got the color theme file working, started replacing existing color themes with the new system

Allen Webster 2017-06-05 17:48:49 -04:00
parent c9562439f4
commit 624e35f8d7
12 changed files with 402 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ struct Application_Links;
#define START_QUERY_BAR_SIG(n) bool32 n(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags)
#define END_QUERY_BAR_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags)
#define PRINT_MESSAGE_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, char *str, int32_t len)
#define CREATE_THEME_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Theme *theme, char *name, int32_t len)
#define CHANGE_THEME_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len)
#define CHANGE_FONT_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len, bool32 apply_to_all_files)
#define BUFFER_SET_FONT_SIG(n) void n(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *name, int32_t len)
@ -129,6 +130,7 @@ typedef GET_MOUSE_STATE_SIG(Get_Mouse_State_Function);
typedef START_QUERY_BAR_SIG(Start_Query_Bar_Function);
typedef END_QUERY_BAR_SIG(End_Query_Bar_Function);
typedef PRINT_MESSAGE_SIG(Print_Message_Function);
typedef CREATE_THEME_SIG(Create_Theme_Function);
typedef CHANGE_THEME_SIG(Change_Theme_Function);
typedef CHANGE_FONT_SIG(Change_Font_Function);
typedef BUFFER_SET_FONT_SIG(Buffer_Set_Font_Function);
@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ Get_Mouse_State_Function *get_mouse_state;
Start_Query_Bar_Function *start_query_bar;
End_Query_Bar_Function *end_query_bar;
Print_Message_Function *print_message;
Create_Theme_Function *create_theme;
Change_Theme_Function *change_theme;
Change_Font_Function *change_font;
Buffer_Set_Font_Function *buffer_set_font;
@ -282,6 +285,7 @@ Get_Mouse_State_Function *get_mouse_state_;
Start_Query_Bar_Function *start_query_bar_;
End_Query_Bar_Function *end_query_bar_;
Print_Message_Function *print_message_;
Create_Theme_Function *create_theme_;
Change_Theme_Function *change_theme_;
Change_Font_Function *change_font_;
Buffer_Set_Font_Function *buffer_set_font_;
@ -366,6 +370,7 @@ app_links->get_mouse_state_ = Get_Mouse_State;\
app_links->start_query_bar_ = Start_Query_Bar;\
app_links->end_query_bar_ = End_Query_Bar;\
app_links->print_message_ = Print_Message;\
app_links->create_theme_ = Create_Theme;\
app_links->change_theme_ = Change_Theme;\
app_links->change_font_ = Change_Font;\
app_links->buffer_set_font_ = Buffer_Set_Font;\
@ -442,6 +447,7 @@ static inline Mouse_State get_mouse_state(Application_Links *app){return(app->ge
static inline bool32 start_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags){return(app->start_query_bar(app, bar, flags));}
static inline void end_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags){(app->end_query_bar(app, bar, flags));}
static inline void print_message(Application_Links *app, char *str, int32_t len){(app->print_message(app, str, len));}
static inline void create_theme(Application_Links *app, Theme *theme, char *name, int32_t len){(app->create_theme(app, theme, name, len));}
static inline void change_theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len){(app->change_theme(app, name, len));}
static inline void change_font(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len, bool32 apply_to_all_files){(app->change_font(app, name, len, apply_to_all_files));}
static inline void buffer_set_font(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *name, int32_t len){(app->buffer_set_font(app, buffer, name, len));}
@ -518,6 +524,7 @@ static inline Mouse_State get_mouse_state(Application_Links *app){return(app->ge
static inline bool32 start_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags){return(app->start_query_bar_(app, bar, flags));}
static inline void end_query_bar(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar, uint32_t flags){(app->end_query_bar_(app, bar, flags));}
static inline void print_message(Application_Links *app, char *str, int32_t len){(app->print_message_(app, str, len));}
static inline void create_theme(Application_Links *app, Theme *theme, char *name, int32_t len){(app->create_theme_(app, theme, name, len));}
static inline void change_theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len){(app->change_theme_(app, name, len));}
static inline void change_font(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len, bool32 apply_to_all_files){(app->change_font_(app, name, len, apply_to_all_files));}
static inline void buffer_set_font(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, char *name, int32_t len){(app->buffer_set_font_(app, buffer, name, len));}

