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4coder_project_commands.cpp - commands for loading and using a project.
// TOP
// NOTE(allen): File Pattern Operators
function Match_Pattern_List
prj_pattern_list_from_extension_array(Arena *arena, String8Array list){
Match_Pattern_List result = {};
for (i32 i = 0;
i < list.count;
Match_Pattern_Node *node = push_array(arena, Match_Pattern_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(result.first, result.last, node);
result.count += 1;
String8 str = push_stringf(arena, "*.%.*s", string_expand(list.vals[i]));
node->pattern.absolutes = string_split_wildcards(arena, str);
function Match_Pattern_List
prj_pattern_list_from_var(Arena *arena, Variable_Handle var){
Match_Pattern_List result = {};
for (Vars_Children(child_var, var)){
Match_Pattern_Node *node = push_array(arena, Match_Pattern_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(result.first, result.last, node);
result.count += 1;
String8 str = vars_string_from_var(arena, child_var);
node->pattern.absolutes = string_split_wildcards(arena, str);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
function Match_Pattern_List
prj_get_standard_blacklist(Arena *arena){
String8 dot = string_u8_litexpr(".*");
String8Array black_array = {};
black_array.strings = &dot;
black_array.count = 1;
return(prj_pattern_list_from_extension_array(arena, black_array));
function b32
prj_match_in_pattern_list(String8 string, Match_Pattern_List list){
b32 found_match = false;
for (Match_Pattern_Node *node = list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
if (string_wildcard_match(node->pattern.absolutes, string, StringMatch_Exact)){
found_match = true;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
function void
prj_close_files_with_ext(Application_Links *app, String8Array extension_array){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
i32 buffers_to_close_max = Thousand(100);
Buffer_ID *buffers_to_close = push_array(scratch, Buffer_ID, buffers_to_close_max);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
b32 do_repeat = false;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
i32 buffers_to_close_count = 0;
do_repeat = false;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
for (Buffer_ID buffer = get_buffer_next(app, 0, Access_Always);
buffer != 0;
buffer = get_buffer_next(app, buffer, Access_Always)){
b32 is_match = true;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
if (extension_array.count > 0){
Temp_Memory name_temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String8 file_name = push_buffer_file_name(app, scratch, buffer);
is_match = false;
if (file_name.size > 0){
String8 extension = string_file_extension(file_name);
for (i32 i = 0; i < extension_array.count; ++i){
if (string_match(extension, extension_array.strings[i])){
is_match = true;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
if (is_match){
if (buffers_to_close_count >= buffers_to_close_max){
do_repeat = true;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
buffers_to_close[buffers_to_close_count++] = buffer;
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
for (i32 i = 0; i < buffers_to_close_count; ++i){
2019-06-19 02:31:59 +00:00
buffer_kill(app, buffers_to_close[i], BufferKill_AlwaysKill);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
function void
prj_open_files_pattern_filter__rec(Application_Links *app, String8 path, Match_Pattern_List whitelist, Match_Pattern_List blacklist, Prj_Open_File_Flags flags){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
ProfileScopeNamed(app, "get file list", profile_get_file_list);
File_List list = system_get_file_list(scratch, path);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
2019-08-04 00:49:40 +00:00
File_Info **info = list.infos;
for (u32 i = 0; i < list.count; ++i, ++info){
String8 file_name = (**info).file_name;
2019-08-04 00:49:40 +00:00
if (HasFlag((**info).attributes.flags, FileAttribute_IsDirectory)){
if ((flags & PrjOpenFileFlag_Recursive) == 0){
if (prj_match_in_pattern_list(file_name, blacklist)){
String8 new_path = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s%.*s/", string_expand(path), string_expand(file_name));
prj_open_files_pattern_filter__rec(app, new_path, whitelist, blacklist, flags);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
if (!prj_match_in_pattern_list(file_name, whitelist)){
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
if (prj_match_in_pattern_list(file_name, blacklist)){
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
String8 full_path = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s%.*s", string_expand(path), string_expand(file_name));
2019-06-19 02:31:59 +00:00
create_buffer(app, full_path, 0);
function void
prj_open_files_pattern_filter(Application_Links *app, String8 dir, Match_Pattern_List whitelist, Match_Pattern_List blacklist, Prj_Open_File_Flags flags){
2019-10-22 07:15:49 +00:00
ProfileScope(app, "open all files in directory pattern");
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 directory = dir;
if (!character_is_slash(string_get_character(directory, directory.size - 1))){
2019-06-18 22:56:09 +00:00
directory = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/", string_expand(dir));
prj_open_files_pattern_filter__rec(app, directory, whitelist, blacklist, flags);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
function void
prj_open_all_files_with_ext_in_hot(Application_Links *app, String8Array array, Prj_Open_File_Flags flags){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 hot = push_hot_directory(app, scratch);
String8 directory = hot;
if (!character_is_slash(string_get_character(hot, hot.size - 1))){
2019-06-18 22:56:09 +00:00
