buildsuper release mode
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define command_id(c) (fcoder_metacmd_ID_##c)
#define command_metadata(c) (&fcoder_metacmd_table[command_id(c)])
#define command_metadata_by_id(id) (&fcoder_metacmd_table[id])
#define command_one_past_last_id 234
#define command_one_past_last_id 222
#define PROC_LINKS(x,y) x
@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(interactive_open);
@ -114,12 +113,6 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(lister__write_character__file_path);
@ -131,7 +124,6 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(move_line_up);
@ -163,9 +155,7 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(redo);
@ -236,8 +226,6 @@ CUSTOM_COMMAND_SIG(word_complete);
@ -254,7 +242,7 @@ char *source_name;
int32_t source_name_len;
int32_t line_number;
static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[222] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(allow_mouse, 0), "allow_mouse", 11, "Shows the mouse and causes all mouse input to be processed normally.", 68, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 332 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_tab_line_at_cursor, 0), "auto_tab_line_at_cursor", 23, "Auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.", 47, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 629 },
{ PROC_LINKS(auto_tab_range, 0), "auto_tab_range", 14, "Auto-indents the range between the cursor and the mark.", 55, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 640 },
@ -276,7 +264,7 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(close_all_code, 0), "close_all_code", 14, "Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1060 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_build_panel, 0), "close_build_panel", 17, "If the special build panel is open, closes it.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_build_commands.cpp", 37, 203 },
{ PROC_LINKS(close_panel, 0), "close_panel", 11, "Closes the currently active panel if it is not the only panel open.", 67, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 514 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 975 },
{ PROC_LINKS(command_lister, 0), "command_lister", 14, "Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.", 53, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 1000 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line, 0), "comment_line", 12, "Insert '//' at the beginning of the line after leading whitespace.", 66, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 135 },
{ PROC_LINKS(comment_line_toggle, 0), "comment_line_toggle", 19, "Turns uncommented lines into commented lines and vice versa for comments starting with '//'.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 159 },
{ PROC_LINKS(copy, 0), "copy", 4, "Copy the text in the range from the cursor to the mark onto the clipboard.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_clipboard.cpp", 32, 26 },
@ -325,7 +313,6 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_open_or_new, 0), "interactive_open_or_new", 23, "Interactively open a file out of the file system.", 49, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 848 },
{ PROC_LINKS(interactive_switch_buffer, 0), "interactive_switch_buffer", 25, "Interactively switch to an open buffer.", 39, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 757 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_buffer, 0), "kill_buffer", 11, "Kills the current buffer.", 25, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1600 },
{ PROC_LINKS(kill_rect, 0), "kill_rect", 9, "Delete characters in a rectangular region. Range testing is done by unwrapped-xy coordinates.", 93, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 26 },
{ PROC_LINKS(left_adjust_view, 0), "left_adjust_view", 16, "Sets the left size of the view near the x position of the cursor.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 167 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers, 0), "list_all_functions_all_buffers", 30, "Creates a jump list of lines from all buffers that appear to define or declare functions.", 89, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 332 },
{ PROC_LINKS(list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister, 0), "list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister", 37, "Creates a lister of locations that look like function definitions and declarations all buffers.", 95, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_function_list.cpp", 36, 338 },
@ -360,12 +347,6 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(lister__write_character__fixed_list, 0), "lister__write_character__fixed_list", 35, "A lister mode command that handles input for the fixed sure to kill list.", 73, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_lists.cpp", 28, 256 },
{ PROC_LINKS(load_project, 0), "load_project", 12, "Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.", 167, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_project_commands.cpp", 39, 1083 },
{ PROC_LINKS(make_directory_query, 0), "make_directory_query", 20, "Queries the user for a name and creates a new directory with the given name.", 76, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1288 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_basic, 0), "miblo_decrement_basic", 21, "Decrement an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 110 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp, 0), "miblo_decrement_time_stamp", 26, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 383 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute, 0), "miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Decrement a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 395 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_basic, 0), "miblo_increment_basic", 21, "Increment an integer under the cursor by one.", 45, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 94 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp, 0), "miblo_increment_time_stamp", 26, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one second. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 377 },
{ PROC_LINKS(miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute, 0), "miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute", 33, "Increment a time stamp under the cursor by one minute. (format [m]m:ss or h:mm:ss", 81, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_miblo_numbers.cpp", 36, 389 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_change_face_size, 0), "mouse_wheel_change_face_size", 28, "Reads the state of the mouse wheel and uses it to either increase or decrease the face size.", 92, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 621 },
{ PROC_LINKS(mouse_wheel_scroll, 0), "mouse_wheel_scroll", 18, "Reads the scroll wheel value from the mouse state and scrolls accordingly.", 74, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 254 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_down, 0), "move_down", 9, "Moves the cursor down one line.", 31, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 320 },
@ -377,7 +358,6 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(move_right, 0), "move_right", 10, "Moves the cursor one character to the right.", 44, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 379 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up, 0), "move_up", 7, "Moves the cursor up one line.", 29, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 314 },
{ PROC_LINKS(move_up_10, 0), "move_up_10", 10, "Moves the cursor up ten lines.", 30, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 326 },
{ PROC_LINKS(multi_line_edit, 0), "multi_line_edit", 15, "Begin multi-line mode. In multi-line mode characters are inserted at every line between the mark and cursor. All characters are inserted at the same character offset into the line. This mode uses line_char coordinates.", 221, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 117 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_direct", 31, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor.", 106, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 101 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_direct.cpp", 34, 116 },
{ PROC_LINKS(newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky, 0), "newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky", 42, "If the buffer in the active view is writable, inserts a character, otherwise performs goto_jump_at_cursor_same_panel.", 117, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_jump_sticky.cpp", 34, 584 },
@ -409,9 +389,7 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(redo_this_buffer, 0), "redo_this_buffer", 16, "Advances forwards through the undo history of the current buffer.", 65, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1691 },
