
4626 lines
139 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 19.08.2015
* File editing view for 4coder
// TOP
enum Endline_Mode{
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
struct Range{
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 start, end;
enum Edit_Type{
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
struct Edit_Step{
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 str_start;
i32 str_len;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
Range range;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 pre_pos;
i32 post_pos;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
bool32 can_merge;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Edit_Type reverse_type;
i32 next_block, prev_block;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
struct Undo_Data{
u8 *strings;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 str_size, str_redo, str_max;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 edit_count, edit_redo, edit_max;
Edit_Step *edits;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 str_history, str_history_max;
u8 *history_strings;
i32 history_block_count, history_head_block;
Edit_Step *history;
i32 edit_history, edit_history_max;
i32 edit_history_cursor;
i32 pending_block;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
struct Editing_File{
i32 size, max_size;
u8 *data;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
Undo_Data undo;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 line_count, line_max;
i32 *line_starts;
Font *font;
i32 width_count, width_max;
real32 *line_width;
Endline_Mode endline_mode;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 cursor_pos;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
bool32 is_dummy;
char source_path_[256];
char live_name_[256];
char extension_[16];
String source_path;
String live_name;
String extension;
Cpp_Token_Stack token_stack;
bool32 tokens_complete;
bool32 tokens_exist;
bool32 still_lexing;
u32 lex_job;
u64 last_4ed_write_time;
u64 last_4ed_edit_time;
u64 last_sys_write_time;
struct File_Table_Entry{
String name;
u32 hash;
i32 index;
struct File_Table{
File_Table_Entry *table;
i32 count, max;
internal u32
get_file_hash(String name){
u32 x = 5381;
int i = 0;
char c;
while (i < name.size){
c = name.str[i++];
x = ((x << 5) + x) + c;
return x;
internal bool32
table_add(File_Table *table, String name, i32 index){
Assert(table->count * 3 < table->max * 2);
File_Table_Entry entry, e;
i32 i;
entry.name = name;
entry.index = index;
entry.hash = get_file_hash(name);
i = entry.hash % table->max;
while ((e = table->table[i]).name.str){
if (e.hash == entry.hash && match(e.name, entry.name)){
return 1;
i = (i + 1) % table->max;
table->table[i] = entry;
return 0;
internal bool32
table_find_pos(File_Table *table, String name, i32 *index){
File_Table_Entry e;
i32 i;
u32 hash;
hash = get_file_hash(name);
i = hash % table->max;
while ((e = table->table[i]).name.size){
if (e.name.str && e.hash == hash && match(e.name, name)){
*index = i;
return 1;
i = (i + 1) % table->max;
return 0;
inline bool32
table_find(File_Table *table, String name, i32 *index){
i32 pos;
bool32 r = table_find_pos(table, name, &pos);
if (r) *index = table->table[pos].index;
return r;
inline bool32
table_remove(File_Table *table, String name){
i32 pos;
bool32 r = table_find_pos(table, name, &pos);
if (r){
table->table[pos].name.str = 0;
return r;
struct Working_Set{
Editing_File *files;
i32 file_index_count, file_max_count;
File_Table table;
String clipboards[64];
i32 clipboard_size, clipboard_max_size;
i32 clipboard_current, clipboard_rolling;
struct Text_Effect{
i32 start, end;
u32 color;
i32 tick_down, tick_max;
struct View_Cursor_Data{
i32 pos;
i32 line, character;
real32 unwrapped_x, unwrapped_y;
real32 wrapped_x, wrapped_y;
struct File_View_Mode{
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
bool8 rewrite;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
struct Incremental_Search{
String str;
bool32 reverse;
i32 pos;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
enum Action_Type{
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
struct Delayed_Action{
Action_Type type;
String string;
Panel *panel;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
struct Delay{
Delayed_Action acts[8];
i32 count, max;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
inline void
delayed_action(Delay *delay, Action_Type type,
String string, Panel *panel){
Assert(delay->count < delay->max);
Delayed_Action action;
action.type = type;
action.string = string;
action.panel = panel;
delay->acts[delay->count++] = action;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
// Hot Directory
struct Hot_Directory{
String string;
File_List file_list;
internal void
hot_directory_init(Hot_Directory *hot_directory, String base){
hot_directory->string = base;
hot_directory->string.str[255] = 0;
i32 dir_size = system_get_working_directory((u8*)hot_directory->string.str,
if (dir_size <= 0){
dir_size = system_get_easy_directory((u8*)hot_directory->string.str);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
hot_directory->string.size = dir_size;
append(&hot_directory->string, "\\");
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
internal void
hot_directory_clean_end(Hot_Directory *hot_directory){
String *str = &hot_directory->string;
if (str->size != 0 && str->str[str->size-1] != '\\'){
str->size = reverse_seek_slash(*str) + 1;
str->str[str->size] = 0;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal i32
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
hot_directory_quick_partition(File_Info *infos, i32 start, i32 pivot){
File_Info *p = infos + pivot;
File_Info *a = infos + start;
for (i32 i = start; i < pivot; ++i, ++a){
i32 comp = 0;
comp = p->folder - a->folder;
if (comp == 0) comp = compare(a->filename, p->filename);
if (comp < 0){
Swap(*a, infos[start]);
Swap(*p, infos[start]);
return start;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
internal void
hot_directory_quick_sort(File_Info *infos, i32 start, i32 pivot){
i32 mid = hot_directory_quick_partition(infos, start, pivot);
if (start < mid-1) hot_directory_quick_sort(infos, start, mid-1);
if (mid+1 < pivot) hot_directory_quick_sort(infos, mid+1, pivot);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
inline void
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
hot_directory_fixup(Hot_Directory *hot_directory, Working_Set *working_set){
File_List *files = &hot_directory->file_list;
if (files->count >= 2)
hot_directory_quick_sort(files->infos, 0, files->count - 1);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
inline void
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
hot_directory_set(Hot_Directory *hot_directory, String str, Working_Set *working_set){
bool32 success = copy_checked(&hot_directory->string, str);
if (success){
hot_directory->file_list = system_get_files(str);
hot_directory_fixup(hot_directory, working_set);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
inline void
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
hot_directory_reload(Hot_Directory *hot_directory, Working_Set *working_set){
if (hot_directory->file_list.block){
hot_directory->file_list = system_get_files(hot_directory->string);
hot_directory_fixup(hot_directory, working_set);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
struct Hot_Directory_Match{
String filename;
bool32 is_folder;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
internal bool32
filename_match(String query, Absolutes *absolutes, String filename){
bool32 result;
result = (query.size == 0);
if (!result) result = wildcard_match(absolutes, filename);
return result;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
internal Hot_Directory_Match
hot_directory_first_match(Hot_Directory *hot_directory,
String str,
bool32 include_files,
bool32 exact_match){
Hot_Directory_Match result = {};
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Absolutes absolutes;
if (!exact_match)
get_absolutes(str, &absolutes, 1, 1);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
File_List *files = &hot_directory->file_list;
File_Info *info, *end;
end = files->infos + files->count;
for (info = files->infos; info != end; ++info){
String filename = info->filename;
bool32 is_match = 0;
if (exact_match){
if (match(filename, str)) is_match = 1;
if (filename_match(str, &absolutes, filename)) is_match = 1;
if (is_match){
result.is_folder = info->folder;
result.filename = filename;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
return result;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
struct Single_Line_Input_Step{
bool32 hit_newline;
bool32 hit_ctrl_newline;
bool32 hit_a_character;
bool32 hit_backspace;
bool32 hit_esc;
bool32 made_a_change;
bool32 did_command;
enum Single_Line_Input_Type{
struct Single_Line_Mode{
Single_Line_Input_Type type;
String *string;
Hot_Directory *hot_directory;
bool32 fast_folder_select;
internal Single_Line_Input_Step
app_single_line_input_core(Key_Codes *codes, Working_Set *working_set,
Key_Single key, Single_Line_Mode mode){
Single_Line_Input_Step result = {};
if (key.key.keycode == codes->back){
result.hit_backspace = 1;
if (mode.string->size > 0){
result.made_a_change = 1;
switch (mode.type){
mode.string->str[mode.string->size] = 0; break;
char end_character = mode.string->str[mode.string->size];
if (char_is_slash(end_character)){
mode.string->size = reverse_seek_slash(*mode.string) + 1;
mode.string->str[mode.string->size] = 0;
hot_directory_set(mode.hot_directory, *mode.string, working_set);
mode.string->str[mode.string->size] = 0;
else if (key.key.character == '\n' || key.key.character == '\t'){
result.made_a_change = 1;
if (key.modifiers[CONTROL_KEY_CONTROL] ||
result.hit_ctrl_newline = 1;
result.hit_newline = 1;
if (mode.fast_folder_select){
char front_name_space[256];
String front_name =
make_string(front_name_space, 0, ArrayCount(front_name_space));
get_front_of_directory(&front_name, *mode.string);
Hot_Directory_Match match;
match = hot_directory_first_match(mode.hot_directory, front_name, 1, 1);
if (!match.filename.str){
match = hot_directory_first_match(mode.hot_directory, front_name, 1, 0);
if (match.filename.str){
if (match.is_folder){
set_last_folder(mode.string, match.filename);
hot_directory_set(mode.hot_directory, *mode.string, working_set);
result.hit_newline = 0;
mode.string->size = reverse_seek_slash(*mode.string) + 1;
append(mode.string, match.filename);
result.hit_newline = 1;
else if (key.key.keycode == codes->esc){
result.hit_esc = 1;
result.made_a_change = 1;
else if (key.key.character){
result.hit_a_character = 1;
if (!key.modifiers[CONTROL_KEY_CONTROL] &&
if (mode.string->size+1 < mode.string->memory_size){
u8 new_character = (u8)key.key.character;
mode.string->str[mode.string->size] = new_character;
mode.string->str[mode.string->size] = 0;
if (mode.type == SINGLE_LINE_FILE && char_is_slash(new_character)){
hot_directory_set(mode.hot_directory, *mode.string, working_set);
result.made_a_change = 1;
result.did_command = 1;
result.made_a_change = 1;
return result;
inline Single_Line_Input_Step
app_single_line_input_step(Key_Codes *codes, Key_Single key, String *string){
Single_Line_Mode mode = {};
mode.string = string;
return app_single_line_input_core(codes, 0, key, mode);
inline Single_Line_Input_Step
app_single_file_input_step(Key_Codes *codes, Working_Set *working_set, Key_Single key,
String *string, Hot_Directory *hot_directory,
bool32 fast_folder_select){
Single_Line_Mode mode = {};
mode.type = SINGLE_LINE_FILE;
mode.string = string;
mode.hot_directory = hot_directory;
mode.fast_folder_select = fast_folder_select;
return app_single_line_input_core(codes, working_set, key, mode);
inline Single_Line_Input_Step
app_single_number_input_step(Key_Codes *codes, Key_Single key, String *string){
Single_Line_Input_Step result = {};
Single_Line_Mode mode = {};
mode.string = string;
char c = (char)key.key.character;
if (c == 0 || c == '\n' || char_is_numeric(c))
result = app_single_line_input_core(codes, 0, key, mode);
return result;
struct Widget_ID{
i32 id;
i32 sub_id0;
i32 sub_id1;
i32 sub_id2;
inline bool32
widget_match(Widget_ID s1, Widget_ID s2){
return (s1.id == s2.id && s1.sub_id0 == s2.sub_id0 &&
s1.sub_id1 == s2.sub_id1 && s1.sub_id2 == s2.sub_id2);
struct UI_State{
Render_Target *target;
Style *style;
Font *font;
Mouse_Summary *mouse;
Key_Summary *keys;
Key_Codes *codes;
Working_Set *working_set;
Widget_ID selected, hover, hot;
bool32 activate_me;
bool32 redraw;
bool32 input_stage;
i32 sub_id1_change;
real32 height, view_y;
inline Widget_ID
make_id(UI_State *state, i32 id){
Widget_ID r = state->selected;
r.id = id;
return r;
inline Widget_ID
make_sub0(UI_State *state, i32 id){
Widget_ID r = state->selected;
r.sub_id0 = id;
return r;
inline Widget_ID
make_sub1(UI_State *state, i32 id){
Widget_ID r = state->selected;
r.sub_id1 = id;
return r;
inline Widget_ID
make_sub2(UI_State *state, i32 id){
Widget_ID r = state->selected;
r.sub_id2 = id;
return r;
inline bool32
is_selected(UI_State *state, Widget_ID id){
return widget_match(state->selected, id);
inline bool32
is_hot(UI_State *state, Widget_ID id){
return widget_match(state->hot, id);
inline bool32
is_hover(UI_State *state, Widget_ID id){
return widget_match(state->hover, id);
struct UI_Layout{
i32 row_count;
i32 row_item_width;
i32 row_max_item_height;
i32_Rect rect;
i32 x, y;
struct UI_Layout_Restore{
UI_Layout layout;
UI_Layout *dest;
inline void
begin_layout(UI_Layout *layout, i32_Rect rect){
layout->rect = rect;
layout->x = rect.x0;
layout->y = rect.y0;
layout->row_count = 0;
