Finished switching the API to new return style
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ STRUCT Record_Info{
String_Const_u8 string_forward;
String_Const_u8 string_backward;
i32 first;
i64 first;
} single;
i32 count;
@ -68,10 +68,8 @@ get_view_summary(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access, Vi
if (buffer != 0){
result = true;
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
view->exists = true;
view->view_id = view_id;
@ -81,14 +79,14 @@ get_view_summary(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access, Vi
view_get_setting(app, view_id, ViewSetting_ShowWhitespace, &view->show_whitespace);
view->buffer_id = buffer;
i32 pos = view_get_mark_pos(app, view_id);
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(pos), &view->mark);
view->mark = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(pos));
pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view_id);
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(pos), &view->cursor);
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(pos));
view->preferred_x = view_get_preferred_x(app, view_id);
Rect_f32 screen_rect = view_get_screen_rect(app, view_id);
view->view_region = screen_rect;
view->render_region = f32R(0.f, 0.f, rect_width(screen_rect), rect_height(screen_rect));
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, &view->scroll_vars);
view->render_region = Rf32(0.f, 0.f, rect_width(screen_rect), rect_height(screen_rect));
view->scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id);
@ -432,18 +430,12 @@ view_set_setting(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, View_Setting_ID set
static Managed_Scope
view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope);
static b32
view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out){
view_compute_cursor_DEP(Application_Links *app, View_Summary *view, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out){
b32 result = false;
if (view != 0 && view->exists){
result = view_compute_cursor(app, view->view_id, seek, cursor_out);
*cursor_out = view_compute_cursor(app, view->view_id, seek);
result = (cursor_out->line > 0);
get_view_summary(app, view->view_id, AccessAll, view);
@ -539,10 +531,10 @@ static Face_ID
get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer){
Face_ID result = 0;
if (buffer != 0 && buffer->exists){
get_face_id(app, buffer->buffer_id, &result);
result = get_face_id(app, buffer->buffer_id);
get_face_id(app, 0, &result);
result = get_face_id(app, 0);
@ -567,8 +559,7 @@ change_theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, i32 len){
static i32
directory_get_hot(Application_Links *app, char *out, i32 capacity){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 string = {};
get_hot_directory(app, scratch, &string);
String_Const_u8 string = push_hot_directory(app, scratch);
block_copy(out, string.str, clamp_top((i32)string.size, capacity));
@ -587,8 +578,7 @@ get_file_list(Application_Links *app, char *dir, i32 len){
static b32
file_exists(Application_Links *app, char *file_name, i32 len){
File_Attributes attributes = {};
file_get_attributes(app, SCu8(file_name, len), &attributes);
File_Attributes attributes = get_file_attributes(app, SCu8(file_name, len));
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0);
@ -634,8 +624,7 @@ directory_cd(Application_Links *app, char *dir, i32 *len, i32 capacity, char *re
static i32
get_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, char *out, i32 capacity){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 string = {};
get_4ed_path(app, scratch, &string);
String_Const_u8 string = push_4ed_path(app, scratch);
block_copy(out, string.str, clamp_top((i32)string.size, capacity));
@ -1118,8 +1118,7 @@ token_match(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, Cpp_Token token, String b)
static i32
view_get_line_number(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 pos){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ write_character_parameter(Application_Links *app, u8 *character, u32 length){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
// NOTE(allen): setup markers to figure out the new position of cursor after the insert
Marker next_cursor_marker = {};
@ -25,14 +24,13 @@ write_character_parameter(Application_Links *app, u8 *character, u32 length){
managed_object_store_data(app, handle, 0, 1, &next_cursor_marker);
// NOTE(allen): consecutive inserts merge logic
History_Record_Index first_index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &first_index);
History_Record_Index first_index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
b32 do_merge = false;
if (character[0] != '\n'){
Record_Info record = get_single_record(app, buffer, first_index);
if (record.error == RecordError_NoError && record.kind == RecordKind_Single){
String_Const_u8 string = record.single.string_forward;
i32 last_end = record.single.first + (i32)string.size;
i32 last_end = (i32)(record.single.first + string.size);
if (last_end == pos && string.size > 0){
char c = string.str[string.size - 1];
if (c != '\n'){
@ -52,8 +50,7 @@ write_character_parameter(Application_Links *app, u8 *character, u32 length){
// NOTE(allen): finish merging records if necessary
if (do_merge){
History_Record_Index last_index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &last_index);
History_Record_Index last_index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
buffer_history_merge_record_range(app, buffer, first_index, last_index, RecordMergeFlag_StateInRange_MoveStateForward);
@ -91,9 +88,8 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.")
i32 start = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer);
if (0 <= start && start < buffer_size){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start), &cursor);
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos + 1), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start));
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos + 1));
i32 end = cursor.pos;
buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(start, end), string_u8_litexpr(""));
@ -109,9 +105,8 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.")
i32 end = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer);
if (0 < end && end <= buffer_size){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(end), &cursor);
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos - 1), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(end));
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(cursor.character_pos - 1));
i32 start = cursor.pos;
if (buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(start, end), string_u8_litexpr(""))){
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(start), true);
@ -214,8 +209,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
f32 h = (f32)(rect_height(region));
f32 y = get_view_y(app, view);
@ -228,8 +222,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(left_adjust_view)
CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
f32 x = clamp_bot(0.f, get_view_x(app, view) - 30.f);
scroll.target_x = (i32)(x + .5f);
view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll);
@ -253,13 +246,11 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
Vec2 p = {};
if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(V2(mouse.p), region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true));
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor.pos), true);
view_set_mark(app, view, seek_pos(cursor.pos));
@ -270,8 +261,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
Vec2 p = {};
if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(V2(mouse.p), region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){
@ -287,8 +277,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
if (mouse.l){
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
Vec2 p = {};
if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(V2(mouse.p), region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(p.x, p.y, true), true);
@ -302,8 +291,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Sets the mark position to the mouse position.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
Vec2 p = {};
if (view_space_from_screen_space_checked(V2(mouse.p), region, scroll_vars.scroll_p, &p)){
@ -318,8 +306,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accord
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
if (mouse.wheel != 0){
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
scroll.target_y += mouse.wheel;
view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll);
@ -332,10 +319,8 @@ move_vertical(Application_Links *app, f32 line_multiplier){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 delta_y = line_multiplier*metrics.line_height;
f32 new_y = get_view_y(app, view) + delta_y;
@ -347,8 +332,7 @@ move_vertical(Application_Links *app, f32 line_multiplier){
Rect_f32 file_region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
f32 height = rect_height(file_region);
f32 full_scroll_y = actual_new_y - height*0.5f;
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
if (scroll_vars.target_y < full_scroll_y){
GUI_Scroll_Vars new_scroll_vars = scroll_vars;
new_scroll_vars.target_y += (i32)delta_y;
@ -364,10 +348,8 @@ static f32
get_page_jump(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 page_jump = 1.f;
if (metrics.line_height > 0.f){
f32 height = rect_height(region);
@ -408,8 +390,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapp
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
i32 next_line = cursor.line + 1;
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(next_line, 1), true);
@ -497,8 +478,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor one character to the left.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
i32 new_pos = clamp_bot(0, cursor.character_pos - 1);
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(new_pos), true);
no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view);
@ -509,8 +489,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Moves the cursor one character to the right.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
i32 new_pos = cursor.character_pos + 1;
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(new_pos), 1);
no_mark_snap_to_cursor_if_shift(app, view);
@ -791,8 +770,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id);
try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description);
@ -803,8 +781,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, face_id);
try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description);
@ -906,8 +883,8 @@ isearch__update_highlight(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Managed_Object h
static void
isearch(Application_Links *app, b32 start_reversed, String_Const_u8 query_init, b32 on_the_query_init_string){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Buffer_ID buffer_id = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
if (!buffer_exists(app, buffer_id)){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
if (!buffer_exists(app, buffer)){
@ -936,9 +913,8 @@ isearch(Application_Links *app, b32 start_reversed, String_Const_u8 query_init,
b32 first_step = true;
Managed_Scope view_scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &view_scope);
Managed_Object highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer_id, 2, &view_scope);
Managed_Scope view_scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
Managed_Object highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer, 2, &view_scope);
Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, highlight);
marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual,
@ -1044,12 +1020,12 @@ isearch(Application_Links *app, b32 start_reversed, String_Const_u8 query_init,
if (!backspace){
if (reverse){
i32 new_pos = 0;
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer_id, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
if (new_pos >= 0){
if (step_backward){
pos = new_pos;
start_pos = new_pos;
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer_id, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_backward(app, buffer, start_pos - 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
if (new_pos < 0){
new_pos = start_pos;
@ -1060,13 +1036,13 @@ isearch(Application_Links *app, b32 start_reversed, String_Const_u8 query_init,
i32 new_pos = 0;
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer_id, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id);
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer);
if (new_pos < buffer_size){
if (step_forward){
pos = new_pos;
start_pos = new_pos;
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer_id, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
buffer_seek_string_insensitive_forward(app, buffer, start_pos + 1, 0, bar.string, &new_pos);
if (new_pos >= buffer_size){
new_pos = start_pos;
@ -1165,8 +1141,7 @@ query_replace_base(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Buffer_ID buffer_id, i3
i32 new_pos = 0;
buffer_seek_string_forward(app, buffer_id, pos - 1, 0, r, &new_pos);
Managed_Scope view_scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &view_scope);
Managed_Scope view_scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
Managed_Object highlight = alloc_buffer_markers_on_buffer(app, buffer_id, 2, &view_scope);
Marker_Visual visual = create_marker_visual(app, highlight);
marker_visual_set_effect(app, visual, VisualType_CharacterHighlightRanges, Stag_Highlight, Stag_At_Highlight, 0);
@ -1650,15 +1625,12 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active pa
view_set_buffer(app, view2, buffer1, 0);
GUI_Scroll_Vars sc1 = {};
GUI_Scroll_Vars sc2 = {};
i32 p1 = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view1);
i32 m1 = view_get_mark_pos(app, view1);
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view1, &sc1);
GUI_Scroll_Vars sc1 = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view1);
i32 p2 = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view2);
i32 m2 = view_get_mark_pos(app, view2);
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view2, &sc2);
GUI_Scroll_Vars sc2 = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view2);
view_set_cursor(app, view1, seek_pos(p2), true);
view_set_mark (app, view1, seek_pos(m2));
@ -1709,13 +1681,12 @@ record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
case RecordKind_Single:
new_edit_position = record.single.first + (i32)record.single.string_backward.size;
new_edit_position = (i32)(record.single.first + record.single.string_backward.size);
case RecordKind_Group:
Record_Info sub_record = {};
buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, 0, &sub_record);
new_edit_position = sub_record.single.first + (i32)sub_record.single.string_backward.size;
Record_Info sub_record = buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, 0);
new_edit_position = (i32)(sub_record.single.first + sub_record.single.string_backward.size);
@ -1723,34 +1694,31 @@ record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
static i32
record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index);
return(record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer_id, index, record));
static i32
record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info record){
i32 new_edit_position = 0;
i64 new_edit_position = 0;
switch (record.kind){
case RecordKind_Single:
new_edit_position = record.single.first + (i32)record.single.string_forward.size;
new_edit_position = record.single.first + record.single.string_forward.size;
case RecordKind_Group:
Record_Info sub_record = {};
buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, - 1, &sub_record);
new_edit_position = sub_record.single.first + (i32)sub_record.single.string_forward.size;
Record_Info sub_record = buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, - 1);
new_edit_position = sub_record.single.first + sub_record.single.string_forward.size;
static i32
record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index);
return(record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer_id, index, record));
@ -1759,8 +1727,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen);
History_Record_Index current = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, ¤t);
History_Record_Index current = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
if (current > 0){
i32 new_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer, current);
buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, current - 1);
@ -1773,10 +1740,8 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen);
History_Record_Index current = 0;
History_Record_Index max_index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, ¤t);
buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index);
History_Record_Index current = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
History_Record_Index max_index = buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer);
if (current < max_index){
i32 new_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer, current + 1);
buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer, current + 1);
@ -1797,11 +1762,9 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing
for (Buffer_ID buffer = get_buffer_next(app, 0, AccessAll);
buffer != 0;
buffer = get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll)){
History_Record_Index index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index);
History_Record_Index index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
if (index > 0){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index);
if (record.edit_number > highest_edit_number){
highest_edit_number = record.edit_number;
first_buffer_match = buffer;
@ -1828,11 +1791,9 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing
b32 did_match = false;
i32 new_edit_position = 0;
for (;;){
History_Record_Index index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index);
History_Record_Index index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
if (index > 0){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index);
if (record.edit_number == highest_edit_number){
did_match = true;
new_edit_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_undo(app, buffer, index, record);
@ -1875,13 +1836,10 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing t
for (Buffer_ID buffer = get_buffer_next(app, 0, AccessAll);
buffer != 0;
buffer = get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll)){
History_Record_Index max_index = 0;
History_Record_Index index = 0;
buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index);
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index);
History_Record_Index max_index = buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer);
History_Record_Index index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
if (index < max_index){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1);
if (record.edit_number < lowest_edit_number){
lowest_edit_number = record.edit_number;
first_buffer_match = buffer;
@ -1907,14 +1865,11 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing t
buffer = get_buffer_next(app, buffer, AccessAll)){
b32 did_match = false;
i32 new_edit_position = 0;
History_Record_Index max_index = 0;
buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer, &max_index);
History_Record_Index max_index = buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer);
for (;;){
History_Record_Index index = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &index);
History_Record_Index index = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
if (index < max_index){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer, index + 1);
if (record.edit_number == lowest_edit_number){
did_match = true;
new_edit_position = record_get_new_cursor_position_redo(app, buffer, index + 1, record);
@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
if_view_has_highlighted_range_delete_range(app, view);
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_next_rewrite_loc, RewritePaste);
i32 paste_index = 0;
managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_paste_index_loc, paste_index);
@ -82,8 +81,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste
i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
if (count > 0){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, scope);
u64 rewrite = 0;
@ -63,15 +63,13 @@ new_view_settings(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
static void
view_set_passive(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, b32 value){
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_is_passive_loc, (u64)value);
static b32
view_get_is_passive(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
u64 is_passive = 0;
managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_is_passive_loc, &is_passive);
return(is_passive != 0);
@ -82,10 +80,8 @@ open_footer_panel(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
View_ID special_view = open_view(app, view, ViewSplit_Bottom);
new_view_settings(app, special_view);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, special_view, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
view_set_split_pixel_size(app, special_view, (i32)(metrics.line_height*20.f));
view_set_passive(app, special_view, true);
@ -79,15 +79,13 @@ START_HOOK_SIG(default_start){
// also relies on this particular command caller hook.