{ PROC_LINKS(remap_interactive, 0), "remap_interactive", 17, "Switch to a named key binding map.", 34, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_default_framework.cpp", 40, 382 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_file_query, 0), "rename_file_query", 17, "Queries the user for a new name and renames the file of the current buffer, altering the buffer's name too.", 107, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1244 },
{ PROC_LINKS(rename_parameter, 0), "rename_parameter", 16, "If the cursor is found to be on the name of a function parameter in the signature of a function definition, all occurences within the scope of the function will be replaced with a new provided string.", 200, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 383 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reopen, 0), "reopen", 6, "Reopen the current buffer from the hard drive.", 46, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 1615 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_all_occurrences, 0), "replace_all_occurrences", 23, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurrences of the first string with the second string in all open buffers.", 126, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 780 },
{ PROC_LINKS(replace_in_range, 0), "replace_in_range", 16, "Queries the user for two strings, and replaces all occurences of the first string in the range between the cursor and the mark with the second string.", 150, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 941 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search, 0), "reverse_search", 14, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for a user specified string.", 87, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 912 },
{ PROC_LINKS(reverse_search_identifier, 0), "reverse_search_identifier", 25, "Begins an incremental search up through the current buffer for the word or token under the cursor.", 98, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 930 },
@ -482,8 +460,6 @@ static Command_Metadata fcoder_metacmd_table[234] = {
{ PROC_LINKS(write_and_auto_tab, 0), "write_and_auto_tab", 18, "Inserts a character and auto-indents the line on which the cursor sits.", 71, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_auto_indent.cpp", 34, 652 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_block, 0), "write_block", 11, "At the cursor, insert a block comment.", 38, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 103 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_character, 0), "write_character", 15, "Inserts whatever character was used to trigger this command.", 60, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_base_commands.cpp", 36, 67 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_flags, 0), "write_explicit_enum_flags", 25, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in to give each a unique power of 2 value, starting from 1. Existing values are overwritten.", 194, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 705 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_explicit_enum_values, 0), "write_explicit_enum_values", 26, "If the cursor is found to be on the '{' of an enum definition, the values of the enum will be filled in sequentially starting from zero. Existing values are overwritten.", 170, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_experiments.cpp", 34, 699 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_hack, 0), "write_hack", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// HACK' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 91 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_note, 0), "write_note", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// NOTE' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 97 },
{ PROC_LINKS(write_todo, 0), "write_todo", 10, "At the cursor, insert a '// TODO' comment, includes user name if it was specified in config.4coder.", 99, "w:\\4ed\\code\\4coder_combined_write_commands.cpp", 46, 85 },
@ -560,168 +536,156 @@ static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open = 66;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_open_or_new = 67;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_interactive_switch_buffer = 68;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_buffer = 69;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_kill_rect = 70;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_left_adjust_view = 71;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers = 72;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister = 73;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer = 74;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister = 75;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations = 76;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_case_insensitive = 77;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier = 78;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive = 79;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection = 80;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive = 81;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition = 82;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier = 83;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations = 84;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive = 85;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__activate = 86;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field = 87;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field__default = 88;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field__file_path = 89;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__mouse_press = 90;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__mouse_release = 91;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_down = 92;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_down__default = 93;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_up = 94;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_up__default = 95;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__quit = 96;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__repaint = 97;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__wheel_scroll = 98;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character = 99;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__default = 100;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__file_path = 101;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__fixed_list = 102;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_project = 103;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_make_directory_query = 104;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_basic = 105;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp = 106;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_decrement_time_stamp_minute = 107;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_basic = 108;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp = 109;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_miblo_increment_time_stamp_minute = 110;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_change_face_size = 111;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_scroll = 112;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down = 113;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_10 = 114;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_textual = 115;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left = 116;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_down = 117;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_up = 118;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right = 119;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up = 120;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_10 = 121;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_multi_line_edit = 122;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_direct = 123;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct = 124;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky = 125;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_sticky = 126;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code = 127;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code_recursive = 128;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_file_in_quotes = 129;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_in_other = 130;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces = 131;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_break = 132;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_semicolon = 133;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_matching_file_cpp = 134;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_hsplit = 135;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_vsplit = 136;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_down = 137;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_up = 