layout->row_max_item_height = 0;
inline void
begin_row(UI_Layout *layout, i32 count){
layout->row_count = count;
layout->row_item_width = (layout->rect.x1 - layout->x) / count;
inline i32_Rect
layout_rect(UI_Layout *layout, i32 height){
i32_Rect rect;
rect.x0 = layout->x;
rect.y0 = layout->y;
rect.x1 = rect.x0;
rect.y1 = rect.y0 + height;
if (layout->row_count > 0){
rect.x1 = rect.x0 + layout->row_item_width;
layout->x += layout->row_item_width;
layout->row_max_item_height = Max(height, layout->row_max_item_height);
if (layout->row_count == 0){
rect.x1 = layout->rect.x1;
layout->row_max_item_height = Max(height, layout->row_max_item_height);
layout->y += layout->row_max_item_height;
layout->x = layout->rect.x0;
layout->row_max_item_height = 0;
return rect;
inline UI_Layout_Restore
begin_sub_layout(UI_Layout *layout, i32_Rect area){
UI_Layout_Restore restore;
restore.layout = *layout;
restore.dest = layout;
begin_layout(layout, area);
return restore;
inline void
end_sub_layout(UI_Layout_Restore restore){
*restore.dest = restore.layout;
struct UI_Style{
u32 dark, dim, bright;
u32 base, pop1, pop2;
internal UI_Style
get_ui_style(Style *style){
UI_Style ui_style;
ui_style.dark = style->main.back_color;
ui_style.dim = style->main.margin_color;
ui_style.bright = style->main.margin_active_color;
ui_style.base = style->main.default_color;
ui_style.pop1 = style->main.file_info_style.pop1_color;
ui_style.pop2 = style->main.file_info_style.pop2_color;
return ui_style;
internal UI_Style
get_ui_style_upper(Style *style){
UI_Style ui_style;
ui_style.dark = style->main.margin_color;
ui_style.dim = style->main.margin_hover_color;
ui_style.bright = style->main.margin_active_color;
ui_style.base = style->main.default_color;
ui_style.pop1 = style->main.file_info_style.pop1_color;
ui_style.pop2 = style->main.file_info_style.pop2_color;
return ui_style;
inline void
get_colors(UI_State *state, u32 *back, u32 *fore, Widget_ID wid, UI_Style style){
bool32 hover = is_hover(state, wid);
bool32 hot = is_hot(state, wid);
i32 level = hot + hover;
switch (level){
case 2:
*back = style.bright;
*fore = style.dark;
case 1:
*back = style.dim;
*fore = style.bright;
case 0:
*back = style.dark;
*fore = style.bright;
inline void
get_pop_color(UI_State *state, u32 *pop, Widget_ID wid, UI_Style style){
bool32 hover = is_hover(state, wid);
bool32 hot = is_hot(state, wid);
i32 level = hot + hover;
switch (level){
case 2:
*pop = style.pop1;
case 1:
*pop = style.pop1;
case 0:
*pop = style.pop1;
internal UI_State
ui_state_init(UI_State *state_in, Render_Target *target, Input_Summary *user_input,
Style *style, Working_Set *working_set, bool32 input_stage){
UI_State state = {};
state.target = target;
state.style = style;
state.font = style->font;
state.working_set = working_set;
if (user_input){
state.mouse = &user_input->mouse;
state.keys = &user_input->keys;
state.codes = user_input->codes;
state.selected = state_in->selected;
state.hot = state_in->hot;
if (input_stage) state.hover = {};
else state.hover = state_in->hover;
state.redraw = 0;
state.activate_me = 0;
state.input_stage = input_stage;
state.height = state_in->height;
state.view_y = state_in->view_y;
return state;
inline bool32
ui_state_match(UI_State a, UI_State b){
return (widget_match(a.selected, b.selected) &&
widget_match(a.hot, b.hot) &&
widget_match(a.hover, b.hover));
internal bool32
ui_finish_frame(UI_State *persist_state, UI_State *state, UI_Layout *layout, i32_Rect rect,
bool32 do_wheel, bool32 *did_activation){
bool32 result = 0;
real32 h = layout->y + persist_state->view_y - rect.y0;
real32 max_y = h - (rect.y1 - rect.y0);
persist_state->height = h;
persist_state->view_y = state->view_y;
if (state->input_stage){
Mouse_Summary *mouse = state->mouse;
if (mouse->wheel_used && do_wheel){
persist_state->view_y += mouse->wheel_amount*state->font->height;
result = 1;
if (mouse->release_l && widget_match(state->hot, state->hover)){
if (did_activation) *did_activation = 1;
if (state->activate_me){
state->selected = state->hot;
if (!mouse->l && !mouse->r){
state->hot = {};
if (!ui_state_match(*persist_state, *state) || state->redraw){
result = 1;
*persist_state = *state;
if (persist_state->view_y >= max_y) persist_state->view_y = max_y;
if (persist_state->view_y < 0) persist_state->view_y = 0;
return result;
internal bool32
ui_do_button_input(UI_State *state, i32_Rect rect, Widget_ID id, bool32 activate, bool32 *right = 0){
bool32 result = 0;
Mouse_Summary *mouse = state->mouse;
bool32 hover = hit_check(mouse->mx, mouse->my, rect);
if (hover){
state->hover = id;
if (activate) state->activate_me = 1;
if (mouse->press_l || (mouse->press_r && right)) state->hot = id;
if (mouse->l && mouse->r) state->hot = {};
bool32 is_match = is_hot(state, id);
if (mouse->release_l && is_match){
if (hover) result = 1;
state->redraw = 1;
if (right && mouse->release_r && is_match){
if (hover) *right = 1;
state->redraw = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
ui_do_subdivided_button_input(UI_State *state, i32_Rect rect, i32 parts, Widget_ID id, bool32 activate, i32 *indx_out, bool32 *right = 0){
bool32 result = 0;
real32 x0, x1;
i32_Rect sub_rect;
Widget_ID sub_widg = id;
real32 sub_width = (rect.x1 - rect.x0) / (real32)parts;
sub_rect.y0 = rect.y0;
sub_rect.y1 = rect.y1;
x1 = (real32)rect.x0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < parts; ++i){
x0 = x1;
x1 = x1 + sub_width;
sub_rect.x0 = TRUNC32(x0);
sub_rect.x1 = TRUNC32(x1);
sub_widg.sub_id2 = i;
if (ui_do_button_input(state, sub_rect, sub_widg, activate, right)){
*indx_out = i;
return result;
internal real32
ui_do_vscroll_input(UI_State *state, i32_Rect top, i32_Rect bottom, i32_Rect slider,
Widget_ID id, real32 val, real32 step_amount,
real32 smin, real32 smax, real32 vmin, real32 vmax){
Mouse_Summary *mouse = state->mouse;
i32 mx = mouse->mx;
i32 my = mouse->my;
if (hit_check(mx, my, top)){
state->hover = id;
state->hover.sub_id2 = 1;
if (hit_check(mx, my, bottom)){
state->hover = id;
state->hover.sub_id2 = 2;
if (hit_check(mx, my, slider)){
state->hover = id;
state->hover.sub_id2 = 3;
if (mouse->press_l) state->hot = state->hover;
if (id.id == state->hot.id){
if (mouse->release_l){
Widget_ID wid1, wid2;
wid1 = wid2 = id;
wid1.sub_id2 = 1;
wid2.sub_id2 = 2;
if (state->hot.sub_id2 == 1 && is_hover(state, wid1)) val -= step_amount;
if (state->hot.sub_id2 == 2 && is_hover(state, wid2)) val += step_amount;
state->redraw = 1;
if (state->hot.sub_id2 == 3){
real32 S, L;
S = (real32)mouse->my - (slider.y1 - slider.y0) / 2;
if (S < smin) S = smin;
if (S > smax) S = smax;
L = unlerp(smin, S, smax);
val = lerp(vmin, L, vmax);
state->redraw = 1;
return val;
internal bool32
ui_do_text_field_input(UI_State *state, String *str){
bool32 result = 0;
Key_Summary *keys = state->keys;
for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < keys->count; ++key_i){
Key_Single key = get_single_key(keys, key_i);
char c = (char)key.key.character;
if (char_is_basic(c) && str->size < str->memory_size-1){
str->str[str->size++] = c;
str->str[str->size] = 0;
else if (c == '\n'){
result = 1;
else if (key.key.keycode == state->codes->back && str->size > 0){
str->str[--str->size] = 0;
return result;
internal bool32
ui_do_file_field_input(UI_State *state, Hot_Directory *hot_dir){
bool32 result = 0;
Key_Summary *keys = state->keys;
for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < keys->count; ++key_i){
Key_Single key = get_single_key(keys, key_i);
String *str = &hot_dir->string;
Single_Line_Input_Step step =
app_single_file_input_step(state->codes, state->working_set, key, str, hot_dir, 1);
if (step.hit_newline || step.hit_ctrl_newline) result = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
ui_do_line_field_input(UI_State *state, String *string){
bool32 result = 0;
Key_Summary *keys = state->keys;
for (i32 key_i = 0; key_i < keys->count; ++key_i){
Key_Single key = get_single_key(keys, key_i);
Single_Line_Input_Step step =
app_single_line_input_step(state->codes, key, string);
if (step.hit_newline || step.hit_ctrl_newline) result = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
ui_do_slider_input(UI_State *state, i32_Rect rect, Widget_ID wid,
real32 min, real32 max, real32 *v){
bool32 result = 0;
ui_do_button_input(state, rect, wid, 0);
Mouse_Summary *mouse = state->mouse;
if (is_hot(state, wid)){
result = 1;
*v = unlerp(min, (real32)mouse->mx, max);
state->redraw = 1;
return result;
internal bool32
do_text_field(Widget_ID wid, UI_State *state, UI_Layout *layout,
String prompt, String dest){
bool32 result = 0;
Font *font = state->font;
i32 character_h = font->height;
i32_Rect rect = layout_rect(layout, character_h);
if (state->input_stage){
ui_do_button_input(state, rect, wid, 1);
if (is_selected(state, wid)){
if (ui_do_text_field_input(state, &dest)){
result = 1;
Render_Target *target = state->target;
UI_Style ui_style = get_ui_style_upper(state->style);
u32 back, fore, prompt_pop;
get_colors(state, &back, &fore, wid, ui_style);
get_pop_color(state, &prompt_pop, wid, ui_style);
draw_rectangle(target, rect, back);
i32 x = rect.x0;
x = draw_string(target, font, prompt, x, rect.y0, prompt_pop);
draw_string(target, font, dest, x, rect.y0, ui_style.base);
return result;
enum File_View_Widget_Type{
// never below this
struct File_View_Widget{
File_View_Widget_Type type;
i32 height;
UI_State state;
struct File_View{
View view_base;
Delay *delay;
Editing_Layout *layout;
Editing_File *file;
Style *style;
i32 font_advance;
i32 font_height;
View_Cursor_Data cursor;
i32 mark;
real32 scroll_y, target_y, vel_y;
real32 scroll_x, target_x, vel_x;
real32 preferred_x;
View_Cursor_Data scroll_y_cursor;
Incremental_Search isearch;
String str;
} gotoline;
View_Cursor_Data temp_highlight;
i32 temp_highlight_end_pos;
bool32 show_temp_highlight;
File_View_Mode mode, next_mode;
File_View_Widget widget;
real32 rewind_amount, rewind_speed;
i32 rewind_max, scrub_max;
bool32 unwrapped_lines;
bool32 show_whitespace;
i32 line_count, line_max;
real32 *line_wrap_y;
Text_Effect paste_effect;
inline File_View*
view_to_file_view(View *view){
File_View* result = 0;
if (view && view->type == VIEW_TYPE_FILE){
result = (File_View*)view;
return result;
internal Range
get_range(i32 a, i32 b){
Range result = {};
if (a < b){
result.start = a;
result.end = b;
result.start = b;
result.end = a;
return result;
inline i32
pos_adjust_to_right(i32 pos, u8 *data, i32 size){
if (pos+1 < size &&
data[pos] == '\r' &&
data[pos+1] == '\n'){
return pos;
inline i32
pos_adjust_to_self(i32 pos, u8 *data, i32 size){
if (pos > 0 &&
data[pos-1] == '\r' &&
data[pos] == '\n'){
return pos;
inline i32
pos_universal_fix(i32 pos, u8 *data, i32 size, Endline_Mode mode){
pos = pos_adjust_to_self(pos, data, size);
return pos;
inline i32
starts_new_line(u8 character, Endline_Mode mode){
return (character == '\n' || (mode == ENDLINE_RN_SEPARATE && character == '\r'));
inline void
buffer_init_strings(Editing_File *file){
file->source_path = make_fixed_width_string(file->source_path_);
file->live_name = make_fixed_width_string(file->live_name_);
file->extension = make_fixed_width_string(file->extension_);
inline void
buffer_set_name(Editing_File *file, u8 *filename){
String f, ext;
f = make_string_slowly((char*)filename);
copy_checked(&file->source_path, f);
file->live_name = make_fixed_width_string(file->live_name_);
get_front_of_directory(&file->live_name, f);
ext = file_extension(f);
copy(&file->extension, ext);
inline void
buffer_synchronize_times(Editing_File *file, u8 *filename){
Time_Stamp stamp = system_file_time_stamp(filename);
if (stamp.success){
file->last_4ed_write_time = stamp.time;
file->last_4ed_edit_time = stamp.time;
file->last_sys_write_time = stamp.time;
inline bool32
buffer_save(Editing_File *file, u8 *filename){
bool32 result;
result = system_save_file(filename, file->data, file->size);
buffer_synchronize_times(file, filename);
return result;
inline bool32
buffer_save_and_set_names(Editing_File *file, u8 *filename){
bool32 result = 0;
if (buffer_save(file, filename)){
result = 1;
buffer_set_name(file, filename);
return result;
internal i32
buffer_count_newlines(Editing_File *file, i32 start, i32 end){
i32 count = 0;
u8 *data = file->data;
Endline_Mode end_mode = file->endline_mode;
for (i32 i = start; i < end; ++i){
bool32 new_line = 0;
case '\n':
new_line = 1;
case '\r':
if (end_mode == ENDLINE_RN_SEPARATE){
new_line = 1;
count += new_line;
return count;
internal bool32
buffer_check_newline(Endline_Mode end_mode, u8 character){
bool32 result = 0;
if (character == '\n' ||
(end_mode == ENDLINE_RN_SEPARATE && character == '\r')){
result = 1;
return result;
enum File_Bubble_Type{
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2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
#define GROW_FAILED 0
#define GROW_SUCCESS 2
internal i32
buffer_grow_starts_as_needed(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, i32 additional_lines){
bool32 result = GROW_NOT_NEEDED;
i32 max = file->line_max;
i32 count = file->line_count;
i32 target_lines = count + additional_lines;
if (target_lines > max){
max <<= 1;
i32 *new_lines = (i32*)general_memory_reallocate(general, file->line_starts,
sizeof(i32)*count, sizeof(i32)*max, BUBBLE_STARTS);
if (new_lines){
file->line_starts = new_lines;
file->line_max = max;
result = GROW_SUCCESS;
result = GROW_FAILED;
return result;
internal void
buffer_measure_starts(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
if (!file->line_starts){
i32 max = file->line_max = Kbytes(1);
file->line_starts = (i32*)general_memory_allocate(general, max*sizeof(i32), BUBBLE_STARTS);
// TODO(allen): when unable to allocate?
