#define Thing { Word; } // Leave me here foor(){ pub for (){ stuff(); thing(); use(); } } { // Push me up one!\ line me up with the previous guy! But keep my extra space! words + words - words; /* * Keep these stars in a straight line brah! */ x = y(a, b, c, d); z = w(s, t, u, v); #define ThingAsWell { Word; } if (long_thing(a, b) && more_stuff_to_check){ if (nested_even_harder?0:1 == complex_thing){ } } #if 0 while(long_name_of_thing(a, b, c) && ZZZ){ x = y; } #endif long_line_needs_work = call_this_thing( position_me_lefter, and_me_too );// END OF LINE COMMENT DONT MESS WITH NEXT COMMENT PL0X! // PUSH ME UP // PUSH ME UP TOO if (x) d; stuff = { "Hello everythiing", "There is a lot\ but it's okay", .3f, 3.f +d, 0xA0 + d } }