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll);
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
managed_variable_set(app, scope, view_next_rewrite_loc, 0);
if (fcoder_mode == FCoderMode_NotepadLike){
for (View_ID view_it = get_view_next(app, 0, AccessAll);
view_it != 0;
view_it = get_view_next(app, view_it, AccessAll)){
Managed_Scope scope_it = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it, &scope_it);
Managed_Scope scope_it = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it);
managed_variable_set(app, scope_it, view_snap_mark_to_cursor, true);
@ -101,8 +99,7 @@ COMMAND_CALLER_HOOK(default_command_caller){
for (View_ID view_it = get_view_next(app, 0, AccessAll);
view_it != 0;
view_it = get_view_next(app, view_it, AccessAll)){
Managed_Scope scope_it = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it, &scope_it);
Managed_Scope scope_it = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_it);
u64 val = 0;
if (managed_variable_get(app, scope_it, view_snap_mark_to_cursor, &val)){
if (val != 0){
@ -280,10 +277,8 @@ MODIFY_COLOR_TABLE_SIG(default_modify_color_table){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view_id, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
i32 line_height = ceil32(metrics.line_height);
// file bar
@ -320,9 +315,8 @@ GET_VIEW_BUFFER_REGION_SIG(default_view_buffer_region){
static Buffer_Point
buffer_position_from_scroll_position(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Vec2 scroll){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_wrapped_xy(0.f, scroll.y, false), &cursor);
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(cursor.line, 1), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_wrapped_xy(0.f, scroll.y, false));
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(cursor.line, 1));
Buffer_Point result = {};
result.line_number = cursor.line;
result.pixel_shift.x = scroll.x;
@ -332,11 +326,10 @@ buffer_position_from_scroll_position(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Ve
static i32
abs_position_from_buffer_point(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Point buffer_point){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(buffer_point.line_number, 0), &cursor);
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_wrapped_xy(buffer_point.pixel_shift.x,
buffer_point.pixel_shift.y + cursor.wrapped_y, false),
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(buffer_point.line_number, 0));
Buffer_Seek seek = seek_wrapped_xy(buffer_point.pixel_shift.x,
buffer_point.pixel_shift.y + cursor.wrapped_y, false);
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek);
@ -344,10 +337,8 @@ static void
default_buffer_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View_ID view_id, Rect_f32 view_inner_rect){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view_id, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics face_metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &face_metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics face_metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = face_metrics.line_height;
@ -357,14 +348,10 @@ default_buffer_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View
V2(view_inner_rect.p0 + sub_region.p1));
buffer_rect = rect_intersect(buffer_rect, view_inner_rect);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id);
Buffer_Point buffer_point = buffer_position_from_scroll_position(app, view_id, scroll.scroll_p);
Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id = 0;
compute_render_layout(app, view_id, buffer, buffer_rect.p0, rect_dim(buffer_rect), buffer_point,
max_i32, &text_layout_id);
Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id = compute_render_layout(app, view_id, buffer, buffer_rect.p0, rect_dim(buffer_rect), buffer_point, max_i32);
Range on_screen_range = {};
text_layout_get_on_screen_range(app, text_layout_id, &on_screen_range);
text_layout_free(app, text_layout_id);
@ -401,8 +388,7 @@ default_buffer_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view_id);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(cursor_position));
Fancy_String_List list = {};
String_Const_u8 unique_name = push_buffer_unique_name(app, scratch, buffer);
@ -493,10 +479,8 @@ default_buffer_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View
Fancy_Color line_color = fancy_id(Stag_Line_Numbers_Text);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(on_screen_range.first), &cursor);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, &scroll_vars);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_pos(on_screen_range.first));
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id);
for (;cursor.pos <= on_screen_range.one_past_last;){
Vec2 p = panel_space_from_view_space(cursor.wrapped_p, scroll_vars.scroll_p);
p += V2(buffer_rect.p0);
@ -506,7 +490,7 @@ default_buffer_render_caller(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, line_string, p, Stag_Margin_Active, 0);
i32 next_line = cursor.line + 1;
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(next_line, 1), &cursor);
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_line_char(next_line, 1));
if (cursor.line < next_line){
@ -811,14 +795,12 @@ default_ui_render_caller(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Rect_f32 rect_
UI_Data *ui_data = 0;
Arena *ui_arena = 0;
if (view_get_ui_data(app, view_id, ViewGetUIFlag_KeepDataAsIs, &ui_data, &ui_arena)){
GUI_Scroll_Vars ui_scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, &ui_scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars ui_scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id);
for (UI_Item *item = ui_data->list.first;
item != 0;
item = item->next){
Rect_i32 item_rect_i32 = item->rect_outer;
Rect_f32 item_rect = f32R(item_rect_i32);
Rect_f32 item_rect = f32R(item->rect_outer);
switch (item->coordinates){
case UICoordinates_ViewSpace:
@ -833,8 +815,7 @@ default_ui_render_caller(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Rect_f32 rect_
if (rect_overlap(item_rect, rect_f32)){
Rect_f32 inner = rect_inner(item_rect, (f32)item->inner_margin);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = metrics.line_height;
f32 info_height = (f32)item->line_count*line_height;
@ -854,8 +835,7 @@ default_ui_render_caller(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Rect_f32 rect_
static void
default_ui_render_caller(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Rect_f32 rect_f32){
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view_id, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
default_ui_render_caller(app, view_id, rect_f32, face_id);
static void
@ -871,8 +851,7 @@ default_ui_render_caller(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
rect.p1 -= rect.p0;
rect.p0 = V2(0.f,0.f);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
default_ui_render_caller(app, view, rect, face_id);
@ -940,8 +919,7 @@ HOOK_SIG(default_view_adjust){
Rect_f32 screen_rect = view_get_screen_rect(app, view);
f32 view_width = rect_width(screen_rect);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
f32 em = get_string_advance(app, face_id, string_u8_litexpr("m"));
f32 wrap_width = view_width - 2.0f*em;
@ -14,19 +14,16 @@
static float
get_line_y(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 line){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, 1), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_line_char(line, 1));
static Rect_i32
get_line_x_rect(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
i32 cursor_pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_pos));
i32 mark_pos = view_get_mark_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor mark = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(mark_pos), &mark);
Full_Cursor mark = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(mark_pos));
Rect_i32 rect = {};
rect.x0 = (i32)mark.wrapped_x;
@ -53,11 +50,12 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Delete characters in a rectangular region. Range testing is done by
i32_Rect rect = get_line_x_rect(app, view);
for (i32 line = rect.y1; line >= rect.y0; --line){
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
f32 y = get_line_y(app, view, line);
if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy((float)rect.x0, y, 0), &cursor)){
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy((f32)rect.x0, y, 0));
if (cursor.line > 0){
i32 start = cursor.pos;
if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy((float)rect.x1, y, 0), &cursor)){
cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy((f32)rect.x1, y, 0));
if (cursor.line > 0){
i32 end = cursor.pos;
buffer_replace_range(app, buffer, make_range(start, end), string_u8_litexpr(""));
@ -131,11 +129,9 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Begin multi-line mode. In multi-line mode characters are inserted a
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessOpen);
i32 cursor_pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_pos));
i32 mark_pos = view_get_mark_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor mark = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(mark_pos), &mark);
Full_Cursor mark = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(mark_pos));
Buffer_Rect rect = {};
rect.char0 = mark.character;
rect.line0 = mark.line;
@ -223,8 +219,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(multi_paste){
i32 count = clipboard_count(app, 0);
if (count > 0){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessOpen);
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
u64 rewrite = 0;
managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_rewrite_loc, &rewrite);
@ -210,8 +210,7 @@ draw_fancy_string(Application_Links *app, Face_ID font_id, Fancy_String *string,
// TODO(casey): need to fill the background here, but I don't know the line height,
// and I can't actually render filled shapes, so, like, I can't properly do dP :(
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, font_id, &metrics);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, font_id);
P += (string->pre_margin*metrics.typical_character_width)*dP;
draw_string(app, use_font_id, string->value, P, use_fore, flags, dP);
@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
// TODO(allen): transition wrappers
static Face_Description
get_buffer_face_description(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer){
Face_ID current_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, ¤t_id);
Face_ID current_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Description description = {};
if (current_id != 0){
description = get_face_description(app, current_id);
@ -18,8 +17,7 @@ get_buffer_face_description(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer){
static Face_Description
get_global_face_description(Application_Links *app){
Face_ID current_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, 0, ¤t_id);
Face_ID current_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, current_id);
@ -98,8 +96,7 @@ get_face_id_by_description(Application_Links *app, Face_Description *description
static void
set_global_face_by_name(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 name, b32 apply_to_all_buffers){
Face_ID global_face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, 0, &global_face_id);
Face_ID global_face_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, global_face_id);
Face_ID new_id = get_face_id_by_name(app, name, &description);
if (new_id != 0){
@ -109,8 +106,7 @@ set_global_face_by_name(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 name, b32 apply_
static void
change_global_face_by_description(Application_Links *app, Face_Description description, b32 apply_to_all_buffers){
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, 0, &face_id);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
if (!try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description)){
description.font.in_local_font_folder = !description.font.in_local_font_folder;
try_modify_face(app, face_id, &description);
@ -119,8 +115,7 @@ change_global_face_by_description(Application_Links *app, Face_Description descr
static void
set_buffer_face_by_name(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, String_Const_u8 name){
Face_ID current_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, ¤t_id);
Face_ID current_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
if (current_id != 0){
Face_Description description = get_face_description(app, current_id);
Face_ID new_id = get_face_id_by_name(app, name, &description);
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define BUFFER_KILL_SIG(n) Buffer_Kill_Result n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Kill_Flag flags)
#define BUFFER_REOPEN_SIG(n) Buffer_Reopen_Result n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Reopen_Flag flags)
#define BUFFER_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(n) File_Attributes n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
#define GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(n) File_Attributes n(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name)
#define GET_VIEW_NEXT_SIG(n) View_ID n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access)
#define GET_VIEW_PREV_SIG(n) View_ID n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access)
#define GET_ACTIVE_VIEW_SIG(n) View_ID n(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access)
@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define PANEL_GET_MARGIN_SIG(n) Rect_i32 n(Application_Links *app, Panel_ID panel_id)
#define VIEW_CLOSE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define VIEW_GET_BUFFER_REGION_SIG(n) Rect_f32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define VIEW_GET_SCROLL_VARS_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars_out)
#define VIEW_GET_SCROLL_VARS_SIG(n) GUI_Scroll_Vars n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define VIEW_SET_ACTIVE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define VIEW_GET_SETTING_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 *value_out)
#define VIEW_SET_SETTING_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 value)
#define VIEW_GET_MANAGED_SCOPE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Managed_Scope *scope)
#define VIEW_COMPUTE_CURSOR_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out)
#define VIEW_GET_MANAGED_SCOPE_SIG(n) Managed_Scope n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define VIEW_COMPUTE_CURSOR_SIG(n) Full_Cursor n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek)
#define VIEW_SET_CURSOR_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, b32 set_preferred_x)
#define VIEW_SET_SCROLL_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll)
#define VIEW_SET_MARK_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek)
@ -122,10 +123,10 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define PRINT_MESSAGE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 message)
#define GET_LARGEST_FACE_ID_SIG(n) Face_ID n(Application_Links *app)
#define SET_GLOBAL_FACE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, b32 apply_to_all_buffers)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_MAX_RECORD_INDEX_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_RECORD_INFO_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info *record_out)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_GROUP_SUB_RECORD_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index, Record_Info *record_out)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_CURRENT_STATE_INDEX_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_MAX_RECORD_INDEX_SIG(n) History_Record_Index n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_RECORD_INFO_SIG(n) Record_Info n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_GROUP_SUB_RECORD_SIG(n) Record_Info n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_GET_CURRENT_STATE_INDEX_SIG(n) History_Record_Index n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_SET_CURRENT_STATE_INDEX_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_MERGE_RECORD_RANGE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index first_index, History_Record_Index last_index, Record_Merge_Flag flags)
#define BUFFER_HISTORY_CLEAR_AFTER_CURRENT_STATE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define GLOBAL_HISTORY_EDIT_GROUP_END_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app)
#define BUFFER_SET_FACE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID id)
#define GET_FACE_DESCRIPTION_SIG(n) Face_Description n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id)
#define GET_FACE_METRICS_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id, Face_Metrics *metrics_out)
#define GET_FACE_ID_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID *face_id_out)
#define GET_FACE_METRICS_SIG(n) Face_Metrics n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id)
#define GET_FACE_ID_SIG(n) Face_ID n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
#define TRY_CREATE_NEW_FACE_SIG(n) Face_ID n(Application_Links *app, Face_Description *description)
#define TRY_MODIFY_FACE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_Description *description)
#define TRY_RELEASE_FACE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_ID replacement_id)
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define SET_THEME_COLORS_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count)
#define GET_THEME_COLORS_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count)
#define FINALIZE_COLOR_SIG(n) argb_color n(Application_Links *app, int_color color)
#define GET_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *out_directory)
#define PUSH_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(n) String_Const_u8 n(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena)
#define SET_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 string)
#define GET_FILE_LIST_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 directory, File_List *list_out)
#define FREE_FILE_LIST_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, File_List list)
@ -151,8 +152,7 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define MEMORY_ALLOCATE_SIG(n) void* n(Application_Links *app, i32 size)
#define MEMORY_SET_PROTECTION_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size, Memory_Protect_Flags flags)
#define MEMORY_FREE_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size)
#define FILE_GET_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name, File_Attributes *attributes_out)
#define GET_4ED_PATH_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *path_out)
#define PUSH_4ED_PATH_SIG(n) String_Const_u8 n(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena)
#define SHOW_MOUSE_CURSOR_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Mouse_Cursor_Show_Type show)
#define SET_EDIT_FINISHED_HOOK_REPEAT_SPEED_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, u32 milliseconds)
#define SET_FULLSCREEN_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, b32 full_screen)
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define TEXT_LAYOUT_GET_ON_SCREEN_RANGE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Range *on_screen_range_out)
#define TEXT_LAYOUT_GET_HEIGHT_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, f32 *height_out)
#define TEXT_LAYOUT_FREE_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id)
#define COMPUTE_RENDER_LAYOUT_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last, Text_Layout_ID *text_layout_id_out)
#define COMPUTE_RENDER_LAYOUT_SIG(n) b32 n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last)
#define DRAW_RENDER_LAYOUT_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
#define OPEN_COLOR_PICKER_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Color_Picker *picker)
#define ANIMATE_IN_N_MILLISECONDS_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, u32 n)
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ typedef BUFFER_SAVE_SIG(Buffer_Save_Function);
typedef BUFFER_KILL_SIG(Buffer_Kill_Function);
typedef BUFFER_REOPEN_SIG(Buffer_Reopen_Function);
typedef BUFFER_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(Buffer_Get_File_Attributes_Function);
typedef GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(Get_File_Attributes_Function);
typedef GET_VIEW_NEXT_SIG(Get_View_Next_Function);
typedef GET_VIEW_PREV_SIG(Get_View_Prev_Function);
typedef GET_ACTIVE_VIEW_SIG(Get_Active_View_Function);
@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ typedef GET_AVAILABLE_FONT_SIG(Get_Available_Font_Function);
typedef SET_THEME_COLORS_SIG(Set_Theme_Colors_Function);
typedef GET_THEME_COLORS_SIG(Get_Theme_Colors_Function);
typedef FINALIZE_COLOR_SIG(Finalize_Color_Function);
typedef GET_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(Get_Hot_Directory_Function);
typedef PUSH_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(Push_Hot_Directory_Function);
typedef SET_HOT_DIRECTORY_SIG(Set_Hot_Directory_Function);
typedef GET_FILE_LIST_SIG(Get_File_List_Function);
typedef FREE_FILE_LIST_SIG(Free_File_List_Function);
@ -332,8 +333,7 @@ typedef SET_GUI_UP_DOWN_KEYS_SIG(Set_GUI_Up_Down_Keys_Function);
typedef MEMORY_ALLOCATE_SIG(Memory_Allocate_Function);
typedef MEMORY_SET_PROTECTION_SIG(Memory_Set_Protection_Function);
typedef MEMORY_FREE_SIG(Memory_Free_Function);
typedef FILE_GET_ATTRIBUTES_SIG(File_Get_Attributes_Function);
typedef GET_4ED_PATH_SIG(Get_4ed_Path_Function);
typedef PUSH_4ED_PATH_SIG(Push_4ed_Path_Function);
typedef SHOW_MOUSE_CURSOR_SIG(Show_Mouse_Cursor_Function);
typedef SET_EDIT_FINISHED_HOOK_REPEAT_SPEED_SIG(Set_Edit_Finished_Hook_Repeat_Speed_Function);
typedef SET_FULLSCREEN_SIG(Set_Fullscreen_Function);
@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ Buffer_Save_Function *buffer_save;
Buffer_Kill_Function *buffer_kill;
Buffer_Reopen_Function *buffer_reopen;
Buffer_Get_File_Attributes_Function *buffer_get_file_attributes;
Get_File_Attributes_Function *get_file_attributes;
Get_View_Next_Function *get_view_next;
