
899 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 12.17.2014
* Rendering layer for project codename "4ed"
// TOP
internal i32_Rect
rect_clamp_to_rect(i32_Rect rect, i32_Rect clamp_box){
if (rect.x0 < clamp_box.x0) rect.x0 = clamp_box.x0;
if (rect.y0 < clamp_box.y0) rect.y0 = clamp_box.y0;
if (rect.x1 > clamp_box.x1) rect.x1 = clamp_box.x1;
if (rect.y1 > clamp_box.y1) rect.y1 = clamp_box.y1;
return rect;
inline i32_Rect
rect_clamp_to_rect(i32 left, i32 top, i32 right, i32 bottom, i32_Rect clamp_box){
return rect_clamp_to_rect(i32R(left, top, right, bottom), clamp_box);
inline i32_Rect
rect_from_target(Render_Target *target){
return i32R(0, 0, target->width, target->height);
internal void
draw_clear(Render_Target *target, u32 color){
u8 *pixel_line = (u8*)target->pixel_data;
for (i32 pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < target->height; ++pixel_y){
u32 *pixel = (u32*)pixel_line;
for (i32 pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < target->width; ++pixel_x){
*pixel++ = color;
pixel_line += target->pitch;
internal void
draw_vertical_line(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 top, i32 bottom,
u32 color){
if (x >= 0 && x < target->width){
if (top < 0){
top = 0;
if (bottom >= target->height){
bottom = target->height - 1;
if (top <= bottom){
i32 y_range = bottom - top;
u8 *pixel_line = (u8*)target->pixel_data + top*target->pitch;
for (i32 pixel_y = 0; pixel_y <= y_range; ++pixel_y){
u32 *pixel = (u32*)pixel_line + x;
*pixel = color;
pixel_line += target->pitch;
internal void
draw_horizontal_line(Render_Target *target,
i32 y, i32 left, i32 right,
u32 color){
if (y >= 0 && y < target->height){
if (left < 0){
left = 0;
if (right >= target->width){
right = target->width - 1;
if (left <= right){
i32 x_range = right - left;
u8 *pixel_line = (u8*)target->pixel_data + y*target->pitch;
u32 *pixel = (u32*)pixel_line + left;
for (i32 pixel_x = 0; pixel_x <= x_range; ++pixel_x){
*pixel = color;
internal void
draw_rectangle_blend_2corner_unclamped(Render_Target *target,
Blit_Rect rect, u32 color){
if (rect.x_start < rect.x_end && rect.y_start < rect.y_end){
i32 y_range = rect.y_end - rect.y_start;
i32 x_range = rect.x_end - rect.x_start;
u8 a,r,g,b;
a = (u8)(color >> 24);
r = (u8)(color >> 16);
g = (u8)(color >> 8);
b = (u8)(color >> 0);
real32 blend = (a/255.f);
real32 pr, pg, pb;
pr = r*blend;
pg = g*blend;
pb = b*blend;
real32 inv_blend = 1.f - blend;
u8 *pixel_line = (u8*)target->pixel_data + rect.y_start*target->pitch;
for (i32 pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < y_range; ++pixel_y){
u32 *pixel = (u32*)pixel_line + rect.x_start;
for (i32 pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < x_range; ++pixel_x){
u8 dr,dg,db;
dr = (u8)(*pixel >> 16);
dg = (u8)(*pixel >> 8);
db = (u8)(*pixel >> 0);
dr = (u8)(dr*inv_blend + pr);
dg = (u8)(dg*inv_blend + pg);
db = (u8)(db*inv_blend + pb);
*pixel = (dr << 16) | (dg << 8) | (db);
pixel_line += target->pitch;
internal void
draw_rectangle_noblend_2corner_unclamped(Render_Target *target,
Blit_Rect rect, u32 color){
if (rect.x_start < rect.x_end && rect.y_start < rect.y_end){
i32 y_range = rect.y_end - rect.y_start;
i32 x_range = rect.x_end - rect.x_start;
u8 *pixel_line = (u8*)target->pixel_data + rect.y_start*target->pitch;
for (i32 pixel_y = 0; pixel_y < y_range; ++pixel_y){
u32 *pixel = (u32*)pixel_line + rect.x_start;
for (i32 pixel_x = 0; pixel_x < x_range; ++pixel_x){
*pixel++ = color;
pixel_line += target->pitch;
// NOTE(allen): uses of this can be replaced with draw_rectangle_2corner_unclamped
// if it is guaranteed that clip_box will be within the target area.
