more adjustments to scrolling system
@ -1657,7 +1657,6 @@ char * file_name;<br>
int32_t file_name_len;<br>
char * buffer_name;<br>
int32_t buffer_name_len;<br>
int32_t buffer_cursor_pos;<br>
bool32 is_lexed;<br>
int32_t map_id;<br>
@ -1702,10 +1701,6 @@ int32_t map_id;<br>
<div style='margin-bottom: 6mm;'><div style='margin-left: 5mm; margin-right: 5mm;'>This field specifies the length of the buffer_name string.</div></div>
<div style='font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; text-align: left;'><span style='font-weight: 600;'>buffer_cursor_pos</span></div>
<div style='margin-bottom: 6mm;'><div style='margin-left: 5mm; margin-right: 5mm;'>This is a hold over from an old system, consider it deprecated.</div></div>
<div style='font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; text-align: left;'><span style='font-weight: 600;'>is_lexed</span></div>
<div style='margin-bottom: 6mm;'><div style='margin-left: 5mm; margin-right: 5mm;'>If this is not a null summary, this field indicates whether the buffer is set to lex tokens.</div></div>
@ -632,9 +632,10 @@ SEEK_COMMAND(alphanumeric_or_camel, left, BoundaryAlphanumeric | BoundaryCamelC
static void
write_string(Application_Links *app, String string){
unsigned int access = AccessOpen;
Buffer_Summary buffer = get_active_buffer(app, access);
View_Summary view = app->get_active_view(app, access);
Buffer_Summary buffer = app->get_buffer(app, view.buffer_id, access);
app->buffer_replace_range(app, &buffer,
buffer.buffer_cursor_pos, buffer.buffer_cursor_pos,
view.cursor.pos, view.cursor.pos,
string.str, string.size);
@ -461,8 +461,6 @@ struct Buffer_Summary{
/* DOC(This field specifies the length of the buffer_name string.) */
int32_t buffer_name_len;
/* DOC(This is a hold over from an old system, consider it deprecated.) */
int32_t buffer_cursor_pos;
/* DOC(If this is not a null summary, this field indicates whether the buffer is set to lex tokens.) */
bool32 is_lexed;
/* DOC(If this is not a null summary, this field specifies the id of the command map for this buffer.) */
@ -320,16 +320,16 @@ COMMAND_DECL(center_view){
f32 y = 0, h = 0;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
y = view->recent.cursor.unwrapped_y;
y = view->edit_poss.cursor.unwrapped_y;
y = view->recent.cursor.wrapped_y;
y = view->edit_poss.cursor.wrapped_y;
h = view_file_height(view);
y = clamp_bottom(0.f, y - h*.5f);
view->recent.scroll.target_y = ROUND32(y);
view->edit_poss.scroll.target_y = ROUND32(y);
@ -338,39 +338,14 @@ COMMAND_DECL(left_adjust_view){
f32 x = 0;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
x = view->recent.cursor.unwrapped_x;
x = view->edit_poss.cursor.unwrapped_x;
x = view->recent.cursor.wrapped_x;
x = view->edit_poss.cursor.wrapped_x;
x = clamp_bottom(0.f, x - 30.f);
view->recent.scroll.target_x = ROUND32(x);
REQ_FILE(file, view);
i32_Rect file_region = view->file_region;
Mouse_State mouse = direct_get_mouse_state(&vars->available_input);
f32 max_y = view_file_height(view);
f32 max_x = view_file_width(view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view->gui_target.scroll_updated;
f32 rx = (f32)(mouse.x - file_region.x0);
f32 ry = (f32)(mouse.y - file_region.y0);
if (ry >= 0){
if (rx >= 0 && rx < max_x && ry >= 0 && ry < max_y){
rx + scroll_vars.scroll_x,
ry + scroll_vars.scroll_y,
view->edit_poss.scroll.target_x = ROUND32(x);
@ -383,49 +358,40 @@ COMMAND_DECL(word_complete){
General_Memory *general = &models->mem.general;
Working_Set *working_set = &models->working_set;
Complete_State *complete_state = &vars->complete_state;
Search_Range *ranges;
Search_Match match;
Search_Range *ranges = 0;
Temp_Memory temp;
Buffer_Type *buffer = &file->state.buffer;
i32 size_of_buffer = buffer_size(buffer);
Buffer_Type *buffer;
Buffer_Backify_Type loop;
char *data;
i32 end;
i32 size_of_buffer;
i32 cursor_pos = 0;
i32 word_start = 0;
i32 word_end = 0;
char c = 0;
i32 cursor_pos, word_start, word_end;
char c;
char *spare;
i32 size;
i32 match_size;
b32 do_init = 0;
buffer = &file->state.buffer;
size_of_buffer = buffer_size(buffer);
char *spare = 0;
i32 size = 0;
b32 do_init = false;
if (view->mode.rewrite != 2){
do_init = 1;
do_init = true;
view->next_mode.rewrite = 2;
if (complete_state->initialized == 0){
do_init = 1;
do_init = true;
if (do_init){
word_end = view->recent.cursor.pos;
word_end = view->edit_poss.cursor.pos;
word_start = word_end;
cursor_pos = word_end - 1;
// TODO(allen): macros for these buffer loops and some method of breaking out of them.