directory = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/", string_expand(hot));
Match_Pattern_List whitelist = prj_pattern_list_from_extension_array(scratch, array);
Match_Pattern_List blacklist = prj_get_standard_blacklist(scratch);
prj_open_files_pattern_filter(app, hot, whitelist, blacklist, flags);
2018-05-09 05:22:33 +00:00
// NOTE(allen): Project Parse
function void
prj_parse_pattern_list(Arena *arena, Config *parsed, char *root_variable_name, Match_Pattern_List *list_out){
Config_Compound *compound = 0;
if (config_compound_var(parsed, root_variable_name, 0, &compound)){
Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_string_array_reference_list(arena, parsed, compound);
for (Config_Get_Result_Node *cfg_node = list.first;
cfg_node != 0;
cfg_node = cfg_node->next){
Match_Pattern_Node *node = push_array(arena, Match_Pattern_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(list_out->first, list_out->last, node);
list_out->count += 1;
String8 str = push_string_copy(arena, cfg_node->result.string);
node->pattern.absolutes = string_split_wildcards(arena, str);
function Project_OS_Match_Level
prj_parse_v1_os_match(String8 str, String8 this_os_str){
Project_OS_Match_Level result = ProjectOSMatchLevel_NoMatch;
if (string_match(str, this_os_str)){
result = ProjectOSMatchLevel_ActiveMatch;
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
else if (string_match(str, string_u8_litexpr("all"))){
result = ProjectOSMatchLevel_ActiveMatch;
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
else if (string_match(str, string_u8_litexpr("default"))){
result = ProjectOSMatchLevel_PassiveMatch;
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
function Project*
prj_parse_from_v1_config_data(Application_Links *app, Arena *arena, String8 root_dir, Config *parsed){
Project *project = push_array_zero(arena, Project, 1);
// Set new project directory
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
project->dir = push_string_copy(arena, root_dir);
// project_name
String8 str = {};
if (config_string_var(parsed, "project_name", 0, &str)){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
project->name = push_string_copy(arena, str);
2018-06-02 23:02:14 +00:00
project->name = SCu8("");
2018-06-02 23:02:14 +00:00
// patterns
prj_parse_pattern_list(arena, parsed, "patterns", &project->pattern_list);
// blacklist_patterns
prj_parse_pattern_list(arena, parsed, "blacklist_patterns", &project->blacklist_pattern_list);
// load_paths
Config_Compound *compound = 0;
if (config_compound_var(parsed, "load_paths", 0, &compound)){
b32 found_match = false;
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
Config_Compound *best_paths = 0;
for (i32 i = 0;; ++i){
Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, compound, ConfigRValueType_Compound, i);
if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){
else if (result.step == Iteration_Quit){
Config_Compound *paths_option = result.get.compound;
Config_Compound *paths = 0;
if (config_compound_compound_member(parsed, paths_option, "paths", 0, &paths)){
String8 str = {};
if (config_compound_string_member(parsed, paths_option, "os", 1, &str)){
Project_OS_Match_Level r = prj_parse_v1_os_match(str, string_u8_litexpr(OS_NAME));
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
if (r == ProjectOSMatchLevel_ActiveMatch){
found_match = true;
best_paths = paths;
else if (r == ProjectOSMatchLevel_PassiveMatch){
if (!found_match){
found_match = true;
best_paths = paths;
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
if (found_match){
Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_compound_array_reference_list(arena, parsed, best_paths);
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
project->load_path_array.paths = push_array(arena, Project_File_Load_Path, list.count);
project->load_path_array.count = list.count;
Project_File_Load_Path *dst = project->load_path_array.paths;
for (Config_Get_Result_Node *node = list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next, ++dst){
Config_Compound *src = node->result.compound;
2019-09-27 23:56:05 +00:00
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
dst->recursive = true;
dst->relative = true;
String8 str = {};
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
if (config_compound_string_member(parsed, src, "path", 0, &str)){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->path = push_string_copy(arena, str);
2018-05-21 06:12:08 +00:00
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
config_compound_bool_member(parsed, src, "recursive", 1, &dst->recursive);
config_compound_bool_member(parsed, src, "relative", 2, &dst->relative);
// command_list
Config_Compound *compound = 0;
if (config_compound_var(parsed, "command_list", 0, &compound)){
Config_Get_Result_List list = typed_compound_array_reference_list(arena, parsed, compound);
project->command_array.commands = push_array(arena, Project_Command, list.count);
project->command_array.count = list.count;
Project_Command *dst = project->command_array.commands;
for (Config_Get_Result_Node *node = list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next, ++dst){
u8 *pos = node->result.pos;
Config_Compound *src = node->result.compound;
b32 can_emit_command = true;
Config_Get_Result cmd_result = {};
Config_Compound *cmd_set = 0;
u8 *cmd_pos = 0;
String8 cmd_str = {};
String8 out = {};
b32 footer_panel = false;
b32 save_dirty_files = true;
b32 cursor_at_end = false;
String8 name = {};
if (!config_compound_string_member(parsed, src, "name", 0, &name)){
can_emit_command = false;
def_config_push_error(arena, parsed, pos, "a command must have a string type name member");
goto finish_command;
cmd_result = config_compound_member(parsed, src, string_u8_litexpr("cmd"), 1);