View File

@ -33,5 +33,42 @@ Stag_Highlight_White,
static char *style_tag_names[] = {

View File

@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ STRUCT File_Info{
/* DOC(This field specifies the length of the filename string not counting the null terminator.) */
int32_t filename_len;
/* DOC(This field indicates that the description is for a folder not a file.) */
int32_t folder;
bool32 folder;
/* DOC(File_List is a list of File_Info structs.)
@ -453,10 +453,8 @@ STRUCT File_List{
STRUCT Buffer_Identifier{
/* DOC(This field is the name of the buffer; it need not be null terminated. If id is specified this pointer should be NULL.) */
char *name;
/* DOC(This field specifies the length of the name string.) */
int32_t name_len;
/* DOC(This field is the id of the buffer. If name is specified this should be 0.) */
Buffer_ID id;
@ -722,6 +720,10 @@ STRUCT Theme_Color{
int_color color;
int_color colors[Stag_COUNT];
/* DOC(A Buffer_Batch_Edit_Type is a type of batch operation.) */
ENUM(int32_t, Buffer_Batch_Edit_Type){
/* DOC(The BatchEdit_Normal operation is always correct but does the most work if there are tokens to correct.) */

View File

@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ get_config_item(Config_Line line, char *mem, Cpp_Token_Array array){
static bool32
config_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t token_type, void *var_out){
bool32 result = 0;
bool32 subscript_succes = 1;
bool32 result = false;
bool32 subscript_success = true;
if (item.line.val_token.type == token_type){
if ((var_name == 0 && == 0) || match(, var_name)){
if (subscript){
@ -519,11 +519,11 @@ config_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t token_
*subscript = item.subscript_index;
subscript_succes = 0;
subscript_success = false;
if (subscript_succes){
if (subscript_success){
if (var_out){
switch (token_type){
@ -533,8 +533,16 @@ config_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t token_
String val = make_string(item.mem + item.line.val_token.start, item.line.val_token.size);
*(int32_t*)var_out = str_to_int(val);
if (match(make_string(item.mem + item.line.val_token.start, 2), "0x")){
// Hex Integer
String val = make_string(item.mem + item.line.val_token.start + 2, item.line.val_token.size - 2);
*(uint32_t*)var_out = hexstr_to_int(val);
// Integer
String val = make_string(item.mem + item.line.val_token.start, item.line.val_token.size);
*(int32_t*)var_out = str_to_int(val);
@ -543,6 +551,12 @@ config_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t token_
copy((String*)var_out, str);
String str = make_string(item.mem + item.line.val_token.start,item.line.val_token.size);
copy((String*)var_out, str);
Config_Array_Reader *array_reader = (Config_Array_Reader*)var_out;
@ -554,7 +568,7 @@ config_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t token_
result = 1;
result = true;
@ -573,12 +587,24 @@ config_int_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, int32_t *va
static bool32
config_uint_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, uint32_t *var_out){
bool32 result = config_var(item, var_name, subscript, CPP_TOKEN_INTEGER_CONSTANT, var_out);
static bool32
config_string_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, String *var_out){
bool32 result = config_var(item, var_name, subscript, CPP_TOKEN_STRING_CONSTANT, var_out);
static bool32
config_identifier_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, String *var_out){
bool32 result = config_var(item, var_name, subscript, CPP_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, var_out);
static bool32
config_array_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, Config_Array_Reader *array_reader){
bool32 result = config_var(item, var_name, subscript, CPP_TOKEN_BRACE_OPEN, array_reader);
@ -587,7 +613,7 @@ config_array_var(Config_Item item, char *var_name, int32_t *subscript, Config_Ar
static bool32
config_array_next_item(Config_Array_Reader *array_reader, Config_Item *item){
bool32 result = 0;
bool32 result = false;