for (loop = buffer_backify_loop(buffer, cursor_pos, 0);
// TODO(allen): macros for these buffer loops and some method
// of breaking out of them.
for (Buffer_Backify_Type loop = buffer_backify_loop(buffer, cursor_pos, 0);
end = loop.absolute_pos;
data = - loop.absolute_pos;
i32 end = loop.absolute_pos;
char *data = - loop.absolute_pos;
for (; cursor_pos >= end; --cursor_pos){
c = data[cursor_pos];
if (char_is_alpha(c)){
@ -495,10 +461,12 @@ COMMAND_DECL(word_complete){
if (size > 0){
for (;;){
match = search_next_match(part, &complete_state->set, &complete_state->iter);
i32 match_size = 0;
Search_Match match =
search_next_match(part, &complete_state->set, &complete_state->iter);
if (match.found_match){
temp = begin_temp_memory(part);
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part);
match_size = match.end - match.start;
spare = (char*)push_array(part, char, match_size);
buffer_stringify(match.buffer, match.start, match.end, spare);
@ -674,21 +642,18 @@ COMMAND_DECL(toggle_line_wrap){
REQ_FILE(file, view);
// TODO(allen): WHAT TO DO HERE???
Relative_Scrolling scrolling = view_get_relative_scrolling(view);
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
view->file_data.unwrapped_lines = 0;
file->settings.unwrapped_lines = 0;
view->recent.scroll.target_x = 0;
view->recent.cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(
view, view->recent.cursor.pos);
view->recent.preferred_x = view->recent.cursor.wrapped_x;
view->edit_poss.scroll.target_x = 0;
view_cursor_move(view, view->edit_poss.cursor.pos);
view->file_data.unwrapped_lines = 1;
file->settings.unwrapped_lines = 1;
view->recent.cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->recent.cursor.pos);
view->recent.preferred_x = view->recent.cursor.unwrapped_x;
view_cursor_move(view, view->edit_poss.cursor.pos);
view_set_relative_scrolling(view, scrolling);
@ -718,7 +683,7 @@ case_change_range(System_Functions *system,
Mem_Options *mem, View *view, Editing_File *file,
u8 a, u8 z, u8 char_delta){
Range range = make_range(view->recent.cursor.pos, view->recent.mark);
Range range = make_range(view->edit_poss.cursor.pos, view->edit_poss.mark);
if (range.start < range.end){
Edit_Step step = {};
step.type = ED_NORMAL;
@ -929,25 +894,24 @@ COMMAND_DECL(page_down){
i32 height = CEIL32(view_file_height(view));
i32 max_target_y = view->recent.scroll.max_y;
f32 y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
f32 x = view->edit_poss.preferred_x;
view->recent.scroll.target_y =
clamp_top(view->recent.scroll.target_y + height, max_target_y);
view->recent.cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, 0, view->recent.scroll.target_y + (height - view->line_height)*.5f);
Full_Cursor cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, x, y+height);
edit_pos_set_cursor(&view->edit_poss, cursor, false, view->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
i32 height = CEIL32(view_file_height(view));
f32 y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
f32 x = view->edit_poss.preferred_x;
view->recent.scroll.target_y =
clamp_bottom(0, view->recent.scroll.target_y - height);
view->recent.cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, 0, view->recent.scroll.target_y + (height - view->line_height)*.5f);
Full_Cursor cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, x, y-height);
edit_pos_set_cursor(&view->edit_poss, cursor, false, view->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
@ -2569,7 +2533,11 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
summary.mouse = mouse_state;
GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = view->current_scroll;
GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = &view->edit_poss.scroll;
if (view->showing_ui != VUI_None){
scroll_vars = &view->gui_scroll;
Input_Process_Result ip_result =
do_step_file_view(system, view, panel->inner, active,
&summary, *scroll_vars, view->scroll_region);
@ -2584,8 +2552,16 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
consume_input(&vars->available_input, Input_MouseRightButton,
"file view step");
Assert(view->current_scroll == scroll_vars);
if (!gui_scroll_eq(scroll_vars, &ip_result.vars)){
if (scroll_vars == &view->edit_poss.scroll){
edit_pos_set_scroll(&view->edit_poss, ip_result.vars);
*scroll_vars = ip_result.vars;
view->scroll_region = ip_result.region;
@ -2731,14 +2707,15 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
String welcome =
make_lit_string("Welcome to " VERSION "\n"
"If you're new to 4coder there's no tutorial yet :(\n"
"you can use the key combo control + o to look for a file\n"
"you can use the key combo <ctrl o> to look for a file\n"
"and if you load README.txt you'll find all the key combos there are.\n"
"Newest features:\n"
"-A scratch buffer is now opened with 4coder automatically\n"
"-<F2> toggels mouse suppression mode\n"
"-Experimental new work-flow for building a jumping to errors\n"
" (only available in power for this version)\n"
"-A new mouse suppression mode toggled by <F2>\n"
"-New 4coder_API.html documentation file included for the custom layer API\n"
"-Experimental new work-flow for building and jumping to errors\n"
" (only available in power for this build)\n"
"New in alpha 4.0.8:\n"
"-Eliminated the parameter stack\n"
@ -2750,12 +2727,12 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
"New in alpha 4.0.6:\n"