if (cmd_result.success && cmd_result.type == ConfigRValueType_Compound){
cmd_set = cmd_result.compound;
cmd_pos = cmd_result.pos;
can_emit_command = false;
def_config_push_error(arena, parsed, pos, "a command must have an array type cmd member");
goto finish_command;
can_emit_command = false;
for (i32 j = 0;; ++j){
Config_Iteration_Step_Result result = typed_array_iteration_step(parsed, cmd_set, ConfigRValueType_Compound, j);
if (result.step == Iteration_Skip){
2018-05-21 06:12:08 +00:00
else if (result.step == Iteration_Quit){
2018-05-21 06:12:08 +00:00
Config_Compound *cmd_option = result.get.compound;
2018-05-21 06:12:08 +00:00
String8 cmd = {};
if (config_compound_string_member(parsed, cmd_option, "cmd", 0, &cmd)){
String8 str = {};
if (config_compound_string_member(parsed, cmd_option, "os", 1, &str)){
Project_OS_Match_Level r = prj_parse_v1_os_match(str, string_u8_litexpr(OS_NAME));
2018-06-16 20:57:32 +00:00
if (r == ProjectOSMatchLevel_ActiveMatch){
can_emit_command = true;
cmd_str = cmd;
else if (r == ProjectOSMatchLevel_PassiveMatch){
if (!can_emit_command){
can_emit_command = true;
cmd_str = cmd;
if (!can_emit_command){
def_config_push_error(arena, parsed, cmd_pos, "no usable command strings found in cmd");
goto finish_command;
config_compound_string_member(parsed, src, "out", 2, &out);
config_compound_bool_member(parsed, src, "footer_panel", 3, &footer_panel);
config_compound_bool_member(parsed, src, "save_dirty_files", 4,
config_compound_bool_member(parsed, src, "cursor_at_end", 5,
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->name = push_string_copy(arena, name);
dst->cmd = push_string_copy(arena, cmd_str);
dst->out = push_string_copy(arena, out);
dst->footer_panel = footer_panel;
dst->save_dirty_files = save_dirty_files;
dst->cursor_at_end = cursor_at_end;
// fkey_command
for (i32 i = 1; i <= 16; ++i){
String8 name = {};
i32 index = -1;
if (config_string_var(parsed, "fkey_command", i, &name)){
i32 count = project->command_array.count;
Project_Command *command_ptr = project->command_array.commands;
for (i32 j = 0; j < count; ++j, ++command_ptr){
if (string_match(command_ptr->name, name)){
index = j;
2018-05-21 06:12:08 +00:00
2017-11-15 00:06:00 +00:00
project->fkey_commands[i - 1] = index;
project->loaded = true;
function void
project_deep_copy__pattern_list(Arena *arena, Match_Pattern_List *src_list, Match_Pattern_List *dst_list){
for (Match_Pattern_Node *src_node = src_list->first;
src_node != 0;
src_node = src_node->next){
Match_Pattern_Node *dst_node = push_array(arena, Match_Pattern_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(dst_list->first, dst_list->last, dst_node);
dst_list->count += 1;
for (String8Node *node = src_node->pattern.absolutes.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
String8 string = push_string_copy(arena, node->string);
string_list_push(arena, &dst_node->pattern.absolutes, string);
function Project
project_deep_copy__inner(Arena *arena, Project *project){
Project result = {};
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
result.dir = push_string_copy(arena, project->dir);
result.name = push_string_copy(arena, project->name);
project_deep_copy__pattern_list(arena, &project->pattern_list, &result.pattern_list);
project_deep_copy__pattern_list(arena, &project->blacklist_pattern_list, &result.blacklist_pattern_list);
i32 path_count = project->load_path_array.count;
result.load_path_array.paths = push_array(arena, Project_File_Load_Path, path_count);
result.load_path_array.count = path_count;
Project_File_Load_Path *dst = result.load_path_array.paths;
Project_File_Load_Path *src = project->load_path_array.paths;
for (i32 i = 0; i < path_count; ++i, ++dst, ++src){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->path = push_string_copy(arena, src->path);
dst->recursive = src->recursive;
dst->relative = src->relative;
i32 command_count = project->command_array.count;
result.command_array.commands = push_array_zero(arena, Project_Command, command_count);
result.command_array.count = command_count;
Project_Command *dst = result.command_array.commands;
Project_Command *src = project->command_array.commands;
for (i32 i = 0; i < command_count; ++i, ++dst, ++src){
if (src->name.str != 0){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->name = push_string_copy(arena, src->name);
if (src->cmd.str != 0){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->cmd = push_string_copy(arena, src->cmd);
if (src->out.str != 0){
2019-07-13 00:43:17 +00:00
dst->out = push_string_copy(arena, src->out);
dst->footer_panel = src->footer_panel;
dst->save_dirty_files = src->save_dirty_files;
dst->cursor_at_end = src->cursor_at_end;
2019-09-27 23:56:05 +00:00
block_copy_array(result.fkey_commands, project->fkey_commands);
result.loaded = true;
function Project
project_deep_copy(Arena *arena, Project *project){
Temp_Memory restore_point = begin_temp(arena);
Project result = project_deep_copy__inner(arena, project);
if (!result.loaded){
2020-11-25 08:41:30 +00:00
// NOTE(allen): string list join ("flatten") doesn't really work... :(
function String8
prj_join_pattern_string(Arena *arena, String8List list){
String8 pattern_string = {};
2020-11-25 08:41:30 +00:00
pattern_string.size = list.total_size + list.node_count - 1;
pattern_string.str = push_array(arena, u8, pattern_string.size + 1);
u8 *ptr = pattern_string.str;
String8Node *node = list.first;
2020-11-25 08:41:30 +00:00
if (node != 0){
for (;;){
block_copy(ptr, node->string.str, node->string.size);
ptr += node->string.size;
node = node->next;
if (node == 0){
*ptr = '*';
ptr += 1;
pattern_string.str[pattern_string.size] = 0;
function String8
prj_sanitize_string(Arena *arena, String8 string){
String8 result = {};
if (string.size > 0){
result.size = string.size;
