view->ctx; if (node != 0 && node->next != 0){ sll_stack_pop(view->ctx); end_temp(node->pop_me); } } function View_Context_Node* view_current_context_node(View *view){ return(view->ctx); } function View_Context view_current_context(View *view){ View_Context ctx = {}; View_Context_Node *node = view->ctx; if (node != 0){ block_copy_struct(&ctx, &node->ctx); } return(ctx); } //////////////////////////////// internal Coroutine* co_handle_request(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_Out *out){ Coroutine *result = 0; switch (out->request){ case CoRequest_NewFontFace: { Face_Description *description = out->face_description; Face *face = font_set_new_face(&models->font_set, description); Co_In in = {}; in.face_id = (face != 0)?face->id:0; result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, &in, out); }break; case CoRequest_ModifyFace: { Face_Description *description = out->face_description; Face_ID face_id = out->face_id; Co_In in = {}; in.success = font_set_modify_face(&models->font_set, face_id, description); result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, &in, out); }break; case CoRequest_AcquireGlobalFrameMutex: { system_acquire_global_frame_mutex(tctx); result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, 0, out); }break; case CoRequest_ReleaseGlobalFrameMutex: { system_release_global_frame_mutex(tctx); result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, 0, out); }break; } return(result); } internal Coroutine* co_run(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Coroutine *co, Co_In *in, Co_Out *out){ Coroutine *result = coroutine_run(&models->coroutines, co, in, out); for (;result != 0 && out->request != CoRequest_None;){ result = co_handle_request(tctx, models, result, out); } return(result); } internal void view_event_context_base__inner(Coroutine *coroutine){ Co_In *in = (Co_In*)coroutine->in; Models *models = in->models; Custom_Command_Function *event_context_base = in->event_context_base; Assert(event_context_base != 0); Application_Links app = {}; app.tctx = coroutine->tctx; app.cmd_context = models; event_context_base(&app); } function void view_init(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Editing_File *initial_buffer, Custom_Command_Function *event_context_base){ view_set_file(tctx, models, view, initial_buffer); view->node_arena = make_arena_system(); View_Context first_ctx = {}; first_ctx.render_caller = models->render_caller; first_ctx.delta_rule = models->delta_rule; first_ctx.delta_rule_memory_size = models->delta_rule_memory_size; view_push_context(view, &first_ctx); view->cursor_margin = V2f32(0.f, 0.f); view->cursor_push_in_multiplier = V2f32(1.5f, 1.5f); view->co = coroutine_create(&models->coroutines, view_event_context_base__inner); view->co->user_data = view; Co_In in = {}; in.models = models; in.event_context_base = event_context_base; view->co = co_run(tctx, models, view->co, &in, &view->co_out); // TODO(allen): deal with this kind of problem! Assert(view->co != 0); } // TODO(allen): This doesn't make any sense!!!!!! COROUTINE SHUTDOWN? VIEW CLOSING? WADAFUQ? function b32 view_close(Models *models, View *view){ Layout *layout = &models->layout; b32 result = false; if (layout_close_panel(layout, view->panel)){ if (view->co != 0){ models_push_wind_down(models, view->co); } live_set_free_view(&models->lifetime_allocator, &models->view_set, view); result = true; } return(result); } internal void view_check_co_exited(Models *models, View *view){ if (view->co == 0){ b32 result = view_close(models, view); // TODO(allen): Here it looks like the final view has // exited from it's event handler. We should probably // have a failsafe restarter for the event handler when // this happens. Assert(result); } } // TODO(allen): This is dumb. Let's rethink view cleanup strategy. internal void co_single_abort(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ Coroutine *co = view->co; Co_In in = {}; in.user_input.abort = true; view->co = co_run(tctx, models, co, &in, &view->co_out); view_check_co_exited(models, view); } internal void co_full_abort(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ Coroutine *co = view->co; Co_In in = {}; in.user_input.abort = true; for (u32 j = 0; j < 100 && co != 0; ++j){ co = co_run(tctx, models, co, &in, &view->co_out); } if (co != 0){ Application_Links app = {}; app.tctx = tctx; app.cmd_context = models; #define M "SERIOUS ERROR: full stack abort did not complete" print_message(&app, string_u8_litexpr(M)); #undef M } view->co = 0; init_query_set(&view->query_set); } function b32 co_send_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Input_Event *event){ b32 event_was_handled = false; Coroutine *co = view->co; Co_Out *co_out = &view->co_out; { models->current_input_unhandled = false; Co_In in = {}; in.user_input.event = *event; in.user_input.abort = false; begin_handling_input(models, &in.user_input); view->co = co_run(tctx, models, view->co, &in, &view->co_out); view_check_co_exited(models, view); if (!