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* 4coder_profile_inspect.cpp - Built in self profiling UI.
// TOP
function Profile_Slot*
profile_parse_get_slot(Arena *arena, Profile_Inspection *insp,
String_Const_u8 loc, String_Const_u8 name){
Profile_Slot *result = 0;
for (Profile_Slot *node = insp->first_slot;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
if (string_match(node->location, loc) &&
string_match(node->name, name)){
result = node;
if (result == 0){
result = push_array_zero(arena, Profile_Slot, 1);
sll_queue_push(insp->first_slot, insp->last_slot, result);
insp->slot_count += 1;
result->location = loc;
result->name = name;
function void
profile_parse_error(Arena *arena, Profile_Inspection *insp, String_Const_u8 message,
String_Const_u8 location){
Profile_Error *error = push_array(arena, Profile_Error, 1);
sll_queue_push(insp->first_error, insp->last_error, error);
insp->error_count += 1;
error->message = message;
error->location = location;
function Profile_Record*
profile_parse_record(Arena *arena, Profile_Inspection *insp,
Profile_Node *parent, Profile_Record *record,
Range_u64 *total_time_range){
for (;record != 0;){
if (record->id <= parent->id){
Profile_ID id = record->id;
Profile_Node *node = push_array(arena, Profile_Node, 1);
sll_queue_push(parent->first_child, parent->last_child, node);
parent->child_count += 1;
node->parent = parent;
node->thread = parent->thread;
String_Const_u8 location = record->location;
String_Const_u8 name = record->name;
node->time.min = record->time;
node->time.max = max_u64;
node->id = id;
node->first_child = 0;
node->last_child = 0;
node->child_count = 0;
node->closed = false;
record = profile_parse_record(arena, insp, node, record->next,
b32 quit_loop = false;
Profile_Slot *slot = 0;
if (record == 0 || record->id < id){
if (record == 0){
#define M "List ended before all nodes closed"
profile_parse_error(arena, insp, string_u8_litexpr(M), location);
#undef M
#define M "Node '%.*s' closed by parent ending (or higher priority sibling starting)"
String_Const_u8 str = push_u8_stringf(arena, M, string_expand(name));
profile_parse_error(arena, insp, str, location);
#undef M
if (parent->id != 0){
quit_loop = true;
slot = profile_parse_get_slot(arena, insp, location, name);
else if (record->id == id){
slot = profile_parse_get_slot(arena, insp, location, name);
node->time.max = record->time;
node->closed = true;
total_time_range->min = Min(total_time_range->min, node->time.min);
total_time_range->max = Max(total_time_range->max, node->time.max);
record = record->next;
// NOTE(allen): This would mean that record exists and it's id
// is greater than id, but then the sub-call should not have returned!
node->slot = slot;
if (!slot->corrupted_time){
if (node->closed){
slot->total_time += range_size(node->time);
slot->corrupted_time = true;
Profile_Node_Ptr *node_ptr = push_array(arena, Profile_Node_Ptr, 1);
sll_queue_push(slot->first_hit, slot->last_hit, node_ptr);
slot->hit_count += 1;
node_ptr->ptr = node;
node->unique_counter = (u64)slot->hit_count;
if (quit_loop){
function Profile_Inspection
profile_parse(Arena *arena, Profile_Global_List *src){
Mutex_Lock lock(src->mutex);
Profile_Inspection result = {};
result.thread_count = src->thread_count;
result.threads = push_array_zero(arena, Profile_Inspection_Thread,
i32 counter = 0;
Profile_Inspection_Thread *insp_thread = result.threads;
for (Profile_Thread *node = src->first_thread;
node != 0;
node = node->next, counter += 1, insp_thread += 1){
insp_thread->thread_id = node->thread_id;
insp_thread->name = node->name;
// NOTE(allen): This is the "negative infinity" range.
// We will be "maxing" it against all the ranges durring the parse,
// to get the root range.