"-Tied the view scrolling and the list arrow navigation together\n"
"-Scroll bars are now toggleable with ALT-s for show and ALT-w for hide\n"
"-Scroll bars are now toggleable with <alt s> for show and <alt w> for hide\n"
"New in alpha 4.0.5:\n"
"-New indent rule\n"
"-app->buffer_compute_cursor in the customization API\n"
"-f keys are available\n"
"-f keys are available in the customization system now\n"
"New in alpha 4.0.3 and 4.0.4:\n"
"-Scroll bar on files and file lists\n"
@ -2949,8 +2926,15 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
draw_rectangle(target, full, back_color);
draw_push_clip(target, panel->inner);
do_render_file_view(system, view, cmd->view,
GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars = &view->edit_poss.scroll;
if (view->showing_ui != VUI_None){
scroll_vars = &view->gui_scroll;
do_render_file_view(system, view, scroll_vars, cmd->view,
panel->inner, active, target, &dead_input);
u32 margin_color;
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ fill_buffer_summary(Buffer_Summary *buffer, Editing_File *file, Working_Set *wor
buffer->is_lexed = file->settings.tokens_exist;
buffer->buffer_id = file->;
buffer->size = file->state.buffer.size;
buffer->buffer_cursor_pos = file->state.cursor_pos;
buffer->file_name_len = file->name.source_path.size;
buffer->buffer_name_len = file->name.live_name.size;
@ -67,12 +66,12 @@ fill_view_summary(View_Summary *view, View *vptr, Live_Views *live_set, Working_
view->buffer_id = buffer_id;
view->mark = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(vptr, vptr->recent.mark);
view->cursor = vptr->recent.cursor;
view->preferred_x = vptr->recent.preferred_x;
view->mark = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(vptr, vptr->edit_poss.mark);
view->cursor = vptr->edit_poss.cursor;
view->preferred_x = vptr->edit_poss.preferred_x;
view->file_region = vptr->file_region;
view->scroll_vars = *vptr->current_scroll;
view->scroll_vars = vptr->edit_poss.scroll;
@ -683,20 +682,14 @@ DOC_SEE(4coder_Buffer_Positioning_System)
bool32 result = false;
int32_t size = 0;
int32_t next_cursor = 0, pos = 0;
if (file){
size = buffer_size(&file->state.buffer);
if (0 <= start && start <= end && end <= size){
result = true;
pos = file->state.cursor_pos;
if (pos < start) next_cursor = pos;
else if (pos < end) next_cursor = start;
else next_cursor = pos + end - start - len;
file_replace_range(cmd->system, cmd->models,
file, start, end, str, len, next_cursor);
file, start, end, str, len, 0);
fill_buffer_summary(buffer, file, cmd);
@ -1242,12 +1235,10 @@ DOC_SEE(Buffer_Seek)
if (seek.type == buffer_seek_line_char && seek.character <= 0){
seek.character = 1;
vptr->recent.cursor = view_compute_cursor(vptr, seek);
if (set_preferred_x){
vptr->recent.preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(vptr);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(vptr, seek);
edit_pos_set_cursor(&vptr->edit_poss, cursor,
set_preferred_x, vptr->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
fill_view_summary(view, vptr, cmd);
file->state.cursor_pos = vptr->recent.cursor.pos;
@ -1271,10 +1262,10 @@ DOC_SEE(Buffer_Seek)
result = true;
if (seek.type != buffer_seek_pos){
cursor = view_compute_cursor(vptr, seek);
vptr->recent.mark = cursor.pos;
vptr->edit_poss.mark = cursor.pos;
vptr->recent.mark = seek.pos;
vptr->edit_poss.mark = seek.pos;
fill_view_summary(view, vptr, cmd);
@ -112,8 +112,6 @@ struct Editing_File_State{
i16 font_id;
Buffer_Type buffer;
i32 cursor_pos;
Undo_Data undo;
Cpp_Token_Stack token_stack;
@ -162,16 +162,23 @@ file_viewing_data_zero(){
struct Recent_File_Data{
enum Edit_Pos_Set_Type{
struct File_Edit_Positions{
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll;
Full_Cursor cursor;
i32 mark;
f32 preferred_x;
i32 scroll_i;
i32 last_set_type;
inline Recent_File_Data
Recent_File_Data data = {0};
inline File_Edit_Positions
File_Edit_Positions data = {0};
@ -223,16 +230,17 @@ struct View{
Command_Map *map;
File_Viewing_Data file_data;
#if 0
i32 prev_cursor_pos;
Scroll_Context prev_context;
i32_Rect file_region_prev;
i32_Rect file_region;
i32_Rect scroll_region;
Recent_File_Data recent;
GUI_Scroll_Vars *current_scroll;
File_Edit_Positions edit_poss;
View_UI showing_ui;
GUI_Target gui_target;
@ -679,7 +687,7 @@ inline i32
view_compute_max_target_y(View *view){
i32 lowest_line = view_compute_lowest_line(view);
i32 line_height = view->line_height;
f32 view_height = view_file_height(view);
f32 view_height = clamp_bottom((f32)line_height, view_file_height(view));
i32 max_target_y = view_compute_max_target_y(lowest_line, line_height, view_height);
@ -1490,6 +1498,28 @@ view_set_temp_highlight(View *view, i32 pos, i32 end_pos){
view->file_data.show_temp_highlight = 1;
internal void
edit_pos_set_cursor(File_Edit_Positions *edit_poss,
Full_Cursor cursor,
b32 set_preferred_x,
b32 unwrapped_lines){
edit_poss->cursor = cursor;
if (set_preferred_x){
edit_poss->preferred_x = cursor.wrapped_x;
if (unwrapped_lines){
edit_poss->preferred_x = cursor.unwrapped_x;
edit_poss->last_set_type = EditPos_CursorSet;
internal void
edit_pos_set_scroll(File_Edit_Positions *edit_poss,
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll){
edit_poss->scroll = scroll;
edit_poss->last_set_type = EditPos_ScrollSet;
inline i32
view_get_cursor_pos(View *view){
i32 result;
@ -1497,40 +1527,41 @@ view_get_cursor_pos(View *view){