for (;array_reader->i < array_reader->val_array_end;
@ -609,7 +635,7 @@ config_array_next_item(Config_Array_Reader *array_reader, Config_Item *item){
line.val_token = array_token;
line.read_success = 1;
*item = get_config_item(line, array_reader->mem, array_reader->array);
result = 1;
result = true;
goto doublebreak;
@ -823,6 +849,140 @@ process_config_file(Application_Links *app){
// Color Scheme
static void
process_color_scheme_file(Application_Links *app, char *file_name){
Partition *part = &global_part;
FILE *file = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (!file){
char space[256];
int32_t size = get_4ed_path(app, space, sizeof(space));
String str = make_string_cap(space, size, sizeof(space));
append_sc(&str, "/");
append_sc(&str, file_name);
file = fopen(str.str, "rb");
if (file){
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part);
char *mem = 0;
int32_t size = 0;
bool32 file_read_success = file_handle_dump(part, file, &mem, &size);
bool32 success = false;
if (file_read_success){
Cpp_Token_Array array;
array.count = 0;
array.max_count = (1 << 20)/sizeof(Cpp_Token);
array.tokens = push_array(&global_part, Cpp_Token, array.max_count);
Cpp_Keyword_Table kw_table = {0};
Cpp_Keyword_Table pp_table = {0};
lexer_keywords_default_init(part, &kw_table, &pp_table);
Cpp_Lex_Data S = cpp_lex_data_init(false, kw_table, pp_table);
Cpp_Lex_Result result = cpp_lex_step(&S, mem, size+1, HAS_NULL_TERM, &array, NO_OUT_LIMIT);
if (result == LexResult_Finished){
success = true;
char name_space[512];
String name_str = make_fixed_width_string(name_space);
Theme theme;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < array.count; ++i){
Config_Line config_line = read_config_line(array, &i);
if (config_line.read_success){
Config_Item item = get_config_item(config_line, mem, array);
config_string_var(item, "name", 0, &name_str);
for (int32_t tag = 0; tag < ArrayCount(style_tag_names); ++tag){
char *name = style_tag_names[tag];
int_color color = 0;
if (config_uint_var(item, name, 0, &color)){
int_color *color_slot = &theme.colors[tag];
*color_slot = color;
char var_space[512];
String var_str = make_fixed_width_string(var_space);
if (config_identifier_var(item, name, 0, &var_str)){
for (int32_t eq_tag = 0; eq_tag < ArrayCount(style_tag_names); ++eq_tag){
if (match(var_str, style_tag_names[eq_tag])){
int_color *color_slot = &theme.colors[tag];
*color_slot = theme.colors[eq_tag];
if (name_str.size == 0){
copy(&name_str, file_name);
create_theme(app, &theme, name_str.str, name_str.size);
if (!success){
char space[256];
String str = make_fixed_width_string(space);
append_sc(&str, "Could not parse ");
append_sc(&str, file_name);
append_sc(&str, ", color scheme not loaded");
print_message(app, str.str, str.size);
char space[256];
String str = make_fixed_width_string(space);
append_sc(&str, "Did not find ");
append_sc(&str, file_name);
append_sc(&str, ", color scheme not loaded");
print_message(app, str.str, str.size);
static void
load_color_themes(Application_Links *app){
char folder_name_space[512];
String folder_name = make_fixed_width_string(folder_name_space);
folder_name.size = get_4ed_path(app, folder_name_space, sizeof(folder_name_space));
append(&folder_name, "themes");
if (folder_name.size < folder_name.memory_size){
File_List list = get_file_list(app, folder_name.str, folder_name.size);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list.count; ++i){
File_Info *info = &list.infos[i];
if (!info->folder){
char file_name_space[512];
String file_name = make_fixed_width_string(file_name_space);
copy(&file_name, folder_name);
append(&file_name, "/");
append(&file_name, make_string(info->filename, info->filename_len));
if (file_name.size < file_name.memory_size){
process_color_scheme_file(app, file_name.str);
free_file_list(app, list);
// Framework Init Functions
@ -843,6 +1003,7 @@ static void
default_4coder_initialize(Application_Links *app, bool32 use_scrollbars, bool32 use_file_bars){
String theme = get_default_theme_name();
String font = get_default_font_name();