Endline_Mode mode = file->endline_mode;
i32 size = file->size;
u8 *data = file->data;
file->line_count = 0;
i32 start = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < size; ++i){
if (buffer_check_newline(mode, data[i])){
// TODO(allen): when unable to grow?
buffer_grow_starts_as_needed(general, file, 1);
file->line_starts[file->line_count++] = start;
start = i + 1;
// TODO(allen): when unable to grow?
buffer_grow_starts_as_needed(general, file, 1);
file->line_starts[file->line_count++] = start;
internal real32
measure_character(Font *font, Endline_Mode end_mode, bool32 *new_line,
u8 character, u8 next){
real32 width = 0;
switch (character){
case 0:
width = 0;
*new_line = 1;
case '\n':
width = font->chardata[character].xadvance;
*new_line = 1;
case '\r':
switch (end_mode){
if (next == '\n'){
width = font->chardata['\\'].xadvance;
width += font->chardata['r'].xadvance;
width = font->chardata[character].xadvance;
*new_line = 1;
width = font->chardata['\\'].xadvance;
width += font->chardata['r'].xadvance;
width = font->chardata[character].xadvance;
return width;
internal void
buffer_measure_widths(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, Font *font){
i32 line_count = file->line_count;
if (line_count > file->width_max){
i32 new_max = LargeRoundUp(line_count, Kbytes(1));
if (file->line_width){
file->line_width = (real32*)
general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, file->line_width, sizeof(real32)*new_max, BUBBLE_WIDTHS);
file->line_width = (real32*)
general_memory_allocate(general, sizeof(real32)*new_max, BUBBLE_WIDTHS);
file->width_max = new_max;
Endline_Mode mode = file->endline_mode;
i32 size = file->size;
u8 *data = file->data;
real32 *line_widths = file->line_width;
// TODO(allen): Does this help at all with widths???
// probably only if we go parallel...
i32 *starts = file->line_starts; AllowLocal(starts);
data[size] = 0;
for (i32 i = 0, j = 0; i < line_count; ++i){
TentativeAssert(j == starts[i]);
bool32 new_line = 0;
real32 width = 0;
u8 c = data[j];
u8 n = data[++j];
while (new_line == 0){
width += measure_character(font, mode, &new_line, c, n);
c = n;
n = data[++j];
line_widths[i] = width;
internal void
buffer_remeasure_starts(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file,
i32 line_start, i32 line_end, i32 line_shift,
i32 character_shift){
buffer_grow_starts_as_needed(general, file, line_shift);
i32 *lines = file->line_starts;
if (line_shift != 0){
memmove(lines + line_end + line_shift + 1, lines + line_end + 1,
sizeof(i32)*(file->line_count - line_end - 1));
file->line_count += line_shift;
if (character_shift != 0){
i32 line_count = file->line_count;
i32 *line = lines + line_end + 1;
for (i32 i = line_end + 1; i < line_count; ++i, ++line){
*line += character_shift;
i32 size = file->size;
u8 *data = file->data;
i32 char_i = lines[line_start];
i32 line_i = line_start;
Endline_Mode end_mode = file->endline_mode;
i32 start = char_i;
for (; char_i <= size; ++char_i){
u8 character;
if (char_i == size){
character = '\n';
character = data[char_i];
if (buffer_check_newline(end_mode, character)){
if (line_i > line_end && start == lines[line_i]){
lines[line_i++] = start;
start = char_i + 1;
internal i32
buffer_get_line_index(Editing_File *file, i32 pos){
i32 result;
i32 start = 0;
i32 end = file->line_count;
i32 *lines = file->line_starts;
while (1){
i32 i = (start + end) / 2;
if (lines[i] < pos){
start = i;
else if (lines[i] > pos){
end = i;
result = i;
Assert(start < end);
if (start == end - 1){
result = start;
return result;
inline i32
view_wrapped_line_span(real32 line_width, real32 max_width){
i32 line_count = CEIL32(line_width / max_width);
if (line_count == 0) line_count = 1;
return line_count;
internal i32
view_compute_lowest_line(File_View *view){
i32 last_line = view->line_count - 1;
i32 lowest_line = 0;
if (last_line > 0){
if (view->unwrapped_lines){
lowest_line = last_line;
real32 wrap_y = view->line_wrap_y[last_line];
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
lowest_line = FLOOR32(wrap_y / font->height);
real32 width = file->line_width[last_line];
real32 max_width = view_compute_width(view);
i32 line_span = view_wrapped_line_span(width, max_width);
lowest_line += line_span - 1;
return lowest_line;
internal void
view_measure_wraps(General_Memory *general, File_View *view){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
i32 line_count = file->line_count;
if (view->line_max < line_count){
i32 max = view->line_max = LargeRoundUp(line_count, Kbytes(1));
if (view->line_wrap_y){
view->line_wrap_y = (real32*)
general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, view->line_wrap_y, sizeof(real32)*max, BUBBLE_WRAPS);
view->line_wrap_y = (real32*)
general_memory_allocate(general, sizeof(real32)*max, BUBBLE_WRAPS);
Font *font = view->style->font;
real32 line_height = (real32)font->height;
real32 max_width = view_compute_width(view);
real32 *line_widths = file->line_width;
real32 *line_wraps = view->line_wrap_y;
i32 y_pos = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < line_count; ++i){
line_wraps[i] = y_pos*line_height;
i32 line_span = view_wrapped_line_span(line_widths[i], max_width);
y_pos += line_span;
view->line_count = line_count;
internal void
buffer_create_from_string(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, u8 *filename, Font *font, String val){
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 request_size = LargeRoundUp(1+val.size*2, Kbytes(64));
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
u8 *data = (u8*)general_memory_allocate(general, request_size, BUBBLE_BUFFER);
// TODO(allen): if we didn't get the memory what is going on?
// request_size too large?
// need to expand general memory allocator's base pool?
// need to release least recently used target?
*file = {};
file->data = data;
file->size = val.size;
file->max_size = request_size;
if (val.size > 0) memcpy(data, val.str, val.size);
data[val.size] = 0;
buffer_synchronize_times(file, filename);
buffer_set_name(file, filename);
buffer_measure_starts(general, file);
buffer_measure_widths(general, file, font);
file->font = font;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
file->undo.str_max = request_size;
file->undo.str_redo = file->undo.str_max;
file->undo.strings = (u8*)general_memory_allocate(general, request_size, BUBBLE_UNDO_STRING);
file->undo.edit_max = request_size / sizeof(Edit_Step);
file->undo.edit_redo = file->undo.edit_max;
file->undo.edits = (Edit_Step*)general_memory_allocate(general, request_size, BUBBLE_UNDO);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
file->undo.str_history_max = request_size;
file->undo.history_strings = (u8*)general_memory_allocate(general, request_size, BUBBLE_HISTORY_STRING);
file->undo.edit_history_max = request_size / sizeof(Edit_Step);
file->undo.history = (Edit_Step*)general_memory_allocate(general, request_size, BUBBLE_HISTORY);
file->undo.history_block_count = 1;
file->undo.history_head_block = 0;
file->undo.pending_block = 0;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (!match(file->extension, make_lit_string("txt"))){
file->tokens_exist = 1;
internal bool32
buffer_create(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, u8 *filename, Font *font){
bool32 result = 0;
File_Data raw_file = system_load_file(filename);
if (raw_file.data){
result = 1;
String val = make_string((char*)raw_file.data, raw_file.size);
buffer_create_from_string(general, file, filename, font, val);
return result;
internal bool32
buffer_create_empty(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, u8 *filename, Font *font){
bool32 result = 1;
String empty_str = {};
buffer_create_from_string(general, file, filename, font, empty_str);
return result;
struct Get_File_Result{
Editing_File *file;
i32 index;
internal Get_File_Result
working_set_get_available_file(Working_Set *working_set){
Get_File_Result result = {};
for (i32 buffer_index = 1; buffer_index < working_set->file_max_count; ++buffer_index){
if (buffer_index == working_set->file_index_count ||
result.index = buffer_index;
result.file = working_set->files + buffer_index;
if (buffer_index == working_set->file_index_count){
return result;
internal void
buffer_close(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
if (file->still_lexing){
system_cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->lex_job);
if (file->token_stack.tokens){
general_memory_free(general, file->token_stack.tokens);
general_memory_free(general, file->data);
general_memory_free(general, file->line_starts);
general_memory_free(general, file->line_width);
internal void
buffer_get_dummy(Editing_File *buffer){
*buffer = {};
buffer->data = (u8*)&buffer->size;
buffer->is_dummy = 1;
struct Shift_Information{
i32 start, end, amount;
Editing_File *file = (Editing_File*)data[0];
General_Memory *general = (General_Memory*)data[1];
Cpp_File cpp_file;
cpp_file.data = (char*)file->data;
cpp_file.size = file->size;
Cpp_Token_Stack tokens;
tokens.tokens = (Cpp_Token*)memory->data;
tokens.max_count = memory->size / sizeof(Cpp_Token);
tokens.count = 0;
Cpp_Lex_Data status;
status = cpp_lex_file_nonalloc(cpp_file, &tokens);
while (!status.complete){
tokens.tokens = (Cpp_Token*)memory->data;
tokens.max_count = memory->size / sizeof(Cpp_Token);
status = cpp_lex_file_nonalloc(cpp_file, &tokens, status);
i32 new_max = LargeRoundUp(tokens.count, Kbytes(1));
if (file->token_stack.tokens){
file->token_stack.tokens = (Cpp_Token*)
general_memory_reallocate_nocopy(general, file->token_stack.tokens, new_max*sizeof(Cpp_Token), BUBBLE_TOKENS);
file->token_stack.tokens = (Cpp_Token*)
general_memory_allocate(general, new_max*sizeof(Cpp_Token), BUBBLE_TOKENS);
i32 copy_amount = Kbytes(8);
i32 uncoppied = tokens.count*sizeof(Cpp_Token);
if (copy_amount > uncoppied) copy_amount = uncoppied;
u8 *dest = (u8*)file->token_stack.tokens;
u8 *src = (u8*)tokens.tokens;
while (uncoppied > 0){
memcpy(dest, src, copy_amount);
dest += copy_amount;
src += copy_amount;
uncoppied -= copy_amount;
if (copy_amount > uncoppied) copy_amount = uncoppied;
file->token_stack.count = tokens.count;
file->token_stack.max_count = new_max;
// NOTE(allen): These are outside the locked section because I don't
// think getting these out of order will cause critical bugs, and I
// want to minimize what's done in locked sections.