138;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste = 139;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_and_indent = 140;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next = 141;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next_and_indent = 142;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_place_in_scope = 143;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_command_lister = 144;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_fkey_command = 145;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_go_to_root_directory = 146;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace = 147;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_identifier = 148;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_selection = 149;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo = 150;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo_this_buffer = 151;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_remap_interactive = 152;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_rename_file_query = 153;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_rename_parameter = 154;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reopen = 155;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_all_occurrences = 156;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_range = 157;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search = 158;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search_identifier = 159;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save = 160;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_all_dirty_buffers = 161;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_to_query = 162;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_scope_absorb_down = 163;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_search = 164;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_search_identifier = 165;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_left = 166;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left = 167;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right = 168;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_right = 169;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_line = 170;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_textual_line = 171;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_line = 172;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_textual_line = 173;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_token_left = 174;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_token_right = 175;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_white_or_token_left = 176;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_white_or_token_right = 177;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_down = 178;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_down_end_line = 179;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_left = 180;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_right = 181;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_up = 182;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_up_end_line = 183;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_all = 184;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_absolute = 185;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_scope_absolute = 186;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope = 187;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_choose = 188;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_default = 189;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_mac_default = 190;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mark = 191;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_notepad_like = 192;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_original = 193;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat = 194;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat_and_sh = 195;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_sh = 196;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_new_project = 197;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_filebar = 198;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_scrollbar = 199;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_token_or_word = 200;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_token_or_word_right = 201;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snippet_lister = 202;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_suppress_mouse = 203;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_swap_buffers_between_panels = 204;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_lowercase = 205;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_uppercase = 206;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_filebar = 207;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fps_meter = 208;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fullscreen = 209;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes = 210;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor = 211;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_numbers = 212;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_wrap = 213;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_mouse = 214;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_paren_matching_helper = 215;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_show_whitespace = 216;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_virtual_whitespace = 217;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_uncomment_line = 218;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo = 219;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo_this_buffer = 220;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_buffer_other_panel = 221;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_jump_list_with_lister = 222;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete = 223;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_and_auto_tab = 224;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_block = 225;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_character = 226;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_explicit_enum_flags = 227;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_explicit_enum_values = 228;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_hack = 229;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_note = 230;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_todo = 231;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_underscore = 232;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_zero_struct = 233;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_left_adjust_view = 70;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers = 71;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_all_buffers_lister = 72;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer = 73;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_functions_current_buffer_lister = 74;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations = 75;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_case_insensitive = 76;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier = 77;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_identifier_case_insensitive = 78;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection = 79;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_selection_case_insensitive = 80;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition = 81;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_locations_of_type_definition_of_identifier = 82;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations = 83;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_list_all_substring_locations_case_insensitive = 84;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__activate = 85;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field = 86;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field__default = 87;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__backspace_text_field__file_path = 88;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__mouse_press = 89;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__mouse_release = 90;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_down = 91;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_down__default = 92;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_up = 93;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__move_up__default = 94;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__quit = 95;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__repaint = 96;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__wheel_scroll = 97;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character = 98;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__default = 99;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__file_path = 