result.str = push_array(arena, u8, result.size + 2);
u8 *in = string.str;
u8 *out = result.str;
if (character_is_base10(*in)){
*out = '_';
out += 1;
result.size += 1;
for (u64 i = 0; i < string.size; i += 1, in += 1, out += 1){
u8 c = *in;
if (!character_is_alpha_numeric(c)){
c = '_';
*out = c;
result.str[result.size] = 0;
function Variable_Handle
prj_version_1_to_version_2(Application_Links *app, Config *parsed, Project *project){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_ID project_id = vars_save_string_lit("prj_config");
String_ID version_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("version"));
String_ID project_name_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("project_name"));
String_ID patterns_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("patterns"));
String_ID blacklist_patterns_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("blacklist_patterns"));
String_ID load_paths_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("load_paths"));
String_ID path_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("path"));
String_ID recursive_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("recursive"));
String_ID relative_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("relative"));
String_ID true_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("true"));
String_ID false_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("false"));
String_ID commands_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("commands"));
String_ID out_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("out"));
String_ID footer_panel_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("footer_panel"));
String_ID save_dirty_files_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("save_dirty_files"));
String_ID cursor_at_end_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("cursor_at_end"));
String_ID fkey_command_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit("fkey_command"));
String_ID os_id = vars_save_string(str8_lit(OS_NAME));;
Variable_Handle proj_var = vars_new_variable(vars_get_root(), project_id, vars_save_string(parsed->file_name));
if (parsed->version != 0){
String8 version_str = push_stringf(scratch, "%d", *parsed->version);
vars_new_variable(proj_var, version_id, vars_save_string(version_str));
vars_new_variable(proj_var, project_name_id, vars_save_string(project->name));
// NOTE(allen): Load Pattern
struct PatternVars{
String_ID id;
Match_Pattern_List list;
PatternVars pattern_vars[] = {
{ patterns_id, project-> pattern_list},
{blacklist_patterns_id, project->blacklist_pattern_list},
PatternVars *pattern_var = pattern_vars;
PatternVars *opl = pattern_vars + ArrayCount(pattern_vars);
for (; pattern_var < opl; pattern_var += 1){
Variable_Handle patterns = vars_new_variable(proj_var, pattern_var->id);
i32 i = 0;
for (Match_Pattern_Node *node = pattern_var->list.first;
node != 0;
node = node->next, i += 1){
String8 pattern_string = prj_join_pattern_string(scratch, node->pattern.absolutes);
String_ID key = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", i));
String_ID pattern_id = vars_save_string(pattern_string);
vars_new_variable(patterns, key, pattern_id);
// NOTE(allen): Load Paths
Variable_Handle load_paths = vars_new_variable(proj_var, load_paths_id);
Variable_Handle os_var = vars_new_variable(load_paths, os_id);
i32 count = project->load_path_array.count;
Project_File_Load_Path *load_path = project->load_path_array.paths;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1, load_path += 1){
String_ID key = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", i));
Variable_Handle path_var = vars_new_variable(os_var, key);
vars_new_variable(path_var, path_id, vars_save_string(load_path->path));
vars_new_variable(path_var, recursive_id, load_path->recursive?true_id:false_id);
vars_new_variable(path_var, relative_id, load_path->recursive?true_id:false_id);
// NOTE(allen): Commands
Variable_Handle cmd_list_var = vars_new_variable(proj_var, commands_id);
i32 count = project->command_array.count;
Project_Command *cmd = project->command_array.commands;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1, cmd += 1){
String8 cmd_name = prj_sanitize_string(scratch, cmd->name);
Variable_Handle cmd_var = vars_new_variable(cmd_list_var, vars_save_string(cmd_name));
vars_new_variable(cmd_var, os_id, vars_save_string(cmd->cmd));
vars_new_variable(cmd_var, out_id, vars_save_string(cmd->out));
vars_new_variable(cmd_var, footer_panel_id, cmd->footer_panel?true_id:false_id);
vars_new_variable(cmd_var, save_dirty_files_id, cmd->save_dirty_files?true_id:false_id);
vars_new_variable(cmd_var, cursor_at_end_id, cmd->cursor_at_end?true_id:false_id);
// NOTE(allen): FKey Commands
Variable_Handle fkeys_var = vars_new_variable(proj_var, fkey_command_id);
for (i32 i = 0; i < 16; i += 1){
i32 cmd_index = project->fkey_commands[i];
if (0 <= cmd_index && cmd_index < project->command_array.count){
Project_Command *cmd = project->command_array.commands + cmd_index;
if (cmd->name.size > 0){
String8 cmd_name = prj_sanitize_string(scratch, cmd->name);
String_ID key = vars_save_string(push_stringf(scratch, "%d", i));
String_ID val = vars_save_string(cmd_name);
vars_new_variable(fkeys_var, key, val);
// NOTE(allen): Project Files
function Project_Setup_Status
prj_file_is_setup(Application_Links *app, String8 script_path, String8 script_file){
Project_Setup_Status result = {};
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 bat_path = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s.bat",
result.bat_exists = file_exists(app, bat_path);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 sh_path = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s.sh",