View File

@ -143,6 +143,13 @@ query_user_number(Application_Links *app, Query_Bar *bar){
static void
init_theme_zero(Theme *theme){
for (int32_t i = 0; i < Stag_COUNT; ++i){
theme->colors[i] = 0;
static char
buffer_get_char(Application_Links *app, Buffer_Summary *buffer, int32_t pos){
char result = ' ';

View File

@ -632,6 +632,7 @@ app_hardcode_styles(Models *models){
style_set_name(style, make_lit_string("Handmade Hero"));
#if 0
style->main.back_color = 0xFF161616;
style->main.margin_color = 0xFF262626;
style->main.margin_hover_color = 0xFF333333;
@ -669,6 +670,8 @@ app_hardcode_styles(Models *models){
file_info_style.pop1_color = 0xFF03CF0C;
file_info_style.pop2_color = 0xFFFF0000;
style->main.file_info_style = file_info_style;

View File

@ -2190,7 +2190,33 @@ DOC(This call posts a string to the *messages* buffer.)
do_feedback_message(cmd->system, models, make_string(str, len));
// TODO(allen): List the names of built in themes and fonts.
Create_Theme(Application_Links *app, Theme *theme, char *name, int32_t len)
DOC_PARAM(theme, The color data of the new theme.)
DOC_PARAM(name, The name of the new theme. This string need not be null terminated.)
DOC_PARAM(len, The length of the name string.)
DOC(This call creates a new theme. If the given name is already the name of a string, the old string will be replaced with the new one. This call does not set the current theme.)
Command_Data *cmd = (Command_Data*)app->cmd_context;
Style_Library *styles = &cmd->models->styles;
String theme_name = make_string(name, len);
b32 hit_existing_theme = false;
i32 count = styles->count;
Style *s = styles->styles;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++s){
if (match_ss(s->name, theme_name)){
style_set_colors(s, theme);
hit_existing_theme = true;
if (!hit_existing_theme){
style_add(styles, theme, make_string(name, len));
Change_Theme(Application_Links *app, char *name, int32_t len)
@ -2364,6 +2390,7 @@ Get_File_List(Application_Links *app, char *dir, int32_t len)
DOC_PARAM(dir, This parameter specifies the directory whose files will be enumerated in the returned list; it need not be null terminated.)
DOC_PARAM(len, This parameter the length of the dir string.)
DOC_RETURN(This call returns a File_List struct containing pointers to the names of the files in the specified directory. The File_List returned should be passed to free_file_list when it is no longer in use.)
Command_Data *cmd = (Command_Data*)app->cmd_context;
System_Functions *system = cmd->system;
@ -2381,6 +2408,7 @@ Free_File_List(Application_Links *app, File_List list)
DOC_PARAM(list, This parameter provides the file list to be freed.)
DOC(After this call the file list passed in should not be read or written to.)
Command_Data *cmd = (Command_Data*)app->cmd_context;
System_Functions *system = cmd->system;

View File

@ -38,5 +38,22 @@ struct Style_Library{
i32 count, max;
internal void
style_set_colors(Style *style, Theme *theme){
for (u32 i = 0; i < Stag_COUNT; ++i){
u32 *color_ptr = style_index_by_tag(&style->main, i);
*color_ptr = theme->colors[i];
internal void
style_add(Style_Library *library, Theme *theme, String name){
if (library->count < library->max){
Style *style = &library->styles[library->count++];
style_set_colors(style, theme);
style_set_name(style, name);