Get_View_Prev_Function *get_view_prev;
Get_Active_View_Function *get_active_view;
@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ Get_Available_Font_Function *get_available_font;
Set_Theme_Colors_Function *set_theme_colors;
Get_Theme_Colors_Function *get_theme_colors;
Finalize_Color_Function *finalize_color;
Get_Hot_Directory_Function *get_hot_directory;
Push_Hot_Directory_Function *push_hot_directory;
Set_Hot_Directory_Function *set_hot_directory;
Get_File_List_Function *get_file_list;
Free_File_List_Function *free_file_list;
@ -515,8 +516,7 @@ Set_GUI_Up_Down_Keys_Function *set_gui_up_down_keys;
Memory_Allocate_Function *memory_allocate;
Memory_Set_Protection_Function *memory_set_protection;
Memory_Free_Function *memory_free;
File_Get_Attributes_Function *file_get_attributes;
Get_4ed_Path_Function *get_4ed_path;
Push_4ed_Path_Function *push_4ed_path;
Show_Mouse_Cursor_Function *show_mouse_cursor;
Set_Edit_Finished_Hook_Repeat_Speed_Function *set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed;
Set_Fullscreen_Function *set_fullscreen;
@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ Buffer_Save_Function *buffer_save_;
Buffer_Kill_Function *buffer_kill_;
Buffer_Reopen_Function *buffer_reopen_;
Buffer_Get_File_Attributes_Function *buffer_get_file_attributes_;
Get_File_Attributes_Function *get_file_attributes_;
Get_View_Next_Function *get_view_next_;
Get_View_Prev_Function *get_view_prev_;
Get_Active_View_Function *get_active_view_;
@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ Get_Available_Font_Function *get_available_font_;
Set_Theme_Colors_Function *set_theme_colors_;
Get_Theme_Colors_Function *get_theme_colors_;
Finalize_Color_Function *finalize_color_;
Get_Hot_Directory_Function *get_hot_directory_;
Push_Hot_Directory_Function *push_hot_directory_;
Set_Hot_Directory_Function *set_hot_directory_;
Get_File_List_Function *get_file_list_;
Free_File_List_Function *free_file_list_;
@ -697,8 +698,7 @@ Set_GUI_Up_Down_Keys_Function *set_gui_up_down_keys_;
Memory_Allocate_Function *memory_allocate_;
Memory_Set_Protection_Function *memory_set_protection_;
Memory_Free_Function *memory_free_;
File_Get_Attributes_Function *file_get_attributes_;
Get_4ed_Path_Function *get_4ed_path_;
Push_4ed_Path_Function *push_4ed_path_;
Show_Mouse_Cursor_Function *show_mouse_cursor_;
Set_Edit_Finished_Hook_Repeat_Speed_Function *set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed_;
Set_Fullscreen_Function *set_fullscreen_;
@ -780,6 +780,7 @@ app_links->buffer_save_ = Buffer_Save;\
app_links->buffer_kill_ = Buffer_Kill;\
app_links->buffer_reopen_ = Buffer_Reopen;\
app_links->buffer_get_file_attributes_ = Buffer_Get_File_Attributes;\
app_links->get_file_attributes_ = Get_File_Attributes;\
app_links->get_view_next_ = Get_View_Next;\
app_links->get_view_prev_ = Get_View_Prev;\
app_links->get_active_view_ = Get_Active_View;\
@ -879,7 +880,7 @@ app_links->get_available_font_ = Get_Available_Font;\
app_links->set_theme_colors_ = Set_Theme_Colors;\
app_links->get_theme_colors_ = Get_Theme_Colors;\
app_links->finalize_color_ = Finalize_Color;\
app_links->get_hot_directory_ = Get_Hot_Directory;\
app_links->push_hot_directory_ = Push_Hot_Directory;\
app_links->set_hot_directory_ = Set_Hot_Directory;\
app_links->get_file_list_ = Get_File_List;\
app_links->free_file_list_ = Free_File_List;\
@ -887,8 +888,7 @@ app_links->set_gui_up_down_keys_ = Set_GUI_Up_Down_Keys;\
app_links->memory_allocate_ = Memory_Allocate;\
app_links->memory_set_protection_ = Memory_Set_Protection;\
app_links->memory_free_ = Memory_Free;\
app_links->file_get_attributes_ = File_Get_Attributes;\
app_links->get_4ed_path_ = Get_4ed_Path;\
app_links->push_4ed_path_ = Push_4ed_Path;\
app_links->show_mouse_cursor_ = Show_Mouse_Cursor;\
app_links->set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed_ = Set_Edit_Finished_Hook_Repeat_Speed;\
app_links->set_fullscreen_ = Set_Fullscreen;\
@ -962,6 +962,7 @@ static b32 buffer_save(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, String_Const
static Buffer_Kill_Result buffer_kill(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Kill_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_kill(app, buffer_id, flags));}
static Buffer_Reopen_Result buffer_reopen(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Reopen_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_reopen(app, buffer_id, flags));}
static File_Attributes buffer_get_file_attributes(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_get_file_attributes(app, buffer_id));}
static File_Attributes get_file_attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name){return(app->get_file_attributes(app, file_name));}
static View_ID get_view_next(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_view_next(app, view_id, access));}
static View_ID get_view_prev(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_view_prev(app, view_id, access));}
static View_ID get_active_view(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_active_view(app, access));}
@ -985,12 +986,12 @@ static Panel_ID panel_get_max(Application_Links *app, Panel_ID panel_id){return(
static Rect_i32 panel_get_margin(Application_Links *app, Panel_ID panel_id){return(app->panel_get_margin(app, panel_id));}
static b32 view_close(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_close(app, view_id));}
static Rect_f32 view_get_buffer_region(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_buffer_region(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_get_scroll_vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars_out){return(app->view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, scroll_vars_out));}
static GUI_Scroll_Vars view_get_scroll_vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_set_active(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_set_active(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_get_setting(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 *value_out){return(app->view_get_setting(app, view_id, setting, value_out));}
static b32 view_set_setting(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 value){return(app->view_set_setting(app, view_id, setting, value));}
static b32 view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Managed_Scope *scope){return(app->view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, scope));}
static b32 view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out){return(app->view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek, cursor_out));}
static Managed_Scope view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id));}
static Full_Cursor view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek){return(app->view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek));}
static b32 view_set_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, b32 set_preferred_x){return(app->view_set_cursor(app, view_id, seek, set_preferred_x));}
static b32 view_set_scroll(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll){return(app->view_set_scroll(app, view_id, scroll));}
static b32 view_set_mark(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek){return(app->view_set_mark(app, view_id, seek));}
@ -1040,10 +1041,10 @@ static void end_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, u32 flags){(ap
static b32 print_message(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 message){return(app->print_message(app, message));}
static Face_ID get_largest_face_id(Application_Links *app){return(app->get_largest_face_id(app));}
static b32 set_global_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, b32 apply_to_all_buffers){return(app->set_global_face(app, id, apply_to_all_buffers));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_max_record_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer_id, index_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_record_info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info *record_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, record_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index, Record_Info *record_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, sub_index, record_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer_id, index_out));}
static History_Record_Index buffer_history_get_max_record_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_get_max_record_index(app, buffer_id));}
static Record_Info buffer_history_get_record_info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){return(app->buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index));}
static Record_Info buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index){return(app->buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, sub_index));}
static History_Record_Index buffer_history_get_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer_id));}
static b32 buffer_history_set_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){return(app->buffer_history_set_current_state_index(app, buffer_id, index));}
static b32 buffer_history_merge_record_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index first_index, History_Record_Index last_index, Record_Merge_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_history_merge_record_range(app, buffer_id, first_index, last_index, flags));}
static b32 buffer_history_clear_after_current_state(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_clear_after_current_state(app, buffer_id));}
@ -1051,8 +1052,8 @@ static void global_history_edit_group_begin(Application_Links *app){(app->global
static void global_history_edit_group_end(Application_Links *app){(app->global_history_edit_group_end(app));}
static b32 buffer_set_face(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID id){return(app->buffer_set_face(app, buffer_id, id));}
static Face_Description get_face_description(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id){return(app->get_face_description(app, id));}
static b32 get_face_metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id, Face_Metrics *metrics_out){return(app->get_face_metrics(app, face_id, metrics_out));}
static b32 get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID *face_id_out){return(app->get_face_id(app, buffer_id, face_id_out));}
static Face_Metrics get_face_metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id){return(app->get_face_metrics(app, face_id));}
static Face_ID get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->get_face_id(app, buffer_id));}
static Face_ID try_create_new_face(Application_Links *app, Face_Description *description){return(app->try_create_new_face(app, description));}
static b32 try_modify_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_Description *description){return(app->try_modify_face(app, id, description));}
static b32 try_release_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_ID replacement_id){return(app->try_release_face(app, id, replacement_id));}
@ -1061,7 +1062,7 @@ static Available_Font get_available_font(Application_Links *app, i32 index){retu
static void set_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count){(app->set_theme_colors(app, colors, count));}
static void get_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count){(app->get_theme_colors(app, colors, count));}
static argb_color finalize_color(Application_Links *app, int_color color){return(app->finalize_color(app, color));}
static b32 get_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *out_directory){return(app->get_hot_directory(app, out, out_directory));}
static String_Const_u8 push_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){return(app->push_hot_directory(app, arena));}
static b32 set_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 string){return(app->set_hot_directory(app, string));}
static b32 get_file_list(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 directory, File_List *list_out){return(app->get_file_list(app, directory, list_out));}
static void free_file_list(Application_Links *app, File_List list){(app->free_file_list(app, list));}
@ -1069,8 +1070,7 @@ static void set_gui_up_down_keys(Application_Links *app, Key_Code up_key, Key_Mo
static void* memory_allocate(Application_Links *app, i32 size){return(app->memory_allocate(app, size));}
static b32 memory_set_protection(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size, Memory_Protect_Flags flags){return(app->memory_set_protection(app, ptr, size, flags));}
static void memory_free(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size){(app->memory_free(app, ptr, size));}
static b32 file_get_attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name, File_Attributes *attributes_out){return(app->file_get_attributes(app, file_name, attributes_out));}
static b32 get_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *path_out){return(app->get_4ed_path(app, out, path_out));}
static String_Const_u8 push_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){return(app->push_4ed_path(app, arena));}
static void show_mouse_cursor(Application_Links *app, Mouse_Cursor_Show_Type show){(app->show_mouse_cursor(app, show));}
static b32 set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed(Application_Links *app, u32 milliseconds){return(app->set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed(app, milliseconds));}
static b32 set_fullscreen(Application_Links *app, b32 full_screen){return(app->set_fullscreen(app, full_screen));}
@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ static b32 text_layout_layout_point_to_buffer_point(Application_Links *app, Text
static b32 text_layout_get_on_screen_range(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Range *on_screen_range_out){return(app->text_layout_get_on_screen_range(app, text_layout_id, on_screen_range_out));}
static b32 text_layout_get_height(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, f32 *height_out){return(app->text_layout_get_height(app, text_layout_id, height_out));}
static b32 text_layout_free(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id){return(app->text_layout_free(app, text_layout_id));}
static b32 compute_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last, Text_Layout_ID *text_layout_id_out){return(app->compute_render_layout(app, view_id, buffer_id, screen_p, layout_dim, buffer_point, one_past_last, text_layout_id_out));}
static b32 compute_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last){return(app->compute_render_layout(app, view_id, buffer_id, screen_p, layout_dim, buffer_point, one_past_last));}
static void draw_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){(app->draw_render_layout(app, view_id));}
static void open_color_picker(Application_Links *app, Color_Picker *picker){(app->open_color_picker(app, picker));}
static void animate_in_n_milliseconds(Application_Links *app, u32 n){(app->animate_in_n_milliseconds(app, n));}
@ -1144,6 +1144,7 @@ static b32 buffer_save(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, String_Const
static Buffer_Kill_Result buffer_kill(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Kill_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_kill_(app, buffer_id, flags));}
static Buffer_Reopen_Result buffer_reopen(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Buffer_Reopen_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_reopen_(app, buffer_id, flags));}
static File_Attributes buffer_get_file_attributes(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_get_file_attributes_(app, buffer_id));}
static File_Attributes get_file_attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name){return(app->get_file_attributes_(app, file_name));}
static View_ID get_view_next(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_view_next_(app, view_id, access));}
static View_ID get_view_prev(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_view_prev_(app, view_id, access));}
static View_ID get_active_view(Application_Links *app, Access_Flag access){return(app->get_active_view_(app, access));}
@ -1167,12 +1168,12 @@ static Panel_ID panel_get_max(Application_Links *app, Panel_ID panel_id){return(
static Rect_i32 panel_get_margin(Application_Links *app, Panel_ID panel_id){return(app->panel_get_margin_(app, panel_id));}
static b32 view_close(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_close_(app, view_id));}
static Rect_f32 view_get_buffer_region(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_buffer_region_(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_get_scroll_vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars_out){return(app->view_get_scroll_vars_(app, view_id, scroll_vars_out));}
static GUI_Scroll_Vars view_get_scroll_vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_scroll_vars_(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_set_active(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_set_active_(app, view_id));}
static b32 view_get_setting(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 *value_out){return(app->view_get_setting_(app, view_id, setting, value_out));}
static b32 view_set_setting(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Setting_ID setting, i32 value){return(app->view_set_setting_(app, view_id, setting, value));}
static b32 view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Managed_Scope *scope){return(app->view_get_managed_scope_(app, view_id, scope));}
static b32 view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out){return(app->view_compute_cursor_(app, view_id, seek, cursor_out));}
static Managed_Scope view_get_managed_scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){return(app->view_get_managed_scope_(app, view_id));}
static Full_Cursor view_compute_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek){return(app->view_compute_cursor_(app, view_id, seek));}
static b32 view_set_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, b32 set_preferred_x){return(app->view_set_cursor_(app, view_id, seek, set_preferred_x));}
static b32 view_set_scroll(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll){return(app->view_set_scroll_(app, view_id, scroll));}
static b32 view_set_mark(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek){return(app->view_set_mark_(app, view_id, seek));}
@ -1222,10 +1223,10 @@ static void end_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, u32 flags){(ap
static b32 print_message(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 message){return(app->print_message_(app, message));}
static Face_ID get_largest_face_id(Application_Links *app){return(app->get_largest_face_id_(app));}
static b32 set_global_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, b32 apply_to_all_buffers){return(app->set_global_face_(app, id, apply_to_all_buffers));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_max_record_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_max_record_index_(app, buffer_id, index_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_record_info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info *record_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_record_info_(app, buffer_id, index, record_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index, Record_Info *record_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_group_sub_record_(app, buffer_id, index, sub_index, record_out));}
static b32 buffer_history_get_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){return(app->buffer_history_get_current_state_index_(app, buffer_id, index_out));}
static History_Record_Index buffer_history_get_max_record_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_get_max_record_index_(app, buffer_id));}
static Record_Info buffer_history_get_record_info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){return(app->buffer_history_get_record_info_(app, buffer_id, index));}
static Record_Info buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index){return(app->buffer_history_get_group_sub_record_(app, buffer_id, index, sub_index));}
static History_Record_Index buffer_history_get_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_get_current_state_index_(app, buffer_id));}
static b32 buffer_history_set_current_state_index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){return(app->buffer_history_set_current_state_index_(app, buffer_id, index));}
static b32 buffer_history_merge_record_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index first_index, History_Record_Index last_index, Record_Merge_Flag flags){return(app->buffer_history_merge_record_range_(app, buffer_id, first_index, last_index, flags));}
static b32 buffer_history_clear_after_current_state(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->buffer_history_clear_after_current_state_(app, buffer_id));}
@ -1233,8 +1234,8 @@ static void global_history_edit_group_begin(Application_Links *app){(app->global
static void global_history_edit_group_end(Application_Links *app){(app->global_history_edit_group_end_(app));}
static b32 buffer_set_face(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID id){return(app->buffer_set_face_(app, buffer_id, id));}
static Face_Description get_face_description(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id){return(app->get_face_description_(app, id));}
static b32 get_face_metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id, Face_Metrics *metrics_out){return(app->get_face_metrics_(app, face_id, metrics_out));}
static b32 get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID *face_id_out){return(app->get_face_id_(app, buffer_id, face_id_out));}
static Face_Metrics get_face_metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id){return(app->get_face_metrics_(app, face_id));}
static Face_ID get_face_id(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){return(app->get_face_id_(app, buffer_id));}
static Face_ID try_create_new_face(Application_Links *app, Face_Description *description){return(app->try_create_new_face_(app, description));}
static b32 try_modify_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_Description *description){return(app->try_modify_face_(app, id, description));}