file->tokens_complete = 1;
file->still_lexing = 0;
internal void
buffer_kill_tokens(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
if (file->still_lexing){
system_cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->lex_job);
if (file->token_stack.tokens){
general_memory_free(general, file->token_stack.tokens);
file->tokens_exist = 0;
file->tokens_complete = 0;
file->token_stack = {};
internal void
buffer_first_lex_parallel(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
Assert(file->token_stack.tokens == 0);
file->tokens_complete = 0;
file->tokens_exist = 1;
file->still_lexing = 1;
Job_Data job;
job.callback = job_full_lex;
job.data[0] = file;
job.data[1] = general;
job.memory_request = Kbytes(64);
file->lex_job = system_post_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, job);
internal void
buffer_relex_parallel(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file,
i32 start_i, i32 end_i, i32 amount){
General_Memory *general = &mem->general;
Partition *part = &mem->part;
if (file->token_stack.tokens == 0){
buffer_first_lex_parallel(general, file);
bool32 inline_lex = !file->still_lexing;
if (inline_lex){
Cpp_File cpp_file;
cpp_file.data = (char*)file->data;
cpp_file.size = file->size;
Cpp_Token_Stack *stack = &file->token_stack;
Cpp_Relex_State state =
cpp_relex_nonalloc_start(cpp_file, stack,
start_i, end_i, amount, 100);
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp_memory(part);
i32 relex_end;
Cpp_Token_Stack relex_space;
relex_space.count = 0;
relex_space.max_count = state.space_request;
relex_space.tokens = push_array(part, Cpp_Token, relex_space.max_count);
if (cpp_relex_nonalloc_main(&state, &relex_space, &relex_end)){
inline_lex = 0;
i32 delete_amount = relex_end - state.start_token_i;
i32 shift_amount = relex_space.count - delete_amount;
if (shift_amount != 0){
int new_count = stack->count + shift_amount;
if (new_count > stack->max_count){
int new_max = LargeRoundUp(new_count, Kbytes(1));
stack->tokens = (Cpp_Token*)
general_memory_reallocate(general, stack->tokens,
new_max*sizeof(Cpp_Token), BUBBLE_TOKENS);
stack->max_count = new_max;
int shift_size = stack->count - relex_end;
if (shift_size > 0){
Cpp_Token *old_base = stack->tokens + relex_end;
memmove(old_base + shift_amount, old_base,
stack->count += shift_amount;
memcpy(state.stack->tokens + state.start_token_i, relex_space.tokens,
if (!inline_lex){
i32 end_token_i = cpp_get_end_token(&file->token_stack, end_i);
cpp_shift_token_starts(&file->token_stack, end_token_i, amount);
if (end_token_i >= 0){
Cpp_Token *token = file->token_stack.tokens + end_token_i;
if (token->start < end_i && token->start + token->size > end_i){
token->size += amount;
file->still_lexing = 1;
Job_Data job;
job.callback = job_full_lex;
job.data[0] = file;
job.data[1] = general;
job.memory_request = Kbytes(64);
file->lex_job = system_post_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, job);
internal bool32
buffer_grow_as_needed(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, i32 additional_size){
bool32 result = 1;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 target_size = file->size + additional_size + 1;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (target_size >= file->max_size){
i32 request_size = LargeRoundUp(target_size*2, Kbytes(256));
u8 *new_data = (u8*)general_memory_reallocate(general, file->data, file->size, request_size, BUBBLE_BUFFER);
if (new_data){
new_data[file->size] = 0;
file->data = new_data;
file->max_size = request_size;
result = 0;
return result;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
inline void
buffer_grow_undo_string(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, i32 extra_size){
i32 old_max = file->undo.str_max;
u8 *old_str = file->undo.strings;
i32 redo_size = old_max - file->undo.str_redo;
i32 new_max = old_max*2 + extra_size;
u8 *new_str = (u8*)
general_memory_allocate(general, new_max, BUBBLE_UNDO_STRING);
i32 new_redo = new_max - redo_size;
memcpy(new_str, old_str, file->undo.str_size);
memcpy(new_str + new_redo, old_str + file->undo.str_redo, redo_size);
general_memory_free(general, old_str);
file->undo.strings = new_str;
file->undo.str_max = new_max;
file->undo.str_redo = new_redo;
inline void
buffer_grow_undo_edits(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
i32 old_max = file->undo.edit_max;
Edit_Step *old_eds = file->undo.edits;
i32 redo_size = old_max - file->undo.edit_redo;
i32 new_max = old_max*2 + 2;
Edit_Step *new_eds = (Edit_Step*)
general_memory_allocate(general, new_max*sizeof(Edit_Step), BUBBLE_UNDO);
i32 new_redo = new_max - redo_size;
memcpy(new_eds, old_eds, file->undo.edit_count*sizeof(Edit_Step));
memcpy(new_eds + new_redo, old_eds, redo_size*sizeof(Edit_Step));
general_memory_free(general, old_eds);
file->undo.edits = new_eds;
file->undo.edit_max = new_max;
file->undo.edit_redo = new_redo;
inline void
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
buffer_grow_history_string(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, i32 extra_size){
i32 old_max = file->undo.str_max;
u8 *old_str = file->undo.strings;
i32 new_max = old_max*2 + extra_size;
u8 *new_str = (u8*)
general_memory_reallocate(general, old_str, old_max, new_max, BUBBLE_HISTORY_STRING);
file->undo.history_strings = new_str;
file->undo.str_history_max = new_max;
inline void
buffer_grow_history_edits(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file){
i32 old_max = file->undo.edit_max;
Edit_Step *old_eds = file->undo.edits;
i32 new_max = old_max*2 + 2;
Edit_Step *new_eds = (Edit_Step*)
general_memory_reallocate(general, old_eds, old_max*sizeof(Edit_Step),
new_max*sizeof(Edit_Step), BUBBLE_UNDO);
file->undo.history = new_eds;
file->undo.edit_history_max = new_max;
internal Edit_Step*
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
buffer_post_undo(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file,
i32 start, i32 end, i32 str_len, bool32 do_merge, bool32 can_merge,
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
bool32 clear_redo, i32 pre_pos = -1, i32 post_pos = -1){
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
String replaced = make_string((char*)file->data + start, end - start);
if (clear_redo){
file->undo.str_redo = file->undo.str_max;
file->undo.edit_redo = file->undo.edit_max;
if (file->undo.str_redo < file->undo.str_size + replaced.size)
buffer_grow_undo_string(general, file, replaced.size);
Edit_Step edit;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
edit.str_start = file->undo.str_size;
edit.str_len = replaced.size;
edit.range = {start, start + str_len};
if (pre_pos != -1) edit.pre_pos = pre_pos;
else edit.pre_pos = file->cursor_pos;
if (post_pos != -1) edit.post_pos = post_pos;
edit.can_merge = can_merge;
edit.reverse_type = ED_REDO;
file->undo.str_size += replaced.size;
copy_fast_unsafe((char*)file->undo.strings + edit.str_start, replaced);
bool32 did_merge = 0;
if (do_merge && file->undo.edit_count > 0){
Edit_Step prev = file->undo.edits[file->undo.edit_count-1];
if (prev.can_merge && edit.str_len == 0 && prev.str_len == 0){
if (prev.range.end == edit.range.start){
did_merge = 1;
edit.range.start = prev.range.start;
edit.pre_pos = prev.pre_pos;
Edit_Step *result = 0;
if (did_merge){
result = file->undo.edits + (file->undo.edit_count-1);
*result = edit;
if (file->undo.edit_redo <= file->undo.edit_count)
buffer_grow_undo_edits(general, file);
result = file->undo.edits + (file->undo.edit_count++);
*result = edit;
return result;
inline void
buffer_unpost_undo(Editing_File *file){
if (file->undo.edit_count > 0){
Edit_Step *edit = file->undo.edits + (--file->undo.edit_count);
file->undo.str_size -= edit->str_len;
internal void
buffer_post_redo(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file,
i32 start, i32 end, i32 str_len, i32 pre_pos, i32 post_pos){
String replaced = make_string((char*)file->data + start, end - start);
if (file->undo.str_redo - replaced.size < file->undo.str_size)
buffer_grow_undo_string(general, file, replaced.size);
file->undo.str_redo -= replaced.size;
TentativeAssert(file->undo.str_redo >= file->undo.str_size);
Edit_Step edit;
edit.str_start = file->undo.str_redo;
edit.str_len = replaced.size;
edit.range = {start, start + str_len};
edit.pre_pos = pre_pos;
edit.post_pos = post_pos;
edit.reverse_type = ED_UNDO;
copy_fast_unsafe((char*)file->undo.strings + edit.str_start, replaced);
if (file->undo.edit_redo <= file->undo.edit_count)
buffer_grow_undo_edits(general, file);
file->undo.edits[file->undo.edit_redo] = edit;
inline void
buffer_post_history_block(Editing_File *file, i32 pos){
Assert(file->undo.history_head_block < pos);
Assert(pos < file->undo.edit_history);
Edit_Step *history = file->undo.history;
Edit_Step *step = history + file->undo.history_head_block;
step->next_block = pos;
step = history + pos;
step->prev_block = file->undo.history_head_block;
file->undo.history_head_block = pos;
inline void
buffer_unpost_history_block(Editing_File *file){
Assert(file->undo.history_block_count > 1);
internal Edit_Step*
buffer_post_history(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file,
i32 start, i32 end, i32 str_len,
bool32 do_merge, bool32 can_merge, Edit_Type reverse_type,
i32 pre_pos = -1, i32 post_pos = -1){
String replaced = make_string((char*)file->data + start, end - start);
if (file->undo.str_history_max < file->undo.str_history + replaced.size)
buffer_grow_history_string(general, file, replaced.size);
Edit_Step edit;
edit.str_start = file->undo.str_history;
edit.str_len = replaced.size;
edit.range = {start, start + str_len};
if (pre_pos != -1) edit.pre_pos = pre_pos;
else edit.pre_pos = file->cursor_pos;
if (post_pos != -1) edit.post_pos = post_pos;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
edit.can_merge = can_merge;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
edit.reverse_type = reverse_type;
file->undo.str_history += replaced.size;
copy_fast_unsafe((char*)file->undo.history_strings + edit.str_start, replaced);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
bool32 did_merge = 0;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (do_merge && file->undo.edit_history > 0){
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
Edit_Step prev = file->undo.edits[file->undo.edit_count-1];
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (prev.can_merge && edit.str_len == 0 && prev.str_len == 0){
if (prev.range.end == edit.range.start && reverse_type == edit.reverse_type){
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
did_merge = 1;
edit.range.start = prev.range.start;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
edit.pre_pos = prev.pre_pos;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Edit_Step *result = 0;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
if (did_merge){
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
result = file->undo.history + (file->undo.edit_history-1);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (file->undo.edit_history_max <= file->undo.edit_history)
buffer_grow_history_edits(general, file);
result = file->undo.history + (file->undo.edit_history++);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
*result = edit;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
return result;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
inline i32
buffer_text_replace(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file,
i32 start, i32 end, u8 *str, i32 str_len){
i32 shift_amount = (str_len - (end - start));
buffer_grow_as_needed(general, file, shift_amount);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Assert(shift_amount + file->size + 1 <= file->max_size);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 size = file->size;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
memmove(data + end + shift_amount, data + end, size - end);
file->size += shift_amount;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
file->data[file->size] = 0;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
memcpy(data + start, str, str_len);
return shift_amount;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
// TODO(allen): Proper strings?
internal Shift_Information
buffer_replace_range(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file,
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 start, i32 end, u8 *str, i32 str_len){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
if (file->still_lexing)
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
system_cancel_job(BACKGROUND_THREADS, file->lex_job);
file->last_4ed_edit_time = system_get_now();
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
General_Memory *general = &mem->general;
i32 shift_amount = buffer_text_replace(general, file, start, end, str, str_len);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
if (file->tokens_exist)
buffer_relex_parallel(mem, file, start, end, shift_amount);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 line_start = buffer_get_line_index(file, start);
i32 line_end = buffer_get_line_index(file, end);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 replaced_line_count = line_end - line_start;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
i32 new_line_count = buffer_count_newlines(file, start, start+str_len);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 line_shift = new_line_count - replaced_line_count;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
buffer_remeasure_starts(general, file, line_start, line_end, line_shift, shift_amount);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
// TODO(allen): Can we "remeasure" widths now!?