inline void
draw_rectangle_2corner_clipped(Render_Target *target,
i32 left, i32 top, i32 right, i32 bottom,
u32 color, Blit_Rect clip_box){
clip_box = rect_clamp_to_rect(clip_box, rect_from_target(target));
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(left, top, right, bottom, clip_box);
draw_rectangle_noblend_2corner_unclamped(target, rect, color);
inline void
draw_rectangle_2corner(Render_Target *target,
i32 left, i32 top, i32 right, i32 bottom,
u32 color){
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(left, top, right, bottom, rect_from_target(target));
draw_rectangle_noblend_2corner_unclamped(target, rect, color);
inline void
draw_rectangle_clipped(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 y, i32 w, i32 h,
u32 color, Blit_Rect clip_box){
draw_rectangle_2corner_clipped(target, x, y, x+w, y+h, color, clip_box);
inline void
draw_rectangle(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 y, i32 w, i32 h,
u32 color){
draw_rectangle_2corner(target, x, y, x+w, y+h, color);
internal void
draw_rectangle_outline_unclamped(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 y, i32 w, i32 h,
u32 color, Blit_Rect rect){
if (rect.x_start <= rect.x_end && rect.y_start <= rect.y_end){
if (rect.y_start == y){
rect.y_start, rect.x_start, rect.x_end-1,
if (rect.y_end == y+h){
rect.y_end-1, rect.x_start, rect.x_end-1,
if (rect.x_start == x){
rect.x_start, rect.y_start, rect.y_end-1,
if (rect.x_end == x+w){
rect.x_end-1, rect.y_start, rect.y_end-1,
internal void
draw_rectangle_outline_clipped(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 y, i32 w, i32 h,
u32 color, Blit_Rect clip_box){
clip_box = rect_clamp_to_rect(clip_box, rect_from_target(target));
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(x, y, x+w, y+h, clip_box);
draw_rectangle_outline_unclamped(target, x, y, w, h, color, rect);
internal void
draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *target,
i32 x, i32 y, i32 w, i32 h,
u32 color){
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(x, y, x+w, y+h, rect_from_target(target));
draw_rectangle_outline_unclamped(target, x, y, w, h, color, rect);
// TODO(allen): eliminate this?