static b32 try_release_face(Application_Links *app, Face_ID id, Face_ID replacement_id){return(app->try_release_face_(app, id, replacement_id));}
@ -1243,7 +1244,7 @@ static Available_Font get_available_font(Application_Links *app, i32 index){retu
static void set_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count){(app->set_theme_colors_(app, colors, count));}
static void get_theme_colors(Application_Links *app, Theme_Color *colors, i32 count){(app->get_theme_colors_(app, colors, count));}
static argb_color finalize_color(Application_Links *app, int_color color){return(app->finalize_color_(app, color));}
static b32 get_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *out_directory){return(app->get_hot_directory_(app, out, out_directory));}
static String_Const_u8 push_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){return(app->push_hot_directory_(app, arena));}
static b32 set_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 string){return(app->set_hot_directory_(app, string));}
static b32 get_file_list(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 directory, File_List *list_out){return(app->get_file_list_(app, directory, list_out));}
static void free_file_list(Application_Links *app, File_List list){(app->free_file_list_(app, list));}
@ -1251,8 +1252,7 @@ static void set_gui_up_down_keys(Application_Links *app, Key_Code up_key, Key_Mo
static void* memory_allocate(Application_Links *app, i32 size){return(app->memory_allocate_(app, size));}
static b32 memory_set_protection(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size, Memory_Protect_Flags flags){return(app->memory_set_protection_(app, ptr, size, flags));}
static void memory_free(Application_Links *app, void *ptr, i32 size){(app->memory_free_(app, ptr, size));}
static b32 file_get_attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name, File_Attributes *attributes_out){return(app->file_get_attributes_(app, file_name, attributes_out));}
static b32 get_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *path_out){return(app->get_4ed_path_(app, out, path_out));}
static String_Const_u8 push_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){return(app->push_4ed_path_(app, arena));}
static void show_mouse_cursor(Application_Links *app, Mouse_Cursor_Show_Type show){(app->show_mouse_cursor_(app, show));}
static b32 set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed(Application_Links *app, u32 milliseconds){return(app->set_edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed_(app, milliseconds));}
static b32 set_fullscreen(Application_Links *app, b32 full_screen){return(app->set_fullscreen_(app, full_screen));}
@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ static b32 text_layout_layout_point_to_buffer_point(Application_Links *app, Text
static b32 text_layout_get_on_screen_range(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, Range *on_screen_range_out){return(app->text_layout_get_on_screen_range_(app, text_layout_id, on_screen_range_out));}
static b32 text_layout_get_height(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id, f32 *height_out){return(app->text_layout_get_height_(app, text_layout_id, height_out));}
static b32 text_layout_free(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id){return(app->text_layout_free_(app, text_layout_id));}
static b32 compute_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last, Text_Layout_ID *text_layout_id_out){return(app->compute_render_layout_(app, view_id, buffer_id, screen_p, layout_dim, buffer_point, one_past_last, text_layout_id_out));}
static b32 compute_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last){return(app->compute_render_layout_(app, view_id, buffer_id, screen_p, layout_dim, buffer_point, one_past_last));}
static void draw_render_layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){(app->draw_render_layout_(app, view_id));}
static void open_color_picker(Application_Links *app, Color_Picker *picker){(app->open_color_picker_(app, picker));}
static void animate_in_n_milliseconds(Application_Links *app, u32 n){(app->animate_in_n_milliseconds_(app, n));}
@ -257,124 +257,124 @@ int32_t source_name_len;
int32_t line_number;
static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[236] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_all_occurrences, 0), "replace_all_occurrences", 23, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string in all open buffers.", 126, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 775 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_textual_line, 0), "seek_beginning_of_textual_line", 30, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the line across all text.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 29 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_textual_line, 0), "seek_end_of_textual_line", 24, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the line across all text.", 56, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 35 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_line, 0), "seek_beginning_of_line", 22, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 41 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_line, 0), "seek_end_of_line", 16, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 47 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_beginning_of_file, 0), "goto_beginning_of_file", 22, "Sets the cursor to the beginning of the file.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 53 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_end_of_file, 0), "goto_end_of_file", 16, "Sets the cursor to the end of the file.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 61 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel, 0), "change_active_panel", 19, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.", 85, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 201 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel_backwards, 0), "change_active_panel_backwards", 29, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.", 84, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 211 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_vsplit, 0), "open_panel_vsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 221 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_hsplit, 0), "open_panel_hsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 231 },
{ PROC_LINKS(suppress_mouse, 0), "suppress_mouse", 14, "Hides the mouse and causes all mosue input (clicks, position, wheel) to be ignored.", 83, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 294 },
{ PROC_LINKS(allow_mouse, 0), "allow_mouse", 11, "Shows the mouse and causes all mouse input to be processed normally.", 68, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 300 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_mouse, 0), "toggle_mouse", 12, "Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.", 71, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 306 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_original, 0), "set_mode_to_original", 20, "Sets the edit mode to 4coder original.", 38, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 312 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_notepad_like, 0), "set_mode_to_notepad_like", 24, "Sets the edit mode to Notepad like.", 35, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 318 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor, 0), "toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor", 31, "Toggles the line highlight at the cursor.", 41, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 324 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes, 0), "toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes", 33, "In code files scopes surrounding the cursor are highlighted with distinguishing colors.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 330 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_paren_matching_helper, 0), "toggle_paren_matching_helper", 28, "In code files matching parentheses pairs are colored with distinguishing colors.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 336 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fullscreen, 0), "toggle_fullscreen", 17, "Toggle fullscreen mode on or off. The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 342 },
{ PROC_LINKS(remap_interactive, 0), "remap_interactive", 17, "Switch to a named key binding map.", 34, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 350 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_character, 0), "write_character", 15, "Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 69 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_underscore, 0), "write_underscore", 16, "Inserts an underscore.", 22, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 78 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_char, 0), "delete_char", 11, "Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.", 49, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 85 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_char, 0), "backspace_char", 14, "Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.", 48, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 103 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mark, 0), "set_mark", 8, "Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.", 52, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 123 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cursor_mark_swap, 0), "cursor_mark_swap", 16, "Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 132 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_range, 0), "delete_range", 12, "Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 142 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 162 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "delete_alpha_numeric_boundary", 29, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 170 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 43, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 90, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 190 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 42, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 91, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 198 },
{ PROC_LINKS(center_view, 0), "center_view", 11, "Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 211 },
{ PROC_LINKS(left_adjust_view, 0), "left_adjust_view", 16, "Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 227 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_and_mark, 0), "click_set_cursor_and_mark", 25, "Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.", 56, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 251 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor, 0), "click_set_cursor", 16, "Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 268 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_if_lbutton, 0), "click_set_cursor_if_lbutton", 27, "If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 84, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 283 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_mark, 0), "click_set_mark", 14, "Sets the mark position to the mouse position.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 300 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_scroll, 0), "mouse_wheel_scroll", 18, "Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 315 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up, 0), "move_up", 7, "Moves the cursor up one line.", 29, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down, 0), "move_down", 9, "Moves the cursor down one line.", 31, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 388 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_10, 0), "move_up_10", 10, "Moves the cursor up ten lines.", 30, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 394 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_10, 0), "move_down_10", 12, "Moves the cursor down ten lines.", 32, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 400 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_textual, 0), "move_down_textual", 17, "Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapping.", 72, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 406 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_up, 0), "page_up", 7, "Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 417 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_down, 0), "page_down", 9, "Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 425 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line", 21, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 454 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line", 23, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 460 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 37, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 466 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 39, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 472 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_end, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line_end", 25, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 478 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_end, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line_end", 27, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 484 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left, 0), "move_left", 9, "Moves the cursor one character to the left.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 495 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right, 0), "move_right", 10, "Moves the cursor one character to the right.", 44, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 507 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_boundary, 0), "move_right_whitespace_boundary", 30, "Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 71, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 529 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_boundary, 0), "move_left_whitespace_boundary", 29, "Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 70, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 537 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_token_boundary, 0), "move_right_token_boundary", 25, "Seek right for the next end of a token.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 545 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_token_boundary, 0), "move_left_token_boundary", 24, "Seek left for the next beginning of a token.", 44, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 553 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 39, "Seek right for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 561 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 38, "Seek left for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 569 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary", 33, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 577 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 585 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), "move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 42, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 593 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), "move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 41, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 601 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_all, 0), "select_all", 10, "Puts the cursor at the top of the file, and the mark at the bottom of the file.", 79, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 622 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_uppercase, 0), "to_uppercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 635 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_lowercase, 0), "to_lowercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 648 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clean_all_lines, 0), "clean_all_lines", 15, "Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 661 },
{ PROC_LINKS(basic_change_active_panel, 0), "basic_change_active_panel", 25, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id. Will not skipe the build panel if it is open.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 699 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_panel, 0), "close_panel", 11, "Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.", 67, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 707 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_scrollbar, 0), "show_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 716 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_scrollbar, 0), "hide_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 723 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_filebar, 0), "show_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to show it's filebar.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 730 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_filebar, 0), "hide_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to hide it's filebar.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 737 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_filebar, 0), "toggle_filebar", 14, "Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 744 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_wrap, 0), "toggle_line_wrap", 16, "Toggles the current buffer's line wrapping status.", 50, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 753 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fps_meter, 0), "toggle_fps_meter", 16, "Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter", 51, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 763 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_line_wrap, 0), "increase_line_wrap", 18, "Increases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 769 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_line_wrap, 0), "decrease_line_wrap", 18, "Decrases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.", 54, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 779 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_face_size, 0), "increase_face_size", 18, "Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 789 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_face_size, 0), "decrease_face_size", 18, "Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 801 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_change_face_size, 0), "mouse_wheel_change_face_size", 28, "Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 813 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_virtual_whitespace, 0), "toggle_virtual_whitespace", 25, "Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 830 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_show_whitespace, 0), "toggle_show_whitespace", 22, "Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.", 58, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 840 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_numbers, 0), "toggle_line_numbers", 19, "Toggles the left margin line numbers.", 37, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 849 },
{ PROC_LINKS(eol_dosify, 0), "eol_dosify", 10, "Puts the buffer in DOS line ending mode.", 40, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 855 },
{ PROC_LINKS(eol_nixify, 0), "eol_nixify", 10, "Puts the buffer in NIX line ending mode.", 40, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 863 },
{ PROC_LINKS(exit_4coder, 0), "exit_4coder", 11, "Attempts to close 4coder.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 871 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_line, 0), "goto_line", 9, "Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.", 78, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 879 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search, 0), "search", 6, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1102 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search, 0), "reverse_search", 14, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1108 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search_identifier, 0), "search_identifier", 17, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 100, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1114 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search_identifier, 0), "reverse_search_identifier", 25, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 98, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1126 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_range, 0), "replace_in_range", 16, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.", 150, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1138 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace, 0), "query_replace", 13, "Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.", 120, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1240 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_identifier, 0), "query_replace_identifier", 24, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.", 140, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1260 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_selection, 0), "query_replace_selection", 23, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.", 141, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1276 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_all_dirty_buffers, 0), "save_all_dirty_buffers", 22, "Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).", 59, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1316 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_file_query, 0), "delete_file_query", 17, "Deletes the file of the current buffer if 4coder has the appropriate access rights. Will ask the user for confirmation first.", 125, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1341 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_to_query, 0), "save_to_query", 13, "Queries the user for a file name and saves the contents of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 110, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1379 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_file_query, 0), "rename_file_query", 17, "Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1414 },