buffer_measure_widths(general, file, file->font);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
Shift_Information shift;
shift.start = start;
shift.end = end;
shift.amount = shift_amount;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
return shift;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
#if 0
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
inline internal void
buffer_delete(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file, i32 pos){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, pos, pos+1, 0, 0);
inline internal void
buffer_delete_range(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file, i32 smaller, i32 larger){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, smaller, larger, 0, 0);
inline internal void
buffer_delete_range(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file, Range range){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, range.smaller, range.larger, 0, 0);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
enum Endline_Convert_Type{
enum Panel_Seek_Type{
struct Panel_Seek{
Panel_Seek_Type type;
i32 pos;
real32 x, y;
bool32 round_down;
i32 line, character;
inline internal Panel_Seek
seek_pos(i32 pos){
Panel_Seek result = {};
result.type = SEEK_POS;
result.pos = pos;
return result;
inline internal Panel_Seek
seek_wrapped_xy(real32 x, real32 y, bool32 round_down){
Panel_Seek result = {};
result.type = SEEK_WRAPPED_XY;
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.round_down = round_down;
return result;
inline internal Panel_Seek
seek_unwrapped_xy(real32 x, real32 y, bool32 round_down){
Panel_Seek result = {};
result.type = SEEK_UNWRAPPED_XY;
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.round_down = round_down;
return result;
inline internal Panel_Seek
seek_line_char(i32 line, i32 character){
Panel_Seek result = {};
result.type = SEEK_LINE_CHAR;
result.line = line;
result.character = character;
return result;
internal View_Cursor_Data
view_cursor_seek(u8 *data, i32 size, Panel_Seek seek,
Endline_Mode endline_mode,
real32 max_width, Font *font,
View_Cursor_Data hint = {}){
View_Cursor_Data cursor = hint;
while (1){
View_Cursor_Data prev_cursor = cursor;
bool32 do_newline = 0;
bool32 do_slashr = 0;
u8 c = data[cursor.pos];
u8 next_c = (cursor.pos+1 < size)?data[cursor.pos+1]:0;
real32 cw = 0;
switch (c){
case '\r':
switch (endline_mode){
if (next_c != '\n'){
do_slashr = 1;
do_newline = 1;
do_slashr = 1;
case '\n':
do_newline = 1;
cw = font->chardata[c].xadvance;
if (do_slashr){
cw = font->chardata['\\'].xadvance;
cw += font->chardata['r'].xadvance;
if (cursor.wrapped_x+cw >= max_width){
cursor.wrapped_y += font->height;
cursor.wrapped_x = 0;
prev_cursor = cursor;
cursor.unwrapped_x += cw;
cursor.wrapped_x += cw;
if (do_newline){
cursor.unwrapped_y += font->height;
cursor.wrapped_y += font->height;
cursor.character = 0;
cursor.unwrapped_x = 0;
cursor.wrapped_x = 0;
if (cursor.pos > size){
cursor = prev_cursor;
bool32 get_out = 0;
bool32 xy_seek = 0;
real32 x = 0, y = 0, px = 0;
switch (seek.type){
case SEEK_POS:
if (cursor.pos > seek.pos){
cursor = prev_cursor;
get_out = 1;
x = cursor.wrapped_x; px = prev_cursor.wrapped_x;
y = cursor.wrapped_y; xy_seek = 1; break;
x = cursor.unwrapped_x; px = prev_cursor.unwrapped_x;
y = cursor.unwrapped_y; xy_seek = 1; break;
if (cursor.line == seek.line && cursor.character >= seek.character){
get_out = 1;
else if (cursor.line > seek.line){
cursor = prev_cursor;
get_out = 1;
if (xy_seek){
if (seek.round_down){
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (y > seek.y || (y > seek.y - font->height && x > seek.x)){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
cursor = prev_cursor;
if (y > seek.y){
cursor = prev_cursor;
else if (y > seek.y - font->height && x >= seek.x){
real32 cur, prev;
cur = x - seek.x;
prev = seek.x - px;
if (prev < cur) cursor = prev_cursor;
if (get_out) break;
if (endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED){
cursor.pos = pos_adjust_to_self(cursor.pos, data, size);
return cursor;
internal View_Cursor_Data
view_compute_cursor_from_pos(File_View *view, i32 pos){
View_Cursor_Data result;
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
i32 *lines = file->line_starts;
i32 line_index = buffer_get_line_index(file, pos);
i32 line_start = lines[line_index];
View_Cursor_Data hint;
hint.pos = line_start;
hint.line = line_index + 1;
hint.character = 1;
hint.unwrapped_y = (real32)line_index*font->height;
hint.unwrapped_x = 0;
hint.wrapped_y = view->line_wrap_y[line_index];
hint.wrapped_x = 0;
real32 max_width = view_compute_width(view);
result = view_cursor_seek(file->data, file->size, seek_pos(pos),
file->endline_mode, max_width, font, hint);
return result;
internal View_Cursor_Data
view_compute_cursor_from_unwrapped_xy(File_View *view, real32 seek_x, real32 seek_y,
bool32 round_down = 0){
View_Cursor_Data result;
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
i32 line_index = FLOOR32(seek_y / font->height);
if (line_index >= file->line_count) line_index = file->line_count - 1;
View_Cursor_Data hint;
hint.pos = file->line_starts[line_index];
hint.line = line_index + 1;
hint.character = 1;
hint.unwrapped_y = (real32)line_index*font->height;
hint.unwrapped_x = 0;
hint.wrapped_y = view->line_wrap_y[line_index];
hint.wrapped_x = 0;
real32 max_width = view_compute_width(view);
result = view_cursor_seek(file->data, file->size,
seek_unwrapped_xy(seek_x, seek_y, round_down),
file->endline_mode, max_width, font, hint);
return result;
internal View_Cursor_Data
view_compute_cursor_from_wrapped_xy(File_View *view, real32 seek_x, real32 seek_y,
bool32 round_down = 0){
View_Cursor_Data result;
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
real32 line_height = (real32)font->height;
real32 *line_wrap = view->line_wrap_y;
i32 line_index;
// NOTE(allen): binary search lines on wrapped y position
i32 start = 0;
i32 end = view->line_count;
while (1){
i32 i = (start + end) / 2;
if (line_wrap[i]+line_height <= seek_y){
start = i;
else if (line_wrap[i] > seek_y){
end = i;
line_index = i;
if (start >= end - 1){
line_index = start;
View_Cursor_Data hint;
hint.pos = file->line_starts[line_index];
hint.line = line_index + 1;
hint.character = 1;
hint.unwrapped_y = line_index*line_height;
hint.unwrapped_x = 0;
hint.wrapped_y = view->line_wrap_y[line_index];
hint.wrapped_x = 0;
real32 max_width = view_compute_width(view);
result = view_cursor_seek(file->data, file->size,
seek_wrapped_xy(seek_x, seek_y, round_down),
file->endline_mode, max_width, font, hint);
return result;
inline View_Cursor_Data
view_compute_cursor_from_xy(File_View *view, real32 seek_x, real32 seek_y){
View_Cursor_Data result;
if (view->unwrapped_lines){
result = view_compute_cursor_from_unwrapped_xy(view, seek_x, seek_y);
result = view_compute_cursor_from_wrapped_xy(view, seek_x, seek_y);
return result;
inline void
view_set_temp_highlight(File_View *view, i32 pos, i32 end_pos){
view->temp_highlight = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, pos);
view->temp_highlight_end_pos = end_pos;
view->show_temp_highlight = 1;
inline i32
view_get_cursor_pos(File_View *view){
i32 result;
if (view->show_temp_highlight){
result = view->temp_highlight.pos;
result = view->cursor.pos;
return result;
inline real32
view_get_cursor_x(File_View *view){
real32 result;
View_Cursor_Data *cursor;
if (view->show_temp_highlight){
cursor = &view->temp_highlight;
cursor = &view->cursor;
if (view->unwrapped_lines){
result = cursor->unwrapped_x;
result = cursor->wrapped_x;
return result;
inline real32
view_get_cursor_y(File_View *view){
real32 result;
View_Cursor_Data *cursor;
if (view->show_temp_highlight){
cursor = &view->temp_highlight;
cursor = &view->cursor;
if (view->unwrapped_lines){
result = cursor->unwrapped_y;
result = cursor->wrapped_y;
return result;
internal void
view_set_file(File_View *view, Editing_File *file, Style *style){
Panel *panel = view->view_base.panel;
view->file = file;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
General_Memory *general = &view->view_base.mem->general;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
Font *font = style->font;
view->style = style;
view->font_advance = font->advance;
view->font_height = font->height;
view_measure_wraps(general, view);
view->cursor = {};
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, file->cursor_pos);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
real32 cursor_x, cursor_y;
real32 w, h;
real32 target_x, target_y;
cursor_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
w = (real32)(panel->inner.x1 - panel->inner.x0);
h = (real32)(panel->inner.y1 - panel->inner.y0);
target_x = 0;
if (cursor_x < target_x){
target_x = (real32)Max(0, cursor_x - w*.5f);
else if (cursor_x >= target_x + w){
target_x = (real32)(cursor_x - w*.5f);
target_y = (real32)FLOOR32(cursor_y - h*.5f);
if (target_y < 0) target_y = 0;
view->target_x = target_x;
view->target_y = target_y;
view->scroll_x = target_x;
view->scroll_y = target_y;
view->vel_y = 1.f;
view->vel_x = 1.f;
struct Relative_Scrolling{
real32 scroll_x, scroll_y;
real32 target_x, target_y;
internal Relative_Scrolling
view_get_relative_scrolling(File_View *view){
Relative_Scrolling result;
real32 cursor_x, cursor_y;
cursor_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
result.scroll_x = cursor_x - view->scroll_x;
result.scroll_y = cursor_y - view->scroll_y;
result.target_x = cursor_x - view->target_x;
result.target_y = cursor_y - view->target_y;
return result;
internal void
view_set_relative_scrolling(File_View *view, Relative_Scrolling scrolling){
real32 cursor_x, cursor_y;
cursor_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
view->scroll_y = cursor_y - scrolling.scroll_y;
view->target_y = cursor_y - scrolling.target_y;
if (view->scroll_y < 0) view->scroll_y = 0;
if (view->target_y < 0) view->target_y = 0;
inline void
view_cursor_move(File_View *view, View_Cursor_Data cursor){
view->cursor = cursor;
view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
view->file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view->show_temp_highlight = 0;
inline void
view_cursor_move(File_View *view, i32 pos){
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, pos);
view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
view->file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view->show_temp_highlight = 0;
inline void
view_cursor_move(File_View *view, real32 x, real32 y, bool32 round_down = 0){
if (view->unwrapped_lines){
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_unwrapped_xy(view, x, y, round_down);
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_wrapped_xy(view, x, y, round_down);
view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
view->file->cursor_pos = view->cursor.pos;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view->show_temp_highlight = 0;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
inline void
view_set_widget(File_View *view, File_View_Widget_Type type){
view->widget.type = type;
inline i32
view_widget_height(File_View *view, Font *font){
i32 result = 0;
switch (view->widget.type){
case FWIDG_NONE: break;
case FWIDG_SEARCH: result = font->height + 2; break;
case FWIDG_GOTO_LINE: result = font->height + 2; break;
case FWIDG_UNDOING: result = font->height*2; break;
case FWIDG_RESTORING: result = font->height*2; break;
return result;
inline i32_Rect
view_widget_rect(File_View *view, Font *font){
Panel *panel = view->view_base.panel;
i32_Rect whole = panel->inner;
i32_Rect result;
result.x0 = whole.x0;
result.x1 = whole.x1;
result.y0 = whole.y0 + font->height + 2;
result.y1 = result.y0 + view_widget_height(view, font);
return result;
struct Edit_Spec{
Edit_Type type;
i32 start, end;
u8 *str;
i32 str_len;
i32 pre_pos, post_pos;
i32 next_cursor_pos;
i32 in_history;
internal void
view_pre_replace_range(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_File *file,
Editing_Layout *layout, Edit_Spec spec){
General_Memory *general = &mem->general;
bool32 can_merge = 0, do_merge = 0;
switch (spec.type){
if (spec.str_len == 1 && char_is_alpha_numeric(*spec.str)) can_merge = 1;
if (spec.str_len == 1 && (can_merge || char_is_whitespace(*spec.str))) do_merge = 1;
Edit_Step *step = 0;
if (spec.in_history != 2){
step = buffer_post_history(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len,
do_merge, can_merge, ED_REVERSE_NORMAL);
step->post_pos = spec.next_cursor_pos;
step = buffer_post_undo(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len,
do_merge, can_merge, 1);
step->post_pos = spec.next_cursor_pos;
if (spec.in_history != 2)
buffer_post_history(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len,
do_merge, can_merge, ED_NORMAL, spec.pre_pos, spec.post_pos);
if (spec.in_history == 1 && file->undo.edit_history_cursor > 0){
Edit_Step *redo_end = file->undo.history + (file->undo.edit_history_cursor - 1);
Edit_Step *redo_start = redo_end;
while (redo_start->reverse_type == ED_REDO) --redo_start;
if (redo_start < redo_end){
i32 steps_of_redo = (i32)(redo_end - redo_start);
u8 *str_dest_base = file->undo.strings;
u8 *str_src = file->undo.history_strings + redo_start->str_start;
i32 str_redo_pos = file->undo.str_redo;
Edit_Step *edit_dest = file->undo.edits + file->undo.edit_redo;
Edit_Step *edit_src = redo_start;
for (i32 i = 0; i < steps_of_redo; ++i){
edit_dest->range = edit_src->range;
edit_dest->pre_pos = edit_src->pre_pos;
edit_dest->post_pos = edit_src->post_pos;
edit_dest->can_merge = edit_src->can_merge;
edit_dest->reverse_type = edit_src->reverse_type;
edit_dest->str_len = edit_src->str_len;
str_redo_pos -= edit_dest->str_len;
edit_dest->str_start = str_redo_pos;
memcpy(str_dest_base + str_redo_pos, str_src, edit_dest->str_len);
str_src += edit_dest->str_len;
file->undo.str_redo = str_redo_pos;
file->undo.edit_redo -= steps_of_redo;
Assert(file->undo.str_redo >= file->undo.str_size);
Assert(file->undo.edit_redo >= file->undo.edit_count);
case ED_UNDO:
if (spec.in_history != 2)
buffer_post_history(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len,
do_merge, can_merge, ED_REDO, spec.pre_pos, spec.post_pos);
buffer_post_redo(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len, spec.pre_pos, spec.post_pos);
case ED_REDO:
if (spec.str_len == 1 && char_is_alpha_numeric(*spec.str)) can_merge = 1;
if (spec.str_len == 1 && (can_merge || char_is_whitespace(*spec.str))) do_merge = 1;
if (spec.in_history != 2)
buffer_post_history(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len,
do_merge, can_merge, ED_UNDO, spec.pre_pos, spec.post_pos);
buffer_post_undo(general, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str_len, do_merge, can_merge, 0,
spec.pre_pos, spec.post_pos);
if (spec.in_history != 2){
if (spec.type == ED_UNDO){
if (!file->undo.pending_block){
file->undo.pending_block = file->undo.edit_history - 1;
buffer_post_history_block(file, file->undo.pending_block);
if (file->undo.pending_block){
buffer_post_history_block(file, file->undo.edit_history - 1);
file->undo.pending_block = 0;
if (file->undo.pending_block == file->undo.edit_history){
file->undo.pending_block = 0;
if (spec.in_history == 0) file->undo.edit_history_cursor = file->undo.edit_history;
internal void
view_post_replace_range(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_File *file,
Editing_Layout *layout, Edit_Spec spec){
Panel *current_panel = layout->panels;
i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count;
for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i, ++current_panel){
File_View *current_view = view_to_file_view(current_panel->view);
if (current_view && current_view->file == file){
view_measure_wraps(&mem->general, current_view);
if (current_view != view){
if (current_view->cursor.pos >= spec.end){
view_cursor_move(current_view, current_view->cursor.pos+shift.amount);
else if (current_view->cursor.pos > spec.start){
view_cursor_move(current_view, spec.start);
if (current_view->mark >= spec.end){
current_view->mark += shift.amount;
else if (current_view->mark > spec.start){
current_view->mark += spec.start;
current_view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(current_view);
internal void
view_replace_range(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_File *file,
Editing_Layout *layout, Edit_Spec spec){
view_pre_replace_range(mem, view, file, layout, spec);
Shift_Information shift;
if (!spec.skip_text_replace){
shift =
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, spec.start, spec.end, spec.str, spec.str_len);
shift = spec.override_replace;
view_post_replace_range(mem, view, file, layout, spec, shift);
inline void
view_replace_range(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_Layout *layout,
i32 start, i32 end, u8 *str, i32 len, i32 next_cursor_pos){
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.type = ED_NORMAL;
spec.start = start;
spec.end = end;
spec.str = str;
spec.str_len = len;
spec.next_cursor_pos = next_cursor_pos;
view_replace_range(mem, view, view->file, layout, spec);
inline void
view_range_undo(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_Layout *layout,
Edit_Step step){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.type = ED_UNDO;
spec.start = step.range.start;
spec.end = step.range.end;
spec.str = file->undo.strings + step.str_start;
spec.str_len = step.str_len;
spec.pre_pos = step.pre_pos;
spec.post_pos = step.post_pos;
spec.in_history = 0;
view_replace_range(mem, view, file, layout, spec);
inline void
view_range_redo(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, Editing_Layout *layout,
Edit_Step step){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.type = ED_REDO;
spec.start = step.range.start;
spec.end = step.range.end;
spec.str = file->undo.strings + step.str_start;
spec.str_len = step.str_len;
spec.pre_pos = step.pre_pos;
spec.post_pos = step.post_pos;
spec.in_history = 0;
view_replace_range(mem, view, file, layout, spec);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
// TODO(allen): should these still be view operations?
internal i32
view_find_end_of_line(File_View *view, i32 pos){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
while (pos < file->size &&
!starts_new_line(data[pos], file->endline_mode)){
if (pos >= file->size){
pos = file->size;
return pos;
internal i32
view_find_beginning_of_line(File_View *view, i32 pos){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
if (pos > 0){
while (pos > 0 && !starts_new_line(data[pos], file->endline_mode)){
if (pos != 0){
return pos;
internal i32
view_find_beginning_of_next_line(File_View *view, i32 pos){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
while (pos < file->size &&
!starts_new_line(data[pos], file->endline_mode)){
if (pos < file->size){
return pos;
internal String*
working_set_next_clipboard_string(General_Memory *general, Working_Set *working, i32 str_size){
String *result = 0;
i32 clipboard_current = working->clipboard_current;
if (working->clipboard_size == 0){
clipboard_current = 0;
working->clipboard_size = 1;
if (clipboard_current >= working->clipboard_max_size){
clipboard_current = 0;
else if (working->clipboard_size <= clipboard_current){
working->clipboard_size = clipboard_current+1;
result = &working->clipboards[clipboard_current];
working->clipboard_current = clipboard_current;
working->clipboard_rolling = clipboard_current;
char *new_str;
if (result->str){
new_str = (char*)general_memory_reallocate(general, result->str, result->size, str_size);
new_str = (char*)general_memory_allocate(general, str_size+1);
// TODO(allen): What if new_str == 0?
