§2.2.21: save_buffer
int save_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *filename, int filename_len, unsigned int flags)
+DOC_PARAM(buffer, the buffer to save to a file)
+DOC_PARAM(filename, the name of the file to save the buffer into)
+DOC_PARAM(filename_len, length of the filename string)
+DOC_PARAM(flags, not currently used)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero if the save succeeds)
§2.2.22: kill_buffer
int kill_buffer(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Identifier buffer, int view_id, unsigned int flags)
+DOC_PARAM(buffer, a buffer identifier specifying the buffer to try to kill)
+DOC_PARAM(view_id, the id of view that will contain the "are you sure" dialogue)
+DOC_PARAM(flags, flags for buffer kill behavior)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero if the kill succeeds)
+Tries to kill the idenfied buffer. If the buffer is dirty and the "are you sure"
+dialogue needs to be displayed the provided view is used to show the dialogue.
+If the view is not open the kill fails.
§2.2.23: get_view_first
View_Summary get_view_first(Application_Links *app, unsigned int access)
+DOC_PARAM(access, the access flags for the access)
+DOC_RETURN(returns the summary of the first view in a view loop)
+Begins a loop across all the open views.
+If the view summary returned is NULL, the loop is finished.
+Views should not be closed or opened durring a view loop.
§2.2.24: get_view_next
void get_view_next(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, unsigned int access)
+DOC_PARAM(view, pointer to the loop view originally returned by get_view_first)
+DOC_PARAM(access, the access flags for the access)
+Writes the next view into the view struct. To get predictable results every
+call to get_view_first and get_view_next in the loop should have the same
+access flags.
+If the view summary returned is NULL, the loop is finished.
+Views should not be closed or opened durring a view loop.
§2.2.25: get_view
View_Summary get_view(Application_Links *app, int view_id, unsigned int access)
+DOC_PARAM(view_id, the id of the view to get)
+DOC_PARAM(access, the access flags for the access)
+DOC_RETURN(returns a summary that describes the indicated view if it is open and is accessible)
§2.2.26: get_active_view
View_Summary get_active_view(Application_Links *app, unsigned int access)
+DOC_PARAM(access, the access flags for the access)
+DOC_RETURN(returns a summary that describes the active view)
§2.2.27: view_compute_cursor
int view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the view on which to run the cursor computation)
+DOC_PARAM(seek, the seek position)
+DOC_PARAM(cursor_out, on success this is filled with result of the seek)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+Computes a full cursor for the given seek position.
§2.2.28: view_set_cursor
int view_set_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, int set_preferred_x)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the view in which to set the cursor)
+DOC_PARAM(seek, the seek position)
+DOC_PARAM(set_preferred_x, if true the preferred x is updated to match the new cursor position)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+Sets the the view's cursor position. set_preferred_x should usually be true unless the change in
+cursor position is is a vertical motion that tries to keep the cursor in the same column or x position.
§2.2.29: view_set_mark
int view_set_mark(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the view in which to set the mark)
+DOC_PARAM(seek, the seek position)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+Sets the the view's mark position.
§2.2.30: view_set_highlight
int view_set_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, int start, int end, int turn_on)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the view to set the highlight in)
+DOC_PARAM(start, the start of the highlight range)
+DOC_PARAM(end, the end of the highlight range)
+DOC_PARAM(turn_on, indicates whether the highlight is being turned on or off)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+The highlight is mutually exclusive to the cursor. When the turn_on parameter
+is set to true the highlight will be shown and the cursor will be hidden. After
+that either setting the with view_set_cursor or calling view_set_highlight and
+the turn_on set to false, will switch back to showing the cursor.
§2.2.31: view_set_buffer
int view_set_buffer(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, int buffer_id, unsigned int flags)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the view to display the buffer in)
+DOC_PARAM(buffer_id, the buffer to show in the view)
+DOC_PARAM(flags, set buffer behavior flags)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+On success view_set_buffer sets the specified view's current buffer and
+cancels and dialogue shown in the view and displays the file.
§2.2.32: view_post_fade
int view_post_fade(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, float seconds, int start, int end, unsigned int color)
+DOC_PARAM(view, the veiw to post a fade effect to)
+DOC_PARAM(seconds, the number of seconds the fade effect should last)
+DOC_PARAM(start, the first character in the fade range)
+DOC_PARAM(end, one after the last character in the fade range)
+DOC_PARAM(color, the color to fade from)
§2.2.33: view_set_paste_rewrite_
void view_set_paste_rewrite_(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view)
No doc generated ~ assume this call is not meant to be public
§2.2.34: view_get_paste_rewrite_
int view_get_paste_rewrite_(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view)
No doc generated ~ assume this call is not meant to be public
§2.2.35: get_user_input
User_Input get_user_input(Application_Links *app, unsigned int get_type, unsigned int abort_type)
+DOC_PARAM(get_type, input type flag that specifies the types of inputs that should be returned)
+DOC_PARAM(abort_type, input type flag that specifies the types of inputs that should cause an abort signal)
+DOC_RETURN(returns a User_Input that describes an event passed to the command)
+This call preempts the command. The command is resumed if either a get or abort condition
+is met, or if another command is executed. If either the abort condition is met or another
+command is executed an abort signal is returned. If an abort signal is ever returned the
+command should finish execution without any more calls that preempt the command.
+If a get condition is met the user input is returned
§2.2.36: get_command_input
User_Input get_command_input(Application_Links *app)
+DOC_RETURN(returns the input that triggered the command in execution.)
§2.2.37: get_mouse_state
Mouse_State get_mouse_state(Application_Links *app)
+DOC_RETURN(returns the current mouse state)
§2.2.38: start_query_bar
int start_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, unsigned int flags)
+DOC_PARAM(bar, a pointer to the Query_Bar struct that defines the bar's contents)
+DOC_PARAM(flags, not currently used)
+DOC_RETURN(returns non-zero on success)
+The memory pointed to by bar must remain valid until a call to end_query_bar or
+until the command returns.
§2.2.39: end_query_bar
void end_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, unsigned int flags)
+DOC_PARAM(bar, a pointer to the Query_Bar struct to end)
+DOC_PARAM(flags, not currently used)
+bar must be a pointer previously passed to start_query_bar previously in the same command.
§2.2.40: print_message
void print_message(Application_Links *app, char *str, int len)
+DOC_PARAM(str, the string to post to *messages*)
+DOC_PARAM(len, the length of str string)
§2.2.41: change_theme
void change_theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, int len)
+DOC_PARAM(name, the name of the built in theme to change to)
+DOC_PARAM(len, the length of the name string)
§2.2.42: change_font
void change_font(Application_Links *app, char *name, int len)
+DOC_PARAM(name, the name of the built in font to change to)
+DOC_PARAM(len, the length of the name string)
§2.2.43: set_theme_colors
void set_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, int count)
+DOC_PARAM(colors, an array of color structs pairing differet style tags to color codes)
+DOC_PARAM(count, the number of color structs in the colors array)
+For each color struct in the array, the color in the style pallet is set to the color
+code paired with the tag.
§2.2.44: get_theme_colors
void get_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, int count)
+DOC_PARAM(colors, an array of color structs listing style tags to get color values for)
+DOC_PARAM(count, the number of color structs in the colors array)
+For each color struct in the array, the color field of the struct is filled with the
+color from the specified color in the pallet.