{ PROC_LINKS(make_directory_query, 0), "make_directory_query", 20, "Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1454 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_up, 0), "move_line_up", 12, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1487 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_down, 0), "move_line_down", 14, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.", 90, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1493 },
{ PROC_LINKS(duplicate_line, 0), "duplicate_line", 14, "Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.", 51, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1499 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_line, 0), "delete_line", 11, "Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1513 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_file_in_quotes, 0), "open_file_in_quotes", 19, "Reads a filename from surrounding '\"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1578 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_matching_file_cpp, 0), "open_matching_file_cpp", 22, "If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.", 110, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1613 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_buffer_other_panel, 0), "view_buffer_other_panel", 23, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1626 },
{ PROC_LINKS(swap_buffers_between_panels, 0), "swap_buffers_between_panels", 27, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1638 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_buffer, 0), "kill_buffer", 11, "Kills the current buffer.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1675 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save, 0), "save", 4, "Saves the current buffer.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1683 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reopen, 0), "reopen", 6, "Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1695 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo, 0), "undo", 4, "Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 66, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1757 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo, 0), "redo", 4, "Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1771 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo_all_buffers, 0), "undo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 97, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1787 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo_all_buffers, 0), "redo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 96, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1865 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_in_other, 0), "open_in_other", 13, "Interactively opens a file in the other panel.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1974 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_all_occurrences, 0), "replace_all_occurrences", 23, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string in all open buffers.", 126, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 770 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_textual_line, 0), "seek_beginning_of_textual_line", 30, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the line across all text.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 28 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_textual_line, 0), "seek_end_of_textual_line", 24, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the line across all text.", 56, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 34 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_beginning_of_line, 0), "seek_beginning_of_line", 22, "Seeks the cursor to the beginning of the visual line.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 40 },
{ PROC_LINKS(seek_end_of_line, 0), "seek_end_of_line", 16, "Seeks the cursor to the end of the visual line.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 46 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_beginning_of_file, 0), "goto_beginning_of_file", 22, "Sets the cursor to the beginning of the file.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 52 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_end_of_file, 0), "goto_end_of_file", 16, "Sets the cursor to the end of the file.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_seek.cpp", 27, 60 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel, 0), "change_active_panel", 19, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id.", 85, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 197 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_active_panel_backwards, 0), "change_active_panel_backwards", 29, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next lowest view_id.", 84, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 207 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_vsplit, 0), "open_panel_vsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by vertically splitting the active panel.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 217 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_panel_hsplit, 0), "open_panel_hsplit", 17, "Create a new panel by horizontally splitting the active panel.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 227 },
{ PROC_LINKS(suppress_mouse, 0), "suppress_mouse", 14, "Hides the mouse and causes all mosue input (clicks, position, wheel) to be ignored.", 83, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 290 },
{ PROC_LINKS(allow_mouse, 0), "allow_mouse", 11, "Shows the mouse and causes all mouse input to be processed normally.", 68, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 296 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_mouse, 0), "toggle_mouse", 12, "Toggles the mouse suppression mode, see suppress_mouse and allow_mouse.", 71, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 302 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_original, 0), "set_mode_to_original", 20, "Sets the edit mode to 4coder original.", 38, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 308 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mode_to_notepad_like, 0), "set_mode_to_notepad_like", 24, "Sets the edit mode to Notepad like.", 35, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 314 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor, 0), "toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor", 31, "Toggles the line highlight at the cursor.", 41, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 320 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes, 0), "toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes", 33, "In code files scopes surrounding the cursor are highlighted with distinguishing colors.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 326 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_paren_matching_helper, 0), "toggle_paren_matching_helper", 28, "In code files matching parentheses pairs are colored with distinguishing colors.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 332 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fullscreen, 0), "toggle_fullscreen", 17, "Toggle fullscreen mode on or off. The change(s) do not take effect until the next frame.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 338 },
{ PROC_LINKS(remap_interactive, 0), "remap_interactive", 17, "Switch to a named key binding map.", 34, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 346 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_character, 0), "write_character", 15, "Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 66 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_underscore, 0), "write_underscore", 16, "Inserts an underscore.", 22, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 75 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_char, 0), "delete_char", 11, "Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.", 49, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 82 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_char, 0), "backspace_char", 14, "Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.", 48, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 99 },
{ PROC_LINKS(set_mark, 0), "set_mark", 8, "Sets the mark to the current position of the cursor.", 52, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 118 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cursor_mark_swap, 0), "cursor_mark_swap", 16, "Swaps the position of the cursor and the mark.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 127 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_range, 0), "delete_range", 12, "Deletes the text in the range between the cursor and the mark.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 137 },
{ PROC_LINKS(backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "backspace_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the left.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 157 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "delete_alpha_numeric_boundary", 29, "Delete characters between the cursor position and the first alphanumeric boundary to the right.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 165 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "snipe_backward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 43, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the left of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 90, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 185 },
{ PROC_LINKS(snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "snipe_forward_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 42, "Delete a single, whole token on or to the right of the cursor and post it to the clipboard.", 91, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 193 },
{ PROC_LINKS(center_view, 0), "center_view", 11, "Centers the view vertically on the line on which the cursor sits.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 206 },
{ PROC_LINKS(left_adjust_view, 0), "left_adjust_view", 16, "Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 221 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_and_mark, 0), "click_set_cursor_and_mark", 25, "Sets the cursor position and mark to the mouse position.", 56, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 244 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor, 0), "click_set_cursor", 16, "Sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 259 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_cursor_if_lbutton, 0), "click_set_cursor_if_lbutton", 27, "If the mouse left button is pressed, sets the cursor position to the mouse position.", 84, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 273 },
{ PROC_LINKS(click_set_mark, 0), "click_set_mark", 14, "Sets the mark position to the mouse position.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 289 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_scroll, 0), "mouse_wheel_scroll", 18, "Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 303 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up, 0), "move_up", 7, "Moves the cursor up one line.", 29, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 364 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down, 0), "move_down", 9, "Moves the cursor down one line.", 31, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 370 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_10, 0), "move_up_10", 10, "Moves the cursor up ten lines.", 30, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 376 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_10, 0), "move_down_10", 12, "Moves the cursor down ten lines.", 32, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_textual, 0), "move_down_textual", 17, "Moves down to the next line of actual text, regardless of line wrapping.", 72, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 388 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_up, 0), "page_up", 7, "Scrolls the view up one view height and moves the cursor up one view height.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 398 },
{ PROC_LINKS(page_down, 0), "page_down", 9, "Scrolls the view down one view height and moves the cursor down one view height.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 406 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line", 21, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 435 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line", 23, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 441 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 37, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 447 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line_skip_whitespace", 39, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 453 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_to_blank_line_end, 0), "move_up_to_blank_line_end", 25, "Seeks the cursor up to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 80, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 459 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down_to_blank_line_end, 0), "move_down_to_blank_line_end", 27, "Seeks the cursor down to the next blank line and places it at the end of the line.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 465 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left, 0), "move_left", 9, "Moves the cursor one character to the left.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 476 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right, 0), "move_right", 10, "Moves the cursor one character to the right.", 44, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 487 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_boundary, 0), "move_right_whitespace_boundary", 30, "Seek right for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 71, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 508 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_boundary, 0), "move_left_whitespace_boundary", 29, "Seek left for the next boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 70, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 516 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_token_boundary, 0), "move_right_token_boundary", 25, "Seek right for the next end of a token.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 524 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_token_boundary, 0), "move_left_token_boundary", 24, "Seek left for the next beginning of a token.", 44, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 532 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "move_right_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 39, "Seek right for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 540 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary, 0), "move_left_whitespace_or_token_boundary", 38, "Seek left for the next end of a token or boundary between whitespace and non-whitespace.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 548 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "move_right_alpha_numeric_boundary", 33, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 556 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary, 0), "move_left_alpha_numeric_boundary", 32, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric characters.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 564 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), "move_right_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 42, "Seek right for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 572 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary, 0), "move_left_alpha_numeric_or_camel_boundary", 41, "Seek left for boundary between alphanumeric characters or camel case word and non-alphanumeric characters.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 580 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_all, 0), "select_all", 10, "Puts the cursor at the top of the file, and the mark at the bottom of the file.", 79, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 601 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_uppercase, 0), "to_uppercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to uppercase.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 614 },
{ PROC_LINKS(to_lowercase, 0), "to_lowercase", 12, "Converts all ascii text in the range between the cursor and the mark to lowercase.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 627 },
{ PROC_LINKS(clean_all_lines, 0), "clean_all_lines", 15, "Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the current buffer.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 640 },
{ PROC_LINKS(basic_change_active_panel, 0), "basic_change_active_panel", 25, "Change the currently active panel, moving to the panel with the next highest view_id. Will not skipe the build panel if it is open.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 678 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_panel, 0), "close_panel", 11, "Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.", 67, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 686 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_scrollbar, 0), "show_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to show it's scrollbar.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 695 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_scrollbar, 0), "hide_scrollbar", 14, "Sets the current view to hide it's scrollbar.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 702 },
{ PROC_LINKS(show_filebar, 0), "show_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to show it's filebar.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 709 },
{ PROC_LINKS(hide_filebar, 0), "hide_filebar", 12, "Sets the current view to hide it's filebar.", 43, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 716 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_filebar, 0), "toggle_filebar", 14, "Toggles the visibility status of the current view's filebar.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 723 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_wrap, 0), "toggle_line_wrap", 16, "Toggles the current buffer's line wrapping status.", 50, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 732 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_fps_meter, 0), "toggle_fps_meter", 16, "Toggles the visibility of the FPS performance meter", 51, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 742 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_line_wrap, 0), "increase_line_wrap", 18, "Increases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 748 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_line_wrap, 0), "decrease_line_wrap", 18, "Decrases the current buffer's width for line wrapping.", 54, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 758 },
{ PROC_LINKS(increase_face_size, 0), "increase_face_size", 18, "Increase the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 768 },
{ PROC_LINKS(decrease_face_size, 0), "decrease_face_size", 18, "Decrease the size of the face used by the current buffer.", 57, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 779 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_change_face_size, 0), "mouse_wheel_change_face_size", 28, "Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 790 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_virtual_whitespace, 0), "toggle_virtual_whitespace", 25, "Toggles the current buffer's virtual whitespace status.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 807 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_show_whitespace, 0), "toggle_show_whitespace", 22, "Toggles the current buffer's whitespace visibility status.", 58, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 817 },
{ PROC_LINKS(toggle_line_numbers, 0), "toggle_line_numbers", 19, "Toggles the left margin line numbers.", 37, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 826 },
{ PROC_LINKS(eol_dosify, 0), "eol_dosify", 10, "Puts the buffer in DOS line ending mode.", 40, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 832 },
{ PROC_LINKS(eol_nixify, 0), "eol_nixify", 10, "Puts the buffer in NIX line ending mode.", 40, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 840 },
{ PROC_LINKS(exit_4coder, 0), "exit_4coder", 11, "Attempts to close 4coder.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 848 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_line, 0), "goto_line", 9, "Queries the user for a number, and jumps the cursor to the corresponding line.", 78, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 856 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search, 0), "search", 6, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1078 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search, 0), "reverse_search", 14, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1084 },
{ PROC_LINKS(search_identifier, 0), "search_identifier", 17, "Begins an incremental search down through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 100, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1090 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search_identifier, 0), "reverse_search_identifier", 25, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 98, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1102 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_range, 0), "replace_in_range", 16, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.", 150, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1114 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace, 0), "query_replace", 13, "Queries the user for two strings, and incrementally replaces every occurence of the first string with the second string.", 120, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1215 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_identifier, 0), "query_replace_identifier", 24, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the word or token found at the cursor with the specified string.", 140, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1235 },