Range_u64 time_range = {max_u64, 0};
insp_thread->root.thread = insp_thread;
profile_parse_record(arena, &result, &insp_thread->root, node->first_record, &time_range);
insp_thread->root.time = time_range;
insp_thread->root.closed = true;
for (Profile_Node *prof_node = insp_thread->root.first_child;
prof_node != 0;
prof_node = prof_node->next){
insp_thread->active_time += range_size(prof_node->time);
struct Tab_State{
Vec2_f32 p;
Range_f32 tabs_y;
Face_ID face_id;
f32 x_half_padding;
Vec2_f32 m_p;
function void
profile_draw_tab(Application_Links *app, Tab_State *state, Profile_Inspection *insp,
String_Const_u8 string, Profile_Inspection_Tab tab_id){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
state->p.x += state->x_half_padding;
Fancy_String *fstring = push_fancy_string(scratch, 0, string);
b32 hover = false;
f32 width = get_fancy_string_width(app, state->face_id, fstring);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(If32_size(state->p.x, width), state->tabs_y);
if (rect_contains_point(box, state->m_p)){
hover = true;
insp->tab_id_hovered = tab_id;
FColor text = fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default);
if (insp->tab_id == tab_id){
text = fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2);
else if (hover){
text = fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1);
Vec2_f32 np = draw_fancy_string(app, state->face_id, text, fstring, state->p);
state->p = np;
state->p.x += state->x_half_padding;
function void
profile_select_thread(Profile_Inspection *inspect, Profile_Inspection_Thread *thread){
inspect->tab_id = ProfileInspectTab_Selection;
inspect->selected_thread = thread;
inspect->selected_slot = 0;
inspect->selected_node = 0;
function void
profile_select_slot(Profile_Inspection *inspect, Profile_Slot *slot){
inspect->tab_id = ProfileInspectTab_Selection;
inspect->selected_thread = 0;
inspect->selected_slot = slot;
inspect->selected_node = 0;
function void
profile_select_node(Profile_Inspection *inspect, Profile_Node *node){
inspect->tab_id = ProfileInspectTab_Selection;
inspect->selected_thread = 0;
inspect->selected_slot = 0;
inspect->selected_node = node;
function String_Const_u8
profile_node_thread_name(Profile_Node *node){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
if (node->thread != 0){
result = node->thread->name;
function String_Const_u8
profile_node_name(Profile_Node *node){
String_Const_u8 result = string_u8_litexpr("*root*");
if (node->slot != 0){
result = node->slot->name;
function String_Const_u8
profile_node_location(Profile_Node *node){
String_Const_u8 result = {};
if (node->slot != 0){
result = node->slot->location;
function void
profile_qsort_nodes(Profile_Node **nodes, i32 first, i32 one_past_last){
if (first + 1 < one_past_last){
i32 pivot_index = one_past_last - 1;
Profile_Node *pivot = nodes[pivot_index];
u64 pivot_time = range_size(pivot->time);
i32 j = first;
for (i32 i = first; i < one_past_last; i += 1){
Profile_Node *node = nodes[i];
u64 node_time = range_size(node->time);
if (node_time > pivot_time){
Swap(Profile_Node*, nodes[i], nodes[j]);
j += 1;
Swap(Profile_Node*, nodes[pivot_index], nodes[j]);
profile_qsort_nodes(nodes, first, j);
profile_qsort_nodes(nodes, j + 1, one_past_last);
function void
profile_draw_node(Application_Links *app, View_ID view, Face_ID face_id,
Profile_Node *node, Rect_f32 rect,
Profile_Inspection *insp, Vec2_f32 m_p){
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(rect);
Range_f32 y = rect_range_y(rect);
// TODO(allen): share this shit
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = metrics.line_height;
f32 normal_advance = metrics.normal_advance;
f32 block_height = line_height*2.f;
f32 x_padding = normal_advance*1.5f;
f32 x_half_padding = x_padding*0.5f;
Color_Array colors = finalize_color_array(defcolor_back_cycle);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
f32 x_pos = x.min + x_half_padding;
f32 nav_bar_w = 0.f;
Range_f32 nav_bar_y = {};
nav_bar_y.min = y.min;
String_Const_u8 thread_name = profile_node_thread_name(node);
if (thread_name.size > 0){
Fancy_String *fstr =
push_fancy_string(scratch, 0, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1), thread_name);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x_pos, y.min + 1.f);