internal i32
return 1;
inline internal i32
font_predict_size(i32 pt_size){
return pt_size*pt_size*128;
internal i32
font_load(Font *font_out, i32 pt_size,
void *font_block, i32 font_block_size,
i32 *memory_used_out){
i32 result = 1;
File_Data file;
file = system_load_file((u8*)"liberation-mono.ttf");
if (!file.data){
result = 0;
stbtt_fontinfo font;
if (!stbtt_InitFont(&font, (u8*)file.data, 0)){
result = 0;
i32 ascent, descent, line_gap;
real32 scale;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, &descent, &line_gap);
scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, (real32)pt_size);
real32 scaled_ascent, scaled_descent, scaled_line_gap;
scaled_ascent = scale*ascent;
scaled_descent = scale*descent;
scaled_line_gap = scale*line_gap;
font_out->height = (i32)(scaled_ascent - scaled_descent + scaled_line_gap);
font_out->ascent = (i32)(scaled_ascent);
font_out->descent = (i32)(scaled_descent);
font_out->line_skip = (i32)(scaled_line_gap);
i32 max_advance = 0;
bool32 block_full = 0, block_overfull = 0;
u8 *memory_cursor = (u8*)font_block;
for (u16 code_point = 0; code_point < 128; ++code_point){
i32 glyph_index;
if (block_full){
block_overfull = 1;
font_out->glyphs[code_point] = {};
glyph_index = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&font, code_point);
if (glyph_index != 0){
font_out->glyphs[code_point].exists = 1;
i32 left, right, top, bottom;
stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox(&font, glyph_index, scale, scale, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
i32 glyph_width, glyph_height;
i32 data_width, data_height;
glyph_width = right - left;
glyph_height = bottom - top;
data_width = glyph_width + 2;
data_height = glyph_height + 2;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].minx = left;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].maxx = right;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].miny = top;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].maxy = bottom;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].width = data_width;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].height = data_height;
i32 advance, left_bearing;
stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics(&font, glyph_index, &advance, &left_bearing);
font_out->glyphs[code_point].left_shift = (i32)(scale*left_bearing);
if (advance > max_advance){
max_advance = advance;
u8 *data = memory_cursor;
memory_cursor = memory_cursor + data_width*data_height;
i32 size_after_glyph = (i32)((u8*)memory_cursor - (u8*)font_block);
if (size_after_glyph >= font_block_size){
block_full = 1;
if (size_after_glyph > font_block_size){
block_overfull = 1;
font_out->glyphs[code_point].data = data;
u8 *data_start = data + data_width + 1;
stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap(&font, data_start,
glyph_width, glyph_height, data_width,
scale, scale,
font_out->glyphs[code_point] = {};
font_out->advance = Ceil(max_advance*scale);
return result;
internal void
font_draw_glyph_subpixel(Render_Target *target,
Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, u32 color,
Blit_Rect clip){
if (clip.x_start <= clip.x_end && clip.y_start <= clip.y_end){
Glyph_Data glyph = font->glyphs[character];
Vec2 s_origin = V2(x - 1.f, y - 1.f);
i32 left_most = (i32)(x);
i32 top_most = (i32)(y);
real32 xe = x + glyph.width - 2;
real32 ye = y + glyph.height - 2;
i32 right_most = (i32)(xe)+(xe>0)*((i32)xe != xe);
i32 bottom_most = (i32)(ye)+(ye>0)*((i32)ye != ye);
if (left_most < clip.x_start){
left_most = clip.x_start;
if (top_most < clip.y_start){
top_most = clip.y_start;
if (right_most >= clip.x_end){
right_most = clip.x_end - 1;
if (bottom_most >= clip.y_end){
bottom_most = clip.y_end - 1;
u8 *dest_data = (u8*)target->pixel_data;
u8 *src_data = (u8*)glyph.data;
i32 width = glyph.width;
i32 target_pitch = target->pitch;
real32 inv_255 = 1.f / 255.f;
real32 cr,cg,cb,ca;
cb = (real32)((color) & 0xFF);
cg = (real32)((color >> 8) & 0xFF);
cr = (real32)((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
ca = (real32)((color >> 24) & 0xFF);