*result = make_string(new_str, 0, str_size);
return result;
internal String*
working_set_clipboard_head(Working_Set *working){
String *result = 0;
if (working->clipboard_size > 0){
i32 clipboard_index = working->clipboard_current;
working->clipboard_rolling = clipboard_index;
result = &working->clipboards[clipboard_index];
return result;
internal String*
working_set_clipboard_roll_down(Working_Set *working){
String *result = 0;
if (working->clipboard_size > 0){
i32 clipboard_index = working->clipboard_rolling;
if (clipboard_index < 0){
clipboard_index = working->clipboard_size-1;
working->clipboard_rolling = clipboard_index;
result = &working->clipboards[clipboard_index];
return result;
inline Editing_File*
working_set_contains(Working_Set *working, String filename){
Editing_File *result = 0;
i32 index;
if (table_find(&working->table, filename, &index)){
result = working->files + index;
return result;
// TODO(allen): Find a way to choose an ordering for these so it picks better first options.
internal Editing_File*
working_set_lookup_file(Working_Set *working_set, String string){
Editing_File *file = working_set_contains(working_set, string);
if (!file){
i32 file_i;
i32 end = working_set->file_index_count;
file = working_set->files;
for (file_i = 0; file_i < end; ++file_i, ++file){
if (file->live_name.str && (string.size == 0 || has_substr(file->live_name, string))){
if (file_i == end) file = 0;
return file;
internal void
clipboard_copy(General_Memory *general, Working_Set *working, u8 *data, Range range){
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 size = range.end - range.start;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
String *dest = working_set_next_clipboard_string(general, working, size);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
copy(dest, make_string((char*)data + range.start, size));
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
#if 0
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal void
view_endline_convert(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view,
Endline_Convert_Type rn_to,
Endline_Convert_Type r_to,
Endline_Convert_Type n_to){
// TODO(allen): Switch over to String
struct StrSize{
u8 *str;
i32 size;
persist StrSize eol_strings[] = {
{(u8*)"\r\n", 2},
{(u8*)"\n", 1},
{(u8*)"\r", 1},
{(u8*)0, 0}
i32 cursor, mark;
cursor = view->cursor.pos;
mark = view->mark;
Editing_File *file = view->file;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
for (int i = 0; i < file->size; ++i){
i32 which = 0;
if (data[i] == '\r'){
if (i+1 < file->size && data[i+1] == '\n'){
which = 1;
which = 2;
else if (data[i] == '\n'){
which = 3;
// TODO(allen): Replace duplication.
switch (which){
case 1:
if (rn_to != ENDLINE_RN){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, i, i+2,
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 shift = eol_strings[rn_to].size - 2;
if (cursor >= i){
cursor += shift;
if (mark >= i){
mark += shift;
i += shift;
case 2:
if (r_to != ENDLINE_R){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, i, i+1,
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 shift = eol_strings[r_to].size - 1;
if (cursor >= i){
cursor += shift;
if (mark >= i){
mark += shift;
i += shift;
case 3:
if (n_to != ENDLINE_N){
buffer_replace_range(mem, file, i, i+1,
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 shift = eol_strings[n_to].size - 1;
if (cursor >= i){
cursor += shift;
if (mark >= i){
mark += shift;
i += shift;
view->cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_pos(view, cursor);
view->mark = mark;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
struct Indent_Definition{
i32 tabs, spaces;
struct Line_Hard_Start{
bool32 line_is_blank;
i32 first_character;
internal Line_Hard_Start
buffer_find_hard_start(Editing_File *file, i32 line_start){
Line_Hard_Start result = {};
result.line_is_blank = 1;
u8 *data = file->data;
for (i32 scan = line_start; scan < file->size; ++scan){
if (data[scan] == '\n'){
if (scan > 0 && data[scan-1] == '\r'){
scan -= 1;
if (scan < line_start){
// TODO(allen): This seems wrong.
scan = line_start;
result.first_character = scan;
else if (!char_is_whitespace(data[scan])){
result.line_is_blank = 0;
result.first_character = scan;
return result;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
#if 0
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
// NOTE(allen): Assumes that whitespace_buffer has at least
// indent.tabs*4 + indent.spaces bytes available.
internal Shift_Information
buffer_set_indent_whitespace(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_File *file,
Indent_Definition indent,
u8 *whitespace_buffer,
i32 line_start){
i32 i = 0;
while (i < indent.tabs){
for (i32 j = 0; j < 4; ++j) whitespace_buffer[i++] = ' ';
while (i < indent.tabs + indent.spaces){
whitespace_buffer[i++] = ' ';
Range leading_white;
leading_white.smaller = line_start;
Line_Hard_Start hard_start;
hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(file, line_start);
leading_white.larger = hard_start.first_character;
Shift_Information shift = {};
if (leading_white.smaller < leading_white.larger){
shift = buffer_replace_range(mem, file,
leading_white.smaller, leading_white.larger,
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
whitespace_buffer, i);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
return shift;
inline Indent_Definition
indent_by_width(i32 width, i32 tab_width){
Indent_Definition indent;
indent.tabs = 0;
indent.spaces = width;
return indent;
struct Nest_Level{
i32 brace_level, paren_level, bracket_level;
struct Nest_Level_Hint{
Nest_Level start_level;
i32 start_pos;
internal Nest_Level
buffer_compute_nest_level_raw(Editing_File *file, i32 pos, Nest_Level_Hint hint = {}){
Nest_Level result = hint.start_level;
for (i32 i = hint.start_pos; i < pos; ++i){
if (file->data[i] == '/' &&
i+1 < file->size && file->data[i+1] == '*'){
Seek_Result seek = seek_block_comment_end((char*)file->data, file->size, pos);
pos = seek.pos;
else if (file->data[i] == '/' &&
i+1 < file->size && file->data[i+1] == '/'){
Seek_Result seek = seek_unescaped_eol((char*)file->data, file->size, pos);
pos = seek.pos;
else if (file->data[i] == '"'){
Seek_Result seek = seek_unescaped_delim((char*)file->data, file->size, pos, '"');
pos = seek.pos;
else if (file->data[i] == '\''){
Seek_Result seek = seek_unescaped_delim((char*)file->data, file->size, pos, '\'');
pos = seek.pos;
switch (file->data[i]){
case '{':
case '}':
if (result.brace_level > 0){
case '(':
case ')':
if (result.paren_level > 0){
case '[':
case ']':
if (result.bracket_level > 0){
return result;
internal Nest_Level
buffer_compute_nest_level_tokens(Editing_File *file, i32 pos, Nest_Level_Hint hint = {}){
Nest_Level result = hint.start_level;
Cpp_Token_Stack token_stack = file->token_stack;
i32 start_token;
Cpp_Get_Token_Result get_result = cpp_get_token(&file->token_stack, hint.start_pos);
start_token = get_result.token_index;
if (get_result.in_whitespace){
for (i32 i = start_token; i < token_stack.count && token_stack.tokens[i].start < pos; ++i){
if (token_stack.tokens[i].flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY){
switch (token_stack.tokens[i].type){
if (result.brace_level > 0){
if (result.paren_level > 0){
if (result.bracket_level > 0){
return result;
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
#if 0
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal void
view_auto_tab(Mem_Options *mem, File_View *view, i32 start, i32 end){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
start = view_find_beginning_of_line(view, start);
end = view_find_end_of_line(view, end);
i32 cursor = view->cursor.pos;
i32 mark = view->mark;
Nest_Level_Hint hint = {};
while (start < end){
Line_Hard_Start hard_start;
hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(file, start);
i32 x_pos = 0;
i32 read_until = hard_start.first_character;
u8 first_character = file->data[read_until];
if (first_character == '}' ||
first_character == ')' ||
first_character == ']'){
Nest_Level nesting;
bool32 is_label = 0;
bool32 is_continuation = 0;
bool32 is_preprocessor = 0;
bool32 is_string_continuation = 0;
// TODO(allen): Better system for finding out what extra data types a file has?
if (file->tokens_complete){
nesting = buffer_compute_nest_level_tokens(file, read_until, hint);
i32 colon_expect_level = 1;
Cpp_Get_Token_Result token_get =
cpp_get_token(&file->token_stack, hard_start.first_character);
i32 token_i;
if (token_get.in_whitespace){
token_i = -1;
token_i = token_get.token_index;
while (colon_expect_level != 0){
Cpp_Token_Type type = CPP_TOKEN_JUNK;
if (token_i >= 0 && token_i < file->token_stack.count){
type = file->token_stack.tokens[token_i].type;
if (is_keyword(type)){
Cpp_Token *token = file->token_stack.tokens + token_i;
String lexeme = make_string((char*)file->data + token->start, token->size);
if (colon_expect_level == 1){
if (match("case", lexeme)){
colon_expect_level = 2;
else if (match("public", lexeme)){
colon_expect_level = 3;
else if (match("private", lexeme)){
colon_expect_level = 3;
else if (match("protected", lexeme)){
colon_expect_level = 3;
colon_expect_level = 0;
switch (type){
colon_expect_level = 3;
if (colon_expect_level == 3){
is_label = 1;
colon_expect_level = 0;
colon_expect_level = 0;
if (!token_get.in_whitespace){
Cpp_Token *token = file->token_stack.tokens + token_get.token_index;
if (token->type == CPP_TOKEN_STRING_CONSTANT ||
is_string_continuation = 1;
if (!is_string_continuation){
token_i = token_get.token_index;
bool32 in_whitespace = token_get.in_whitespace;
if (token_i >= 0){
Cpp_Token *token = file->token_stack.tokens + token_i;
bool32 never_continuation = 0;
if (!in_whitespace){
switch (token->type){
never_continuation = 1;
if (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE ||
token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY){
never_continuation = 1;
if (!never_continuation){
token = file->token_stack.tokens + token_i;
bool32 keep_looping = 1;
is_continuation = 1;
while (token_i >= 0 && keep_looping){
keep_looping = 0;
if (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE ||
token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY){
keep_looping = 1;
switch (token->type){
is_continuation = 0;
keep_looping = 1;
if (token_i == -1){
is_continuation = 0;
token_i = token_get.token_index;
if (token_i >= 0){
Cpp_Token *token = file->token_stack.tokens + token_i;
if (!token_get.in_whitespace){
if (token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE ||
token->flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_BODY){
is_preprocessor = 1;
nesting = buffer_compute_nest_level_raw(file, read_until, hint);
hint.start_level = nesting;
hint.start_pos = read_until;
if (is_preprocessor || is_string_continuation){
x_pos = 0;
x_pos = 4*(nesting.brace_level + nesting.bracket_level + nesting.paren_level);
if (is_continuation){
x_pos += 4;
if (is_label){
x_pos -= 4;
if (x_pos < 0){
x_pos = 0;
// TODO(allen): Need big transient memory for this operation.