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), fstr, p);
f32 w = get_fancy_string_width(app, face_id, fstr);
nav_bar_w = Max(nav_bar_w, w);
y.min += line_height + 2.f;
String_Const_u8 name = profile_node_name(node);
if (name.size > 0){
Fancy_String *fstr =
push_fancy_string(scratch, 0, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default), name);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x_pos, y.min + 1.f);
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), fstr, p);
f32 w = get_fancy_string_width(app, face_id, fstr);
nav_bar_w = Max(nav_bar_w, w);
y.min += line_height + 2.f;
nav_bar_y.max = y.min;
x_pos += nav_bar_w + x_half_padding;
if (node->parent != 0){
Fancy_String *fstr = push_fancy_string(scratch, 0, fcolor_zero(),
string_u8_litexpr("to parent"));
f32 w = get_fancy_string_width(app, face_id, fstr) + x_padding;
Range_f32 btn_x = If32_size(x_pos, w);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(btn_x, nav_bar_y);
FColor color = fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
draw_rectangle_fcolor(app, box, 0.f, fcolor_id(defcolor_margin));
color = fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1);
insp->hover_node = node->parent;
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(box.x0 + x_half_padding,
(box.y0 + box.y1 - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, color, fstr, p);
x_pos = btn_x.max;
Range_u64 top_time = node->time;
Rect_f32_Pair side_by_side = rect_split_left_right_lerp(Rf32(x, y), 0.5f);
Rect_f32 time_slice_box = side_by_side.min;
time_slice_box = rect_inner(time_slice_box, 3.f);
draw_rectangle_outline_fcolor(app, time_slice_box, 0.f, 3.f, f_white);
time_slice_box = rect_inner(time_slice_box, 3.f);
if (node->closed){
draw_set_clip(app, time_slice_box);
x = rect_range_x(time_slice_box);
y = rect_range_y(time_slice_box);
i32 cycle_counter = 0;
for (Profile_Node *child = node->first_child;
child != 0;
child = child->next){
if (!child->closed){
Range_u64 child_time = child->time;
Range_f32 child_y = {};
child_y.min = unlerp(top_time.min, child_time.min, top_time.max);
child_y.max = unlerp(top_time.min, child_time.max, top_time.max);
child_y.min = lerp(y.min, child_y.min, y.max);
child_y.max = lerp(y.min, child_y.max, y.max);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, child_y);
ARGB_Color argb = finalize_color(colors, cycle_counter);
draw_rectangle(app, box, 0.f, argb);
cycle_counter += 1;
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
insp->full_name_hovered = profile_node_name(child);
insp->unique_counter_hovered = child->unique_counter;
insp->location_jump_hovered = profile_node_location(child);
insp->hover_node = child;
if (range_size(child_y) >= line_height){
String_Const_u8 child_name = profile_node_name(child);
Fancy_Line line = {};
push_fancy_string(scratch, &line, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1),
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &line, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default),
0.5f, 0.f, "#%4llu", child->unique_counter);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(),
&line, p);
Rect_f32 info_box = side_by_side.max;
draw_set_clip(app, info_box);
x = rect_range_x(info_box);
x_pos = x.min + x_half_padding;
f32 y_pos = info_box.y0;
// NOTE(allen): duration
f32 duration = ((f32)range_size(node->time))/1000000.f;
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default),
"time: %11.9f", duration);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(),
&list, V2f32(x_pos, y_pos + 1.f));
y_pos += line_height + 2.f;
i32 child_count = node->child_count;
Profile_Node **children_array = push_array(scratch, Profile_Node*, child_count);
i32 counter = 0;
for (Profile_Node *child = node->first_child;
child != 0;
child = child->next){
children_array[counter] = child;
counter += 1;
profile_qsort_nodes(children_array, 0, child_count);
Profile_Node **child_ptr = children_array;
for (i32 i = 0; i < child_count; i += 1, child_ptr += 1){
Profile_Node *child = *child_ptr;
y = If32_size(y_pos, block_height);
f32 child_duration = ((f32)range_size(child->time))/1000000.f;
String_Const_u8 child_name = profile_node_name(child);
Fancy_Line line = {};
push_fancy_string_trunc(scratch, &line, child_name, 20);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &line, fcolor_id(defcolor_text_default), 0.5f, 0.f,