{ PROC_LINKS(query_replace_selection, 0), "query_replace_selection", 23, "Queries the user for a string, and incrementally replace every occurence of the string found in the selected range with the specified string.", 141, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1251 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_all_dirty_buffers, 0), "save_all_dirty_buffers", 22, "Saves all buffers marked dirty (showing the '*' indicator).", 59, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1291 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_file_query, 0), "delete_file_query", 17, "Deletes the file of the current buffer if 4coder has the appropriate access rights. Will ask the user for confirmation first.", 125, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1316 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save_to_query, 0), "save_to_query", 13, "Queries the user for a file name and saves the contents of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 110, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1354 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_file_query, 0), "rename_file_query", 17, "Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1389 },
{ PROC_LINKS(make_directory_query, 0), "make_directory_query", 20, "Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1429 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_up, 0), "move_line_up", 12, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line above it, and moves the cursor up with it.", 88, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1462 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_line_down, 0), "move_line_down", 14, "Swaps the line under the cursor with the line below it, and moves the cursor down with it.", 90, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1468 },
{ PROC_LINKS(duplicate_line, 0), "duplicate_line", 14, "Create a copy of the line on which the cursor sits.", 51, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1474 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_line, 0), "delete_line", 11, "Delete the line the on which the cursor sits.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1488 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_file_in_quotes, 0), "open_file_in_quotes", 19, "Reads a filename from surrounding '\"' characters and attempts to open the corresponding file.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1553 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_matching_file_cpp, 0), "open_matching_file_cpp", 22, "If the current file is a *.cpp or *.h, attempts to open the corresponding *.h or *.cpp file in the other view.", 110, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1588 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_buffer_other_panel, 0), "view_buffer_other_panel", 23, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1601 },
{ PROC_LINKS(swap_buffers_between_panels, 0), "swap_buffers_between_panels", 27, "Set the other non-active panel to view the buffer that the active panel views, and switch to that panel.", 104, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1613 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_buffer, 0), "kill_buffer", 11, "Kills the current buffer.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1647 },
{ PROC_LINKS(save, 0), "save", 4, "Saves the current buffer.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1655 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reopen, 0), "reopen", 6, "Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1667 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo, 0), "undo", 4, "Advances backwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 66, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1725 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo, 0), "redo", 4, "Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1738 },
{ PROC_LINKS(undo_all_buffers, 0), "undo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances backward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 97, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1752 },
{ PROC_LINKS(redo_all_buffers, 0), "redo_all_buffers", 16, "Advances forward through the undo history in the buffer containing the most recent regular edit.", 96, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1826 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_in_other, 0), "open_in_other", 13, "Interactively opens a file in the other panel.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1929 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__quit, 0), "lister__quit", 12, "A lister mode command that quits the list without executing any actions.", 72, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 8 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__activate, 0), "lister__activate", 16, "A lister mode command that activates the list's action on the highlighted item.", 79, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 15 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character, 0), "lister__write_character", 23, "A lister mode command that dispatches to the lister's write character handler.", 78, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 30 },
@ -382,22 +382,22 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[236] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_up, 0), "lister__move_up", 15, "A lister mode command that dispatches to the lister's navigate up handler.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 50 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_down, 0), "lister__move_down", 17, "A lister mode command that dispatches to the lister's navigate down handler.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 60 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__wheel_scroll, 0), "lister__wheel_scroll", 20, "A lister mode command that scrolls the list in response to the mouse wheel.", 75, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 70 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__mouse_press, 0), "lister__mouse_press", 19, "A lister mode command that beings a click interaction with a list item under the mouse.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 85 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__mouse_release, 0), "lister__mouse_release", 21, "A lister mode command that ends a click interaction with a list item under the mouse, possibly activating it.", 109, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 96 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__repaint, 0), "lister__repaint", 15, "A lister mode command that updates the lists UI data.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 111 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__default, 0), "lister__write_character__default", 32, "A lister mode command that inserts a new character to the text field.", 69, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 121 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__backspace_text_field__default, 0), "lister__backspace_text_field__default", 37, "A lister mode command that backspaces one character from the text field.", 72, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 140 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_up__default, 0), "lister__move_up__default", 24, "A lister mode command that moves the highlighted item one up in the list.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 154 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_down__default, 0), "lister__move_down__default", 26, "A lister mode command that moves the highlighted item one down in the list.", 75, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 169 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__file_path, 0), "lister__write_character__file_path", 34, "A lister mode command that inserts a character into the text field of a file system list.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 184 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__backspace_text_field__file_path, 0), "lister__backspace_text_field__file_path", 39, "A lister mode command that backspaces one character from the text field of a file system list.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 209 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__fixed_list, 0), "lister__write_character__fixed_list", 35, "A lister mode command that handles input for the fixed sure to kill list.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 250 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_switch_buffer, 0), "interactive_switch_buffer", 25, "Interactively switch to an open buffer.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 726 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_kill_buffer, 0), "interactive_kill_buffer", 23, "Interactively kill an open buffer.", 34, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 745 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open_or_new, 0), "interactive_open_or_new", 23, "Interactively open a file out of the file system.", 49, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 818 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_new, 0), "interactive_new", 15, "Interactively creates a new file.", 33, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 857 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open, 0), "interactive_open", 16, "Interactively opens a file.", 27, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 890 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 972 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__mouse_press, 0), "lister__mouse_press", 19, "A lister mode command that beings a click interaction with a list item under the mouse.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 84 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__mouse_release, 0), "lister__mouse_release", 21, "A lister mode command that ends a click interaction with a list item under the mouse, possibly activating it.", 109, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 95 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__repaint, 0), "lister__repaint", 15, "A lister mode command that updates the lists UI data.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 110 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__default, 0), "lister__write_character__default", 32, "A lister mode command that inserts a new character to the text field.", 69, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 120 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__backspace_text_field__default, 0), "lister__backspace_text_field__default", 37, "A lister mode command that backspaces one character from the text field.", 72, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 139 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_up__default, 0), "lister__move_up__default", 24, "A lister mode command that moves the highlighted item one up in the list.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 153 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__move_down__default, 0), "lister__move_down__default", 26, "A lister mode command that moves the highlighted item one down in the list.", 75, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 168 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__file_path, 0), "lister__write_character__file_path", 34, "A lister mode command that inserts a character into the text field of a file system list.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 183 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__backspace_text_field__file_path, 0), "lister__backspace_text_field__file_path", 39, "A lister mode command that backspaces one character from the text field of a file system list.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 208 },
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__fixed_list, 0), "lister__write_character__fixed_list", 35, "A lister mode command that handles input for the fixed sure to kill list.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 249 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_switch_buffer, 0), "interactive_switch_buffer", 25, "Interactively switch to an open buffer.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 725 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_kill_buffer, 0), "interactive_kill_buffer", 23, "Interactively kill an open buffer.", 34, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 744 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open_or_new, 0), "interactive_open_or_new", 23, "Interactively open a file out of the file system.", 49, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 817 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_new, 0), "interactive_new", 15, "Interactively creates a new file.", 33, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 856 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open, 0), "interactive_open", 16, "Interactively opens a file.", 27, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 889 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 971 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_tab_whole_file, 0), "auto_tab_whole_file", 19, "Audo-indents the entire current buffer.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 556 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_tab_line_at_cursor, 0), "auto_tab_line_at_cursor", 23, "Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 566 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_tab_range, 0), "auto_tab_range", 14, "Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 577 },
@ -414,58 +414,58 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[236] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier, 0), "list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier", 51, "Reads a token or word under the cursor and lists all locations of strings that appear to define a type whose name matches it.", 125, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_search.cpp", 29, 765 },
{ PROC_LINKS(word_complete, 0), "word_complete", 13, "Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with other words in open buffers that have the same prefix string.", 130, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_search.cpp", 29, 786 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_direct, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_direct", 26, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.", 187, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 8 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_direct, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_direct", 37, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list..", 168, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 32 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_direct, 0), "goto_next_jump_direct", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_direct, 0), "goto_prev_jump_direct", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 63 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_direct, 0), "goto_next_jump_no_skips_direct", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 72 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_direct, 0), "goto_prev_jump_no_skips_direct", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 81 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_direct, 0), "goto_first_jump_direct", 22, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 90 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_direct", 31, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 105 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 122 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_direct, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_direct", 37, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list..", 168, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 31 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_direct, 0), "goto_next_jump_direct", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 52 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_direct, 0), "goto_prev_jump_direct", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 61 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_direct, 0), "goto_next_jump_no_skips_direct", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 70 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_direct, 0), "goto_prev_jump_no_skips_direct", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 79 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_direct, 0), "goto_first_jump_direct", 22, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 88 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_direct", 31, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 103 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 120 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_sticky, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_sticky", 26, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in another view and changes the active panel to the view containing the jump.", 187, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 365 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky", 37, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.", 167, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 393 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_next_jump_sticky", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 494 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_prev_jump_sticky", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 512 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky, 0), "goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 525 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky, 0), "goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 543 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_first_jump_sticky", 22, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 557 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky, 0), "goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky", 33, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.", 153, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 574 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_sticky, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_sticky", 31, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 596 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 613 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky, 0), "goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel_sticky", 37, "If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump location and brings up the file and position in this view, losing the compilation output or jump list.", 167, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 392 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_next_jump_sticky", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 123, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 491 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_prev_jump_sticky", 21, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, skipping sub jump locations.", 127, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 508 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky, 0), "goto_next_jump_no_skips_sticky", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the next jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 132, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 521 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky, 0), "goto_prev_jump_no_skips_sticky", 30, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the previous jump in the buffer, and does not skip sub jump locations.", 136, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 538 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_sticky, 0), "goto_first_jump_sticky", 22, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 552 },
{ PROC_LINKS(goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky, 0), "goto_first_jump_same_panel_sticky", 33, "If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to the first jump in the buffer and views the buffer in the panel where the jump list was.", 153, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 569 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_sticky, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_sticky", 31, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 591 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 608 },
{ PROC_LINKS(view_jump_list_with_lister, 0), "view_jump_list_with_lister", 26, "When executed on a buffer with jumps, creates a persistent lister for all the jumps", 83, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_lister.cpp", 34, 104 },
{ PROC_LINKS(copy, 0), "copy", 4, "Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 23 },
{ PROC_LINKS(cut, 0), "cut", 3, "Cut the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 32 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste, 0), "paste", 5, "At the cursor, insert the text at the top of the clipboard.", 59, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 43 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next, 0), "paste_next", 10, "If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste range with the next text down on the clipboard, otherwise operates as the paste command.", 156, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 77 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_and_indent, 0), "paste_and_indent", 16, "Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 77, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 121 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next_and_indent, 0), "paste_next_and_indent", 21, "Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 128 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next, 0), "paste_next", 10, "If the previous command was paste or paste_next, replaces the paste range with the next text down on the clipboard, otherwise operates as the paste command.", 156, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 76 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_and_indent, 0), "paste_and_indent", 16, "Paste from the top of clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 77, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 119 },