// NOTE(allen): This is temporary. IRL it should probably come
// from transient memory space.
u8 whitespace[200];
Indent_Definition indent;
// TODO(allen): Revist all this.
indent = indent_by_width(x_pos, 4);
TentativeAssert(indent.tabs + indent.spaces < 200);
Shift_Information shift;
shift = buffer_set_indent_whitespace(mem, file, indent, whitespace, start);
if (hint.start_pos >= shift.start){
hint.start_pos += shift.amount;
if (cursor >= shift.start && cursor <= shift.end){
Line_Hard_Start hard_start;
hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(file, shift.start);
cursor = hard_start.first_character;
else if (cursor > shift.end){
cursor += shift.amount;
if (mark >= shift.start && mark <= shift.end){
Line_Hard_Start hard_start;
hard_start = buffer_find_hard_start(file, shift.start);
mark = hard_start.first_character;
else if (mark > shift.end){
mark += shift.amount;
start = view_find_beginning_of_next_line(view, start);
end += shift.amount;
view_cursor_move(view, cursor);
view->mark = pos_adjust_to_self(mark, data, file->size);
2015-09-30 16:32:01 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal u32*
style_get_color(Style *style, Cpp_Token token){
u32 *result;
if (token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_IS_KEYWORD){
if (token.type == CPP_TOKEN_BOOLEAN_CONSTANT){
result = &style->main.bool_constant_color;
result = &style->main.keyword_color;
else if(token.flags & CPP_TFLAG_PP_DIRECTIVE){
result = &style->main.preproc_color;
switch (token.type){
result = &style->main.comment_color;
result = &style->main.str_constant_color;
result = &style->main.char_constant_color;
result = &style->main.int_constant_color;
result = &style->main.float_constant_color;
result = &style->main.include_color;
result = &style->main.default_color;
return result;
internal bool32
smooth_camera_step(real32 *target, real32 *current, real32 *vel, real32 S, real32 T){
bool32 result = 0;
real32 targ = *target;
real32 curr = *current;
real32 v = *vel;
if (curr != targ){
if (curr > targ - .1f && curr < targ + .1f){
curr = targ;
v = 1.f;
real32 L = lerp(curr, T, targ);
i32 sign = (targ > curr) - (targ < curr);
real32 V = curr + sign*v;
if (sign > 0) curr = Min(L, V);
else curr = Max(L, V);
if (curr == V){
v *= S;
*target = targ;
*current = curr;
*vel = v;
result = 1;
return result;
inline real32
view_compute_max_target_y(i32 lowest_line, i32 line_height, real32 view_height){
real32 max_target_y = ((lowest_line+.5f)*line_height) - view_height*.5f;
return max_target_y;
internal real32
view_compute_max_target_y(File_View *view){
i32 lowest_line = view_compute_lowest_line(view);
i32 line_height = view->style->font->height;
real32 view_height = view_compute_height(view);
real32 max_target_y = view_compute_max_target_y(
lowest_line, line_height, view_height);
return max_target_y;
internal void
remeasure_file_view(View *view_, i32_Rect rect){
File_View *view = (File_View*)view_;
Relative_Scrolling relative = view_get_relative_scrolling(view);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_measure_wraps(&view->view_base.mem->general, view);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view_cursor_move(view, view->cursor.pos);
view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
view_set_relative_scrolling(view, relative);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
internal bool32
do_undo_slider(Widget_ID wid, UI_State *state, UI_Layout *layout, i32 max, i32 v, Undo_Data *undo, i32 *out){
bool32 result = 0;
Font *font = state->font;
i32 character_h = font->height;
i32_Rect containing_rect = layout_rect(layout, character_h * 2);
i32_Rect click_rect;
click_rect.x0 = containing_rect.x0 + character_h - 1;
click_rect.x1 = containing_rect.x1 - character_h + 1;
click_rect.y0 = containing_rect.y0 + (character_h/2) - 1;
click_rect.y1 = containing_rect.y1 - DIVCEIL32(character_h, 2) + 1;
if (state->input_stage){
real32 l;
if (ui_do_slider_input(state, click_rect, wid, (real32)click_rect.x0, (real32)click_rect.x1, &l)){
real32 v_new = lerp(0.f, l, (real32)max);
v = ROUND32(v_new);
result = 1;
if (out) *out = v;
if (max > 0){
Render_Target *target = state->target;
UI_Style ui_style = get_ui_style_upper(state->style);
real32 L = unlerp(0.f, (real32)v, (real32)max);
i32 x = FLOOR32(lerp((real32)click_rect.x0, L, (real32)click_rect.x1));
i32 bar_top = containing_rect.y0 + character_h - 1;
i32 bar_bottom = containing_rect.y1 - character_h + 1;
bool32 show_bar = 1;
real32 tick_step = (click_rect.x1 - click_rect.x0) / (real32)max;
bool32 show_ticks = 1;
if (tick_step <= 5.f) show_ticks = 0;
if (undo == 0){
if (show_bar){
i32_Rect slider_rect;
slider_rect.x0 = click_rect.x0;
slider_rect.x1 = x;
slider_rect.y0 = bar_top;
slider_rect.y1 = bar_bottom;
draw_rectangle(target, slider_rect, ui_style.dim);
slider_rect.x0 = x;
slider_rect.x1 = click_rect.x1;
draw_rectangle(target, slider_rect, ui_style.pop1);
if (show_ticks){
real32_Rect tick;
tick.x0 = (real32)click_rect.x0 - 1;
tick.x1 = (real32)click_rect.x0 + 1;
tick.y0 = (real32)bar_top - 3;
tick.y1 = (real32)bar_bottom + 3;
for (i32 i = 0; i < v; ++i){
draw_rectangle(target, tick, ui_style.dim);
tick.x0 += tick_step;
tick.x1 += tick_step;
for (i32 i = v; i <= max; ++i){
draw_rectangle(target, tick, ui_style.pop1);
tick.x0 += tick_step;
tick.x1 += tick_step;
if (show_bar){
i32_Rect slider_rect;
slider_rect.x0 = click_rect.x0;
slider_rect.y0 = bar_top;
slider_rect.y1 = bar_bottom;
Edit_Step *history = undo->history;
i32 block_count = undo->history_block_count;
Edit_Step *step = history;
for (i32 i = 0; i < block_count; ++i){
u32 color;
if (step->reverse_type == ED_REDO) color = ui_style.pop1;
else color = ui_style.dim;
real32 L;
if (i + 1 == block_count){
L = 1.f;
step = history + step->next_block;
L = unlerp(0.f, (real32)(step - history), (real32)max);
i32 x = FLOOR32(lerp((real32)click_rect.x0, L, (real32)click_rect.x1));
slider_rect.x1 = x;
draw_rectangle(target, slider_rect, color);
slider_rect.x0 = slider_rect.x1;
if (show_ticks){
real32_Rect tick;
tick.x0 = (real32)click_rect.x0 - 1;
tick.x1 = (real32)click_rect.x0 + 1;
tick.y0 = (real32)bar_top - 3;
tick.y1 = (real32)bar_bottom + 3;
Edit_Step *history = undo->history;
u32 color = ui_style.dim;
for (i32 i = 0; i <= max; ++i){
if (i != max){
if (history[i].reverse_type == ED_REDO) color = ui_style.pop1;
else color = ui_style.dim;
draw_rectangle(target, tick, color);
tick.x0 += tick_step;
tick.x1 += tick_step;
i32_Rect slider_handle;
slider_handle.x0 = x - 2;
slider_handle.x1 = x + 2;
slider_handle.y0 = bar_top - (character_h/2);
slider_handle.y1 = bar_bottom + (character_h/2);
draw_rectangle(target, slider_handle, ui_style.bright);
return result;
internal void
view_post_paste_effect(File_View *view, i32 ticks, i32 start, i32 size, u32 color){
view->paste_effect.start = start;
view->paste_effect.end = start + size;
view->paste_effect.color = color;
view->paste_effect.tick_down = ticks;
view->paste_effect.tick_max = ticks;
internal void
view_undo(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_Layout *layout, File_View *view){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
if (file && file->undo.edit_count > 0){
Edit_Step step = file->undo.edits[--file->undo.edit_count];
view_range_undo(mem, view, layout, step);
view_cursor_move(view, step.pre_pos);
view->mark = view->cursor.pos;
view_post_paste_effect(view, 10, step.range.start, step.str_len,
file->undo.str_size -= step.str_len;
internal void
view_redo(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_Layout *layout, File_View *view){
Editing_File *file = view->file;
if (file->undo.edit_redo < file->undo.edit_max){
Edit_Step step = file->undo.edits[file->undo.edit_redo++];
view_range_redo(mem, view, layout, step);
view_cursor_move(view, step.post_pos);
view->mark = view->cursor.pos;
view_post_paste_effect(view, 10, step.range.start, step.str_len,
file->undo.str_redo += step.str_len;
internal void
view_history_step(Mem_Options *mem, Editing_Layout *layout, File_View *view, i32 direction){
Assert(direction == 1 || direction == 2);
Editing_File *file = view->file;
bool32 do_history_step = 0;
Edit_Step step = {};
if (direction == 1){
if (file->undo.edit_history_cursor > 0){
do_history_step = 1;
step = file->undo.history[--file->undo.edit_history_cursor];
if (file->undo.edit_history_cursor < file->undo.edit_history){
Assert(((file->undo.edit_history - file->undo.edit_history_cursor) & 1) == 0);
step = file->undo.history[--file->undo.edit_history];
file->undo.str_history -= step.str_len;
do_history_step = 1;
if (do_history_step){
Edit_Spec spec = {};
spec.type = step.reverse_type;
spec.start = step.range.start;
spec.end = step.range.end;
spec.str = file->undo.history_strings + step.str_start;
spec.str_len = step.str_len;
spec.pre_pos = step.pre_pos;
spec.post_pos = step.post_pos;
spec.next_cursor_pos = step.post_pos;
spec.in_history = direction;
switch (spec.type){
case ED_UNDO:
Assert(file->undo.edit_count > 0);
case ED_REDO:
Assert(file->undo.edit_redo < file->undo.edit_max);
view_replace_range(mem, view, file, layout, spec);
switch (spec.type){
case ED_REDO:
view_cursor_move(view, step.post_pos);
case ED_UNDO:
view_cursor_move(view, step.pre_pos);
view->mark = view->cursor.pos;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal i32
step_file_view(Thread_Context *thread, View *view_, i32_Rect rect,
bool32 is_active, Input_Summary *user_input){
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_->mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 result = 0;
File_View *view = (File_View*)view_;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Editing_File *file = view->file;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
real32 line_height = (real32)font->height;
real32 cursor_y = view_get_cursor_y(view);
real32 target_y = view->target_y;
real32 max_y = view_compute_height(view) - line_height*2;
i32 lowest_line = view_compute_lowest_line(view);
real32 max_target_y = view_compute_max_target_y(lowest_line, font->height, max_y);
real32 delta_y = 3.f*line_height;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
real32 extra_top = 0.f;
extra_top += view_widget_height(view, font);
real32 taken_top_space = line_height + extra_top;
if (user_input->mouse.my < rect.y0 + taken_top_space){
view_->mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW;
view_->mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (user_input->mouse.wheel_used){
real32 wheel_multiplier = 3.f;
real32 delta_target_y = delta_y*user_input->mouse.wheel_amount*wheel_multiplier;
target_y += delta_target_y;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (target_y < -taken_top_space) target_y = -taken_top_space;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (target_y > max_target_y) target_y = max_target_y;
real32 old_cursor_y = cursor_y;
if (cursor_y >= target_y + max_y) cursor_y = target_y + max_y;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (cursor_y < target_y + taken_top_space) cursor_y = target_y + taken_top_space;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (cursor_y != old_cursor_y){
view->cursor =
result = 1;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
while (cursor_y > target_y + max_y) target_y += delta_y;
while (cursor_y < target_y + taken_top_space) target_y -= delta_y;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (target_y > max_target_y) target_y = max_target_y;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (target_y < -extra_top) target_y = -extra_top;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view->target_y = target_y;
real32 cursor_x = view_get_cursor_x(view);
real32 target_x = view->target_x;
real32 max_x = view_compute_width(view);
if (cursor_x < target_x){
target_x = (real32)Max(0, cursor_x - max_x/2);
else if (cursor_x >= target_x + max_x){
target_x = (real32)(cursor_x - max_x/2);
view->target_x = target_x;
if (smooth_camera_step(&view->target_y, &view->scroll_y, &view->vel_y, 40.f, 1.f/4.f)){
result = 1;
if (smooth_camera_step(&view->target_x, &view->scroll_x, &view->vel_x, 40.f, 1.f/4.f)){
result = 1;
if (view->paste_effect.tick_down > 0){
result = 1;
if (is_active && user_input->mouse.press_l){
real32 max_y = view_compute_height(view);
real32 rx = (real32)(user_input->mouse.mx - rect.x0);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
real32 ry = (real32)(user_input->mouse.my - rect.y0 - line_height - 2);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (ry >= extra_top){
view_set_widget(view, FWIDG_NONE);
if (rx >= 0 && rx < max_x && ry >= 0 && ry < max_y){
view_cursor_move(view, rx + view->scroll_x, ry + view->scroll_y, 1);
view->mode = {};
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
result = 1;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (!is_active) view_set_widget(view, FWIDG_NONE);
// NOTE(allen): framely undo stuff
i32 scrub_max = view->scrub_max;
i32 undo_count, redo_count, total_count;
undo_count = file->undo.edit_count;
redo_count = file->undo.edit_max - file->undo.edit_redo;
total_count = undo_count + redo_count;
switch (view->widget.type){
i32_Rect widg_rect = view_widget_rect(view, font);
UI_State state =
ui_state_init(&view->widget.state, 0, user_input,
view->style, 0, 1);
UI_Layout layout;
begin_layout(&layout, widg_rect);
Widget_ID wid = make_id(&state, 1);
if (view->widget.type == FWIDG_UNDOING){
i32 new_count;
if (do_undo_slider(wid, &state, &layout, total_count, undo_count, 0, &new_count)){
view->rewind_speed = 0;
view->rewind_amount = 0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < scrub_max && new_count < undo_count; ++i){
view_undo(view_->mem, view->layout, view);
for (i32 i = 0; i < scrub_max && new_count > undo_count; ++i){
view_redo(view_->mem, view->layout, view);
i32 new_count;
i32 mid = ((file->undo.edit_history + file->undo.edit_history_cursor) >> 1);
i32 count = file->undo.edit_history_cursor;
if (do_undo_slider(wid, &state, &layout, mid, count, &file->undo, &new_count)){
for (i32 i = 0; i < scrub_max && new_count < count; ++i){
view_history_step(view_->mem, view->layout, view, 1);
for (i32 i = 0; i < scrub_max && new_count > count; ++i){
view_history_step(view_->mem, view->layout, view, 2);
if (ui_finish_frame(&view->widget.state, &state, &layout, widg_rect, 0, 0)){
result = 1;
i32 rewind_max = view->rewind_max;
view->rewind_amount += view->rewind_speed;
for (i32 i = 0; view->rewind_amount <= -1.f; ++i, view->rewind_amount += 1.f){
if (i < rewind_max) view_undo(view_->mem, view->layout, view);
for (i32 i = 0; view->rewind_amount >= 1.f; ++i, view->rewind_amount -= 1.f){
if (i < rewind_max) view_redo(view_->mem, view->layout, view);
if (view->rewind_speed < 0.f && undo_count == 0){
view->rewind_speed = 0.f;
view->rewind_amount = 0.f;
if (view->rewind_speed > 0.f && redo_count == 0){