"#%4llu", child->unique_counter);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &line, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
0.5f, 0.f, "%6.4f", child_duration);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
(y.min + y.max - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1), &line, p);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, y);
FColor margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
insp->full_name_hovered = child_name;
insp->unique_counter_hovered = child->unique_counter;
insp->location_jump_hovered = profile_node_location(child);
insp->hover_node = child;
margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover);
draw_rectangle_outline_fcolor(app, box, 6.f, 3.f, margin);
y_pos = y.max;
if (y_pos >= info_box.y1){
function void
profile_memory_sort_by_count(Memory_Bucket **buckets, i32 first, i32 one_past_last){
if (first + 1 < one_past_last){
i32 pivot = one_past_last - 1;
i32 pivot_key = buckets[pivot]->annotation.count;
i32 j = first;
for (i32 i = first; i < pivot; i += 1){
i32 key = buckets[i]->annotation.count;
if (key <= pivot_key){
Swap(Memory_Bucket*, buckets[j], buckets[i]);
j += 1;
Swap(Memory_Bucket*, buckets[j], buckets[pivot]);
profile_memory_sort_by_count(buckets, first, j);
profile_memory_sort_by_count(buckets, j + 1, one_past_last);
function void
profile_render(Application_Links *app, Frame_Info frame_info, View_ID view){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Rect_f32 region = draw_background_and_margin(app, view);
Rect_f32 prev_clip = draw_set_clip(app, region);
Face_ID face_id = get_face_id(app, 0);
// TODO(allen): share this shit
Face_Metrics metrics = get_face_metrics(app, face_id);
f32 line_height = metrics.line_height;
f32 normal_advance = metrics.normal_advance;
f32 block_height = line_height*2.f;
f32 x_padding = normal_advance*1.5f;
f32 x_half_padding = x_padding*0.5f;
Mouse_State mouse = get_mouse_state(app);
Vec2_f32 m_p = V2f32(mouse.p);
Profile_Inspection *inspect = &global_profile_inspection;
if (inspect->thread_count == 0){
Fancy_String *fstr = push_fancy_string(scratch, 0, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
string_u8_litexpr("no profile data"));
f32 width = get_fancy_string_width(app, face_id, fstr);
Vec2_f32 view_center = (region.p0 + region.p1)*0.5f;
Vec2_f32 half_dim = V2f32(width, line_height)*0.5f;
Vec2_f32 p = view_center - half_dim;
draw_fancy_string(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), fstr, p);
Rect_f32_Pair tabs_body = rect_split_top_bottom(region, line_height + 2.f);
Range_f32 tabs_y = rect_range_y(tabs_body.min);
inspect->tab_id_hovered = ProfileInspectTab_None;
inspect->unique_counter_hovered = 0;
inspect->hover_thread = 0;
inspect->hover_slot = 0;
inspect->hover_node = 0;
// NOTE(allen): tabs
f32 y = (tabs_y.min + tabs_y.max - line_height)*0.5f;
f32 x = region.x0;
Tab_State tab_state = {};
tab_state.p = V2f32(x, y);
tab_state.tabs_y = tabs_y;
tab_state.face_id = face_id;
tab_state.x_half_padding = x_half_padding;
tab_state.m_p = m_p;
draw_rectangle_fcolor(app, tabs_body.min, 0.f, fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover));
if (inspect->tab_id == ProfileInspectTab_None){
inspect->tab_id = ProfileInspectTab_Threads;
profile_draw_tab(app, &tab_state, inspect,
if (inspect->slot_count > 0){
profile_draw_tab(app, &tab_state, inspect,
if (inspect->error_count > 0){
profile_draw_tab(app, &tab_state, inspect,
profile_draw_tab(app, &tab_state, inspect,
if (inspect->tab_id == ProfileInspectTab_Selection){
String_Const_u8 string = {};
if (inspect->selected_thread != 0){
String_Const_u8 name = inspect->selected_thread->name;
string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s (%d)",
else if (inspect->selected_slot != 0){
String_Const_u8 name = inspect->selected_slot->name;
string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "block %.*s",
else if (inspect->selected_node != 0){
String_Const_u8 name = profile_node_name(inspect->selected_node);
string = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "node %.*s",
inspect->tab_id = ProfileInspectTab_Threads;
if (string.str != 0){
profile_draw_tab(app, &tab_state, inspect,