i32 lox_start = (i32)(left_most - s_origin.x);
i32 loy_start = (i32)(top_most - s_origin.y);
real32 lX = left_most - s_origin.x - lox_start;
real32 lY = top_most - s_origin.y - loy_start;
real32 inv_lX = 1.f - lX;
real32 inv_lY = 1.f - lY;
i32 loy = loy_start * width;
u8 *dest_line = (dest_data + top_most*target_pitch);
for (i32 y = top_most; y <= bottom_most; ++y){
u8 src_a[4];
i32 lox_loy = lox_start + loy;
src_a[0] = *(src_data + (lox_loy));
src_a[2] = *(src_data + (lox_loy + width));
u32 *dest_pixel = (u32*)(dest_line) + left_most;
for (i32 x = left_most; x <= right_most; ++x){
src_a[1] = *(src_data + (lox_loy + 1));
src_a[3] = *(src_data + (lox_loy + 1 + width));
real32 alpha = (src_a[0]*(inv_lX) + src_a[1]*(lX))*(inv_lY) +
(src_a[2]*(inv_lX) + src_a[3]*(lX))*(lY);
alpha *= inv_255;
u32 dp = *dest_pixel;
real32 dr,dg,db,da;
db = (real32)((dp) & 0xFF);
dg = (real32)((dp >> 8) & 0xFF);
dr = (real32)((dp >> 16) & 0xFF);
da = (real32)((dp >> 24) & 0xFF);
db = db + (cb - db)*alpha;
dg = dg + (cg - dg)*alpha;
dr = dr + (cr - dr)*alpha;
da = da + (ca - da)*alpha;
*dest_pixel = ((u8)db) | (((u8)dg) << 8) | (((u8)dr) << 16) | (((u8)da) << 24);
src_a[0] = src_a[1];
src_a[2] = src_a[3];
loy += width;
dest_line += target_pitch;
internal void
font_draw_glyph(Render_Target *target, Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, u32 color){
Glyph_Data glyph = font->glyphs[character];
i32 left = glyph.minx;
i32 right = glyph.maxx;
i32 width = right - left;
real32 x_shift, y_shift;
x_shift = glyph.left_shift + (real32)width / font->advance;
y_shift = (real32)font->ascent + glyph.miny;
x += x_shift;
y += y_shift;
i32 xi, yi;
xi = (i32)(x);
yi = (i32)(y);
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(xi, yi, xi+glyph.width-1, yi+glyph.height-1, rect_from_target(target));
font_draw_glyph_subpixel(target, font, character, x, y, color, rect);
internal void
font_draw_glyph_clipped(Render_Target *target,
Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, u32 color,
Blit_Rect clip_box){
Glyph_Data glyph = font->glyphs[character];
i32 left = glyph.minx;
i32 right = glyph.maxx;
i32 width = right - left;
real32 x_shift, y_shift;
x_shift = glyph.left_shift + (real32)width / font->advance;
y_shift = (real32)font->ascent + glyph.miny;
x += x_shift;
y += y_shift;
i32 xi, yi;
xi = (i32)(x);
yi = (i32)(y);
clip_box = rect_clamp_to_rect(clip_box, rect_from_target(target));
Blit_Rect rect = rect_clamp_to_rect(xi, yi, xi+glyph.width-1, yi+glyph.height-1, clip_box);
font_draw_glyph_subpixel(target, font, character, x, y, color, rect);
inline void
draw_set_clip(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect clip_box){
target->height - clip_box.y1,
clip_box.x1 - clip_box.x0,
clip_box.y1 - clip_box.y0);
inline void
draw_push_clip(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect clip_box){
Assert(target->clip_top == -1 ||
fits_inside(clip_box, target->clip_boxes[target->clip_top]));
Assert(target->clip_top+1 < ArrayCount(target->clip_boxes));
target->clip_boxes[++target->clip_top] = clip_box;
draw_set_clip(target, clip_box);
inline void
draw_pop_clip(Render_Target *target){
Assert(target->clip_top > 0);
draw_set_clip(target, target->clip_boxes[target->clip_top]);
inline void
draw_bind_texture(Render_Target *target, i32 texid){
if (target->bound_texture != texid){
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid);
target->bound_texture = texid;
internal void
draw_set_color(Render_Target *target, u32 color){
if (target->color != color){
target->color = color;
Vec4 c = unpack_color4(color);
glColor4f(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
internal void
draw_rectangle(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect rect, u32 color){
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, 0);
glVertex2i(rect.x0, rect.y0);
glVertex2i(rect.x0, rect.y1);
glVertex2i(rect.x1, rect.y1);
glVertex2i(rect.x1, rect.y0);
internal void
draw_rectangle(Render_Target *target, real32_Rect rect, u32 color){
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, 0);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0);