100;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_lister__write_character__fixed_list = 101;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_load_project = 102;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_make_directory_query = 103;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_change_face_size = 104;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_mouse_wheel_scroll = 105;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down = 106;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_10 = 107;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_down_textual = 108;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_left = 109;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_down = 110;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_line_up = 111;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_right = 112;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up = 113;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_move_up_10 = 114;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_direct = 115;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_direct = 116;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_same_panel_sticky = 117;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_newline_or_goto_position_sticky = 118;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code = 119;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_all_code_recursive = 120;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_file_in_quotes = 121;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_in_other = 122;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces = 123;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_break = 124;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_long_braces_semicolon = 125;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_matching_file_cpp = 126;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_hsplit = 127;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_open_panel_vsplit = 128;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_down = 129;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_page_up = 130;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste = 131;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_and_indent = 132;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next = 133;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_paste_next_and_indent = 134;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_place_in_scope = 135;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_command_lister = 136;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_fkey_command = 137;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_project_go_to_root_directory = 138;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace = 139;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_identifier = 140;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_query_replace_selection = 141;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo = 142;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_redo_this_buffer = 143;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_remap_interactive = 144;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_rename_file_query = 145;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reopen = 146;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_replace_in_range = 147;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search = 148;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_reverse_search_identifier = 149;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save = 150;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_all_dirty_buffers = 151;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_save_to_query = 152;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_scope_absorb_down = 153;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_search = 154;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_search_identifier = 155;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_left = 156;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left = 157;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right = 158;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_alphanumeric_right = 159;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_line = 160;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_beginning_of_textual_line = 161;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_line = 162;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_end_of_textual_line = 163;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_token_left = 164;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_token_right = 165;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_white_or_token_left = 166;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_white_or_token_right = 167;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_down = 168;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_down_end_line = 169;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_left = 170;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_right = 171;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_up = 172;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_seek_whitespace_up_end_line = 173;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_all = 174;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_next_scope_absolute = 175;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_prev_scope_absolute = 176;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_select_surrounding_scope = 177;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_choose = 178;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_default = 179;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_bindings_mac_default = 180;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mark = 181;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_notepad_like = 182;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_set_mode_to_original = 183;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat = 184;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_bat_and_sh = 185;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_build_sh = 186;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_setup_new_project = 187;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_filebar = 188;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_show_scrollbar = 189;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_token_or_word = 190;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snipe_token_or_word_right = 191;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_snippet_lister = 192;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_suppress_mouse = 193;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_swap_buffers_between_panels = 194;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_lowercase = 195;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_to_uppercase = 196;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_filebar = 197;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fps_meter = 198;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_fullscreen = 199;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_enclosing_scopes = 200;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_highlight_line_at_cursor = 201;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_numbers = 202;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_line_wrap = 203;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_mouse = 204;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_paren_matching_helper = 205;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_show_whitespace = 206;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_toggle_virtual_whitespace = 207;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_uncomment_line = 208;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo = 209;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_undo_this_buffer = 210;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_buffer_other_panel = 211;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_view_jump_list_with_lister = 212;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_word_complete = 213;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_and_auto_tab = 214;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_block = 215;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_character = 216;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_hack = 217;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_note = 218;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_todo = 219;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_underscore = 220;
static int32_t fcoder_metacmd_ID_write_zero_struct = 221;
@ -972,24 +972,36 @@ activate_command(Application_Links *app, Partition *scratch, Heap *heap,
CUSTOM_DOC("Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.")