result.sh_exists = file_exists(app, sh_path);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 project_path = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/project.4coder",
result.sh_exists = file_exists(app, project_path);
result.everything_exists = (result.bat_exists && result.sh_exists && result.project_exists);
function Project_Key_Strings
prj_get_key_strings(Application_Links *app,
b32 get_script_file, b32 get_code_file,
u8 *script_file_space, i32 script_file_cap,
u8 *code_file_space, i32 code_file_cap,
u8 *output_dir_space, i32 output_dir_cap,
u8 *binary_file_space, i32 binary_file_cap){
Project_Key_Strings keys = {};
Query_Bar_Group bar_group(app);
Query_Bar script_file_bar = {};
Query_Bar code_file_bar = {};
Query_Bar output_dir_bar = {};
Query_Bar binary_file_bar = {};
if (get_script_file){
script_file_bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Script Name: ");
script_file_bar.string = SCu8(script_file_space, (u64)0);
script_file_bar.string_capacity = script_file_cap;
if (!query_user_string(app, &script_file_bar)) return(keys);
if (script_file_bar.string.size == 0) return(keys);
if (get_code_file){
code_file_bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Build Target: ");
code_file_bar.string = SCu8(code_file_space, (u64)0);
code_file_bar.string_capacity = code_file_cap;
if (!query_user_string(app, &code_file_bar)) return(keys);
if (code_file_bar.string.size == 0) return(keys);
output_dir_bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Output Directory: ");
output_dir_bar.string = SCu8(output_dir_space, (u64)0);
output_dir_bar.string_capacity = output_dir_cap;
if (!query_user_string(app, &output_dir_bar)) return(keys);
if (output_dir_bar.string.size == 0 && output_dir_cap > 0){
output_dir_bar.string.str[0] = '.';
output_dir_bar.string.size = 1;
binary_file_bar.prompt = string_u8_litexpr("Binary Output: ");
binary_file_bar.string = SCu8(binary_file_space, (u64)0);
binary_file_bar.string_capacity = binary_file_cap;
if (!query_user_string(app, &binary_file_bar)) return(keys);
if (binary_file_bar.string.size == 0) return(keys);
keys.success = true;
keys.script_file = script_file_bar.string;
keys.code_file = code_file_bar.string;
keys.output_dir = output_dir_bar.string;
keys.binary_file = binary_file_bar.string;
function b32
prj_generate_bat(Arena *scratch, String8 opts, String8 compiler, String8 script_path, String8 script_file,
String8 code_file, String8 output_dir, String8 binary_file){
b32 success = false;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String8 cf = push_string_copy(scratch, code_file);
String8 od = push_string_copy(scratch, output_dir);
String8 bf = push_string_copy(scratch, binary_file);
cf = string_mod_replace_character(cf, '/', '\\');
od = string_mod_replace_character(od, '/', '\\');
bf = string_mod_replace_character(bf, '/', '\\');
String8 file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s.bat",
FILE *bat_script = fopen((char*)file_name.str, "wb");
if (bat_script != 0){
fprintf(bat_script, "@echo off\n\n");
fprintf(bat_script, "set opts=%.*s\n", (i32)opts.size, opts.str);
fprintf(bat_script, "set code=%%cd%%\n");
fprintf(bat_script, "pushd %.*s\n", (i32)od.size, od.str);
fprintf(bat_script, "%.*s %%opts%% %%code%%\\%.*s -Fe%.*s\n",
(i32)compiler.size, compiler.str, (i32)cf.size, cf.str, (i32)bf.size, bf.str);
fprintf(bat_script, "popd\n");
success = true;
function b32
prj_generate_sh(Arena *scratch, String8 opts, String8 compiler, String8 script_path, String8 script_file, String8 code_file, String8 output_dir, String8 binary_file){
b32 success = false;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String8 cf = code_file;
String8 od = output_dir;
String8 bf = binary_file;
String8 file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/%.*s.sh",
FILE *sh_script = fopen((char*)file_name.str, "wb");
if (sh_script != 0){
fprintf(sh_script, "#!/bin/bash\n\n");
fprintf(sh_script, "code=\"$PWD\"\n");
fprintf(sh_script, "opts=%.*s\n", string_expand(opts));
fprintf(sh_script, "cd %.*s > /dev/null\n", string_expand(od));
fprintf(sh_script, "%.*s $opts $code/%.*s -o %.*s\n", string_expand(compiler), string_expand(cf), string_expand(bf));
fprintf(sh_script, "cd $code > /dev/null\n");
success = true;
function b32
prj_generate_project(Arena *scratch, String8 script_path, String8 script_file, String8 output_dir, String8 binary_file){
b32 success = false;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String8 od = output_dir;
String8 bf = binary_file;
String8 od_win = string_replace(scratch, od,
string_u8_litexpr("/"), string_u8_litexpr("\\"));
String8 bf_win = string_replace(scratch, bf,
string_u8_litexpr("/"), string_u8_litexpr("\\"));
String8 file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s/project.4coder", string_expand(script_path));
FILE *out = fopen((char*)file_name.str, "wb");
if (out != 0){
fprintf(out, "version(1);\n");
fprintf(out, "project_name = \"%.*s\";\n", string_expand(binary_file));
fprintf(out, "patterns = {\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.c\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.cpp\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.h\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.m\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.bat\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.sh\",\n");
fprintf(out, "\"*.4coder\",\n");
fprintf(out, "};\n");
2018-06-02 23:02:14 +00:00
fprintf(out, "blacklist_patterns = {\n");
fprintf(out, "\".*\",\n");
fprintf(out, "};\n");
fprintf(out, "load_paths_base = {\n");
2018-06-02 23:02:14 +00:00
fprintf(out, " { \".\", .relative = true, .recursive = true, },\n");
fprintf(out, "};\n");
fprintf(out, "load_paths = {\n");
fprintf(out, " { load_paths_base, .os = \"win\", },\n");