result = view->file_data.temp_highlight.pos;
result = view->recent.cursor.pos;
result = view->edit_poss.cursor.pos;
return result;
inline f32
view_get_cursor_x(View *view){
f32 result;
Full_Cursor *cursor;
f32 result = 0;
Full_Cursor *cursor = &view->edit_poss.cursor;
if (view->file_data.show_temp_highlight){
cursor = &view->file_data.temp_highlight;
cursor = &view->recent.cursor;
result = cursor->wrapped_y;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
result = cursor->unwrapped_x;
result = cursor->wrapped_x;
return result;
inline f32
view_get_cursor_y(View *view){
Full_Cursor *cursor;
f32 result;
f32 result = 0;
if (view->file_data.show_temp_highlight) cursor = &view->file_data.temp_highlight;
else cursor = &view->recent.cursor;
Full_Cursor *cursor = &view->edit_poss.cursor;
if (view->file_data.show_temp_highlight){
cursor = &view->file_data.temp_highlight;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines) result = cursor->unwrapped_y;
else result = cursor->wrapped_y;
result = cursor->wrapped_y;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
result = cursor->unwrapped_y;
return result;
@ -1592,8 +1623,11 @@ view_move_cursor_to_view(View *view, GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll){
cursor_y -= line_height;
view->recent.cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, view->recent.preferred_x, cursor_y);
Full_Cursor new_cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, view->edit_poss.preferred_x, cursor_y);
edit_pos_set_cursor(&view->edit_poss, new_cursor,
false, view->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
@ -1663,16 +1697,19 @@ view_set_file(View *view, Editing_File *file, Models *models){
if (file){
view->file_data.unwrapped_lines = file->settings.unwrapped_lines;
Recent_File_Data *recent = &view->recent;
*recent = recent_file_data_zero();
// TODO(allen): Here is where the fancy logic goes for
// File_Edit_Positions stuff.
File_Edit_Positions *edit_poss = &view->edit_poss;
*edit_poss = file_edit_positions_zero();
if (file_is_ready(file)){
view_measure_wraps(&models->mem.general, view);
recent->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, file->state.cursor_pos);
recent->scroll.max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
recent->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
edit_poss->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, 0);
edit_poss->scroll.max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
edit_poss->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
view_move_view_to_cursor(view, &recent->scroll, true);
view_move_view_to_cursor(view, &edit_poss->scroll, true);
view->reinit_scrolling = 1;
@ -1687,24 +1724,24 @@ internal Relative_Scrolling
view_get_relative_scrolling(View *view){
Relative_Scrolling result;
f32 cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
result.scroll_y = cursor_y - view->recent.scroll.scroll_y;
result.target_y = cursor_y - view->recent.scroll.target_y;
result.scroll_y = cursor_y - view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_y;
result.target_y = cursor_y - view->edit_poss.scroll.target_y;
internal void
view_set_relative_scrolling(View *view, Relative_Scrolling scrolling){
f32 cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
view->recent.scroll.scroll_y = cursor_y - scrolling.scroll_y;
view->recent.scroll.target_y =
view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_y = cursor_y - scrolling.scroll_y;
view->edit_poss.scroll.target_y =
ROUND32(clamp_bottom(0.f, cursor_y - scrolling.target_y));
inline void
view_cursor_move(View *view, Full_Cursor cursor){
view->recent.cursor = cursor;
view->recent.preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
view->file_data.file->state.cursor_pos = view->recent.cursor.pos;
edit_pos_set_cursor(&view->edit_poss, cursor,
true, view->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
view->file_data.show_temp_highlight = 0;
@ -1945,7 +1982,6 @@ file_edit_cursor_fix(System_Functions *system,
i32 cursor_max = layout->panel_max_count * 2;
Cursor_With_Index *cursors = push_array(part, Cursor_With_Index, cursor_max);
f32 y_offset = 0, y_position = 0;
i32 cursor_count = 0;
View *view;
@ -1956,9 +1992,9 @@ file_edit_cursor_fix(System_Functions *system,
view = panel->view;
if (view->file_data.file == file){
view_measure_wraps(general, view);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->recent.cursor.pos);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->recent.mark - 1);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->recent.scroll_i - 1);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->edit_poss.cursor.pos);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->edit_poss.mark - 1);
write_cursor_with_index(cursors, &cursor_count, view->edit_poss.scroll_i - 1);
@ -1980,27 +2016,25 @@ file_edit_cursor_fix(System_Functions *system,
view = panel->view;
if (view && view->file_data.file == file){
view_cursor_move(view, cursors[cursor_count++].pos);
view->recent.preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
view->recent.mark = cursors[cursor_count++].pos + 1;
view->edit_poss.mark = cursors[cursor_count++].pos + 1;
i32 new_scroll_i = cursors[cursor_count++].pos + 1;
if (view->recent.scroll_i != new_scroll_i){
view->recent.scroll_i = new_scroll_i;
temp_cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->recent.scroll_i);