{ PROC_LINKS(paste_next_and_indent, 0), "paste_next_and_indent", 21, "Paste the next item on the clipboard and run auto-indent on the newly pasted text.", 82, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 126 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_previous_cli, 0), "execute_previous_cli", 20, "If the command execute_any_cli has already been used, this will execute a CLI reusing the most recent buffer name and command.", 126, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_system_command.cpp", 37, 7 },
{ PROC_LINKS(execute_any_cli, 0), "execute_any_cli", 15, "Queries for an output buffer name and system command, runs the system command as a CLI and prints the output to the specified buffer.", 133, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_system_command.cpp", 37, 22 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_search, 0), "build_search", 12, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*.", 153, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 37, 128 },
{ PROC_LINKS(build_in_build_panel, 0), "build_in_build_panel", 20, "Looks for a build.bat,, or makefile in the current and parent directories. Runs the first that it finds and prints the output to *compilation*. Puts the *compilation* buffer in a panel at the footer of the current view.", 230, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 37, 162 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_build_panel, 0), "close_build_panel", 17, "If the special build panel is open, closes it.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 37, 177 },
{ PROC_LINKS(change_to_build_panel, 0), "change_to_build_panel", 21, "If the special build panel is open, makes the build panel the active panel.", 75, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 37, 183 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_all_code, 0), "close_all_code", 14, "Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 929 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code, 0), "open_all_code", 13, "Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.", 164, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 935 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code_recursive, 0), "open_all_code_recursive", 23, "Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.", 59, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 941 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_project, 0), "load_project", 12, "Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.", 167, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 949 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_fkey_command, 0), "project_fkey_command", 20, "Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.", 175, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 956 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_go_to_root_directory, 0), "project_go_to_root_directory", 28, "Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.", 125, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 979 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_new_project, 0), "setup_new_project", 17, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.", 120, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1314 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat, 0), "setup_build_bat", 15, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1321 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_sh, 0), "setup_build_sh", 14, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build shell script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1327 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat_and_sh, 0), "setup_build_bat_and_sh", 22, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1333 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_command_lister, 0), "project_command_lister", 22, "Open a lister of all commands in the currently loaded project.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1348 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_all_code, 0), "close_all_code", 14, "Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 928 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code, 0), "open_all_code", 13, "Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.", 164, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 934 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_all_code_recursive, 0), "open_all_code_recursive", 23, "Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.", 59, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 940 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_project, 0), "load_project", 12, "Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.", 167, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 948 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_fkey_command, 0), "project_fkey_command", 20, "Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.", 175, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 955 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_go_to_root_directory, 0), "project_go_to_root_directory", 28, "Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.", 125, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 978 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_new_project, 0), "setup_new_project", 17, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.", 120, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1313 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat, 0), "setup_build_bat", 15, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1320 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_sh, 0), "setup_build_sh", 14, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build shell script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1326 },
{ PROC_LINKS(setup_build_bat_and_sh, 0), "setup_build_bat_and_sh", 22, "Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1332 },
{ PROC_LINKS(project_command_lister, 0), "project_command_lister", 22, "Open a lister of all commands in the currently loaded project.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1347 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer, 0), "list_all_functions_current_buffer", 33, "Creates a jump list of lines of the current buffer that appear to define or declare functions.", 94, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 269 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister, 0), "list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister", 40, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations in the buffer.", 97, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 279 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers, 0), "list_all_functions_all_buffers", 30, "Creates a jump list of lines from all buffers that appear to define or declare functions.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 291 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister, 0), "list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister", 37, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations all buffers.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 297 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope, 0), "select_surrounding_scope", 24, "Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 338 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_absolute, 0), "select_next_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 102, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 353 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_scope_absolute, 0), "select_prev_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 103, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 372 },
{ PROC_LINKS(place_in_scope, 0), "place_in_scope", 14, "Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.", 91, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 462 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_current_scope, 0), "delete_current_scope", 20, "Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope. Leaves the contents within the scope.", 99, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 468 },
{ PROC_LINKS(scope_absorb_down, 0), "scope_absorb_down", 17, "If a scope is currently selected, and a statement or block statement is present below the current scope, the statement is moved into the scope.", 143, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 691 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_surrounding_scope, 0), "select_surrounding_scope", 24, "Finds the scope enclosed by '{' '}' surrounding the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 337 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_next_scope_absolute, 0), "select_next_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' after the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 102, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 352 },
{ PROC_LINKS(select_prev_scope_absolute, 0), "select_prev_scope_absolute", 26, "Finds the first scope started by '{' before the cursor and puts the cursor and mark on the '{' and '}'.", 103, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 371 },
{ PROC_LINKS(place_in_scope, 0), "place_in_scope", 14, "Wraps the code contained in the range between cursor and mark with a new curly brace scope.", 91, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 461 },
{ PROC_LINKS(delete_current_scope, 0), "delete_current_scope", 20, "Deletes the braces surrounding the currently selected scope. Leaves the contents within the scope.", 99, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 467 },
{ PROC_LINKS(scope_absorb_down, 0), "scope_absorb_down", 17, "If a scope is currently selected, and a statement or block statement is present below the current scope, the statement is moved into the scope.", 143, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_scope_commands.cpp", 37, 690 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces, 0), "open_long_braces", 16, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}' separated by a blank line.", 62, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 46 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_semicolon, 0), "open_long_braces_semicolon", 26, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '};' separated by a blank line.", 63, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 54 },
{ PROC_LINKS(open_long_braces_break, 0), "open_long_braces_break", 22, "At the cursor, insert a '{' and '}break;' separated by a blank line.", 68, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 62 },
@ -488,11 +488,11 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[236] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp, 0), "miblo_decrement_time_stamp", 26, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 380 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute, 0), "miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 386 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute, 0), "miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 392 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_rect, 0), "kill_rect", 9, "Delete characters in a rectangular region. Range testing is done by unwrapped-xy coordinates.", 93, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 47 },
{ PROC_LINKS(multi_line_edit, 0), "multi_line_edit", 15, "Begin multi-line mode. In multi-line mode characters are inserted at every line between the mark and cursor. All characters are inserted at the same character offset into the line. This mode uses line_char coordinates.", 221, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 127 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_parameter, 0), "rename_parameter", 16, "If the cursor is found to be on the name of a function parameter in the signature of a function definition, all occurences within the scope of the function will be replaced with a new provided string.", 200, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 395 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_values, 0), "write_explicit_enum_values", 26, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in sequentially starting from zero. Existing values are overwritten.", 170, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 702 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_flags, 0), "write_explicit_enum_flags", 25, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in to give each a unique power of 2 value, starting from 1. Existing values are overwritten.", 194, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 708 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_rect, 0), "kill_rect", 9, "Delete characters in a rectangular region. Range testing is done by unwrapped-xy coordinates.", 93, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 44 },
{ PROC_LINKS(multi_line_edit, 0), "multi_line_edit", 15, "Begin multi-line mode. In multi-line mode characters are inserted at every line between the mark and cursor. All characters are inserted at the same character offset into the line. This mode uses line_char coordinates.", 221, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 125 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_parameter, 0), "rename_parameter", 16, "If the cursor is found to be on the name of a function parameter in the signature of a function definition, all occurences within the scope of the function will be replaced with a new provided string.", 200, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 390 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_values, 0), "write_explicit_enum_values", 26, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in sequentially starting from zero. Existing values are overwritten.", 170, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 697 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_flags, 0), "write_explicit_enum_flags", 25, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in to give each a unique power of 2 value, starting from 1. Existing values are overwritten.", 194, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 703 },
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_all_occurrences = 0;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_textual_line = 1;
@ -403,22 +403,6 @@ buffer_seek_character_class_change_0_1(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer,
static String_Const_u8
push_hot_directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
get_hot_directory(app, arena, &result);
static String_Const_u8
push_4ed_path(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
get_4ed_path(app, arena, &result);
static Range_u64
buffer_range(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer){
Range_u64 range = {};
@ -439,16 +423,14 @@ get_view_range(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
static f32
get_view_y(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
static f32
get_view_x(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
@ -473,8 +455,8 @@ get_line_number_from_pos(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer, i32 pos){
static i32
character_pos_to_pos_view(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 character_pos){
i32 result = 0;
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(character_pos), &cursor)){
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_character_pos(character_pos));
if (cursor.line > 0){
result = cursor.pos;
@ -1302,15 +1284,14 @@ history_group_begin(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer){
History_Group group = {};
|||| = app;
group.buffer = buffer;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer, &group.first);
group.first = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(app, buffer);
group.first += 1;
static void
history_group_end(History_Group group){
History_Record_Index last = 0;
buffer_history_get_current_state_index(, group.buffer, &last);
History_Record_Index last = buffer_history_get_current_state_index(, group.buffer);
if (group.first < last){
buffer_history_merge_record_range(, group.buffer, group.first, last, RecordMergeFlag_StateInRange_MoveStateForward);
@ -1974,25 +1955,20 @@ lexer_keywords_default_init(Arena *arena, Cpp_Keyword_Table *kw_out, Cpp_Keyword
static b32
file_exists(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name){
File_Attributes attributes = {};
file_get_attributes(app, file_name, &attributes);
File_Attributes attributes = get_file_attributes(app, file_name);
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0);
static b32
file_exists_and_is_file(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name){
File_Attributes attributes = {};
file_get_attributes(app, file_name, &attributes);
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0 &&
!HasFlag(attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory));
File_Attributes attributes = get_file_attributes(app, file_name);
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0 && !HasFlag(attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory));
static b32
file_exists_and_is_folder(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name){
File_Attributes attributes = {};
file_get_attributes(app, file_name, &attributes);
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0 &&
HasFlag(attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory));
File_Attributes attributes = get_file_attributes(app, file_name);
return(attributes.last_write_time > 0 && HasFlag(attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory));
static Data
@ -2146,8 +2122,7 @@ no_mark_snap_to_cursor(Application_Links *app, Managed_Scope view_scope){
static void
no_mark_snap_to_cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
no_mark_snap_to_cursor(app, scope);
@ -2231,10 +2206,9 @@ view_set_split_pixel_size(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 t){
static Record_Info
get_single_record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){
Record_Info record = {};
buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index, &record);
Record_Info record = buffer_history_get_record_info(app, buffer_id, index);
if (record.error == RecordError_NoError && record.kind == RecordKind_Group){
buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, - 1, &record);
record = buffer_history_get_group_sub_record(app, buffer_id, index, - 1);
@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump loc
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
Parsed_Jump jump = parse_jump_from_buffer_line(app, scratch, buffer, cursor.line, false);
if (jump.success){
@ -37,8 +36,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump loc
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessProtected);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
Parsed_Jump jump = parse_jump_from_buffer_line(app, scratch, buffer, cursor.line, false);
if (jump.success){
@ -372,8 +372,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump loc
Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
i32 list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(app, list, cursor.line);
@ -401,8 +400,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If the cursor is found to be on a jump location, parses the jump loc
Marker_List *list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
i32 list_index = get_index_exact_from_list(app, list, cursor.line);
@ -484,8 +482,7 @@ get_locked_jump_state(Application_Links *app, Heap *heap){
result.list = get_or_make_list_for_buffer(app, heap, buffer);
i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, result.view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, result.view, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, result.view, seek_pos(cursor_position));
result.list_index = get_index_nearest_from_list(app, result.list, cursor.line);
@ -499,8 +496,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to th
Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap);
if (jump_state.view != 0){
i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, jump_state.view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position));
i32 line = get_line_from_list(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index);
if (line <= cursor.line){
@ -530,8 +526,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("If a buffer containing jump locations has been locked in, goes to th
Locked_Jump_State jump_state = get_locked_jump_state(app, heap);
if (jump_state.view != 0){
i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, jump_state.view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, jump_state.view, seek_pos(cursor_position));
i32 line = get_line_from_list(app, jump_state.list, jump_state.list_index);
if (line <= cursor.line){
@ -304,8 +304,7 @@ convert_name_based_to_id_based(Application_Links *app, Name_Line_Column_Location
static Parsed_Jump
seek_next_jump_in_view(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, View_ID view, i32 skip_sub_errors, i32 direction, i32 *line_out){
i32 cursor_position = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_position), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(cursor_position));
i32 line = cursor.line;
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll);
Parsed_Jump jump = seek_next_jump_in_buffer(app, arena, buffer, line + direction, skip_sub_errors, direction, &line);
@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(lister__wheel_scroll)
CUSTOM_DOC("A lister mode command that scrolls the list in response to the mouse wheel.")