fprintf(out, " { load_paths_base, .os = \"linux\", },\n");
fprintf(out, " { load_paths_base, .os = \"mac\", },\n");
fprintf(out, "};\n");
fprintf(out, "\n");
fprintf(out, "command_list = {\n");
fprintf(out, " { .name = \"build\",\n");
fprintf(out, " .out = \"*compilation*\", .footer_panel = true, .save_dirty_files = true,\n");
fprintf(out, " .cmd = { { \"%.*s.bat\" , .os = \"win\" },\n", string_expand(script_file));
fprintf(out, " { \"./%.*s.sh\", .os = \"linux\" },\n", string_expand(script_file));
fprintf(out, " { \"./%.*s.sh\", .os = \"mac\" }, }, },\n", string_expand(script_file));
fprintf(out, " { .name = \"run\",\n");
fprintf(out, " .out = \"*run*\", .footer_panel = false, .save_dirty_files = false,\n");
fprintf(out, " .cmd = { { \"%.*s\\\\%.*s\", .os = \"win\" },\n", string_expand(od_win), string_expand(bf_win));
fprintf(out, " { \"%.*s/%.*s\" , .os = \"linux\" },\n", string_expand(od), string_expand(bf));
fprintf(out, " { \"%.*s/%.*s\" , .os = \"mac\" }, }, },\n", string_expand(od), string_expand(bf));
fprintf(out, "};\n");
fprintf(out, "fkey_command[1] = \"build\";\n");
fprintf(out, "fkey_command[2] = \"run\";\n");
success = true;
function void
prj_setup_scripts(Application_Links *app, b32 do_project_file, b32 do_bat_script, b32 do_sh_script){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 script_path = push_hot_directory(app, scratch);
b32 needs_to_do_work = false;
Project_Setup_Status status = {};
if (do_project_file){
status = prj_file_is_setup(app, script_path, string_u8_litexpr("build"));
needs_to_do_work =
!status.project_exists ||
(do_bat_script && !status.bat_exists) ||
(do_sh_script && !status.sh_exists);
needs_to_do_work = true;
if (needs_to_do_work){
// Query the User for Key File Names
u8 script_file_space[1024];
u8 code_file_space [1024];
u8 output_dir_space [1024];
u8 binary_file_space[1024];
b32 get_script_file = !do_project_file;
b32 get_code_file =
(do_bat_script && !status.bat_exists) ||
(do_sh_script && !status.sh_exists);
Project_Key_Strings keys = {};
keys = prj_get_key_strings(app, get_script_file, get_code_file,
script_file_space, sizeof(script_file_space),
code_file_space, sizeof(code_file_space),
output_dir_space, sizeof(output_dir_space),
binary_file_space, sizeof(binary_file_space));
if (!keys.success){
if (do_project_file){
keys.script_file = string_u8_litexpr("build");
if (!do_project_file){
status = prj_file_is_setup(app, script_path, keys.script_file);
// Generate Scripts
if (do_bat_script){
if (!status.bat_exists){
String8 default_flags_bat = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_flags_bat"));
String8 default_compiler_bat = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_compiler_bat"));
if (!prj_generate_bat(scratch, default_flags_bat, default_compiler_bat,
script_path, keys.script_file,
keys.code_file, keys.output_dir, keys.binary_file)){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("could not create build.bat for new project\n"));
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("the batch script already exists, no changes made to it\n"));
if (do_sh_script){
if (!status.bat_exists){
String8 default_flags_sh = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_flags_sh"));
String8 default_compiler_sh = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("default_compiler_sh"));
if (!prj_generate_sh(scratch, default_flags_sh, default_compiler_sh,
script_path, keys.script_file,
keys.code_file, keys.output_dir, keys.binary_file)){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("could not create build.sh for new project\n"));
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("the shell script already exists, no changes made to it\n"));
if (do_project_file){
if (!status.project_exists){
if (!prj_generate_project(scratch, script_path, keys.script_file, keys.output_dir, keys.binary_file)){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("could not create project.4coder for new project\n"));
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("project.4coder already exists, no changes made to it\n"));
if (do_project_file){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("project already setup, no changes made\n"));
// NOTE(allen): Project Operations
function void
prj_exec_command(Application_Links *app, Variable_Handle cmd_var){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_ID os_id = vars_save_string_lit(OS_NAME);
String8 cmd = vars_string_from_var(scratch, vars_read_key(cmd_var, os_id));
if (cmd.size > 0){
String_ID out_id = vars_save_string_lit("out");
String_ID footer_panel_id = vars_save_string_lit("footer_panel");
String_ID save_dirty_files_id = vars_save_string_lit("save_dirty_files");
String_ID cursor_at_end_id = vars_save_string_lit("cursor_at_end");
b32 save_dirty_files = vars_b32_from_var(vars_read_key(cmd_var, save_dirty_files_id));
if (save_dirty_files){
u32 flags = CLI_OverlapWithConflict|CLI_SendEndSignal;
b32 cursor_at_end = vars_b32_from_var(vars_read_key(cmd_var, cursor_at_end_id));
if (cursor_at_end){
flags |= CLI_CursorAtEnd;
View_ID view = 0;
Buffer_Identifier buffer_id = {};
b32 set_fancy_font = false;
String8 out = vars_string_from_var(scratch, vars_read_key(cmd_var, out_id));
if (out.size > 0){
buffer_id = buffer_identifier(out);
b32 footer_panel = vars_b32_from_var(vars_read_key(cmd_var, footer_panel_id));
if (footer_panel){
view = get_or_open_build_panel(app);
if (string_match(out, string_u8_litexpr("*compilation*"))){
set_fancy_font = true;
Buffer_ID buffer = buffer_identifier_to_id(app, buffer_id);
view = get_first_view_with_buffer(app, buffer);
if (view == 0){
view = get_active_view(app, Access_Always);
lock_jump_buffer(app, out);
// TODO(allen): fix the exec_system_command call so it can take a null buffer_id.