y_offset = MOD(view->recent.scroll.scroll_y, view->line_height);
if (view->edit_poss.scroll_i != new_scroll_i){
view->edit_poss.scroll_i = new_scroll_i;
temp_cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->edit_poss.scroll_i);
f32 y_offset = MOD(view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_y, view->line_height);
f32 y_position = temp_cursor.wrapped_y;
if (view->file_data.unwrapped_lines){
y_position = temp_cursor.unwrapped_y + y_offset;
view->recent.scroll.target_y +=
ROUND32(y_position - view->recent.scroll.scroll_y);
view->recent.scroll.scroll_y = y_position;
y_position = temp_cursor.wrapped_y + y_offset;
view->recent.scroll.target_y +=
ROUND32(y_position - view->recent.scroll.scroll_y);
view->recent.scroll.scroll_y = y_position;
y_position = temp_cursor.unwrapped_y;
y_position += y_offset;
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view->edit_poss.scroll;
scroll.target_y +=
ROUND32(y_position - scroll.scroll_y);
scroll.scroll_y = y_position;
edit_pos_set_scroll(&view->edit_poss, scroll);
@ -2238,7 +2272,7 @@ view_undo_redo(System_Functions *system,
file_do_single_edit(system, models, file, spec, hist_normal);
view_cursor_move(view, step.edit.start + step.edit.len);
view->recent.mark = view->recent.cursor.pos;
view->edit_poss.mark = view->edit_poss.cursor.pos;
Style *style = main_style(models);
view_post_paste_effect(view, 0.333f, step.edit.start, step.edit.len,
@ -2370,7 +2404,7 @@ view_history_step(System_Functions *system, Models *models, View *view, History_
view_cursor_move(view, step.edit.start + step.edit.len);
view->recent.mark = view->recent.cursor.pos;
view->edit_poss.mark = view->edit_poss.cursor.pos;
TentativeAssert(spec.step.special_type == 1);
@ -2536,7 +2570,7 @@ view_clean_whitespace(System_Functions *system, Models *models, View *view){
char *inv_str = (char*)part->base + part->pos;
Edit_Spec spec =
file_compute_whitespace_edit(mem, file,
edits, str_base, str_size,
inverse_array, inv_str,
part->max - part->pos, edit_count);
@ -3037,8 +3071,7 @@ remeasure_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view){
Relative_Scrolling relative = view_get_relative_scrolling(view);
view_measure_wraps(&view->persistent.models->mem.general, view);
if (view->file_data.show_temp_highlight == 0){
view_cursor_move(view, view->recent.cursor.pos);
view->recent.preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
view_cursor_move(view, view->edit_poss.cursor.pos);
view_set_relative_scrolling(view, relative);
@ -3048,7 +3081,6 @@ inline void
view_show_GUI(View *view, View_UI ui){
view->map = &view->persistent.models->map_ui;
view->showing_ui = ui;
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
view->changed_context_in_step = 1;
@ -3065,7 +3097,6 @@ view_show_interactive(System_Functions *system, View *view,
view->interaction = interaction;
view->dest = make_fixed_width_string(view->dest_);
view->list_i = 0;
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
view->map = &models->map_ui;
@ -3081,7 +3112,6 @@ view_show_theme(View *view){
view->color_mode = CV_Mode_Library;
view->color = super_color_create(0xFF000000);
view->current_color_editing = 0;
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
view->changed_context_in_step = 1;
@ -3094,10 +3124,12 @@ view_show_file(View *view){
view->map = get_map(view->persistent.models, mapid_global);
if (view->showing_ui != VUI_None){
view->showing_ui = VUI_None;
view->current_scroll = &view->recent.scroll;
view->recent.scroll.max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
view->changed_context_in_step = 1;
view->changed_context_in_step = true;
view->reinit_scrolling = true;
internal void
@ -3486,7 +3518,7 @@ intbar_draw_string(Render_Target *target, File_Bar *bar, String str, u32 char_co
bar->pos_x += font_string_width(target, font_id, str);
internal void
internal GUI_Scroll_Vars
view_reinit_scrolling(View *view){
Editing_File *file = view->file_data.file;
f32 w = 0, h = 0;
@ -3509,69 +3541,55 @@ view_reinit_scrolling(View *view){
target_y = clamp_bottom(0, FLOOR32(cursor_y - h*.5f));
view->recent.scroll.target_y = target_y;
view->recent.scroll.scroll_y = (f32)target_y;
view->recent.scroll.prev_target_y = -1000;
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {0};
view->recent.scroll.target_x = target_x;
view->recent.scroll.scroll_x = (f32)target_x;
view->recent.scroll.prev_target_x = -1000;
enum CursorScroll_State{
CursorScroll_NoChange = 0x0,
CursorScroll_Cursor = 0x1,
CursorScroll_Scroll = 0x2,
CursorScroll_ContextChange = 0x4
internal u32
view_get_cursor_scroll_change_state(View *view){
u32 result = 0;
i32 pos = 0;
Scroll_Context context = {0};
if (view->gui_target.did_file){
pos = view_get_cursor_pos(view);
if ((view->prev_cursor_pos != pos)){
result |= CursorScroll_Cursor;
if (view->current_scroll){
if (!gui_scroll_eq(view->current_scroll, &view->gui_target.scroll_original)){
result |= CursorScroll_Scroll;
if (context.mode == VUI_None){
context.file = view->file_data.file;
context.file = view->prev_context.file;
context.scroll = view->gui_target.scroll_id;
context.mode = view->showing_ui;
if (!context_eq(view->prev_context, context)){
result |= CursorScroll_ContextChange;
scroll.target_y = target_y;
scroll.scroll_y = (f32)target_y;
scroll.prev_target_y = -1000;
scroll.target_x = target_x;
scroll.scroll_x = (f32)target_x;
scroll.prev_target_x = -1000;
// TODO(allen): GTFO!