View File

@ -194,8 +194,6 @@ static void
char filename_4coder[] = STYLE_FILE;
char filename_4ed[] = "4ed_style.h";
char *tag = 0;
int32_t count = 0, i = 0;
String out = make_out_string(10 << 20);
Out_Context context = {0};
@ -204,9 +202,9 @@ generate_style(){
enum_begin(&out, "Style_Tag");
count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]);
int32_t count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "Stag_");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, ",\n");
@ -214,16 +212,40 @@ generate_style(){
count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "Stag_");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, ",\n");
append_sc(&out, "Stag_COUNT\n");
append_sc(&out, "static char *style_tag_names[] = {\n");
int32_t count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "\"");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, "\",\n");
count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "\"");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, "\",\n");
append_sc(&out, "};\n");
@ -231,8 +253,8 @@ generate_style(){
struct_begin(&out, "Interactive_Style");
count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
int32_t count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
append_sc(&out, "u32 ");
append_sc(&out, bar_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "_color;\n");
@ -242,8 +264,8 @@ generate_style(){
struct_begin(&out, "Style_Main_Data");
count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
int32_t count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
append_sc(&out, "u32 ");
append_sc(&out, main_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "_color;\n");
@ -259,9 +281,9 @@ generate_style(){
"u32 *result = 0;\n"
"switch (tag){\n");
count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]);
int32_t count = ArrayCount(bar_style_fields);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(bar_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "case Stag_");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, ": result = &s->file_info_style.");
@ -271,8 +293,8 @@ generate_style(){
count = ArrayCount(main_style_fields);
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i){
char *tag = make_style_tag(main_style_fields[i]);
append_sc(&out, "case Stag_");
append_sc(&out, tag);
append_sc(&out, ": result = &s->");

View File

@ -479,6 +479,17 @@ build_main(char *cdir, u32 flags){
build(OPTS | INCLUDES | LIBS | ICON | flags, cdir, PLAT_LAYER, dir, "4ed", 0);
END_TIME_SECTION("build 4ed");
DECL_STR(themes_folder, "../build/themes");
DECL_STR(source_themes_folder, "themes");
make_folder_if_missing(themes_folder, 0);
copy_all(source_themes_folder, "*", themes_folder);
END_TIME_SECTION("move files");
static void

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
name = "4coder";
Back = 0xFF0C0C0C;
Margin = 0xFF181818;
Margin_Hover = 0xFF252525;
Margin_Active = 0xFF323232;
List_Item = Margin;
List_Item_Hover = Margin_Hover;
List_Item_Active = Margin_Active;
Cursor = 0xFF00EE00;
Highlight = 0xFFDDEE00;
Mark = 0xFF494949;
Default = 0xFF90B080;
At_Cursor = Back;
At_Highlight = 0xFFFF44DD;
Comment = 0xFF2090F0;
Keyword = 0xFFD08F20;
Str_Constant = 0xFF50FF30;
Char_Constant = Str_Constant;
Int_Constant = Str_Constant;
Float_Constant = Str_Constant;
Bool_Constant = Str_Constant;
Include = Str_Constant;
Preproc = Default;
Special_Character = 0xFFFF0000;
Ghost_Character = 0xFF4E5E46;
Paste = 0xFFDDEE00;
Undo = 0xFF00DDEE;
Highlight_Junk = 0xff3a0000;
Highlight_White = 0xff003a3a;
Bar = 0xFF888888;
Bar_Active = 0xFF666666;
Base = 0xFF000000;
Pop1 = 0xFF3C57DC;
Pop2 = 0xFFFF0000;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
name = "Handmade Hero";
Back = 0xFF161616;
Margin = 0xFF262626;
Margin_Hover = 0xFF333333;
Margin_Active = 0xFF404040;
List_Item = Margin;
List_Item_Hover = Margin_Hover;
List_Item_Active = Margin_Active;
Cursor = 0xFF40FF40;
Highlight = 0xFF703419;
Mark = 0xFF808080;
Default = 0xFFA08563;
At_Cursor = Back;
At_Highlight = 0xFFCDAA7D;
Comment = 0xFF7D7D7D;
Keyword = 0xFFCD950C;
Str_Constant = 0xFF6B8E23;
Char_Constant = Str_Constant;
Int_Constant = Str_Constant;
Float_Constant = Str_Constant;
Bool_Constant = Str_Constant;
Include = Str_Constant;
Preproc = 0xFFDAB98F;
Special_Character = 0xFFFF0000;
Ghost_Character = 0xFF5B4D3C;
Paste = 0xFFFFBB00;
Undo = 0xFF80005D;
Highlight_Junk = 0xFF3A0000;
Highlight_White = 0xFF003A3A;
Bar_Active = FFA8A8A8;
Base = 0xFF000000;
Pop1 = 0xFF03CF0C;
Pop2 = 0xFFFF0000;