buffer_id = buffer_identifier(string_u8_litexpr("*dump*"));
Variable_Handle command_list_var = vars_parent(cmd_var);
Variable_Handle prj_var = vars_parent(command_list_var);
String8 prj_dir = prj_path_from_project(scratch, prj_var);
exec_system_command(app, view, buffer_id, prj_dir, cmd, flags);
if (set_fancy_font){
function Variable_Handle
prj_command_from_name(Application_Links *app, String8 cmd_name){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
// TODO(allen): fallback for multiple stages of reading
Variable_Handle cmd_list = def_get_config_var(vars_save_string_lit("commands"));
Variable_Handle cmd = vars_read_key(cmd_list, vars_save_string(cmd_name));
function void
prj_exec_command_name(Application_Links *app, String8 cmd_name){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Variable_Handle cmd = prj_command_from_name(app, cmd_name);
prj_exec_command(app, cmd);
function void
prj_exec_command_fkey_index(Application_Links *app, i32 fkey_index){
// TODO(allen): ideally if one fkey_command is missing this index the fallback
// can be continued.
Variable_Handle fkeys = def_get_config_var(vars_save_string_lit("fkey_command"));
// TODO(allen): Ideally I could just pass fkey_index right to vars_read_key
// in a case like this.
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 fkey_index_str = push_stringf(scratch, "%d", fkey_index);
String_ID fkey_index_id = vars_save_string(fkey_index_str);
Variable_Handle cmd_name_var = vars_read_key(fkeys, fkey_index_id);
String8 cmd_name = vars_string_from_var(scratch, cmd_name_var);
prj_exec_command_name(app, cmd_name);
function String8
prj_path_from_project(Arena *arena, Variable_Handle project){
String8 project_full_path = vars_string_from_var(arena, project);
String8 project_dir = string_remove_last_folder(project_full_path);
function Variable_Handle
prj_cmd_from_user(Application_Links *app, Variable_Handle prj_var, String8 query){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Lister_Block lister(app, scratch);
lister_set_query(lister, query);
Variable_Handle cmd_list_var = vars_read_key(prj_var, vars_save_string_lit("commands"));
String_ID os_id = vars_save_string_lit(OS_NAME);
for (Variable_Handle cmd = vars_first_child(cmd_list_var);
cmd = vars_next_sibling(cmd)){
Variable_Handle os_cmd = vars_read_key(cmd, os_id);
if (!vars_is_nil(os_cmd)){
String8 cmd_name = vars_key_from_var(scratch, cmd);
String8 os_cmd_str = vars_string_from_var(scratch, os_cmd);
lister_add_item(lister, cmd_name, os_cmd_str, cmd.ptr, 0);
Variable_Handle result = vars_get_nil();
Lister_Result l_result = run_lister(app, lister);
if (!l_result.canceled){
if (l_result.user_data != 0){
result.ptr = (Variable*)l_result.user_data;
// NOTE(allen): Commands
CUSTOM_DOC("Closes any buffer with a filename ending with an extension configured to be recognized as a code file type.")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 treat_as_code = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("treat_as_code"));
String8Array extensions = parse_extension_line_to_extension_list(app, scratch, treat_as_code);
prj_close_files_with_ext(app, extensions);
CUSTOM_DOC("Open all code in the current directory. File types are determined by extensions. An extension is considered code based on the extensions specified in 4coder.config.")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 treat_as_code = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("treat_as_code"));
String8Array extensions = parse_extension_line_to_extension_list(app, scratch, treat_as_code);
prj_open_all_files_with_ext_in_hot(app, extensions, 0);
CUSTOM_DOC("Works as open_all_code but also runs in all subdirectories.")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String8 treat_as_code = def_get_config_string(scratch, vars_save_string_lit("treat_as_code"));
String8Array extensions = parse_extension_line_to_extension_list(app, scratch, treat_as_code);
prj_open_all_files_with_ext_in_hot(app, extensions, PrjOpenFileFlag_Recursive);
CUSTOM_DOC("Looks for a project.4coder file in the current directory and tries to load it. Looks in parent directories until a project file is found or there are no more parents.")