view->rewind_speed = 0.f;
view->rewind_amount = 0.f;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
return result;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
enum File_Sync_State{
inline File_Sync_State
buffer_get_sync(Editing_File *file){
File_Sync_State result = SYNC_GOOD;
if (file->last_4ed_write_time != file->last_sys_write_time)
result = SYNC_BEHIND_OS;
else if (file->last_4ed_edit_time > file->last_sys_write_time)
result = SYNC_UNSAVED;
return result;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal i32
draw_file_view(Thread_Context *thread, View *view_, i32_Rect rect, bool32 is_active,
Render_Target *target){
File_View *view = (File_View*)view_;
Editing_File *file = view->file;
Style *style = view->style;
Font *font = style->font;
Interactive_Bar bar;
bar.style = style->main.file_info_style;
bar.font = style->font;
bar.pos_x = (real32)rect.x0;
bar.pos_y = (real32)rect.y0;
bar.text_shift_y = 2;
bar.text_shift_x = 0;
bar.rect = rect;
bar.rect.y1 = bar.rect.y0 + font->height + 2;
rect.y0 += font->height + 2;
i32 max_x = rect.x1 - rect.x0;
i32 max_y = rect.y1 - rect.y0 + font->height;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Assert(file && file->data && !file->is_dummy);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 size = (i32)file->size;
u8 *data = (u8*)file->data;
View_Cursor_Data start_cursor;
start_cursor = view_compute_cursor_from_xy(view, 0, view->scroll_y);
view->scroll_y_cursor = start_cursor;
i32 start_character = start_cursor.pos;
real32 shift_x = rect.x0 - view->scroll_x;
real32 shift_y = rect.y0 - view->scroll_y;
if (view->unwrapped_lines) shift_y += start_cursor.unwrapped_y;
else shift_y += start_cursor.wrapped_y;
real32 pos_x = 0;
real32 pos_y = 0;
Cpp_Token_Stack token_stack = file->token_stack;
u32 highlight_color = 0;
u32 main_color = style->main.default_color;
i32 token_i = 0;
bool32 tokens_use = file->tokens_complete && (file->token_stack.count > 0);
if (tokens_use){
Cpp_Get_Token_Result result = cpp_get_token(&token_stack, start_character);
token_i = result.token_index;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
main_color = *style_get_color(style, token_stack.tokens[token_i]);
for (i32 i = start_character; i <= size; ++i){
u8 to_render, next_to_render;
if (i < size){
to_render = data[i];
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
to_render = 0;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (i+1 < size){
next_to_render = data[i+1];
next_to_render = 0;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (!view->unwrapped_lines && pos_x + font_get_glyph_width(font, to_render) > max_x){
pos_x = 0;
pos_y += font->height;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
u32 fade_color = 0xFFFF00FF;
real32 fade_amount = 0.f;
if (view->paste_effect.tick_down > 0 &&
view->paste_effect.start <= i && i < view->paste_effect.end){
fade_color = view->paste_effect.color;
fade_amount = (real32)(view->paste_effect.tick_down) / view->paste_effect.tick_max;
highlight_color = 0;
if (tokens_use){
Cpp_Token current_token = token_stack.tokens[token_i-1];
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (token_i < token_stack.count){
if (i >= token_stack.tokens[token_i].start){
main_color =
*style_get_color(style, token_stack.tokens[token_i]);
current_token = token_stack.tokens[token_i];
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
else if (i >= current_token.start + current_token.size){
main_color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (current_token.type == CPP_TOKEN_JUNK &&
i >= current_token.start && i <= current_token.start + current_token.size){
highlight_color = style->main.highlight_junk_color;
if (highlight_color == 0 && view->show_whitespace && char_is_whitespace(data[i])){
highlight_color = style->main.highlight_white_color;
i32 cursor_mode = 0;
if (view->show_temp_highlight){
if (view->temp_highlight.pos <= i && i < view->temp_highlight_end_pos){
cursor_mode = 2;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (view->cursor.pos == i){
cursor_mode = 1;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
real32 to_render_width = font_get_glyph_width(font, to_render);
real32_Rect cursor_rect =
real32XYWH(shift_x + pos_x, shift_y + pos_y,
1 + to_render_width, (real32)font->height);
if (to_render == '\t' || to_render == 0){
cursor_rect.x1 = cursor_rect.x0 + font->chardata[' '].xadvance;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (highlight_color != 0){
if (file->endline_mode == ENDLINE_RN_COMBINED &&
to_render == '\r' && next_to_render == '\n'){
// NOTE(allen): relevant durring whitespace highlighting
real32_Rect highlight_rect = cursor_rect;
highlight_rect.x0 += 1;
draw_rectangle(target, highlight_rect, highlight_color);
u32 cursor_color = 0;
switch (cursor_mode){
case 1:
cursor_color = style->main.cursor_color; break;
case 2:
cursor_color = style->main.highlight_color; break;
if (is_active){
if (cursor_color & 0xFF000000) draw_rectangle(target, cursor_rect, cursor_color);
if (cursor_color & 0xFF000000)draw_rectangle_outline(target, cursor_rect, cursor_color);
if (i == view->mark){
draw_rectangle_outline(target, cursor_rect, style->main.mark_color);
u32 char_color = main_color;
u32 special_char_color = main_color;
if (to_render == '\r'){
special_char_color = char_color = style->main.special_character_color;
if (is_active){
switch (cursor_mode){
case 1:
char_color = style->main.at_cursor_color; break;
case 2:
special_char_color = char_color = style->main.at_highlight_color; break;
char_color = color_blend(char_color, fade_amount, fade_color);
special_char_color = color_blend(special_char_color, fade_amount, fade_color);
if (to_render == '\r'){
bool32 show_slashr = 0;
switch (file->endline_mode){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (next_to_render != '\n'){
show_slashr = 1;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
pos_x = 0;
pos_y += font->height;
show_slashr = 1;
if (show_slashr){
font_draw_glyph(target, font, '\\',
shift_x + pos_x,
shift_y + pos_y,
pos_x += font_get_glyph_width(font, '\\');
real32 cw = font_get_glyph_width(font, 'r');
real32XYWH(shift_x + pos_x,
shift_y + pos_y,
cw, (real32)font->height),
font_draw_glyph(target, font, 'r',
shift_x + pos_x,
shift_y + pos_y,
pos_x += cw;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
else if (to_render == '\n'){
pos_x = 0;
pos_y += font->height;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
else if (font->glyphs[to_render].exists){
font_draw_glyph(target, font, to_render,
shift_x + pos_x,
shift_y + pos_y,
pos_x += to_render_width;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
pos_x += to_render_width;
if (pos_y > max_y){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (view->widget.type != FWIDG_NONE){
UI_Style ui_style = get_ui_style_upper(style);
Font *font = style->font;
i32_Rect widg_rect = view_widget_rect(view, font);
draw_rectangle(target, widg_rect, ui_style.dark);
draw_rectangle_outline(target, widg_rect, ui_style.dim);
UI_State state =
ui_state_init(&view->widget.state, target, 0,
view->style, 0, 0);
UI_Layout layout;
begin_layout(&layout, widg_rect);
switch (view->widget.type){
Widget_ID wid = make_id(&state, 1);
if (view->widget.type == FWIDG_UNDOING){
i32 undo_count, redo_count, total_count;
undo_count = file->undo.edit_count;
redo_count = file->undo.edit_max - file->undo.edit_redo;
total_count = undo_count + redo_count;
do_undo_slider(wid, &state, &layout, total_count, undo_count, 0, 0);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
i32 new_count;
i32 mid = ((file->undo.edit_history + file->undo.edit_history_cursor) >> 1);
do_undo_slider(wid, &state, &layout, mid, file->undo.edit_history_cursor, &file->undo, &new_count);
Widget_ID wid = make_id(&state, 1);
persist String search_str = make_lit_string("I-Search: ");
persist String rsearch_str = make_lit_string("Reverse-I-Search: ");
if (view->isearch.reverse){
do_text_field(wid, &state, &layout, rsearch_str, view->isearch.str);
do_text_field(wid, &state, &layout, search_str, view->isearch.str);
Widget_ID wid = make_id(&state, 1);
persist String gotoline_str = make_lit_string("Goto Line: ");
do_text_field(wid, &state, &layout, gotoline_str, view->isearch.str);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
ui_finish_frame(&view->widget.state, &state, &layout, widg_rect, 0, 0);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
u32 back_color = bar.style.bar_color;
draw_rectangle(target, bar.rect, back_color);
u32 base_color = bar.style.base_color;
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, file->live_name, base_color);
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, make_lit_string(" - "), base_color);
char line_number_space[30];
String line_number = make_string(line_number_space, 0, 30);
append(&line_number, "L#");
append_int_to_str(view->cursor.line, &line_number);
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, line_number, base_color);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
switch (buffer_get_sync(file)){
persist String out_of_sync = make_lit_string(" BEHIND OS");
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, out_of_sync, bar.style.pop2_color);
persist String out_of_sync = make_lit_string(" *");
intbar_draw_string(target, &bar, out_of_sync, bar.style.pop2_color);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
return 0;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
internal void
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
kill_buffer(General_Memory *general, Editing_File *file, Live_Views *live_set, Editing_Layout *layout){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 panel_count = layout->panel_count;
Panel *panels = layout->panels, *panel;
panel = panels;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
for (i32 i = 0; i < panel_count; ++i){
View *view = panel->view;
if (view){
View *to_kill = view;
if (view->is_minor) to_kill = view->major;
File_View *fview = view_to_file_view(to_kill);
if (fview && fview->file == file){
live_set_free_view(live_set, &fview->view_base);
if (to_kill == view) panel->view = 0;
else view->major = 0;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
buffer_close(general, file);
internal void
internal void
File_View *file_view = (File_View*)(view);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
Editing_File *file = file_view->file;
switch (file_view->widget.type){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
file_view->next_mode = {};
if (binding.function) binding.function(command, binding);
file_view->mode = file_view->next_mode;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
if (key.key.keycode == codes->esc)
view_set_widget(file_view, FWIDG_NONE);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
String *string = &file_view->isearch.str;
Single_Line_Input_Step result =
app_single_line_input_step(codes, key, string);
if (result.made_a_change ||
binding.function == command_search ||
binding.function == command_rsearch){
bool32 step_forward = 0;
bool32 step_backward = 0;
if (binding.function == command_search){
step_forward = 1;
if (binding.function == command_rsearch){
step_backward = 1;
i32 start_pos = file_view->isearch.pos;
if (step_forward){
if (file_view->isearch.reverse){
start_pos = file_view->temp_highlight.pos - 1;
file_view->isearch.pos = start_pos;
file_view->isearch.reverse = 0;
if (step_backward){
if (!file_view->isearch.reverse){
start_pos = file_view->temp_highlight.pos + 1;
file_view->isearch.pos = start_pos;
file_view->isearch.reverse = 1;
String file_string = make_string((char*)file->data, file->size);
i32 pos;
if (file_view->isearch.reverse){
if (result.hit_backspace){
start_pos = file_view->temp_highlight.pos + 1;
file_view->isearch.pos = start_pos;
pos = rfind_substr(file_string, start_pos - 1, *string);
if (pos >= 0){
if (step_backward){ // TODO(allen): this if and it's mirror are suspicious
file_view->isearch.pos = pos;
start_pos = pos;
pos = rfind_substr(file_string, start_pos - 1, *string);
if (pos == -1){
pos = start_pos;
view_set_temp_highlight(file_view, pos, pos+string->size);
if (result.hit_backspace){
start_pos = file_view->temp_highlight.pos - 1;
file_view->isearch.pos = start_pos;
pos = find_substr(file_string, start_pos + 1, *string);
if (pos < file->size){
if (step_forward){
file_view->isearch.pos = pos;
start_pos = pos;
pos = find_substr(file_string, start_pos + 1, *string);
if (pos == file->size){
pos = start_pos;
view_set_temp_highlight(file_view, pos, pos+string->size);
if (result.hit_newline || result.hit_ctrl_newline){
view_cursor_move(file_view, file_view->temp_highlight);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_set_widget(file_view, FWIDG_NONE);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (result.hit_esc){
file_view->show_temp_highlight = 0;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_set_widget(file_view, FWIDG_NONE);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
String *string = &file_view->gotoline.str;
Single_Line_Input_Step result =
app_single_number_input_step(codes, key, string);
if (result.hit_newline || result.hit_ctrl_newline){
i32 line_number = str_to_int(*string);
Font *font = file_view->style->font;
if (line_number < 1) line_number = 1;
file_view->cursor =
view_compute_cursor_from_unwrapped_xy(file_view, 0, (real32)(line_number-1)*font->height);
file_view->preferred_x = view_get_cursor_x(file_view);
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_set_widget(file_view, FWIDG_NONE);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
if (result.hit_esc){
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
view_set_widget(file_view, FWIDG_NONE);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
inline void
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
free_file_view(View *view_){
File_View *view = (File_View*)view_;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
general_memory_free(&view_->mem->general, view->line_wrap_y);
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
i32 result = 0;
switch (message){
remeasure_file_view(view, rect);
result = draw_file_view(thread, view, rect, (view == active), target);
result = step_file_view(thread, view, rect, (view == active), user_input);
return result;
internal File_View*
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
file_view_init(View *view, Delay *delay, Editing_Layout *layout){
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
view->type = VIEW_TYPE_FILE;
view->do_view = do_file_view;
view->handle_command = handle_command_file_view;
2015-10-12 16:15:11 +00:00
File_View *result = (File_View*)view;
result->delay = delay;
result->layout = layout;
result->rewind_max = 4;
result->scrub_max = 1;
2015-09-28 23:34:55 +00:00
return result;