Partition *arena = &global_part;
static void
launch_custom_command_lister(Application_Links *app, i32 *command_ids, i32 command_id_count){
if (command_ids == 0){
command_id_count = command_one_past_last_id;
Partition *arena = &global_part;
View_Summary view = get_active_view(app, AccessAll);
view_end_ui_mode(app, &view);
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(arena);
i32 option_count = command_one_past_last_id;
Lister_Option *options = push_array(arena, Lister_Option, option_count);
for (i32 i = 0; i < command_one_past_last_id; i += 1){
options[i].string = make_string_slowly(fcoder_metacmd_table[i].name);
options[i].status = make_string_slowly(fcoder_metacmd_table[i].description);
options[i].user_data = (void*)fcoder_metacmd_table[i].proc;
Lister_Option *options = push_array(arena, Lister_Option, command_id_count);
for (i32 i = 0; i < command_id_count; i += 1){
i32 j = i;
if (command_ids != 0){
j = command_ids[i];
begin_integrated_lister__basic_list(app, "Command:", activate_command, 0, 0, options, option_count, 0, &view);
j = clamp(0, j, command_one_past_last_id);
options[i].string = make_string_slowly(fcoder_metacmd_table[j].name);
options[i].status = make_string_slowly(fcoder_metacmd_table[j].description);
options[i].user_data = (void*)fcoder_metacmd_table[j].proc;
begin_integrated_lister__basic_list(app, "Command:", activate_command, 0, 0, options, command_id_count, 0, &view);
CUSTOM_DOC("Opens an interactive list of all registered commands.")
launch_custom_command_lister(app, 0, 0);
@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ if "%src%" == "" set src=4coder_default_bindings.cpp
set opts=/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 /wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4457 /WX
set opts=%opts% /GR- /nologo /FC
set debug=/Zi
set release=/O2
set build_dll=/LD /link /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF /RELEASE /PDBALTPATH:%%%%_PDB%%%%
set exports=/EXPORT:get_bindings /EXPORT:get_alpha_4coder_version
set mode=%debug%
if "%2" == "release" (set mode=%release%)
set preproc_file=4coder_command_metadata.i
set meta_macros=/DMETA_PASS
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %debug% %src% /P /Fi%preproc_file% %meta_macros%
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %debug% "%code_home%\4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" /Femetadata_generator
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %mode% %src% /P /Fi%preproc_file% %meta_macros%
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %mode% "%code_home%\4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" /Femetadata_generator
metadata_generator -R "%code_home%" "%cd%\\%preproc_file%"
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %debug% %src% /Fecustom_4coder %build_dll% %exports%
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %mode% %src% /Fecustom_4coder %build_dll% %exports%
REM file spammation preventation
del metadata_generator*
@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ if "%src%" == "" set src=4coder_default_bindings.cpp
set opts=/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 /wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4457 /WX
set opts=%opts% /GR- /nologo /FC
set debug=/Zi
set release=/O2 /Zi
set build_dll=/LD /link /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:REF
set exports=/EXPORT:get_bindings /EXPORT:get_alpha_4coder_version
set mode=%debug%
if "%2" == "release" (set mode=%release%)
set preproc_file=4coder_command_metadata.i
set meta_macros=/DMETA_PASS
cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %debug% %src% /P /Fi%preproc_file% %meta_macros%
cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %debug% "%code_home%\4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" /Femetadata_generator
cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %mode% %src% /P /Fi%preproc_file% %meta_macros%
cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %mode% "%code_home%\4coder_metadata_generator.cpp" /Femetadata_generator
metadata_generator -R "%code_home%" "%cd%\\%preproc_file%"
cl %opts% /I"%code_home%" %debug% "%src%" /Fecustom_4coder %build_dll% %exports%
cl %opts% /I"%code_home%" %mode% "%src%" /Fecustom_4coder %build_dll% %exports%
REM file spammation preventation
del metadata_generator*
Reference in New Issue