ProfileScope(app, "load project");
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
// NOTE(allen): Load the project file from the hot directory
String8 project_path = push_hot_directory(app, scratch);
File_Name_Data dump = dump_file_search_up_path(app, scratch, project_path, string_u8_litexpr("project.4coder"));
String8 project_root = string_remove_last_folder(dump.file_name);
if (dump.data.str == 0){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("Did not find project.4coder.\n"));
// NOTE(allen): Parse config data out of project file
Config *config_parse = 0;
Variable_Handle proj_var = vars_get_nil();
if (dump.data.str != 0){
Token_Array array = token_array_from_text(app, scratch, dump.data);
if (array.tokens != 0){
config_parse = def_config_parse(app, scratch, dump.file_name, dump.data, array);
if (config_parse != 0){
i32 version = 0;
if (config_parse->version != 0){
version = *config_parse->version;
switch (version){
case 0:
case 1:
Project *project = prj_parse_from_v1_config_data(app, scratch, project_root, config_parse);
proj_var = prj_version_1_to_version_2(app, config_parse, project);
proj_var = def_fill_var_from_config(app, vars_get_root(), vars_save_string_lit("prj_config"), config_parse);
// NOTE(allen): Print Project
if (!vars_is_nil(proj_var)){
vars_print(app, proj_var);
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("\n"));
// NOTE(allen): Print Errors
if (config_parse != 0){
String8 error_text = config_stringize_errors(app, scratch, config_parse);
if (error_text.size > 0){
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("Project errors:\n"));
print_message(app, error_text);
print_message(app, string_u8_litexpr("\n"));
// NOTE(allen): Open All Project Files
Variable_Handle load_paths_var = vars_read_key(proj_var, vars_save_string_lit("load_paths"));
Variable_Handle load_paths_os_var = vars_read_key(load_paths_var, vars_save_string_lit(OS_NAME));
String_ID path_id = vars_save_string_lit("path");
String_ID recursive_id = vars_save_string_lit("recursive");
String_ID relative_id = vars_save_string_lit("relative");
Variable_Handle whitelist_var = vars_read_key(proj_var, vars_save_string_lit("patterns"));
Variable_Handle blacklist_var = vars_read_key(proj_var, vars_save_string_lit("blacklist_patterns"));
Match_Pattern_List whitelist = prj_pattern_list_from_var(scratch, whitelist_var);
Match_Pattern_List blacklist = prj_pattern_list_from_var(scratch, blacklist_var);
for (Variable_Handle load_path_var = vars_first_child(load_paths_os_var);
load_path_var = vars_next_sibling(load_path_var)){
Variable_Handle path_var = vars_read_key(load_path_var, path_id);
Variable_Handle recursive_var = vars_read_key(load_path_var, recursive_id);
Variable_Handle relative_var = vars_read_key(load_path_var, relative_id);
String8 path = vars_string_from_var(scratch, path_var);
b32 recursive = vars_b32_from_var(recursive_var);
b32 relative = vars_b32_from_var(relative_var);
u32 flags = 0;
if (recursive){
flags |= PrjOpenFileFlag_Recursive;
String8 file_dir = path;
if (relative){
String8 prj_dir = prj_path_from_project(scratch, proj_var);
String8List file_dir_list = {};
string_list_push(scratch, &file_dir_list, prj_dir);
string_list_push_overlap(scratch, &file_dir_list, '/', path);
string_list_push_overlap(scratch, &file_dir_list, '/', SCu8());
file_dir = string_list_flatten(scratch, file_dir_list, StringFill_NullTerminate);
prj_open_files_pattern_filter(app, file_dir, whitelist, blacklist, flags);
// NOTE(allen): Set Window Title
Variable_Handle proj_name_var = vars_read_key(proj_var, vars_save_string_lit("project_name"));
String_ID proj_name_id = vars_key_id_from_var(proj_var);
if (proj_name_id != 0){
String8 proj_name = vars_read_string(scratch, proj_name_id);
String8 title = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "4coder project: %.*s", string_expand(proj_name));
set_window_title(app, title);
CUSTOM_DOC("Run an 'fkey command' configured in a project.4coder file. Determines the index of the 'fkey command' by which function key or numeric key was pressed to trigger the command.")
ProfileScope(app, "project fkey command");
User_Input input = get_current_input(app);
b32 got_ind = false;
i32 ind = 0;
if (input.event.kind == InputEventKind_KeyStroke){
if (KeyCode_F1 <= input.event.key.code && input.event.key.code <= KeyCode_F16){
ind = (input.event.key.code - KeyCode_F1);
got_ind = true;
else if (KeyCode_1 <= input.event.key.code && input.event.key.code <= KeyCode_9){
ind = (input.event.key.code - '1');
got_ind = true;
else if (input.event.key.code == KeyCode_0){
ind = 9;
got_ind = true;
if (got_ind){
prj_exec_command_fkey_index(app, ind);
CUSTOM_DOC("Changes 4coder's hot directory to the root directory of the currently loaded project. With no loaded project nothing hapepns.")
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Variable_Handle prj_var = vars_read_key(vars_get_root(), vars_save_string_lit("prj_config"));
String8 prj_dir = prj_path_from_project(scratch, prj_var);
if (prj_dir.size > 0){
set_hot_directory(app, prj_dir);
CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new 4coder project with build scripts for every OS.")
prj_setup_scripts(app, true, true, true);
CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.")
prj_setup_scripts(app, false, true, false);
CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build shell script.")
prj_setup_scripts(app, false, false, true);
CUSTOM_DOC("Queries the user for several configuration options and initializes a new build batch script.")
prj_setup_scripts(app, false, true, true);
CUSTOM_DOC("Open a lister of all commands in the currently loaded project.")
Variable_Handle prj_var = vars_read_key(vars_get_root(), vars_save_string_lit("prj_config"));
Variable_Handle prj_cmd = prj_cmd_from_user(app, prj_var, string_u8_litexpr("Command:"));
if (!vars_is_nil(prj_cmd)){
prj_exec_command(app, prj_cmd);