internal void
draw_triangle_3corner(Render_Target *target,
real32 x0, real32 y0,
real32 x1, real32 y1,
real32 x2, real32 y2,
u32 color){
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, 0);
glVertex2f(x0, y0);
glVertex2f(x1, y1);
glVertex2f(x2, y2);
internal void
draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(Render_Target *target, real32_Rect rect,
Vec4 color_left, Vec4 color_right){
Vec4 cl = color_left;
Vec4 cr = color_right;
draw_bind_texture(target, 0);
glColor4f(cl.r, cl.g, cl.b, cl.a);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y0);
glVertex2f(rect.x0, rect.y1);
glColor4f(cr.r, cr.g, cr.b, cr.a);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y1);
glVertex2f(rect.x1, rect.y0);
inline void
draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(Render_Target *target, real32 l, real32 t, real32 r, real32 b,
Vec4 color_left, Vec4 color_right){
draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(target, real32R(l,t,r,b), color_left, color_right);
internal void
draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *target, real32_Rect rect, u32 color){
real32_Rect r;
r.x0 = rect.x0 + .5f;
r.y0 = rect.y0 + .5f;
r.x1 = rect.x1 - .5f;
r.y1 = rect.y1 - .5f;
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, 0);
glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y0);
glVertex2f(r.x1, r.y0);
glVertex2f(r.x1, r.y1);
glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y1);
glVertex2f(r.x0, r.y0);
inline void
draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect rect, u32 color){
draw_rectangle_outline(target, real32R(rect), color);
internal void
draw_margin(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect outer, i32_Rect inner, u32 color){
draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, outer.y0, outer.x1, inner.y0), color);
draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, inner.y1, outer.x1, outer.y1), color);
draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, inner.y0, inner.x0, inner.y1), color);
draw_rectangle(target, i32R(inner.x1, inner.y0, outer.x1, inner.y1), color);
// TODO(allen): eliminate this?
internal i32
return 1;
inline internal i32
font_predict_size(i32 pt_size){
return pt_size*pt_size*128;
internal i32
font_load(Font *font_out, char *filename, i32 pt_size,
void *font_block, i32 font_block_size,
i32 *memory_used_out, i32 tab_width){
i32 result = 1;
File_Data file;
file = system_load_file((u8*)filename);
if (!file.data){
result = 0;
stbtt_fontinfo font;
if (!stbtt_InitFont(&font, (u8*)file.data, 0)){
result = 0;
i32 ascent, descent, line_gap;
real32 scale;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&font, &ascent, &descent, &line_gap);
scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&font, (real32)pt_size);
real32 scaled_ascent, scaled_descent, scaled_line_gap;
scaled_ascent = scale*ascent;
scaled_descent = scale*descent;
scaled_line_gap = scale*line_gap;
font_out->height = (i32)(scaled_ascent - scaled_descent + scaled_line_gap);
font_out->ascent = (i32)(scaled_ascent);
font_out->descent = (i32)(scaled_descent);
font_out->line_skip = (i32)(scaled_line_gap);
u8 *memory_cursor = (u8*)font_block;
Assert(pt_size*pt_size*128 <= font_block_size);
i32 tex_width, tex_height;
tex_width = pt_size*128;
tex_height = pt_size*2;
font_out->tex_width = tex_width;
font_out->tex_height = tex_height;
if (stbtt_BakeFontBitmap((u8*)file.data, 0, (real32)pt_size,
memory_cursor, tex_width, tex_height, 0, 128, font_out->chardata) <= 0){
result = 0;
GLuint font_tex;
glGenTextures(1, &font_tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, font_tex);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, tex_width, tex_height, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, memory_cursor);
font_out->tex = font_tex;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
font_out->chardata['\r'] = font_out->chardata[' '];
font_out->chardata['\n'] = font_out->chardata[' '];
font_out->chardata['\t'] = font_out->chardata[' '];
font_out->chardata['\t'].xadvance *= tab_width;
