/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 12.17.2014 * * Rendering layer for project codename "4ed" * */ // TOP inline void draw_push_clip(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect clip_box){ target->push_clip(target, clip_box); } inline void draw_pop_clip(Render_Target *target){ target->pop_clip(target); } internal void begin_render_section(Render_Target *target, System_Functions *system){ Font_Set *font_set = &target->font_set; system->acquire_lock(RENDER_LOCK); font_set->used_this_frame = 0; memset(font_set->font_used_flags, 0, font_set->max); target->size = 0; target->clip_top = -1; i32_Rect clip; clip.x0 = 0; clip.y0 = 0; clip.x1 = target->width; clip.y1 = target->height; draw_push_clip(target, clip); } internal void end_render_section(Render_Target *target, System_Functions *system){ Assert(target->clip_top == 0); system->release_lock(RENDER_LOCK); } internal void draw_rectangle(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect rect, u32 color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_rectangle; piece.rectangle.rect = f32R(rect); piece.rectangle.color = color; target->push_piece(target, piece); } internal void draw_rectangle(Render_Target *target, f32_Rect rect, u32 color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_rectangle; piece.rectangle.rect = rect; piece.rectangle.color = color; target->push_piece(target, piece); } internal void draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(Render_Target *target, f32_Rect rect, Vec4 left_color, Vec4 right_color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_gradient; piece.gradient.rect = rect; piece.gradient.left_color = pack_color4(left_color); piece.gradient.right_color = pack_color4(right_color); target->push_piece(target, piece); } inline void draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(Render_Target *target, f32 l, f32 t, f32 r, f32 b, Vec4 color_left, Vec4 color_right){ draw_gradient_2corner_clipped(target, f32R(l,t,r,b), color_left, color_right); } internal void draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *target, f32_Rect rect, u32 color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_outline; piece.rectangle.rect = rect; piece.rectangle.color = color; target->push_piece(target, piece); } inline void draw_rectangle_outline(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect rect, u32 color){ draw_rectangle_outline(target, f32R(rect), color); } internal void draw_margin(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect outer, i32_Rect inner, u32 color){ draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, outer.y0, outer.x1, inner.y0), color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, inner.y1, outer.x1, outer.y1), color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(outer.x0, inner.y0, inner.x0, inner.y1), color); draw_rectangle(target, i32R(inner.x1, inner.y0, outer.x1, inner.y1), color); } inline void draw_margin(Render_Target *target, i32_Rect outer, i32 width, u32 color){ i32_Rect inner = get_inner_rect(outer, width); draw_margin(target, outer, inner, color); } inline internal i32 font_predict_size(i32 pt_size){ return pt_size*pt_size*128; } internal void font_set_tabwidth(Render_Font *font, i32 tab_width){ font->chardata['\t'].xadvance *= font->chardata[' '].xadvance * tab_width; } internal void font_draw_glyph_mono(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, u8 character, f32 x, f32 y, f32 advance, u32 color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_mono_glyph; piece.glyph.pos.x = x; piece.glyph.pos.y = y; piece.glyph.color = color; piece.glyph.font_id = font_id; piece.glyph.character = character; target->push_piece(target, piece); font_set_use(target->partition, &target->font_set, font_id); } inline void font_draw_glyph_mono(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, u8 character, f32 x, f32 y, u32 color){ f32 advance = (f32)get_font_info(&target->font_set, font_id)->advance; font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font_id, character, x, y, advance, color); } internal void font_draw_glyph(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, u8 character, f32 x, f32 y, u32 color){ Render_Piece_Combined piece; piece.header.type = piece_type_glyph; piece.glyph.pos.x = x; piece.glyph.pos.y = y; piece.glyph.color = color; piece.glyph.font_id = font_id; piece.glyph.character = character; target->push_piece(target, piece); font_set_use(target->partition, &target->font_set, font_id); } inline f32 font_get_glyph_width(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, u16 character){ Render_Font *font = get_font_info(&target->font_set, font_id)->font; f32 result = 0.f; if (font) result = font->chardata[character].xadvance; return (result); } internal f32 font_string_width(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, char *str){ f32 x = 0; for (i32 i = 0; str[i]; ++i){ u8 c = str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; x += font_get_glyph_width(target, font_id, c); } return x; } internal f32 font_string_width(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, String str){ f32 x = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){ u8 c = str.str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; x += font_get_glyph_width(target, font_id, c); } return x; } internal i32 draw_string(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, char *str, i32 x_, i32 y, u32 color){ real32 x = (real32)x_; for (i32 i = 0; str[i]; ++i){ u8 c = str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; font_draw_glyph(target, font_id, c, x, (f32)y, color); x += font_get_glyph_width(target, font_id, c); } return CEIL32(x); } internal f32 draw_string_mono(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, char *str, f32 x, f32 y, f32 advance, u32 color){ for (i32 i = 0; str[i]; ++i){ u8 c = str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font_id, c, x, y, advance, color); x += advance; } return x; } internal i32 draw_string(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, String str, i32 x_, i32 y, u32 color){ f32 x = (f32)x_; for (i32 i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){ u8 c = str.str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; font_draw_glyph(target, font_id, c, x, (f32)y, color); x += font_get_glyph_width(target, font_id, c); } return CEIL32(x); } internal f32 draw_string_mono(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, String str, f32 x, f32 y, f32 advance, u32 color){ for (i32 i = 0; i < str.size; ++i){ u8 c = str.str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; font_draw_glyph_mono(target, font_id, c, x, y, advance, color); x += advance; } return x; } internal f32 font_get_max_width(Font_Set *font_set, i16 font_id, char *characters){ Render_Font *font = get_font_info(font_set, font_id)->font; f32 cx, x = 0; if (font){ stbtt_packedchar *chardata = font->chardata; for (i32 i = 0; characters[i]; ++i){ cx = chardata[characters[i]].xadvance; if (x < cx) x = cx; } } return x; } internal f32 font_get_string_width(Render_Target *target, i16 font_id, String string){ f32 result = 0; for (i32 i = 0; i < string.size; ++i){ u8 c = string.str[i]; // TODO(allen): Someday let's not punt on the the unicode rendering c = c % 128; font_get_glyph_width(target, font_id, c); } return result; } // BOTTOM