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2019-09-27 03:52:29 +00:00
@echo off
REM usage: <script> <target> [binary-output-path [mode]]
REM src-file : a relative path to the target of a unity-build for a one time executable
REM binary-output-path : a relative path where the generator.exe will be written,
REM assumed to be "." if unset
REM mode : if set to "release" builds with optimizations
set location=%cd%
set me="%~dp0"
cd %me%
cd ..
set custom_root=%cd%
set custom_bin=%custom_root%\bin
cd %location%
2019-09-27 03:52:29 +00:00
if NOT "%Platform%" == "X64" IF NOT "%Platform%" == "x64" (call "%code_home%\windows_scripts\setup_cl_x64.bat")
set target=%1
if "%target%" == "" (echo error: no input file & exit)
set full_target=%target%
if NOT "%target:~1,1%" == ":" (set full_target="%cd%\%target%")
2019-09-27 03:52:29 +00:00
set dst=%2
if "%dst%" == "" (set dst=".")
set debug=/Zi
set release=/O2 /Zi
set mode=%debug%
if "%3" == "release" (set mode=%release%)
set opts=/W4 /wd4310 /wd4100 /wd4201 /wd4505 /wd4996 /wd4127 /wd4510 /wd4512 /wd4610 /wd4457 /wd4146 /WX
set opts=%opts% /GR- /nologo /FC
set opts=%opts% /I%custom_root%
set opts=%opts% %mode%
2019-09-27 03:52:29 +00:00
pushd %dst%
call cl /I"%code_home%" %opts% %full_target% /Feone_time
2019-09-27 03:52:29 +00:00