(event->kind == InputEventKind_Core && event->core.code == CoreCode_Animate)){ models->animate_next_frame = true; } event_was_handled = !models->current_input_unhandled; } return(event_was_handled); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Core_Code code, String_Const_u8 string){ Input_Event event = {}; event.kind = InputEventKind_Core; event.core.code = code; event.core.string = string; return(co_send_event(tctx, models, view, &event)); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Core_Code code, Buffer_ID id){ Input_Event event = {}; event.kind = InputEventKind_Core; event.core.code = code; event.core.id = id; return(co_send_event(tctx, models, view, &event)); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view, Core_Code code){ return(co_send_core_event(tctx, models, view, code, SCu8())); } function b32 co_send_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Input_Event *event){ Panel *active_panel = models->layout.active_panel; View *view = active_panel->view; return(co_send_event(tctx, models, view, event)); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Core_Code code, String_Const_u8 string){ Panel *active_panel = models->layout.active_panel; View *view = active_panel->view; return(co_send_core_event(tctx, models, view, code, string)); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Core_Code code, Buffer_ID buffer_id){ Panel *active_panel = models->layout.active_panel; View *view = active_panel->view; return(co_send_core_event(tctx, models, view, code, buffer_id)); } function b32 co_send_core_event(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Core_Code code){ return(co_send_core_event(tctx, models, code, SCu8())); } //////////////////////////////// function void view_quit_ui(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, View *view){ for (u32 j = 0;; j += 1){ if (j == 100){ Application_Links app = {}; app.tctx = tctx; app.cmd_context = models; #define M "SERIOUS ERROR: view quit ui did not complete" print_message(&app, string_u8_litexpr(M)); #undef M break; } View_Context_Node *ctx = view->ctx; if (ctx->next == 0){ break; } co_single_abort(tctx, models, view); } } //////////////////////////////// internal b32 file_is_viewed(Layout *layout, Editing_File *file){ b32 is_viewed = false; for (Panel *panel = layout_get_first_open_panel(layout); panel != 0; panel = layout_get_next_open_panel(layout, panel)){ View *view = panel->view; if (view->file == file){ is_viewed = true; break; } } return(is_viewed); } internal void adjust_views_looking_at_file_to_new_cursor(Thread_Context *tctx, Models *models, Editing_File *file){ Layout *layout = &models->layout; for (Panel *panel = layout_get_first_open_panel(layout); panel != 0; panel = layout_get_next_open_panel(layout, panel)){ View *view = panel->view; if (view->file == file){ File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view); view_set_cursor(tctx, models, view, edit_pos.cursor_pos); } } } internal void global_set_font_and_update_files(Models *models, Face *new_global_face){ for (Node *node = models->working_set.active_file_sentinel.next; node != &models->working_set.active_file_sentinel; node = node->next){ Editing_File *file = CastFromMember(Editing_File, main_chain_node, node); file->settings.face_id = new_global_face->id; } models->global_face_id = new_global_face->id; } internal b32 release_font_and_update(Models *models, Face *face, Face *replacement_face){ b32 success = false; Assert(replacement_face != 0 && replacement_face != face); if (font_set_release_face(&models->font_set, face->id)){ for (Node *node = models->working_set.active_file_sentinel.next; node != &models->working_set.active_file_sentinel; node = node->next){ Editing_File *file = CastFromMember(Editing_File, main_chain_node, node); if (file->settings.face_id == face->id){ file->settings.face_id = replacement_face->id; } } if (models->global_face_id == face->id){ models->global_face_id = replacement_face->id; } success = true; } return(success); } //////////////////////////////// internal View* imp_get_view(Models *models, View_ID view_id){ Live_Views *view_set = &models->view_set; View *view = 0; view_id -= 1; if (0 <= view_id && view_id < view_set->max){ view = view_set->views + view_id; if (!view->in_use){ view = 0; } } return(view); } // BOTTOM