internal void
view_begin_cursor_scroll_updates(View *view){
#if 0
if (view->file_data.file && view->file_data.file == view->prev_context.file){
Assert(view->prev_cursor_pos == view_get_cursor_pos(view));
internal void
view_end_cursor_scroll_updates(View *view){
i32 cursor_scroll_state =
i32 set_type = view->edit_poss.last_set_type;
switch (set_type){
case EditPos_None: break;
case EditPos_CursorSet:
if (view->gui_target.did_file){
view->edit_poss.scroll.max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
view_move_view_to_cursor(view, &view->edit_poss.scroll, false);
gui_post_scroll_vars(&view->gui_target, &view->edit_poss.scroll, view->scroll_region);
case EditPos_ScrollSet:
view_move_cursor_to_view(view, view->edit_poss.scroll);
gui_post_scroll_vars(&view->gui_target, &view->edit_poss.scroll, view->scroll_region);
#if 0
switch (cursor_scroll_state){
case CursorScroll_NoChange:break;
@ -3601,6 +3619,7 @@ view_end_cursor_scroll_updates(View *view){
view->prev_context.file = view->file_data.file;
view->prev_context.scroll = view->gui_target.scroll_id;
view->prev_context.mode = view->showing_ui;
internal b32
@ -4020,8 +4039,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
b32 show_scrollbar = !view->hide_scrollbar;
view->current_scroll = 0;
if (view->showing_ui != VUI_None){
b32 did_esc = 0;
Key_Event_Data key;
@ -4057,11 +4074,15 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
|||[1] = view->showing_ui;
||||[0] = (u64)(view->file_data.file);
view->current_scroll = &view->recent.scroll;
// TODO(allen): ????
#if 0
gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context,
&view->recent.scroll, &view->scroll_region);
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context, view->recent.scroll,
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context,
delta, show_scrollbar);
@ -4072,8 +4093,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
switch (view->showing_ui){
case VUI_Menu:
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
String message = make_lit_string("Menu");
String empty_string = {0};
GUI_id id = {0};
@ -4096,8 +4115,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
case VUI_Config:
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
String message = make_lit_string("Config");
String empty_string = {0};
GUI_id id = {0};
@ -4114,8 +4131,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
case VUI_Theme:
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
if (view != active_view){
view->hot_file_view = active_view;
@ -4149,8 +4164,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
message = make_lit_string("Theme Library - Click to Select");
gui_do_text_field(target, message, empty_string);
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context, &view->gui_scroll, &view->scroll_region);
gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context, &view->scroll_region);
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context, view->gui_scroll,
9 * view->line_height, show_scrollbar);
@ -4223,8 +4237,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
view->color_mode = CV_Mode_Library;
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context, &view->gui_scroll, &view->scroll_region);
gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context, &view->scroll_region);
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context, view->gui_scroll,
9 * view->line_height, show_scrollbar);
@ -4311,8 +4324,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
String comp_dest = make_fixed_width_string(comp_dest_space);
i32 comp_action = 0;
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
GUI_id id = {0};
||||[1] = VUI_Interactive + ((u64)view->interaction << 32);
@ -4369,7 +4380,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
||||[0] = (u64)(hdir);
if (gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context,
&view->gui_scroll, &view->scroll_region)){
snap_into_view = 1;
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context, view->gui_scroll,
@ -4380,7 +4391,8 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
if (gui_begin_list(target, id, view->list_i, 0,
snap_into_view, &update)){
// TODO(allen): Allow me to handle key consumption correctly here!