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
scroll.target_y += mouse.wheel;
view_set_scroll(app, view, scroll);
@ -545,8 +545,7 @@ parse_project__nearest_file(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena){
Project_Parse_Result result = {};
Temp_Memory restore_point = begin_temp(arena);
String_Const_u8 project_path = {};
get_hot_directory(app, arena, &project_path);
String_Const_u8 project_path = push_hot_directory(app, arena);
if (project_path.size == 0){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("The hot directory is empty, cannot search for a project.\n"));
@ -294,17 +294,16 @@ view_set_to_region(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, i32 major_pos, i32 mino
bottom_major = true;
Full_Cursor top = {};
Full_Cursor bottom = {};
if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.min), &top)){
if (view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.max), &bottom)){
Full_Cursor top = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.min));
if (top.line > 0){
Full_Cursor bottom = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(range.max));
if (bottom.line > 0){
f32 top_y = top.wrapped_y;
f32 bottom_y = bottom.wrapped_y;
Rect_f32 region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
f32 half_view_height = .5f*(f32)(rect_height(region));
f32 threshold = normalized_threshold * half_view_height;
f32 current_center_y = ((f32)scroll.target_y) + half_view_height;
@ -791,8 +791,7 @@ CUSTOM_DOC("Iteratively tries completing the word to the left of the cursor with
if (buffer != 0){
i32 do_init = false;
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
view_get_managed_scope(app, view, &scope);
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view);
u64 rewrite = 0;
managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_rewrite_loc, &rewrite);
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ internal void
seek_pos_of_visual_line(Application_Links *app, Side side){
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, AccessProtected);
i32 pos = view_get_cursor_pos(app, view);
Full_Cursor cursor = {};
view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos), &cursor);
Full_Cursor cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view, seek_pos(pos));
f32 y = cursor.wrapped_y;
f32 x = (side == Side_Min)?(0.f):(max_f32);
view_set_cursor(app, view, seek_wrapped_xy(x, y, true), true);
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ enum{
static b32
view_get_ui_data(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Get_UI_Flags flags, UI_Data **ui_data_out, Arena **ui_arena_out){
b32 result = false;
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
if (view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope)){
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
if (scope != 0){
Managed_Object ui_data_object = 0;
if (managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_ui_data, &ui_data_object)){
if (ui_data_object == 0){
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ view_get_ui_data(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, View_Get_UI_Flags flag
static b32
view_clear_ui_data(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
b32 result = false;
Managed_Scope scope = 0;
if (view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id, &scope)){
Managed_Scope scope = view_get_managed_scope(app, view_id);
if (scope != 0){
Managed_Object ui_data_object = 0;
if (managed_variable_get(app, scope, view_ui_data, &ui_data_object)){
if (ui_data_object != 0){
@ -178,17 +178,14 @@ view_zero_scroll(Application_Links *app, View_ID view){
static void
view_set_vertical_focus(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, f32 y_top, f32 y_bot){
Rect_f32 buffer_region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
f32 view_y_top = (f32)scroll.target_y;
f32 view_y_dim = rect_height(buffer_region);
f32 view_y_bot = view_y_top + view_y_dim;
Buffer_ID buffer = view_get_buffer(app, view, AccessAll);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, buffer, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, buffer);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_dim = metrics.line_height;
f32 hot_y_top = view_y_top + line_dim*3;
@ -301,8 +298,7 @@ lister_get_clicked_item(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
UI_Data *ui_data = 0;
Arena *ui_arena = 0;
if (view_get_ui_data(app, view_id, ViewGetUIFlag_KeepDataAsIs, &ui_data, &ui_arena)){
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view_id);
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
Rect_f32 buffer_region = view_get_buffer_region(app, view_id);
Vec2_f32 region_p0 = buffer_region.p0;
@ -339,13 +335,10 @@ lister_update_ui(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Lister_State *state){
Rect_f32 screen_rect = view_get_screen_rect(app, view);
Face_ID face_id = 0;
get_face_id(app, 0, &face_id);
Face_Metrics metrics = {};
get_face_metrics(app, face_id, &metrics);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = {};
view_get_scroll_vars(app, view, &scroll_vars);
GUI_Scroll_Vars scroll_vars = view_get_scroll_vars(app, view);
f32 x0 = 0;
f32 x1 = (rect_width(screen_rect));
@ -993,11 +993,11 @@ DOC_SEE(Buffer_Save_Flag)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
System_Functions *system = models->system;
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
b32 result = false;
if (api_check_buffer(file)){
b32 skip_save = false;
if (!(flags & BufferSave_IgnoreDirtyFlag)){
if (!HasFlag(flags, BufferSave_IgnoreDirtyFlag)){
if (file->state.dirty == DirtyState_UpToDate){
skip_save = true;
@ -1174,6 +1174,14 @@ Buffer_Get_File_Attributes(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
API_EXPORT File_Attributes
Get_File_Attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
File_Attributes attributes = models->system->quick_file_attributes(file_name);
internal View*
get_view_next__inner(Layout *layout, View *view){
if (view != 0){
@ -1592,20 +1600,19 @@ View_Get_Buffer_Region(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
View_Get_Scroll_Vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, GUI_Scroll_Vars *scroll_vars_out){
View_Get_Scroll_Vars(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
View *view = imp_get_view(models, view_id);
b32 result = false;
GUI_Scroll_Vars result = {};
if (api_check_view(view)){
if (view->ui_mode){
*scroll_vars_out = view->ui_scroll;
result = view->ui_scroll;
File_Edit_Positions edit_pos = view_get_edit_pos(view);
*scroll_vars_out = edit_pos.scroll;
result = edit_pos.scroll;
result = true;
@ -1723,8 +1730,8 @@ DOC_SEE(View_Setting_ID)
// TODO(allen): redocument
View_Get_Managed_Scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Managed_Scope *scope)
API_EXPORT Managed_Scope
View_Get_Managed_Scope(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id)
DOC_PARAM(view_id, The id of the view from which to get a managed scope.)
DOC_RETURN(If the view_id specifies a valid view, the scope returned is the scope tied to the
@ -1734,18 +1741,17 @@ If the view_id does not specify a valid view, the returned scope is null.)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
View *view = imp_get_view(models, view_id);
b32 result = false;
Managed_Scope result = 0;
if (api_check_view(view)){
Assert(view->lifetime_object != 0);
*scope = (Managed_Scope)(view->lifetime_object->workspace.scope_id);
result = true;
result = (Managed_Scope)(view->lifetime_object->workspace.scope_id);
// TODO(allen): redocument
View_Compute_Cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek, Full_Cursor *cursor_out)
API_EXPORT Full_Cursor
View_Compute_Cursor(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_Seek seek)
DOC_PARAM(view, The view parameter specifies the view on which to run the cursor computation.)
DOC_PARAM(seek, The seek parameter specifies the target position for the seek.)
@ -1757,19 +1763,18 @@ DOC_SEE(Full_Cursor)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
View *view = imp_get_view(models, view_id);
b32 result = false;
Full_Cursor result = {};
if (api_check_view(view)){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
if (api_check_buffer(file)){
if (file->settings.unwrapped_lines && seek.type == buffer_seek_wrapped_xy){
seek.type = buffer_seek_unwrapped_xy;
*cursor_out = file_compute_cursor(models->system, file, seek);
result = file_compute_cursor(models->system, file, seek);
if (file->settings.unwrapped_lines){
cursor_out->wrapped_x = cursor_out->unwrapped_x;
cursor_out->wrapped_y = cursor_out->unwrapped_y;
result.wrapped_x = result.unwrapped_x;
result.wrapped_y = result.unwrapped_y;
result = true;
@ -2957,14 +2962,13 @@ DOC_RETURN(Returns true if the given id was a valid face and the change was made
Buffer_History_Get_Max_Record_Index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){
API_EXPORT History_Record_Index
Buffer_History_Get_Max_Record_Index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
History_Record_Index result = 0;
if (api_check_buffer(file) && history_is_activated(&file->state.history)){
*index_out = history_get_record_count(&file->state.history);
result = true;
result = history_get_record_count(&file->state.history);
@ -2991,12 +2995,11 @@ buffer_history__fill_record_info(Record *record, Record_Info *out){
Buffer_History_Get_Record_Info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, Record_Info *record_out){
API_EXPORT Record_Info
Buffer_History_Get_Record_Info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
Record_Info result = {};
if (api_check_buffer(file)){
History *history = &file->state.history;
if (history_is_activated(history)){
@ -3004,33 +3007,31 @@ Buffer_History_Get_Record_Info(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Hist
if (0 <= index && index <= max_index){
if (0 < index){
Record *record = history_get_record(history, index);
buffer_history__fill_record_info(record, record_out);
result = true;
buffer_history__fill_record_info(record, &result);
record_out->error = RecordError_InitialStateDummyRecord;
result.error = RecordError_InitialStateDummyRecord;
record_out->error = RecordError_IndexOutOfBounds;
result.error = RecordError_IndexOutOfBounds;
record_out->error = RecordError_NoHistoryAttached;
result.error = RecordError_NoHistoryAttached;
record_out->error = RecordError_InvalidBuffer;
result.error = RecordError_InvalidBuffer;
Buffer_History_Get_Group_Sub_Record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index, Record_Info *record_out){
API_EXPORT Record_Info
Buffer_History_Get_Group_Sub_Record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index index, i32 sub_index){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
Record_Info result = {};
if (api_check_buffer(file)){
History *history = &file->state.history;
if (history_is_activated(history)){
@ -3041,43 +3042,41 @@ Buffer_History_Get_Group_Sub_Record(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id,
if (record->kind == RecordKind_Group){
record = history_get_sub_record(record, sub_index + 1);
if (record != 0){
buffer_history__fill_record_info(record, record_out);
result = true;
buffer_history__fill_record_info(record, &result);
record_out->error = RecordError_SubIndexOutOfBounds;
result.error = RecordError_SubIndexOutOfBounds;
record_out->error = RecordError_WrongRecordTypeAtIndex;
result.error = RecordError_WrongRecordTypeAtIndex;
record_out->error = RecordError_InitialStateDummyRecord;
result.error = RecordError_InitialStateDummyRecord;
record_out->error = RecordError_IndexOutOfBounds;
result.error = RecordError_IndexOutOfBounds;
record_out->error = RecordError_NoHistoryAttached;
result.error = RecordError_NoHistoryAttached;
record_out->error = RecordError_InvalidBuffer;
result.error = RecordError_InvalidBuffer;
Buffer_History_Get_Current_State_Index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, History_Record_Index *index_out){
API_EXPORT History_Record_Index
Buffer_History_Get_Current_State_Index(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
History_Record_Index result = 0;
if (api_check_buffer(file) && history_is_activated(&file->state.history)){
*index_out = file_get_current_record_index(file);
result = true;
result = file_get_current_record_index(file);
@ -3247,25 +3246,24 @@ DOC_SEE(Face_Description)
Get_Face_Metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id, Face_Metrics *metrics_out){
API_EXPORT Face_Metrics
Get_Face_Metrics(Application_Links *app, Face_ID face_id){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
System_Functions *system = models->system;
b32 result = false;
Face_Metrics result = {};
if (face_id != 0){
Font_Pointers font = system->font.get_pointers_by_id(face_id);
if (font.valid){
metrics_out->line_height = (f32)font.metrics->height;
metrics_out->typical_character_width = font.metrics->sub_advances[1];
result = true;
result.line_height = (f32)font.metrics->height;
result.typical_character_width = font.metrics->sub_advances[1];
// TODO(allen): redocument
Get_Face_ID(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Face_ID *face_id_out)
Get_Face_ID(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
DOC_PARAM(buffer, The buffer from which to get a face id. If NULL gets global face id.)
DOC(Retrieves a face id if buffer is a valid If buffer is set to NULL, the parameter is ignored and the global default face is returned.)
@ -3273,17 +3271,15 @@ DOC_RETURN(On success a valid Face_ID, otherwise returns zero.)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
b32 result = false;
Face_ID result = 0;
if (buffer_id != 0){
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
if (api_check_buffer(file)){
*face_id_out = file->settings.font_id;
result = true;
result = file->settings.font_id;
*face_id_out = models->global_font_id;
result = true;
result = models->global_font_id;
@ -3436,8 +3432,8 @@ Finalize_Color(Application_Links *app, int_color color){
// TODO(allen): redocument
Get_Hot_Directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *out_directory)
API_EXPORT String_Const_u8
Push_Hot_Directory(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena)
DOC_PARAM(out, On success this character buffer is filled with the 4coder 'hot directory'.)
DOC_PARAM(capacity, Specifies the capacity in bytes of the of the out buffer.)
@ -3448,8 +3444,8 @@ DOC_SEE(directory_set_hot)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
Hot_Directory *hot = &models->hot_directory;
*out_directory = string_copy(out, SCu8(hot->string_space, hot->string_size));
String_Const_u8 result = string_copy(arena, SCu8(hot->string_space, hot->string_size));
// TODO(allen): redocument
@ -3571,17 +3567,9 @@ DOC_SEE(memory_allocate)
models->system->memory_free(ptr, size);
File_Get_Attributes(Application_Links *app, String_Const_u8 file_name, File_Attributes *attributes_out)
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
*attributes_out = models->system->quick_file_attributes(file_name);
return(attributes_out->last_write_time > 0);
// TODO(allen): redocument
Get_4ed_Path(Application_Links *app, Arena *out, String_Const_u8 *path_out)
API_EXPORT String_Const_u8
Push_4ed_Path(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena)
DOC_PARAM(out, This parameter provides a character buffer that receives the path to the 4ed executable file.)
DOC_PARAM(capacity, This parameter specifies the maximum capacity of the out buffer.)
@ -3591,10 +3579,9 @@ DOC_RETURN(This call returns non-zero on success.)
System_Functions *system = models->system;
// TODO(allen): rewrite this with a better OS layer API
i32 required_size = system->get_4ed_path(0, 0);
char *memory = push_array(out, char, required_size + 1);
char *memory = push_array(arena, char, required_size + 1);
required_size = system->get_4ed_path(memory, required_size);
*path_out = SCu8(memory, required_size);
return(SCu8(memory, required_size));
// TODO(allen): do(add a "shown but auto-hides on timer" setting for cursor show type)
@ -3922,12 +3909,12 @@ Text_Layout_Free(Application_Links *app, Text_Layout_ID text_layout_id){
Compute_Render_Layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last, Text_Layout_ID *text_layout_id_out){
Compute_Render_Layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Vec2 screen_p, Vec2 layout_dim, Buffer_Point buffer_point, i32 one_past_last){
Models *models = (Models*)app->cmd_context;
System_Functions *system = models->system;
View *view = imp_get_view(models, view_id);
Editing_File *file = imp_get_file(models, buffer_id);
b32 result = false;
Text_Layout_ID result = 0;
if (api_check_view(view) && api_check_buffer(file)){
f32 line_height = (f32)view->line_height;
f32 max_x = (f32)file->settings.display_width;
@ -4040,15 +4027,13 @@ Compute_Render_Layout(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id, Buffer_ID buffer_
view->render.items = items;
view->render.item_count = item_count;
if (text_layout_id_out != 0){
f32 height = 0.f;
if (item_count > 0){
Buffer_Render_Item *render_item_first = items;
Buffer_Render_Item *render_item_last = items + item_count - 1;
height = render_item_last->y1 - render_item_first->y0;
*text_layout_id_out = text_layout_new(&models->mem.heap, &models->text_layouts, buffer_id, buffer_point, range, height);
f32 height = 0.f;
if (item_count > 0){
Buffer_Render_Item *render_item_first = items;
Buffer_Render_Item *render_item_last = items + item_count - 1;
height = render_item_last->y1 - render_item_first->y0;
result = text_layout_new(&models->mem.heap, &models->text_layouts, buffer_id, buffer_point, range, height);
@ -4124,8 +4109,8 @@ Get_View_Visible_Range(Application_Links *app, View_ID view_id){
i32 view_height = rect_height(view->panel->rect_inner);
i32 line_height = view->line_height;
Full_Cursor min_cursor = view_get_render_cursor(models->system, view);
Full_Cursor max_cursor;
view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek_unwrapped_xy(0.f, min_cursor.wrapped_y + view_height + line_height, false), &max_cursor);
Buffer_Seek seek = seek_unwrapped_xy(0.f, min_cursor.wrapped_y + view_height + line_height, false);
Full_Cursor max_cursor = view_compute_cursor(app, view_id, seek);
result.min = min_cursor.pos;
result.max = max_cursor.pos;
@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ buffer_find_hard_start -> get_line_indent_info
get_active_view -> get_active_view_DEP
view_compute_cursor -> view_compute_cursor_DEP
Reference in New Issue