string, ProfileInspectTab_Selection);
draw_set_clip(app, tabs_body.max);
switch (inspect->tab_id){
case ProfileInspectTab_Threads:
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(tabs_body.max);
f32 y_pos = tabs_body.max.y0;
i32 count = inspect->thread_count;
Profile_Inspection_Thread *thread = inspect->threads;
for (i32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1, thread += 1){
Range_f32 y = If32_size(y_pos, block_height);
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1),
"%-20.*s (%6d) ",
f32 active_time = ((f32)thread->active_time)/1000000.f;
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
"active time %11.9f",
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
(y.min + y.max - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, y);
FColor margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
inspect->hover_thread = thread;
margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover);
draw_rectangle_outline_fcolor(app, box, 6.f, 3.f, margin);
y_pos = y.max;
if (y_pos >= tabs_body.max.y1){
case ProfileInspectTab_Blocks:
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(tabs_body.max);
f32 y_pos = tabs_body.max.y0;
for (Profile_Slot *node = inspect->first_slot;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
Range_f32 y = If32_size(y_pos, block_height);
u32 name_width = 45;
b32 name_too_long = (node->name.size > name_width);
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_string_fixed(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1),
node->name, name_width);
if (node->corrupted_time){
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
string_u8_litexpr("timing error "));
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
"%11.9fs ",
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_keyword),
"hit # %5d", node->hit_count);
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
(y.min + y.max - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, y);
FColor margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
if (name_too_long){
inspect->full_name_hovered = node->name;
inspect->location_jump_hovered = node->location;
inspect->hover_slot = node;
margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover);
draw_rectangle_outline_fcolor(app, box, 6.f, 3.f, margin);
y_pos = y.max;
if (y_pos >= tabs_body.max.y1){
case ProfileInspectTab_Errors:
draw_set_clip(app, tabs_body.max);
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(tabs_body.max);
f32 y_pos = tabs_body.max.y0;
for (Profile_Error *node = inspect->first_error;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
Range_f32 y = If32_size(y_pos, block_height);
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_string(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2),
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
(y.min + y.max - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, y);
FColor margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
inspect->location_jump_hovered = node->location;
margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover);
draw_rectangle_outline_fcolor(app, box, 6.f, 3.f, margin);
y_pos = y.max;
if (y_pos >= tabs_body.max.y1){
case ProfileInspectTab_Memory:
draw_set_clip(app, tabs_body.max);
Range_f32 x = rect_range_x(tabs_body.max);
f32 y_pos = tabs_body.max.y0;
Memory_Annotation annotation = system_memory_annotation(scratch);
Base_Allocator *allocator = get_base_allocator_system();
Memory_Bucket *first_bucket = 0;
Memory_Bucket *last_bucket = 0;
i32 bucket_count = 0;
Table_Data_u64 table = make_table_Data_u64(allocator, 100);
for (Memory_Annotation_Node *node = annotation.first, *next = 0;
node != 0;
node = next){
next = node->next;
String_Const_u8 key = make_data(node->location.str, node->location.size);
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(&table, key);
Memory_Bucket *bucket = 0;
if (lookup.found_match){
u64 val = 0;
table_read(&table, lookup, &val);
bucket = (Memory_Bucket*)IntAsPtr(val);
bucket = push_array_zero(scratch, Memory_Bucket, 1);
sll_queue_push(first_bucket, last_bucket, bucket);
bucket_count += 1;
bucket->location = node->location;
table_insert(&table, key, PtrAsInt(bucket));
sll_queue_push(bucket->annotation.first, bucket->annotation.last, node);
bucket->annotation.count += 1;