gui_standard_list(target, id, view->current_scroll, view->scroll_region,
gui_standard_list(target, id, &view->gui_scroll,
&keys, &view->list_i, &update);
@ -4435,8 +4447,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
case IAct_Kill: message = make_lit_string("Kill: "); break;
Absolutes absolutes;
Editing_File *file;
Working_Set *working_set = &models->working_set;
Editing_Layout *layout = &models->layout;
GUI_Item_Update update = {0};
@ -4455,13 +4465,14 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
Absolutes absolutes = {0};
get_absolutes(view->dest, &absolutes, 1, 1);
gui_do_text_field(target, message, view->dest);
||||[0] = (u64)(working_set);
if (gui_get_scroll_vars(target, scroll_context,
&view->gui_scroll, &view->scroll_region)){
snap_into_view = 1;
gui_begin_scrollable(target, scroll_context, view->gui_scroll,
@ -4470,7 +4481,8 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
|||[0] = (u64)(working_set) + 1;
if (gui_begin_list(target, id, view->list_i,
0, snap_into_view, &update)){
gui_standard_list(target, id, view->current_scroll, view->scroll_region,
gui_standard_list(target, id, &view->gui_scroll,
&keys, &view->list_i, &update);
@ -4487,7 +4499,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
used_nodes = &working_set->used_sentinel;
for (dll_items(node, used_nodes)){
file = (Editing_File*)node;
Editing_File *file = (Editing_File*)node;
if (filename_match(view->dest, &absolutes, file->name.live_name, 1)){
@ -4519,7 +4531,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
for (i = 0; i < reserved_top; ++i){
file = reserved_files[i];
Editing_File *file = reserved_files[i];
message = string_zero();
if (!file->settings.unimportant){
@ -4621,8 +4633,6 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
GUI_id id = {0};
||||[1] = VUI_Debug + ((u64)view->debug_vars.mode << 32);
view->current_scroll = &view->gui_scroll;
// TODO(allen):
// + Incoming input
// + Memory info
@ -4925,27 +4935,28 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = *view_ptr->current_scroll;
SHOW_GUI_REGION(1, h_align, "scroll region", view_ptr->scroll_region);
SHOW_GUI_LINE(1, "recent file data");
SHOW_GUI_LINE(1, "file editing positions");
Recent_File_Data *recent = &view_ptr->recent;
File_Edit_Positions *edit_poss = &view_ptr->edit_poss;
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL(2, h_align, "scroll:", recent->scroll);
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL(2, h_align, "scroll:", edit_poss->scroll);
SHOW_GUI_CURSOR(2, h_align, "cursor:", recent->cursor);
SHOW_GUI_CURSOR(2, h_align, "cursor:", edit_poss->cursor);
SHOW_GUI_INT (2, h_align, "mark", recent->mark);
SHOW_GUI_FLOAT (2, h_align, "preferred_x", recent->preferred_x);
SHOW_GUI_INT (2, h_align, "scroll_i", recent->scroll_i);
SHOW_GUI_INT (2, h_align, "mark", edit_poss->mark);
SHOW_GUI_FLOAT (2, h_align, "preferred_x", edit_poss->preferred_x);
SHOW_GUI_INT (2, h_align, "scroll_i", edit_poss->scroll_i);
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL(1, h_align, "curent scroll:", scroll);
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL(1, h_align, "curent scroll:", view_ptr->edit_poss.scroll);
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL(1, h_align, "gui scroll:", view_ptr->gui_scroll);
SHOW_GUI_LINE (1, "gui target");
@ -4965,7 +4976,7 @@ step_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, View *active_view, Input_Su
SHOW_GUI_REGION (2, h_align, "region_original", view_ptr->gui_target.region_original);
SHOW_GUI_SCROLL (2, h_align, "scroll_updated", view_ptr->gui_target.scroll_updated);
// SHOW_GUI_SCROLL (2, h_align, "scroll_updated", view_ptr->gui_target.scroll_updated);
SHOW_GUI_REGION (2, h_align, "region_updated", view_ptr->gui_target.region_updated);
@ -4991,7 +5002,7 @@ internal f32
view_get_scroll_y(View *view){
f32 v;
if (view->showing_ui == VUI_None){
v = view->recent.scroll.scroll_y;
v = view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_y;
v = view->gui_scroll.scroll_y;
@ -5115,15 +5126,16 @@ do_step_file_view(System_Functions *system,
case guicom_file:
i32 new_max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
// NOTE(allen): Set the file region first because the
// computation of view_compute_max_target_y depends on it.