i32 max_advance = 0;
for (u16 code_point = 0; code_point < 128; ++code_point){
if (stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&font, code_point) != 0){
font_out->glyphs[code_point].exists = 1;
i32 advance = CEIL32(font_out->chardata[code_point].xadvance);
if (max_advance < advance){
max_advance = advance;
font_out->advance = max_advance - 1;
return result;
internal void
font_set_tabwidth(Font *font, i32 tab_width){
font->chardata['\t'].xadvance *= font->chardata[' '].xadvance * tab_width;
internal void
font_draw_glyph_mono(Render_Target *target, Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, real32 advance, u32 color){
real32 x_shift, y_shift;
i32 left = font->chardata[character].x0;
i32 right = font->chardata[character].x1;
i32 width = (right - left);
x_shift = (real32)(advance - width) * .5f - font->chardata[character].xoff;
y_shift = (real32)font->ascent;
x += x_shift;
y += y_shift;
stbtt_aligned_quad q;
stbtt_GetBakedQuadUnrounded(font->chardata, font->tex_width, font->tex_height, character, &x, &y, &q, 1);
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, font->tex);
glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y1);
glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y1);
glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y0);
glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y0);
inline void
font_draw_glyph_mono(Render_Target *target, Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, u32 color){
font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font, character, x, y, (real32)font->advance, color);
internal void
font_draw_glyph(Render_Target *target, Font *font, u16 character,
real32 x, real32 y, u32 color){
real32 x_shift, y_shift;
x_shift = 0;
y_shift = (real32)font->ascent;
x += x_shift;
y += y_shift;
stbtt_aligned_quad q;
stbtt_GetBakedQuadUnrounded(font->chardata, font->tex_width, font->tex_height, character, &x, &y, &q, 1);
draw_set_color(target, color);
draw_bind_texture(target, font->tex);
glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y1);
glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t1); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y1);
glTexCoord2f(q.s1, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x1, q.y0);
glTexCoord2f(q.s0, q.t0); glVertex2f(q.x0, q.y0);
inline real32
font_get_glyph_width(Font *font, u16 character){
return font->chardata[character].xadvance;
internal i32
draw_string(Render_Target *target, Font *font, char *str,
i32 x_, i32 y, u32 color){
real32 x = (real32)x_;
for (i32 i = 0; str[i]; ++i){
char c = str[i];
font_draw_glyph(target, font, c,
x, (real32)y, color);
x += font_get_glyph_width(font, c);
return CEIL32(x);
internal real32
draw_string_mono(Render_Target *target, Font *font, char *str,
real32 x, real32 y, real32 advance, u32 color){
for (i32 i = 0; str[i]; ++i){
font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font, str[i],
x, y, advance, color);
x += advance;
return x;
internal i32
draw_string(Render_Target *target, Font *font, String str,
i32 x_, i32 y, u32 color){
real32 x = (real32)x_;
for (i32 i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){
char c = str.str[i];
font_draw_glyph(target, font, c,
x, (real32)y, color);
x += font_get_glyph_width(font, c);
return CEIL32(x);
internal real32
draw_string_mono(Render_Target *target, Font *font, String str,
real32 x, real32 y, real32 advance, u32 color){
for (i32 i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){
font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font, str.str[i],
x, y, advance, color);
x += advance;
return x;
internal real32
font_get_max_width(Font *font, char *characters){
stbtt_bakedchar *chardata = font->chardata;
real32 cx, x = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; characters[i]; ++i){
cx = chardata[characters[i]].xadvance;
if (x < cx) x = cx;
return x;
internal real32
font_get_string_width(Font *font, String string){
real32 result = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < string.size; ++i){
font_get_glyph_width(font, string.str[i]);
return result;