bucket->total_memory += node->size;
Memory_Bucket **buckets = push_array(scratch, Memory_Bucket*, bucket_count);
i32 counter = 0;
for (Memory_Bucket *node = first_bucket;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
buckets[counter] = node;
counter += 1;
profile_memory_sort_by_count(buckets, 0, bucket_count);
for (i32 i = bucket_count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1){
Memory_Bucket *node = buckets[i];
Range_f32 y = If32_size(y_pos, block_height);
Fancy_Line list = {};
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop2), "[%12llu] / %6d ",
node->total_memory, node->annotation.count);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, &list, fcolor_id(defcolor_pop1), "%.*s",
Vec2_f32 p = V2f32(x.min + x_half_padding,
(y.min + y.max - line_height)*0.5f);
draw_fancy_line(app, face_id, fcolor_zero(), &list, p);
Rect_f32 box = Rf32(x, y);
FColor margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin);
if (rect_contains_point(box, m_p)){
inspect->location_jump_hovered = node->location;
margin = fcolor_id(defcolor_margin_hover);
y_pos = y.max;
if (y_pos >= tabs_body.max.y1){
case ProfileInspectTab_Selection:
if (inspect->selected_thread != 0){
profile_draw_node(app, view, face_id,
&inspect->selected_thread->root, tabs_body.max,
inspect, m_p);
else if (inspect->selected_slot != 0){
else if (inspect->selected_node != 0){
profile_draw_node(app, view, face_id,
inspect->selected_node, tabs_body.max,
inspect, m_p);
if (!rect_contains_point(region, m_p)){
// NOTE(allen): don't draw tool tip when the mouse doesn't hover in our view
else if (inspect->tab_id_hovered != ProfileInspectTab_None){
// NOTE(allen): no tool tip for tabs
Fancy_Block block = {};
FColor text_color = fcolor_change_alpha(f_white, 0.5f);
FColor back_color = fcolor_change_alpha(f_black, 0.5f);
if (inspect->full_name_hovered.size > 0){
Fancy_Line *line = push_fancy_line(scratch, &block, text_color);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, line, "%.*s",
if (inspect->unique_counter_hovered > 0){
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, line, text_color, 0.5f, 0.f,
"#%4llu", inspect->unique_counter_hovered);
if (inspect->location_jump_hovered.size > 0){
Fancy_Line *line = push_fancy_line(scratch, &block, text_color);
push_fancy_stringf(scratch, line, "[shift] '%.*s'",
draw_tool_tip(app, face_id, &block, m_p, region,
x_padding, x_half_padding, back_color);
draw_set_clip(app, prev_clip);
function void
profile_inspect__left_click(Application_Links *app, View_ID view,
Profile_Inspection *insp, Input_Event *event){
if (has_modifier(event, KeyCode_Shift)){
if (insp->location_jump_hovered.size != 0){
View_ID target_view = view;
target_view = get_next_view_looped_primary_panels(app, target_view,
String_Const_u8 location = insp->location_jump_hovered;
jump_to_location(app, target_view, location);
if (insp->tab_id_hovered != ProfileInspectTab_None){
insp->tab_id = insp->tab_id_hovered;
else if (insp->hover_thread != 0){
profile_select_thread(insp, insp->hover_thread);
else if (insp->hover_slot != 0){
profile_select_slot(insp, insp->hover_slot);
else if (insp->hover_node != 0){
profile_select_node(insp, insp->hover_node);
CUSTOM_DOC("Inspect all currently collected profiling information in 4coder's self profiler.")
Profile_Global_List *list = get_core_profile_list(app);
if (HasFlag(list->disable_bits, ProfileEnable_InspectBit)){
profile_set_enabled(list, false, ProfileEnable_InspectBit);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
global_profile_inspection = profile_parse(scratch, list);
Profile_Inspection *insp = &global_profile_inspection;
View_ID view = get_active_view(app, Access_Always);
View_Context ctx = view_current_context(app, view);
ctx.render_caller = profile_render;
ctx.hides_buffer = true;
View_Context_Block ctx_block(app, view, &ctx);
for (;;){
User_Input in = get_next_input(app, EventPropertyGroup_Any, EventProperty_Escape);
if (in.abort){
b32 handled = true;
switch (in.event.kind){
case InputEventKind_MouseButton:
switch (in.event.mouse.code){
case MouseCode_Left:
profile_inspect__left_click(app, view, insp, &in.event);
handled = false;
if (!handled){
if (ui_fallback_command_dispatch(app, view, &in)){
profile_set_enabled(list, true, ProfileEnable_InspectBit);