view->file_region = gui_session.rect;
result.vars.max_y = new_max_y;
if (view->reinit_scrolling){
result.vars = view_reinit_scrolling(view);
result.is_animating = true;
result.vars.max_y = view_compute_max_target_y(view);
if (file_step(view, gui_session.rect, user_input, is_active, &result.consumed_l)){
result.is_animating = true;
@ -5326,8 +5338,8 @@ draw_file_loaded(View *view, i32_Rect rect, b32 is_active, Render_Target *target
Buffer_Render_Options opts = {};
f32 *wraps = view->file_data.line_wrap_y;
f32 scroll_x = view->recent.scroll.scroll_x;
f32 scroll_y = view->recent.scroll.scroll_y;
f32 scroll_x = view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_x;
f32 scroll_y = view->edit_poss.scroll.scroll_y;
// NOTE(allen): For now we will temporarily adjust scroll_y to try
// to prevent the view moving around until floating sections are added
@ -5340,7 +5352,7 @@ draw_file_loaded(View *view, i32_Rect rect, b32 is_active, Render_Target *target
advance_data, (f32)line_height);
view->recent.scroll_i = render_cursor.pos;
view->edit_poss.scroll_i = render_cursor.pos;
buffer_get_render_data(&file->state.buffer, items, max, &count,
(f32)rect.x0, (f32)rect.y0,
@ -5362,7 +5374,7 @@ draw_file_loaded(View *view, i32_Rect rect, b32 is_active, Render_Target *target
at_cursor_color = style->main.at_highlight_color;
cursor_begin = view->recent.cursor.pos;
cursor_begin = view->edit_poss.cursor.pos;
cursor_end = cursor_begin + 1;
cursor_color = style->main.cursor_color;
at_cursor_color = style->main.at_cursor_color;
@ -5452,7 +5464,7 @@ draw_file_loaded(View *view, i32_Rect rect, b32 is_active, Render_Target *target
char_color = color_blend(char_color, fade_amount, fade_color);
if (ind == view->recent.mark && prev_ind != ind){
if (ind == view->edit_poss.mark && prev_ind != ind){
draw_rectangle_outline(target, char_rect, mark_color);
if (item->glyphid != 0){
@ -5570,9 +5582,9 @@ draw_file_bar(Render_Target *target, View *view, Editing_File *file, i32_Rect re
char line_number_space[30];
String line_number = make_fixed_width_string(line_number_space);
append(&line_number, " L#");
append_int_to_str(&line_number, view->recent.cursor.line);
append_int_to_str(&line_number, view->edit_poss.cursor.line);
append(&line_number, " C#");
append_int_to_str(&line_number, view->recent.cursor.character);
append_int_to_str(&line_number, view->edit_poss.cursor.character);
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, line_number, base_color);
@ -5775,7 +5787,7 @@ draw_style_preview(GUI_Target *gui_target, Render_Target *target, View *view, i3
internal i32
do_render_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view,
do_render_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view, GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll,
View *active, i32_Rect rect, b32 is_active,
Render_Target *target, Input_Summary *user_input){
@ -5801,8 +5813,7 @@ do_render_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view,
h = NextHeader(h)){
interpret_result = gui_interpret(gui_target, &gui_session, h,
*scroll, view->scroll_region);
if (interpret_result.has_info){
if (gui_session.clip_y > clip_rect.y0){
@ -5818,9 +5829,6 @@ do_render_file_view(System_Functions *system, View *view,
case guicom_file:
if (view->reinit_scrolling){
if (file && file_is_ready(file)){
result = draw_file_loaded(view, gui_session.rect, is_active, target);
@ -6196,7 +6204,9 @@ inline void
view_change_size(General_Memory *general, View *view){
if (view->file_data.file){
view_measure_wraps(general, view);
view->recent.cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->recent.cursor.pos);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, view->edit_poss.cursor.pos);
edit_pos_set_cursor(&view->edit_poss, cursor,
false, view->file_data.unwrapped_lines);
@ -6219,7 +6229,6 @@ live_set_alloc_view(Live_Views *live_set, Panel *panel, Models *models){
result.view->panel = panel;
result.view->persistent.models = models;
result.view->current_scroll = &result.view->recent.scroll;
update_view_line_height(models, result.view);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ struct GUI_Target{
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_original;
i32_Rect region_original;
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_updated;
//GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_updated;
i32_Rect region_updated;
// TODO(allen): Would rather have a way of tracking this
@ -656,14 +656,11 @@ gui_scroll_eq(GUI_Scroll_Vars *a, GUI_Scroll_Vars *b){
// TODO(allen): Rethink this a little, seems like there are two separate things we want to do here:
// Getting the updated scroll vars, and telling the user when scrolling actions occur.
internal b32
gui_get_scroll_vars(GUI_Target *target, GUI_id scroll_context_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars *vars_out, i32_Rect *region_out){
gui_get_scroll_vars(GUI_Target *target, GUI_id scroll_context_id, i32_Rect *region_out){
b32 result = 0;
if (gui_id_eq(scroll_context_id, target->scroll_id)){
*vars_out = target->scroll_updated;
*region_out = target->region_updated;
vars_out->target_y = clamp(0, vars_out->target_y, vars_out->max_y);
if (gui_id_eq(target->active, gui_id_scrollbar())){
result = 1;
target->animating = 1;
@ -674,9 +671,7 @@ gui_get_scroll_vars(GUI_Target *target, GUI_id scroll_context_id, GUI_Scroll_Var
internal void
gui_post_scroll_vars(GUI_Target *target, GUI_Scroll_Vars *vars_in, i32_Rect region_in){
if (!gui_scroll_eq(vars_in, &target->scroll_updated) ||
!rect_equal(region_in, target->region_updated)){
target->scroll_updated = *vars_in;
if (!rect_equal(region_in, target->region_updated)){
target->region_updated = region_in;
target->animating = 1;
target->active = gui_id_scrollbar();
@ -694,7 +689,6 @@ gui_begin_scrollable(GUI_Target *target, GUI_id scroll_context_id,
h = gui_push_simple_command(target, guicom_scrollable);
target->scroll_original = scroll_vars;
target->scroll_updated = scroll_vars;
target->scroll_id = scroll_context_id;
if (show_bar){
@ -1230,6 +1224,12 @@ gui_compute_view_jump(i32_Rect scroll_region, i32_Rect position){
internal GUI_Scroll_Vars
gui_do_jump(GUI_Target *target, GUI_View_Jump jump, GUI_Scroll_Vars vars){
if (jump.view_max < 0){
jump.view_max = 0;
if (jump.view_min < 0){
jump.view_min = 0;
if (vars.target_y < jump.view_min){
vars.target_y = jump.view_min;
Reference in New Issue